Forum » Loža » ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020
ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020
Temo vidijo: vsi
Urbano#Desno ::
gruntfürmich je izjavil:
zanimiva ta nova dikcija rasizma... če nisi mentalno na nivoju živali in se z lastnim trudom izkoplješ iz geta in revščine, si avtomatično rasist.
To levičarji hočejo. Samo, da boš glasoval za njih. :)
Seveda obljubijo ti pa da bodo vzeli tistim ki so se izkopali iz geta. Posledično se v idealnem levem svetu nobenemu ne splača za nič potrudit in vsi ostanejo / pristanejo v dreku.
Kolega, model ima častni doktorat UNI-LJ in to, da en neonaci ne razume, kaj je anarho-sindikalizem, absolutno nikogar ne preseneča. Zahodna propaganda je pač vrednega vsakega centa.
Kul bro a kr častni doktorat ima. Glede zahodne propagande se pa strinjam v tako skrajnem levem političnem dreku kot smo danes še nismo bili.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Urbano#Desno ()
jype ::
Urbano#Desno je izjavil:
v tako skrajnem levem političnem dreku kot smo danes še nismo bili.Definitivno ne gre za levi pol, glede na to da bogati plačajo manj davka kot revni.
Jarno ::
Definitivno ne gre za levi pol, glede na to da bogati plačajo manj davka kot revni.
Bodi bolj specifičen. Absolutno plačujejo več davka, pa še denarja za višje plače zaposlenih je več.
Davki na dobrine pa so za vse enaki, če gledamo njihov ekvivalent DDV-ja.
Gre za ukrep spodbujanja gospodarstva in gospodarske rasti, tako, da poskusi razumet še s te plati.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.
jype ::
Bodi bolj specifičen. Absolutno plačujejo več davka, pa še denarja za višje plače zaposlenih je več.S tem se ves čas tolažite, a ne drži.
Amazon je v letu 2017 in 2018 plačal manj davka kot jaz.
Davki na dobrine pa so za vse enaki, če gledamo njihov ekvivalent DDV-ja.Bogati ne plačujejo DDVja.
Gre za ukrep spodbujanja gospodarstva in gospodarske rasti, tako, da poskusi razumet še s te plati.Gre za ukrep, za katerega plačujejo revni, ki vedno več delajo, so tudi vedno bolj produktivni, zaslužijo pa vedno manjši delež ustvarjenega.
Semafor ::
Edin od Ameriške elite, lastnikov korporacij, politikov... ki je pošteno plačal davke je Trump.
President Trump Paid Higher Tax Rate than Obama, Sanders and Romney
Vsi leviji od Twiterja, Amazona, Youtuba... ne plačujejo davkov, ker so pač tipični komiji.
President Trump Paid Higher Tax Rate than Obama, Sanders and Romney
Vsi leviji od Twiterja, Amazona, Youtuba... ne plačujejo davkov, ker so pač tipični komiji.
ZaphodBB ::
Drži. Belce policisti toliko redkeje umorijo, da ti dejansko nimate pojma o tem, kako rasizem vpliva na družbo.
Baghdad jype lies again!
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
Semafor ::
In to vse je razvidno iz njegovih se do danes neizdanih davcnih napovedi
To ma samo Putin, vsi vemo da je njegova lutka.
Trump Declares Himself “King of Israel”
qwertyy ::
Đinđerju se fuzla pred očmi celega sveta..
Amerika je postala totalen joke. Vsak dan bolj se zavedam, kako srečni smo lahko tisti, ki živimo v EU.
Kar nekaj mandatov bo potrebno, da se popravi sranje, ki ga je đinđer zakuhal.
Amerika je postala totalen joke. Vsak dan bolj se zavedam, kako srečni smo lahko tisti, ki živimo v EU.
Kar nekaj mandatov bo potrebno, da se popravi sranje, ki ga je đinđer zakuhal.
Semafor ::
jype ::
Kaj maš od EU?Ti imaš od švedskih liberalcev dobro plačano službo, v kateri lahko zganjaš neonacistično propagando, na primer.
Baghdad jype lies again!, he lied.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
jype ::
Imamom službo plačujete vsi, ki se vsakodnevno vozite z avtomobili (in ne švedski liberalci).
Semafor ::
švedski liberalci
Švedi ste najbolj nasilen narod v Evropi, sedaj pa misliš da mi boš ti moraliziral? Zresni se fantek.
SWEDISHBORN criminals who attempted to shoot and murder two police officers after they crossed border to Finland and tried to burglarize in Porvoo
jype ::
esel ::
Sp3m ::
Bodi bolj specifičen. Absolutno plačujejo več davka, pa še denarja za višje plače zaposlenih je več.S tem se ves čas tolažite, a ne drži.
Amazon je v letu 2017 in 2018 plačal manj davka kot jaz.
Očitno si zelo bogat...
Fact-check: Does Amazon pay '$0' in taxes?
For 2018, it reported owing $322 million in taxes to US state governments and another $563 million in the rest of the world.
Under a separate accounting category, Amazon reported "cash taxes paid" -- or the amount of funds actually paid in taxes -- of $1.2 billion last year and $957 million in 2017. But these numbers are not broken down geographically, so it is not possible to know which government received the cash.
Jarno ::
kako srečni smo lahko tisti, ki živimo v EU.
Kaj maš od EU? Srečen si ker na papirju piše da smo EU? WTF je z vami Oranđ Hitler Bad!!!! CNN said so!!!
Kaj imaš pa ti od USA in džindžerja... Ameriko si verjetno videl zgolj na zemljevidu, WTF.
Đinđer je poročen s kleno Slovenko, lepo prosim. Od njega imamo bore malo, je pa res, da so ZDA v veliki meri vplivale na to, kako se danes živi po svetu.
Če odmislimo politiko, se lahko osredotočimo tudi na tehnologije, ki jih lahko uporabljamo/kupimo od njihovih podjetij.
Če je tam dolgoročno kaj narobe, je to stopnja nasilnega kriminala, tudi "gun violence".
Finta je, da če si tam izvolijo čudnega predsednika, lahko posledice čutimo tudi tukaj. In Trump še ni tako čuden, kot se nekaterim zdi, mal šova dela okoli sebe, v resnici pa je tudi dobronameren, v prvi vrsti pa želi dobro ZDA (omenjam, ker nekateri tam že kurijo ameriške zastave).
Če ne maraš Trumpa v isti sapi kot se naokrog dereš "open borders", ob prvi priložnosti igraš na "racism card" itd., potem gre pogosto za neutemeljene kritike in popustljivost do katastrofalnih alternativ.
Za Bidena še ne vem, kakšen bi bil, ker ne spremljam njegove kampanje. Zna bit boljši od Bernija in Warrenove.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.
Sp3m ::
Đinđer je poročen s kleno Slovenko, lepo prosim. Od njega imamo bore malo, je pa res, da so ZDA v veliki meri vplivale na to, kako se danes živi po svetu.
Đinđer je poročen s kleno Slovenko in določeni pričakujejo, da bo nekaj naredil za Slovenijo, obenem pa se po večini slovenskih medijih pljuva po njemu in večinski del politike se mu smeji za hrbtom in ga kritizira na vaških veselicah!
jype ::
Sp3m ::
Poldi112 ::
In Trump še ni tako čuden, kot se nekaterim zdi, mal šova dela okoli sebe, v resnici pa je tudi dobronameren, v prvi vrsti pa želi dobro ZDA
Dobronameren. Smeh. A to si mu verjel, ko je rekel, da ima rad ameriko? Je kaj konkretnega naredil, razen razpihal rasizem, porezal davke ter ukinil regulacije?
But merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains.
Thomas Jefferson
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
jype ::
Toliko bogat nisi, tako da si spet ujet na laži...Vseeno mi je, kaj si ti domišljaš, da ne znaš računat je pa tudi jasno.
A to si mu verjel, ko je rekel, da ima rad ameriko?Saj je posilil zastavo, kaj še hočeš? Da recitira tri najljubše verze iz njegove najljubše knjige?
porezal davkeSamo bogatim - revni so letos plačali precej več kot lani.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
Sp3m ::
Toliko bogat nisi, tako da si spet ujet na laži...Vseeno mi je, kaj si ti domišljaš, da ne znaš računat je pa tudi jasno.
Daj ne laži več, lepo maš napisano v linku, koliko davka je Amazon plačal.
Torej sam sem dokazal mojo trditev.
Sedaj pa še ti dokaži svojo, ali pa utihni in ne žali več.
Plus, od sedaj napraj, te prosim, ker smo te dobili že večkrat na laži, da vsako svojo trditev, podpreš z linkom.
Če ne boš, bomo vedeli, da lažeš!
jype ::
Daj ne laži več, lepo maš napisano v linku, koliko davka je Amazon plačal.Jasno, a plačal ga je manj, kot sem ga jaz.
Torej sam sem dokazal mojo trditev.Ne, dokazal si, da si nepismen.
Plus, od sedaj napraj, te prosim, ker smo te dobili že večkrat na laži, da vsako svojo trditev, podpreš z linkom.Če to storim, moderatorji takoj pobrišejo, tako da se že dolgo ne trudim več, a naj bo, samo zate:
gruntfürmich ::
porezal davkeSamo bogatim - revni so letos plačali precej več kot lani.
zato ker jim gre vedno boljše pod donijem in niso več - revni !
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: gruntfürmich ()
zmaugy ::
Game over:
Bivši republikanski kongresnik Joe Walsh kandidira za predsednika. Donny nikoli ne bo mogel nadoknaditi glasov, ki mu jih bo Walsh odnesel.
Pa lahko noč.
Bivši republikanski kongresnik Joe Walsh kandidira za predsednika. Donny nikoli ne bo mogel nadoknaditi glasov, ki mu jih bo Walsh odnesel.
Pa lahko noč.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
qwertyy ::
Tale reddit comment "sums it up":
As an outsider, the whole country is a shitbox. You've made abortion illegal, women get legally harassed by people when getting one, no matter the circumstances. If you're anything but white calling the police can get you killed, even then sometimes you're still murdered. There's literal HUNDREDS of gun murders in every single one of your large cities every year. The police actually had the whole "protect" part taken out of their duties and look who you elected. There's cities where its actually illegal to feed someone who is homeless, you've even developed spiked seats to stop them from sleeping out of the rain. Its one of the only developed countries without a decent medical system where a single accident can put you into debt for the rest of your life and you are STILL arguing over whether you should be giving guns to every single person because of a document from the same time when bloody castles were still effective as a national defense tool.
America only looks good to americans. For the rest of us, its been a joke for decades, now its just a sad joke.
As an outsider, the whole country is a shitbox. You've made abortion illegal, women get legally harassed by people when getting one, no matter the circumstances. If you're anything but white calling the police can get you killed, even then sometimes you're still murdered. There's literal HUNDREDS of gun murders in every single one of your large cities every year. The police actually had the whole "protect" part taken out of their duties and look who you elected. There's cities where its actually illegal to feed someone who is homeless, you've even developed spiked seats to stop them from sleeping out of the rain. Its one of the only developed countries without a decent medical system where a single accident can put you into debt for the rest of your life and you are STILL arguing over whether you should be giving guns to every single person because of a document from the same time when bloody castles were still effective as a national defense tool.
America only looks good to americans. For the rest of us, its been a joke for decades, now its just a sad joke.
gruntfürmich ::
Bivši republikanski kongresnik Joe Walsh kandidira za predsednika. Donny nikoli ne bo mogel nadoknaditi glasov, ki mu jih bo Walsh odnesel.
Pa lahko noč.
tako kot se 'demokrati' niste zavedali dejanskega stanja glede volitev 2016 že pričenjate halucinirati glede 2020. izredno slab stik z realnostjo je vaše normalno stanje in ne diagnoza...
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
zmaugy ::
gruntfürmich je izjavil:
Bivši republikanski kongresnik Joe Walsh kandidira za predsednika. Donny nikoli ne bo mogel nadoknaditi glasov, ki mu jih bo Walsh odnesel.
Pa lahko noč.
tako kot se 'demokrati' niste zavedali dejanskega stanja glede volitev 2016 že pričenjate halucinirati glede 2020. izredno slab stik z realnostjo je vaše normalno stanje in ne diagnoza...
Zgolj stvar obvladanja osnovnih računskih operacije kot sta seštevanje in odštevanje.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
ZaphodBB ::
Samo bogatim - revni so letos plačali precej več kot lani.
Supply side argument: "Znižajmo davke, da bo ljudem več ostalo, da bodo lahko investirali in bodo več ustvarili. Stranski učinek je pa, da bomo pobrali tudi več davka."
Jype: "Zvišajmo minimalne plače, da bo delavcem manj ostalo. Aja drumf je zvišal davke, ker ljudem več ostane in več investirajo."
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
zmaugy ::
Pišeš, kot da Đoni ni imel protikandidatov na prejšnjih volitvah.
Tale tvoj post je dokaz, da se ti sploh ne sanja o tem, o čem nabijaš. Mislim, saj se to kaže tudi drugje, ampak tukaj si praktično napisal "nimam pojma".
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Smrekar1 ::
Supply side argument: "Znižajmo davke, da bo ljudem več ostalo, da bodo lahko investirali in bodo več ustvarili. Stranski učinek je pa, da bomo pobrali tudi več davka.""
To deluje samo v primeru, da ima gospodarstvo nizke stopnje investicij zaradi visokih davkov.
V Sloveniji bi v določeni meri morda delovalo, v ZDA že vsaj 60 let nimajo dovolj visokih davkov, da bi jim to koristilo.
Truga ::
Smrekar1 ::
v ameriki to deluje extremno dobro. tax cuts fuelled buybacki so ustvarli vec vrednosti za shareholderje kot karkoli prej v zgodovini, glej od 2016 do 2017 tule:
To že, ampak argument je bil:
Supply side argument: "Znižajmo davke, da bo ljudem več ostalo, da bodo lahko investirali in bodo več ustvarili. Stranski učinek je pa, da bomo pobrali tudi več davka."
Nihče ne oporeka, da take drage karafeke ne obogatijo delničarjev, na račun državnega proračuna. Ampak to niso investicije in ustvarjanje nove davčne baze. Do zdaj bi to lahko že vedeli.
ZaphodBB ::
Supply side argument: "Znižajmo davke, da bo ljudem več ostalo, da bodo lahko investirali in bodo več ustvarili. Stranski učinek je pa, da bomo pobrali tudi več davka.""
To deluje samo v primeru, da ima gospodarstvo nizke stopnje investicij zaradi visokih davkov.
V Sloveniji bi v določeni meri morda delovalo, v ZDA že vsaj 60 let nimajo dovolj visokih davkov, da bi jim to koristilo.
Kdo potem laže? Ljudje, ki plačujejo nižjo dohodnino ali davkarija, ki pobira davke?
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
Urbano#Desno ::
Opažate zadnje povečano stopnjo brutalnih medijskih napadov na Trumpa?
Meni se človek že kar malo smili, obenem pa ga občudujem da lahko, kljub vsemu norčevanju zadrži pokončno držo.
Trump je res rojen voditelj.
Meni se človek že kar malo smili, obenem pa ga občudujem da lahko, kljub vsemu norčevanju zadrži pokončno držo.
Trump je res rojen voditelj.
Pac-Man ::
Trump ima na pufih pri Deutsche Bank za poroke ruske oligarhe blizu Putina. Zaenkrat še govorice, video na povezavi.
“The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the co-signers of Donald Trump’s Deutsche Bank loans are Russian billionaires close to Vladimir Putin,” O’Donnell revealed.
“If true, that would explain every kind word Donald Trump has ever said about Russia and Vladimir Putin,” he explained. “If true, that would be a significant factor in Vladimir Putin’s publicly stated preference for presidential candidate Donald Trump over presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.”
“The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the co-signers of Donald Trump’s Deutsche Bank loans are Russian billionaires close to Vladimir Putin,” O’Donnell revealed.
“If true, that would explain every kind word Donald Trump has ever said about Russia and Vladimir Putin,” he explained. “If true, that would be a significant factor in Vladimir Putin’s publicly stated preference for presidential candidate Donald Trump over presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
Hočeš reči, da je bil Mueller hudo površen?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Pac-Man ::
Ne, da so bile trumpove finance izven njegovega mandata. Ki se ga je držal.
Special counsel Robert Mueller's sweeping report into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election does not appear to tap into President Donald Trump's personal finances – a vein of inquiry the president had said would constitute crossing a red line.
The 400-page report, some of which is redacted and unreadable, details various attempts by heads of Russian banks to ingratiate themselves with individuals associated with the Trump campaign in an effort to head off anticipated sanctions from the U.S. and also describes the particulars of proposed real estate business deals to develop a Trump skyscraper in Moscow.
But the two-volume report does not appear to assess the president's personal finances or those of the Trump Organization, including past business deals with Deutsche Bank.
alzo ta solata
Asked by Times reporters Michael Schmidt and Maggie Haberman about whether an investigation into Trump's finances would be a breach of a "red line," Trump answered, "I would say yeah."
"By the way, I would say, I don't — I don't — I mean, it's possible there's a condo or something, so, you know, I sell a lot of condo units, and somebody from Russia buys a condo, who knows?" Trump said. "I don't make money from Russia. In fact, I put out a letter saying that I don't make — from one of the most highly respected law firms, accounting firms. I don't have buildings in Russia. They said I own buildings in Russia. I don't.
"They said I made money from Russia. I don't," Trump continued. "It's not my thing. I don't, I don't do that. Over the years, I've looked at maybe doing a deal in Russia, but I never did one. Other than I held the Miss Universe pageant there eight, nine years."
Special counsel Robert Mueller's sweeping report into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election does not appear to tap into President Donald Trump's personal finances – a vein of inquiry the president had said would constitute crossing a red line.
The 400-page report, some of which is redacted and unreadable, details various attempts by heads of Russian banks to ingratiate themselves with individuals associated with the Trump campaign in an effort to head off anticipated sanctions from the U.S. and also describes the particulars of proposed real estate business deals to develop a Trump skyscraper in Moscow.
But the two-volume report does not appear to assess the president's personal finances or those of the Trump Organization, including past business deals with Deutsche Bank.
alzo ta solata
Asked by Times reporters Michael Schmidt and Maggie Haberman about whether an investigation into Trump's finances would be a breach of a "red line," Trump answered, "I would say yeah."
"By the way, I would say, I don't — I don't — I mean, it's possible there's a condo or something, so, you know, I sell a lot of condo units, and somebody from Russia buys a condo, who knows?" Trump said. "I don't make money from Russia. In fact, I put out a letter saying that I don't make — from one of the most highly respected law firms, accounting firms. I don't have buildings in Russia. They said I own buildings in Russia. I don't.
"They said I made money from Russia. I don't," Trump continued. "It's not my thing. I don't, I don't do that. Over the years, I've looked at maybe doing a deal in Russia, but I never did one. Other than I held the Miss Universe pageant there eight, nine years."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
Hipotetičen scenarij objavljen par ur pred novico o potencialnih ruskih porokih.
House Democrats have a strategy for removing Trump from office. Not only is it a good strategy, it’s the very best strategy available in terms of both substance and timing. This thread will explain what the House is doing and why. Please read on and retweet.
First, House Dems know they can vote to impeach Trump right now on multiple bases, including obstruction of justice, violations of the Emoluments Clause, gross unfitness for office, and more. They also know the Senate will NOT convict for any of that. Rather than rushing to impeach and failing to get a conviction, House Dems are working hard to put together an “ironclad” (using Pelosi’s words) case against Trump. The centerpiece of the ironclad case is that Trump is compromised by money laundering for Russian oligarchs. House Dems are betting it all that Trump is compromised by Russian money laundering. They already know it’s true and they know where to get the evidence needed to prove it: from Trump’s bankers (Deutsche Bank) and his tax advisors (Mazars).
Getting evidence from Deutsche Bank/Mazars has been the primary focus of House General Counsel (Douglas Letter) ever since he was hired by Pelosi in January. Subpoenas were issued to Deutsche Bank/Mazars back in April and the cases have been working their way through the courts. For more on how the House will get the DB/Mazars documents, read the thread linked below. For now, let’s just say the strategy is sound and the House should get the documents from DB/Mazars by November of this year, a full year before the election.
Once House Dems get the DB/Mazars documents, they have a team in place to analyze them, namely Daniel Goldman (former SDNY deputy chief of organized-crime unit) and Daniel Noble (former SDNY co-chief of the complex frauds and cybercrime unit). Goldman and Noble will put together a killer case showing Trump to be a career money launderer for the Russians. This not only makes him a criminal, it also means he’s compromised and beholden to Russia. This is way beyond any of the other evidence against Trump; this is nuclear.
Once the case is built, Pelosi will take the podium and announce formal impeachment hearings, complete with the smoking gun. Pelosi will detail the evidence House Dems have gathered and the electorate will suddenly awaken from a long, gaslit slumber. Don’t worry, all the other goodies will be in the Articles of Impeachment: the emoluments violations, the obstruction, the racism, the lying, the rapes, all of it. But the nuclear bomb is the money laundering. And it’s not just a little bit of money laundering, it’s massive. If you want to know more about the money laundering, read @craigunger’s #HouseofTrump, listen to episode 4 of @AssetPodcast, and read up on what Deutsche Bank already has admitted to in terms of money laundering. It’s vast and it will blow your hair back.
And we know all that just from what’s public. Imagine what we will find when we get the receipts. You can bet Goldman/Noble are licking their chops. And it’s not just Russia: Letter said during oral argument on 8/23 they are looking at money laundering for Russia AND the Saudis.
Now that we know that the money laundering evidence is the centerpiece of the case and is on a November 2019 timeline, we can see that everything else is being timed to coincide with November. Can you hear the steady drumbeat of Dems supporting impeachment? That’s on purpose! And how about the obstruction case? Why isn’t that moving faster? Well, it seems to be on pace to reach a crescendo right around November. And keeping the powder dry until November has a side benefit: the bombs start exploding right as Trump’s re-election campaign takes flight.
My guess is impeachment hearings run 3 months, with impeachment referred to the Senate around March ‘20. That’s not going to be fun for GOP Senators up for reelection in November ‘20. Are they really going to acquit in the face of all that evidence right before the election?
My guess is that #MoscowMitch tries to become the hero at that point by trying to get Trump to step down and not run for re-election. If you think #MoscowMitch won’t throw Trump under the bus to save his own ass, you don’t know #MoscowMitch!
Any way you slice it, the House Dem strategy is VERY bad for Trump. He definitely will be impeached for truly explosive crimes. He may very well be convicted in the Senate. And even if he’s not convicted, his re-election campaign will be besieged. Bottom Line: Trump is DOOMED.
House Democrats have a strategy for removing Trump from office. Not only is it a good strategy, it’s the very best strategy available in terms of both substance and timing. This thread will explain what the House is doing and why. Please read on and retweet.
First, House Dems know they can vote to impeach Trump right now on multiple bases, including obstruction of justice, violations of the Emoluments Clause, gross unfitness for office, and more. They also know the Senate will NOT convict for any of that. Rather than rushing to impeach and failing to get a conviction, House Dems are working hard to put together an “ironclad” (using Pelosi’s words) case against Trump. The centerpiece of the ironclad case is that Trump is compromised by money laundering for Russian oligarchs. House Dems are betting it all that Trump is compromised by Russian money laundering. They already know it’s true and they know where to get the evidence needed to prove it: from Trump’s bankers (Deutsche Bank) and his tax advisors (Mazars).
Getting evidence from Deutsche Bank/Mazars has been the primary focus of House General Counsel (Douglas Letter) ever since he was hired by Pelosi in January. Subpoenas were issued to Deutsche Bank/Mazars back in April and the cases have been working their way through the courts. For more on how the House will get the DB/Mazars documents, read the thread linked below. For now, let’s just say the strategy is sound and the House should get the documents from DB/Mazars by November of this year, a full year before the election.
Once House Dems get the DB/Mazars documents, they have a team in place to analyze them, namely Daniel Goldman (former SDNY deputy chief of organized-crime unit) and Daniel Noble (former SDNY co-chief of the complex frauds and cybercrime unit). Goldman and Noble will put together a killer case showing Trump to be a career money launderer for the Russians. This not only makes him a criminal, it also means he’s compromised and beholden to Russia. This is way beyond any of the other evidence against Trump; this is nuclear.
Once the case is built, Pelosi will take the podium and announce formal impeachment hearings, complete with the smoking gun. Pelosi will detail the evidence House Dems have gathered and the electorate will suddenly awaken from a long, gaslit slumber. Don’t worry, all the other goodies will be in the Articles of Impeachment: the emoluments violations, the obstruction, the racism, the lying, the rapes, all of it. But the nuclear bomb is the money laundering. And it’s not just a little bit of money laundering, it’s massive. If you want to know more about the money laundering, read @craigunger’s #HouseofTrump, listen to episode 4 of @AssetPodcast, and read up on what Deutsche Bank already has admitted to in terms of money laundering. It’s vast and it will blow your hair back.
And we know all that just from what’s public. Imagine what we will find when we get the receipts. You can bet Goldman/Noble are licking their chops. And it’s not just Russia: Letter said during oral argument on 8/23 they are looking at money laundering for Russia AND the Saudis.
Now that we know that the money laundering evidence is the centerpiece of the case and is on a November 2019 timeline, we can see that everything else is being timed to coincide with November. Can you hear the steady drumbeat of Dems supporting impeachment? That’s on purpose! And how about the obstruction case? Why isn’t that moving faster? Well, it seems to be on pace to reach a crescendo right around November. And keeping the powder dry until November has a side benefit: the bombs start exploding right as Trump’s re-election campaign takes flight.
My guess is impeachment hearings run 3 months, with impeachment referred to the Senate around March ‘20. That’s not going to be fun for GOP Senators up for reelection in November ‘20. Are they really going to acquit in the face of all that evidence right before the election?
My guess is that #MoscowMitch tries to become the hero at that point by trying to get Trump to step down and not run for re-election. If you think #MoscowMitch won’t throw Trump under the bus to save his own ass, you don’t know #MoscowMitch!
Any way you slice it, the House Dem strategy is VERY bad for Trump. He definitely will be impeached for truly explosive crimes. He may very well be convicted in the Senate. And even if he’s not convicted, his re-election campaign will be besieged. Bottom Line: Trump is DOOMED.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Saj ne bo izbire, druga opcija je crash&burn.
Ampak ne prehitevajmo, najprej morajo demokrati dobiti dokumente in tam najti kaj mesnatega.
Ampak ne prehitevajmo, najprej morajo demokrati dobiti dokumente in tam najti kaj mesnatega.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Massacra ::
Pa sem že mislil, da bo mandat oddelal do konca in šele potem šel za zapahe!
OK impič, kaj pa zapor? Po impiču?
OK impič, kaj pa zapor? Po impiču?
Sp3m ::
Jarno ::
Impeach zaradi netaktnosti in tweetanja neumnosti?
Nizki nivo kulture oporečnikov je tudi nezanemarljiv.
Nizki nivo kulture oporečnikov je tudi nezanemarljiv.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.
c3p0 ::
Seveda se ne bo zgodilo nič, je pa vsaj nov korenček za Paca. Podobno kot youtuberji na obeh straneh, vedno je nekaj velikega ravno za ovinkom, samo što nije.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 267930 (227949) | OmegaBlue |