Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Lesoto ::
Interview of Russian Major Tomov in Ukrainian captivity
ENGLISH SUB AI - Generated but ask any questions to
"Major Tomov Yuri Anatolyevich, 10/18/1979, battalion commander 1822
talked about the losses, about the prospects of the Russian Federation in this war, about the attitude of local residents in the Kherson region towards them, as well as about the "Ukronazis" and, of course, about the previous place of service at the base for storing nuclear weapons
for some reason, the major estimates the training of his unit extremely low, and does not blame himself for being captured. says that there are a lot of refuseniks in his baht (500s)
this bat tried very hard to knock us out of the left bank of the Kherson region, but something did not go according to plan
nothing will happen to the major, no one will touch him with a finger, he tells everything as it is without any coercion
the major also helps us with very classified information in the implementation of some combat missions, which you will of course learn about in the future
believe me, given all the events, it is very difficult to take such individuals prisoner, as well as hard to control oneself when dealing with them
Thanks to all the brothers who professionally fulfill their duty!
P.S. Other equally interesting materials are waiting for you soon. Stay tuned for next episodes"
Interview of Russian Major Tomov in Ukrainian captivity
ENGLISH SUB AI - Generated but ask any questions to
"Major Tomov Yuri Anatolyevich, 10/18/1979, battalion commander 1822
talked about the losses, about the prospects of the Russian Federation in this war, about the attitude of local residents in the Kherson region towards them, as well as about the "Ukronazis" and, of course, about the previous place of service at the base for storing nuclear weapons
for some reason, the major estimates the training of his unit extremely low, and does not blame himself for being captured. says that there are a lot of refuseniks in his baht (500s)
this bat tried very hard to knock us out of the left bank of the Kherson region, but something did not go according to plan
nothing will happen to the major, no one will touch him with a finger, he tells everything as it is without any coercion
the major also helps us with very classified information in the implementation of some combat missions, which you will of course learn about in the future
believe me, given all the events, it is very difficult to take such individuals prisoner, as well as hard to control oneself when dealing with them
Thanks to all the brothers who professionally fulfill their duty!
P.S. Other equally interesting materials are waiting for you soon. Stay tuned for next episodes"
Pac-Man ::
Video v drugem tvitu. Sitrak je kitajska znamka kamionov, MAN licenca.
China National Heavy Duty Truck Group @ Wikipedia
China National Heavy Duty Truck Group @ Wikipedia
What a Russian logistics convoy looks like after being introduced to 180,000 tungsten fragments from a M30A1 GMLRS delivered by Ukrainian HIMARS/M270
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
to, nit
in to
Ker v okupiranem delu regije Zaporožje so izvedli "referendum", zdaj si pa lastijo še prestolnico
2022 annexation referendums in Russian-occupied Ukraine @ Wikipedia
The Russian army has never showed up anywhere near the Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia, but this didn't stop Russian officials from creating a database of its buildings to proclaim them the property of Russia. Let's take a look at Russia's "paper annexation" of Zaporizhzhia. 👇
in to
Making clear that when Russia says that Ukraine must "recognize territorial realities" in order for peace negotiations to begin, they mean Ukraine must surrender one of its major industrial centers, which Russia has never come close to taking.
To *begin* negotiations.
Ker v okupiranem delu regije Zaporožje so izvedli "referendum", zdaj si pa lastijo še prestolnico
2022 annexation referendums in Russian-occupied Ukraine @ Wikipedia
On 27 September, Russian officials of the Central Election Commission in Zaporizhzhia claimed that the referendum passed, with 93.11% (of 541,093 voters) favoured joining the Russian Federation.[72][46] The declared turnout was 85.4%.[73] According to the data provided by the commission, the support for the annexation was 90.01% in the Melitopol Raion, while in its administrative center, Melitopol, it was 96.78%.[74]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lesoto ::
Ker v okupiranem delu regije Zaporožje so izvedli "referendum", zdaj si pa lastijo še prestolnico
Pač mentalno so bolani.
Surgut, Russia
"100 rubles for 1 dollar, you are 'crazy'
Putin Khuilo and thief"
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
fur80 ::
Ker v okupiranem delu regije Zaporožje so izvedli "referendum", zdaj si pa lastijo še prestolnico
Pač mentalno so bolani.
Surgut, Russia
"100 rubles for 1 dollar, you are 'crazy'
Putin Khuilo and thief"
In potem govorijo, da jih to ne boli in da je rubelj v mehurčku. To je šele začetek, ko bo 200 čez par mesecev bo šele stala. Niso sankcije zastonj, to je največje orožje USA-ja. Dolar je King, vse ostalo je ološ.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
MadMen ::
Ker v okupiranem delu regije Zaporožje so izvedli "referendum", zdaj si pa lastijo še prestolnico
Pač mentalno so bolani.
Surgut, Russia
"100 rubles for 1 dollar, you are 'crazy'
Putin Khuilo and thief"
In potem govorijo, da jih to ne boli in da je rubelj v mehurčku. To je šele začetek, ko bo 200 čez par mesecev bo šele stala. Niso sankcije zastonj, to je največje orožje USA-ja. Dolar je King, vse ostalo je ološ.
Ruska centralna banka se je odločila da ne bo več aktivno podpirala valuto, bo pa rubelj nihal glede na ceno energetov. Če bi res želeli ohromit Rusijo bi bilo potrebno preko sankcij precej bolj aktivno ciljati njihov energetski sektor na svetovni ravni, predvsem s pomočjo ZDA(kar pa glede na volitve v naslednjem letu ne pričakujem, ker so Američani preveč občutljivi na cene energetov). Ekonomskega armagedona ne pričakujte v kratkem času, bo imela pa Rusija vedno slabši ekonomski standard, vedno manj denarnih zalog.Prej se bo vojna rešila na ternenu kakor preko sankcij...
sir_mha ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Američani temu prvijo "shaping narrative". Ne more CIA kar objaviti članek v NYT ali Washington Postu. Rabijo nek interface. Sigurno jim koristi, da se razkrivajo GRU sleeperji, ki jih CIA kot taka splho ne more poloviti sama po sebi.
Lahkop objavijo, da so ruski vohuni dobivali potne liste preko Argentine, tam so belci, tam se je dalo zmutiti rojstni certifikat in da so ti izdali potni list. To je počel Bellingcat. Objavljal detajle, kako se je to počelo. Kombinacija javnih in vohunskih informacij.
Zakaj CIA? CIA je del države in država "sama" sistematično in odkrito podpira razne iniciative, ki se zavzemajo za določene vrednote, ki jih smatra za pomembne ali koristne. Npr. osebne svoboščine in promoviranje demokracije kot oblike vladanja. Polega tega se pa malo precenjuje vpliv ali doseg takih posameznikov in organizacij kot je Grozev -- ne glede na to, koliko je skeptikov glede uradnih brifingov ameriške vlade, še vedno so te nekaj razredov odmevnejše, in če bi bila potreba, bi Američani skomunicirali zadeve na uraden način. Tako kot so to naredili z napovedjo ruskih načrtov invazije na Ukrajino.
rationlibe00 ::
rationlibe00 je izjavil:
1 $ je enako 100,09 ruski rubelj
The only way is up!![]()
Po par urah smo že na: 1 $ je enako 100,90 ruski rubelj
Lesoto ::
Russian volunteers share that Ukrainians do not welcome them on occupied territories - they even try not to spend nights there for fear of not waking up.
How do we become brotherly nations again? - a voice behind the camera asks them. There's no way - Russian volunteers reply.
Russian volunteers share that Ukrainians do not welcome them on occupied territories - they even try not to spend nights there for fear of not waking up.
How do we become brotherly nations again? - a voice behind the camera asks them. There's no way - Russian volunteers reply.
Pac-Man ::
Branik konzervativne Evrope:
Bubble Baba Challenge @ Wikipedia
In Losevo, a swim on rubber women "Bubble Baba Challenge - 2023" was held
Today, Petersburgers competed to see who could swim the fastest on the Losevsky threshold on a rubber woman.
Photo: Pavel Daisi for Paper
Bubble Baba Challenge @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
bbbbbb2015 ::
Mikhail Khodorkovsky: Who Wants To Capture Russia? Catsplained.
Mah, Kodorovski to razlaga, kot majhnim otrokom. Ima prav, da je res Rusija velika, je pa s prstom pokazal, da je večina Rusije povsem prazna. Evropejci, predvsem Francozi in Nemci so sanjarili o Sovjetski zvezi, samo se mi zdi, bolj o tem rodovitnem delu, kjer je danes Ukrajina in deloma Belorusija.
Rusija je ta hip on back-foot. Tam e bila ena karikatura, ki kaže medota na žogi. Ko je medo v formi, renči in kaže zobe, potem en malček zgrmi in pade, pa se pobere, pa spet v formi, pa zopet renči.
Bomo videli.
Ukrajinci beležijo nekaj uspehov, fronto so potisnili 5+ km. Pri Kupiansku pa so Rusi udarili v protinapad, ter potisnili Ukrajince iz okopov.
V svoji osnovi je to slabo za Ukrajince. Saj ne, da ne bi napredovali. Napredujejo, samo prepočasi.
MadMen ::
Takšma je realnost, brez zračne podpore in tako miniranem ozemlju(več kot kadrkoli v zgodovini). Ukrajina poskuša minimizirat lastne izgube in maksimalizirat izgube Rusije. Bo pa na neki točki tudi RU popustila, npr. UA redno rotira svoje enote(Rusija jih ne)...
Če koga zanima kaj več kot instant poročanje, blog Toma Cooperja.
Če koga zanima kaj več kot instant poročanje, blog Toma Cooperja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: MadMen ()
Malidelničar ::
After the retreat from Urozhaine, Romanov now points out a bad foresight regarding Zavitne Bazhannya. He notes that it might be possible that Russian forces surrender this settlement without a fight and retreat to the first line of defense near Staromlynivka.
P.S. prvič vidim to od Toma Cooperja - vrhunsko!
P.S. prvič vidim to od Toma Cooperja - vrhunsko!
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Lesoto ::
rubelj že na 102.30 za en dolar
ma ni kaj, višji ko je tečaj, boljš za Rusijo![:))](
In connection with another economic victory of Russia, we propose to recall the "economy on fingers" from the great "geo-economic strategist" Putin.
ma ni kaj, višji ko je tečaj, boljš za Rusijo
In connection with another economic victory of Russia, we propose to recall the "economy on fingers" from the great "geo-economic strategist" Putin.
T440 ::
Duma asks central bank to explain ruble slump
Russian State Duma Deputy Dmitry Kuznetsov asked Bank of Russia Chair Elvira Nabiullina on Monday to explain why the ruble has been on a downward spiral, RIA Novosti reported, citing his letter.
Kuznetsov expressed worries about rising inflation and urged Nabiullina to provide reasons for the decline of the currency and "the consequences expected from this fall, in order to warn Russians about possible high inflation and rising prices in the country."
The dollar soared 2.05% against the ruble to trade for 101.1713 at 1:53 pm CET, which is the lowest the Russian currency has been compared to the greenback since March 2022.
Lesoto ::
Three damaged and abandoned Russian tanks T-90M Breakthrough, MT-LB, BMP
Three damaged and abandoned Russian tanks T-90M Breakthrough, MT-LB, BMP
Lesoto ::
bbbbbb2015 ::
Branik konzervativne Evrope: ]
Bubble Baba Challenge @ Wikipedia
Mah, ni ga čez dobro zajebancijo. Ta reka ni videti nenevarna. Potem imaš vsaj babiko s sabo, da se rešiš.
Lesoto ::
od napada izpred dveh dneh s S200 je krimski most še vedno zaprt
Bridge still closed due to Clown car. How come no satellite imagery or photos. Something bad happened just over the ruzzian border. Oh dear
Bridge still closed due to Clown car. How come no satellite imagery or photos. Something bad happened just over the ruzzian border. Oh dear
Aston_11 ::
rubelj že na 102.30 za en dolar
ma ni kaj, višji ko je tečaj, boljš za Rusijo
In connection with another economic victory of Russia, we propose to recall the "economy on fingers" from the great "geo-economic strategist" Putin.
Ekonomist Putler bo še posebej navdušen, ko bodo dobili 200 rubljev, kjer so jih sedaj dobili samo 100. Zmaga bo neverjetna! Rad bi videl face onih dveh, ki sta poslušalo tole 101 ekonomijo.
To bodo časi kot v Jugi, ko so 2x dnevno popravljali cene. Še pomnite?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Aston_11 ()
Lesoto ::
lokacija te klumparije
Počasi bo že cajt, da Rusi prenehajo s pošiljanjem enot v Kliščiivko in Andrivko. Ukrajinci so direktno zunaj teh naselij na višjem terenu in čakajo, da se Rusi nehajo matrat s tema dvema naseljema.
Russian Counter vs. 3rd Assault Br
T-90M Abandonned: 48.50261, 37.97315
T-90M Abandonned 48.50275, 37.97353
T-90M Abandonned 48.50280, 37.97361
MTLB Abandonned 48.50286, 37.97364
BMP Abandonned 48.50288, 37.97380
BMP Abandonned 48.50289, 37.97407
AvtoR ::
rubelj že na 102.30 za en dolar
ma ni kaj, višji ko je tečaj, boljš za Rusijo
In connection with another economic victory of Russia, we propose to recall the "economy on fingers" from the great "geo-economic strategist" Putin.
Ekonomist Putler bo še posebej navdušen, ko bodo dobili 200 rubljev, kjer so jih sedaj dobili samo 100. Zmaga bo neverjetna! Rad bi videl face onih dveh, ki sta poslušalo tole 101 ekonomijo.
To bodo časi kot v Jugi, ko so 2x dnevno popravljali cene. Še pomnite?
Me zanima če VladarP še vedno varčuje v rubljih in dopustuje na Krimu?
Bauc ::
rubelj že na 102.30 za en dolar
ma ni kaj, višji ko je tečaj, boljš za Rusijo
In connection with another economic victory of Russia, we propose to recall the "economy on fingers" from the great "geo-economic strategist" Putin.
Ekonomist Putler bo še posebej navdušen, ko bodo dobili 200 rubljev, kjer so jih sedaj dobili samo 100. Zmaga bo neverjetna! Rad bi videl face onih dveh, ki sta poslušalo tole 101 ekonomijo.
To bodo časi kot v Jugi, ko so 2x dnevno popravljali cene. Še pomnite?
Me zanima če VladarP še vedno varčuje v rubljih in dopustuje na Krimu?
Vse je mogoče
Pac-Man ::
Natalija Antonova je znana s twitterja in tam deluje prisebna, sem pa prvi, ki prizna, da se vse skupaj bere precej QAnonsko
Back in 2021, journalists at RFE/RL published a shocking investigation into the secretive Sogaz health clinic in St. Petersburg, linked to the eldest of Putin’s daughters, Maria Vorontsova.
Sogaz is a place where, it was alleged, so-called “virginity tests” were performed on sex workers, some of them seemingly underage trafficking victims. Among the clinic’s actual patients? Wounded Wagner fighters (presumably, no virginity tests were performed on them).
More recently, a whistleblower referred to as “Masha” independently confirmed many of the details published in the 2021 report. She told journalists that she sold her virginity to none other than Wagner owner Yevgeny Prigozhin in the fall of 2019, and had been sent to the Sogaz clinic in advance of their encounter.
We could write all of this off on the eccentricities of a rich war criminal - or as Prigozhin’s enemies happily heaping dirt on him now that he has publicly rebelled against the Russian state- but it’s a set of occult beliefs that determine not just how the Russian elite see women, but how they see the rest of the world.
Prigozhin, Masha said, is obsessed with exchanging bodily fluids with virgins as he believes that it “prolongs his youth.” He also allegedly has metallic spheres embedded in his allegedly tiny penis (I’m sorry you had to read this sentence, and I’m sorry that I had to type it). As for the women he uses, he refers to them as “shampoo” — meaning they are as disposable as shampoo bottles.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Once, as a seventeen-year-old in in the early 2000s, I went out on the town with a group of wealthy young Russian men, and watched them make a homeless drunk dance and humiliate himself for a thousand rubles - equivalent to about $30 at the time. When I protested, one of the men turned to me in surprise and said, “Why are you upset? He’s not human.” It’s a moment that keeps coming back to me as I look at what powerful people in Russia are up to today.
I was, coincidentally, a virgin at the time, and later learned that the parents of one of these young men essentially wanted to buy me for their son as a “respectable bride.” They’d observed me closely and received assurances that I was “unspoiled” through their daughter, who was close to me in age and asked me about my personal life, while I was completely clueless. It didn’t matter that I was still in high school, they’d buy me an education too. They spoke about it openly with my mother. My fluent English, good grades, Americanized background, and lack of a boyfriend made me a good candidate for their son, whom they were trying, in their own words, to “make into a real man.”
At the time, my Ukrainian heritage was not considered a problem — if anything, young Ukrainian women were prized as extra pretty and obedient broodmares. My family was horrified and I never saw any of those people again. I’m sure they found another virgin eventually.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Na njenem Substacku se bo dalo zabit kar precej ur. Na povezavi vsako točko še dodatno razdela
How to troll Russian officials
How to troll Russian officials
Not all of us are as badass as the Ukrainian armed forces — yet all of us can still do our part against a murderous Russian autocrat and his cronies.
For years, Russian officials have used trolling to sow division and confusion abroad. It’s time to give them a taste of their own medicine.
Consider the success of NAFO — what started out is trolling is now helping fund drones for Ukraine via friends at Saint Javelin.
Not only that, but trolling evil is preferable to doomscrolling. It can and will make you feel better. And yes, you can do it in English. These people monitor their replies, on Twitter especially. It’s how their bureaucracy works, they are interested in engagement. But just in case, I will be providing Russian translations here too (not exact translations, because euphemisms and native phrasing are important).
Yes, a lot of this will be unpleasant. That’s because war is unpleasant as a rule.
1. Use superstitions
2. Remind them of superior Americans and other Westerners
3. Vague allegations of illegal deeds
4. Use their homophobia against them
5. Hammer home their losses
6. Remind them of places they’ll never visit
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Bauc ::
Lesoto ::
rationlibe00 je izjavil:
Nevem, trenutno je na 97, zgleda so uporabili zlate palice![]()
“Tomorrow, the RU Central Bank may raise the key rate from 8.5% to 10-15%.”
- Vedmosti
Only 2 months ago it was 6.5%. So far, increasing interest rates has not stabilized the depreciation.
RU is taking steps that will hurt businesses & increase unemployment.
Nič čudnega kakšne smeti so v naših zahodnih vladah.
Kako točno pa bi Hawajem pomagale rakete in municija??????
Nič čudnega kakšne smeti so v naših zahodnih vladah.
A lahko napišeš še kaj o Putlerju pa o Xi-ju?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Pac-Man ::
nekaj materiala
velik kabum, video
No - Ukraine hasn't committed it's second and third echelon forces yet.
Ukraine pulled some FPV drone units and artillery batteries out of the brigades waiting in the rear to increase the fires raining down on the russians and to give those units combat experience. That's all.
The Ukrainian Case for Cluster Munitions Continues:
Dan Rice, US artillery officer and advisor to 🇺🇦 General Zaluzhnyi, was instrumental in the shipment of 🇺🇸 DPICM to Ukraine.
Now, he has taken to @WarOnTheRocks to argue for M26 MLRS rockets to be sent as well. The M26 Rocket is a cluster munition with 30-50km range depending on the type. The U.S. and most countries are in the process of getting rid of all stockpiles. It was designed to destroy large soviet armored formations in the event of a massive land war in Europe. Full article below:
velik kabum, video
A Ukrainian drone from the 79th Air Assault Brigade drops a 40mm HEDP grenade on a Russian UR-77 Meteorit, causing a catastrophic payload explosion.
I used the Russian propaganda video from today to show #Mariinka before and after its “liberation” by Putin regime forces.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lesoto ::
velik kabum, video
A Ukrainian drone from the 79th Air Assault Brigade drops a 40mm HEDP grenade on a Russian UR-77 Meteorit, causing a catastrophic payload explosion.
Ta stvar vozi sabo 700kg eksploziva.
Nikec3 ::
Duma asks central bank to explain ruble slump
Russian State Duma Deputy Dmitry Kuznetsov asked Bank of Russia Chair Elvira Nabiullina on Monday to explain why the ruble has been on a downward spiral, RIA Novosti reported, citing his letter.
Kuznetsov expressed worries about rising inflation and urged Nabiullina to provide reasons for the decline of the currency and "the consequences expected from this fall, in order to warn Russians about possible high inflation and rising prices in the country."
The dollar soared 2.05% against the ruble to trade for 101.1713 at 1:53 pm CET, which is the lowest the Russian currency has been compared to the greenback since March 2022.
In kaj bo centralna banka odgovorila na to vprašanje?
Comandante ::
velik kabum, video
A Ukrainian drone from the 79th Air Assault Brigade drops a 40mm HEDP grenade on a Russian UR-77 Meteorit, causing a catastrophic payload explosion.
Ta stvar vozi sabo 700kg eksploziva.
Preprican sem, da so soferji/operaterji tega stroja navduseni nad svojo sluzbo.
Tidule ::
Duma asks central bank to explain ruble slump
Russian State Duma Deputy Dmitry Kuznetsov asked Bank of Russia Chair Elvira Nabiullina on Monday to explain why the ruble has been on a downward spiral, RIA Novosti reported, citing his letter.
Kuznetsov expressed worries about rising inflation and urged Nabiullina to provide reasons for the decline of the currency and "the consequences expected from this fall, in order to warn Russians about possible high inflation and rising prices in the country."
The dollar soared 2.05% against the ruble to trade for 101.1713 at 1:53 pm CET, which is the lowest the Russian currency has been compared to the greenback since March 2022.
In kaj bo centralna banka odgovorila na to vprašanje?![]()
Točno to kar je naredila. Zvišala obrestne mere in začasno stabilizirala valuto. Ampak je realno pričakovat, da se bo trend nadaljeval. In počas bo zmanjkalo vzvodov kako to flikat.
T440 ::
Duma asks central bank to explain ruble slump
Russian State Duma Deputy Dmitry Kuznetsov asked Bank of Russia Chair Elvira Nabiullina on Monday to explain why the ruble has been on a downward spiral, RIA Novosti reported, citing his letter.
Kuznetsov expressed worries about rising inflation and urged Nabiullina to provide reasons for the decline of the currency and "the consequences expected from this fall, in order to warn Russians about possible high inflation and rising prices in the country."
The dollar soared 2.05% against the ruble to trade for 101.1713 at 1:53 pm CET, which is the lowest the Russian currency has been compared to the greenback since March 2022.
In kaj bo centralna banka odgovorila na to vprašanje?![]()
Irelevantno. Saj po pravici v Rusiji oblastnikom nihče ne upa odgovori.
Zvišali so obrestne mere, ampak to je monetarni ukrep, ruska valuta pa ima v resnici druge vrste težave, vezane primarno na to, da je nobena od resnih držav ne mara več.
Bauc ::
Nekateri še vedno mislijo,da so ljudje na okupiranih območjih glasovali za Rusijo.
fur80 ::
Še koga spominja tale Shoigu na Miloševića?
Shoigu being Shoigu at the Moscow summit..
? Ukraines resources are almost exhausted
? Most UA POWs speak negatively about combat training
? Russia has never used cluster munitions while USA supplied it to Ukraine.
? Russian weapons production has multiplied
Shoigu being Shoigu at the Moscow summit..
? Ukraines resources are almost exhausted
? Most UA POWs speak negatively about combat training
? Russia has never used cluster munitions while USA supplied it to Ukraine.
? Russian weapons production has multiplied
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
rationlibe00 ::
Russia's central bank hiked its main interest rate by 3.5 percentage points to 12% Tuesday after the ruble hit a 17-month low the previous day.
Ups, škoda ker senkcije ne delujejo
Lesoto ::
Še koga spominja tale Shoigu na Miloševića?
Shoigu being Shoigu at the Moscow summit..
? Ukraines resources are almost exhausted
? Most UA POWs speak negatively about combat training
? Russia has never used cluster munitions while USA supplied it to Ukraine.
? Russian weapons production has multiplied
The Russian Minister of Defense Shoigu stated that the purpose of the so-called "SMO" is to release all Russian soldiers who were captured by the Armed Forces..
strawman ::
rationlibe00 je izjavil:
Russia's central bank hiked its main interest rate by 3.5 percentage points to 12% Tuesday after the ruble hit a 17-month low the previous day.
Ups, škoda ker senkcije ne delujejo![]()
Kupiš novo stanovanje v Mariupolu za 10M rubljev na kredit, v 20 letih vrneš 25M rubljev pa še stanovanja ne boš imel več saj bo takrat to spet ukrajinska zemlja.
Lesoto ::
Incredibly brave Russian woman speaks out against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
English subtitles
Incredibly brave Russian woman speaks out against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
English subtitles
Lesoto ::
Footage recorded over the occupied territory in southern Ukraine captures the destruction of several Russian S-300 air defense systems.
Footage recorded over the occupied territory in southern Ukraine captures the destruction of several Russian S-300 air defense systems.
Lesoto ::
Footage recorded over the occupied territory in southern Ukraine captures the destruction of several Russian S-300 air defense systems.
Zgleda kot S-300VM Antey 2500
S-300VM missile system @ Wikipedia
fur80 ::
The Russian Minister of Defense Shoigu stated that the purpose of the so-called "SMO" is to release all Russian soldiers who were captured by the Armed Forces..
Še iz komentarjev! :D
The Russian Minister of Defense Shoigu stated that the purpose of the so-called "SMO" is to release all Russian soldiers who were captured by the Armed Forces..
Še iz komentarjev! :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Lesoto ::
Ni čudno, da Shoiguja nekateri ruski blogerji označujejo za degena iz Tuve.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()