Forum » Igre » Battlefield 7
Battlefield 7

oo7 ::
Menda EA že dela na novi Battlefield igri.
According to Jeff Grubb, only a small group of developers is working on Battlefield 2042. Instead, most of DICE is focusing on the so-called Battlefield 7.
Grubb announced that the majority of EA DICE team is already working on the next part of the series, which for now is called Battlefield 7. The new installment of the series is only at the pre-production stage.

Skyman ::
Battlefield oz DICE ze takoj po vsaki igri katero izda dela na novi,to ni nic kaj nova novica.

oo7 ::
Two Teams are to Work on Battlefield 7's Campaign
Electronic Arts has decided not to skimp on human resources in the development of the new Battlefield's story campaign. To this end, a new team will be formed to take care of it.
Electronic Arts has decided not to skimp on human resources in the development of the new Battlefield's story campaign. To this end, a new team will be formed to take care of it.

Skyman ::
Seveda sj pocasi mora pridet nov del,tam nekje drugo leto proti koncu leta.Glede na to da je biv 2042 bolj bogi ter sedaj še vedno dajejo po 1 mapo na sezono,ter popravljajo stare mape mislim da je vsem jasno da rabijo nekaj novega.

Machete ::
Rabimo struktruo Bf3 in BC2 map in vzdušje iz BF1. Pa ne prehiter pace. Vojskovanje poteka počasi, meni ta speed arkadni način ubije vzdušje.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Skyman ::
Next Battlefield Game: Game Director Calls Recent "Leaks" as "Total BS"

oo7 ::
The Next Battlefield Will Be A "Reimagination of Battlefield", Reveals EA
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Next Battlefield Game Could Have 'Most Realistic Destruction Effects in the Industry'

oo7 ::
Naslednja Battlefield igra naj bi izšla oktorba 2025.

oo7 ::
,,I Don't Have Anything Positive to Say About EA." Battlefield 7 Director Comments on His Departure

oo7 ::
In today's earnings call, EA CEO Andrew Wilson says he has been playing the next Battlefield game with the development team and it will be a "tremendous live service."

Skyman ::
Should Battlefield go Head-to-Head With Call of Duty in 2025?

Netrunner ::
Je mogoče kakšna novice o BF Bad company 3? ... raje bi to videl kot pa BF7
Doing nothing is very hard to do... you never know when you're finished.

Machete ::
Igraš kaj BF 'PORTAL' v petki?
Meni je dober nostalgični obliž. Še muzika je avtentična v BC mapah.
Meni je dober nostalgični obliž. Še muzika je avtentična v BC mapah.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

oo7 ::
EA CEO calls the next Battlefield 'one of the most ambitious projects in our history' as all hands get to work on a 'Battlefield universe'

oo7 ::
Battlefield 7 open world ?
Job listing for a Senior Environment Artist - BATTLEFIELD at EA Motive.
While Battlefield has always had bigger and more open areas than most first person shooter games, this might be a case where DICE took inspiration from Activision. Modern Warfare 3 had open-world-style missions in the campaign, so Battlefield might be doing something similar. On the other hand, the multiplayer maps could also be much bigger than before, taking the series closer to an open world.
Job listing for a Senior Environment Artist - BATTLEFIELD at EA Motive.
While Battlefield has always had bigger and more open areas than most first person shooter games, this might be a case where DICE took inspiration from Activision. Modern Warfare 3 had open-world-style missions in the campaign, so Battlefield might be doing something similar. On the other hand, the multiplayer maps could also be much bigger than before, taking the series closer to an open world.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Next Battlefield Will Use Modern Setting, First Concept Art Revealed

oo7 ::

Skyman ::
Slabse ze ne more biti
Naceloma naj bi bilo tako kot COD.Torej SP-MP ter neka free verzija ala warzone.
Naceloma naj bi bilo tako kot COD.Torej SP-MP ter neka free verzija ala warzone.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Skyman ()

Skyman ::
DICE - Multiplayer
Criterion Games - Single-Player & Multiplayer
Motive - Single-Player
Ripple Effect - Working on a "new experience."
Tukaj ne vidim nic spornega..konec koncev tud COD delajo par studijev.
Criterion Games - Single-Player & Multiplayer
Motive - Single-Player
Ripple Effect - Working on a "new experience."
Tukaj ne vidim nic spornega..konec koncev tud COD delajo par studijev.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Skyman ()

Skyman ::
Rumor: Next Battlefield Game Aims to Feature 45 Weapons at Launch, 10 Maps, and Include a F2P Battle Royale

Skyman ::
Battlefield 6 Reportedly Conducting Largest Franchise Playtests to Ensure the Game's Success

Skyman ::
REPORT: Former ex-DICE dev (Rizible) claims that 98% of the team creating the next #Battlefield has not worked on the series' former releases.
Rizible says the old DICE leadership has already quit, and EA has hired Call of Duty's GM (Byron Beede) to "rebuild the franchise."
"If Beede sticks to his vision we'll get:
1. A full priced main game with limited single player.
2. Seasons, Battlepass and live service slop.
3. A free to play mode like Warzone."
"EA leadership (Wilson, Miele, Beede, Zampella, all of them) are corpos through and through. They want to extract maximum revenue from their players and drive up shareholder value. They make games to make money, not the reverse."
"The goal is a new #Battlefield game every year. I think EA has a roadmap to achieve this, but we won't see the next game in 2026."
TTK Games is where "most of the old Battlefield talent now works", says Rizible, "and if you know Embark, then you've probably tried The Finals. Beautiful production value and BF-like destruction."
Rizible claims this "fresh #Battlefield team" is working on the next title following a "new philosophy" and "whether that's good or bad depends on your personal outlook."
REPORT: Former ex-DICE dev (Rizible) claims that 98% of the team creating the next #Battlefield has not worked on the series' former releases.
Rizible says the old DICE leadership has already quit, and EA has hired Call of Duty's GM (Byron Beede) to "rebuild the franchise."
"If Beede sticks to his vision we'll get:
1. A full priced main game with limited single player.
2. Seasons, Battlepass and live service slop.
3. A free to play mode like Warzone."
"EA leadership (Wilson, Miele, Beede, Zampella, all of them) are corpos through and through. They want to extract maximum revenue from their players and drive up shareholder value. They make games to make money, not the reverse."
"The goal is a new #Battlefield game every year. I think EA has a roadmap to achieve this, but we won't see the next game in 2026."
TTK Games is where "most of the old Battlefield talent now works", says Rizible, "and if you know Embark, then you've probably tried The Finals. Beautiful production value and BF-like destruction."
Rizible claims this "fresh #Battlefield team" is working on the next title following a "new philosophy" and "whether that's good or bad depends on your personal outlook."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Skyman ()

oo7 ::
EXCLUSIVE: Battlefield 6 is Undergoing Franchise's Biggest Playtests Ever to Prevent Another Disastrous Launch

oo7 ::
Zdaj pa ne vem ali ni bila Battlefield 6 igra 2042 ?
Ker povsod pišejo o 6 in ne o 7 ?
The Battlefield 6 closed playtest could begin next week
Ker povsod pišejo o 6 in ne o 7 ?
The Battlefield 6 closed playtest could begin next week

Robert_S ::
BF 2042 je 2042 , tazadn BF z enomestno številko je bil BF5
, se prav je naslednji BF6
,drgač imam pa jest v BF4 že 4644h 21m

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Robert_S ()

Predsednik11 ::

Skyman ::

Skyman ::
Dvomim da se lahko se 1x tako blamazo dovolijo,ker potem bo tezko dobiti igralce nazaj,sicer je vse danes mozno.Bf2042 je biv 1 let polom sedaj je bolsi(napram zacetni verziji)

Machete ::
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Machete ()

Skyman ::
Next Battlefield Will Be Released During Fiscal Year 2026, EA Confirms

Skyman ::

Skyman ::
First Battlefield 6 Screenshots and Gameplay Leak After Playtest

Predsednik11 ::
Včas je bil Battlefield zelo priljubljen na tem forumu. Se je vse končalo s Battlefield 3 ali 4 ?
So bile kasnejše igre toliko slabše ali so forumaši nehali igrati ?
So bile kasnejše igre toliko slabše ali so forumaši nehali igrati ?

Skyman ::
Mlajsa generacija je na fortnite oz na codu.(pa tudi druzenje na raznih discord kanalih sedaj)
Marsikaj se je spremenilo od leta 2011 oz 2013 tudi battlefield,nekje bf1 je bil še vredu potem pa je tudi sama battlefield serija imela padec.
Marsikaj se je spremenilo od leta 2011 oz 2013 tudi battlefield,nekje bf1 je bil še vredu potem pa je tudi sama battlefield serija imela padec.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Skyman ()

Kayzon ::
Glede na to da QA izvajajo ljudje na konzolah,bo tole novi srot. Zame osebno je serija umrla po tem ko so spacali Bad Company igre.

Skyman ::
Tole je preprealpha verzija,katera nebi sploh "smela" biti igrana,to marketing EA-ja.Ce si gledal trailer je bil objavlen pre-alpha gameplay,kateri zgleda bolše,tukaj na trailerju je sama sivina nobenih barv.Pocakajmo do beta verzije ali da izdajo kaksen novejsi gameplay,šele potem ocenjujte.Sej tudi COD serije je umrla ze 10 let nazaj,pa se ve kako zadeva stoji danes(vsak skin placliv po 10EUR+),edino tezavo imajo z warzonom kjer upada lepa stevilka igralcev,in ker nimajo rešitve,spet hocejo verdansk nazaj dati.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Skyman ()

Skyman ::
Battlefield 6 Factions--Everything we Know About Battlefield 2025 Factions

oo7 ::
Battlefield 6 Destruction Physics Gameplay Showcase
Destruction and Explosions in the upcoming NEW Battlefield 6 game *WATCH IT BEFORE IT GETS DELETED*
Destruction and Explosions in the upcoming NEW Battlefield 6 game *WATCH IT BEFORE IT GETS DELETED*

Seljak ::
Totalno nerealno zgleda to podiranje stavbe. Sploh ko strelja s puško v tisti steber je totalno zgrešeno. Se vidi, da nimajo pojma kako zgleda, ko ustreliš v zidano stavbo.

Robert_S ::
Tole bo zakon , pravo nadaljevanje šterke. Tank je strelu v steber ne ta s puško
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Robert_S ()

Skyman ::
BREAKING: DICE officially confirms the ability to drag downed teammates to safety before reviving them is finally making its way into the next Battlefield, and it's cancellable at any time with hold version.
Despite this feature appeared in the BattlefieldV reveal trailer, it was never added to the retail version since it would have required creating "new complex and lengthy animations" to fully realise the feature, and that this length would "negatively impact" BattlefieldV's core gameplay by making reviving seem slow and unresponsive.
With the upcoming #Battlefield, players will find some really "fun combinations" while using this feature.
Despite this feature appeared in the BattlefieldV reveal trailer, it was never added to the retail version since it would have required creating "new complex and lengthy animations" to fully realise the feature, and that this length would "negatively impact" BattlefieldV's core gameplay by making reviving seem slow and unresponsive.
With the upcoming #Battlefield, players will find some really "fun combinations" while using this feature.