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Leisure Suit Donny

Leisure Suit Donny

Pac-Man ::

Nov teden, nova afera.

Najprej je WSJ objavil, da je trumpov odvetnik oktobra 2016 zamenjal 130 000$ za NDA s porno zvezdnico Stephanie Clifford aka Stormy Daniels, ki je trdila, da je imela l. 2006 seks z Donaldom.


Zdaj prek trumpovega odvetnika vse močno zanika,

ampak problem za Trumpa je, da je gospa pred tem aktivno shoppala zgodbo, tako da je jeseni 2016 vsaj nekaj slišal skoraj vsak politični novinar in pol D.C.-ja.

CNN poroča, da je imel Fox News oktobra 2016 pripravljeno novico z več pričami, ampak so jo spikali


One of the network's reporters, Diana Falzone, had filed a story in October 2016 about an alleged sexual relationship between Clifford and Trump, people familiar with the matter said.
Falzone had an on-the-record statement from Clifford's manager at the time, Gina Rodriguez, confirming that her client had engaged in a sexual relationship with Trump, three of these people said, and Falzone had even seen emails about a settlement.
But the story never saw the light of the day, to the frustration of Falzone, two of the people said.
"She had the story and Fox killed it," one of the people familiar with the matter told CNN.

V igri so bili še vsaj GMA,

ABC's "Good Morning America" was talking with Clifford about a possible interview regarding Trump, two people familiar with the matter told CNN last week.



Not long after the 2016 Republican National Convention, I got a tip from a friend of mine. An old acquaintance of his in California was close to a woman in the adult-film industry who claimed to have had an affair with Donald Trump.
I reached my friend’s friend, who put me in touch with the actress, who is known as Stormy Daniels.
Daniels, whose given name is Stephanie Clifford, did indeed have a story about Trump, which she related to me in a series of phone conversations and text exchanges that took place between August and October of 2016.

in The Daily Beast


The Daily Beast had also been in protracted talks with Daniels about arranging an interview after three sources—including fellow porn star Alana Evans—told The Daily Beast that Daniels and Trump were involved. She ultimately backed out on Nov. 3, just five days before the 2016 election.

Zdaj pa je InTouch Weekly nekje izvohal intervju s Stormy iz l. 2011 and it's a Doocy.


The interview with Daniels was conducted in 2011, which means it occurred before the performer signed the reported NDA. The magazine also verified Daniels’ account with two sources at the time and had the actress take a polygraph.


In the print version of the magazine, Daniels expanded further, describing the sex as "nothing crazy. It was one position, what you would expect someone his age to do." She also said that they did not use protection, which, the magazine reported, "is unlike her."

Daniels revealed that Trump asked her to sign a DVD copy of her film 3 Wishes and that he called her roughly every 10 days after their first encounter. As for the later encounters, she said: “We had really good banter. He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful, smart, just like his daughter.” Trump even had a nickname for her, she said: "honeybunch."

A source tells The Daily Beast that the full, unedited interview that will run later this week is 5,500 words of “cray.” Daniels didn’t leave much out in describing the affair, which involved a few more encounters in the months following their first tryst in Tahoe.

According to the source, the transcript contains details of “[w]hat he’s like in bed, pillow talk, she talks about what he’s like down there…”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
  • zaklenil: BigWhale ()

next3steps ::

Tega međerja ni nič sram, da je bil v ilegsli, ko se je njegovo dekle prostitutiralo, on je pa bil hkrati njen zvodnik? Oboje seveda prepovedano.

Heavy ::


Pac-Man ::

Začelo se je s par nepremičninskimi posli v Arkansasu,

Whitewater controversy @ Wikipedia

končalo z

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

BigWhale ::

Hardly problem clovestva ...

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