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Svoboda govora po ameriško
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Poldi112 ::
The professor, Asheen Phansey, wrote on his personal Facebook page on Jan. 5 that Iran’s supreme leader should “tweet a list of 52 sites of beloved American cultural heritage that he would bomb,” suggesting the Mall of America in Minnesota and a Kardashian residence as targets, Judy Rakowsky, a spokeswoman for Mr. Phansey, said on Saturday.
“Why does @Babson ‘College’ have an America-hating terrorist supporter on their payroll. Ask them!” said one widely shared tweet.
“I would have hoped that Babson, an institution of higher education that I love and to which I have given a great deal, would have defended and supported my right to free speech,” he said. “Beyond my own situation, I am really concerned about what this portends for our ability as Americans to engage in political discourse without presuming the worst about each other.”
Iran: Journalists demand end to censorship of Iranian media on Instagram
Following the assassination of a high-ranking officer of the Islamic Republic of Iran, posts by Iranian media on Instagram related to his killing, have been deleted by the company. The deleted content includes posts by Iranian media and individual users.
A ni čudovit ta moderen zahodni svet, kjer imamo tehnično platformo za prost pretok idej ter demokracijo, da lahko prosto izražamo svoje mnenje?
The professor, Asheen Phansey, wrote on his personal Facebook page on Jan. 5 that Iran’s supreme leader should “tweet a list of 52 sites of beloved American cultural heritage that he would bomb,” suggesting the Mall of America in Minnesota and a Kardashian residence as targets, Judy Rakowsky, a spokeswoman for Mr. Phansey, said on Saturday.
“Why does @Babson ‘College’ have an America-hating terrorist supporter on their payroll. Ask them!” said one widely shared tweet.
“I would have hoped that Babson, an institution of higher education that I love and to which I have given a great deal, would have defended and supported my right to free speech,” he said. “Beyond my own situation, I am really concerned about what this portends for our ability as Americans to engage in political discourse without presuming the worst about each other.”
Iran: Journalists demand end to censorship of Iranian media on Instagram
Following the assassination of a high-ranking officer of the Islamic Republic of Iran, posts by Iranian media on Instagram related to his killing, have been deleted by the company. The deleted content includes posts by Iranian media and individual users.
A ni čudovit ta moderen zahodni svet, kjer imamo tehnično platformo za prost pretok idej ter demokracijo, da lahko prosto izražamo svoje mnenje?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
- premaknil iz Problemi človeštva: AndrejO ()

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

LeQuack ::
Tako je, potrebno je imeti samo eno mnenje, ki je univerzalno sprejeto. Noben ne sme imeti drugih mnenje, oziroma vsaj ne jih izražati na glas, ker ga družba izloči.
Quack !

Reycis ::
Tako je. BSD proti disidentom seveda ni noben problem, ker to počnejo privatne korporadije.Z drugimi besedami: naredi si svoj internet, svoj plačilni sistem, svoj ekonomski ekosistem. Le upaj, da to ne bo kdaj uporabljeno proti tebi. Ker nekega dne boste dobili točno to kar si zaslužite.

Poldi112 ::
Kaj pa, ko država zahteva odstranjevanje vsebine uporabnikov, ki živijo v "represivni" državi in govorijo resnico?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Shegevara ::
Vprašajte se kaj sploh pomeni sovražni govor. Izberi 100 ljudi in jih vprašaj kaj je sovražni govor. Dobili boste 100 različnih odgovorov. Potem se pa vprašaj še kaj sovražni govor pomeni za nas slovence danes, kaj je sovražni govor v drugih državah, na kitajskem, v Turčiji, v kazakstanu, kaj je bil sovražni govor nekoč in kaj je lahko sovražni govor v prihodnosti.
Svoboda je vedno boljši model od avtoritarne represije.
Svoboda je vedno boljši model od avtoritarne represije.

Smrekar1 ::

V tem primer gre zgolj za maloumje oseb, ki Ocitno niso zelele razumeti njegove izjave.
Kaj, a ni rezidenca Kardashianov simbol nacionalnega ponosa?

Brez da začnem gledati, a je mogoče ta človek kakšen republikanec ali kakorkoli povezan z republikanci?
Ker če si levak je povsem OK govoriti sledeče:
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