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cisvc.exe povzroča zmrznitev

cisvc.exe povzroča zmrznitev

KontraCepec ::

Po 10 min po zagonu sistema začne nekaj nepretrgoma praskat po disku in na koncu pripelje do BSOD z eno kernel napako. Zdi se mi da je ta nekaj Sistemski proces CISVC.EXE.
Če ga ugasnem ne pride do zamrznitve.
Ampak na eni strani sem zasledil, da je cisvc koristen, saj "monitors the memory usage of Microsoft Indexing Service (cidaemon.exe) and automatically restarts cidaemon.exe if it uses more than 40Mb of memory."
Ampak na našem drugem računalniku pa sploh ne laufa ta proces.

Torej naj mi prosim kdo pove, če je prav, da ugasnem ta proces in če je kako naj mu sploh preprečim da bi se ob startupu zagnal (imam en program startup.cpl s katerim nadzorujem vse startup programe in cisvc ni niker)?

m.i.h.a. ::

Pojdi na Run in vpiši msconfig in poglej pod zadnji list (startup), če je ta program tam. Baje, da lahko v xp jih odstraniš vse kljukice na tisti strani in bi se ti morali normalno zagnat.

KontraCepec ::

Aha. Evo ratalo je z msconfig. Service 'Indexing service' je povzročal zagon cisvc.
Upam samo da ne bo kaj hudega narobe, ker se mi zdi da je to nek originalen msjev service.

m.i.h.a. ::

Evo to sem našel o Indexing service.

Indexing Service
This service always has been a major resource hog. I NEVER recommend having this service enabled. Remove the function via the “Add / Remove Programs” icon in the control panel (Windows Setup Programs). It uses about 500 K to 2 MB in an idle state, not to mention the amount of memory and CPU resources it takes to INDEX the drives. I have had people (and witnessed it on other people's computers) report to me that the Indexing Service sometimes starts up EVEN while the system is NOT idle… as in the middle of a game. You may feel, as I do, that this is unacceptable. If your computer suddenly seems “sluggish,” Indexing Service is usually the cause of it.

Izklopiš ga pa še tukaj:

Start --> Control Panel --> Performance and Maintenance --> Administrator Tools --> Services -->izberi “Indexing Service” -->
(dvojni klik) Disable and Stop the Service

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  • spremenil: m.i.h.a. ()

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