Forum » Loža » ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020
ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020
Temo vidijo: vsi
DarwiN ::
Kaj pa je Trump zakuhal?
Prav nič. Tako kot se tudi v življenju še ni zlagal.
Doooh, še en radikalen trumptard s povsem svežim s&t računom :/
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
zuzelka ::
Kaj pa je Trump zakuhal?
Prav nič. Tako kot se tudi v življenju še ni zlagal.
Doooh, še en radikalen trumptard s povsem svežim s&t računom :/
Sumljivo, predlagaš izbris mojega posta ki sprašuje po temu kaj je Trump zakuhal?
Če jih ima toliko na ognju ti gotovo ne bo težko pokazati kaj je naredil kriminalnega? Ali?
MisterM ::
Sumljivo je predvsem to, da se udeležuješ te debate, niso ti pa znani razlogi zaradi katerih predsedniku ZDA grozi impeachment.
zuzelka ::
kow ::
Sem na zacetku teme rekel, da je Warrenova najslabsa izbira. Vzamem nazaj. 10x boljs kot Biden.
No, saj morda se bo Trump kar sam unicil.
No, saj morda se bo Trump kar sam unicil.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()
MisterM ::
Kako ne vem. Trump je hotel razkrinkati kriminalno preteklost Beidna, ker Ameriko noče dati v roke skoruptiranega politika.
Aha. Torej je po tvojem mnenju impeachment, torej odstavitev zaradi zlorabe položaja, osnovana na temu, da je želel razkrinkati kriminalno preteklost svojega političnega nasprotnika?
zuzelka ::
Kako ne vem. Trump je hotel razkrinkati kriminalno preteklost Beidna, ker Ameriko noče dati v roke skoruptiranega politika.
Aha. Torej je po tvojem mnenju impeachment, torej odstavitev zaradi zlorabe položaja, osnovana na temu, da je želel razkrinkati kriminalno preteklost svojega političnega nasprotnika?
Trump se je z Ukrajinskim predsednikom o zločincu Beidnu pogovarjal že preden so Beidnu sploh rekli da mora tekmovat za predsednika.
Kaj pa je narobe če se pošlje sedet politike ki izsiljujejo druge države za lasten dobiček?
MisterM ::
Popolnoma nič, če pri tem ne zlorabi svojega predsedniškega položaja, in to skuša celo prikriti.
Smrekar1 ::
DarwiN ::
Karkoli že imaš v mislih glede Izraela, a tukaj pa ne bi sprejel plazu teorij zarot, whataboutizmov in alternativnih dejstev, ki bi se usule in "oprale" dear leaderja vsake krivde? LMAO, trumptardi.. Par ur po izbruhu afere bi Trump že bil the chosen one, kot novorojenček brez vsakega greha.
edit: Mimogrede, tisti predlog za izbris tvojega posta je bil po pomoti.
edit: Mimogrede, tisti predlog za izbris tvojega posta je bil po pomoti.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()
MadMicka ::
zuželka, da boš razumel, kar je problem pri zadevi Trump - Ukrajina. Če šef države začne z državnimi milijoni podkupovati, izsiljevati, ipd. tretje osebe, da bi le-te uničile njegovo domačo politično opozicijo, potem je konec demokracije. Potem je govora o diktaturi, kjer politična elita državna sredstva vlaga v zatiranje opozicije. Povhu tega pa gre še za vmešavanje tujih držav v notranje zadeve suverene države. Gre se za fundamentalne stvari.
Trump je gotov. Upam, da potem, ko zgubi naslednje volitve, konča za rešetkam.
Trump je gotov. Upam, da potem, ko zgubi naslednje volitve, konča za rešetkam.
zmaugy ::
Samo nekaj glede Joe in Hunter Bidena.
Ali bi Hunter Biden dobil službo pri Burisma, če njegov oče ne bi bil Joe Biden?
Če je odgovor da, potem ni problema.
Če je odgovor ne, je pa vprašanje kaj je Burisma pričakovala od Joe Biden, da naredi za Ukrajino?
Sam ideja, da pa sin in oče ne govorita o svojih poslih je pa smešna.
Pa še malce glede Pochahontas in crazy Bernieja.
"Basically at this point if you are still supporting Sanders as opposed to Warren it's kind of showing your sexism," Sussman said.
ps: Še nekaj, je tole res?
Why donations to the Clinton Foundation fell off a cliff when Hillary lost in 2016?
Did those donors suddenly care tens of millions of dollars *less* about charity?
Or was something else going on there all along?
Joj, da ne omenjamo superkvalificiranih Ivanke in Jareda, ta dva sta se sigurno prijavila na razpis za delovni mesti v Beli hiši.
Pa fukfehtanja vojske in administracije po Trumpovih hotelih.............. Trump in njegova familija naredijo v enem dnevu toliko pizdarij, kot vsi ostali politiki s familijami v celem življenju.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
kow ::
Pac-Man ::
The need for Trump and his posse to make this about the whistleblower and not the document or the evidence is all you need to know about how this will go.
They need to destroy the messenger no matter how much the message gets corroborated.
The need for Trump and his posse to make this about the whistleblower and not the document or the evidence is all you need to know about how this will go.
They need to destroy the messenger no matter how much the message gets corroborated.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Na FOX & Friends so ob aferah z maili clintonove in okrog vlomov v DNC svoje gledalce tako temeljito zdresirali s (tajni) server = BAD, da ob trenutnem škandalu uporabljajo vse mogoče sinonime, vključno s "Super-secret gizmo computer"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Tega si ne moreš zmislit.
Model na desni je Val Broeksmit, v Ukrajini rojeni wannabe muzkontar. Njegov l. 2014 umrli očim je bil Chief Risk Officer pri Deutsche Bank. Preko te povezave je prišel do celega kupa notranjih dokumentov in mailov, tudi o poslovanju z Rusijo in Trump Inc.
V naslednjih letih jih je potihem delil s FBI in novinarji, o čemer je zvedel Moby in ga spravil v stik z Adamom Schiffom.
Tako je prišlo do zgornje fotografije.
Model na desni je Val Broeksmit, v Ukrajini rojeni wannabe muzkontar. Njegov l. 2014 umrli očim je bil Chief Risk Officer pri Deutsche Bank. Preko te povezave je prišel do celega kupa notranjih dokumentov in mailov, tudi o poslovanju z Rusijo in Trump Inc.
V naslednjih letih jih je potihem delil s FBI in novinarji, o čemer je zvedel Moby in ga spravil v stik z Adamom Schiffom.
Tako je prišlo do zgornje fotografije.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
jb_j ::
Če bi dobro povzeli novice skoraj vsi svetovni mediji, bi jim najbrž bilo jasno, da se gre za impeachment inquiry (oz. za poizvedbo za odpoklic trumpa)
Kar je zelo daleč od inpeachmenta (oz. za odpoklic trumpa, kot je navedeno v naslovnici te novice in je zavajajoča), in o čemer poročajo praktično vse medijske hiše zelo podobno, da se gre za impeachment oz. za odpoklic trumpa (doslednost manjka).
Se mi pa zdi pravilno, da demokrati, naredijo ta inquiry. Se jim pa lahko negativno obrestuje, ker so zelo blizu volitve.
Ali pa celo zelo pozitivno, če dejansko potem pride do impeachment-a.
Aja pa še ta zavajajoča novica:
Ker je navadna laž in zavajanje ljudi.
To novico bi osebno označil za fake news, ker ne povzema dejanskih dejstev. (predvsem v naslovnici)
Kar je zelo daleč od inpeachmenta (oz. za odpoklic trumpa, kot je navedeno v naslovnici te novice in je zavajajoča), in o čemer poročajo praktično vse medijske hiše zelo podobno, da se gre za impeachment oz. za odpoklic trumpa (doslednost manjka).
Se mi pa zdi pravilno, da demokrati, naredijo ta inquiry. Se jim pa lahko negativno obrestuje, ker so zelo blizu volitve.
Ali pa celo zelo pozitivno, če dejansko potem pride do impeachment-a.
Aja pa še ta zavajajoča novica:
Ker je navadna laž in zavajanje ljudi.
To novico bi osebno označil za fake news, ker ne povzema dejanskih dejstev. (predvsem v naslovnici)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()
jb_j ::
Če bi dobro povzeli novice skoraj vsi svetovni mediji, bi jim najbrž bilo jasno, da se gre za impeachment inquiry (oz. za poizvedbo za odpoklic trumpa)
Kar je zelo daleč od inpeachmenta (oz. za odpoklic trumpa, kot je navedeno v naslovnici te novice in je zavajajoča), in o čemer poročajo praktično vse medijske hiše zelo podobno, da se gre za impeachment oz. za odpoklic trumpa (doslednost manjka).
Se mi pa zdi pravilno, da demokrati, naredijo ta inquiry. Se jim pa lahko negativno obrestuje, ker so zelo blizu volitve.
Ali pa celo zelo pozitivno, če dejansko potem pride do impeachment-a.
Aja pa še ta zavajajoča novica:
Ker je navadna laž in zavajanje ljudi.
To novico bi osebno označil za fake news, ker ne povzema dejanskih dejstev. (predvsem v naslovnici)
In tukaj lahko postane zelo zapleteno:
Če se politični voditelji odločijo, da si trump zasluži odstop iz položaja predsednika. (in dosežejo impeachment brez sodstva oz. sojenja)
Ne vem pa kako naj bi to sploh potekalo tam.
Pomeni, da imajo politiki večjo vladavino nad pravno državo, ker je pravo do sedaj odločilo drugače.
Razen, če sledi potem pravna obravnava trumpa, ki pritrdi volji in želji tistim, ki so bili za impeachment trumpa in njegov inquiry.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()
Zheegec ::
ker je pravo do sedaj odločilo drugače.
Huh? Kdaj? Ostranitev predsednika s strani kongresa je AFAIK zapisana v ustavo.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
jb_j ::
ker je pravo do sedaj odločilo drugače.
Huh? Kdaj? Ostranitev predsednika s strani kongresa je AFAIK zapisana v ustavo.
Kar potem pomeni, da ima kongres večja pooblastila, kot pravni red države.
Kar je pa v nasprotju z vsemi pravnimi državami.
Je pa dobro določilo, ker imajo ameriški predsedniki preveliko oblast nad državo.
(predvsem kar se vojske tiče)
ker je pravo do sedaj odločilo drugače.
Huh? Kdaj? Ostranitev predsednika s strani kongresa je AFAIK zapisana v ustavo.
In potem nastane še hujši problem, ker volitve za predsednika, kongres in dom predstavnikov so ob različnih časih.
In potemtakšni logiki lahko kongres vedno, ko dobi večino nad nasprotno stranko, odstavi predsednika. (ker je tako zapisano v ustavi, kot trdiš)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()
jb_j ::
ker je pravo do sedaj odločilo drugače.
Huh? Kdaj? Ostranitev predsednika s strani kongresa je AFAIK zapisana v ustavo.
Kar potem pomeni, da ima kongres večja pooblastila, kot pravni red države.
Kar je pa v nasprotju z vsemi pravnimi državami.
Je pa dobro določilo, ker imajo ameriški predsedniki preveliko oblast nad državo.
(predvsem kar se vojske tiče)
ker je pravo do sedaj odločilo drugače.
Huh? Kdaj? Ostranitev predsednika s strani kongresa je AFAIK zapisana v ustavo.
In potem nastane še hujši problem, ker volitve za predsednika, kongres in dom predstavnikov so ob različnih časih.
In potemtakšni logiki lahko kongres vedno, ko dobi večino nad nasprotno stranko, odstavi predsednika. (ker je tako zapisano v ustavi, kot trdiš)
V evropi se takšne problematike rešuje s predčasnimi volitvami (kjer ima vlada podobno močan položaj, kot predsednik v zda)
Ali z sestavo nove vlade (kot se je to zgodilo v italiji)
Evropi pač vlada večinska vlada v večinah držav.
V zda en predsednik. (kjer je vrhovni poglavar največje vojaške sile)
Iz tega vidika smo v evropi veliko bolj demokratični. (četudi nam kdaj ni po volji trenutni režim)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()
jb_j ::
Na fox news sem ravno prej zasledil izjavo:
"če so ljudje za impeachment, potem mora biti", oz. nekak v tem smislu.
In to se mi ne zdi prav, o tem mora odločiti pravo.
Ker, če bi populizem odločal o usodi ljudi:
"Če bi vsi ljudje v Sloveniji glasovali za minimalno plačo dva tisoč evrov in več,
bi najbrž večina ljudi glasovala ZA."
Zato imamo ustavno sodišče, ki rešuje podobne problematike, lahko bi se vmešalo tudi v dodatno zdravstvo
Delovanje države ne more slediti javnemu mnenju (po mojem osebnem mnenju) (mora se pa boriti za njihovo zadovoljstvo)
Predvsem pa mora država (ali unija) ščititi svoje namene in ideje za boljšo prihodnost ljudi.
Predvsem bi pa izpostavil tukaj portal, predlagam vladi:
Ukinili bi dodatno zdravstveno zavarovanje, vlada pa o tem tako: Težave bomo reševali kasneje.
Podhranjeno zdravstvo bo s tem imelo še manj denarja in ker nihče ni ponudil rešitve, kje bodo zagotovili ta denar.
Bodo okrnjene osnovno zdravstvene stvari. Koliko, bomo pa videli čez čas.
"če so ljudje za impeachment, potem mora biti", oz. nekak v tem smislu.
In to se mi ne zdi prav, o tem mora odločiti pravo.
Ker, če bi populizem odločal o usodi ljudi:
"Če bi vsi ljudje v Sloveniji glasovali za minimalno plačo dva tisoč evrov in več,
bi najbrž večina ljudi glasovala ZA."
Zato imamo ustavno sodišče, ki rešuje podobne problematike, lahko bi se vmešalo tudi v dodatno zdravstvo
Delovanje države ne more slediti javnemu mnenju (po mojem osebnem mnenju) (mora se pa boriti za njihovo zadovoljstvo)
Predvsem pa mora država (ali unija) ščititi svoje namene in ideje za boljšo prihodnost ljudi.
Predvsem bi pa izpostavil tukaj portal, predlagam vladi:
Ukinili bi dodatno zdravstveno zavarovanje, vlada pa o tem tako: Težave bomo reševali kasneje.
Podhranjeno zdravstvo bo s tem imelo še manj denarja in ker nihče ni ponudil rešitve, kje bodo zagotovili ta denar.
Bodo okrnjene osnovno zdravstvene stvari. Koliko, bomo pa videli čez čas.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()
Stalinovic ::
RIP Barni :(
Bernie Sanders Is Hospitalized, Raising Questions About His Candidacy
The Vermont senator had two stents inserted in an artery after experiencing chest discomfort at an event. His campaign canceled his events and said he would be resting for several days.
Samo kot opomin: No refunds!
Bernie Sanders Is Hospitalized, Raising Questions About His Candidacy
The Vermont senator had two stents inserted in an artery after experiencing chest discomfort at an event. His campaign canceled his events and said he would be resting for several days.
Samo kot opomin: No refunds!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Goegoff ()
Smrekar1 ::
Če bi dobro povzeli novice skoraj vsi svetovni mediji, bi jim najbrž bilo jasno, da se gre za impeachment inquiry (oz. za poizvedbo za odpoklic trumpa)
Kar je zelo daleč od inpeachmenta (oz. za odpoklic trumpa, kot je navedeno v naslovnici te novice in je zavajajoča), in o čemer poročajo praktično vse medijske hiše zelo podobno, da se gre za impeachment oz. za odpoklic trumpa (doslednost manjka).
Se mi pa zdi pravilno, da demokrati, naredijo ta inquiry. Se jim pa lahko negativno obrestuje, ker so zelo blizu volitve.
Ali pa celo zelo pozitivno, če dejansko potem pride do impeachment-a.
Demokratom bi se najbolj obrestovalo, če bi jasno pokazali kak ducat ali dva trdnih dokazov, da je Trump zrel za odstavitev in da si brezupen primerek, če se s tem ne strinjaš; nato bo Moscow Mitch nabral tistih 34 Republikancev v Senatu in izsilil oprostitev, kar bi strmoglavilo podporo za Republikansko stranko med Američani iz IQ 60 ali več.
Scenarij ni neverjeten. Samo Muellerjevo poročilo navaja deset (10) primerov, ko je Trump poskušal ovirati preiskavo in pove, da ne more izključiti drugih, uspešnih poskusov oviranja preiskave. Nixon je imel na glavi enega samega in je bilo dovolj.
Pac-Man ::
Mož Kellyanne je spisal 11500 besed za The Atlantic.
Unfit for Office
Donald Trump’s narcissism makes it impossible for him to carry out the duties of the presidency in the way the Constitution requires.
Unfit for Office
Donald Trump’s narcissism makes it impossible for him to carry out the duties of the presidency in the way the Constitution requires.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Pence is distancing himself from Trump on Ukraine. Rush is turning on Fox News. Rudy is throwing the State Department under the bus. And Trump is lashing out in all directions at once.
This kind of thing happens when a scandal begins to consume a presidency. It'll get worse.
in to
Nickelback had Trump's video taken down for copyright infringement.😂
Trump got owned by Nickelback as the entire world laughs.
If that's not worthy of impeachment, I don't know what is.
kontekst za drugi to:
In morda še to, ampak je celota še pod ključavnico. Ko bo spuščeno v divjino prilepim.
Pence is distancing himself from Trump on Ukraine. Rush is turning on Fox News. Rudy is throwing the State Department under the bus. And Trump is lashing out in all directions at once.
This kind of thing happens when a scandal begins to consume a presidency. It'll get worse.
in to
Nickelback had Trump's video taken down for copyright infringement.😂
Trump got owned by Nickelback as the entire world laughs.
If that's not worthy of impeachment, I don't know what is.
kontekst za drugi to:
In morda še to, ampak je celota še pod ključavnico. Ko bo spuščeno v divjino prilepim.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
Februarja 2016 so ameriški senatorju Porošenku poslali pismo, v katerem so med drugim zahtevali, da reformira vrhovno tožilstvo. Spodaj so podpisani tudi trije republikanci.
Na kongresnem zaslišanju jim je pritrdil še W.-jev veleposlanik v Ukrajini.
Toliko o bidnovem soliranju.
CNN's KFile found a February 2016 bipartisan letter signed by several Republican senators that urged then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to "press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary."
The 2016 letter, sent by members of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, was signed by Republican Sens. Rob Portman, Mark Kirk and Ron Johnson, as well as Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin, Jeanne Shaheen, Chris Murphy, Sherrod Brown, and Richard Blumenthal and focused on longstanding issues of corruption in Ukraine and urged reforms of the government.
At a hearing in March 2016 on Ukrainian reforms, Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, the Republican chair of the Committee who would one day become a top Trump critic within the GOP, raised concerns about corruption in Ukraine and said his hearing would delve into what pressure the U.S. could apply.
At the same hearing, John E. Herbst, a former Ambassador to Ukraine in the Bush administration and now director of the Atlantic Council's Eurasia Center, testified that there was widespread support for the removal of Sholkin and praised specifically praised Biden.
"While reform progress was substantial in 2015, it was not enough for many in civil society and at least some reformers in the Rada and the government. Critics focused on the absence of any real changes in the Procurator General's Office and in the judiciary and claimed that the president and prime minister were not interested in going after these major sources of corruption," he said. "Both institutions were known to facilitate corruption. They pointed to the failure of the government—through the Procurator General— to indict any major figures from the Yanukovych administration for corruption. They complained, too, that Procurator General Viktor Shokin was a compromised figure who had served as Procurator General in the Yanukovych Administration.
"By late fall of 2015, the EU and the United States joined the chorus of those seeking Mr. Shokin's removal as the start of an overall reform of the Procurator General's Office," he added. "US Vice President Joe Biden spoke publicly about this before and during his December visit to Kyiv; but Mr. Shokin remained in place."
Added Herbst, "Vice President Biden has been a great advocate for reform in Ukraine."
Zadnji teden je bil republikanski "talking point", da Trump v neslavnem telefonskem klicu ni zahteval preiskave Bidnov.
Danes pa:
Na kongresnem zaslišanju jim je pritrdil še W.-jev veleposlanik v Ukrajini.
Toliko o bidnovem soliranju.
CNN's KFile found a February 2016 bipartisan letter signed by several Republican senators that urged then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to "press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary."
The 2016 letter, sent by members of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, was signed by Republican Sens. Rob Portman, Mark Kirk and Ron Johnson, as well as Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin, Jeanne Shaheen, Chris Murphy, Sherrod Brown, and Richard Blumenthal and focused on longstanding issues of corruption in Ukraine and urged reforms of the government.
At a hearing in March 2016 on Ukrainian reforms, Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, the Republican chair of the Committee who would one day become a top Trump critic within the GOP, raised concerns about corruption in Ukraine and said his hearing would delve into what pressure the U.S. could apply.
At the same hearing, John E. Herbst, a former Ambassador to Ukraine in the Bush administration and now director of the Atlantic Council's Eurasia Center, testified that there was widespread support for the removal of Sholkin and praised specifically praised Biden.
"While reform progress was substantial in 2015, it was not enough for many in civil society and at least some reformers in the Rada and the government. Critics focused on the absence of any real changes in the Procurator General's Office and in the judiciary and claimed that the president and prime minister were not interested in going after these major sources of corruption," he said. "Both institutions were known to facilitate corruption. They pointed to the failure of the government—through the Procurator General— to indict any major figures from the Yanukovych administration for corruption. They complained, too, that Procurator General Viktor Shokin was a compromised figure who had served as Procurator General in the Yanukovych Administration.
"By late fall of 2015, the EU and the United States joined the chorus of those seeking Mr. Shokin's removal as the start of an overall reform of the Procurator General's Office," he added. "US Vice President Joe Biden spoke publicly about this before and during his December visit to Kyiv; but Mr. Shokin remained in place."
Added Herbst, "Vice President Biden has been a great advocate for reform in Ukraine."
Zadnji teden je bil republikanski "talking point", da Trump v neslavnem telefonskem klicu ni zahteval preiskave Bidnov.
Danes pa:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
Corn Cob ( Jacob Wohl @ Wikipedia ) in Odprta Durca ( Jack Burkman @ Wikipedia ) sta imela novo tiskovko, kjer sta zatrdila, da se je šla Pocahontas BDSM s 24-letnim marincem.
Stupidest timeline.
Stupidest timeline.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Džoli ::
On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” anchor Jake Tapper reported the so-called whistleblower in the Ukraine controversy was a “registered Democrat.”
vemo kaj je v igri. podžigali so proteste v ukrajini. zaprite Bidna!
Število vojnih zarišč pod Trumpom: 0
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Džoli ()
Zheegec ::
"Število vojnih zarišč pod Trumpom: 0"
Trump revokes Obama rule on reporting drone strike deaths
Civilian Deaths in U.S. Wars Are Skyrocketing Under Trump.
Trump's brand of war is killing more civilians than before
UN says more Afghan civilians killed in 2019 by Afghan, U.S. and allied forces than terror groups
Threefold rise in civilian casualties from US air strikes in Afghanistan
Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama’s numbers
The Alarming Rise of Civilian Deaths in the War On Terror
itd itd itd
Trump revokes Obama rule on reporting drone strike deaths
Civilian Deaths in U.S. Wars Are Skyrocketing Under Trump.
Trump's brand of war is killing more civilians than before
UN says more Afghan civilians killed in 2019 by Afghan, U.S. and allied forces than terror groups
Threefold rise in civilian casualties from US air strikes in Afghanistan
Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama’s numbers
The Alarming Rise of Civilian Deaths in the War On Terror
itd itd itd
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zheegec ()
blackbfm ::
zuželka, da boš razumel, kar je problem pri zadevi Trump - Ukrajina. Če šef države začne z državnimi milijoni podkupovati, izsiljevati, ipd. tretje osebe, da bi le-te uničile njegovo domačo politično opozicijo, potem je konec demokracije. Potem je govora o diktaturi, kjer politična elita državna sredstva vlaga v zatiranje opozicije.
Ok ce za trenutek pogledamo bolj nepristransko na situacijo, a zdaj neki biden je kar naenkrat nedotakljiv, da se ga ne sme preiskovati al kako? Naj ga preiščejo. Meanwhile "zatirana" opozicija trumpa ruši že 3 leta. Kje ti vidis konec demokracije? Prej je to vrhunec
Urbano#Desno ::
Meanwhile "zatirana" opozicija trumpa ruši že 3 leta. Kje ti vidis konec demokracije? Prej je to vrhunec
Rušili ga bodo vse do 2024, ampak ker so tipično levo nesposobni bo Trump ostal in šel v zgodovino kot najboljši predsednik ZDA po Reaganu. Laži morda uspelo v levosučnih močvirjih kot je Slovenija v ZDA pa zagotovo ne.
ZaphodBB ::
Na fox news sem ravno prej zasledil izjavo:
"če so ljudje za impeachment, potem mora biti", oz. nekak v tem smislu.
In to se mi ne zdi prav, o tem mora odločiti pravo.
Ker, če bi populizem odločal o usodi ljudi:
"Če bi vsi ljudje v Sloveniji glasovali za minimalno plačo dva tisoč evrov in več,
bi najbrž večina ljudi glasovala ZA."
Zato imamo ustavno sodišče, ki rešuje podobne problematike, lahko bi se vmešalo tudi v dodatno zdravstvo
Delovanje države ne more slediti javnemu mnenju (po mojem osebnem mnenju) (mora se pa boriti za njihovo zadovoljstvo)
Predvsem pa mora država (ali unija) ščititi svoje namene in ideje za boljšo prihodnost ljudi.
Predvsem bi pa izpostavil tukaj portal, predlagam vladi:
Ukinili bi dodatno zdravstveno zavarovanje, vlada pa o tem tako: Težave bomo reševali kasneje.
Podhranjeno zdravstvo bo s tem imelo še manj denarja in ker nihče ni ponudil rešitve, kje bodo zagotovili ta denar.
Bodo okrnjene osnovno zdravstvene stvari. Koliko, bomo pa videli čez čas.
AFAIK impičment ni pravna ampak politična kategorija. Dobesedno je edini pogoj za impičment, da se zgornji in spodnji dom parlamenta strinjata z odstranitvijo predsednika.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
Pac-Man ::
Ok ce za trenutek pogledamo bolj nepristransko na situacijo, a zdaj neki biden je kar naenkrat nedotakljiv, da se ga ne sme preiskovati al kako? Naj ga preiščejo. Meanwhile "zatirana" opozicija trumpa ruši že 3 leta. Kje ti vidis konec demokracije? Prej je to vrhunec
Biden ni in ne sme biti nedotakljiv.
Hkrati ni največji ali celo edini problem Ukrajine.
Ampak Trump (si) ga predstavlja kot takega. Ker narcis.
@5:50, hardcoded podnapisi
Ni prosil za okrepitev tožilstva, kake splošne postopke...samo Biden, Biden, Biden.
Se ti ne zdi čudno in "impečabilno", da je predsednik ZDA tako obseden z eno osebo, ki mu povsem slučajno predstavlja potencialno konkurenco na prihajajočih volitvah? In za svoje interese uporablja celotno državno mašinerijo taistih združenih držav?
He's a crook, kar tudi prizna. Pred kamerami.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
zuzelka ::
Biden ni in ne sme biti nedotakljiv.
Več kot očitno je (bil) nedotakljiv, če je poskrbel da njgov sin lepo služi in se giblje na prostosti.
Aja sori, ni mel pojma kaj njegov sin dela, zgolj naključje da je zlorabil svojo politično moč da je odstranil preiskovalca ki je na sledi njegovemu sinu.
Pac-Man ::
Preiskovalec je odstopil sam.
Vitaly Kasko @ Wikipedia
Ker je tisti, katerega odstavitev je zahteval Biden, oviral njegovo delo.
Viktor Shokin @ Wikipedia
Nehaj gaslightat.
In ko smo že pri stvari - v Ukrajini se ni preiskovalo Bidnov, temveč Burismo. Ker jim enostavno nista problem.
Vitaly Kasko @ Wikipedia
Ker je tisti, katerega odstavitev je zahteval Biden, oviral njegovo delo.
Viktor Shokin @ Wikipedia
Nehaj gaslightat.
In ko smo že pri stvari - v Ukrajini se ni preiskovalo Bidnov, temveč Burismo. Ker jim enostavno nista problem.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Smrekar1 ::
Se ti ne zdi čudno in "impečabilno", da je predsednik ZDA tako obseden z eno osebo, ki mu povsem slučajno predstavlja potencialno konkurenco na prihajajočih volitvah? In za svoje interese uporablja celotno državno mašinerijo taistih združenih držav?
Pred petimi leti je bil okoli tega cel šit.
Our system of government is based on checks and balances. Ever since the beginning of the 20th Century, the Executive has, to one degree or another, been the dominant branch of government in large part due to the explosion of the Federal bureaucracy. Hundreds of agencies, departments, programs, task forces, and commissions are an arsenal that in the wrong hands can be used against the very freedom the government is supposed to uphold, protect and defend. Rest assured, it’s in the wrong hands. It’s time the toothless tiger called the GOP crafted a full-throat-ed strategy to investigate, expose and counter Barack Obama’s weaponization of government.
Naknadno je bilo ugotvoljeno, da je bila zadeva izmišljena.
Kljub temu se mi zdi dokaj relevantno dejstvo, da so Republikanci še pred petimi leti trdno stali za mnenjem, da predsednik nikakor ne bi smel uperjati državnega aparata proti političnim nasprotnikom.
zuzelka ::
Pac-Man ::
AFAIK impičment ni pravna ampak politična kategorija. Dobesedno je edini pogoj za impičment, da se zgornji in spodnji dom parlamenta strinjata z odstranitvijo predsednika.
Po prispevkih v The Federalist Papers s strani zdaj slavnega Hamiltona, da.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
c3p0 ::
Paco, kot strokovnjaka za impiče te vprašam, a tokrat bo? Želim tvoje mnenje, ne od NSA guya...
Pac-Man ::
Moj idealni scenarij:
Kongres sestavi obtožnico z mnooooogo točkami, senat ga oprosti, Warrenova zmaga, spotoma demokrati poberejo cel kup stolov v kongresu in senatu, nacionalizem v ZDA umre za vsaj generacijo.
Kongres sestavi obtožnico z mnooooogo točkami, senat ga oprosti, Warrenova zmaga, spotoma demokrati poberejo cel kup stolov v kongresu in senatu, nacionalizem v ZDA umre za vsaj generacijo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Smrekar1 ::
Pac-Man ::
Na povezavi so dodatne fotke/članki
It’s that moment when your obscure research subject pops up in the news. Yesterday @AOC was confronted by a woman claiming to be a climate activist at a town hall meeting. Her proposal to solve the climate crisis - “eat the babies”. @AOC did not denounce this woman. She thought that she was suffering from some kind of mental illness, and treated her kindly. But all kinds of figures on the right and the alt-right have pounced on the story. Including the President.
So who was this woman? Not a climate activist. Not even, perhaps, someone with a mental illness. She is a representative of the bizarre political cult once led by Lyndon LaRouche.
Previous targets for this kind of stunt include @Janefonda, Olof Palme & Michael Dukakis. Now @AOC.
The LaRouchies are pretty exotic. They believe that the Queen controls the drugs trade. They think Prince Philip wants to start WW3. They think Bertrand Russell used the Beatles as part of a secret British psy war against the USA. They are, to use a technical term, nuts.
The LaRouchies have been enemies of the green movement for decades. They used to carry signs that read “Feed Jane Fonda to the whales”. It’s linked with their conspiracy theory about the Queen’s “green fascism”. Piers Corbyn, by the way, was a member of their Facebook group.
The LaRouche group was once a fairly ordinary revolutionary Marxist group. In the early days Bernie Sanders subscribed to their literature. Then came the great Brainwashing Affair of 1974, when members were convinced they had been programmed to kill by the CIA.
But the point here is that a small, weird, politically unclassifiable - once Marxist, now more often described as neo-fascist and antisemitic - has spent nearly five decades pulling these stunts. Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Dukakis was a notable victim.
The LaRouchies are now firm Trump supporters - though Putin is their first love.
And here they are, making headlines again. And still crazy after all these years.
It also shows, I suppose, the residual intellectualism of their little movement - the whole stunt is a call back to Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal.
Thomas Malthus - along with Bertrand Russell and the Queen - is one of their gallery of villains.
It’s that moment when your obscure research subject pops up in the news. Yesterday @AOC was confronted by a woman claiming to be a climate activist at a town hall meeting. Her proposal to solve the climate crisis - “eat the babies”. @AOC did not denounce this woman. She thought that she was suffering from some kind of mental illness, and treated her kindly. But all kinds of figures on the right and the alt-right have pounced on the story. Including the President.
So who was this woman? Not a climate activist. Not even, perhaps, someone with a mental illness. She is a representative of the bizarre political cult once led by Lyndon LaRouche.
Previous targets for this kind of stunt include @Janefonda, Olof Palme & Michael Dukakis. Now @AOC.
The LaRouchies are pretty exotic. They believe that the Queen controls the drugs trade. They think Prince Philip wants to start WW3. They think Bertrand Russell used the Beatles as part of a secret British psy war against the USA. They are, to use a technical term, nuts.
The LaRouchies have been enemies of the green movement for decades. They used to carry signs that read “Feed Jane Fonda to the whales”. It’s linked with their conspiracy theory about the Queen’s “green fascism”. Piers Corbyn, by the way, was a member of their Facebook group.
The LaRouche group was once a fairly ordinary revolutionary Marxist group. In the early days Bernie Sanders subscribed to their literature. Then came the great Brainwashing Affair of 1974, when members were convinced they had been programmed to kill by the CIA.
But the point here is that a small, weird, politically unclassifiable - once Marxist, now more often described as neo-fascist and antisemitic - has spent nearly five decades pulling these stunts. Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Dukakis was a notable victim.
The LaRouchies are now firm Trump supporters - though Putin is their first love.
And here they are, making headlines again. And still crazy after all these years.
It also shows, I suppose, the residual intellectualism of their little movement - the whole stunt is a call back to Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal.
Thomas Malthus - along with Bertrand Russell and the Queen - is one of their gallery of villains.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Kontekst za
One note on the text messages in the current Ukraine Clown Posse scandal.
I've been in politics a long time, and with the full understanding of the discoverable nature of emails, text messages, and documents.
When I saw the US EU ambassador's pompous, overwritten reply denying a quid pro quo and requests to "call me" or "take this offline" are red damn flags.
I've sent a lot of "Call me" emails and messages in the past. There's a rule in discoverable environments and this guy was following it.
Never write down what you can say in an email.
Never email what you can text.
Never text what you can say in a call.
Never make a call on a landline when you can use a cell phone.
Never use a cell phone when you can call on Signal.
Never tell anyone anything.
One note on the text messages in the current Ukraine Clown Posse scandal.
I've been in politics a long time, and with the full understanding of the discoverable nature of emails, text messages, and documents.
When I saw the US EU ambassador's pompous, overwritten reply denying a quid pro quo and requests to "call me" or "take this offline" are red damn flags.
I've sent a lot of "Call me" emails and messages in the past. There's a rule in discoverable environments and this guy was following it.
Never write down what you can say in an email.
Never email what you can text.
Never text what you can say in a call.
Never make a call on a landline when you can use a cell phone.
Never use a cell phone when you can call on Signal.
Never tell anyone anything.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
maco-maco ::
Moj idealni scenarij:
Kongres sestavi obtožnico z mnooooogo točkami, senat ga oprosti, Warrenova zmaga, spotoma demokrati poberejo cel kup stolov v kongresu in senatu, nacionalizem v ZDA umre za vsaj generacijo.
To bi bilo čisto v redu. Boljše kot da ga odstavijo.
Če ga odstavijo, se bo potem drl, swamp, čeprav so se pod njegovo taktirko komarji še bolj namnožili.
Jarno ::
Smrekar in Pac-Man:
Od vaju bi pričakoval več kritičnega razmišljanja do predsedniških kandidatov. To, da je vajino razmišljanje podvrženo zgolj podvigu "Trump must go." je bedarija.
Čisto možno je, da se bo alternativni zmagovalec predsedniških volitev oblasti držal še osem let.
Razen morda, če se v naprej veselita reparacij za temnopolte in sabotiranja globalno operativnih tehnoloških podjetij.
Dober primer: na Taiwanu se odločijo, da bodo razbili TSMC, ker prav gotovo ovira konkurenco. Naj nekje drugje zraste kaj novega. Yaay, že po svetu bi se držali za glavo, kaj šele tajvanski domoljubi.
Še najboljša rešitev bi bil Trumpov impeachment in alternativni skrbno izbrani kandidat republikancev.
Od vaju bi pričakoval več kritičnega razmišljanja do predsedniških kandidatov. To, da je vajino razmišljanje podvrženo zgolj podvigu "Trump must go." je bedarija.
Čisto možno je, da se bo alternativni zmagovalec predsedniških volitev oblasti držal še osem let.
Razen morda, če se v naprej veselita reparacij za temnopolte in sabotiranja globalno operativnih tehnoloških podjetij.
Dober primer: na Taiwanu se odločijo, da bodo razbili TSMC, ker prav gotovo ovira konkurenco. Naj nekje drugje zraste kaj novega. Yaay, že po svetu bi se držali za glavo, kaj šele tajvanski domoljubi.
Še najboljša rešitev bi bil Trumpov impeachment in alternativni skrbno izbrani kandidat republikancev.
ZaphodBB ::
Smrekar in Pac-Man:
Od vaju bi pričakoval več kritičnega razmišljanja do predsedniških kandidatov. To, da je vajino razmišljanje podvrženo zgolj podvigu "Trump must go." je bedarija.
Čisto možno je, da se bo alternativni zmagovalec predsedniških volitev oblasti držal še osem let.
Razen morda, če se v naprej veselita reparacij za temnopolte in sabotiranja globalno operativnih tehnoloških podjetij.
Dober primer: na Taiwanu se odločijo, da bodo razbili TSMC, ker prav gotovo ovira konkurenco. Naj nekje drugje zraste kaj novega. Yaay, že po svetu bi se držali za glavo, kaj šele tajvanski domoljubi.
Še najboljša rešitev bi bil Trumpov impeachment in alternativni skrbno izbrani kandidat republikancev.
Očitno hočeta Penca.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 266942 (226961) | OmegaBlue |