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Igre (brez lastne teme)

Igre (brez lastne teme)

24 / 31

Kayzon ::

Baje naj bi ovrednotili ceno igre na podlagi tega koliko casa traja da jo koncas.


Glede na to kaksne ovce so konzumerji,se ne cudim ce pride to v prakso v bliznji prihodnosti.

oo7 ::

Tole zfgleda kot next next gen :P

Early Access 7 junij.

Bodycam - Early Access Release Date Announcement

Gre za multiplayer igro. Trenutno cena še ni znana.

oo7 ::

25 junija izide remake igre Riven.

Remake bo poganjal Unreal 5 pogon. Originalna igra je izšla leta 1997. Je kdo igral ?

Riven | Official Launch Trailer | Available June 25th | 4k

oo7 ::

Nov dan novo zapiranje studijev in odpuščanja...

Avalanche Studios znani po igrah Just Cause, Mad Max, Rage 2, so zaprli dva studija od petih in odpustili 50 ljudi.

oo7 ::

Kar dobra igra. Ta mesec je igra praznovala 20 let.

TucoX ::

Tale mi deluje kot steampunk Half-Life: zabavno je reševati (dokaj lahke) uganke in stran spravljati sovrage.


yayo ::

oo7 je izjavil:

25 junija izide remake igre Riven.

Remake bo poganjal Unreal 5 pogon. Originalna igra je izšla leta 1997. Je kdo igral ?

Jaz sem igral prve tri, ta je bila druga iz serije. Ampak toso bili časi pred internetom, pa mladi možgani, IQ pred propadom... :)) Tole je tip igre kakršne se ne delajo več. Zelo statična in atmosferična. Greš skozi in rešuješ uganke. Včasih sem po nekaj dni rabil, da sem eno razvozlal. Parkrat rage quit, potem pustiš pet dni in greš raje kolo gonit, nakar se vrneš s svežo glavo in in rešiš uganko, da sam ne moreš verjeti kako ti je ratalo. Brez nobenih walkthroughov. Danes take igre igrajo le še starejši nostalgiki klasičnih pc avantur in zelo, zelo posebni nerdi. In dela jih le še Indie scena. The Talos Principle je nekakšna moderna reinkarnacija takih iger.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: yayo ()

oo7 ::

yayo je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

25 junija izide remake igre Riven.

Remake bo poganjal Unreal 5 pogon. Originalna igra je izšla leta 1997. Je kdo igral ?

Jaz sem igral prve tri, ta je bila druga iz serije. Ampak toso bili časi pred internetom, pa mladi možgani, IQ pred propadom... :)) Tole je tip igre kakršne se ne delajo več. Zelo statična in atmosferična. Greš skozi in rešuješ uganke. Včasih sem po nekaj dni rabil, da sem eno razvozlal. Parkrat rage quit, potem pustiš pet dni in greš raje kolo gonit, nakar se vrneš s svežo glavo in in rešiš uganko, da sam ne moreš verjeti kako ti je ratalo. Brez nobenih walkthroughov. Danes take igre igrajo le še starejši nostalgiki klasičnih pc avantur in zelo, zelo posebni nerdi. In dela jih le še Indie scena. The Talos Principle je nekakšna moderna reinkarnacija takih iger.

1 Myst
2 Riven
3 ???

Če se ne motim sem enkrat probal Myst ampak nisem nikoli preigral.
Ja takrat so se že našli kakšni vodiči na internetu ampak si moral imeti internet :)

opeter ::

Edina podobna igra, ki sem jo uspel končati po dveh letih (!), je 7th Guest (sedmi gost). Sicer je to izšlo v časih norije z interaktivnimi CD-ROMi in FMV-ji (digitaliziranimi videoposnetki). Takrat je bil aktualna tudi Philipsova CD-i konzola, no, jaz sem to igral na PC/DOS.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

oo7 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Nova igra studija 11bit kateri so znani po igrah This war of mine in Frostpunk.

The Alters | Announcement Trailer

The story of Jan Dolski and his alternate versions

Jan - a simple worker - is facing circumstances that lead him to a life-changing crossroads. Crash landing on a distant planet, stranded and alone, Jan finds himself in a death trap. His only hope for survival is to bring helping hands on board. Acting somewhat blindly, Jan must create alternate versions of himself: the Alters.

The alters demo bo mogoče na steamu igrati od 10-17 junija. Igra naj bi izšla enrkat letos.

dronyx ::

On May 9, during an earnings call, Warner Bros. revealed that it was taking a $200 million loss on Suicide Squad -- making it one of the gaming world's worst blunders.

oo7 ::

dronyx je izjavil:

On May 9, during an earnings call, Warner Bros. revealed that it was taking a $200 million loss on Suicide Squad -- making it one of the gaming world's worst blunders.

Celo nekje pisalo, da bi lahko celo zaprli Rocksteady studio kateri je naredil to igro.

oo7 ::

Studio Nightdive kateri so naredili System Shock remake bodo remejkali še eno staro igro to je igra The Thing iz leta 2002.

The Thing Game Trailer

Sem igral tole igro :)

Kayzon ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Studio Nightdive kateri so naredili System Shock remake bodo remejkali še eno staro igro to je igra The Thing iz leta 2002.

The Thing Game Trailer

Sem igral tole igro :)

Tole je pa dejansko huda novica,ceprav je imela svoje probleme igra je bila zelo podcenjena. Huda atmosfera in sistem ai kameradov ki se je lahko okuzil in nisi tega vedel :D

DejchSLO ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Kar dobra igra. Ta mesec je igra praznovala 20 let.

spomnem. men bla zlo dobra igra.

oo7 ::

Delta Force: Hawk Ops Aims to Be 3 Tactical Military Shooters in One

oo7 ::

Pravijo,da naj bi bila Halo: Combat Evolved remaster v izdelavi. Igra je izšla leta 2001.

oo7 ::

The Thing: Remastered - Official Reveal Trailer

oo7 ::

Nobody Wants to Die - Official Gameplay Trailer |

17 julij 2024

Lose yourself in the world of New York, 2329, where immortality comes at a price that someone has to pay. Following a near-death experience, Detective James Karra takes an off-the-books case from his chief with only the help of a young police liaison, Sara Kai, to assist him. Time reveals all as they risk everything in pursuit of a killer, uncovering the dark secrets of the city's elite. You can wishlist Nobody Wants to Die is coming to PlayStation 5 (PS5), Xbox Series

oo7 ::

Sid Meier's Civilization VII - Official Teaser Trailer

The award-winning strategy game franchise returns with a revolutionary new chapter. Sid Meier's Civilization(R) VII empowers you to build the greatest empire the world has ever known!

Rule as one of many legendary leaders from throughout history. Establish your civilization, construct cities and architectural wonders to expand your territory, conquer or cooperate with rival civilizations in pursuit of prosperity, and explore the far reaches of the unknown world. Will you build an empire that stands the test of time?

Sid Meier's Civilization(R) VII is coming in 2025.

Gagatronix ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Pravijo,da naj bi bila Halo: Combat Evolved remaster v izdelavi. Igra je izšla leta 2001.

Masterchief edition. Ze lep cas zunaj.

oo7 ::

Gagatronix je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

Pravijo,da naj bi bila Halo: Combat Evolved remaster v izdelavi. Igra je izšla leta 2001.

Masterchief edition. Ze lep cas zunaj.

Potem verjetno delajo samo za PS5.

oo7 ::

Delta Force: Hawk Ops - Summer Game Fest 2024 Trailer

Delta Force: Hawk Ops, a free-to-play, first-person, tactical shooter, returns as the latest in the classic series. With 25 years defining the genre, Delta Force is back with an upgraded arsenal of weaponry, jaw-dropping environments, and a truly dynamic world.

Gagatronix ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Gagatronix je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

Pravijo,da naj bi bila Halo: Combat Evolved remaster v izdelavi. Igra je izšla leta 2001.

Masterchief edition. Ze lep cas zunaj.

Potem verjetno delajo samo za PS5.

Jaz imam H:CE iz Masterchief Edition (za PC) in je simpaticna zadeva. On-the-fly lahko preklopis med originalno in remastered grafiko.

oo7 ::

Gagatronix je izjavil:

Jaz imam H:CE iz Masterchief Edition (za PC) in je simpaticna zadeva. On-the-fly lahko preklopis med originalno in remastered grafiko.

Tudi jaz imam Halo kolekcijo in tudi že preigral. Prva Halo igra je dobra edino proti koncu kjer bežiš proti flood se sobe preveč ponavljajo.

oo7 ::

Tole ne zgleda slabo :) Sekiro 2.0

Phantom Blade Zero Gameplay Trailer

New trailer of Phantom Blade Zero, giving a sneak peek to the latest development of the game, featuring never-shown-before footages depicting high-speed combat and multiple weapons, among other gameplay elements.

Gagatronix ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Gagatronix je izjavil:

Jaz imam H:CE iz Masterchief Edition (za PC) in je simpaticna zadeva. On-the-fly lahko preklopis med originalno in remastered grafiko.

Tudi jaz imam Halo kolekcijo in tudi že preigral. Prva Halo igra je dobra edino proti koncu kjer bežiš proti flood se sobe preveč ponavljajo.

Jaz imam originalno PC izdajo iz leta 2001 v fizicni obliki ter digitalno Masterchief Edition. Je fajn spil, meni je edino Library sel na zivce. [:] No, pa Cortana je na momente kot Navi iz Ocarina of Time.

DejchSLO ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Pravijo,da naj bi bila Halo: Combat Evolved remaster v izdelavi. Igra je izšla leta 2001.

zlo dobra igra. edino kar me je motilo, so bili tisti hodniki, ki so se ponavljal sploh k je flood pršu.tko, da če to spedenajo bo ful dobr za igrat. pa če bi pustil health packe me sploh nebi motilo.

hanuka ::

Ravno nažigam X4: Foundations , priporočam, če je bil kdo fan originalnega Elite (tiste masovke, Eve, pa še nekaj se mi zdi, se lahko skrijejo).

Mimogrede, ni samo vožnja raketice in strelanje po vsem kar leti mimi...


Kmalu pa pride še X4: Timelines

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: hanuka ()

Kayzon ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Tole ne zgleda slabo :) Sekiro 2.0

Phantom Blade Zero Gameplay Trailer

New trailer of Phantom Blade Zero, giving a sneak peek to the latest development of the game, featuring never-shown-before footages depicting high-speed combat and multiple weapons, among other gameplay elements.

Seriously? Edina podobnost je to da sta obe igri third person haha,bolj je podoben DMCj?

oo7 ::

Gagatronix je izjavil:

Jaz imam originalno PC izdajo iz leta 2001 v fizicni obliki ter digitalno Masterchief Edition. Je fajn spil, meni je edino Library sel na zivce. [:] No, pa Cortana je na momente kot Navi iz Ocarina of Time.

Ja saj Library je eden najslabših levelov v HALO seriji.

DejchSLO je izjavil:

zlo dobra igra. edino kar me je motilo, so bili tisti hodniki, ki so se ponavljal sploh k je flood pršu.tko, da če to spedenajo bo ful dobr za igrat. pa če bi pustil health packe me sploh nebi motilo.

Tudi mene, ker so se v nedogled ponavljali.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

State of Decay 3

Set years after a zombie apocalypse nearly wiped out humankind, State of Decay 3 is the next evolution in the State of Decay franchise. As the zombie threat continues to claim lives, you must fight back and reclaim lost ground, carving out a life for your community of survivalist homesteaders.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6: Gameplay Reveal Trailer

12 new 6v6 maps & 4 new strike maps at launch

oo7 ::

Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 | Reveal Trailer

Lead the Expedition on a desperate adventure to destroy the Paintress before she erases the last survivors of humanity in the stunning new RPG Clair Obscur: Expedition 33. The debut title from Sandfall Interactive comes to Xbox Series X|S PC in 2025.

South of Midnight - Gameplay Reveal

When a hurricane rips through Prospero, Hazel is pulled into a Southern Gothic world where reality and fantasy are interwoven, and ancient creatures from folklore emerge.

Coming to Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Series XIS, Steam, Windows PC in 2025!

oo7 ::

Age of Mythology: Retold

Coming September 4, 2024 to Xbox and PC. From the creators of the award-winning Age of Empires franchise, Age of Mythology: Retold goes beyond history to a mythical age where gods, monsters, and humans collide. Combining the best elements of the beloved Age of Mythology with modern real-time strategy design and visuals, Retold is an epic and innovative experience for old and new players alike. Secure your domain, command legendary monsters, and call upon the power of the gods to crush your enemies.

oo7 ::

Mixtape - Reveal Trailer

Mixtape is coming day one with Game Pass in 2025. On their last night of high school, three friends embark on one more adventure together. Play through a mixtape of memories, set to the soundtrack of a generation.

Winter Burrow Announcement Trailer

We follow the little mouse as they tell their story of arriving to a broken-down childhood home and a harsh winter woodland where they need to find the courage to survive and make the tree stump home a cozy home again, while they look for their lost Aunt who they find in the end only to have them taken by an Owl.

FragPunk: Official World Premiere Trailer

Watch the World Premiere trailer of FragPunk. Introducing the brand-new 5v5 Rule-Changing Hero Shooter with power-up cards. Coming 2025.

oo7 ::

Mecha BREAK - "Blitz, Brawl, Blaze" Gameplay Trailer

Mecha BREAK is a multiplayer game that allows players to choose from a variety of mechas, customize their appearances, and battle colossal war machines on treacherous terrain. Get ready for the ultimate showdown--blitz, brawl, blaze!

Atomfall Reveal Trailer

A nuclear disaster has left an area of Britain in tatters. Atomfall, a new survival-action game, will see you explore, scavenge, craft, barter and fight your way through beautifully recreated scenery in search of answers.

Coming to Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Windows PC in 2025.

oo7 ::

WUCHANG: Fallen Feathers Announcement Trailer

Join us for the exciting reveal of Wuchang: Fallen Feathers! Recently featured at the Xbox Games Showcase and set in the late Ming Dynasty, this soulslike action-RPG takes you on a journey through a cursed land filled with danger and mystery. Play as Bai Wuchang, a pirate warrior cursed with Ornithropy, and uncover the secrets of your forgotten past.

Wuchang: Fallen Feathers offers a challenging combat experience with multiple weapon categories and Ornithropy magic. Explore interconnected environments, encounter historical figures, and make choices that will shape the fate of Shu.

Launching day one on Xbox Game Pass in 2025.

Kayzon ::

Splinter cell 1 Remake trailer pride jutri in mi padlo v oci tole:

>SC Remake will update the story for a modern audience

Yoo no cap fr fr

LeQuack ::

opeter je izjavil:

Hrvaški CroTeam je spet vprašanje, če bi danes še deloval, v kolikor jih pred leti ne bi kupil Devolver.

Jaz sem pred kratkim igral tole igro, ki je presegla moja pričakovanja. Na koncu sem bil začuden, da je igra delo Srbskega game studia iz Beograda (https://www.madheadgames.com/). Noro, ker igra zgleda res kot AAA izdelek, zelo polished.

Zelo priporočam za sci-fi ljubitelje, je kot en mini Half Life ali kaj v tej smeri, precej je raziskovanja novega alien sveta, veliko akcije, upgrade orožij itd. Vredno svojega denarja, ampak dobiš tudi v kakih bundlih ali akcijah še ceneje.

Quack !

oo7 ::

Killing Floor 3 - Gameplay Trailer |

Take a detailed look at gameplay for Killing Floor 3 in this action-packed trailer featuring Nightfall's commando, Mr. Foster, as he and his teammates execute a coordinated plan to infiltrate and reclaim an army depot overrun by Zed hordes.

Killing Floor 3 - Early 2025 to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S!

oo7 ::

Kot kaže delajo igro The House Of The Dead 2: Remake. Igra je dobila rating v Evropi.

oo7 ::

First details and concept art leaked for Monolith's Wonder Woman

The game will take place in Themyscira. As Wonder Woman, players will have to return to their home and fight the powerful sorceress Circe and her army. Additionally, players will have to repair their relationship with their mother, Queen Hippolyta, and their fellow Amazons.

Kayzon ::

Kje njim ideja d hoce sploh kdo igrati wonder lulo?

Gagatronix ::

Od kje tebi ideja, da imajo vsi tak okus (ali pomanjkanje le-tega) kot ti ?

oo7 ::

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead is coming to PC in 2024

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead - Reveal Trailer

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead is coming to PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S in 2024!

oo7 ::

Embracer group zaprl studio kateri so naredili igro Alone in the dark remake. Igra je izšla letos.

oo7 ::

The Forever Winter - Official Gameplay Overview Trailer

The Forever Winter is a co-op tactical survival horror shooter where you and your squad must loot the dead to survive under the shadow of terrifying and gargantuan war machines locked in a never-ending conflict.

oo7 ::

Dystopika - Cyberpunk City-Builder Gameplay Overview Trailer

A city-building sandbox for futuristic cities. No goals, no management, just creativity and dark cozy vibes.

Release Date: 21 Jun, 2024

oo7 ::

Flint: Treasure of Oblivion - Official Gameplay Trailer

Assemble your pirate crew and roll the dice as you explore a beautiful world, from the French city of Saint-Malo all the way to central America. Take on challenging fights in tactical phases, and use your deck of cards to activate skills that influence brawls.

Flint: Treasure of Oblivion will be released in Q4 2024 for PC (Steam, GOG, Epic Games Store, and Windows Store), PS5 (PlayStation 5), and Xbox Series X/S.

Evotinction - Official Release Date Trailer

Here's a fresh look at Evotinction, including gameplay and more, in this latest trailer for the upcoming sci-fi "hack" and stealth game. Evotinction will be available on PC and PS5 (PlayStation 5) on September 13, 2024.

Near future, in a remote research facility named HERE, the AI system controlling the facility got infected by a virus called RED, and subsequently went rogue, starting to attack humans. Dr. Liu decides to infiltrate this lost facility on his own to face the AI, uncover the truth, and save humanity.

oo7 ::

Medieval Dynasty - Official Console Co-Op Mode Update Trailer

Medieval Dynasty is an open-world medieval RPG developed by Render Cube. Players on console will soon be able to access new content such as the Co-op mode, new Oxbow Map, and character creator.

Check out the trailer for all the updates coming to console with the Console Co-Op Mode update launching on June 27 for PlayStation 5 (PS5), Xbox Series X|S, Game Pass on Xbox and PC, and the Epic Games Store.

Conscript - Official 'Rendezvous With Death' Trailer

Watch the latest Conscript trailer to see harrowing encounters and learn more about this upcoming survival horror game. Conscript will be available on Nintendo Switch, PS5 (PlayStation 5), PS4 (PlayStation 4), Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC on July 23, 2024. A demo for Conscript is available now until June 17 on Steam as part of Steam Next Fest.

Set in 1916, Conscript plunges players into World War 1 in a survival horror experience inspired by the classics of the genre. Players will navigate the treacherous trenches of Verdun as a lone French soldier searching for his missing-in-action brother.
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