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Western Digital 'My Cloud' devices have a hardcoded backdoor

Western Digital 'My Cloud' devices have a hardcoded backdoor

jukoz ::


"It isn't even hard to take advantage of it -- the username is "mydlinkBRionyg" and the password is "abc12345cba" (without quotes). To make matters worse, it was disclosed to Western Digital six months ago and the company apparently did nothing until November 2017."

"why does a Western Digital product have a hardcoded username containing dlink? Weird right? The researchers did some investigating and found that the WD NAS devices once shared code with D-Link "Sharecenter" devices. Interestingly, these D-Link devices were issued patched firmware in 2014 and no longer contain the backdoor."

Cel članek:


Namesto NASov si kupite HPjev Microserver ali kaj podobnega in dajte gor nek OS, ki ga boste lahko patchali in ne bo vezan na proizvajalca HW-ja.

BivšiUser2 ::

Katera zadeva pa danes še nima kakršnega koli backdoora?
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

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