Forum » Zvok in slika » USB A --> HDMI
flameir ::
Nekako še vedno ne morem verjeti, da laptop, za katerega v 2019 plačaš 1500€ ne podpira priključitve dveh monitorjev...
Gre za Asus ZenBook ux433fn-a6782t. V trenutnih razmerah sem si za delo od doma omislil dva 2K Dellova monitorja. Zraven sem naročil še en USB-C --> HDMI adapter. Sledil je šok: laptop ne podpira povezave monitorja na USB-C. Pred tem sem imel MacBooka iz leta 2013 (7 let star!!!), ki je brez težav handlal dva monitorja (sicer nisem redno uporabljal, sem pa sprobal pri kolegu). Včasih rečeš, pri jabuku pol stvari ne dela ok, zato sem tudi zdej vzel windows laptop, ampak hudiča, priklop dveh monitorjev je pa ja osnova? Sem tako jezen, da bi laptopa najraje vrnil nazaj, če bi lahko.
Gledal sem zdej, da lahko kupim adapter USB A --> HDMI, so pa cene kar zasoljene. Ima kdo izkušnje z delovanjem, nuja bi bila podpora 2K monitorju in ne zgolj FHD (za te je izbire precej, jaz pa bi rad vsaj približno dobro delovanje tudi pri 2K resoluciji). Izbire na ebayu in amazonu je precej, nekih relavantnih testov pa ni pri roki.
Hvala za pomoč.
Gre za Asus ZenBook ux433fn-a6782t. V trenutnih razmerah sem si za delo od doma omislil dva 2K Dellova monitorja. Zraven sem naročil še en USB-C --> HDMI adapter. Sledil je šok: laptop ne podpira povezave monitorja na USB-C. Pred tem sem imel MacBooka iz leta 2013 (7 let star!!!), ki je brez težav handlal dva monitorja (sicer nisem redno uporabljal, sem pa sprobal pri kolegu). Včasih rečeš, pri jabuku pol stvari ne dela ok, zato sem tudi zdej vzel windows laptop, ampak hudiča, priklop dveh monitorjev je pa ja osnova? Sem tako jezen, da bi laptopa najraje vrnil nazaj, če bi lahko.
Gledal sem zdej, da lahko kupim adapter USB A --> HDMI, so pa cene kar zasoljene. Ima kdo izkušnje z delovanjem, nuja bi bila podpora 2K monitorju in ne zgolj FHD (za te je izbire precej, jaz pa bi rad vsaj približno dobro delovanje tudi pri 2K resoluciji). Izbire na ebayu in amazonu je precej, nekih relavantnih testov pa ni pri roki.
Hvala za pomoč.
- spremenil: flameir ()
rozman ::
Če imaš možnost čakat, da zadeva pride iz kitajske (jaz sem dobil v 10 dneh), lahko naročiš to:
Laptop ima UsbC, tak da to bi šlo.
Imam Lenovo E590 laptop, nanj prek HDMI priklopljen Dell 2k monitor, prek tega adapterja prek minidisplay porta pa še enega Dell 2k in ga hkrati še polnem (ker ima power pass through)
Laptop ima UsbC, tak da to bi šlo.
Imam Lenovo E590 laptop, nanj prek HDMI priklopljen Dell 2k monitor, prek tega adapterja prek minidisplay porta pa še enega Dell 2k in ga hkrati še polnem (ker ima power pass through)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: rozman ()
flameir ::
Hvala, ampak fora je, da adapter USB C --> HDMI že imam. Problem je, ker ta USB C izhod na laptopu ne podpira videa... Saj vem, tud js nisem niti pomislu na to, da bi blo pri takem laptopu to možno...
rozman ::
Si sprobal več različnih monitorjev al pa priključkov na monitorju? Oba moja monitorja delujeta, vsi priključki delujejo normalno, ampak mi sliko kaže samo na enem monitorju na točno določenem DisplayPortu, na drugemu pa samo preko HDMI :D Jaz sem dosti časa priklapljal, da mi je uspelo zrihtat
Imam pa 2 tale monitorja:
Imam pa 2 tale monitorja:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: rozman ()
AStrukelj ::
Usb type C port mora podpirat "DisplayPort Alt Mode", da lahko uporabiš takšen "neumen" adapter. Če tega računalnik ne podpira, boš za priklop 2 monitorjev rabil display link adapter. Tukaj gre za priklop na usb in ne direktno na grafično kartico kot v prejšnem primeru.
Recordman ::
No jaz sem na enakem modelu ux433fn naletel na se eno bedarijo.
Hocem priklopit zunanji 4k monitor in ugotovim, da podpira samo 30Hz.
Bojda zaradi standarda hdmi 1.4?
Ampak doma imam se starega asusa n56 iz leta 2012, ki prek istega hdmi kabla lepo vozi isti monitor na 60hz. Oba imata integrirano intelovo graficno plus diskretno nvidio. Razlika je v tem, da se pri starem n56 zunanji monitor poveze na nvidio, pri novem ux433 pa na intela. Spreminjat pa tega ne mores, vsaj meni ni uspelo.
Yebem jim vse po spisku korejskem, in search of incredible my ass
Hocem priklopit zunanji 4k monitor in ugotovim, da podpira samo 30Hz.
Bojda zaradi standarda hdmi 1.4?
Ampak doma imam se starega asusa n56 iz leta 2012, ki prek istega hdmi kabla lepo vozi isti monitor na 60hz. Oba imata integrirano intelovo graficno plus diskretno nvidio. Razlika je v tem, da se pri starem n56 zunanji monitor poveze na nvidio, pri novem ux433 pa na intela. Spreminjat pa tega ne mores, vsaj meni ni uspelo.
Yebem jim vse po spisku korejskem, in search of incredible my ass
flameir ::
Res neverjetno. Rešitev bo v docking stationu, ki bo laufu BP monitorja preko USB-C. Ampak spet za doplačat precejšne €€€.
Še vedno razočaran.
Še vedno razočaran.
Mavrik ::
Najbolj problematičen del pri vsem temu je v tem, da te omejitve nikjer ne oglašujejo. Še več, v navodilih za uporabo piše, da USB-C lahko nosi video. Zrelo za prijavo.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
Ahim ::
Res neverjetno. Rešitev bo v docking stationu, ki bo laufu BP monitorja preko USB-C. Ampak spet za doplačat precejšne €€€.
Še vedno razočaran.
Jaz imam po sluzbeni dolznosti en Asusov laptop, isto sranje glede monitorjev (samo en HDMI izhod, notri pa dve graficni ...). Docking station zanj izgleda kot neka cungalunga igracka za 1.75 EUR, priklop drugega monitorja (pmoj je FHD, nimam moznosti preveriti ce bi sla kaksna visja locljivost) pa zacuda se kar nekako deluje.
Ce si navajen docking stationov za poslovne racunalnike je kar smesno, ampak ugibam da je vsaj cena te Asusove zadevscine izgledu in izdelavi primerna (jaz nisem placal, ne vem koliko stane)
Lonsarg ::
Prednost mojega 38" 21:9 monitorja da rabim samo en video izhod na mašini in dobim delovno površino dveh monitorjev ;)
No kljub vsemu, da tak laptop ne podpira vsaj dva monitorja je kriminal, to da obstaja laptop z USB-C ki ne podpira video preko USB-C je pa še kriminal številka 2. Če imaš živce se zajebavat lahko uveljavljaš stvarno napako.
No kljub vsemu, da tak laptop ne podpira vsaj dva monitorja je kriminal, to da obstaja laptop z USB-C ki ne podpira video preko USB-C je pa še kriminal številka 2. Če imaš živce se zajebavat lahko uveljavljaš stvarno napako.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lonsarg ()
DePalmo ::
A nimaš opcije HDMI in hkrati DisplayPort? Tako imam jaz rešeno za dva zaslona, občasno gor priklopim še tretjega preko USB A s pomočjo tega
Res da je drag, ampak se raznorazni kitajski adapterji ne morejo kosat z njim, pa sem iz trme za kitajce zmetal približno toliko kot za enega tegale.
Je pa še plus da imam na laptopa priklpljen USB hub s sedmimi priključki in če ta adapter priklopim preko huba, mi ob vsem ostalem tudi zaslon dela. Je pa res da laufam samo FHD in ne 2k ...
Res da je drag, ampak se raznorazni kitajski adapterji ne morejo kosat z njim, pa sem iz trme za kitajce zmetal približno toliko kot za enega tegale.
Je pa še plus da imam na laptopa priklpljen USB hub s sedmimi priključki in če ta adapter priklopim preko huba, mi ob vsem ostalem tudi zaslon dela. Je pa res da laufam samo FHD in ne 2k ...
flameir ::
Hvala za nasvete.
Nadaljevanje zgodbe: Kupil sem HP ELITE USB TYPE-C DOCKING STATION. Po standardu DisplayLink na spletni strani naj bi stvar zanesljivo delovala. Še več, laptop sem sprobal s kolegovim HP USB-C UNIVERSAL DOCK-om, vse delalo BP.
Na uradni strani DisplayLinka sta oba zavedena kot primerna za ta standard.
Seveda sem probal z raznimi driverji, nič. Zdej več ne vem kaj nej nardim, razen seveda, da kupim tega, ki preverjeno dela. Ker mislm, da mi je vseh živcev pobralo za več kot teh 200 € za nov docking station. Ampak resnično ne razumem, zakaj je nekaj objavleno, da deluje, v praksi pa ni tako. Dvakrat sem se nasral, ker sem "hotu mal prišparat". Najprej ob nevedenju kupil G4 in nato Elite dock station. Čeprav slednji kot pravim, bi MORAL delovati. Najraj bi komp vrgu čez okn. Kategorija saj ni res, pa je.......
Eh sory, sem mogu mal pojamrat. Asus never again.
Nadaljevanje zgodbe: Kupil sem HP ELITE USB TYPE-C DOCKING STATION. Po standardu DisplayLink na spletni strani naj bi stvar zanesljivo delovala. Še več, laptop sem sprobal s kolegovim HP USB-C UNIVERSAL DOCK-om, vse delalo BP.
Na uradni strani DisplayLinka sta oba zavedena kot primerna za ta standard.
Seveda sem probal z raznimi driverji, nič. Zdej več ne vem kaj nej nardim, razen seveda, da kupim tega, ki preverjeno dela. Ker mislm, da mi je vseh živcev pobralo za več kot teh 200 € za nov docking station. Ampak resnično ne razumem, zakaj je nekaj objavleno, da deluje, v praksi pa ni tako. Dvakrat sem se nasral, ker sem "hotu mal prišparat". Najprej ob nevedenju kupil G4 in nato Elite dock station. Čeprav slednji kot pravim, bi MORAL delovati. Najraj bi komp vrgu čez okn. Kategorija saj ni res, pa je.......
Eh sory, sem mogu mal pojamrat. Asus never again.
TadejPer ::
Za uporabo usb c v hdmi adapterja lahko uporabiš usb a male v usb c female. Mislim da bi glede na napisano to delovalo.
flameir ::
Najbolj problematičen del pri vsem temu je v tem, da te omejitve nikjer ne oglašujejo. Še več, v navodilih za uporabo piše, da USB-C lahko nosi video. Zrelo za prijavo.
Razmišljam, da bi dejansko pisal na Amazon in zahteval drug laptop. Misliš, da imam kaj možnosti, če se slicujem na to?
Mavrik ::
Malo dolgo si čakal, ker bi v dveh tednih lahko vrnil takoj. Drugače pa pač tam označi "return" in razloži situacijo - verjetno ti bodo odobrili.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
flameir ::
Laptop sem nabavil septembra že...ampak zgleda, da bom od doma delal še naprej, tko da bi res najraje vzel drug laptop. Ja nič, bom probal napisat, pa javim sem rezultat.
flameir ::
V pomoč, če bo kdo kdaj znašel v podobni situaciji, prilagam korespondenco pogovora z Amazonom, po kateri sem uspešno vrnil prenosni računalnik in sedaj kupil novega z ustreznimi Thunderbolt 3 porti. Hvala vsem za nasvete in pomoč.
To whom it may concern,
On 20th September I have ordered Asus Zenbook on Amazon (Order ****************). I have bought this laptop believing I could later upgrade my working station with two larger displays using the display port docking station.
I bought the HP ELITE USB TYPE-C DOCKING STATION and connected it to two displays. (The HP elite USB type C docking station officially supports the transfer through the port falsely listed in the Zenbook specifications).
To my great disappointment I found out that the specifications listed in the manual of the computer I bought (Zenbook) are false. This computer does not support USB 3.1. Gen 2 Type C/DisplayPort Combo port. In the official user manual and Zenbook specifications it is clearly listed that this computer should support the said standard.
Because this was an important feature that I wanted on my computer and the computer does not reach the standards listed in the official manual and computer specifications I would like to return it. Since buying the computer I have additionally bought two larger displays and a docking station all of which are now useless to me because of the faulty computer. I am rather unhappy about the whole situation and would like to resolve the issue by returning the faulty computer and buying a new working one which supports the standards stated in the official computer manual and specifications. In the past I have been very satisfied with Amazon and I feel I can still trust your merchandise so I would also be satisfied if I could just send the computer back and choose a different one from your website, I will probably choose a more expensive one and it goes without saying I would of course pay the difference between the two computers.
You can find the false specification in ASUS user manual on pg. 26. If you would give me the corresponding email I can also send you the screenshot of said false specification.
I am looking forward to your reply,
Having checked your order ****************. I have found that we can unfortunately not accept the return of your ordered Zenbook because it is no longer within our 30-day return period.
Our 30-day returns guarantee means that if for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you can return it to us in its original condition within 30 days of the date you received the item and we will issue a full refund for the price you paid for the item.
However, I would like to recommend you sell this item on Marketplace for close to what you originally paid for it. If you are interested in trying to sell this item and wish to learn more, please visit our online Help Desk:
For your reference: To view our returns policy online, please visit our Help Desk at:
I am very sorry for not having better news for you.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us again.
Our customer service department will gladly help you with your query.
You can reach us Monday - Sunday 6:00 - 24:00 (CET).
Please have your order number handy for queries about your order.
Thank you.
I am aware of your 30 day return policy but unfortunately I did not notice the fault on this computer sooner, my problem is especially with the fact that the computer does not work properly like it is stated in the user manual and computer specifications. The port not working is in no way my fault.
Since I cannot normally return the computer I would like to claim warranty. It is stated that the warranty for this computer is one year. The computer does not work as it is specified in the user manual and computer specifications. And the fact that the computer does not work properly is in no way my fault. I would like to send it to you for repair and expect it back with the working USB 3.1. Gen 2 Type C/DisplayPort Combo port just like it is stated in the computer specifications and user manual. Since the computers port does not work like it is stated in the user manual and the port not working is in no way my fault I believe I am entitled to the warranty claim.
Yours sincerely,
Greetings from!
Thank you for your e-mail! I will gladly assist you!
I'm very sorry that the item ASUS ZenBook 14 UX433FN (90NB0JQ2-M04820) 35,5 cm (14 Zoll, FHD, WV) Ultrabook (Intel Core i7-8565U, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce MX150 (2GB), from order #304-8679572-3660322 is defective.
You can of course return it to us within our 2 years guarantee.; for a full refund.
You can use the following link to print out your return label:*******...
Please sign in to the customer account you used when placing the order before you print the return label. Please return only the item listed on the return label to avoid delays in receiving the refund. If you wish to return more items, you can do so yourself through the Online Returns Center. You will find more information about returning items here:
The return label is already prepaid for your return.
Please accept my sincere apologies for this inconvenience and unforeseen delay.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
I hope I was able to assist you today.
I wish you a lovely day!
We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the buttons below to vote about your experience today.
To whom it may concern,
On 20th September I have ordered Asus Zenbook on Amazon (Order ****************). I have bought this laptop believing I could later upgrade my working station with two larger displays using the display port docking station.
I bought the HP ELITE USB TYPE-C DOCKING STATION and connected it to two displays. (The HP elite USB type C docking station officially supports the transfer through the port falsely listed in the Zenbook specifications).
To my great disappointment I found out that the specifications listed in the manual of the computer I bought (Zenbook) are false. This computer does not support USB 3.1. Gen 2 Type C/DisplayPort Combo port. In the official user manual and Zenbook specifications it is clearly listed that this computer should support the said standard.
Because this was an important feature that I wanted on my computer and the computer does not reach the standards listed in the official manual and computer specifications I would like to return it. Since buying the computer I have additionally bought two larger displays and a docking station all of which are now useless to me because of the faulty computer. I am rather unhappy about the whole situation and would like to resolve the issue by returning the faulty computer and buying a new working one which supports the standards stated in the official computer manual and specifications. In the past I have been very satisfied with Amazon and I feel I can still trust your merchandise so I would also be satisfied if I could just send the computer back and choose a different one from your website, I will probably choose a more expensive one and it goes without saying I would of course pay the difference between the two computers.
You can find the false specification in ASUS user manual on pg. 26. If you would give me the corresponding email I can also send you the screenshot of said false specification.
I am looking forward to your reply,
Having checked your order ****************. I have found that we can unfortunately not accept the return of your ordered Zenbook because it is no longer within our 30-day return period.
Our 30-day returns guarantee means that if for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you can return it to us in its original condition within 30 days of the date you received the item and we will issue a full refund for the price you paid for the item.
However, I would like to recommend you sell this item on Marketplace for close to what you originally paid for it. If you are interested in trying to sell this item and wish to learn more, please visit our online Help Desk:
For your reference: To view our returns policy online, please visit our Help Desk at:
I am very sorry for not having better news for you.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us again.
Our customer service department will gladly help you with your query.
You can reach us Monday - Sunday 6:00 - 24:00 (CET).
Please have your order number handy for queries about your order.
Thank you.
I am aware of your 30 day return policy but unfortunately I did not notice the fault on this computer sooner, my problem is especially with the fact that the computer does not work properly like it is stated in the user manual and computer specifications. The port not working is in no way my fault.
Since I cannot normally return the computer I would like to claim warranty. It is stated that the warranty for this computer is one year. The computer does not work as it is specified in the user manual and computer specifications. And the fact that the computer does not work properly is in no way my fault. I would like to send it to you for repair and expect it back with the working USB 3.1. Gen 2 Type C/DisplayPort Combo port just like it is stated in the computer specifications and user manual. Since the computers port does not work like it is stated in the user manual and the port not working is in no way my fault I believe I am entitled to the warranty claim.
Yours sincerely,
Greetings from!
Thank you for your e-mail! I will gladly assist you!
I'm very sorry that the item ASUS ZenBook 14 UX433FN (90NB0JQ2-M04820) 35,5 cm (14 Zoll, FHD, WV) Ultrabook (Intel Core i7-8565U, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce MX150 (2GB), from order #304-8679572-3660322 is defective.
You can of course return it to us within our 2 years guarantee.; for a full refund.
You can use the following link to print out your return label:*******...
Please sign in to the customer account you used when placing the order before you print the return label. Please return only the item listed on the return label to avoid delays in receiving the refund. If you wish to return more items, you can do so yourself through the Online Returns Center. You will find more information about returning items here:
The return label is already prepaid for your return.
Please accept my sincere apologies for this inconvenience and unforeseen delay.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
I hope I was able to assist you today.
I wish you a lovely day!
We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the buttons below to vote about your experience today.
Vanquish ::
flameir ::
Najbolj problematičen del pri vsem temu je v tem, da te omejitve nikjer ne oglašujejo. Še več, v navodilih za uporabo piše, da USB-C lahko nosi video. Zrelo za prijavo.
ce pise v navodilih, se uveljavlja stvarno napako in dobis denar nazaj.
Točno to sem potem tudi naredil.
MrStein ::
Uf, en cenejši Lenovo, iste generacije, podpira 3 zunanje monitorje (istočasno še interni display dela). Prav tako Intel + nVidia grafika.
(Legion Y530)
(Legion Y530)
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
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