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V vzhodni Ukrajini internetni promet že teče prek Rusije

36 / 78

kow ::

Plan cesa? Da bodo kupovali zemljo v Palestini in dobili drzavo? Jasno.

Mimogrede, eden od razlogov za mnozicno priseljevanje... so bili pogromi v Ruskem Imperiju.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

nejclp ::

AtaŠtumf je izjavil:

Ej Pac-Man, a ti so tudi pro-rusko usmerjeni?

Ja. "Levi" Tucker Carlson shit. Pa Jimmy Dore, Jackson Hinkle, Russel Brown, Gleen Greenwald, Caleb Maupin in vsi ostali nazboli in tankiji.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: nejclp ()

tikitoki ::

kow je izjavil:

Plan cesa? Da bodo kupovali zemljo v Palestini in dobili drzavo? Jasno.

Mimogrede, eden od razlogov za mnozicno priseljevanje... so bili pogromi v Ruskem Imperiju.

Kje si ti se vedel, da prides in kupoujes zemljo v upanju, da bos ustanovil lastno drzavo? A si na glavo padel?

Sej je cisto jasno kaj se je zgodilo, Zionisti si zlobirali pri takratni velesili, da jim je de facto podarila tuje ozemlje, kjer sedaj izvajajo etnicno ciscenje. Ker zionistom to ni zadoscalo, so ilegalno zasedli se dodatno ozmelje in nadaljuje z etnicnim ciscenjem. CE bi zionisti dejasnko zeleli mir, nebi izvajli etncinega ciscenja in si prilascali tujega ozemlja.
Upor Palestincev proti tako ostudni krsitvi njihovih osnovnih clovekovih pravic, je zgolj narmalen.

A ste nekateri res pritegnjeni? To, k je tko, k da bi avstroogrska podarila pol Ljubljane in Slovenije zidom, k bi sedaj izvajali etnicno ciscenje. Pa se upor slovencev bi uporabili za izgovor za zasedbo se druge polovice in etnicno ciscene se tam. Da ne bi prislo do mednarodnega odziva, pa bi etnicno ciscenje izvajali pocasi in se stalno lagali, da so slovenci res grozni teroristi in je nujno potrebno jim porusiti domovanja in tja naseliti zide.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: tikitoki ()

Pac-Man ::

V Srbiji so poplave:


Russia opened the “Humanitarian Center” in Serbia to deal with humanitarian emergencies. Where are the Russians to help with severe floods? Nowhere. Because this Center, located in Niš serves as Russian spying center for intel gathering.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

gozdar1 ::

Aljaska je očitno naslednja na vrsti za denacifikacijo.


Pac-Man ::

Citira tvit z videom sestrelitve ruskih raket.


Arestovich last night said when asked why we are suddenly shooting down so many more Russian cruise missles..
"We have something new".

Like 80% now. Before 15%.


Ko hoče Rus v Francijo

ko hoče Rus v Švico

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Irski premier danes v Irpinu


Njihovo EU poslanko bi bilo treba poslat na ekskurzijo, se ne spomnim imena.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

sbawe64 ::

Naj pride še v Donbas, na alejo Angelov.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Pac-Man ::

Večina iz 2014, kolikor je sploh resničnih.

Girl killed in Ukraine 'never existed' - BBC News

In niso Rusi boljši od ukrajinskih nacistov?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

tikitoki je izjavil:

kow je izjavil:

Plan cesa? Da bodo kupovali zemljo v Palestini in dobili drzavo? Jasno.

Mimogrede, eden od razlogov za mnozicno priseljevanje... so bili pogromi v Ruskem Imperiju.

Kje si ti se vedel, da prides in kupoujes zemljo v upanju, da bos ustanovil lastno drzavo? A si na glavo padel?

Sej je cisto jasno kaj se je zgodilo, Zionisti si zlobirali pri takratni velesili, da jim je de facto podarila tuje ozemlje, kjer sedaj izvajajo etnicno ciscenje. Ker zionistom to ni zadoscalo, so ilegalno zasedli se dodatno ozmelje in nadaljuje z etnicnim ciscenjem. CE bi zionisti dejasnko zeleli mir, nebi izvajli etncinega ciscenja in si prilascali tujega ozemlja.
Upor Palestincev proti tako ostudni krsitvi njihovih osnovnih clovekovih pravic, je zgolj narmalen.

A ste nekateri res pritegnjeni? To, k je tko, k da bi avstroogrska podarila pol Ljubljane in Slovenije zidom, k bi sedaj izvajali etnicno ciscenje. Pa se upor slovencev bi uporabili za izgovor za zasedbo se druge polovice in etnicno ciscene se tam. Da ne bi prislo do mednarodnega odziva, pa bi etnicno ciscenje izvajali pocasi in se stalno lagali, da so slovenci res grozni teroristi in je nujno potrebno jim porusiti domovanja in tja naseliti zide.

Analogija je napacna, ampak itak smo ze zabredli v temi. Mimogrede, Palestinci osnovnih clovekovih pravic ne priznajo niti sebi.
Pojdi tam na ulico, in se deri da so geji zakon. Pa, da naj ti Alah ga povlece. Arabci pa Rusi imajo eno skupno tocko. Vedno se proglasajo za zrtve, pa sirijo ozemlje na katerem zivijo ter etnicno pucajo. Ko pa enkrat fasejo taisto, pa jokcajo pred kamerami o groznih krivicah.

kow ::

Tale BBC video sem pa ze videl, ja. Je zabavno gledati obicajne Ruse, ki gledajo v tla, in mislijo, da ne lazejo, ko recejo: "ne vem".

Pac-Man ::



When russian ammo dumps in Donbas blow up and people say they didn't hear shelling - it was not Ukrainian sabotage... it was a GMLRS rocket.

GMLRS come in so fast (Mach 2.5+) and so silent that the first thing you hear is the detonation. Like these 5 M31 in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

video, upsija


The world was in need of a good visual to explain why shooting a solid-rocket motor at close-range is not a great idea.

Video likely of Russian spetsnaz or razvedchiki firing a PKM at an abandoned Ukrainian S-300 TEL at close range. Not sure why you would publish this.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

pangro ::

Nekaj časa je zdaj minilo od začetka vojne, kako vidite zadevo zdaj ko so Rusi začeli uporabljat topništvo s počasnim a zanesljivim napredovanjem, kako se da to zaustaviti če sploh, kakšne so vaše napovedi?

D3m ::

Donetsk bo osvobojen.

To je to za enkrat.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

kow ::

Do kdaj? Ukrajinci bodo v nekaj mesecih mocno izboljsali zracno obrambo. Kar pomeni, da bo velik del ruskih raket (pa recimo, da jih imajo se 2k), bolj malo vreden.

Pac-Man ::

nitka italjanskega artilerista, če klikneš bo par nazornih videov & fotografij. Bistvo je boldano - brez železnic ruska logistika razpade, k temu bodo pa veliko pripomogli tudi GMLRS.

Zgleda, da GMLRS nese dlje od 85 km, samo natančnost pade. Tudi boldano.



Since 2014-15 russia built dozens of ammo dumps hidden in civilian buildings near railway stations in the parts of Ukraine it occupies.
russian logistics depots are always close to railways as russia's military has a serious lack of logistic units, especially transport units.
This is compounded by russia's military being corrupt and technologically backwards, even eschewing things like forklifts or cranes.
So russian supplies and ammo are loaded by hand onto trains, transported towards the front, unloaded there by hand, loaded onto trucks by hand, and then driven to the frontline units, where it is unloaded again by hand.

It's time consuming. No other army is so backwards.

So how did russian ammo supply in Donbas work until Ukraine received M142 HIMARS with long-range GMLRS rockets and highly accurate PzH 2000, AHS Krab, and CAESAR self-propelled howitzers?


1) in russia 2,000 to 4,000 of tons of ammo were loaded onto a train
2) the train entered Ukraine, stopped at various points 30-40 km from the front, ammo was unloaded and stored nearby
3) then frontline units sent their trucks to pick up the ammo they needed

The same applied for fuel, spares, food, etc.
So dependent are the russians on railways that they have 28,500 railway troops tasked with repairing and building railways.
Like i.e. this bridge they built over the Oskil river to supply their planned upcoming offensive from Izium towards Sloviansk.

When russia's military can't access railways then its entire logistics system collapses.

The russian advance East of Kyiv failed when the russians couldn't capture the railways passing through Chernihiv and Sumy oblasts. With cities like Nizhyn, Chernihiv and Sumy stubbornly defended by Ukrainian troops, russia had to truck its supplies to its troops East of Kyiv... and that failed spectacularly, as russian troops can't move more than 90-100 km from their supply depots and at that range russia can only supply its units for defensive operations.

The distance from railways in russia to Brovary outside Kyiv is 350 km... 300 km of which were swarming with Ukrainian special forces and partisans looking to blow up russian supply columns (photo).

Now in Donbas, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia russia can supply its troops by train.
This allows russia to bring forward the 10,000s of tons of artillery ammo it expends every week; and send the replacement tanks, howitzers, etc. needed to replace russia's immense material losses, and the needed fuel.
But now the russian ammo depots and supply points are within range of artillery and rockets.
AHS Krab, PzH 2000, and CAESAR can use base bleed projectiles with 40 km range (photo: a CAESAR firing a base bleed projectile).
Furthermore these howitzers' use modern fire control systems, which use GPS to establish their own position and then use the target's GPS coordinates to calculate the correct elevation and deflection of the barrel, then automatically move the barrel into position. All three systems also use radar to measure a fired projectile's speed & adjust the barrel after each shot.

Never before had Ukraine artillery with such accuracy and such range. This allows Ukraine to hit russian supply depots up to 35 km behind the front with pinpoint accuracy.
And thanks to 10,000s of Ukrainian patriots in the russian occupied territories Ukraine knows the coordinates of EVERY russian ammo depot.

And now Ukraine also received GMLRS. GMLRS retains full accuracy up to 85 km. This allows Ukraine to land a rocket precisely onto a building 85 km away and set the fuze to detonate the 500 pounds of PBX-109 inside the building.
And if it is a large target (i.e. a warehouse) then Ukraine can hit it even if it is further away then 85 km.

These two new artillery capabilities have two effects:

1) russia is right now losing 1,000s of tons of ammo
2) russia can't store ammo within 100 km of the front

Every destroyed depot reduces the ammo available to russia's massive number of artillery systems at the front. And russia has to replace this lost ammo. First it can't produce as much as it uses and loses, so russia is already shipping old Soviet ammo from Belarus to Donbas.
Secondly russia can't bring this ammo within range of Ukrainian artillery and GMLRS... and has to stop the trains now 90-100 km away from the front or else the ammo dump and train will be destroyed by Ukrainian artillery.
Ammo and supplies 100 km from the front means that russia again has to rely on trucks to supply its frontline units.
But russia already lost at least 1,200+ of its truck fleet and the remainder has been in use for months now - and russia's famous lack of maintenance is surely taking a huge toll on the remaining trucks.

So how will russian logistics "work" now?

1) trains will stop 100 km from the front and ammo will be unloaded by hand
2) trucks will be loaded by hand and then drive to the front. Loading by hand takes hours and driving 100 km in a rear combat zone takes more hours

Worse for russia - russian trucks carry less tonnage then Western military trucks and unlike Western ammo russian ammo comes in bulky wooden boxes.

• russian ammo trucks transport mostly wood
• Western ammo trucks (photo) transport almost only bang🔥

3) the russian trucks finally arrive at the front
4) the ammo is unloaded (by hand)
5) the trucks return to the railheads

At this distance russian truckers will struggle to make more than one supply run per day... and if the russians don't plan their supply runs perfectly then some units will get too little ammo, others too much - which is worse: because what do you with the extra ammo? Drop it on the ground or have the trucks stay with the unit until the ammo is needed?

If you drop it on the ground and the unit has to move... well then the ammo is lost. If you keep the trucks with the unit, then no one is driving back to get more ammo.

And while NATO armies use software and AI to plan their supply runs, russians use officers' guts... this wouldn't matter if russia had enough trucks, but having lost so many trucks of the already few ones it began the war with russia is now even less capable to supply units 100 km from railways.

russia is a 20th century military with 19th century logistics... and now it is fighting an army receiving 21st century weapons.
It will take time, but while NLAW, Javelin and Stinger helped Ukraine win the Battle of Kyiv; now CAESAR, AHS Krab, PzH 2000 and especially GMLRS will help Ukraine win the Battle for Donbas and the Battle for Kherson.
Because: Amateurs talk strategy. Professionals talk logistics.

While doing this thread @TrentTelenko did a russian logistics thread too :-)

Understandably - Ukraine wrecking russia's already wobbly logistics is what we will hear about a lot in the coming weeks and months.
Check out his thread too:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

iz zadnje nitke, 2x video



Effectively, GMLRS will push Russian tactical trucks outside their sustained one-day, round trip, supply range.
This means Russia is going to have to rely far more on railways than it has to date.
And the Russians have been relying more and more on railways.

The easiest way to get around reduced truck supply lift is to 'bomb up' your tanks, AFV's and artillery at railway siding.
See the T-72 getting resupplied next to a train

Or simply base, resupply & fire your longest ranged & most logistically intensive rocket artillery from railway siding.

Once Ukraine works through the most critical artillery depots on it's list (map).

It will use all its newly acquired deep strike assets to slam Russian ammo supply trains like in those retweets.

Russian ammo trains in range of GMLRS are a whole lot easier to find & strike than tactical trucks.
Plus, when detonated, extensive train clearance & EOD removal will have to happen before the rail lines line can be used again.
GMLRS means Russian logistics is hosed.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

gazibo ::

Poldi112 ::

kow je izjavil:

tikitoki je izjavil:

kow je izjavil:

Plan cesa? Da bodo kupovali zemljo v Palestini in dobili drzavo? Jasno.

Mimogrede, eden od razlogov za mnozicno priseljevanje... so bili pogromi v Ruskem Imperiju.

Kje si ti se vedel, da prides in kupoujes zemljo v upanju, da bos ustanovil lastno drzavo? A si na glavo padel?

Sej je cisto jasno kaj se je zgodilo, Zionisti si zlobirali pri takratni velesili, da jim je de facto podarila tuje ozemlje, kjer sedaj izvajajo etnicno ciscenje. Ker zionistom to ni zadoscalo, so ilegalno zasedli se dodatno ozmelje in nadaljuje z etnicnim ciscenjem. CE bi zionisti dejasnko zeleli mir, nebi izvajli etncinega ciscenja in si prilascali tujega ozemlja.
Upor Palestincev proti tako ostudni krsitvi njihovih osnovnih clovekovih pravic, je zgolj narmalen.

A ste nekateri res pritegnjeni? To, k je tko, k da bi avstroogrska podarila pol Ljubljane in Slovenije zidom, k bi sedaj izvajali etnicno ciscenje. Pa se upor slovencev bi uporabili za izgovor za zasedbo se druge polovice in etnicno ciscene se tam. Da ne bi prislo do mednarodnega odziva, pa bi etnicno ciscenje izvajali pocasi in se stalno lagali, da so slovenci res grozni teroristi in je nujno potrebno jim porusiti domovanja in tja naseliti zide.

Analogija je napacna, ampak itak smo ze zabredli v temi. Mimogrede, Palestinci osnovnih clovekovih pravic ne priznajo niti sebi.
Pojdi tam na ulico, in se deri da so geji zakon. Pa, da naj ti Alah ga povlece. Arabci pa Rusi imajo eno skupno tocko. Vedno se proglasajo za zrtve, pa sirijo ozemlje na katerem zivijo ter etnicno pucajo. Ko pa enkrat fasejo taisto, pa jokcajo pred kamerami o groznih krivicah.

Analogija je povsem točna, si pa dobrodošel, da poveš, v čem ne ustrezna.

Arabci pa dejansko so žrtve, naciji jih pa pač zaničujete, ker vas tako učijo židovski MSM.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Poldi112 ()

pangro ::

Zanimiv account od tega Italijana. Dobro argumentirano, odločala bo pamet in kvaliteta tega pa rusom primanjkuje. Logistika je njihova najšibkejša točka in tukaj se skriva priložnost za ukrajince? Kaj pa logistika na ukrajinski strani katere šibke točke ima? Jo je ukrajina zmožna vzdrževat in branit?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: pangro ()

tikitoki ::

kow je izjavil:

tikitoki je izjavil:

kow je izjavil:

Plan cesa? Da bodo kupovali zemljo v Palestini in dobili drzavo? Jasno.

Mimogrede, eden od razlogov za mnozicno priseljevanje... so bili pogromi v Ruskem Imperiju.

Kje si ti se vedel, da prides in kupoujes zemljo v upanju, da bos ustanovil lastno drzavo? A si na glavo padel?

Sej je cisto jasno kaj se je zgodilo, Zionisti si zlobirali pri takratni velesili, da jim je de facto podarila tuje ozemlje, kjer sedaj izvajajo etnicno ciscenje. Ker zionistom to ni zadoscalo, so ilegalno zasedli se dodatno ozmelje in nadaljuje z etnicnim ciscenjem. CE bi zionisti dejasnko zeleli mir, nebi izvajli etncinega ciscenja in si prilascali tujega ozemlja.
Upor Palestincev proti tako ostudni krsitvi njihovih osnovnih clovekovih pravic, je zgolj narmalen.

A ste nekateri res pritegnjeni? To, k je tko, k da bi avstroogrska podarila pol Ljubljane in Slovenije zidom, k bi sedaj izvajali etnicno ciscenje. Pa se upor slovencev bi uporabili za izgovor za zasedbo se druge polovice in etnicno ciscene se tam. Da ne bi prislo do mednarodnega odziva, pa bi etnicno ciscenje izvajali pocasi in se stalno lagali, da so slovenci res grozni teroristi in je nujno potrebno jim porusiti domovanja in tja naseliti zide.

Analogija je napacna, ampak itak smo ze zabredli v temi. Mimogrede, Palestinci osnovnih clovekovih pravic ne priznajo niti sebi.
Pojdi tam na ulico, in se deri da so geji zakon. Pa, da naj ti Alah ga povlece. Arabci pa Rusi imajo eno skupno tocko. Vedno se proglasajo za zrtve, pa sirijo ozemlje na katerem zivijo ter etnicno pucajo. Ko pa enkrat fasejo taisto, pa jokcajo pred kamerami o groznih krivicah.

Dobro si opisal zioniste.

gozdar1 ::

Očitno taktika odvračanja pozornosti deluje in se še kar debatira o palestincih, afganistancih,..

tikitoki ::

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Očitno taktika odvračanja pozornosti deluje in se še kar debatira o palestincih, afganistancih,..

Obratno, taktika ne deluje in nismo pozabili na zionisticne zlocine in nasprotujemo temu, da bi se EU energetsko vezala na tovrstne psihopate, ker zamenjava enga norca, z drugim, ni v nasem strateskem interesu. RAbimo partnerje, ki ne bodo zlorabljali nase odvisnosti od energentov, da lahko v miru terorizirajo druge. To velaj za ruse, pa tudi izraelce.

Pac-Man ::

pangro je izjavil:

IMO so prav tako precej odvisni od železnic, se pa s prihodom zahodne tehnike preklaplja na zahodni sistem logistike.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

pangro ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

pangro je izjavil:

IMO so prav tako precej odvisni od železnic, se pa s prihodom zahodne tehnike preklaplja na zahodni sistem logistike.

Kaj to pomeni več kamionov, transportna letala?

Prebiram tega Italijana. Zdaj če njegova teza drži potem bomo videli neko reprizo neuspelega poizkusa osvojitve Kijeva. To se prav na začetku izgleda kot da Rusi rasturajo a v bistvu se njihove logistične verige začnejo nevzdržno daljšati. Ukrajinski natančni zadetki pa v bistvu samo še finiširajo tole logistično skrpucalo in logistika popolnoma odpove in rusi obstanejo oz. se poberejo domov.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: pangro ()

Pac-Man ::

To pomeni paletizirane tovornjake & tehniko za manipulacijo palet in kontejnerjev (viličarji, hiabi)

Trent Telenko in Kamil Galeev imata par dobrih niti na to temo, na hitro


Alright folks, this is a logistical 🧵on pallets, cranes, ISO containers, and what we are _NOT_ seeing on Russian Trucks in Ukraine
Below is really good background tweet 🧵on the importance of pallets as a logistical productivity tool, since we are not seeing them in Ukraine


These were the sorts of 'logistical things' I had expected to be seeing in some form from the Russians in Ukraine, & haven't.🧵
Pallet capable trucks are the Swiss Army knife/lego set of modern logistics.
China has pallet trucks in their economy & military logistics.

Fuel, concrete mixer, tar sprayer for making roads, water distribution, dump truck body. Also the Forward Repair System, pallet rack maintenance shop.

youtube shorts, ne morem vključit:

Palletized Load System (PLS) loading up 155 Artillery rounds

Kamilova nit niti, piše na dolgo in o vsem :

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::

D3m je izjavil:


Imaš link? BlueSauron?

Ne ampak ministerstvo za obrambo Ukrajine! Prva rotacija se je že začela, 10 000 vojakov vsake 4 mesece!

We’re grateful to our UK partners, @BWallaceMP
for supporting! The training program 10,000+ of our soldiers in UK has started last week. The 1st rotation is already there. This is very important for #UAarmy & we appreciate all your support, UK


Boris Johnson says UK will train 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers every four months

fur80 ::

gazibo je izjavil:

Twitter account of celebrity Canadian fighter in Ukraine outed as fake

bejsikli ukronazi in a nutshell. PR ramboti :))

Saj pa je tip sam priznal, da ni v Ukrajini in mu sporočajo prostovoljci novice, da pišejo tja v imenu drugih prostovoljcev, ki se borijo v Ukrajini! A ZOOKA iz Mostarja pa je na fronti ali kaj? :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Pac-Man ::

hole in one na muzejskem primerku


Video of a Ukrainian UAV dropping a munition through the driver’s hatch of a Russian T-62M tank. It may have been abandoned.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::

Kdo razume, če ne pa imaš spodaj podnapise! :D
To bi moral malo Vladar pogledat! :D in akmat sila! :D hehe


Prvi Azovci so že na prostosti iz Azovstala!

The story of Torka, an Azov man who was wounded in Mariupol, evacuated from Azovstal to a hospital in Donetsk and returned home as part of a prisoner exchange

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Pac-Man ::




🇷🇺 peak capabilities was 2-3 weeks ago, during Sievierodonetsk-Lysychansk operation. There are still no fresh reserves from 🇷🇺 territory, only relocation of existing forces. This is sad for the side, who still thinks they are attacking.


🇷🇺 not having rest, trying to capture all villages where 🇺🇦 has retreated, yet falling under artillery fire [sounds like 🇺🇦 setting up artillery traps].

🇺🇦 attack intensity increasing, due to having plenty of ammo.

1-1.5 months ago there was lack of ammo, 🇺🇦 division (18 howitzers) used 100 shells per day against 2000 of 🇷🇺 division. There have been days, when 🇷🇺 used 45 000 shells near Izium-Popasna by 360 howitzers in 20 divisions. 🇺🇦 response would be 1000-2000 shells per day.

Recently many 🇷🇺 warehouses, command posts, camps in deep rear have started to blow up, from some north-west wind. 🇷🇺 army is facing painful changes in tempo, capabilities, depth, intensity of operation, due to only 4 M142 HIMARS.

🇷🇺 has spent billions to build army, that can be countered so easily. Now imagine if 🇺🇦 got 50 HIMARS, they would soon reach Ural mountains. Currently HIMARS are driving around a lot, they are very mobile.

Today 🇺🇦 air-defense started working significantly better.

Near Dnipro intercepted 6 out of 7 missiles, at Ochakiv, Mykolaiv district destroyed 3 out of 3 missiles. Somehow better targeting. Just-in, 4 missiles launched from Black sea, 3 intercepted.


Moskva sailor's Dmitri Shkrebets father who was highly supportive of 🇷🇺 army, went to join Freedom of Russia Legion. Application hasn't been received yet [hasn't been online for 2 days]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Chalky ::

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Aljaska je očitno naslednja na vrsti za denacifikacijo.


Močno dvomim, to bi bil samomor 21 stoletja:

Tule še druga ameriška vojaška baza na Alaski 100 kilometrov stran v Elmendorf Air Force Base (tam se nahajajo bojna letala F-22).

Na Alaski je največje število bojnih letal pete generacije in sicer preko 120.

Dobesedno drezanje v osje gnezdo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Chalky ()

D3m ::

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::



In this longer than usual intercepted call, the 22-year old DPR mobilised soldier is chatting with his girlfriend, presumably at night as both are whispering.


bistvo, do DNR še ni prišel mem, da jih Ukrajinci 8 let bombardirajo. Pri njih je popularen tisti o ruskem 8-letnem jebanju v rit:


(R): What “for good”? Are you joking… Do you understand, everything depends on these f*cking Russians… We’ve been f*cked in the a*s for 8 years, and continue f*cking us…
(G): At least Mariupol is being rebuilt.
(R): To f*ck with this Mariupol… They’re all going to f*cking Russia. Russians are f*cking covering themselves with us. We’re stationed at the frontline. And these f*ckheads, f*ck knows where they are…

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Pac en DPR-jevec, ki se noce tepsti ne za Rusijo, ne za Ukrajino. Pacman, kaj je poanta?

Vsak, ki ima kaj v glavi, ve da se Rusi iz Federacije, borijo za Rusijo v splosnem, ne za Donbas. To je samo ena od mnogih vukojebin. Ce bodo lokalnim rusom unicili zivljenja, jim je vseeno.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

Pac-Man ::

Kot sem napisal. Pri nas je zadnje mesece popularen mem, kje smo bili zadnjih 8 let, češ da so Ukrajinci ves ta čas bombardirali Donbas. Tam imajo malo drugačno varianto.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Vsak, ki ni retardiran in pogleda kje je frontna crta, lahko sklepa, da bi Ukrajinci oz. njihova vojska lahko v tem casu popolnoma porusili Doneck (mesto). Samo zakaj bi rusili Ukrajino - cetudi so notri v vecini proruski ljudje.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

Invictus ::

Zato, ker lahko...

Vedo, da to nikoli več ne bo njihovo...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


kow ::

Zakaj torej mesta niso porusili? Lahko bi ga zravnali z zemljo, podobno kot so Rusi razbili Severnodoneck itd.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

D3m ::

Ti bi rad, da zahod dobi jasno sliko, da pomagajo napačni strani??
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

l0g1t3ch ::

D3m je izjavil:

Ti bi rad, da zahod dobi jasno sliko, da pomagajo napačni strani??

Še nisem videl enega dokaza, da bi bila Ukrajina napačna stran. Lahko to malo razložiš ?

SZ je razpadla, Rusija je priznala Ukrajino in njene meje.
20 let kasneje pa so se spomnili da jim te meje niso povšeči in da je to itak zgodovvinsko Rusko ozemlje, ki so ga šenkali za časa SZ, zdej bi ga pa radi nazaj.

Ra ruske ovce pa so napletli neko prozorno zgodbo o denacifikaciji, nacistih in podobnih neumnostih...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()

l0g1t3ch ::

P.S. Obljube da se nato ne bo širil na V ni bilo, to je potrdil tudi Gorbačov. Govora je bilo samo o tem da če SZ dovoli združitev Nemčije, da nato ne bo vkorakal v V nemčijo, česar so se držali. Ko so se to pogovarjal je SZ še obstajala in nihče ni še verjel (ali hotel verjeti) da bo SZ v kratkem razpadla.

P.P.S. Da je nato neka grožnja državi z največjo količino jedrskega orožja ne malo hecna. Nihče ne bo po Poldijevo vkorakal v Rusijo in jih brutaliziral. Če pa se že gremo drugačno nagajanje ali podjebavanje pa se niti ne rabi UA.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()

kow ::

Se vecji smeh je teorija, da so Ukrajincem senkali ozemlje :)) A Ukrajina veliko manjsa kot pred 150 leti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

Pac-Man ::

Ne vem, če je že bilo, HIMARS reload v Ukrajini.

Lepo pustijo 6-pack raket na dogovorjenem mestu, lanser pa vse naredi sam v par minutah.

Mariupol prejšnji mesec, 40 sekund. Lepo so redekorirali.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Zgleda imamo novo Čornobajevko. KAMAZ center v Donecku.


Not Groundhog Day!

Occupied #Donetsk burns again, and again the KAMAZ Centre in the city looks to have been hit.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::

POPRAVEK! to je star video! D: Je pa zanimivost kaj lahko naredijo.
Potem Rusi ne morejo biti jezni na nekaj kar sploh ne obstaja! :D

Lithuania begins demolition of railway tracks to Kaliningrad.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Geho ::

fur80 je izjavil:

POPRAVEK! to je star video! D: Je pa zanimivost kaj lahko naredijo.
Potem Rusi ne morejo biti jezni na nekaj kar sploh ne obstaja! :D

Lithuania begins demolition of railway tracks to Kaliningrad.


Bojda je video iz leta 2018... žal... :8)

mackilla ::

D3m je izjavil:

Ti bi rad, da zahod dobi jasno sliko, da pomagajo napačni strani??

Se pravi,da Ukrajinci niso zravnali severodonetsk in ostala mesta v Lugansku tako kot so jih Rusi,ker niso hoteli,da zahod dobi jasno sliko,da pomaga napačni strani? Če so jih Ukrajinci obstreljevali od leta 2014 zakaj niso zravnali nobenega mesta tako kot so jih Rusi? A Evropa mora pomagat strani ,ki je zravnala Lugansk in Donetsk do tal?

fikus_ ::

fur80 je izjavil:

POPRAVEK! to je star video! D: Je pa zanimivost kaj lahko naredijo.
Potem Rusi ne morejo biti jezni na nekaj kar sploh ne obstaja! :D

Lithuania begins demolition of railway tracks to Kaliningrad.


Ali so se že zmenili, kdo je dal ukaz/se odločil za zapret železniško povezavo do Kaliningrada?
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
36 / 78

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Rusija čedalje bolj izolirana od interneta in elektronskih plačilnih storitev (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 )

Oddelek: Novice / Ostale najave
27150191 (17949) Mr.B

Londonsko vozlišče prenehalo izmenjevati promet z ruskimi operaterji

Oddelek: Novice / Omrežja / internet
297903 (5382) jotunn2

Nedeljski izpad CenturyLinka promet po internetu oklestil za 3,5 odstotka

Oddelek: Novice / Omrežja / internet
64043 (3405) SmeskoSnezak

Rusija se bo poizkusno odklopila od interneta

Oddelek: Novice / Omrežja / internet
3011167 (7145) Mare2

Veliki Brat na internetu: tudi v Sloveniji (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Novice / Zasebnost
8812573 (12573) GBX

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