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Windows pozabi pot do NASa - koda 0x80070035

Windows pozabi pot do NASa - koda 0x80070035

Joze_K ::

po določenem času neuporabe WIN pozabi pot do NASa na mreži - daje napako 0x80070035.
Našel sem rešitev (delno - str 3)
in sicer - potrebno je dodati podatek v Windows credential - v user accountu
sedaj Windowsi brez problema dostopajo do NASa kadar ga naslavljam z IP - še vedno pa ne najdejo pot kadar je naslovljen z imenom NASa /AS-302T
in hkrati
imam v Win Credential nastavljene poverilnice za oba - tako IP kot ime_NASa na popolnoma enak način
je moteče ker, je množica nekih dostopov nastavljena na ime NASa in ne na IP (v začetku sem imel DHCP IP, sedaj je sicer fiksen)

kako rešiti, da bo prepoznal ime_NASa kot tale IP, oz. ga upošteval

Sedanja rešitev
- Go into the old Control Panel and then User Accounts.
- Click on the title of User Accounts again (The address bar should say >Control Panel>User Accounts>User Accounts.)
- On the left click Manage you Credentials.
- Click on Windows Credentials.
- Click on Add a Windows credential.
- In here type the IP address of the computer (example: \\ NAS drive you are trying to connect to plus the username and password you use to connect to that device. It does not have to be the username and password for the computer you are having trouble connecting, it can be an account on the device, such as the admin login account for the NAS. You might want to create a user account on the device you are connecting to and use those login details here to be sure.
- Reset the computer and try connecting by typing in the IP address on the device or computer into file explorer and see it that works. (example: \\

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- android odjemalci pa delajo brez problema,.. tudi če je NAS v dremanju, ga lepo zaženejo in prikažejo vse kar treba...
  • spremenil: Joze_K ()

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