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Battlefield 2042 [6] (2021)

Battlefield 2042 [6] (2021)

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oo7 ::

Trenutno ni še nič potrjenega edino to, da naslednja Battlefield igra izide enkrat 2021.

Glede na zadnje govorice naj bi se Battlefield 6 dogajal v bližnji prihodnosti ?

Battlefield 2021 Isn't Bad Company, Will Have Drones According to Leak

EA has been clear that the next Battlefield game won't be released until 2021, with the company opting to wait for next-gen hardware to be available before releasing a new entry in the FPS franchise. While EA has remained tight-lipped as to what the next Battlefield game will actually be, a new leak seems to hint at what fans can expect, though some may be disappointed.

According to a leak currently circulating on Reddit, the next Battlefield game will not be Bad Company 3. Instead, the next game in the franchise will be set in the near future, apparently taking place in 2030. The game is said to feature drones, robotics, and other futuristic aspects, though it will remain grounded in reality.

  • spremenil: ahac ()

Mitch ::

battlefield 2142 remake?

oo7 ::

Battlefield 6 to Release on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in 2021


oo7 ::

DICE ends Battlefront 2 updates in favor of Battlefield 6 - not Battlefront 3


oo7 ::

Kot kaže bo naslednji BF samo za nove genracije konzol.

Battlefield Returns In 2021 For PS5 And Xbox Series X
The new Battlefield game is coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in 2021.


oo7 ::

Battlefield 6 will reportedly return to its modern day setting on PS5, Xbox Series X, and current gen consoles


oo7 ::

Battlefield 6 set in modern day with 128+ player maps claims latest leak


Machete ::

Ziher bo tudi PC izdaja. Čutim na vodi.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

oo7 ::

DICE are seemingly starting to tease Battlefield 6 reveal

Ja saj če igra izide drugo leto potem bo najbrž res že čas, da jo uradno napovejo :)

oo7 ::

EA confirms next-gen Battlefield 6 coming in holiday 2021


Skyman ::

Jaz sem pa spregledal to temo.Sem ze študiral da bi novo odprl,pa sem u bf1 (bf 5) prilepil isti post:))8-)

Pricakovano do takrat bomo pa ze novi PC imeli in..ps5(upam)

oo7 ::

2021's Battlefield will deliver a "true next-gen vision for the franchise."


Skyman ::

Jaz osebno upam da jim uspe tako kot iz bad company 2 na bf3 ko si lahko samo rekel WOW(graficni vidik).Bf4 tudi ni bla slaba.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Skyman ()

oo7 ::

Battlefield 6 is not what fans of the series would like it to be, says reliable insider


Skyman ::

I know what the next Battlefield is" leaks from Reddit right here!


oo7 ::

Battlefield 6 Will Be A Soft-Reboot, Heavily Influenced By Battlefield 3; Game Is Also Launching on PS4 and Xbox One - Rumor


Skyman ::

Heavily Influenced By Battlefield 3 to je to 8-)

oo7 ::

Battlefield 6 igra bo uradno napovedana letos enkrat spomladi izšla pa bo tudi letos enkrat ob koncu leta.

Battlefield 6 to be revealed in Spring and "take full advantage" of next-gen hardware


Skyman ::

Battlefield 6 to Feature Unscripted Skyscrapers Destruction - Rumor


Machete ::

To. Komaj čakam.
(Čeprav sem že betežen in mi taktične zadnje čase malce bolj pašejo).

BC2 forever.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Trupl0 ::

upam na bolj počasno gibanje, daljši TTK, brez nepotrebnih animacij pri vstopu in izstopu iz vozil, heliči :D
If you are going through Hell, keep going !

Machete ::

Animacije za vstopanje so z razlogom.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Berserker ::

Itak bolje da se vrnejo v modern times, kr očitno razvijalci danes ne morejo napravit ww2 igre, brez političnega vložka.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Machete ::

Hell let loose je proper taktičen ww2 FPS shooter. Manjka mu malce vsebine, nisem pa kakih političnih vložkov opazil. No itak je samo mp. Ampak samo streljanje in teamplay je pa vrhunski.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Skyman ::


Decko je ze napovedal par iger predno so uradno napovedani bili,ima dobre informacije.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Skyman ()

oo7 ::

DICE LA Working on a Battlefield Game Confirmed


Kayzon ::

Ce ne bo igra vsebovala tranvestitov in zensk to ni to.

Machete ::

Who cares. Isto kot vojaki iz prihodnosti. Zaradi mene so karakterji lahko goblini. Važna je oprema in pa zvok, fizika, mape, gibanje..
Problem, ki to dejansko ni, sam zato, da maš nekaj za hejtat.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Skyman ::

Prisla naj bi bolj decembra,zaradi PS5 konzol ker jih bo vec kot ce bi prej izdali omenjeno igro.Upam na kaksno alpha/beta verzijo,v bfV sem dobil obe sicer za alpha nisem bil izreban kolega ko pa ni igral velik bf-jev a jih ima kupljene je dobil kodo,in je meni predal kodo.Tako da tako ali tako vzamem novi battlefield.Da bo tako kot bf3/4 ko sem trgal glave v heliju in destroyu tanke bo fuuun

Skyman ::

Battlefield 6: Should DICE Push for 128-Player Matches or Stick to 64 Players?


oo7 ::

The next Need for Speed is delayed so Criterion can work on Battlefield 6 instead


Skyman ::

Potem pa ni vrag da nebi bila dobra vozila u bf6 :))

Machete ::

Need for battlefield bo očitno. Strah me je, kaj bodo skropucali.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Skyman ::

Sej oni so ze delal battlefield 5 oz njihov battle royale mode,pa sem ga kar dost preigral.Edina slabost je cheaterji,teh se pa najde povsod dost.

Machete ::

BF V niti ni slab. BR nisem igral, samo parkarat.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

dolenc ::

Mogoče se motim, sam močno dvomim :P

Problem BF (pa nit ne problem) je, da je že vse pogruntan.
Bf3 je dober, bf4 tudi. Potem imaš take in drugačne re-skine istega gameplaya.

Ja sej je bullet drop mal drgačen, pa pokalice, pa mal druga grafika, pa nekje maš konja namesto atvja, ampak špil je zelo podoben, ne glede na to kero verzijo igraš.

Grafika tudi nima več kaj dosti napredovat, za tista dva 13 letnika, ki bosta to resno vzela, bosta tko igrala vse na low.

Glede na to, da naj bi bil to eden izmed "realističnih" shooterjev, glih tekanja po stenah in dvojnega skoka ne morejo dodat, tako da kaj češ pa še dodat pa da ni blo že spiljeno v bf3/4.

Mogoče se motim, ampak jst napovem re-skin, mogoče kak kos pohištva več uničljiv :P

Skyman ::

Battlefield 6 Alpha Happening Earlier Than Ever Before


oo7 ::

Govorice - BF6 bi se lahko dogajal v Kazahstanu.

Skyman ::

Tako je...

'Battlefield 6' Teaser Seemingly Puts The Game's Location As Kazakhstan


oo7 ::

Uradna najava igre BF6 mogoče že meseca maja.

Battlefield 6 will probably be announced in May. The rumor was reported by Jeff Grubb, editor of GamesBea, during his podcast.

Skyman ::

7.5 baje tko je en leaker povedal k ga spremljam

Drugace pa...

REPORT: NOT OFFICIAL But This Looks Very Sick What If Battlefield 6 Is Set in like the future like year 2030-2100 #Battlefield6 I honestly want @EA
and @EA_DICE
to go full throttle with a futuristic Battlefield Game it's been a longtime since it happened


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Skyman ()

Skyman ::

Novi Leaki so se pojavili.Izid Battlefield 6 naj bi bil 19.11


Prav tako naj bi bile 3 potrjene mape METRO,LOCKER,WAKE ISLAND
Ter Destruction kot smo ga videli v BF Bad Company



- Modern Warfare
- Large-Scale and Close Quarters Battles
- From 16 up to 128 players*
- Battle Royale (F2P Early 2022)
- Soldiers, Weapons, Vehicles Customization
- Next Level Destruction
- Stunning Visual Effects
- Frostbite Engine
- Release Fall 2021


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Skyman ()

Skyman ::

Should Battlefield 6 Have Armor Plates? Former DICE Developer Shares Details!

oo7 ::

New Battlefield 6 leak; reveal trailer info, 128-player map & more


Skyman ::

Skyman ::

Nova "leak" risba

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Skyman ()

Skyman ::

Battlefield 6 May Not Release On Previous-Gen Consoles - Rumor


Skyman ::

Battlefield PC/Console Will Be Bigger Than Ever; Standalone Mobile Battefield Coming in 2022


Skyman ::


April 30th, reveal trailer Date

Reveal trailer MAY 7

Prepare for the shock

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Skyman ()

oo7 ::

Se pravi 7 maja prvi trailer.
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