Forum » Igre » Igre (brez lastne teme)
Igre (brez lastne teme)

opeter ::
Če gledam RPG (iganje domišljijskih vlog) ali pa "akcijske" igre s kartami, so mi iz te zvrsti všeč sledeče igre:
- Slay the Spire
- Monster Train
- Ancient Enemy
- Nowhere Prophet
- SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech
pa še kakšna.
- Slay the Spire
- Monster Train
- Ancient Enemy
- Nowhere Prophet
- SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech
pa še kakšna.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

opeter ::
Ne vem zakaj, ampak me malo spominja na mešanico System Shock, The Thing pa morda še ščepec Dead Space.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

yayo ::

opeter ::
Oh, res? Super, to pa je dobra novica.
Z zanimanjem bom spremljal to igro.

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::

xseki ::
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
Igra kdo? Meni je kul.
Igra kdo? Meni je kul.

oo7 ::
Microsoft bo kupil Activision Blizard (Warcraft, Diablo, Overwatch, Call of Duty") za 68.7 milijard $. Prodaja naj bi se zgodila enkrat med julijem 2022 in junijem 2023.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

opeter ::
Microsoft bo kupil Activision Blizard (Warcraft, Diablo, Overwatch, Call of Duty") za 68.7 milijard $. Prodaja naj bi se zgodila enkrat med julijem 2022 in junijem 2023.

Zdaj samo še čakam na novico, da bo npr. Nintendo ali Sony kupil SEGO ali kakšno drugo japonsko založniško razvojno firmo.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

Andrej51 ::
V GRID Legends bomo očitno lahko vozili tudi nekaj domačega.

oo7 ::

opeter ::
LAhko bi napravili nadaljevanje Heretica, Hexena, Singularityja ... Pa Microsoft bi lahko odkupil pravice za Star Wars in bi Raven napravil kakšno novo igro v sklopu serije Jedi Knight.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
Točno ja . Singularity je bila kar zanimiva igra. Sploh tista pokalica kjer si upravjal potjo nabooja in skakanje v času.

Gagatronix ::

oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Zdaj, ko bo MS kupil Activision upam, da Raven Software neha delati na COD igrah in naredi novo Solider of fortune igro
Od leta 2010 samo še pomagajo na COD igrah.
Saj so lepo pokazali s SoF 3 da se jim jebe za to fransizo.
SOF 3 igro ni delal Raven.
Unlike the previous two Soldier of Fortune games, which were developed by Raven Software using the id Tech 2 and id Tech 3 engines developed by id Software, Payback was developed by Cauldron HQ.

oo7 ::
Sedaj, ko bo Microsoft kupil Activision se omenja tudi, da COD lahko ne bi več izhajal vsako leto. Pa tudi zadnji COD se je pprodajal slabše kot prejšnji.

Horas ::
LAhko bi napravili nadaljevanje Heretica, Hexena, Singularityja ... Pa Microsoft bi lahko odkupil pravice za Star Wars in bi Raven napravil kakšno novo igro v sklopu serije Jedi Knight.
hexen, kolk sm js to preigral s kodami :D ne vem če bi mi bila všeč v novodobni grafiki glede na močno nostalgijo.
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd

Gagatronix ::

oo7 ::
LAhko bi napravili nadaljevanje Heretica, Hexena, Singularityja ... Pa Microsoft bi lahko odkupil pravice za Star Wars in bi Raven napravil kakšno novo igro v sklopu serije Jedi Knight.
Xbox boss wants to bring back Hexen and King’s Quest – as COD stays multiformat

opeter ::
Nekaj novih, prihajajočih iger od založnika Apogee Entertainmnet.
zvrst: tretjeosebna akcijska pustolovščina
izid naj bi bil letos (2022):
V Elemitiji, obsežni, zeleni deželi mečev, čarovnij in skrivnosti, je osem začaranih elementarnih kamnov ključ za rešitev Nyahinega in Beckettovega doma. Igrajte samostojno ali v sodelovanju. Osem elementarnih kamnov in njihove moči svetlobe, teme, ognja, vode, ledu, narave, zemlje in zraka si povrnite od mogočnih varuhov, ki jih zdaj uporabljajo za svoje sebične namene.
Na poti raziskujte vse kotičke čudovito stiliziranega odprtega sveta. Plezajte na zasnežene gore, plavajte v globine bleščečih jezer in se pogumno podajte na ognjene ravnice v iskanju novih izzivov. Imejte oster meč in ostro pamet - zapletene uganke skrivajo najboljše skrivnosti kraljestva, pošasti pa lahko premagate z mnogimi ustvarjalnimi pristopi, od spretnega mečevanja do magičnega mojstrstva.
Elements, živahna pustolovščina o sestri in bratu, ki izpolnjujeta svojo usodo, prihaja na PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch in Steam za PC Q4 2022 od Apogee Entertainment in WreckIt Games.
Turbo Overkill
zvrst: prvoosebna streljačina/akcija
načrtovan, da izide kmalu:
Johnny Turbo mora očistiti Raj, kibernetsko mesto, ki ga obvladujejo nadgrajeni služabniki pod kultnim nadzorom najnaprednejše umetne inteligence na svetu, Syn, ki se želi razširiti do svetovne prevlade, če ga ne ustavimo tukaj in zdaj. Tekanje po stenah, čas junakov, kibernetsko nadgrajene noge z verižno žago, leteči avtomobili in veliko bum-bum-bumov.
Turbo Overkill prihaja tudi na konzole! Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S in Xbox One.
zvrst: tretjeosebna akcijska pustolovščina
izid naj bi bil letos (2022):
V Elemitiji, obsežni, zeleni deželi mečev, čarovnij in skrivnosti, je osem začaranih elementarnih kamnov ključ za rešitev Nyahinega in Beckettovega doma. Igrajte samostojno ali v sodelovanju. Osem elementarnih kamnov in njihove moči svetlobe, teme, ognja, vode, ledu, narave, zemlje in zraka si povrnite od mogočnih varuhov, ki jih zdaj uporabljajo za svoje sebične namene.
Na poti raziskujte vse kotičke čudovito stiliziranega odprtega sveta. Plezajte na zasnežene gore, plavajte v globine bleščečih jezer in se pogumno podajte na ognjene ravnice v iskanju novih izzivov. Imejte oster meč in ostro pamet - zapletene uganke skrivajo najboljše skrivnosti kraljestva, pošasti pa lahko premagate z mnogimi ustvarjalnimi pristopi, od spretnega mečevanja do magičnega mojstrstva.
Elements, živahna pustolovščina o sestri in bratu, ki izpolnjujeta svojo usodo, prihaja na PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch in Steam za PC Q4 2022 od Apogee Entertainment in WreckIt Games.
Turbo Overkill
zvrst: prvoosebna streljačina/akcija
načrtovan, da izide kmalu:
Johnny Turbo mora očistiti Raj, kibernetsko mesto, ki ga obvladujejo nadgrajeni služabniki pod kultnim nadzorom najnaprednejše umetne inteligence na svetu, Syn, ki se želi razširiti do svetovne prevlade, če ga ne ustavimo tukaj in zdaj. Tekanje po stenah, čas junakov, kibernetsko nadgrajene noge z verižno žago, leteči avtomobili in veliko bum-bum-bumov.
Turbo Overkill prihaja tudi na konzole! Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S in Xbox One.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
Achilles: Legends Untold - Official Story Trailer
tole igro imam že nekaj časa na wishlisti. Danes nov trailer.
tole igro imam že nekaj časa na wishlisti. Danes nov trailer.

Gagatronix ::

oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Turbo Overkill zgleda zanimivo škoda, ker je ne bo na PC.
Nisem vedel, da se na Steamu objavljajo igre, ki jih ne bo na PC. /s
Sem čisto spregledal

opeter ::
Tale napovednik za Ahil zgleda tudi zanimiv ... bomo videli.
Zdaj sem se spomnil nekaj iger s podobno tematiko:
Ryse: Son of Rome
Rise of the Argonauts
Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance
Spartan: Total Warrior (ta je bila smao na konzolah PS2, Xbox, Gamecube)
pa Rygar: The Legendary Adventure (tudi samo za konzole).
Zdaj sem se spomnil nekaj iger s podobno tematiko:
Ryse: Son of Rome
Rise of the Argonauts
Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance
Spartan: Total Warrior (ta je bila smao na konzolah PS2, Xbox, Gamecube)
pa Rygar: The Legendary Adventure (tudi samo za konzole).
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

oo7 ::
Gord - Official Cinematic Story Teaser
Gord, a New Dark-Fantasy Strategy Game from a Former Witcher 3 Producer
Inspired by Slavic folklore.
Gord, a New Dark-Fantasy Strategy Game from a Former Witcher 3 Producer
Inspired by Slavic folklore.

oo7 ::
Hidden Deep is a 2D action and exploration sci-fi thriller which action takes more than mile under the ocean floor, and is inspired by Aliens, The Thing, and the original Half-Life.
Hidden Deep - 21 Minutes of Gameplay
Igra je izšla v early acces na Steamu 24 januarja letos.
Hidden Deep - 21 Minutes of Gameplay
Igra je izšla v early acces na Steamu 24 januarja letos.

Gagatronix ::
Cakam cajte ko bo Early Access storil enako smrt kot Greenlight, ker to je samo sopanje sranja.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Kot kaže delajo novo MK igro Mortal Kombat 12
NetherRealm producer 'leaks' Mortal Kombat 12, possibly deliberately
NetherRealm producer 'leaks' Mortal Kombat 12, possibly deliberately

ahac ::
Po propadu starega Telltale Games in ustanovitvi novega se vrača The Wolf Among Us
The Wolf Among Us 2 - OFFICIAL Full Trailer (2022)
Epic Games Store:
The Wolf Among Us 2 - OFFICIAL Full Trailer (2022)
Epic Games Store:
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

opeter ::
Ravnokar je izšla igra PowerSlave Exhumed.
Zanimivost je, da je v nasprotju z DOS verzijo (ki je bolj ali manj navadna FPS streljačina) ta igra kombinacija Playstation 1 in SEGA Saturn različic z nadgrajenim grafičnim pogonom NightDive KEX Engine.
Podpira široke zaslone, visoko ločljivost ter igralni plošček.
Na voljo na GOG, Steam pa še kje.
Ime: PowerSlave v ZDA, Exhumed v Evropi, Seireki 1999: Pharaoh no Fukkatsu na Japonskem
Žanr: FPS shooter with light RPG elements / prvoosebna streljačina in pustolovščina z lahkimi elementi igranja domišljijskih vlog
Tematika: antični Egipt, mesto Karnak
Izvirno izšla: 1996 (Sega Saturn in MS-DOS), 1997 (Playstation verzija)
Nova verzija PowerSlave Exhumed bo poleg PC-ja (Windows) na voljo tudi za večino modernih konzol (PS 4, PS5, XBox One, XBX, Nintendo Switch ...).
Izvirna DOS verzija, poimenovana PowerSlave (DOS Classic Edition) je uradno na voljo na Steam in GOG:
Zanimivost je, da je v nasprotju z DOS verzijo (ki je bolj ali manj navadna FPS streljačina) ta igra kombinacija Playstation 1 in SEGA Saturn različic z nadgrajenim grafičnim pogonom NightDive KEX Engine.
Podpira široke zaslone, visoko ločljivost ter igralni plošček.
Na voljo na GOG, Steam pa še kje.
Ime: PowerSlave v ZDA, Exhumed v Evropi, Seireki 1999: Pharaoh no Fukkatsu na Japonskem
Žanr: FPS shooter with light RPG elements / prvoosebna streljačina in pustolovščina z lahkimi elementi igranja domišljijskih vlog
Tematika: antični Egipt, mesto Karnak
Izvirno izšla: 1996 (Sega Saturn in MS-DOS), 1997 (Playstation verzija)
Nova verzija PowerSlave Exhumed bo poleg PC-ja (Windows) na voljo tudi za večino modernih konzol (PS 4, PS5, XBox One, XBX, Nintendo Switch ...).
Izvirna DOS verzija, poimenovana PowerSlave (DOS Classic Edition) je uradno na voljo na Steam in GOG:
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

opeter ::
No, jaz sem igral samo MS-DOS verzijo, točneje demo, mislim, da je vsebovala dve ali tri stopnji/e. Meni se je zdela zanimiva, predvsem zaradi tematike.
Za ljubitelje pretepaških iger v stilu Street of Rage, Golden Axe, X-Men (1992), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) itn. prihaja igra Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT): Shredder's Revenge izpod rok francoskega studia DotEmu.
Igra bo na voljo letos za večino aktualnih igralnih konzol in PC (Windows).
Za ljubitelje pretepaških iger v stilu Street of Rage, Golden Axe, X-Men (1992), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) itn. prihaja igra Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT): Shredder's Revenge izpod rok francoskega studia DotEmu.
Igra bo na voljo letos za večino aktualnih igralnih konzol in PC (Windows).
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

opeter ::
Aja, pa še ena zadeva ... ko sem omenil DotEmu. Delajo na več različnih igrah in modernih nadaljevanjih klasičnih arkadnih iger, med drugim je pred nekaj tedni izšla igra Windjammers 2.
Še intervju:
Na voljo na PC (Steam), konzolah, Google Stadia ...
Še intervju:
Na voljo na PC (Steam), konzolah, Google Stadia ...
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
Dune: Spice Wars - First Gameplay Trailer
"Play as iconic characters, such as Duke Leto Atreides, the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen and more, and guide your faction to victory. Watch for the constant threat of the massive sandworms, who dominate the dangerous landscape of Dune.
Choose between subterfuge, political influence, economic supremacy, or open warfare to prevail and gain control over the most important planet in the universe! Use secretive agents to sabotage the plans of your opponents. Vote on political resolutions in the Landsraad to further your strategy.
Explore Dune with ornithopters to discover resources, villages, and points of interest. Expand with your troops to take control of more and more regions. Exploit the resources through buildings and spice harvesters to dominate the economy. Exterminate your enemies with a strong military but beware as outright aggression can have high political repercussions."
"Play as iconic characters, such as Duke Leto Atreides, the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen and more, and guide your faction to victory. Watch for the constant threat of the massive sandworms, who dominate the dangerous landscape of Dune.
Choose between subterfuge, political influence, economic supremacy, or open warfare to prevail and gain control over the most important planet in the universe! Use secretive agents to sabotage the plans of your opponents. Vote on political resolutions in the Landsraad to further your strategy.
Explore Dune with ornithopters to discover resources, villages, and points of interest. Expand with your troops to take control of more and more regions. Exploit the resources through buildings and spice harvesters to dominate the economy. Exterminate your enemies with a strong military but beware as outright aggression can have high political repercussions."

oo7 ::
Enkrat letos
Harvest, Grow, Craft - Harvest 14 different raw materials from wood, stone and clay, to metal ores, wild herbs, and honey. Grow 17 types of food, including forage items, fish and game, plus 10 food crops, each with different characteristics. Produce 32 crafted items and materials in a multi--tiered economy.
Build and Advance - Construct 50 different types of buildings as you grow your town from a fledgling settlement to a bustling city. Your town center and housing will advance through multiple building tiers as the prosperity and desirability of your town increases. Upgrade production buildings to increase efficiency and enable production of more advanced items.
Most Detailed Farming System Ever - Strategically select from 10 crops with unique growing characteristics and configure crop rotations to maintain soil fertility, avoid heat and frost damage, and prevent the accumulation of diseases. Cultivate your fields over time, removing weeds and rocks, raising fertility and adjusting soil mixture to achieve maximum crop production to keep your growing population fed.
Advanced Town Simulation - Villagers actively live their lives and perform their jobs in real time. Watch as villagers carry goods across town from remote work-sites to be processed into materials and crafted into items. See foods and goods delivered to homes, the trade post or stored for later use. Develop roads, transport wagons and improve storage methods to facilitate the efficient movement of goods through your town and prevent spoilage.
Randomly Generated Maps - Farthest Frontier is highly replayable and no game is ever quite the same with beautiful, completely randomized terrain generation and resource distribution. Controls allow players to specify the amount of water or mountains they desire, with extreme maps leading to unique challenges.
Idyllic to Brutal - Customizable difficulty options allow players to turn off features like invaders and disease, for a more tranquil experience or max out difficulty to truly test their town-builder prowess.
Environmental Interaction - Develop your economy based on which resources are locally abundant and produce items for trade to acquire that which you lack. Erect fencing to keep deer away from crop fields and stop bears from raiding food storage. Manage tree cover to prevent underground water supplies from drying up. Balance the need to clear land for agriculture around vital natural resources like wild growing medicinal plants and forage items.
All Them Old-Timey Diseases! - Ensure your villagers have clean water to stop outbreaks of dysentery and cholera. Collect berries and plant greens to avoid scurvy and ensure a healthy diet. Make sure villagers are properly shoed and clothed to reduce chances of contracting tetanus, rabies or frostbite. Build a healer's house to quarantine the infected and provide herbs and medicine for treatment. Manage rodent populations by collecting waste, securely storing food and employing rat catchers to ward off the feared bubonic plague.
Fend Off Would-Be Invaders - Choose to play on pacifist and avoid combat altogether or engage with varying levels of raider difficulty to raise the stakes for your town's survival. Progress from wood palisades to stone walls, build towers and barracks, recruit and equip soldiers in the defense of your town as rising prosperity attracts the attention of raiders and foreign armies seeking plunder.
Farthest Frontier - Gameplay Trailer
Harvest, Grow, Craft - Harvest 14 different raw materials from wood, stone and clay, to metal ores, wild herbs, and honey. Grow 17 types of food, including forage items, fish and game, plus 10 food crops, each with different characteristics. Produce 32 crafted items and materials in a multi--tiered economy.
Build and Advance - Construct 50 different types of buildings as you grow your town from a fledgling settlement to a bustling city. Your town center and housing will advance through multiple building tiers as the prosperity and desirability of your town increases. Upgrade production buildings to increase efficiency and enable production of more advanced items.
Most Detailed Farming System Ever - Strategically select from 10 crops with unique growing characteristics and configure crop rotations to maintain soil fertility, avoid heat and frost damage, and prevent the accumulation of diseases. Cultivate your fields over time, removing weeds and rocks, raising fertility and adjusting soil mixture to achieve maximum crop production to keep your growing population fed.
Advanced Town Simulation - Villagers actively live their lives and perform their jobs in real time. Watch as villagers carry goods across town from remote work-sites to be processed into materials and crafted into items. See foods and goods delivered to homes, the trade post or stored for later use. Develop roads, transport wagons and improve storage methods to facilitate the efficient movement of goods through your town and prevent spoilage.
Randomly Generated Maps - Farthest Frontier is highly replayable and no game is ever quite the same with beautiful, completely randomized terrain generation and resource distribution. Controls allow players to specify the amount of water or mountains they desire, with extreme maps leading to unique challenges.
Idyllic to Brutal - Customizable difficulty options allow players to turn off features like invaders and disease, for a more tranquil experience or max out difficulty to truly test their town-builder prowess.
Environmental Interaction - Develop your economy based on which resources are locally abundant and produce items for trade to acquire that which you lack. Erect fencing to keep deer away from crop fields and stop bears from raiding food storage. Manage tree cover to prevent underground water supplies from drying up. Balance the need to clear land for agriculture around vital natural resources like wild growing medicinal plants and forage items.
All Them Old-Timey Diseases! - Ensure your villagers have clean water to stop outbreaks of dysentery and cholera. Collect berries and plant greens to avoid scurvy and ensure a healthy diet. Make sure villagers are properly shoed and clothed to reduce chances of contracting tetanus, rabies or frostbite. Build a healer's house to quarantine the infected and provide herbs and medicine for treatment. Manage rodent populations by collecting waste, securely storing food and employing rat catchers to ward off the feared bubonic plague.
Fend Off Would-Be Invaders - Choose to play on pacifist and avoid combat altogether or engage with varying levels of raider difficulty to raise the stakes for your town's survival. Progress from wood palisades to stone walls, build towers and barracks, recruit and equip soldiers in the defense of your town as rising prosperity attracts the attention of raiders and foreign armies seeking plunder.
Farthest Frontier - Gameplay Trailer
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Deliver Us Mars | Reveal Trailer
First you delivered the Moon. Now it's time to deliver the Red Planet in a bold new sci-fi adventure.
Deliver Us Mars is coming soon to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One & PC.
First you delivered the Moon. Now it's time to deliver the Red Planet in a bold new sci-fi adventure.
Deliver Us Mars is coming soon to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One & PC.

oo7 ::
Star Trek: Resurgence is an interactive narrative video game that tells an original story set in the era shortly after the events of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Players will assume the role of two principal characters, first officer Jara Rydek and engineering ensign Carter Diaz, as they unravel a sinister mystery involving two civilizations on the brink of war. Players will immerse themselves in the Star Trek universe, interacting with new and returning characters through a variety of dialogue choices and action gameplay to determine the course of the story.
Alongside dialog-driven role playing and rich branching storylines, you will also engage with the Star Trek universe in a variety of other gameplay styles, including shuttle piloting, phaser fights, tricorder scanning, stealth, and micro-gameplay mechanics.
Direct control of player movement in Star Trek: Resurgence uses a 3rd person "over the shoulder" camera. Dialog-driven role-playing is presented in a playable cinematic format.
Star Trek: Resurgence is set in the year 2380, in the era immediately following the Star Trek: The Next Generation feature films.
Star Trek: Resurgence features an all new crew on an all new starship, but also includes characters that are fan favorites.

oo7 ::
Nova igra studija 11 BIT studios prej so naredili igri This war of mine in Frostpunk.
Nova igra se imenuje South of the circle.
South of the Circle | Announcement Trailer
Nova igra se imenuje South of the circle.
South of the Circle | Announcement Trailer

oo7 ::
Portal writer says he wants to start Portal 3 because he's 'not getting any younger'
Speaking on the Kiwi Talkz podcast, Erik Wolpaw - who co-wrote Portal and Portal 2, as well as such titles as Psychonauts, Half-Life 2: Episode One and Two, Left 4 Dead and Half-Life Alyx - ended the show by stating: "We've gotta start Portal 3. That's my message to... to whoever."
He added: "I am not getting any younger. We are reaching the point where it's crazy to think [that we're] literally going to be too old to work on Portal 3, so we should just do it."

Ijus ::
haha k Epic Games napoveduje izid Evil Dead: The Game igre. LOL.
film je kulten pa precej dober. original, se ve, da.
film je kulten pa precej dober. original, se ve, da.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.

ahac ::
haha k Epic Games napoveduje izid Evil Dead: The Game igre. LOL.
film je kulten pa precej dober. original, se ve, da.
Saber Interactive so naredil World War Z, ki je fun coop zombie fps. Tole izgleda podobno...
Slo-Tech Discord -

oo7 ::
Izšla igra Postal 4 no regrets.
Ocene so zelo slabe.
Samo 31% na Open critics -
Postal 4: No Regerts Is A Glorious Mess
Ocene so zelo slabe.
Samo 31% na Open critics -
Postal 4: No Regerts Is A Glorious Mess

oo7 ::
The House of the Dead Remake naj bi izšel 28 aprila 2022 za PC
THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD: Remake || Nintendo Switch Trailer 2022
The House of the Dead: Remake shambling to PC next week
THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD: Remake || Nintendo Switch Trailer 2022
The House of the Dead: Remake shambling to PC next week

opeter ::
The House of the Dead: Remake delajo isti, ki so naredili tudi Panzer Dragoon Rekame.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška