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NBA sezona 2020-2021
Temo vidijo: vsi

Nedasemiveč ::
Gremo še enkrat. Gruzijo je sploh spravil na košarkarski zemljevid. Pod njim so bili redno na euru, kasneje pa ni več samoumevno.
Srbov v Beogradu niti Žoc ni spravil do medalje.(hecno da je bil asistent ravno Kokoškov).
Sunsi so bili pa brez resnega Playa.
Jah v reprezentanci delaš s tistim kar imaš na razpolago. Ni to Fener ali Partizan, kjer ti vržejo 10-20-30 milijonov pa si sestavi ekipo. Saj je legendaren trener, karizmatičen, pa vseeno s polno ritjo je lahko srat. Še Grki (Panathinaikos fani) so mi dva tedna nazaj govorili, da je brez para on mrzel, pa vemo kako ga oni spoštujejo.
Bistveno bolj spoštujem Tranchierija denimo. Dve sezoni nazaj bi z njem Partizan verjetno osvojil EuroCup, če bi se sezona končala, pa je imel BISTVENO nižji budget kot ga ima sedaj Obradović. Odlično delo zaenkrat kaže tudi v Bayernu.
Ampak ok, njemu so preglavice res povzročali tudi razni Miličići in podobni.
edit: ravno danes je bil na b92 članek o njemu
"Obradović nije dobio još 3.000.000 za budžet - zato je otišao"
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Nedasemiveč ()

belo mleko ::
Cuban se je odločil v Dallas navleči vse kar je nekoč v preteklosti delovalo. Intuicija mi pravi, da je to slaba pot.

Smurf ::
Nedasemiveč je izjavil:
[Henry Abbott]: Source: Blazers star Damian Lillard to request trade in the days to come.
Dallas akcija!
Saj je dober ampak poglej si njegovo plačo od naslednje sezone naprej. Tako dober pa spet ni, da bi bil vreden 40 milijonov.
2021-22 $43,750,000
2022-23 $47,250,000
2023-24 $50,750,000
2024-25 $54,250,000
Je tako dober, ampak dallas verjetno nima dovolj za ponuditi v drugo smer.

bambam20 ::
Nedasemiveč je izjavil:
[Henry Abbott]: Source: Blazers star Damian Lillard to request trade in the days to come.
Dallas akcija!
Saj je dober ampak poglej si njegovo plačo od naslednje sezone naprej. Tako dober pa spet ni, da bi bil vreden 40 milijonov.
2021-22 $43,750,000
2022-23 $47,250,000
2023-24 $50,750,000
2024-25 $54,250,000
Je tako dober, ampak dallas verjetno nima dovolj za ponuditi v drugo smer.
Ne, ni tako dober. Luka bi s to ekipo, ki jo ima lillard dosegel več.

Smurf ::

Nedasemiveč ::
Edit: admin briši. Bo samo nepotreben nemir v tej temi povzročilo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Nedasemiveč ()

D3m ::
A je rasistka nigger?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: Samael ()

Kurzweil ::
Norman Powell has declined his $11.6 million player option.
Torej danes že 6. in morda zadnja tekma finala, pri čemer upam, da temu ne bo tako... saj kot prvo nekako upam, da postane prvak PHO, kot drugo so razlog OI... pa tudi sicer naj bo zanimivo in naj se odloča na 7. tekmi...
Torej danes že 6. in morda zadnja tekma finala, pri čemer upam, da temu ne bo tako... saj kot prvo nekako upam, da postane prvak PHO, kot drugo so razlog OI... pa tudi sicer naj bo zanimivo in naj se odloča na 7. tekmi...

Samael ::
Norman Powell has declined his $11.6 million player option.
Norman Powell je bil v zadnjem prestopnem roku (ko smo dobili Mellija in Redicka) od prostih igralcev, ki so bili takrat na voljo (in roko na srce, res ni bilo neke blazno dobre izbire), moja najožja izbira, pa tu ni naletelo ravno na neko odobravanje.
Pa še vedno ne vem povsem zakaj, ko sem rekel, da z njim dobijo legit starterja, sumim pa, da tisti, ki so komentirali, igralca niti poznali niso. Meni se zdi nekoliko mlajša, boljša, predvsem pa zanesljivejša verzija Timmija za manj denarja.
Samael != Samuel
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Samael ()

Samael ::
Ampak, kaj bi pa lahko Dallas dal zanj?
Dobro vprašanje. Ne vem, kaj bi morali dati zanj, predvidevam pa da bi šel vsaj Brunson - ki pa tako ali tako ne reši težave manjka sekundarnega legit PG-ja. Takrat smo samo debatirali, koga od teh na voljo bi bilo ok pridobiti za Dallas. V vsakem primeru pa bi Timmy, ki bo najbrž želel 20 mil, lahko letos odšel, na njegovi poziciji bi nam pa ostal mlajši, zanesljivejši, predvsem pa cenejši šuter.
Ne, saj razumem ... stvari ne gredo tako simple kot mi tu debatiramo in cena je marsikdaj previsoka, le pač, bil je na trgu, izbira je bila takrat precej borna in glede na vse, kar je bilo takrat na voljo, sem želel v Dallasu predvsem njega.
Samael != Samuel
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Samael ()

eric_cartman ::
Čestitke Bucksom. Sem sicer želel, da bi CP3 popeljal Sunse do zmage. Ampak hkrati privoščim tudi Bucksom, sploh Giannisu, ki je dal svoje zadnje atome moči v tole tekmo in zasluženo so zmagali.
Sunsi so pa v zadnjih treh tekmah malo choke-ali. Da pa ne rečem poklon Giannisu, ko se je vrnil nazaj iz poškodbe, ki je izgledala, da bi ga lahko onesposobila vsaj do konca te sezone.
Sunsi so pa v zadnjih treh tekmah malo choke-ali. Da pa ne rečem poklon Giannisu, ko se je vrnil nazaj iz poškodbe, ki je izgledala, da bi ga lahko onesposobila vsaj do konca te sezone.

Badwolff ::
50 pik, 17/19 prosti meti, ena najboljših odločilnih tekem ever. MJ je leta 98 zadel več kot 50% pik Bullsov.

Vajenc ::
Iskreno privoščim Antetokounmpu za neverjeten in odločilen povratek po grdi poškodbi. Pa še tak slovenski karakter ima, borben in skromen hkrati

Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Woody Allen
Woody Allen

Smurf ::
Antetokounmpova celotna zgodba je res "filmska" od dobesedno 0 je prisel do MVPja NBAja in naslova in to s tako igro. Mu privoscim.

Nedasemiveč ::
Zmagovalec mi je všeč, MVP mi je všeč, celotna sezona všečna, Luka je še napredoval, drugo leto pa po MVP nagradi.
Odprite novo temo, draft se bliža
Odprite novo temo, draft se bliža

Kurzweil ::
Nisem nek blazen fan ne MIL, tudi Antetokounmpa ne,... jim/mu pa seveda privoščim naslov, ker je bilo precej efforta vloženega v vse skupaj... danes tudi kroži slika njegovega twitta iz leta 2014, ko je tip napisal, da dokler ne osvoji naslova z MIL, nikakor ne pride v poštev, da zapusti to moštvo... na koncu pa je z odlično tekmo "sam" odločil naslov, tako da tudi MVP je zasluženo, sploh po tistem, ko je klecnil na tisti tekmi...
Odpremo nov topic za sezono 2021/22... verjetno še danes... ravno toliko, da še do konca steče debata o tej sezoni...
Odpremo nov topic za sezono 2021/22... verjetno še danes... ravno toliko, da še do konca steče debata o tej sezoni...

Zvezdica27 ::
evo, cel teden na morju, prva tekma finala, da sem jo gledal.
Phoenix je enostavno izgubil, ni toliko Milwaukee zmagal. Enostavno... do 4q je bilo izenačeno, zelo "živčna" tekma, kjer mi ni jasno, da so Janeza pustili vse to zadevati (tkao dominanten v finalu? Če je to tako, bo Janez še dolgo dominiral), tako kot so pustili cp3 samega pa je kar grešil.
Ampak kad phoenix ni naredil (onrambe na Janezu), je naredil Miwaukee in efektivnoi zaustavil Bookerja in vs eostale. Trice - nikakve, Bridges je mrknil, Jae očitno rad izgublja velike finale, cp3 je biš še najboljši (dobro je igral), predvsem pa so uspeli nevtralizirati bookerja. TO so pa res dobro naredili, kar MIddleton in ostali niso naredili v napadu, so pa v jebeni obrambi res dobro (samo cp3 jim je uhajal, sam je res veliko grešil).
Na drugi strani pa je bil plan simple: pass it to Janez, in to je to.
Tudi Williams - pizdarija, da so boljše zgledali s kaminskim, ker včeraj aytonu res ni šlo... pa forsira peterko, ki se muči, fali kontre, crowder fali trice. Bookerja bi moral posesti, ker se je iz vesolja videlo, da ne bo šlo, vsaj za par minut in ga napizditi... ne pa tkole... ne vem.
KOlikor berem, gledal nisem, so se Sunsi sami potopili to serijo.
Phoenix je enostavno izgubil, ni toliko Milwaukee zmagal. Enostavno... do 4q je bilo izenačeno, zelo "živčna" tekma, kjer mi ni jasno, da so Janeza pustili vse to zadevati (tkao dominanten v finalu? Če je to tako, bo Janez še dolgo dominiral), tako kot so pustili cp3 samega pa je kar grešil.
Ampak kad phoenix ni naredil (onrambe na Janezu), je naredil Miwaukee in efektivnoi zaustavil Bookerja in vs eostale. Trice - nikakve, Bridges je mrknil, Jae očitno rad izgublja velike finale, cp3 je biš še najboljši (dobro je igral), predvsem pa so uspeli nevtralizirati bookerja. TO so pa res dobro naredili, kar MIddleton in ostali niso naredili v napadu, so pa v jebeni obrambi res dobro (samo cp3 jim je uhajal, sam je res veliko grešil).
Na drugi strani pa je bil plan simple: pass it to Janez, in to je to.
Tudi Williams - pizdarija, da so boljše zgledali s kaminskim, ker včeraj aytonu res ni šlo... pa forsira peterko, ki se muči, fali kontre, crowder fali trice. Bookerja bi moral posesti, ker se je iz vesolja videlo, da ne bo šlo, vsaj za par minut in ga napizditi... ne pa tkole... ne vem.
KOlikor berem, gledal nisem, so se Sunsi sami potopili to serijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zvezdica27 ()

Badwolff ::
Kje ti to bereš? Večina piše, kako se je Milwaukee adaptiral, odigral fenomenalno obrambo in bil dovolj dober v napadu ter kako Sunsi niso imeli odgovora na Giannisa.
Seveda pa, če bi en, drug ali tretji odigral bolje/drugače, če bi Monty našel neko drugo resitev, če bi Bud... bi se lahko vse skupaj odvilo povsem drugače. Zadnje tri tekme so bile blizu skoraj do konca.
Seveda pa, če bi en, drug ali tretji odigral bolje/drugače, če bi Monty našel neko drugo resitev, če bi Bud... bi se lahko vse skupaj odvilo povsem drugače. Zadnje tri tekme so bile blizu skoraj do konca.

bambam20 ::
Uff.. Giannis je bil res clutch v pravem pomenu v 4-i, 5-i in 6-i tekmi. Sploh v 4-i tekmi, kjer je z blokado pri 101:99 preprečil Aytonu zabijanje in v 5-i tkemi, kjer je v kontri ob vodstu 120:119 zabil.

dild0idis ::
Giannis je res greek freak.
Drugače pa, Milwaukee je igral ekipno, Phoenix pa je po eni strani zelo spominjal na Dallas, samo, da je tukaj imel večina časa Booker žogo in dokler je zadeval so bili blizu Bucksom, na zadnji tekmi so ga pa totalno zaprli.
Booker, kakor je dober igralec, preveč sili z glavo skozi zid.
Antetokounmpo ima res veliko žogo v roki in zadnjo tekmo je igral fenomenalno, sploh proste je nenormalno učinkovito zadeval, osebno me je pa bolj impresioniral na drugih tekmah, kjer je bil sposoben se postaviti v ozadje in zaupal tudi soigralcem, da bodo zadeli, čeprav jim vmes tudi ni šlo.
Drugače pa, Milwaukee je igral ekipno, Phoenix pa je po eni strani zelo spominjal na Dallas, samo, da je tukaj imel večina časa Booker žogo in dokler je zadeval so bili blizu Bucksom, na zadnji tekmi so ga pa totalno zaprli.
Booker, kakor je dober igralec, preveč sili z glavo skozi zid.
Antetokounmpo ima res veliko žogo v roki in zadnjo tekmo je igral fenomenalno, sploh proste je nenormalno učinkovito zadeval, osebno me je pa bolj impresioniral na drugih tekmah, kjer je bil sposoben se postaviti v ozadje in zaupal tudi soigralcem, da bodo zadeli, čeprav jim vmes tudi ni šlo.
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

Zvezdica27 ::
točno to je bil na game6 problem: booker z glavo skozi zid. Ampak namesto da bi trener reagiral, so kar pustili to.

Vajenc ::
Ja, bolj pregledno bo, če bo ločeno po sezonah. Tako kot teme o Formuli 1
Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Woody Allen
Woody Allen

Gogyto ::
Čestitke Bucksom. Sicer v finalu navijal za Sonca, ampak je tudi tako OK. Predvsem zaradi Hollidaya, pa Middletona in seveda Antetokumpa. Lepa zgodba vsakega posameznika te trojice..

Nedasemiveč ::

eric_cartman ::
Nedasemiveč je izjavil:
A ne bi bilo najbolje tudi to temo preimenovati, kot da se ustvarja nova vsako leto?
Čez tole smetišče se je težko prebijat, če ne bereš par dni. Med offseason pa vemo, da se nabere ogromno materiala zaradi drafta in trejdov.
Ta tema je še edina na Slotech, ki ni smetišče...

Zvezdica27 ::
res je, odkar smo nehali z LD77 in vsem pretiravanjem, je čisto OK. Bucksi čisto zasluženo, sicer sem bolj navijal za Sunse in pa neke prav top shit vrhunske košarke finale ni ponudil. Ampak OK, zelo zabavna sezona.

Samael ::
Ja, ampak tole okoli LD77 je tvoja lastna osebnostna motnja zaradi katere zahajaš v konflikte (v drugi temi pri odličnih slovenskih kolesarjih počneš identično), preko katere boš tako ali drugače moral iti oz. se navadil živeti z njo.
Samael != Samuel
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Samael ()

Samael ::
Pred časom je nekdo v tej temi linkal arhivski url preko katerega je obšel paywall zahteve. A gre to mogoče tudi s tem današnjim člankom:
Naslov se mi zdi namreč zanimiv, ker povzema točno to (iste besede), o čemer je bilo v tej temi že govora.
Naslov se mi zdi namreč zanimiv, ker povzema točno to (iste besede), o čemer je bilo v tej temi že govora.
Samael != Samuel

Badwolff ::
Na athletic se lahko naročiš za 1$ na mesec, sam akcijo pogooglaj.
Luka Doncic accelerated the Mavericks' timeline. Here's how it impacts their offseason strategy
Apr 5, 2021; Dallas, Texas, USA; Utah Jazz guard Mike Conley (10) looks to score as Dallas Mavericks guard Luka Doncic (77) defends during the third quarter at American Airlines Center. Mandatory Credit: Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports
By Tim Cato Jul 22, 2021 18
Luka Doncic is too good.
This is a problem akin to a vacation house jacuzzi being too warm, or a yearly income being too high to receive a stimulus check, or a great French wine bar having too slow of a valet service. It's a problem the Mavericks are happy to have. But when Doncic emerged as a top-10 player in just his second season, he set the baseline for this franchise high enough that it eliminated the traditional method of building teams through high draft picks and carefully curated signings over several seasons. His timeline accelerated the team into perennial playoff contention, and it's the most important factor to understanding how the Mavericks should build around him in the coming seasons.
How Dallas got into this situation
Doncic's ascendency had become obvious by early 2019, and the Kristaps Porzingis trade was followed by Harrison Barnes being offloaded to Sacramento in a blatant cap-clearing maneuver. Dallas could've kept Barnes at $24 million the following season, and he ended up re-signing with the Kings on a four-year, $85 million deal that featured a declining pay structure the Mavericks could've also gotten that summer by having his Bird rights. The prevailing wisdom at the time was Barnes didn't fit Doncic's style of play, which I agreed with at the time. I'm less sure after Barnes has adjusted his game to that of a more well-rounded role player who would certainly have helped Dallas this past season. (Nearly 22 percent of Barnes' shots came in isolation settings during the 2017-18 season; just 7 percent did this past year.) There's certainly an argument helped by hindsight that keeping Barnes would have been the better move, although it's possible he needed a scenery change to make those adjustments. The trade's logic also was predicated on the team cashing in on the cap space it opened up by moving him.
Dallas, however, didn't end up using that cap space in a meaningful manner. The Mavs smartly re-signed role players and more questionably gave Porzingis the max contract with no injury protections built in. They brought in Seth Curry, Delon Wright and Boban Marjanovic while striking out on Kemba Walker, a move that seemed certain before Al Horford left Boston. Bojan Bogdanovic, Malcolm Brogdon and Julius Randle were all pivots Dallas could have conceivably made that summer after Walker's focus turned to Boston, players who aren't bonafide stars and would have hurt the team's cap flexibility. But that "hurt" would have come at a pretty reasonable tradeoff: the Mavericks, you know, being a better team. Randle's All-Star emergence wasn't expected and his fit seemed iffy. But Bogdanovic or Brogdon would have been clear improvements to the rotations Dallas ran out in the last couple of postseasons. Again, this deserves a deeper dive at a later point.
The track record since the 2019 offseason is worse.
Signing Trey Burke instead of Cameron Payne, who had been playing for the Texas Legends, when the team entered the bubble in 2020
Trading Curry for Josh Richardson last November
Signing Wes Iwundu and re-signing Burke, who is guaranteed nearly $7 million for the next two seasons
Not bringing back J.J. Barea or Courtney Lee, two locker room positives who might have been more effective on the court too
Drafting three rookies (Josh Green, Tyrell Terry, Tyler Bey) who had minimal impact in their first season
Trading for J.J. Redick and Nicoló Melli, two players who made no postseason impact, at the expense of a second-round pick
I typically value process over results, and the process behind every move listed here was both understandable and defensible when Dallas made it. But we know this sport ultimately comes down to results. Brooklyn being ravaged by injuries and Kevin Durant being a big toe away from beating the Milwaukee Bucks doesn't matter now that Giannis Antetokounmpo is a champion. This tweet I sent right after Dallas lost Game 7 to the Clippers is still the reality of the team's roster, caused by a conglomeration of moves that haven't improved it.
just two of the 10 Mavericks who have played in this game were acquired after January 2019: Boban Marjanovic and Josh Richardson. Dallas hasn't meaningfully improved the roster around Luka Doncic in 2.5 years.
-- tim cato (@tim_cato) June 6, 2021
Had Doncic been slightly less transcendent and the team not quite as good, there would be more leeway. Dallas would have held a higher draft pick, and we wouldn't have to worry whether Green or Terry turn into rotation players, because the team would've been successful trading up to Tyrese Haliburton or perhaps drafted Isaiah Stewart instead. The win-now trades for Richardson or certainly Redick might not have happened, and there would be more team-building options still available. But again, it's hard to complain about a touch of sunburn after your dream wedding on a Turks and Caicos beach. Doncic put them in this position, and you wouldn't want it any other way.
Examining the future of Doncic's contract
Doncic's timeline is monetary too. He'll make $10.2 million next season but will almost certainly sign an extension before it begins that will pay him more than $200 million over five years. It should look something like this.
Here is the breakdown on what a Luka Doncic extension would look like:
2022-23 | $34.7M
2023-24 | $37.5M
2024-25 | $40.3M
2025-26 | $43.1M
2026-27 | $45.9M
This is based on a $115M cap in 2022-23
-- Bobby Marks (@BobbyMarks42) June 7, 2021
As the Mavericks consider the $30 or $40 million they could clear in cap space in just a couple of weeks when free agency begins, they will be viewing it within the context of three things:
Doncic's looming extension and the impact it will have on their cap sheet
The extreme unlikelihood the team will be able to acquire star players through any means other than free agency, given their dearth of draft picks and relative lack of attractive prospects
Porzingis' own contract, which pays him about $101 million for three more seasons, and what his realistic trade value is
The team could certainly re-sign Tim Hardaway Jr. for, let's say, a four-year deal worth $80 million. He obviously fits well next to Doncic. But it's unlikely the team can trade Porzingis either this offseason or even at next season's trade deadline. Re-signing Hardaway at $20 million per year would commit the Mavericks to $88 million spent on just three players heading into the 2022 offseason and $95 million heading into 2023. Porzingis would have to play incredibly well this coming season to be tradable in the summer of 2022. There are scenarios where injuries continue to affect him and his movement on the court to the point where he is virtually untouchable -- in the we-don't-want-any-part-of-his-contract-but-thanks-for-calling manner, of course.
Let's add more players to this scenario. If Dallas also re-signs Dorian Finney-Smith to a four-year, $60 million deal, guarantees Maxi Kleber's $9 million for the 2022-23 season and still has Dwight Powell's $11 million on the books, the Mavs will be pushing well past $120 million on their salary sheet next summer with seven or eight unfilled roster spots. They could still have $100 million in guaranteed money heading into the 2023 offseason, and while the salary cap is rising, it definitely won't be anywhere high enough to provide them the $40 million of cap space they would need to meet with whichever stars are free: Nikola Jokic, or Bradley Beal, or Myles Turner, or even players like Caris LeVert or Jerami Grant should they prove themselves stars in a further manner in the coming seasons. A Jalen Brunson extension or a 2022 midlevel exception signing further complicates this. Is that what you want as a fan, a true second star next to Doncic? I disagree with the team's team-building process of the past decade, but the Mavs almost certainly aren't going to be able to make a blockbuster trade for Karl-Anthony Towns, Zach LaVine or De'Aaron Fox without having any path to top-10 picks or prospects. So free agency it is.
Dallas has hoarded cap space for so long the team almost has no choice but to continuing prioritizing these summer windows as the way to build around Doncic. The 2021 offseason could be viewed as a two-year window, then, with the team making commitments it believes improve the roster but still provide later flexibility. The preference would have been signing, say, Giannis Antetokounmpo. But there's a good chance Porzingis can't be moved until the 2022-23 deadline at the earliest. Between that and the remaining cost of role players who have already signed, you can go about improving this roster for a two-year window while once again prioritizing 2023 as the chance to add a bonafide star. You have to do this without punting the coming seasons, because you can't make Doncic feel like the franchise is running in place. You want a legitimate title-contending roster in place by 2024, because that's when the groundswell of Doncic's dissatisfaction with the team could really start boiling over. You want to do that all at once: a better roster next season and the following one, the ability to pursue stars in the future, all while knowing the worst-case scenario is Porzingis becoming immobile -- both him and his contract -- until it expires at the end of the 2023-24 season.
As we've seen around the league, this doesn't mean signing players only to one-year contracts. It just means being flexible enough with the players you sign and the contracts they're on to acquire cap space at any given moment -- in 2023 if you manage to trade Porzingis, or in 2024 when his contract expires. You can sign John Collins to a four-year deal knowing that; if the fit isn't right, he's an attractive enough prospect to later trade. Or you can sign Mike Conley, Kyle Lowry or Goran Dragic on two- or three-year deals this summer, understanding they aren't long-term fits and aren't meant to be. You can make the team better while still looking through the uncertain lens of the future and respecting Doncic's timeline, the one that rules all.
Luka Doncic accelerated the Mavericks' timeline. Here's how it impacts their offseason strategy
Apr 5, 2021; Dallas, Texas, USA; Utah Jazz guard Mike Conley (10) looks to score as Dallas Mavericks guard Luka Doncic (77) defends during the third quarter at American Airlines Center. Mandatory Credit: Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports
By Tim Cato Jul 22, 2021 18
Luka Doncic is too good.
This is a problem akin to a vacation house jacuzzi being too warm, or a yearly income being too high to receive a stimulus check, or a great French wine bar having too slow of a valet service. It's a problem the Mavericks are happy to have. But when Doncic emerged as a top-10 player in just his second season, he set the baseline for this franchise high enough that it eliminated the traditional method of building teams through high draft picks and carefully curated signings over several seasons. His timeline accelerated the team into perennial playoff contention, and it's the most important factor to understanding how the Mavericks should build around him in the coming seasons.
How Dallas got into this situation
Doncic's ascendency had become obvious by early 2019, and the Kristaps Porzingis trade was followed by Harrison Barnes being offloaded to Sacramento in a blatant cap-clearing maneuver. Dallas could've kept Barnes at $24 million the following season, and he ended up re-signing with the Kings on a four-year, $85 million deal that featured a declining pay structure the Mavericks could've also gotten that summer by having his Bird rights. The prevailing wisdom at the time was Barnes didn't fit Doncic's style of play, which I agreed with at the time. I'm less sure after Barnes has adjusted his game to that of a more well-rounded role player who would certainly have helped Dallas this past season. (Nearly 22 percent of Barnes' shots came in isolation settings during the 2017-18 season; just 7 percent did this past year.) There's certainly an argument helped by hindsight that keeping Barnes would have been the better move, although it's possible he needed a scenery change to make those adjustments. The trade's logic also was predicated on the team cashing in on the cap space it opened up by moving him.
Dallas, however, didn't end up using that cap space in a meaningful manner. The Mavs smartly re-signed role players and more questionably gave Porzingis the max contract with no injury protections built in. They brought in Seth Curry, Delon Wright and Boban Marjanovic while striking out on Kemba Walker, a move that seemed certain before Al Horford left Boston. Bojan Bogdanovic, Malcolm Brogdon and Julius Randle were all pivots Dallas could have conceivably made that summer after Walker's focus turned to Boston, players who aren't bonafide stars and would have hurt the team's cap flexibility. But that "hurt" would have come at a pretty reasonable tradeoff: the Mavericks, you know, being a better team. Randle's All-Star emergence wasn't expected and his fit seemed iffy. But Bogdanovic or Brogdon would have been clear improvements to the rotations Dallas ran out in the last couple of postseasons. Again, this deserves a deeper dive at a later point.
The track record since the 2019 offseason is worse.
Signing Trey Burke instead of Cameron Payne, who had been playing for the Texas Legends, when the team entered the bubble in 2020
Trading Curry for Josh Richardson last November
Signing Wes Iwundu and re-signing Burke, who is guaranteed nearly $7 million for the next two seasons
Not bringing back J.J. Barea or Courtney Lee, two locker room positives who might have been more effective on the court too
Drafting three rookies (Josh Green, Tyrell Terry, Tyler Bey) who had minimal impact in their first season
Trading for J.J. Redick and Nicoló Melli, two players who made no postseason impact, at the expense of a second-round pick
I typically value process over results, and the process behind every move listed here was both understandable and defensible when Dallas made it. But we know this sport ultimately comes down to results. Brooklyn being ravaged by injuries and Kevin Durant being a big toe away from beating the Milwaukee Bucks doesn't matter now that Giannis Antetokounmpo is a champion. This tweet I sent right after Dallas lost Game 7 to the Clippers is still the reality of the team's roster, caused by a conglomeration of moves that haven't improved it.
just two of the 10 Mavericks who have played in this game were acquired after January 2019: Boban Marjanovic and Josh Richardson. Dallas hasn't meaningfully improved the roster around Luka Doncic in 2.5 years.
-- tim cato (@tim_cato) June 6, 2021
Had Doncic been slightly less transcendent and the team not quite as good, there would be more leeway. Dallas would have held a higher draft pick, and we wouldn't have to worry whether Green or Terry turn into rotation players, because the team would've been successful trading up to Tyrese Haliburton or perhaps drafted Isaiah Stewart instead. The win-now trades for Richardson or certainly Redick might not have happened, and there would be more team-building options still available. But again, it's hard to complain about a touch of sunburn after your dream wedding on a Turks and Caicos beach. Doncic put them in this position, and you wouldn't want it any other way.
Examining the future of Doncic's contract
Doncic's timeline is monetary too. He'll make $10.2 million next season but will almost certainly sign an extension before it begins that will pay him more than $200 million over five years. It should look something like this.
Here is the breakdown on what a Luka Doncic extension would look like:
2022-23 | $34.7M
2023-24 | $37.5M
2024-25 | $40.3M
2025-26 | $43.1M
2026-27 | $45.9M
This is based on a $115M cap in 2022-23
-- Bobby Marks (@BobbyMarks42) June 7, 2021
As the Mavericks consider the $30 or $40 million they could clear in cap space in just a couple of weeks when free agency begins, they will be viewing it within the context of three things:
Doncic's looming extension and the impact it will have on their cap sheet
The extreme unlikelihood the team will be able to acquire star players through any means other than free agency, given their dearth of draft picks and relative lack of attractive prospects
Porzingis' own contract, which pays him about $101 million for three more seasons, and what his realistic trade value is
The team could certainly re-sign Tim Hardaway Jr. for, let's say, a four-year deal worth $80 million. He obviously fits well next to Doncic. But it's unlikely the team can trade Porzingis either this offseason or even at next season's trade deadline. Re-signing Hardaway at $20 million per year would commit the Mavericks to $88 million spent on just three players heading into the 2022 offseason and $95 million heading into 2023. Porzingis would have to play incredibly well this coming season to be tradable in the summer of 2022. There are scenarios where injuries continue to affect him and his movement on the court to the point where he is virtually untouchable -- in the we-don't-want-any-part-of-his-contract-but-thanks-for-calling manner, of course.
Let's add more players to this scenario. If Dallas also re-signs Dorian Finney-Smith to a four-year, $60 million deal, guarantees Maxi Kleber's $9 million for the 2022-23 season and still has Dwight Powell's $11 million on the books, the Mavs will be pushing well past $120 million on their salary sheet next summer with seven or eight unfilled roster spots. They could still have $100 million in guaranteed money heading into the 2023 offseason, and while the salary cap is rising, it definitely won't be anywhere high enough to provide them the $40 million of cap space they would need to meet with whichever stars are free: Nikola Jokic, or Bradley Beal, or Myles Turner, or even players like Caris LeVert or Jerami Grant should they prove themselves stars in a further manner in the coming seasons. A Jalen Brunson extension or a 2022 midlevel exception signing further complicates this. Is that what you want as a fan, a true second star next to Doncic? I disagree with the team's team-building process of the past decade, but the Mavs almost certainly aren't going to be able to make a blockbuster trade for Karl-Anthony Towns, Zach LaVine or De'Aaron Fox without having any path to top-10 picks or prospects. So free agency it is.
Dallas has hoarded cap space for so long the team almost has no choice but to continuing prioritizing these summer windows as the way to build around Doncic. The 2021 offseason could be viewed as a two-year window, then, with the team making commitments it believes improve the roster but still provide later flexibility. The preference would have been signing, say, Giannis Antetokounmpo. But there's a good chance Porzingis can't be moved until the 2022-23 deadline at the earliest. Between that and the remaining cost of role players who have already signed, you can go about improving this roster for a two-year window while once again prioritizing 2023 as the chance to add a bonafide star. You have to do this without punting the coming seasons, because you can't make Doncic feel like the franchise is running in place. You want a legitimate title-contending roster in place by 2024, because that's when the groundswell of Doncic's dissatisfaction with the team could really start boiling over. You want to do that all at once: a better roster next season and the following one, the ability to pursue stars in the future, all while knowing the worst-case scenario is Porzingis becoming immobile -- both him and his contract -- until it expires at the end of the 2023-24 season.
As we've seen around the league, this doesn't mean signing players only to one-year contracts. It just means being flexible enough with the players you sign and the contracts they're on to acquire cap space at any given moment -- in 2023 if you manage to trade Porzingis, or in 2024 when his contract expires. You can sign John Collins to a four-year deal knowing that; if the fit isn't right, he's an attractive enough prospect to later trade. Or you can sign Mike Conley, Kyle Lowry or Goran Dragic on two- or three-year deals this summer, understanding they aren't long-term fits and aren't meant to be. You can make the team better while still looking through the uncertain lens of the future and respecting Doncic's timeline, the one that rules all.

Samael ::
Hvala za članek. Precej dobro spisana zadeva vredna branja.
Tale del, kako je Dončičev prihod prehitel pripravljenost Dallasa, njihov timeline pri razvoju praktično z nule je tisto, o čemer smo večkrat tu govorili, pa je nekaterim z nerealističnimi pričakovanji, tako zelo težko sprejeti.
Tale del, kako je Dončičev prihod prehitel pripravljenost Dallasa, njihov timeline pri razvoju praktično z nule je tisto, o čemer smo večkrat tu govorili, pa je nekaterim z nerealističnimi pričakovanji, tako zelo težko sprejeti.
Luka Doncic is too good.
This is a problem akin to a vacation house jacuzzi being too warm, or a yearly income being too high to receive a stimulus check, or a great French wine bar having too slow of a valet service. It's a problem the Mavericks are happy to have. But when Doncic emerged as a top-10 player in just his second season, he set the baseline for this franchise high enough that it eliminated the traditional method of building teams through high draft picks and carefully curated signings over several seasons. His timeline accelerated the team into perennial playoff contention, and it's the most important factor to understanding how the Mavericks should build around him in the coming seasons.
Samael != Samuel

Nedasemiveč ::
Hvala za članek. Precej dobro spisana zadeva vredna branja.
Tale del, kako je Dončičev prihod prehitel pripravljenost Dallasa, njihov timeline pri razvoju praktično z nule je tisto, o čemer smo večkrat tu govorili, pa je nekaterim z nerealističnimi pričakovanji, tako zelo težko sprejeti.
Luka Doncic is too good.
This is a problem akin to a vacation house jacuzzi being too warm, or a yearly income being too high to receive a stimulus check, or a great French wine bar having too slow of a valet service. It's a problem the Mavericks are happy to have. But when Doncic emerged as a top-10 player in just his second season, he set the baseline for this franchise high enough that it eliminated the traditional method of building teams through high draft picks and carefully curated signings over several seasons. His timeline accelerated the team into perennial playoff contention, and it's the most important factor to understanding how the Mavericks should build around him in the coming seasons.
Vsak, ki vsaj približno spremlja NBA se tega zaveda. Komentarji so prihajali s strani tistih, ki gledajo finale ali pa še to ne.
Samo za občutek:
Lebron James draft: 2003
First championship: 2012
Giannis draft: 2013
First championship: 2021
Jordan draft: 1984
First championship:: 1991
Če bo Dončiću pred letom 2026 uspelo osvojiti prstan bo to izjemen dosežek
eric_cartman je izjavil:
Nedasemiveč je izjavil:
A ne bi bilo najbolje tudi to temo preimenovati, kot da se ustvarja nova vsako leto?
Čez tole smetišče se je težko prebijat, če ne bereš par dni. Med offseason pa vemo, da se nabere ogromno materiala zaradi drafta in trejdov.
Ta tema je še edina na Slotech, ki ni smetišče...
Ni bilo mišljeno smetišče v tem smislu ampak v tem, da postane po celotni sezoni vpisov nepregledno in je težko iskat stvari za nazaj za citate ali informacije.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Nedasemiveč ()

bambam20 ::
Nedasemiveč je izjavil:
Samo za občutek:
Lebron James draft: 2003
First championship: 2012
Giannis draft: 2013
First championship: 2021
Jordan draft: 1984
First championship:: 1991
Če bo Dončiću pred letom 2026 uspelo osvojiti prstan bo to izjemen dosežek
Samo za občutek.
Tim DUncan draft: 1997
Prvi naslov 1999
Kobe Bryant draft : 1996
Prvi naslov 2000
Larry Bird: prva sezona 1979
Prvi naslov: 1981
Magic Johnson: draft 1979
Prvi naslov 1980
Če bo moral igrat s takšnimi povprečneži, potem ga zagotovo ne bo. Pa poglej si , kje se je letos osvajal NBA naslov. V raketi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bambam20 ()

Badwolff ::
Nedasemiveč je izjavil:
Samo za občutek:
Lebron James draft: 2003
First championship: 2012
Giannis draft: 2013
First championship: 2021
Jordan draft: 1984
First championship:: 1991
Če bo Dončiću pred letom 2026 uspelo osvojiti prstan bo to izjemen dosežek
Samo za občutek.
Tim DUncan draft: 1997
Prvi naslov 1999
Kobe Bryant draft : 1996
Prvi naslov 2000
Larry Bird: prva sezona 1979
Prvi naslov: 1981
Magic Johnson: draft 1979
Prvi naslov 1980
Če bo moral igrat s takšnimi povprečneži, potem ga zagotovo ne bo. Pa poglej si , kje se je letos osvajal NBA naslov. V raketi.
Tim DUncan draft: 1997
Prvi naslov 1999
Kobe Bryant draft : 1996
Prvi naslov 2000
Larry Bird: prva sezona 1979
Prvi naslov: 1981
McHale in Parish
Magic Johnson: draft 1979
Prvi naslov 1980

Nedasemiveč ::
Lepo, da si dopisal igralce kot so Kareem, Shaq itd. Normalno bo tudi LD potreboval ob sebi zvezdnika, ki bo opravičeval svoj MAX (v nasprotju z Porzingisom). Ampak evo Giannisu je uspelo, pa ob sebi ni imel nobenega super starja, je pa imel pametno ekipo sestavljeno okoli sebe. Pa tudi ogromno sreče, da je imel BKN toliko poškodb.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Nedasemiveč ()

Badwolff ::
Zgrešil si poanto. Igralci, ki do dobili naslov v prvih letih, so sicer bili pomembni, ampak so imeli ob sebi neko superzvezdo, ki je v večini primerov nosila igro. Jordan, Lebron, Giannis, Luka... te sreče niso imeli.

Zvezdica27 ::
no, janez ima poleg sebe Middletona, ki morda ni all-star superstar, je pa superstar ali vsaj star. Če drugega ne, je team player, super v obrambi in miri moštvo, ko mu pa gre pa je cel car. Jrue. Konec koncev tudi Lopez nosi veliko, da so so finala sploh prišli, PJ borec... Pa portis je vsak dan boljši kot drugi iz Dallasa, da KP tu izrecno sploh ne omnjamo. Tko da... Janez to lahko dela (pri čemer je ko se hoče, trudi tudi v obrambi), ker so zadaj še 4, ki delajo svoje delo (čeprav je bil finale zelo živčen in game 6 čudna, vseeno je bilo to timsko delo na obeh straneh, do 4q ko so sunsi igrali samo na cp3 in bookerja, avton pa je v ključnih trenutkih pokleknil). There is no I in team - in to je to, kar me "moti" pri LD in tej debati. Nekritično masturbiranje na sicer odličnega igralca, samo zato ker je naš čovjek.
In spet: ti podatki o, ne vem, kobeju, so brezveze, ker sam ni naredil nič. Zadaj morajo biti še vsaj 4, trener in GM. Ampak, heh, dandaes to ni pomembno.
Pri kolesarstvu me pa moti samo davčno izogibanje monaških superzvezdnikov kolesarjev. Ampak, v redu, vi jih kar imejte za "naše".
Kot sem napisal že 100-krat, ni to Tadžikistan, da moram imeti uradno mnenje in kot se bom jaz moral navaditi na to (prav imaš) se boste morali tudi vi. Hvalabogu, nismo Tadžikistan.
In spet: ti podatki o, ne vem, kobeju, so brezveze, ker sam ni naredil nič. Zadaj morajo biti še vsaj 4, trener in GM. Ampak, heh, dandaes to ni pomembno.
Pri kolesarstvu me pa moti samo davčno izogibanje monaških superzvezdnikov kolesarjev. Ampak, v redu, vi jih kar imejte za "naše".
Kot sem napisal že 100-krat, ni to Tadžikistan, da moram imeti uradno mnenje in kot se bom jaz moral navaditi na to (prav imaš) se boste morali tudi vi. Hvalabogu, nismo Tadžikistan.

sheeshkar ::
Zvezdica27 je izjavil:
no, janez ima poleg sebe Middletona, ki morda ni all-star superstar, je pa superstar ali vsaj star. Če drugega ne, je team player, super v obrambi in miri moštvo, ko mu pa gre pa je cel car. Jrue. Konec koncev tudi Lopez nosi veliko, da so so finala sploh prišli, PJ borec... Pa portis je vsak dan boljši kot drugi iz Dallasa, da KP tu izrecno sploh ne omnjamo. Tko da... Janez to lahko dela (pri čemer je ko se hoče, trudi tudi v obrambi), ker so zadaj še 4, ki delajo svoje delo (čeprav je bil finale zelo živčen in game 6 čudna, vseeno je bilo to timsko delo na obeh straneh, do 4q ko so sunsi igrali samo na cp3 in bookerja, avton pa je v ključnih trenutkih pokleknil). There is no I in team - in to je to, kar me "moti" pri LD in tej debati. Nekritično masturbiranje na sicer odličnega igralca, samo zato ker je naš čovjek.
In spet: ti podatki o, ne vem, kobeju, so brezveze, ker sam ni naredil nič. Zadaj morajo biti še vsaj 4, trener in GM. Ampak, heh, dandaes to ni pomembno.
Pri kolesarstvu me pa moti samo davčno izogibanje monaških superzvezdnikov kolesarjev. Ampak, v redu, vi jih kar imejte za "naše".
Kot sem napisal že 100-krat, ni to Tadžikistan, da moram imeti uradno mnenje in kot se bom jaz moral navaditi na to (prav imaš) se boste morali tudi vi. Hvalabogu, nismo Tadžikistan.
A ima še kdo težave z razumevanjem teh blodenj?
Najprej našteje celo kopico igralcev, ki so boljši od vseh v Mavericksih (z izjemo Dončića), a nato prične udrihati po Luki, ker naj bi premalo podajal? Kot prvo, začni gledati košarko, ker Luka definitivno ni soler in kot drugo, KOMU ZA VRAGA NAJ BI PREPUŠČAL ŽOGO??? A boste že enkrat znali povedati, komu Luka krade mete in žogo, ki bi sicer brez njega kar čudežno razturali? A je to Porzingis, ki ga med sezono ravno takšni najbolj kritizirate in bi ga trejdali za vrečko čipsa? Timmy? Kleber? Kdo torej, če nima ne Middletona, ne Holidaya, ne Lopeza, niti jebenega Portisa (po tvojih lastnih besedah)...
Eni mislite, da obstajajo neka "uradna" mnenja in imate zmotno prepričanje, da so zato vaša "odstopajoča" mnenja kar avtomatično nekaj vredna. Še posebej pa tisti, ki mislite, da idiotsko pljuvanje po slovenskih športnikih (pa naj bo to Luka ali kolesarji) brez osnove pomeni "nepristranskost". Nihče pa ti ne krati pravice imeti idiotskih mnenj, vendar tudi mi imamo pravico, da ti povemo, kdaj pišeš bedarije.

Samael ::
Pa tudi stalno ponavljanje tega je nadležno. Človek pove svoje mnenje enkrat, dvakrat, trikrat ... ok, to je tvoje mnenje Zvezdica, ampak a nas boš vedno, ko bo le priložnost, nadlegoval z enim in istim?
A ni na neki stopnji čas, da debata teče o čemer pač teče, ne da vedno kot en psihič vedno znova, znova ... in znova, moriš ljudi o eni in isti stvari, ki si jo povedal pred tem že vsaj dvajsetkrat. Ker kaj točno pričakuješ, da boš izsilil? A potrebuješ odobravaje? Trepljanje po rami?
Ljudje pridejo radi na forum, v to in podobne teme, da bi kaj počevkali ne pa se vedno znova ukvarjali z ego tripanjem ene in iste osebe.
A si povedal svoje? Se ti zdi, da si?
Zakaj potem takšna globoka potreba da dan za dnem ponavljaš in z enim in istim moriš popolnim neznancem - ki so ti na to isto temo že odgovorili? Večkrat. A nimaš nobenih kolegov, ki bi te bili pripravljeni poslušati?
A ni na neki stopnji čas, da debata teče o čemer pač teče, ne da vedno kot en psihič vedno znova, znova ... in znova, moriš ljudi o eni in isti stvari, ki si jo povedal pred tem že vsaj dvajsetkrat. Ker kaj točno pričakuješ, da boš izsilil? A potrebuješ odobravaje? Trepljanje po rami?
Ljudje pridejo radi na forum, v to in podobne teme, da bi kaj počevkali ne pa se vedno znova ukvarjali z ego tripanjem ene in iste osebe.
A si povedal svoje? Se ti zdi, da si?
Zakaj potem takšna globoka potreba da dan za dnem ponavljaš in z enim in istim moriš popolnim neznancem - ki so ti na to isto temo že odgovorili? Večkrat. A nimaš nobenih kolegov, ki bi te bili pripravljeni poslušati?
Samael != Samuel

Mato989 ::
Nedasemiveč je izjavil:
Hvala za članek. Precej dobro spisana zadeva vredna branja.
Tale del, kako je Dončičev prihod prehitel pripravljenost Dallasa, njihov timeline pri razvoju praktično z nule je tisto, o čemer smo večkrat tu govorili, pa je nekaterim z nerealističnimi pričakovanji, tako zelo težko sprejeti.
Luka Doncic is too good.
This is a problem akin to a vacation house jacuzzi being too warm, or a yearly income being too high to receive a stimulus check, or a great French wine bar having too slow of a valet service. It's a problem the Mavericks are happy to have. But when Doncic emerged as a top-10 player in just his second season, he set the baseline for this franchise high enough that it eliminated the traditional method of building teams through high draft picks and carefully curated signings over several seasons. His timeline accelerated the team into perennial playoff contention, and it's the most important factor to understanding how the Mavericks should build around him in the coming seasons.
Vsak, ki vsaj približno spremlja NBA se tega zaveda. Komentarji so prihajali s strani tistih, ki gledajo finale ali pa še to ne.
Samo za občutek:
Lebron James draft: 2003
First championship: 2012
Giannis draft: 2013
First championship: 2021
Jordan draft: 1984
First championship:: 1991
Če bo Dončiću pred letom 2026 uspelo osvojiti prstan bo to izjemen dosežek
Zakaj si cherry pickal tiste ki so ti vsec kaj pa ce primerjamo z se kakim all starjem kot je kahwi leonard in njegov draft in prvi championship in mvp finala
Aja to se ne sklada z tem kar bi rad povedal kajne
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!

Nedasemiveč ::
Zeeeeh Mato... Pejt naprej metat pikado na obraz Dončića
Pomoje komi čakaš kakšen poraz reprezentance, da boš izlili svoje samovšečne probleme nad Luko.
Si sploh gledal finale letos? Baje samo finale gledaš ;)

Si sploh gledal finale letos? Baje samo finale gledaš ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Nedasemiveč ()

Samael ::
Nedasemiveč je izjavil:
Hvala za članek. Precej dobro spisana zadeva vredna branja.
Tale del, kako je Dončičev prihod prehitel pripravljenost Dallasa, njihov timeline pri razvoju praktično z nule je tisto, o čemer smo večkrat tu govorili, pa je nekaterim z nerealističnimi pričakovanji, tako zelo težko sprejeti.
Luka Doncic is too good.
This is a problem akin to a vacation house jacuzzi being too warm, or a yearly income being too high to receive a stimulus check, or a great French wine bar having too slow of a valet service. It's a problem the Mavericks are happy to have. But when Doncic emerged as a top-10 player in just his second season, he set the baseline for this franchise high enough that it eliminated the traditional method of building teams through high draft picks and carefully curated signings over several seasons. His timeline accelerated the team into perennial playoff contention, and it's the most important factor to understanding how the Mavericks should build around him in the coming seasons.
Vsak, ki vsaj približno spremlja NBA se tega zaveda. Komentarji so prihajali s strani tistih, ki gledajo finale ali pa še to ne.
Samo za občutek:
Lebron James draft: 2003
First championship: 2012
Giannis draft: 2013
First championship: 2021
Jordan draft: 1984
First championship:: 1991
Če bo Dončiću pred letom 2026 uspelo osvojiti prstan bo to izjemen dosežek
Zakaj si cherry pickal tiste ki so ti vsec kaj pa ce primerjamo z se kakim all starjem kot je kahwi leonard in njegov draft in prvi championship in mvp finala
Aja to se ne sklada z tem kar bi rad povedal kajne
Ja in česa točno v debati nisi razumel? Od kje ti ideja in kao realistično pričakovanje, da bo ekipa ki je bila na neki stopnji tako zelo na dnu, da se je znašla v lottery picku v letu, dveh na vrhu?
Ja, seveda, kdaj se skozi zgodovini košarke stvari poklopijo, je franšiza na stopnji, kjer jim manjka samo še en košček puzzla, pogosto pa ne in tule zgoraj je nekaj večji primerov tega. Kaj okoli tega ti je pretežko za razumeti?
Kaj pa če bi kdaj košarko gledal, da ne bo samo hitrega goglanja, ko čutiš potrebo biti nadležen?
Samael != Samuel

Kurzweil ::
BREAKING: The Memphis Grizzlies have traded Jonas Valanciunas, No. 17 pick, and No. 51 pick to New Orleans for Steven Adams, Eric Bledsoe, No. 10 and No. 40, and a protected 2022 first-round pick via the Lakers.

dild0idis ::
Na athletic se lahko naročiš za 1$ na mesec, sam akcijo pogooglaj.
Luka Doncic accelerated the Mavericks' timeline. Here's how it impacts their offseason strategy
Apr 5, 2021; Dallas, Texas, USA; Utah Jazz guard Mike Conley (10) looks to score as Dallas Mavericks guard Luka Doncic (77) defends during the third quarter at American Airlines Center. Mandatory Credit: Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports
By Tim Cato Jul 22, 2021 18
Luka Doncic is too good.
This is a problem akin to a vacation house jacuzzi being too warm, or a yearly income being too high to receive a stimulus check, or a great French wine bar having too slow of a valet service. It's a problem the Mavericks are happy to have. But when Doncic emerged as a top-10 player in just his second season, he set the baseline for this franchise high enough that it eliminated the traditional method of building teams through high draft picks and carefully curated signings over several seasons. His timeline accelerated the team into perennial playoff contention, and it's the most important factor to understanding how the Mavericks should build around him in the coming seasons.
How Dallas got into this situation
Doncic's ascendency had become obvious by early 2019, and the Kristaps Porzingis trade was followed by Harrison Barnes being offloaded to Sacramento in a blatant cap-clearing maneuver. Dallas could've kept Barnes at $24 million the following season, and he ended up re-signing with the Kings on a four-year, $85 million deal that featured a declining pay structure the Mavericks could've also gotten that summer by having his Bird rights. The prevailing wisdom at the time was Barnes didn't fit Doncic's style of play, which I agreed with at the time. I'm less sure after Barnes has adjusted his game to that of a more well-rounded role player who would certainly have helped Dallas this past season. (Nearly 22 percent of Barnes' shots came in isolation settings during the 2017-18 season; just 7 percent did this past year.) There's certainly an argument helped by hindsight that keeping Barnes would have been the better move, although it's possible he needed a scenery change to make those adjustments. The trade's logic also was predicated on the team cashing in on the cap space it opened up by moving him.
Dallas, however, didn't end up using that cap space in a meaningful manner. The Mavs smartly re-signed role players and more questionably gave Porzingis the max contract with no injury protections built in. They brought in Seth Curry, Delon Wright and Boban Marjanovic while striking out on Kemba Walker, a move that seemed certain before Al Horford left Boston. Bojan Bogdanovic, Malcolm Brogdon and Julius Randle were all pivots Dallas could have conceivably made that summer after Walker's focus turned to Boston, players who aren't bonafide stars and would have hurt the team's cap flexibility. But that "hurt" would have come at a pretty reasonable tradeoff: the Mavericks, you know, being a better team. Randle's All-Star emergence wasn't expected and his fit seemed iffy. But Bogdanovic or Brogdon would have been clear improvements to the rotations Dallas ran out in the last couple of postseasons. Again, this deserves a deeper dive at a later point.
The track record since the 2019 offseason is worse.
Signing Trey Burke instead of Cameron Payne, who had been playing for the Texas Legends, when the team entered the bubble in 2020
Trading Curry for Josh Richardson last November
Signing Wes Iwundu and re-signing Burke, who is guaranteed nearly $7 million for the next two seasons
Not bringing back J.J. Barea or Courtney Lee, two locker room positives who might have been more effective on the court too
Drafting three rookies (Josh Green, Tyrell Terry, Tyler Bey) who had minimal impact in their first season
Trading for J.J. Redick and Nicoló Melli, two players who made no postseason impact, at the expense of a second-round pick
I typically value process over results, and the process behind every move listed here was both understandable and defensible when Dallas made it. But we know this sport ultimately comes down to results. Brooklyn being ravaged by injuries and Kevin Durant being a big toe away from beating the Milwaukee Bucks doesn't matter now that Giannis Antetokounmpo is a champion. This tweet I sent right after Dallas lost Game 7 to the Clippers is still the reality of the team's roster, caused by a conglomeration of moves that haven't improved it.
just two of the 10 Mavericks who have played in this game were acquired after January 2019: Boban Marjanovic and Josh Richardson. Dallas hasn't meaningfully improved the roster around Luka Doncic in 2.5 years.
-- tim cato (@tim_cato) June 6, 2021
Had Doncic been slightly less transcendent and the team not quite as good, there would be more leeway. Dallas would have held a higher draft pick, and we wouldn't have to worry whether Green or Terry turn into rotation players, because the team would've been successful trading up to Tyrese Haliburton or perhaps drafted Isaiah Stewart instead. The win-now trades for Richardson or certainly Redick might not have happened, and there would be more team-building options still available. But again, it's hard to complain about a touch of sunburn after your dream wedding on a Turks and Caicos beach. Doncic put them in this position, and you wouldn't want it any other way.
Examining the future of Doncic's contract
Doncic's timeline is monetary too. He'll make $10.2 million next season but will almost certainly sign an extension before it begins that will pay him more than $200 million over five years. It should look something like this.
Here is the breakdown on what a Luka Doncic extension would look like:
2022-23 | $34.7M
2023-24 | $37.5M
2024-25 | $40.3M
2025-26 | $43.1M
2026-27 | $45.9M
This is based on a $115M cap in 2022-23
-- Bobby Marks (@BobbyMarks42) June 7, 2021
As the Mavericks consider the $30 or $40 million they could clear in cap space in just a couple of weeks when free agency begins, they will be viewing it within the context of three things:
Doncic's looming extension and the impact it will have on their cap sheet
The extreme unlikelihood the team will be able to acquire star players through any means other than free agency, given their dearth of draft picks and relative lack of attractive prospects
Porzingis' own contract, which pays him about $101 million for three more seasons, and what his realistic trade value is
The team could certainly re-sign Tim Hardaway Jr. for, let's say, a four-year deal worth $80 million. He obviously fits well next to Doncic. But it's unlikely the team can trade Porzingis either this offseason or even at next season's trade deadline. Re-signing Hardaway at $20 million per year would commit the Mavericks to $88 million spent on just three players heading into the 2022 offseason and $95 million heading into 2023. Porzingis would have to play incredibly well this coming season to be tradable in the summer of 2022. There are scenarios where injuries continue to affect him and his movement on the court to the point where he is virtually untouchable -- in the we-don't-want-any-part-of-his-contract-but-thanks-for-calling manner, of course.
Let's add more players to this scenario. If Dallas also re-signs Dorian Finney-Smith to a four-year, $60 million deal, guarantees Maxi Kleber's $9 million for the 2022-23 season and still has Dwight Powell's $11 million on the books, the Mavs will be pushing well past $120 million on their salary sheet next summer with seven or eight unfilled roster spots. They could still have $100 million in guaranteed money heading into the 2023 offseason, and while the salary cap is rising, it definitely won't be anywhere high enough to provide them the $40 million of cap space they would need to meet with whichever stars are free: Nikola Jokic, or Bradley Beal, or Myles Turner, or even players like Caris LeVert or Jerami Grant should they prove themselves stars in a further manner in the coming seasons. A Jalen Brunson extension or a 2022 midlevel exception signing further complicates this. Is that what you want as a fan, a true second star next to Doncic? I disagree with the team's team-building process of the past decade, but the Mavs almost certainly aren't going to be able to make a blockbuster trade for Karl-Anthony Towns, Zach LaVine or De'Aaron Fox without having any path to top-10 picks or prospects. So free agency it is.
Dallas has hoarded cap space for so long the team almost has no choice but to continuing prioritizing these summer windows as the way to build around Doncic. The 2021 offseason could be viewed as a two-year window, then, with the team making commitments it believes improve the roster but still provide later flexibility. The preference would have been signing, say, Giannis Antetokounmpo. But there's a good chance Porzingis can't be moved until the 2022-23 deadline at the earliest. Between that and the remaining cost of role players who have already signed, you can go about improving this roster for a two-year window while once again prioritizing 2023 as the chance to add a bonafide star. You have to do this without punting the coming seasons, because you can't make Doncic feel like the franchise is running in place. You want a legitimate title-contending roster in place by 2024, because that's when the groundswell of Doncic's dissatisfaction with the team could really start boiling over. You want to do that all at once: a better roster next season and the following one, the ability to pursue stars in the future, all while knowing the worst-case scenario is Porzingis becoming immobile -- both him and his contract -- until it expires at the end of the 2023-24 season.
As we've seen around the league, this doesn't mean signing players only to one-year contracts. It just means being flexible enough with the players you sign and the contracts they're on to acquire cap space at any given moment -- in 2023 if you manage to trade Porzingis, or in 2024 when his contract expires. You can sign John Collins to a four-year deal knowing that; if the fit isn't right, he's an attractive enough prospect to later trade. Or you can sign Mike Conley, Kyle Lowry or Goran Dragic on two- or three-year deals this summer, understanding they aren't long-term fits and aren't meant to be. You can make the team better while still looking through the uncertain lens of the future and respecting Doncic's timeline, the one that rules all.
Zanimiv članek, ki pa ne pove kaj dosti novega.
Vprašanje tukaj ni samo kaj lahko Dallas naredi, da dobi igralce, s katerimi bi lahko Dončič osvojil prvenstvo, vprašanje je tudi, ali bi igralci igrali v Dallasu in z Dončičem, ali pa gredo raje v kak drug bolj privlačen klub.
Drugo vprašanje pa je, koliko časa bo Dončič čakal Dallas, da mu naredi ekipo za naslov.
Nedasemiveč je izjavil:
Samo za občutek:
Lebron James draft: 2003
First championship: 2012
Giannis draft: 2013
First championship: 2021
Jordan draft: 1984
First championship:: 1991
Če bo Dončiću pred letom 2026 uspelo osvojiti prstan bo to izjemen dosežek
Samo za občutek.
Tim DUncan draft: 1997
Prvi naslov 1999
Kobe Bryant draft : 1996
Prvi naslov 2000
Larry Bird: prva sezona 1979
Prvi naslov: 1981
Magic Johnson: draft 1979
Prvi naslov 1980
Če bo moral igrat s takšnimi povprečneži, potem ga zagotovo ne bo. Pa poglej si , kje se je letos osvajal NBA naslov. V raketi.
Glede tega pa samo tole, če se že gre cherry pickanje imen, se lahko tudi naredi kontra argument.
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!
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