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Alien (Tv serija)

Alien (Tv serija)

oo7 ::

Zaenkrat samo govorice :P Drugo leto ima alien 40 let tako, da lahko da nekaj pripravljajo :)

'Alien' TV Series Rumored to Be in the Works

Omega Underground reports that they have multiple sources telling them that a TV series set within the Alien universe is being considered by 20th Century Fox. There are no details about what the series could be, but reportedly there's a dilemma about where the series would air, either on a network like FX, or through a streaming service. Right now it's said to be in the very early stages of development, so take all of this with a grain of salt until we start to hear more official confirmation.

Speculation about the show and the limits of its budget is already leaning towards a series about colonists or colonial marines within the Alien universe. The series could indeed feature Xenomorphs from time-to-time, but also open the storyline up to new extraterrestrial threats, or possibly tying the Alien series a little closer to its cousins in the Prometheus saga, with threats like alien viruses or advance races like The Engineers.


vostok_1 ::

Oh dear.

Sam da ne bo Ridley zravn.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Han ::

On je rad "ekzekjutiv prodjuser". :P

Izi ::

vostok_1 je izjavil:

Sam da ne bo Ridley zravn.
Kakšen Ridley, samo da ne bo Disney zraven ;(( Nihče ne more tako uničiti znane franšize kot Disney.

Kot vemo Disney kupuje 21st Century Fox. Zadnja Disneyeva ponudba je divje visoka 71,3 milijarde in po moje bodo Foxovi delničarji 27. julija verjetno popustili Disneyu :8)

Če Disneyu uspe nakup Foxa bomo poleg franšize Star Wars, ki jo je Disney že uspešno uničil, deležni uničenja še nekaj zelo uspešnih franšiz. X-Men, Deadpool, Fantastic Four, Avatar, Alien, Predator, ... Vse to bo šlo verjetno k vragu.

Alien je bil vedno R-rated. Če ga dobi v roke Disney, ki R-rated ne pozna, le kaj bo še ostalo od Alienov?

vostok_1 ::

Time to die, Hollywood.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

vostok_1 je izjavil:

Oh dear.

Sam da ne bo Ridley zravn.

Njegova vizija je zelo pomembna.

oo7 ::

just before San Diego comic con we heard that the alien franchise was living on in a tv series, today I bring you an exclusive update on that, apparently, its still happening and, apparently, they have found the streaming service to which they wish to distribute it.
this is from a very very reliable source I have.


oo7 ::

Ne samo ena ampak kar dve TV seriji Alien v izdelavi in pri eni sodeluje nihče drug kot Ridley Scott :D

Two Live-Action 'Alien' Series Are In The Works and Ridley Scott Is Producing One At Hulu


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

yayo ::

milk the cow then milk the bull too...:))

oo7 ::

Saj bosta dve TV seriji pa bomo videli katera je boljša tista z Scottom ali tista druga.

oo7 ::

Alien TV Series In Development At Hulu

Unfortunately, the development timeline for these different Alien projects is still a bit hazy, but for now, we can confirm that the Hulu show will indeed be done in an anthology format, with each season telling a new story set in the scary sci-fi universe that Ridley Scott first introduced us to all those years ago.


oo7 ::

Noah Hawley Still Working On Rebooting Alien As A TV Show


Upam, da bo kaj iz tega :)

oo7 ::

Alien is currently in development at @FXNetworks. The first TV series based on the classic film series is helmed by Fargo and Legion's Noah Hawley. Expect a scary thrill ride set not too far in the future here on Earth.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Pri tv seriji poleg Noah Hawleya bo sodeloval tudi Ridley Scott. In TV serija naj bi se dogajala na zemlji hmmmm :|

Kvinta ::

Ridleyu so se že malo možgani skisali upam da ne bo kr nekaj.

oo7 ::

Ridley bo verjetno producent.

mene bolj zanima v katerem času se bo dogajalo, ker se bo dogajalo na zemlji. Ali to pomeni, da so Xenomorfi zavzeli zemljo ali se bodo bolj osredotočali na sintetike ali kaj ? :P

Kvinta ::

Jaz mislim da bojo raztegnili vse skupaj in začeli na začetku s tem bojo garant ene 3 sezone al pa tudi ne ne vem upam pa ,da ne bo tak kot je blo že dostikrat da se je vse zaključlo po prvi sezoni tresla se je gora rodila se je miš.

oo7 ::

"The series is billed as being the first 'Alien' story set on Earth, and will blend the timeless horror of the original 1979 movie and the non-stop action of the 1986 James Cameron-directed second." (Disney, apparently, does not consider the "Alien vs. Predator" series to be part of the official franchise.)

"We're moving quickly to bring audiences the first television series based on one of the greatest science-fiction horror classics ever made," Landgraf said during a Disney Investor Day announcement. "'Alien' will be helmed by 'Fargo' and 'Legion's' Noah Hawley, stepping into the creator [and] executive-producer chair, working alongside Sir Ridley Scott. Set not too far into our future, it's the first 'Alien' story set on Earth, and by blending both the timeless horror of the first 'Alien' film with the non-stop action of the second, it's going to be a scary thrill ride that will blow people back in their seats."


Bomo videli :)

vostok_1 ::


Najprej app za svobodno življenje.

Sedaj še prizadeta Alien tv serija.

Just end it god. You've seen enough, haven't you?
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::

vostok_1 je izjavil:


Najprej app za svobodno življenje.

Sedaj še prizadeta Alien tv serija.

Just end it god. You've seen enough, haven't you?

Komaj so najavili TV serijo ti pa že jamraš >:D

LeQuack ::

Upam samo da bo pure Alien in ne Alien vs Predator universe.
Quack !

oo7 ::

LeQuack je izjavil:

Upam samo da bo pure Alien in ne Alien vs Predator universe.

Predatorjev ne bo.
Mene edino malo skrbi, ker se bo dogajalo na zemlji.
Tudi vprašanje koliko v prihodnosti se bo dogajalo. Ali bo samo eden Xenomorf na zemlji potem tiste utesnjenosti ne bo kot je bilo v Alien 1 in se bodo preganjali kje po mestu kot v filmu Predator 2.
Če bo že na zemlji potem bi bilo po moje najbolje, da so Xenomorfi že zavzeli večino zemlje in nekaj v stilu filma Aliens z veliko akcije ali pa nekaj v stilu Alien ljudje se skrivajo v bunkerjih po zemlji pa hodijo xenomorfi in iščejo pot, do hrane :P

oo7 ::

Ustvarjalec TV serije Alien - "The alien stories are always trapped... trapped in a prison, trapped in a space ship. I thought it would be interesting to open it up a little bit so that the stakes of 'What happens if you can't contain it?' are more immediate."

TV serija Alien se bo dogajala na zemlji.

LeQuack ::

A bodo politically correct teenage aliens?
Quack !

oo7 ::

TV serija verjetno šele leta 2023.

oo7 ::

Sir Ridley Scott je povedal kaj si misli o TV seriji Alien - "It'll never be as good as the first one. That's what I'll say."

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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