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Dead Monitors from ATI Catalyst 3.8

Dead Monitors from ATI Catalyst 3.8

zile ::

Zdej ne vem kolk je to res, ampak pevidnost nikoli ni odveč.
Dead Monitors from ATI Catalyst 3.8
še forum

Fury ::

baje da se bucke.. govorice.. upajmo :)

men cat 3.8 nobenih problemov ne dela in ni mi jasn kako ti lahko driver unic monitor.

zile ::

Katero kartico pa imaš ?

boštjan ::

u pa same high end kartice

morphling1 ::

Forum thread
It seems like the new driver series is attempting to pass way too many unsupported resolution/refresh rates to the monitor, overloading the monitor's relay system and frying the monitor. Instead of reading the refresh rates from the PRIMARY display INF files, it is reading the SECONDARY display INF refresh rates. For those of us with only 1 monitor hooked up, there is no SECONDARY display INF refresh rate file, to the video card starts at its own highest supported refresh rate and starts passing that onto the monitor. With Radeon 9800/9700's capable of syncing @ a refresh rate of 200 Hz, that means 99% of the world's monitors are at risk of damage.

So far, a total of 183 monitors, ranging from high-end 22" Viewsonic P225F's to lowly 14" Compaq SVGA monitors have been reported as dead/damaged due to this problem. It is to be taken seriously.

I'll attest to this problem, as my Dell UltraScan P1110 21" Trinitron has been damaged due to this problem. Running the Catalyst 3.8's on my Corona system @ 1600x1200 @ 85 Hz and playing Unreal Tournament 2003, I exited the game and the monitor started flickering like mad, attempting to change refresh rates. After 8 unsuccessful retries, the monitor displayed the "NO VIDEO SIGNAL FROM INPUT 1" message and the power light turned orange. A burning smell was coming from the back of the monitor. Hooking the monitor up to another system proved useless, as it did not start up.

Ati zanika:

We have spent a great deal of time trying to reproduce this problem and analyzing our driver code. There is nothing in our driver code that has changed since CAT 3.7 to CAT 3.8 that could possibly cause this behaviour. We believe that our drivers are not causing these alleged problems.

We do not currently believe these stories are valid. We have already confirmed that of the nearly 100 OEM customer programs have asked for and received this driver, we have received no reports on any such problem from the OEMs. We have also run comprehensive QA tests on the driver before releasing it and have had no cases of failed monitors.

Since we announced CATALYST 3.8 on October 8th, we have recorded hundreds of thousands of downloads, and thus far there have been absolutely no reports whatsoever to ATI's Customer Support department to report monitors failing.

Ne glede na kdo ima prav, se mi prav smili človek, ki se mu je skuril 21" Trinitronc
http://www2.arnes.si/~mlivak/ Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

zile ::

Jest tud mislim da je bull vse skup.
183 monitorjev ni velik, glede na to da ati uporablja miljone userjov.

boštjan ::

183 monitorjev ni velik, glede na to da ati uporablja miljone userjov

to reči onim 183 userjem,ki jim je skurlo monitore,pa boš vido kako ;(( bodo gledali.

Mavrik ::

Hmm... kaki monitorji pa potem so to? Moj se pri poskusu da bi dal preveliko osveževanje sam ugasne... To mi mal smrdi...
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

TribesMan ::

To je zame totalen bullshit. Lepo vas prosim vsi novejši monitorji imajo vgrajeno elektroniko, ki ugasne monitor če je frekvenca prevelika, zdej nimam pa pojma kako so lahko nekateri uporabniki zavohal dim iz monitorja. Cmon... zadeve crknejo zaradi prevelikih napetosti ne pa zaradi prevelike frekvence. To je tako kot bi rekel da zato ker sem nastavil frekvenco proca previsoko mi je ta crknil... in kje se je že to zgodilo... ne poznam primera. Da bi bli pa sam eni driverji nevarni je pa še večji bullshit... Navadte se da po netu kroži ogromno govoric, pol pa da bi kdo faca izpadu napiše da je nemu pa res skuril monitor... ajoj.


Moj kompjuter dela: KVIIIIK ... KVIIIK ... KVIIIK.

Ko ga navijem dela: KVIKKVIKKIVKKVIK. :)

ferdo ::

jzt pa to zelo resno vzamem, ker do sedaj, se mi še ni kej takega zgodilo.
v 4x zaporedno hitro preklaplanje resolucije, ko sem zagnal špil colinMcrae rally3 .
to se ni dogajalo nikoli. sigurno je to problem.

Dead_Eye ::

meni se je zasmodil viewpoint 17" ko je preklapljal resolucijo, samsung 14" sem dostikrat dal prevelik refresh rate je nardilo uno čudno sliko - vse utripa,,,, samo crknil ni - še vedno dela
na LG 19" flatron se pa itak ugasne(oranžna lučka) če je previsok refresh

se mi zdi malo verjetno da refresh rate skuri monitor.....
The one and only

Clemento ::

Jp, tole z atijem je bull s**t.... Le kako vsi ti modeli ki jim je crknu monitor pol
postajo na forumih? So variante sam ni res..
*Epox 8rda+, XP2600+@stock speed, TT Silent Boost, AS5, Ati AH3650
*Abit NF7-S, XP2500+@2425Mhz, 1.85V(220x11), TT Volcano 12, AS5, Rage128PRO

Dr_M ::

hehe, zanimiv odziv ljudi. ce nvidia neki nardi narobe je takoj vik in krik - nategujejo ljudi, firma more propast pa nevem kaj se use, ce pa ATI neki zajebe, pa noben ne verjame pa itak ni nc kriv ane.
mislm da tuki visoka osvezevalna frekvenca nima veze - samo ni mi jasno zakaj usi to povezujejo s crknjenimi monitorji?
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

boštjan ::

Vredno ogleda ...

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