Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Vprašanje glede Paypala
Vprašanje glede Paypala

ananchel ::
Imam Paypal račun, katerega sem do zdaj uporabila samo parkrat. Zadnjič mi je nekdo nakazal denar, me o tem obvestil in denar je bil na računu.
Včeraj pa sem nekomu iz Italije prodala nek izdelek. Rekel je, da mi bo nakazala denar in na mail sem dobila to obvestilo:
You received a payment of €100.00 EUR from
This PayPal Payment has been deducted from the buyer's account but can not be credited into your account until the Shipment Information is received from you E.G Tracking Number or a copy of the Shipment Receipt.
You can now go and ship out the buyer's merchandise and send the shipment information to us at
Če prav razumem, moram poslat neke informacije na mejl Katere?
Imam Paypal račun, katerega sem do zdaj uporabila samo parkrat. Zadnjič mi je nekdo nakazal denar, me o tem obvestil in denar je bil na računu.
Včeraj pa sem nekomu iz Italije prodala nek izdelek. Rekel je, da mi bo nakazala denar in na mail sem dobila to obvestilo:
You received a payment of €100.00 EUR from
This PayPal Payment has been deducted from the buyer's account but can not be credited into your account until the Shipment Information is received from you E.G Tracking Number or a copy of the Shipment Receipt.
You can now go and ship out the buyer's merchandise and send the shipment information to us at
Če prav razumem, moram poslat neke informacije na mejl Katere?

St235 ::
Paypal ni esccrow service, ravno tako ne obstaja
Z drugimi besedami: nekdo te hoče nategnit.
Z drugimi besedami: nekdo te hoče nategnit.

Baja ::
skoraj 100% gre za scam. preden karkoli pošiljaš, preveri na paypalu, če je to res njihova domena. sem prepričan da ni.

ananchel ::
Hvala vsem.
Ta uporabnik me je kontaktiral na Bolhi (in mi tam pustil svoj mejl), vendar ga je administrator takoj skenslal in mu onemogočil komunikacijo.
Ta uporabnik me je kontaktiral na Bolhi (in mi tam pustil svoj mejl), vendar ga je administrator takoj skenslal in mu onemogočil komunikacijo.

thetech ::

Mare2 ::
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