Forum » Zvok in slika » LG 23'' LED monitor E2360V - slika "vleče" na modro
LG 23'' LED monitor E2360V - slika "vleče" na modro
V-i-p ::
Živjo. Brat ima doma za osnovno delo nek Lenovo Thinkcentre mašino, i5 proc, ssd, 8gb rama in intel integrirano grafo. Zdaj je zamenjal monitor za tega v naslovu. Slika res hudo vleče na modro ali kaj jaz vem kam :). Skratka, monitor sem mu poresetiral prav tako sem na win10 fliknil driverje za grafo dol in še enkrat inštaliral. Presenetljivo, slika je zdaj boljša kot na spodnji fotki, še vedno pa se mi zdi, da ni to tisto pravo. Sumim, da bi blo krivo to, ker je monitor na vga povezan, pač nima DVI in HDMI priklopa ta hudič. Se da še kaj probat, predno ga pošljem po eno normalno grafo? Thx.
Primerjava monitorja z mojim telefonom.
Primerjava monitorja z mojim telefonom.
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!
- spremenil: V-i-p ()
V-i-p ::
errhec: bravo, sem mislil, da to rešim z resetom monitorja, pa ima privzeto na 6500k, ko sem na tipkah monitorja prestavil na sRGB so pa barve postale kot je treba. Thx.
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!
blogsandar12 ::
As opposed to placing a judgement in your state of affairs, apply your most advantageous purposes to that state of affairs. rather than seeing the world as bad, see your self as a powerful agent of the fine opportunities.
In case you find your self giving in to negativity, you're selling your self quick. the moment you sense the slightest pain of a poor concept, forestall and remind yourself how powerful you're. do the intentional work of preserving your thoughts fine. due to the fact whatever you constantly assume is where your existence will simply and steadily cross.
virtual phone
In case you find your self giving in to negativity, you're selling your self quick. the moment you sense the slightest pain of a poor concept, forestall and remind yourself how powerful you're. do the intentional work of preserving your thoughts fine. due to the fact whatever you constantly assume is where your existence will simply and steadily cross.
virtual phone
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- predlagal izbris: errhec ()
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