Forum » Igre » S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
yayo ::
Yup, standalone. Količina downloadov na dan objave je presgla dosedanji rekord na Mod DB, ki je veljal za Black Mesa HL2 mod, tako da so bili prisiljeni najeti dodatni bandwidth.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yayo ()
Nagi Bator ::
Hja, laufa z 250kB/s. Do jutri bo.
Upam da zadeva nima kaksnih spojlerjev glede CoP, saj tega se nisem dal skozi.
Sem lih bral da so uporabili podoben upgrade sistem kot v CS. Super!
Upam da zadeva nima kaksnih spojlerjev glede CoP, saj tega se nisem dal skozi.
Sem lih bral da so uporabili podoben upgrade sistem kot v CS. Super!
BorutK-73 ::
marjanmb ::
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha
Prosim za pomoč,saj ne morem nadaljevat igre:
Sem v Yantar-naredil vse(glej sliko),GREBEN se ne odziva na narejene naloge,ne morem dokončat igre z to misijo da se vrnem k VERONINU,ker sem opravil nalogo.
Znanstveniku ne morem prinest ( WIRE ) saj ko kliknem na ikono se igra sesuje.Rešitev? Našel in dostavil RIFLE.
Prosim za pomoč,saj ne morem nadaljevat igre:
Sem v Yantar-naredil vse(glej sliko),GREBEN se ne odziva na narejene naloge,ne morem dokončat igre z to misijo da se vrnem k VERONINU,ker sem opravil nalogo.
Znanstveniku ne morem prinest ( WIRE ) saj ko kliknem na ikono se igra sesuje.Rešitev? Našel in dostavil RIFLE.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: marjanmb ()
yayo ::
Jaz sem pavziral igro, ker so napovedali novi patch zaradi katerega bo potrebno začeti novi playthroug. Če si že toliko naprej, da se ti ne ljubi začeti znova boš rešitve za razne hrošče našel na GSC game forumu . Lost Alpha ima svoj podforum, je pa stran tako primitivno narejena, da ga ne znam direktno linkat. Hroščem navkljub je LA fantastična zadeva.
isildur2 ::
Igral sem stalker shadow of chernobyl pa sem se na žalost naveličal ker se mi je zdela dolgočasna.
marjanmb ::
Jaz sem pavziral igro, ker so napovedali novi patch zaradi katerega bo potrebno začeti novi playthroug. Če si že toliko naprej, da se ti ne ljubi začeti znova boš rešitve za razne hrošče našel na GSC game forumu . Lost Alpha ima svoj podforum, je pa stran tako primitivno narejena, da ga ne znam direktno linkat. Hroščem navkljub je LA fantastična zadeva.
Hvala za odg.saj z njihovo pomočjo sem prišel tako daleč,nisem pa zasledil moje omenjene težave-rešitev!
Igral sem stalker shadow of chernobyl pa sem se na žalost naveličal ker se mi je zdela dolgočasna.
Kakor za koga!
Še po tolikem ćasu občasno igam vse predhone Stalkerje.
yayo ::
Invictus ::
Precej huda zadeva. Meni je bolj všeč.
Je bolj v stilu Ultime ...
Je bolj v stilu Ultime ...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
opeter ::
Jaz čakam, da bo kakšna akcija na GOG-u, da si kupim celo kolekcijo. Pol pa bom poskusil še vse dodatke. Itak pa zdaj ni časa, da bi karkoli igral.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
BorutK-73 ::
Meni je Lost Alpha zelo všeč, sploh to da je FREE! Sem pa nehal nekje v agropomu zaradi bugov plus quest mi je obstal v podzemlju.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BorutK-73 ()
Invictus ::
Če je tolk bugov, bom pa počakal na kak fix pack.
A ima tudi kake nove naloge, glede na večje ozemlje?
A ima tudi kake nove naloge, glede na večje ozemlje?
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
marjanmb ::
A ima tudi kake nove naloge, glede na večje ozemlje?
Glede na velikost ozemlja=igra poraz!
Imaš 2/3naloge v vsakem in z tem se bistvo konča določeno ozemlje.Nimaš niti nasprotnikov (glede na velikost ozemnlja/v nadaljevanju)kakor tudi novih nalog.Je pa res do moraš prečkat ozemlja kr nekaj krat- v bistu potem samo tekaš/ali se voziš z avtom,do določenega cilja/dolgas/saj se nič ne dogaja-razen občasni napadi raznih kreatur!
Bugov do misije:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha
Prosim za pomoč,saj ne morem nadaljevat igre:
Sem v Yantar-naredil vse(glej sliko),GREBEN se ne odziva na narejene naloge,ne morem dokončat igre z to misijo da se vrnem k VERONINU,ker sem opravil nalogo.
Znanstveniku ne morem prinest ( WIRE ) saj ko kliknem na ikono se igra sesuje.Rešitev? Našel in dostavil RIFLE.
Nisem zasledil(vsaj pri meni=šlo brez problemov)od tu naprej pa je bol ali majn igre konec,saj ne dobiš novih nalog da bi lahko nadaljeval igro!
Mogoče ve kakšen rešitev?
oo7 ::
Second patch for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha has been released!
Here is long awaited second patch for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha. Here are some very important facts about it:
Due to the changes in storyline and engine, it's required to start a new game after you installed this update.
Your previous saves will not work.
This patch is cumulative, so you don't need to install the previous (1.30013) patch at all.
The patch installer will wipe out your gamedata directory so backup whatever mods you've installed
Beware, mods made for 1st patch will not work with this 2nd patch until mod makers make them compatible. We can not give support in this case.
Here is long awaited second patch for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha. Here are some very important facts about it:
Due to the changes in storyline and engine, it's required to start a new game after you installed this update.
Your previous saves will not work.
This patch is cumulative, so you don't need to install the previous (1.30013) patch at all.
The patch installer will wipe out your gamedata directory so backup whatever mods you've installed
Beware, mods made for 1st patch will not work with this 2nd patch until mod makers make them compatible. We can not give support in this case.
oo7 ::
- fixed vibrating (constant open and close) doors on Great Metal Factory level
- fixed inaccessible "ashes to ashes" stash on Darkdolina level- fixed crash for missing suit upgrade
- fixed Escape bridge soldiers dying because too far from shelter
- fixed flying trees and props on Darkscape level- fixed Pripyat geometry (missing surface)
- fixed Arena mobs missing bug- fixed no available phrase to say, dialog[dm_artefact_merger_wnd]
- fixed no available phrase to say, dialog[forg_stalker_trader_start]
- fixed map marker for bandit suit on Darkdolina
- fixed crash related to missing crossbow decor model'
- fixed level changer position from the Power Plant to Sarcofag
- fixed Radar crash near outpost
- fixed ui_repair_wnd.script:471: attempt to index field 'selected_item'
- fixed quickload after death with hotkey
- fixed Greben jobs and dialogs on Yantar
- fixed usage of motion blur effect on R2 (dynamic lightning)
- fixed Lukash task dialog
- fixed Petrenko's task and dialog on Great Metal Factory level
- fixed Sidorovich's message to kill zombies even if all are dead
- fixed incorrect RPM for upgraded sig550
- fixed can't open section 'bandages'
- fixed incorrect icon for upgraded VAL weapon
- fixed return entry to Pripyat from Outskirts
- fixed [error]Description : callback kils bone matrix bone: bip01_spine2
- fixed crash when killing stalker trader on Construction Site
- fixed some other codes for doors
- fixed broken logic for doors and camera on Lost Factory
- fixed some floating boxes and barrels in Agroprom
- fixed ai-map in Deadcity (monsters climbed the bridge from the river)
- fixed ai-map for the duty sniper on Garbage outpost
- fixed ai-map and geometry on Yantar level
- fixed green glass in windows, jars etc. on r1 (static lightning) render
- fixed shader for lamps on dx10 (bulbs in lamps visible again)
- fixed incorrect calculation of money
- fixed Pripyat secret trader, now he will appear
- fixed crash in DetailManager, often shown on Generators level
- fixed some broken freeplay tasks
- fixed pda buttons (and the crash when using it)
- fixed missing known info strings
- fixed unresponsive bloodsucker on Darkvalley when climbing through hole in roof
- fixed Deedee antidote exploit
- fixed kill statistics
- fixed No available phrase to say, dialog[forg_dolg_raid_dialog_finished]
- fixed rendering crashes on all levels, but mainly related to the last few ones
- fixed transparent window frame on Generators level
- fixed missing Sin house (esc_basement_motor_cache) stash in Escape level
- fixed upgraded icon for PSZ-9Md outfit
- fixed crash when using repair kits
- fixed Sakharov dialogs
- fixed faulty stashes on Army Warehouses level
- fixed auto fire upgrades
- fixed Deadcity money issue
- fixed kampers ignoring danger
- fixed contact's incorrect avatar on Army Warehouses level
- fixed position of anomaly which was almost inside the Bar on Great Metal Factory
- fixed crash when talking to Duty leader on the Power Plant level
- fixed trees which had no collision
- fixed No available phrase to say, dialog[escape_wolf_greatings]
- fixed broken task when Hunter moves to Outskirts
- fixed duplicating ammo in safe exploit- fixed weather
- fixed transparent metal surface on Garbage level
- fixed crash which happens if you try to talk to an npc via pda chat in the same time the npc dies
- fixed upgraded icon for VAL weapon
- fixed mutant wave on the Power Plant level (sometimes task did not finish)
- fixed reaction of monolith soldiers at the Power Plant level when player drives BTR vehicle
- fixed various small glitches
- finetuned all traders and their stock
- added missing map hint for Garbage sniper
- removed anomaly from the middle of the road on Great Metal Factory which made the access to Military level with car very hard
- Strelok's book can be dropped now, but it will be available in the articles menu on your pda as well
- now can buy cars from Outskirts barman too
- monster and character relations were tweaked
- added timer on hud for the gasmask on Rostok Factory level
- slightly increased probability of rain and thunder
- knife hit powers finetuned
- alcohol postprocess effects tweaked
- dx10 render optimized (more will come in later patches)
- added feature: when checking stash with purple icon and not taking all of theitems, the icon will change to green and will only be removed if you take all
- pda chat finetuned, if a participant goes offline, you will see message "connection lost"
- added X18 documents dialog to the "barman" Petrenko so that dialog can complete if doing task later
- made Sin neutral to the actor (to avoid misunderstanding)
- made Sin hostile towards actor_dolg (if player joins duty) and dolg (duty faction)
- added more fuel to traders and stashes
- finetuned ai reactions
- finetuned certain monster reactions
- removed extra sleeping bags from the game, but the one you have is now dropable, tradeable, and you can buy one at traders
- added ladder to the hole on the ground in Yantar to make climbing in and out more convenient
- revisioned and united all weapon hud positions
- the secret trader now sells only unique items
- added more alife to Darkscape, Forest, Outskirts and Country levels
- particles engine tweaked, finetuned and more stable
- implemented cloud shadows on r3 (dx10) render too
- added pda message about the 3rd bloodsucker to kill on Rostok Factory level
- enemies won't ignore you if you are sitting in a car
- various smaller tweaks and fixes
- removed test grenades and fixed bug so now NPCs will run from grenades they throw if they land close to them
- fixed vibrating (constant open and close) doors on Great Metal Factory level
- fixed inaccessible "ashes to ashes" stash on Darkdolina level- fixed crash for missing suit upgrade
- fixed Escape bridge soldiers dying because too far from shelter
- fixed flying trees and props on Darkscape level- fixed Pripyat geometry (missing surface)
- fixed Arena mobs missing bug- fixed no available phrase to say, dialog[dm_artefact_merger_wnd]
- fixed no available phrase to say, dialog[forg_stalker_trader_start]
- fixed map marker for bandit suit on Darkdolina
- fixed crash related to missing crossbow decor model'
- fixed level changer position from the Power Plant to Sarcofag
- fixed Radar crash near outpost
- fixed ui_repair_wnd.script:471: attempt to index field 'selected_item'
- fixed quickload after death with hotkey
- fixed Greben jobs and dialogs on Yantar
- fixed usage of motion blur effect on R2 (dynamic lightning)
- fixed Lukash task dialog
- fixed Petrenko's task and dialog on Great Metal Factory level
- fixed Sidorovich's message to kill zombies even if all are dead
- fixed incorrect RPM for upgraded sig550
- fixed can't open section 'bandages'
- fixed incorrect icon for upgraded VAL weapon
- fixed return entry to Pripyat from Outskirts
- fixed [error]Description : callback kils bone matrix bone: bip01_spine2
- fixed crash when killing stalker trader on Construction Site
- fixed some other codes for doors
- fixed broken logic for doors and camera on Lost Factory
- fixed some floating boxes and barrels in Agroprom
- fixed ai-map in Deadcity (monsters climbed the bridge from the river)
- fixed ai-map for the duty sniper on Garbage outpost
- fixed ai-map and geometry on Yantar level
- fixed green glass in windows, jars etc. on r1 (static lightning) render
- fixed shader for lamps on dx10 (bulbs in lamps visible again)
- fixed incorrect calculation of money
- fixed Pripyat secret trader, now he will appear
- fixed crash in DetailManager, often shown on Generators level
- fixed some broken freeplay tasks
- fixed pda buttons (and the crash when using it)
- fixed missing known info strings
- fixed unresponsive bloodsucker on Darkvalley when climbing through hole in roof
- fixed Deedee antidote exploit
- fixed kill statistics
- fixed No available phrase to say, dialog[forg_dolg_raid_dialog_finished]
- fixed rendering crashes on all levels, but mainly related to the last few ones
- fixed transparent window frame on Generators level
- fixed missing Sin house (esc_basement_motor_cache) stash in Escape level
- fixed upgraded icon for PSZ-9Md outfit
- fixed crash when using repair kits
- fixed Sakharov dialogs
- fixed faulty stashes on Army Warehouses level
- fixed auto fire upgrades
- fixed Deadcity money issue
- fixed kampers ignoring danger
- fixed contact's incorrect avatar on Army Warehouses level
- fixed position of anomaly which was almost inside the Bar on Great Metal Factory
- fixed crash when talking to Duty leader on the Power Plant level
- fixed trees which had no collision
- fixed No available phrase to say, dialog[escape_wolf_greatings]
- fixed broken task when Hunter moves to Outskirts
- fixed duplicating ammo in safe exploit- fixed weather
- fixed transparent metal surface on Garbage level
- fixed crash which happens if you try to talk to an npc via pda chat in the same time the npc dies
- fixed upgraded icon for VAL weapon
- fixed mutant wave on the Power Plant level (sometimes task did not finish)
- fixed reaction of monolith soldiers at the Power Plant level when player drives BTR vehicle
- fixed various small glitches
- finetuned all traders and their stock
- added missing map hint for Garbage sniper
- removed anomaly from the middle of the road on Great Metal Factory which made the access to Military level with car very hard
- Strelok's book can be dropped now, but it will be available in the articles menu on your pda as well
- now can buy cars from Outskirts barman too
- monster and character relations were tweaked
- added timer on hud for the gasmask on Rostok Factory level
- slightly increased probability of rain and thunder
- knife hit powers finetuned
- alcohol postprocess effects tweaked
- dx10 render optimized (more will come in later patches)
- added feature: when checking stash with purple icon and not taking all of theitems, the icon will change to green and will only be removed if you take all
- pda chat finetuned, if a participant goes offline, you will see message "connection lost"
- added X18 documents dialog to the "barman" Petrenko so that dialog can complete if doing task later
- made Sin neutral to the actor (to avoid misunderstanding)
- made Sin hostile towards actor_dolg (if player joins duty) and dolg (duty faction)
- added more fuel to traders and stashes
- finetuned ai reactions
- finetuned certain monster reactions
- removed extra sleeping bags from the game, but the one you have is now dropable, tradeable, and you can buy one at traders
- added ladder to the hole on the ground in Yantar to make climbing in and out more convenient
- revisioned and united all weapon hud positions
- the secret trader now sells only unique items
- added more alife to Darkscape, Forest, Outskirts and Country levels
- particles engine tweaked, finetuned and more stable
- implemented cloud shadows on r3 (dx10) render too
- added pda message about the 3rd bloodsucker to kill on Rostok Factory level
- enemies won't ignore you if you are sitting in a car
- various smaller tweaks and fixes
- removed test grenades and fixed bug so now NPCs will run from grenades they throw if they land close to them
BorutK-73 ::
To pa je popravek!
Glede da moraš spet od začetka (save stare verzije ne delajo), sem kar vesel da v prvo nisem dolgo igral ker me je ustavil random bug.
Glede da moraš spet od začetka (save stare verzije ne delajo), sem kar vesel da v prvo nisem dolgo igral ker me je ustavil random bug.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BorutK-73 ()
BorutK-73 ::
Dve stvari ki sem jih opazil po popravku
- Končno delajo spremenjene tipke (Ne morem se navadit na wasd!)
- Ni več dostopa do datotek kjer si lahko spreminjal nastavitve kot so velikost inventorija, koliko teže lahko neseš...
Na prvi vtis zgleda igra še bolje kot prej.
- Končno delajo spremenjene tipke (Ne morem se navadit na wasd!)
- Ni več dostopa do datotek kjer si lahko spreminjal nastavitve kot so velikost inventorija, koliko teže lahko neseš...
Na prvi vtis zgleda igra še bolje kot prej.
oo7 ::
Zelo lepa grafika.
Jaz pa sem se spravil ponovno igrat Stalker Call of Pripyat, ko končam bom pa preigral še Lost Alpha
Jaz pa sem se spravil ponovno igrat Stalker Call of Pripyat, ko končam bom pa preigral še Lost Alpha
Heavy ::
Vso srečo preigrati Lost Alpha. Sicer je igra awesome in dopolni zgodbo iz izvirnika, toda se tako pogosto sesuva, da jo je nemogoče skoraj končati.
BorutK-73 ::
Vso srečo preigrati Lost Alpha. Sicer je igra awesome in dopolni zgodbo iz izvirnika, toda se tako pogosto sesuva, da jo je nemogoče skoraj končati.
Sem že doživel prvi bug. Kar naenkrat sem bil par metrov v zraku, pomagal je le load zadnjega save-a.
Pa tudi slika malo šteka (ali pa imam nastavitve nastavljene previsoko)
Če ima kdo probleme da je zelo temno v igri, morate vklopit senčenje sončnih žarkov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BorutK-73 ()
Tastar ::
Kake imate vi kaj graphic setings v lost alpha?
Ne uspe mi nastaviti na nekaj kvalitetnega. Če senčenje sončnih žarkov ni vklopljeno je kot da si salno v mraku.
Ko pa vklopim senčenje sončnih žarkov je pa vse tako bleščeče.
Ima kdo kakšen hint?
Kake imate vi kaj graphic setings v lost alpha?
Ne uspe mi nastaviti na nekaj kvalitetnega. Če senčenje sončnih žarkov ni vklopljeno je kot da si salno v mraku.
Ko pa vklopim senčenje sončnih žarkov je pa vse tako bleščeče.
Ima kdo kakšen hint?
krneki0001 ::
Na I5 procu v prenosniku, 8Gb rama in nvidia quadro s 512Mb rama dela brez zatikanja na static lightning in maximum details.
Asrock X99 Extreme 4 | Intel E5-2683V4 ES | 64GB DDR4 2400MHz ECC |
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
yayo ::
DX9 deluje bolj tekoče pa ni tistega ekstremnega kontrasta med osvetljeno pokrajino in senco pod drevjem, ko v senci nič ne vidiš pri sončnem dnevu opoldne. Drugaće sam igram na DX10, Maximum, vsi sliderji na max razen Shadow Density in Lighting Distance na 50%, Shadow Map medium, Motion Blur, Grass Shadows in Antialiasing OFF, Sun Rays na Medium. FPS le v ekstremnih situacijah pade pod 30. I5 2500k, 8GB ram, HD7950. Resolucija 1920X1200.
Lost Alpha absolutno ni igra kjer bi lahko iskal +60FPS (razen če kdo želi, da zgleda kot kak Playstation 1 špil).
Lost Alpha absolutno ni igra kjer bi lahko iskal +60FPS (razen če kdo želi, da zgleda kot kak Playstation 1 špil).
oo7 ::
Katera STALKER igra se vam zdi najboljša?
Jaz bi rekel:
Jaz bi rekel:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
krneki0001 ::
Vse 4 so odlične, vključno z lost alpha.
To je edina špila, ki jo sploh kdaj pa kdaj še igram. Nič ostalega mi sploh ni zanimivega več (smo že prestari očitno).
Mi je pa recimo všeč hodit naokol po černobilu, pa mal gledat, kaj vse je v tistih zapuščenih sobah. (škoda ker so jim prvotne slike zaplenili policaji, ker tisto bi bilo še bolj noro, če bi jih vključili v igre)
To je edina špila, ki jo sploh kdaj pa kdaj še igram. Nič ostalega mi sploh ni zanimivega več (smo že prestari očitno).
Mi je pa recimo všeč hodit naokol po černobilu, pa mal gledat, kaj vse je v tistih zapuščenih sobah. (škoda ker so jim prvotne slike zaplenili policaji, ker tisto bi bilo še bolj noro, če bi jih vključili v igre)
Asrock X99 Extreme 4 | Intel E5-2683V4 ES | 64GB DDR4 2400MHz ECC |
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: krneki0001 ()
Invictus ::
Meni je najboljši SOC. Ampak je bil tudi prvi.
Kateri je najboljši add-on za SOC? Tako težko mi je najti karkoli ...
Kateri je najboljši add-on za SOC? Tako težko mi je najti karkoli ...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
BorutK-73 ::
Meni je pa 2 del najboljši (Clear Sky). Pred kratkim sem še našel Complete mod za Clear Sky in igra zgleda super (me že grabi da bi menjal grafično za kaj močnejšega - 280 mogoče).
BorutK-73 ::
Kake imate vi kaj graphic setings v lost alpha?
Ne uspe mi nastaviti na nekaj kvalitetnega. Če senčenje sončnih žarkov ni vklopljeno je kot da si salno v mraku.
Ko pa vklopim senčenje sončnih žarkov je pa vse tako bleščeče.
Ima kdo kakšen hint?
Edino kar sem nastavil je contrast ki sem ga malo povečal (premalo barv).
Moje nastavitve za grafiko
Heavy ::
Igral sem starejšo verzijo Miseriya. Igra postane še bolj teja in bolj nabita z atmosfero. Priporočam.
oo7 ::
Če hočeš igrati ta mod moraš imeti naloženo še igro Stalker call of pripyat? Ali je to samostojna igra?
oo7 ::
Sem z njihove strani potegnil dol mod ga inštaliram in, ko ga hočem zagnati kot administrator se ne zgodi nič. Mogoče kdo ve kje je problem?
oo7 ::
Rabiš še CoP imet predhodno inštaliran.
Ravno včeraj sem preigral COP v drugič in zbrisal. No zdaj ga spet nalagam na Steam.
Me samo zanima kako izgleda Misery tako kot Lost Alpha sta še v vrsti za preigrati. Trenutno sem se odločil, da še enkrat preigram Clear sky potem pa takoj Lost alpha in Misery. Shadow of Cheronobly sem pa preigral tudi že ene 3x
Bi pa lahko naredili STALKER 2 ne pa, da delajo neki free to play Multiplayer Survarium igro
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
djabi ::
yayo ::
Lastnik Stalker franšize, Serghey Grigorovich je februarja lani kot strela z jasnega prekinil razvoj Stalkerja 2 in odpustil komplet razvijalsko ekipo, čeprav je bilo več kot pol igre narejene. Fantje so se skušali zdilati, da bi jo končali tako, da bi sami poiskali investitorja, pa Grigorovich ni bil zadovoljen s ponudbo. Namesto, da bi šli na zavod so ostali skupaj in poiskali novega šefa, podjetje Vostok, ki jim je omogočilo razvoj free to play streljačine Survarium. Pravijo, da ni bilo druge opcije, ker je piratizem toliko razširjen v bivši USSR, da bi s single player igro popušili .
krneki0001 ::
Kako pod zemljo ubiješ kakega zombija? A moraš laufat naprej, ker nočjo dol past. (mislim pade že, samo čez 30 sekund spet vstane)
Asrock X99 Extreme 4 | Intel E5-2683V4 ES | 64GB DDR4 2400MHz ECC |
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
oo7 ::
krneki0001 je izjavil:
Kako pod zemljo ubiješ kakega zombija? A moraš laufat naprej, ker nočjo dol past. (mislim pade že, samo čez 30 sekund spet vstane)
A to v Lost alpha?
BorutK-73 ::
krneki0001 je izjavil:
Kako pod zemljo ubiješ kakega zombija? A moraš laufat naprej, ker nočjo dol past. (mislim pade že, samo čez 30 sekund spet vstane)
Meni je uspelo samo z granatami. Če imaš misijo, jih ubij z granatami, drugače jih pa postreli in ucvri mimo ko se oživljajo.
boset ::
misery mod je zakon
Main Desktop:
i9 14900k | EK Custom loop S480 | Asus APEX Encore Z790 | RTX4090 Strix OC
G.Skill 32Gb DDR5 7200 | WD_Black 850XNVMe | ThorII 1200W
i9 14900k | EK Custom loop S480 | Asus APEX Encore Z790 | RTX4090 Strix OC
G.Skill 32Gb DDR5 7200 | WD_Black 850XNVMe | ThorII 1200W
krneki0001 ::
Ko dol padejo, jih moraš strelat v glavo.
A ko dol padejo, če jih ustreliš v glavo, so potem mrtvi, al še vedno vstanejo čez nekaj časa?
Iščem namreč strelokovo knjigo v agropromu, pa so mi tile zombiji orenk v napoto, ker so že navadni vojaki dost nevarni v podzemlju. Sicer imam dovolj municije, ki sem jo pobral mrtvim vojakom, ampak vseeno mi pa zmanjkuje prve pomoči, pa mi tile zombiji potem kr delajo probleme.
Asrock X99 Extreme 4 | Intel E5-2683V4 ES | 64GB DDR4 2400MHz ECC |
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: krneki0001 ()
Tastar ::
krneki0001 je izjavil:
Ko dol padejo, jih moraš strelat v glavo.
A ko dol padejo, če jih ustreliš v glavo, so potem mrtvi, al še vedno vstanejo čez nekaj časa?
Iščem namreč strelokovo knjigo v agropromu, pa so mi tile zombiji orenk v napoto, ker so že navadni vojaki dost nevarni v podzemlju. Sicer imam dovolj municije, ki sem jo pobral mrtvim vojakom, ampak vseeno mi pa zmanjkuje prve pomoči, pa mi tile zombiji potem kr delajo probleme.
Če zombija z shotgun direkt v glavo pade in ne vstane več.
Samo malo jajca vklopi in mu pusti da pride malo bližje k tebi (tudi dva na enkrat mi je že ratalo).
Sej so itak počasni...maš časa več kot dovolj za repeat orožja.
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