Forum » Kaj kupiti » Posiljanje v tujino Pay Pal?
Posiljanje v tujino Pay Pal?
darkstar ::
Pozdrvaljeni, imam en problem, na bolhi prodajam ponujem predmet, in se mi oglasi ena gospa iz anglije,
da bi ta paket poslal v nigerijo njenemu sinu. Ok vredu bom probal, rekla je da bo nakazala na pay pal,
dal sem jih email, na katerem sem prijavlem na Pay pal. Nato dobim naslednji dan obvestilo, da je pac
tisti znesek pri njih na pay palu, odobrijo na racun pa mi ga ko poslem paket in dobim neko Kodo.
Ko poslem njim tracking kodo, bom dobil denar na njihov racun, Zdaj pa sem sel na posto da bi pac poslal paket.
je pac en obrazec navadni ki napisem svoj naslov, njegov, naslov in opis predmeta. Na posti pa niso nic
vedeli o tracking kodi, pa tudi z odkupnino ne gre posiljati v tujino.
Tako da paketa nisem oddal saj se bojim da bi ga poslal pa da nebi nic dobil denarja, zdaj pa me zanima ce je ze kdo posiljo v tujino pakete in dobil nakazilo na pay pal, Kaksen je postopek? Hvala
da bi ta paket poslal v nigerijo njenemu sinu. Ok vredu bom probal, rekla je da bo nakazala na pay pal,
dal sem jih email, na katerem sem prijavlem na Pay pal. Nato dobim naslednji dan obvestilo, da je pac
tisti znesek pri njih na pay palu, odobrijo na racun pa mi ga ko poslem paket in dobim neko Kodo.
Ko poslem njim tracking kodo, bom dobil denar na njihov racun, Zdaj pa sem sel na posto da bi pac poslal paket.
je pac en obrazec navadni ki napisem svoj naslov, njegov, naslov in opis predmeta. Na posti pa niso nic
vedeli o tracking kodi, pa tudi z odkupnino ne gre posiljati v tujino.
Tako da paketa nisem oddal saj se bojim da bi ga poslal pa da nebi nic dobil denarja, zdaj pa me zanima ce je ze kdo posiljo v tujino pakete in dobil nakazilo na pay pal, Kaksen je postopek? Hvala
bluefish ::
mimogrede, tracking kodo dobijo pošiljke poslane preko dostavnih služb aka. DHL, UPS,...
darkstar ::
Saj meni je tudi sumljivo, vse skupaj, samo prvo se je kar slovenko menla po mailu,
taka naskalanjana slovenscina. Zgleda da potem bi moral preko teh sluzb DHL,.. reseti zadevo, ne pa preko poste.
to sem dobil od pay pala
Serena Smith just sent you money with PayPal.
Serena Smith is a Verified buyer.
Payment Details
Amount: EUR 490.00
Transaction ID: 5Y75864564564532221
You are to ship before 27/02/2009
Item Name:
Xbox 360 ixtreme
Shipping Information
Address Status: Confirmed
This PayPal® payment has been deducted from the buyer's account and has been "APPROVED"but will not be credited to your account until the shipment reference/tracking number is sent to us for shipment verification and this is done to secure both the buyer and the seller against any fraudulent activities. Below are the necessary information requested before your account will be credited. Send tracking number to us or email us through this mail and our customer service care will attend to you. As soon as you send us the shipment's tracking number the money will be credited to your account and this is done for security purposes and the safety of the buyer and the seller.
This payment is approved but it will stand as payment pending until we receive the shipment reference/tracking number from you.
Once shipment has been verified and the tracking number sent to us,
You will receive a "CONFIRMATION Email" from PayPal® informing you that the Money has been credited
Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team
taka naskalanjana slovenscina. Zgleda da potem bi moral preko teh sluzb DHL,.. reseti zadevo, ne pa preko poste.
to sem dobil od pay pala
Serena Smith just sent you money with PayPal.
Serena Smith is a Verified buyer.
Payment Details
Amount: EUR 490.00
Transaction ID: 5Y75864564564532221
You are to ship before 27/02/2009
Item Name:
Xbox 360 ixtreme
Shipping Information
Address Status: Confirmed
This PayPal® payment has been deducted from the buyer's account and has been "APPROVED"but will not be credited to your account until the shipment reference/tracking number is sent to us for shipment verification and this is done to secure both the buyer and the seller against any fraudulent activities. Below are the necessary information requested before your account will be credited. Send tracking number to us or email us through this mail and our customer service care will attend to you. As soon as you send us the shipment's tracking number the money will be credited to your account and this is done for security purposes and the safety of the buyer and the seller.
This payment is approved but it will stand as payment pending until we receive the shipment reference/tracking number from you.
Once shipment has been verified and the tracking number sent to us,
You will receive a "CONFIRMATION Email" from PayPal® informing you that the Money has been credited
Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team
darkstar ::
Ja jaz tudi podobno razmisljam, clanka mi ne odpre trenutno, samo ne vem zakaj bi mi pay pal posiljo
info o denarju, ce pa je preverjena organizacija s strani svetovne banke.
info o denarju, ce pa je preverjena organizacija s strani svetovne banke.
darkstar ::
Prebral clanek, pise pac o prevarantskih prodajalcih, tukaj pa sem prodajalec jaz in nisem prevarant,
kupcu mislim poslat izdelek taksen kot mora biti.
Danes se sklepa vse skoraj za prevaro, ce se clovek meni s tabo v ang. in hoce da se nekaj posle v tujino.
Slovenci nismo navajeni tega in se ustrasimo, taksnih podvigov ker so malo bolj zapleteni, jaz bom probal stvar izpeljat tako kot bi najbilo. Vseeno je tukaj Paypal ki zasciti kupca in prodajlca.(Upam vsaj)
kupcu mislim poslat izdelek taksen kot mora biti.
Danes se sklepa vse skoraj za prevaro, ce se clovek meni s tabo v ang. in hoce da se nekaj posle v tujino.
Slovenci nismo navajeni tega in se ustrasimo, taksnih podvigov ker so malo bolj zapleteni, jaz bom probal stvar izpeljat tako kot bi najbilo. Vseeno je tukaj Paypal ki zasciti kupca in prodajlca.(Upam vsaj)
MeGreat ::
daj ti preveri če je tisti mail res od paypala. ker se da ponarediti tist sender id.
bi se šel staviti da je to scam
evo že tole ti takoj pove
necessary information requested before your account will be credited. Send tracking number to us or email us through this mail
paypal NIMA takih mailov
v glavnem če nočeš poslušati bo pač to draga lekcija jebiga ;)
bi se šel staviti da je to scam
evo že tole ti takoj pove
necessary information requested before your account will be credited. Send tracking number to us or email us through this mail
paypal NIMA takih mailov
v glavnem če nočeš poslušati bo pač to draga lekcija jebiga ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: MeGreat ()
darkstar ::
jp, zacel se res dvomiti v vse skupaj, malo sem bral komentarje in se naletel na dva uporabnika, ki se
jima je isto zgodilo, nekaj sta prodajala. Potem dobis mail s polomljeno slovenscino, kupec je kao iz Anglije,
poslati pa bi bilo treba v nigerijo, glede nakazila pa isto skoraj tracking number.
Meni se zdi cudno se to, da sem oni sender kao iz pay pala, dobil se na en email naslov, ki ga pay palu nisem zaupal. Edino z to osebo sem komuniciral preko njega. Po vsej verjetnosti je ta oseba ponaredila sender.
sporocila mi je da naj ji dam email, od pay pal accounta da mi nakaze denar.
Potem sem dobil obvestilo za nakazilo na dva maila He he.
jima je isto zgodilo, nekaj sta prodajala. Potem dobis mail s polomljeno slovenscino, kupec je kao iz Anglije,
poslati pa bi bilo treba v nigerijo, glede nakazila pa isto skoraj tracking number.
Meni se zdi cudno se to, da sem oni sender kao iz pay pala, dobil se na en email naslov, ki ga pay palu nisem zaupal. Edino z to osebo sem komuniciral preko njega. Po vsej verjetnosti je ta oseba ponaredila sender.
sporocila mi je da naj ji dam email, od pay pal accounta da mi nakaze denar.
Potem sem dobil obvestilo za nakazilo na dva maila He he.
darkstar ::
Tole dobil 10 min nazaj
Great to read from you,you can make shipment by ups and send me
shipment tracking number and scan receipt of the shipment also u will
need send my bank the copy of the scan receipt of the shipment and
tracking number so i will for the shipment tracking number from you.
Best Regard
Serena Smith.
Great to read from you,you can make shipment by ups and send me
shipment tracking number and scan receipt of the shipment also u will
need send my bank the copy of the scan receipt of the shipment and
tracking number so i will for the shipment tracking number from you.
Best Regard
Serena Smith.
darkstar ::
Nic ne bomo posiljali, so pa premeteni tile sleparji, probajo, nekdo bo ziher nekaj poslal.
Zaj jo bom poslal nekam pa napiso koliko daril bo njen si dobil za roj. dan.
Hvala za odgovore.
Zaj jo bom poslal nekam pa napiso koliko daril bo njen si dobil za roj. dan.
Hvala za odgovore.
bino1337 ::
LP mene pa zanima kako lahko aktiviram kartico ker so mi jo deaktivirali.
Evo da še citiram kaj so mi napisali ko sem hotel addat kartico viso.
"This card has been disabled for entry into the PayPal system. Please add a different card. You may also contact us using this form."
Kaj storiti?
Evo da še citiram kaj so mi napisali ko sem hotel addat kartico viso.
"This card has been disabled for entry into the PayPal system. Please add a different card. You may also contact us using this form."
Kaj storiti?
hotlips ::
Na BOLHI prodajaš zaevo, ki bi jo rada kupila oseba iz ANGLIJE in jo poslala v NIGERIJO, plačala bi ti pa na nek kompliceran način preko paypala.
nuff said this must be legit
nuff said this must be legit
#000000 ::
Tale ABIOLA OJOAWO je zadnjič od mene hotel kupit prenosnik, samo ena poteza označi kot spam :)
tmintmin ::
Jst sem tudi dala gor na Bolho oglas da prodajam racunalnik in cudezna gospa takoj napisala:
Hello, Am interested in buying your item i will want to know if is in a perfect condition,and let me know the actual cost plus shipment to Scotland. Thanks
jst sem ji odgovorila in me prav nic nepresenetil njen odgovor :)
Am interested in buying the laptop for my son who will be traveling to Nigeria tomorrow for a Agriculture Project research,so i will offer you 230euro for the laptop including shipment via post office to Nigeria,i will be remitting the bill via bank to bank transfer ,in order for me to do that i will need your bank info:name,country.iban,bic and bank name.I will be expecting to read from you soonest
NB:i hope the battery, if replaced will be ok and you can as well reduce the price because of the bad battery,please join me on google chat so we can talk better,when ever you are online i have added you now
ja ja sem si mislela ..ti kar pisi :)
Jst nevem kako se clovk nenavelica !!
in na konc sem ji se napisala :
Dear you need to have a lot of money if you buy so many things for my son who is in Nigeria. I read about your deceptions in various forums so that you pretty please give me more nepisite. bye
Jst sem tudi dala gor na Bolho oglas da prodajam racunalnik in cudezna gospa takoj napisala:
Hello, Am interested in buying your item i will want to know if is in a perfect condition,and let me know the actual cost plus shipment to Scotland. Thanks
jst sem ji odgovorila in me prav nic nepresenetil njen odgovor :)
Am interested in buying the laptop for my son who will be traveling to Nigeria tomorrow for a Agriculture Project research,so i will offer you 230euro for the laptop including shipment via post office to Nigeria,i will be remitting the bill via bank to bank transfer ,in order for me to do that i will need your bank info:name,country.iban,bic and bank name.I will be expecting to read from you soonest
NB:i hope the battery, if replaced will be ok and you can as well reduce the price because of the bad battery,please join me on google chat so we can talk better,when ever you are online i have added you now
ja ja sem si mislela ..ti kar pisi :)
Jst nevem kako se clovk nenavelica !!
in na konc sem ji se napisala :
Dear you need to have a lot of money if you buy so many things for my son who is in Nigeria. I read about your deceptions in various forums so that you pretty please give me more nepisite. bye
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: tmintmin ()
krneki32 ::
Mene je tudi kontaktirala neka Mary Hart iz Anglije, ki pravi da je njen sin v Nigeriji na nekem "Agricultural" projektu.
Pravi da bi rada čimprej dobila od mene št. računa, da mi nakaže denar za GSM aparat.
Zgleda, da je res to spet prevara, sam me pa zanima sledeče:
Če ji dam št. računa in mi reče da je nakazala denar, da naj ji pošljem, jaz pa ji rečem, da ji bom poslal ko dobim denar na računu, se lahko kakorkoli zaplete?
Torej dejansko počakam da se denar hipotetično pojavi na računu in pol pošljem, sej mi ne morejo nikakor denarja vzet nazaj, ne?
Nisem naiven, samo me zanima kolko daleč so pripravljeni it... Da se malo poigram z njimi, pa da jih mal vlečem...
Mene je tudi kontaktirala neka Mary Hart iz Anglije, ki pravi da je njen sin v Nigeriji na nekem "Agricultural" projektu.
Pravi da bi rada čimprej dobila od mene št. računa, da mi nakaže denar za GSM aparat.
Zgleda, da je res to spet prevara, sam me pa zanima sledeče:
Če ji dam št. računa in mi reče da je nakazala denar, da naj ji pošljem, jaz pa ji rečem, da ji bom poslal ko dobim denar na računu, se lahko kakorkoli zaplete?
Torej dejansko počakam da se denar hipotetično pojavi na računu in pol pošljem, sej mi ne morejo nikakor denarja vzet nazaj, ne?
Nisem naiven, samo me zanima kolko daleč so pripravljeni it... Da se malo poigram z njimi, pa da jih mal vlečem...
OrkAA ::
Ja, zapletlo se bo ze takoj na zacetku. Denarja ti _NE BODO NAKAZALI_. Ravno v tem je point teh prevar.
Shark-357 ::
Mailov iz Bolhe od Mary iz Anglije sem dobil preko 30kom v zadnjih nekaj mesecih vse z isto vsebino.
Greetings I have just viewed the list of this lovely item up here,i will like to know if the item is still in Good condition,and let me know the total cost of it including the shipment to UK. Regards
Greetings I have just viewed the list of this lovely item up here,i will like to know if the item is still in Good condition,and let me know the total cost of it including the shipment to UK. Regards
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Shark-357 ()
Leks ::
Tudi mene je že po mailu kontaktirala Serena Smith, najbolje je NE ODGOVORITI in dati v spam.
krneki32 ::
Zanimivo... Moja Mary Hart ima email:
in v mejlu je pisalo sledeče: Greetings I have just viewed the list of this lovely item up here,i will like to know if the item is still in Good condition,and let me know the know the total cost of it. Regards
Skoraj do pike identično kot pri Shark-357...
ja, sej pol je enostavno, če ne nakažejo dnarja, ne pošljem... ha ha... kakšne si folk izmišljuje, no moreš verjet...
in v mejlu je pisalo sledeče: Greetings I have just viewed the list of this lovely item up here,i will like to know if the item is still in Good condition,and let me know the know the total cost of it. Regards
Skoraj do pike identično kot pri Shark-357...
ja, sej pol je enostavno, če ne nakažejo dnarja, ne pošljem... ha ha... kakšne si folk izmišljuje, no moreš verjet...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: krneki32 ()
BineK ::
Ojla, tudi jaz sem dobil enak mail preko bolhe za prodajo Omnie.
pošiljatelj je
Greetings I have just viewed the list of this lovely item up here,i will like to know if the item is still in Good condition,and let me know the know the total cost of it. Regards
se mi je zdel sumljiv, nakar sem na odgovor ponovno dobil odgovor:
Hi,Thanks for the reply,am from England and i want to buy the item for my son who is already in Africa(Nigeria) for a Agricultural i will offer you Euro130 for the total cost of the item plus shipment via Post Office to Nigeria.
i will be remitting the payment via bank to bank transfer to your bank let me have your details in order for me to proceed with the payment:
100% je nateg, sem pa vsem hvaležen, da ste objavili problematiko, da že vnaprej brez dvoma vem, da to pošljem v spam.
Thanks vsem in veselo novo leto!!!
pošiljatelj je
Greetings I have just viewed the list of this lovely item up here,i will like to know if the item is still in Good condition,and let me know the know the total cost of it. Regards
se mi je zdel sumljiv, nakar sem na odgovor ponovno dobil odgovor:
Hi,Thanks for the reply,am from England and i want to buy the item for my son who is already in Africa(Nigeria) for a Agricultural i will offer you Euro130 for the total cost of the item plus shipment via Post Office to Nigeria.
i will be remitting the payment via bank to bank transfer to your bank let me have your details in order for me to proceed with the payment:
100% je nateg, sem pa vsem hvaležen, da ste objavili problematiko, da že vnaprej brez dvoma vem, da to pošljem v spam.
Thanks vsem in veselo novo leto!!!
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