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ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020
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Kdo razen trumptardov in republikancev lahko zagovarja kaj drugega kot Medicare for All, kar imamo v večini civiliziranih držav?
Samo omejenec prepojen z sovraštvom lahko z prstom kaže, da so za stanje v zdravstvu krivi Trump in Republikanci. Krivec so privat ustanove in mreža dobaviteljev, kateri navijajo cene v nebo. 700$ za vrečo slane vode je absurd in noben Medicare for All ne bo tega odpravil, kvečjemu bi poslabšal stvar, saj bi bolnišnice še dodatno navile cene. Spomni se na naše znane opornice, katere so stale 100% več kot v Nemčiji. Pomanjkanje zdravstvenega kadra, slabe plače, izguba bolnišnic, odtekanje denarja po javnih naročilih. Višek civiliziranosti.

jype4 ::
Samo omejenec prepojen z sovraštvom lahko z prstom kaže, da so za stanje v zdravstvu krivi Trump in Republikanci. Krivec so privat ustanove in mreža dobaviteljev, kateri navijajo cene v nebo. 700$ za vrečo slane vode je absurd in noben Medicare for All ne bo tega odpravil, kvečjemu bi poslabšal stvar, saj bi bolnišnice še dodatno navile cene. Spomni se na naše znane opornice, katere so stale 100% več kot v Nemčiji. Pomanjkanje zdravstvenega kadra, slabe plače, izguba bolnišnic, odtekanje denarja po javnih naročilih. Višek civiliziranosti.Samo človek z negativnim IQjem lahko kritizira Medicare4All z navajanjem primera, ko je v Sloveniji (ki tak sistem ima) nekaj 100% dražje kot v Nemčiji (ki tak sistem ima), hkrati pa ne pogleda, kakšna je cena v ZDA (ki takega sistema nima).
Domačo nalogo boš opravil sam.

zmaugy ::
Kdo razen trumptardov in republikancev lahko zagovarja kaj drugega kot Medicare for All, kar imamo v večini civiliziranih držav?
Samo omejenec prepojen z sovraštvom lahko z prstom kaže, da so za stanje v zdravstvu krivi Trump in Republikanci. Krivec so privat ustanove in mreža dobaviteljev, kateri navijajo cene v nebo. 700$ za vrečo slane vode je absurd in noben Medicare for All ne bo tega odpravil, kvečjemu bi poslabšal stvar, saj bi bolnišnice še dodatno navile cene. Spomni se na naše znane opornice, katere so stale 100% več kot v Nemčiji. Pomanjkanje zdravstvenega kadra, slabe plače, izguba bolnišnic, odtekanje denarja po javnih naročilih. Višek civiliziranosti.
Tole pove več o tebi kot o meni.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Smrekar1 ::
Samo omejenec prepojen z sovraštvom lahko z prstom kaže, da so za stanje v zdravstvu krivi Trump in Republikanci. Krivec so privat ustanove in mreža dobaviteljev, kateri navijajo cene v nebo. 700$ za vrečo slane vode je absurd in noben Medicare for All ne bo tega odpravil, kvečjemu bi poslabšal stvar, saj bi bolnišnice še dodatno navile cene.
ZDA imajo take cene v dobršni meri zato, ker so ljudje za to pripravljeni plačati in nimajo nobene nacionalne politike kako nadzirati cene. Tipičen primer so zdravila, ki jih po Evropi države kupujejo grosistično in prodajajo naprej preko zdravstvenega zavarovanja. V ZDA gre za maloprodajo kot pri sladkarijah ali telefonih.
Podobno velja tudi za vse ostalo, verjetno tudi pri neslavnih žilnih opornicah.
Drug del problema so nore tožbe, ki jih je v ZDA vse polno. V Evropi so odškodnine bistveno manjše kot v ZDA, če bi bil nek standarden nacionalni sistem bi šlo ceneje.
Tretja točka je, da v ZDA zelo radi predpisujejo zdravila za to in ono, kar pogosto sploh ni potrebno. Jasno, dobiček je treba imeti, v Evropi nikomur ni v interesu, da bi zdravnik nekomu predpisal zdravilo, ki ga pacient res nujno ne rabi. V ZDA ima od tega farmacija neposredno korist in farmacija lahko del te koristi preda zdravniku. V Evropi imaš vmes posrednika (zdravstveno zavarovalnico), ki ji pretirana poraba zdravil ni v interesu in drži tudi roko nad zdravnikom-
Takih točk je še kar precej, sistem v ZDA ne grozljivo neučinkovit.

NewGreandeal ::

Smrekar1 ::
NewGreandeal je izjavil:
Božič je letos zgodaj
Bill Barr Indicts 8 Including Mueller Top Witness for Funneling Millions in Foreign Donations to Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton and Top Senate Democrats
Ja, ampak ne zate.
At one point, Khawaja hosted a Clinton campaign fundraiser at his home featuring Bill Clinton because Khawaja had contributed almost $1 million in contributions to the campaign. He hosted other political events, too, according to the indictment.
And, through his company, Khawaja donated $1 million to the Donald Trump inaugural committee, securing inauguration tickets for himself, Nader and another conspirator, the indictment said.
In the Mueller investigation, Nader had become a key cooperator and had given extensive information about his contact with a Russian and the Trump campaign.
Tip je bil Muellerjeva priča, ker je imel obsežno znanje o ruskem vmešavanju v ameriško politiko.

c3p0 ::
Niso tu par strani nazaj že impiča proslavljali? Na podoben način kot Hillz svojo zmago par let nazaj...

NewGreandeal ::
Proslavo pripravljajo sedaj že par let, vsak dan. Šampanjec še ni odprt.
Kaže da grejo sedaj iz Ukrajine nazaj na Ruse. Ukrajina je zaradi Bidna prevroča.
Kaže da grejo sedaj iz Ukrajine nazaj na Ruse. Ukrajina je zaradi Bidna prevroča.

Leif ::
Kdo razen trumptardov in republikancev lahko zagovarja kaj drugega kot Medicare for All, kar imamo v večini civiliziranih držav?
Samo omejenec prepojen z sovraštvom lahko z prstom kaže, da so za stanje v zdravstvu krivi Trump in Republikanci. Krivec so privat ustanove in mreža dobaviteljev, kateri navijajo cene v nebo. 700$ za vrečo slane vode je absurd in noben Medicare for All ne bo tega odpravil, kvečjemu bi poslabšal stvar, saj bi bolnišnice še dodatno navile cene. Spomni se na naše znane opornice, katere so stale 100% več kot v Nemčiji. Pomanjkanje zdravstvenega kadra, slabe plače, izguba bolnišnic, odtekanje denarja po javnih naročilih. Višek civiliziranosti.
Zakaj Američani sploh rabijo federalni zdravstveni sistem? Naj ga vržejo posameznim državam. Enoten EU sistem bi bil tudi verjetno katastrofa.

Pac-Man ::
Danes je prišlo v javnost poročilo o začetkih preiskave o ruskem vpletanju v volitve. Republikanci so vztrajno trdili, da je šlo za zaroto zgrajeno na Steelovem poročilu (pee tape), sledila so (neupravičena) prisluškovanja in tralali tralala.
Barr nekaj spina, toda poročilo kot tako jih v popolnosti postavlja na laž.
READ: DOJ Inspector General's Report On The Russia Investigation
The Justice Department's inspector general released his report on Monday examining authorities' use of their surveillance powers in the Russia investigation.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz has been looking into early phases of the Russia inquiry for several months following questions raised by President Trump, Attorney General William Barr and others about how it was conducted.
Republicans spent months in 2017 and 2018 scourging the Justice Department and the FBI for what they called abuses of power, bias and other problems with the investigation later run by special counsel Robert Mueller.
This AG Barr statement:
“The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.”
Barr again in statement defending Trump: “It is also clear that, from its inception, the evidence produced by the investigation was consistently exculpatory.”
ABC News can confirm that the Trump “family member” referenced in the Inspector General report who had a friendship with dossier author Chris Steele, was Ivanka.
She met him in 2007 at a dinner in London when he was still working for MI6.
Ivanka Trump invited dossier author Chris Steele to Trump Tower in New York in 2010 to discuss the possibility of the former British intelligence officer working for the Trump Organization in doing due diligence on their business interests abroad as part of his work at Orbis.
//uhm...Steele je bil znan kot specialist za Rusijo.
The IG found no evidence that Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos were under FISA surveillance.
Papadopoulos has repeatedly claimed the FBI sought and obtained a FISA on him, and CNN reported in 2017 that Manafort was wiretapped before and after the election.
IG report says Steele dossier did NOT play a role in launching of Russia probe:
"These officials, though, did not become aware of Steele's election reporting until weeks later and we therefore determined that Steele's reports played no role in the Crossfire Hurricane opening."
I'm still giving it a careful read, but overall the IG report completely blows away Trump conspiracy theories, says authorization and predication for investigation was proper, that former officials have been telling the truth about it, and that there was no political bias.
The last point alone -- as told to the FBI by, erm, Carter Page -- would raise eyebrows in counterintelligence circles.
FYI: I offered to go on Fox & Friends to answer all questions. I can’t change their viewers on Donald Trump but hoped to give them some actual facts about the FBI. They booked me for tomorrow at 8 am. They just cancelled. Must have read the report.
Dober tejk.
What Americans dont understand about Public Healthcare
Barr nekaj spina, toda poročilo kot tako jih v popolnosti postavlja na laž.
READ: DOJ Inspector General's Report On The Russia Investigation
The Justice Department's inspector general released his report on Monday examining authorities' use of their surveillance powers in the Russia investigation.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz has been looking into early phases of the Russia inquiry for several months following questions raised by President Trump, Attorney General William Barr and others about how it was conducted.
Republicans spent months in 2017 and 2018 scourging the Justice Department and the FBI for what they called abuses of power, bias and other problems with the investigation later run by special counsel Robert Mueller.
This AG Barr statement:
“The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.”
Barr again in statement defending Trump: “It is also clear that, from its inception, the evidence produced by the investigation was consistently exculpatory.”
ABC News can confirm that the Trump “family member” referenced in the Inspector General report who had a friendship with dossier author Chris Steele, was Ivanka.
She met him in 2007 at a dinner in London when he was still working for MI6.
Ivanka Trump invited dossier author Chris Steele to Trump Tower in New York in 2010 to discuss the possibility of the former British intelligence officer working for the Trump Organization in doing due diligence on their business interests abroad as part of his work at Orbis.
//uhm...Steele je bil znan kot specialist za Rusijo.
The IG found no evidence that Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos were under FISA surveillance.
Papadopoulos has repeatedly claimed the FBI sought and obtained a FISA on him, and CNN reported in 2017 that Manafort was wiretapped before and after the election.
IG report says Steele dossier did NOT play a role in launching of Russia probe:
"These officials, though, did not become aware of Steele's election reporting until weeks later and we therefore determined that Steele's reports played no role in the Crossfire Hurricane opening."
I'm still giving it a careful read, but overall the IG report completely blows away Trump conspiracy theories, says authorization and predication for investigation was proper, that former officials have been telling the truth about it, and that there was no political bias.
The last point alone -- as told to the FBI by, erm, Carter Page -- would raise eyebrows in counterintelligence circles.
FYI: I offered to go on Fox & Friends to answer all questions. I can’t change their viewers on Donald Trump but hoped to give them some actual facts about the FBI. They booked me for tomorrow at 8 am. They just cancelled. Must have read the report.
Zakaj Američani sploh rabijo federalni zdravstveni sistem? Naj ga vržejo posameznim državam. Enoten EU sistem bi bil tudi verjetno katastrofa.
Dober tejk.
What Americans dont understand about Public Healthcare
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
OAN iz Ukrajine poroča "alternativna dejstva".
None of what @ChanelRion claims is true. No increased police presence in Kyiv until a Sunday demo. Black cars are Zhuliany airport? Always, b/c it has a biz terminal.
And this, well, 🤯 — "Two eyewitnesses claimed to have spotted George Soros but we have not confirmed this."
Nice find by @MacFinn44, OAN crew that filmed Giuliani doc flew on plane owned by Alexander Rovt, a funder of Spruce Capital which loaned Manafort $3.5mil when he left Trump campaign
Rovt also connects to Dmitry Firtash - Rovt sold his fertilizer business Firtash for $1.3billion
Back in 2017 @patrickLSimpson wrote about Alexander Rovt appeared at an event with Curt Weldon and with Andrei Artemenko. Artemenko was with Giuliani this past week on his trip to film his counter impeachment documentary for OAN
Alexander Rovt, who made a fortune around 2007 after selling his fertilizer business to Dmitry Firtash, was also involved in the Ukraine peace plan according to Artemenko.
Found the jet that flew the OAN crew, and most likely Rudy Giuliani, from Kyiv to Vienna 12/6/19. T7-UTS, it belongs to ICS Aero SM Srl, which is owned by Ukrainian-American oligarch Alexander Rovt. ICS Aero's T7-PRM flew Giuliani from London to Kharkiv in Nov 2017 On the video posted by OAN you can see them boarding a small jet with a blurry logo on the tail H/T @mbaram
The stripes and the make/model of the jet matches with T7-UTS, Beechcraft Premier 1A. T7-UTS has Alexander Rovt's IBE Trade's logo on the tail.
None of what @ChanelRion claims is true. No increased police presence in Kyiv until a Sunday demo. Black cars are Zhuliany airport? Always, b/c it has a biz terminal.
And this, well, 🤯 — "Two eyewitnesses claimed to have spotted George Soros but we have not confirmed this."
Nice find by @MacFinn44, OAN crew that filmed Giuliani doc flew on plane owned by Alexander Rovt, a funder of Spruce Capital which loaned Manafort $3.5mil when he left Trump campaign
Rovt also connects to Dmitry Firtash - Rovt sold his fertilizer business Firtash for $1.3billion
Back in 2017 @patrickLSimpson wrote about Alexander Rovt appeared at an event with Curt Weldon and with Andrei Artemenko. Artemenko was with Giuliani this past week on his trip to film his counter impeachment documentary for OAN
Alexander Rovt, who made a fortune around 2007 after selling his fertilizer business to Dmitry Firtash, was also involved in the Ukraine peace plan according to Artemenko.
Found the jet that flew the OAN crew, and most likely Rudy Giuliani, from Kyiv to Vienna 12/6/19. T7-UTS, it belongs to ICS Aero SM Srl, which is owned by Ukrainian-American oligarch Alexander Rovt. ICS Aero's T7-PRM flew Giuliani from London to Kharkiv in Nov 2017 On the video posted by OAN you can see them boarding a small jet with a blurry logo on the tail H/T @mbaram
The stripes and the make/model of the jet matches with T7-UTS, Beechcraft Premier 1A. T7-UTS has Alexander Rovt's IBE Trade's logo on the tail.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

NewGreandeal ::

NewGreandeal ::
Nekam tiho je danes v tej temi? Sem mislil da bojo glasni na dan ko oranžni Hitler končno dočaka roko pravice?

jype5 ::
Righties melting down together with their stable (n: a building in which domestic animals are sheltered and fed) genius (n: an attendant spirit of a person or place).

zmaugy ::
NewGreandeal je izjavil:
Nekam tiho je danes v tej temi? Sem mislil da bojo glasni na dan ko oranžni Hitler končno dočaka roko pravice?
Človek se verjetno vsake toliko naveliča učiti zajce igrati na boben.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Pac-Man ::
Lisa Page toži DOJ in FBI.
Lisa Pages sues the Department of Justice and FBI for violations of the Privacy Act. Her complaint is worth reading. It alleges shocking and egregious behavior by DOJ officials, specifically Rod Rosenstein and Sarah Flores.
Without mincing words, what Page alleges occurred here is that Rosenstein was about to testify before Congress and needed to generate political cover for Trump and to take heat off himself. So he intentionally offered two FBI employees up for the slaughter, in violation of law.
It's hard to put into words the degree of violation that this represents. How can DOJ even begin to look its rank and file in the eye and say it stands by its people after a breach like this?
You give up a lot order to work in government. Transparency of records is part of the deal. The deal is that the government will handle your records in accordance with the law. The deal isn't that you will be targeted as political fodder if it becomes convenient to leadership.
Page made mistakes, which were appropriately addressed as a personnel matter. What happened following that was in no way justified or acceptable. It was politically motivated and it was wrong.
And in case there is even one iota of doubt that this was all about destroying individual employees for Trump's political gain, here are pro-Trump political messages between FBI employees. The names are protected, the rest of these people's messages weren't shared with reporters.
Ti SMSi so iz včerajšnjega poročila IG.
Lisa Pages sues the Department of Justice and FBI for violations of the Privacy Act. Her complaint is worth reading. It alleges shocking and egregious behavior by DOJ officials, specifically Rod Rosenstein and Sarah Flores.
Without mincing words, what Page alleges occurred here is that Rosenstein was about to testify before Congress and needed to generate political cover for Trump and to take heat off himself. So he intentionally offered two FBI employees up for the slaughter, in violation of law.
It's hard to put into words the degree of violation that this represents. How can DOJ even begin to look its rank and file in the eye and say it stands by its people after a breach like this?
You give up a lot order to work in government. Transparency of records is part of the deal. The deal is that the government will handle your records in accordance with the law. The deal isn't that you will be targeted as political fodder if it becomes convenient to leadership.
Page made mistakes, which were appropriately addressed as a personnel matter. What happened following that was in no way justified or acceptable. It was politically motivated and it was wrong.
And in case there is even one iota of doubt that this was all about destroying individual employees for Trump's political gain, here are pro-Trump political messages between FBI employees. The names are protected, the rest of these people's messages weren't shared with reporters.
Ti SMSi so iz včerajšnjega poročila IG.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Fritz ::
Did you notice how Pelosi sat on the sidelines and as a Corporate Democrat, she has effectively become an accomplice to everything the GOP is doing?
Yet, the minute the GOP went after one of their own Corporate Democrats (Biden), it became worthy of impeachment.
Trump bo naslednje volitve ponovno zmagal ker vodstvo demokratov ponovno dela vse, da bi mu to omogočilo. No, saj vrhova obeh strank plačujejo isti oligarhi (ameriški, ne ruski).
Yet, the minute the GOP went after one of their own Corporate Democrats (Biden), it became worthy of impeachment.
Trump bo naslednje volitve ponovno zmagal ker vodstvo demokratov ponovno dela vse, da bi mu to omogočilo. No, saj vrhova obeh strank plačujejo isti oligarhi (ameriški, ne ruski).
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Fritz ::
Mimogrede, v nekaj dneh imamo še ene pomembne volitve v zaveznici ZDA in tudi tam establishment počne vse, tudi znotraj Laburistične stranke, da progresivni Jeremy Corbin ne bi zmagal.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
Za katero zvezno pozicijo že kandidira Hunter?
Sicer iztrgano iz konteksta. Morda bi lahko rekli celo lažna novica?
"This is the goal of the Trump strategy. It is to raise questions," Hillary Clinton said on PBS News Hour.
"There is no evidence that either one of them did anything wrong. Could there be a question of judgment about his son? Well, that's fair game. But there is absolutely no evidence, and there will not be any evidence, that Joe Biden did anything wrong."
Sicer iztrgano iz konteksta. Morda bi lahko rekli celo lažna novica?
"This is the goal of the Trump strategy. It is to raise questions," Hillary Clinton said on PBS News Hour.
"There is no evidence that either one of them did anything wrong. Could there be a question of judgment about his son? Well, that's fair game. But there is absolutely no evidence, and there will not be any evidence, that Joe Biden did anything wrong."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

NewGreandeal ::

T-h-o-r ::
pick one
pick one
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

NewGreandeal ::
Kdo pa je vaš pravi socialistični levak v 2019?
Obamo ste zatajili ker je Berniju metal polena pod noge, Biden ni ker meče slabo luč nad vas, Berni ne more biti ker ima 3 hiše pa sportski avto, Warrenova se je poklonila bogati eliti... ?
Nekam švoh izgleda za vas v 2020. Morda molite da pride Hillary nazaj?
Obamo ste zatajili ker je Berniju metal polena pod noge, Biden ni ker meče slabo luč nad vas, Berni ne more biti ker ima 3 hiše pa sportski avto, Warrenova se je poklonila bogati eliti... ?
Nekam švoh izgleda za vas v 2020. Morda molite da pride Hillary nazaj?

Smrekar1 ::
NewGreandeal je izjavil:
Kdo pa je vaš pravi socialistični levak v 2019?
Obamo ste zatajili ker je Berniju metal polena pod noge, Biden ni ker meče slabo luč nad vas, Berni ne more biti ker ima 3 hiše pa sportski avto, Warrenova se je poklonila bogati eliti... ?
Nekam švoh izgleda za vas v 2020. Morda molite da pride Hillary nazaj?
Trenutno vodi Biden. Glede na sranje okoli Trumpa se zna zgoditi, da je skoraj vseeno kdo bo demokratski kandidat. Obstaja mogoče deset posameznikov, ki ga ne bi premagali, če bi kandidrali pod zastavo DNC: Pence, Sonderland, Barr, McConnell in še nekaj njim podobnih tičev. Ostali bi znali Trumpa poownati.

T-h-o-r ::
Soycyalistični levak? Ne vem, morda dejansko kdo, ki se bo spopadel s kapitalisti in ukrotil njihovo brezmejno moč? Zagotovo pa trenutno v Zahodnem svetu v mainstream strankah ne obstaja. Še John McDonnell se postavi na glavo, ko gre za zmago na buržoaznih volitvah ali komunikacijo z buržujskimi mediji.
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: T-h-o-r ()

Pac-Man ::
NewGreandeal je izjavil:
Razen youtube posnetka ko se Biden hvali kako jim je grozil če ne odpustijo preiskovalca![]()
Trolling much?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

c3p0 ::
Trenutno vodi Biden. Glede na sranje okoli Trumpa se zna zgoditi, da je skoraj vseeno kdo bo demokratski kandidat. Obstaja mogoče deset posameznikov, ki ga ne bi premagali, če bi kandidrali pod zastavo DNC: Pence, Sonderland, Barr, McConnell in še nekaj njim podobnih tičev. Ostali bi znali Trumpa poownati.
Ti pa rabiš en huge reality check. Trump trenutno "pwna" vse, če uporabim tvoj besednjak. In ne kaže, da bo kmalu kaj drugače. Pa preden tvoja možganska celica zaključi, da sem pro-orange, naj te razočaram.

Sp3m ::
NewGreandeal je izjavil:
Kdo pa je vaš pravi socialistični levak v 2019?
Obamo ste zatajili ker je Berniju metal polena pod noge, Biden ni ker meče slabo luč nad vas, Berni ne more biti ker ima 3 hiše pa sportski avto, Warrenova se je poklonila bogati eliti... ?
Nekam švoh izgleda za vas v 2020. Morda molite da pride Hillary nazaj?
Trenutno vodi Biden. Glede na sranje okoli Trumpa se zna zgoditi, da je skoraj vseeno kdo bo demokratski kandidat. Obstaja mogoče deset posameznikov, ki ga ne bi premagali, če bi kandidrali pod zastavo DNC: Pence, Sonderland, Barr, McConnell in še nekaj njim podobnih tičev. Ostali bi znali Trumpa poownati.
A tole je troll post, ali resno verjameš, da bi bil tak rezultat volitev v primeru Biden - Trump spopada!?

Pac-Man ::
Predsednik ZDA, na govorniškem odru:
"That's what I heard. I don't know if it's true."
"That's what I heard. I don't know if it's true."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
OAN je želel urediti vizo za glavno zvezdo tega dokumentarca
The Oligarchs | Al Jazeera Investigations
Ampak so ga prej aretirali v Nemčiji. Zaradi korupcije.
Pro-Trump Network OAN Tried to Get This Ukrainian Millionaire a Visa Before His Arrest
Before catching the eye of German law enforcement, former Ukrainian parliamentarian Oleksandr Onyshchenko drew attention from the conservative TV channel One America News. Last week, German authorities arrested the multi-millionaire because of a warrant from Ukrainian anti-corruption prosecutors. Before his arrest, though, the Trump-friendly media outlet tried to help him get a visa to travel to the U.S.
Herring added that the outlet is also “currently seeking visas” for several other former Ukrainian officials, but is no longer doing so for Onyshchenko.
Ukrainian anti-corruption prosecutors allege Onyshchenko ran a scheme to steal millions from Kyiv’s state-owned natural gas company.
The news of OAN’s effort to help him get a visa comes on the heels of Rudy Giuliani’s trip to Kyiv, where Trump’s personal lawyer worked with a correspondent and crew member of OAN. On the trip, Giuliani and OAN’s Chanel Rion met with Viktor Shokin and Yuri Lutsenko, two former Ukrainian prosecutors who have alleged misconduct by the Bidens. (...) Giuliani has said he is working with OAN on this project, and the network’s segments back that up.
Oleksandr Onyshchenko @ Wikipedia
The Oligarchs | Al Jazeera Investigations
Ampak so ga prej aretirali v Nemčiji. Zaradi korupcije.
Pro-Trump Network OAN Tried to Get This Ukrainian Millionaire a Visa Before His Arrest
Before catching the eye of German law enforcement, former Ukrainian parliamentarian Oleksandr Onyshchenko drew attention from the conservative TV channel One America News. Last week, German authorities arrested the multi-millionaire because of a warrant from Ukrainian anti-corruption prosecutors. Before his arrest, though, the Trump-friendly media outlet tried to help him get a visa to travel to the U.S.
Herring added that the outlet is also “currently seeking visas” for several other former Ukrainian officials, but is no longer doing so for Onyshchenko.
Ukrainian anti-corruption prosecutors allege Onyshchenko ran a scheme to steal millions from Kyiv’s state-owned natural gas company.
The news of OAN’s effort to help him get a visa comes on the heels of Rudy Giuliani’s trip to Kyiv, where Trump’s personal lawyer worked with a correspondent and crew member of OAN. On the trip, Giuliani and OAN’s Chanel Rion met with Viktor Shokin and Yuri Lutsenko, two former Ukrainian prosecutors who have alleged misconduct by the Bidens. (...) Giuliani has said he is working with OAN on this project, and the network’s segments back that up.
Oleksandr Onyshchenko @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::
A ni zanimivo, kako vsi vidimo inherentno korupcijo v Ukrajini in Rusiji, istočasno pa gladko odmislimo zahodne finančne inštitucije in davčne oaze, brez katerih se ukraden denar ne bi mogel uporabljati. Seveda Trumpo in evropska desnica delajo vse, da bi tako tudi ostalo, saj te iste obvode poleg mafije in teroristov uporabljajo tudi vsi bogataši za ti. 'davčno optimizacijo'.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
Ničesar ne odmislimo. Iz druge teme:
Smash and Grab – The UK’s Money Laundering Machine
V kot se stiska ruske elite, pa še to bolj na pol. Oligarhični putinizem je rak rana, ki najbolj škodi samim državljanom Rusije. Nam je srednjeročno čisto kul, saj gre večino pokradenega denarja v zahodni luksuz in nabija naš BDP. Se pojavljajo problemi z gentrifikacijo Londona ipd. ampak kaj bi se sekirali za ljudstvo. Borze štejejo.
Smash and Grab – The UK’s Money Laundering Machine
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jype6 ::
Sliši se, kot da so naši prijatelji iz Združenega kraljestva pod podobnim napadom.
Sliši se, kot da so naši prijatelji iz Združenega kraljestva pod podobnim napadom.

Fritz ::
Ničesar ne odmislimo. Iz druge teme:
Nisem imel tebe v mislih temveč večino populacije.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

MadMicka ::
Fritz, davčne oaze so problem in Zahod dela na temu. Ampak, to je čisto drug problem, kot korupcija. Pri slednji gre za podkupovanje uradnikov, v omenjenih primerih Rusije in Ukrajine pa še korak več, za zlizanost državne oblasti in kapitala.

Fritz ::
Zahod dela samo deklarativno zato, ker so zahodni politiki paid, bought and owned. Torej gre samo za bolj fino izvedbo tega kar opisuješ kot ukrajinsko in rusko zlizanost državne oblasti in kapitala.
Davčne oaze so v interesu bogate manjšine in bodo zato tudi ostale, četudi jih za svoje potrebe uporabljajo teroristi in ruski kriminalci. Če bi hoteli, bi jih lahko onemogočili v enem tednu.
Davčne oaze so v interesu bogate manjšine in bodo zato tudi ostale, četudi jih za svoje potrebe uporabljajo teroristi in ruski kriminalci. Če bi hoteli, bi jih lahko onemogočili v enem tednu.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Utk ::
Jaz ne razumem od kod začudenje nad Trumpom. A resno obstaja bedak, ki verjame, da se bo zarad tega kakšen njegov volilec premislil?

zmaugy ::
Trump se je spravil na Greto Thunberg. Pravi “junak”, ki se spravlja nad otroke, kako tipični bully, kako nizko samopodobo mora imeti folk, ki odobrava takšno slinjenje.
Poow litle Donald is butthuwt 'cause Gweta won the title and not him...
Poow litle Donald is butthuwt 'cause Gweta won the title and not him...

PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Fritz ::
Ma saj Greta je tudi en sam suffer o globalnem segrevanju kot, da je globalno segrevanje prišlo samo od sebe in ni posledica prevladujoče gospodarske in družbene paradigme. Trumpo se pa itaq oglaša samo zato, da dobi medijsko pozornost in to mu očitno dobro uspeva. Da je sociopatski idiot pa smo vedeli že prej 

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()

Pac-Man ::
Dobra. Bistvo @8:00
Praktično vsak v njegovem krogu ali zavrne zganjanje kriminala in je izobčen, ali gre zganjat zahtevan kriminal in je izobčen, ko ga dobijo.
Praktično vsak v njegovem krogu ali zavrne zganjanje kriminala in je izobčen, ali gre zganjat zahtevan kriminal in je izobčen, ko ga dobijo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

dice7 ::
Trump Campaign Bizarrely Edits His Head Onto Greta Thunberg's Body on Her TIME Cover
Zakaj je 73 let star moski tako obseden z neko 16 letno punco?
Zakaj je 73 let star moski tako obseden z neko 16 letno punco?

Trump se je spravil na Greto Thunberg. Pravi “junak”, ki se spravlja nad otroke, kako tipični bully, kako nizko samopodobo mora imeti folk, ki odobrava takšno slinjenje.
A si bil na okopih, ko so progresivni levaki podajali diagnozo Baronu, da izgleda kot avtist? Pa onemu MAGA mulcu, ko mu je protestnik prišel bobnat v glavo, posledično je bil javno doxan iz strani medijev in je dobival smrtne grožnje?

Sp3m ::
Trump se je spravil na Greto Thunberg. Pravi “junak”, ki se spravlja nad otroke, kako tipični bully, kako nizko samopodobo mora imeti folk, ki odobrava takšno slinjenje.
A si bil na okopih, ko so progresivni levaki podajali diagnozo Baronu, da izgleda kot avtist? Pa onemu MAGA mulcu, ko mu je protestnik prišel bobnat v glavo, posledično je bil javno doxan iz strani medijev in je dobival smrtne grožnje?
Zakaj tako nazaj, te dni se takole aktivno borijo proti MAGA otrokom ...
14-Year-Old Child Hospitalized After Being Brutally Attacked By Multiple Students on School Bus Over Trump Hat (VIDEO)
Takole se pa pripadnica Squada obnaša, ko se zgodi poboj židov.
Sicer je kasneje opazila manjšo napakico, strelca sta bila dva črna moška in je hitro zbrisala svoj tweet in napisala nekaj bolj splošnega: "It was beyond heartbreaking to learn of what appears to be another anti-Semitic act of violence. The hate growing in our country is toxic."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Sp3m ()

Sp3m ::
Trump Campaign Bizarrely Edits His Head Onto Greta Thunberg's Body on Her TIME Cover
Zakaj je 73 let star moski tako obseden z neko 16 letno punco?
Sicer tole ni Trump tweetal, ampak njegovi ljudje v kampaniji.
Pa ne se preveč sekirat, saj boš lahko na CNN videl kmalu tak video, kjer bo predstavnik medijev imel meltdown.

c3p0 ::
Trump se je spravil na Greto Thunberg. Pravi “junak”, ki se spravlja nad otroke, kako tipični bully, kako nizko samopodobo mora imeti folk, ki odobrava takšno slinjenje.
Po tej logiki je torej Greta super orodje korporacij. Všečna mladini in ostalim, kakorkoli kritizirat je pa ne smeš, ker otrok. Raja res več nima za burek, naštudirali so vas v nulo.

Pac-Man ::
Korporacije želijo ekstremno zmanjšanje izpustov v bližnji prihodnosti?
Ya didn't think that one through...
Ya didn't think that one through...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Utk ::
Kot sem napovedal, do volitev bo Trump vse vojne razrešil. Zdaj so malo pohiteli, ker bi ga radi vrgli, ampak kolk je tip kreten, kakšni kreteni so šele tisti, ki ga ne morejo premagat.

c3p0 ::

Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 270129 (230148) | OmegaBlue |