Forum » Problemi človeštva » Dr. Drumpflove
Dr. Drumpflove

SimplyMiha ::
Fake news ali ne, dejstvo je, da se folk sploh ukvarja z njo. Prioritete?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SimplyMiha ()


DarwiN ::
Menda ima tudi novinar/demon Brian Stelter nekaj s knjigo, vsaj po besedah vašega spiritual leaderja Alexa Jonesa:

celi video.

You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

ZaphodBB ::
Jaz gledam Gorilla Channel. Good Stuff...
Informativni content skoraj na nivoju Pac-Manovih postov.
Informativni content skoraj na nivoju Pac-Manovih postov.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

vostok_1 ::
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the "Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times." Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
You can't make this shit up.
Trenutna globalna situacija:
1. Predsednik najmočnejše sile na svetu je, ne preveč brihten, 12 letnik.
2. Druga najmočnejša sila je pokupila polovico tretjega sveta, se dela komunistična, ampak je vse prej kot to.
3. Tretja najmočnejša velesila...well it is as corrupt as ever TBH.
4. Evropa se tolče po prsih kako je progresivna, ampak dopušča najbolj represivni ideologiji proste roke.
5. Jype je postal ostarel hipi, ki še vedno na ves glas tupi "refugees welcome", potihem pa doda "just not in my back yard".
Just let it burn already...we had our fun. I don't think the universe can withstand any more stupidity.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()

jype ::
Nice fake summary. Je pa zabavno videti, kako je jype vsaj toliko pomemben, kot ZDA, Kitajska, Rusija in EU.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

Pac-Man ::
Jaz gledam Gorilla Channel. Good Stuff...
Informativni content skoraj na nivoju Pac-Manovih postov.
Torej drek že znaš metati, odlično. Kdaj bo na vrsti praskanje pod pazduho?
Congratulations, sir! This dignified, statesman-like tweet is the perfect way to counter the book's narrative that you're an impulsive, childish dimwit.
Michael Wolff is a total loser who made up stories in order to sell this really boring and untruthful book. He used Sloppy Steve Bannon, who cried when he got fired and begged for his job. Now Sloppy Steve has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone. Too bad!
Looks like the president is livetweeting this morning.
Left, Fox & Friends, 6:41 am
Right, Trump, 6:57 am Left, Fox & Friends, 6:18 am
Right, Trump, 7:19 am
Trump, who called himself "a very stable genius", apparently forgot that he ran for President in 2000.
Needed to reinstall this Chrome browser extension to make sense of Trump's #FireAndFuryBook tweets.
dopisnik @guardian
Excited to ask members of Congress on Monday if they too believe the President is "a stable genius."
PDFs of "Fire and Fury" are currently circulating among the Yemen's political class. Astounding how much play this book is getting.
So @brianstelter got hold of the RNC talking points for the Wolff book fallout.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2000 @ Wikipedia
Donald Trump's presidential campaign of 2000 for the nomination of the Reform Party began when real estate magnate Donald Trump of New York announced the creation of a presidential exploratory committee on the October 7, 1999 edition of Larry King Live.
Trump focused his campaign on the issues of fair trade, eliminating the national debt, and achieving universal healthcare as outlined in the campaign companion piece The America We Deserve, released in January 2000. He named media proprietor Oprah Winfrey as his ideal running mate and said he would instantly marry his girlfriend, Melania Knauss, to make her First Lady.
Trump made numerous media appearances as a candidate, traveled to campaign events in Florida, California, and Minnesota, and qualified for two presidential primaries. Veteran campaign strategist and longtime Trump aide Roger Stone was hired as director of the exploratory committee.
Internal conflict caused Ventura to exit the Reform Party in February 2000, removing Trump's most vocal proponent. Trump officially ended his campaign on the February 14, 2000 airing of The Today Show. Though he believed he could still win the Reform Party presidential nomination, he felt the party was too dysfunctional to support his campaign and enable a win in the general election.
Donald Trump's presidential campaign of 2000 for the nomination of the Reform Party began when real estate magnate Donald Trump of New York announced the creation of a presidential exploratory committee on the October 7, 1999 edition of Larry King Live.
Trump focused his campaign on the issues of fair trade, eliminating the national debt, and achieving universal healthcare as outlined in the campaign companion piece The America We Deserve, released in January 2000. He named media proprietor Oprah Winfrey as his ideal running mate and said he would instantly marry his girlfriend, Melania Knauss, to make her First Lady.
Trump made numerous media appearances as a candidate, traveled to campaign events in Florida, California, and Minnesota, and qualified for two presidential primaries. Veteran campaign strategist and longtime Trump aide Roger Stone was hired as director of the exploratory committee.
Internal conflict caused Ventura to exit the Reform Party in February 2000, removing Trump's most vocal proponent. Trump officially ended his campaign on the February 14, 2000 airing of The Today Show. Though he believed he could still win the Reform Party presidential nomination, he felt the party was too dysfunctional to support his campaign and enable a win in the general election.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Iz zgornjega članka na wikipedii
The America We Deserve co-writer Dave Shiflett said Trump first thought about running in late 1998, when he looked at his political advantages in money and name recognition, and concluded that he was "at least as competent" as then President Bill Clinton.[17] According to Shiflett, this prompted Trump to ask top aide Roger Stone to find the "most eminent hack writer in America" to put Trump's political ideas into a book. Stone reached out to Shiflett, a contributor to The American Spectator.
When Weicker decided not to seek the party's nomination due to internal bickering, Ventura reportedly went all in for Trump.[26] The media capitalized on a potential Trump versus Buchanan challenge,[24] and Saturday Night Live satirized it with a skit in which Darrell Hammond portraying Trump and Chris Parnell as Buchanan pitched their candidacies to Ross Perot, played by Cheri Oteri. The segment also featured an appearance by Will Ferrell as Ventura.
In the interview with Larry King, Trump was optimistic about his chances indicating a "very strong possibility" of victory.[33] He referenced a non-scientific National Enquirer poll of 100 individuals, showing him in first place against his Democratic and Republican counterparts.
//Lastnik National Enquirerja je njegov prijatelj, tudi v tej kampanji so delali zanj.
Trump labeled Rudy Giuliani the greatest Mayor of New York
After the announcement, Trump and Knauss had dinner with Ventura and were joined by actor Woody Harrelson.
Before Trump could venture out on the campaign trail, he had to tend to some personal matters. In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Marla Maples, Trump's second ex-wife, threatened to reveal what Trump "is really like" if he chose to run for president in the general election. In response, Trump withheld $1.5 million in alimony he owed Maples, claiming she was in violation of the confidentiality agreement in the couple's divorce decree. After a Manhattan judge refused to hear the matter, a brief conference was held, wherein the judge's law secretary advised Trump to pay the alimony and advised Maples that further incidents would be cause for the judge to reconsider hearing the matter.
In Burbank, Trump appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno where he attacked Buchanan as "having a love affair with Adolf Hitler" and discussed his upcoming book, The America We Deserve. The Weekly Standard reported that though the release date was only a month away, the book had yet to be written.
On the final day, Trump visited the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Museum of Tolerance and walked through an exhibit of The Holocaust. He delivered a speech and held another press conference at the museum atrium, where he denounced Buchanan's views on Nazis.
At Trump's final event, he spoke at a Tony Robbins motivational conference.[68] Robbins and Trump had made an agreement that would pay Trump $1 million for showing up at ten of Robbins' events. Trump planned to make campaign stops to coincide with Robbins' shows, speculating that he "could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it."
In discussing his campaign strategy with The Los Angeles Times, Trump proclaimed, "the only strategy is, I'll be on television a lot."
Trump pointed to the spike in ratings each television network received whenever he appeared on air. He admitted, "whether or not TV ratings can transfer into votes is an interesting question." The Times characterized Trump's campaign as "Political Science 101 on how far politics is devolving into pure entertainment." Nevertheless, Trump contemporaneously delved into the politics of third party campaigns when he wrote a letter to Commission on Presidential Debates asking the body to review its standard for third party candidate inclusion in the general election debates. His letter included a veiled threat of litigation if the body enacted a standard preventing his participation.
//Klasičen način, kako so šle stvari vse življenje po njegovo. Zagroziš s tožbo in jo podkrepiš z vojsko dobro plačanih odvetnikov. Komu se da zajebavat?
Trump officially released his book The America We Deserve on January 1. Dave Shiflett received credit as co-writer.[76] To promote the book, Trump held a January 5 press conference at Trump Tower, which aired on C-SPAN. (...) Trump's book, consisting of 286 pages,[76] covers Trump's political positions and policy proposals, including strict anti-crime measures, increased pressure on China, fair trade, border control, increased military spending, support for public capital punishment, and the implementation of single-payer health care.(...) In addition, it raises concerns about terrorism, proposing the creation of a national lottery to raise funds for anti-terrorism programs,[79] and offers a choice to North Korea to disarm or face military strikes. (...) It cites friendships with baseball player Sammy Sosa and entertainer Sean Combs as making Trump more understanding of racial diversity. Trump later backpedaled his book's praise of Combs after Combs was charged with violating gun laws following a shooting at a New York nightclub. Trump said he did not "know [Combs] really well."[81] The book condemns Congressman Jerrold Nadler as a "hack" for opposing Trump's development of waterfront real estate in Manhattan, and describes Senator Bob Smith as "the dumbest guy in the U.S. Senate" after he grilled Trump's sister Maryanne Trump Barry on abortion when she testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1999 upon her nomination to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. It criticizes Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley as a "phony" for his Senate sponsorship of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 that purportedly hurt Trump financially. It also notes the hypocrisy of both an unnamed Senator and an unnamed conservative columnist who each engaged in extramarital affairs at Trump's hotels and resorts while they attacked President Clinton for the Lewinsky scandal.
//Somebody been spyin'?
Trump ended his relationship with Melania Knauss in January 2000, removing a key figure of the campaign entourage.[88] According to the New York Daily News, an associate of Trump said the move was meant to appease Reform Party leaders. Roger Stone denied the suggestion.
On February 14, Trump withdrew from the race.[105] In a press release, he cited infighting in the Reform Party as not "conducive to victory," concluding he could not win the election as the party's nominee and so, as pledged, would not continue his campaign. He expressed concerns about the direction of the party, particularly its membership, referring to David Duke, Pat Buchanan, and Lenora Fulani as a Klansman, a Neo-Nazi, and a Communist, respectively.
//David kdo?
Choate later remarked that he believed Trump's campaign was a "Republican dirty trick" orchestrated by Roger Stone "to disgust people and drive them away from the Reform Party."
The America We Deserve co-writer Dave Shiflett said Trump first thought about running in late 1998, when he looked at his political advantages in money and name recognition, and concluded that he was "at least as competent" as then President Bill Clinton.[17] According to Shiflett, this prompted Trump to ask top aide Roger Stone to find the "most eminent hack writer in America" to put Trump's political ideas into a book. Stone reached out to Shiflett, a contributor to The American Spectator.
When Weicker decided not to seek the party's nomination due to internal bickering, Ventura reportedly went all in for Trump.[26] The media capitalized on a potential Trump versus Buchanan challenge,[24] and Saturday Night Live satirized it with a skit in which Darrell Hammond portraying Trump and Chris Parnell as Buchanan pitched their candidacies to Ross Perot, played by Cheri Oteri. The segment also featured an appearance by Will Ferrell as Ventura.
In the interview with Larry King, Trump was optimistic about his chances indicating a "very strong possibility" of victory.[33] He referenced a non-scientific National Enquirer poll of 100 individuals, showing him in first place against his Democratic and Republican counterparts.
//Lastnik National Enquirerja je njegov prijatelj, tudi v tej kampanji so delali zanj.
Trump labeled Rudy Giuliani the greatest Mayor of New York
After the announcement, Trump and Knauss had dinner with Ventura and were joined by actor Woody Harrelson.
Before Trump could venture out on the campaign trail, he had to tend to some personal matters. In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Marla Maples, Trump's second ex-wife, threatened to reveal what Trump "is really like" if he chose to run for president in the general election. In response, Trump withheld $1.5 million in alimony he owed Maples, claiming she was in violation of the confidentiality agreement in the couple's divorce decree. After a Manhattan judge refused to hear the matter, a brief conference was held, wherein the judge's law secretary advised Trump to pay the alimony and advised Maples that further incidents would be cause for the judge to reconsider hearing the matter.
In Burbank, Trump appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno where he attacked Buchanan as "having a love affair with Adolf Hitler" and discussed his upcoming book, The America We Deserve. The Weekly Standard reported that though the release date was only a month away, the book had yet to be written.
On the final day, Trump visited the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Museum of Tolerance and walked through an exhibit of The Holocaust. He delivered a speech and held another press conference at the museum atrium, where he denounced Buchanan's views on Nazis.
At Trump's final event, he spoke at a Tony Robbins motivational conference.[68] Robbins and Trump had made an agreement that would pay Trump $1 million for showing up at ten of Robbins' events. Trump planned to make campaign stops to coincide with Robbins' shows, speculating that he "could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it."
In discussing his campaign strategy with The Los Angeles Times, Trump proclaimed, "the only strategy is, I'll be on television a lot."
Trump pointed to the spike in ratings each television network received whenever he appeared on air. He admitted, "whether or not TV ratings can transfer into votes is an interesting question." The Times characterized Trump's campaign as "Political Science 101 on how far politics is devolving into pure entertainment." Nevertheless, Trump contemporaneously delved into the politics of third party campaigns when he wrote a letter to Commission on Presidential Debates asking the body to review its standard for third party candidate inclusion in the general election debates. His letter included a veiled threat of litigation if the body enacted a standard preventing his participation.
//Klasičen način, kako so šle stvari vse življenje po njegovo. Zagroziš s tožbo in jo podkrepiš z vojsko dobro plačanih odvetnikov. Komu se da zajebavat?
Trump officially released his book The America We Deserve on January 1. Dave Shiflett received credit as co-writer.[76] To promote the book, Trump held a January 5 press conference at Trump Tower, which aired on C-SPAN. (...) Trump's book, consisting of 286 pages,[76] covers Trump's political positions and policy proposals, including strict anti-crime measures, increased pressure on China, fair trade, border control, increased military spending, support for public capital punishment, and the implementation of single-payer health care.(...) In addition, it raises concerns about terrorism, proposing the creation of a national lottery to raise funds for anti-terrorism programs,[79] and offers a choice to North Korea to disarm or face military strikes. (...) It cites friendships with baseball player Sammy Sosa and entertainer Sean Combs as making Trump more understanding of racial diversity. Trump later backpedaled his book's praise of Combs after Combs was charged with violating gun laws following a shooting at a New York nightclub. Trump said he did not "know [Combs] really well."[81] The book condemns Congressman Jerrold Nadler as a "hack" for opposing Trump's development of waterfront real estate in Manhattan, and describes Senator Bob Smith as "the dumbest guy in the U.S. Senate" after he grilled Trump's sister Maryanne Trump Barry on abortion when she testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1999 upon her nomination to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. It criticizes Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley as a "phony" for his Senate sponsorship of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 that purportedly hurt Trump financially. It also notes the hypocrisy of both an unnamed Senator and an unnamed conservative columnist who each engaged in extramarital affairs at Trump's hotels and resorts while they attacked President Clinton for the Lewinsky scandal.
//Somebody been spyin'?
Trump ended his relationship with Melania Knauss in January 2000, removing a key figure of the campaign entourage.[88] According to the New York Daily News, an associate of Trump said the move was meant to appease Reform Party leaders. Roger Stone denied the suggestion.
On February 14, Trump withdrew from the race.[105] In a press release, he cited infighting in the Reform Party as not "conducive to victory," concluding he could not win the election as the party's nominee and so, as pledged, would not continue his campaign. He expressed concerns about the direction of the party, particularly its membership, referring to David Duke, Pat Buchanan, and Lenora Fulani as a Klansman, a Neo-Nazi, and a Communist, respectively.
//David kdo?
Choate later remarked that he believed Trump's campaign was a "Republican dirty trick" orchestrated by Roger Stone "to disgust people and drive them away from the Reform Party."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

petrus ::
Trpiš za Trump derangement sindromom Pac-Man, to ni več smešno ne zabavno.
Daj že odpri nek blog in tam copy pejstaj to nesnago ter pusti slo-tech pri miru!
Daj že odpri nek blog in tam copy pejstaj to nesnago ter pusti slo-tech pri miru!
stati inu obstati
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: petrus ()

petrus ::
Torej če ne sovražiš Trumpa in ti ne straši po glavi 24/7 si naci ali kako?
Moram te razočarat, ampak normalnim ljudem je fino imet Slovenko v beli hiši.
Moram te razočarat, ampak normalnim ljudem je fino imet Slovenko v beli hiši.
stati inu obstati

DarwiN ::
Torej če ne sovražiš Trumpa in ti ne straši po glavi 24/7 si naci ali kako?
Če ne sovražiš Trumpa, si ali verski skrajnež, sociopat, paranoik, ignoramous, fašist ali pa imaš alternativne možgane. In/ali kategorija.
In other news:
In potem: Trump's golfing trips cost Americans $43 MILLION in 2017. 2x več golfanja v letu 2017 kot Obama v osmih letih. :DDDDD
Funny postranske zadeve. Zdaj pa nazaj k pomembnim stvarem. Hillary je manda včeraj za večerjo pojedla dva pohana človeška fetusa. :OP
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

SimplyMiha ::
Pay no mind to those shady gentlemen at Wall Street, hate on Trump instead, that is why we elected him!

jype ::
Moram te razočarat, ampak normalnim ljudem je fino imet Slovenko v beli hiši.Vem. Normalni ljudje imajo IQ 100+-15. Skratka, precej kognitivno šibki v primerjavi z nami.
Torej če ne sovražiš Trumpa in ti ne straši po glavi 24/7 si naci ali kako?Nisi za na ta forum, če si misliš, da moraš sovražiti Trumpa, da spremljaš novice o njem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

Pac-Man ::
Torej če ne sovražiš Trumpa in ti ne straši po glavi 24/7 si naci ali kako?
Moram te razočarat, ampak normalnim ljudem je fino imet Slovenko v beli hiši.
V tem primeru lahko na slo-techu najdeš obilo drugih tem.
Lahko se pa tudi malo v roke vzameš.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

vostok_1 ::
Torej če ne sovražiš Trumpa in ti ne straši po glavi 24/7 si naci ali kako?
Moram te razočarat, ampak normalnim ljudem je fino imet Slovenko v beli hiši.
V tem primeru lahko na slo-techu najdeš obilo drugih tem.
Lahko se pa tudi malo v roke vzameš.
Mater mi začne obračat, ko pomislim, da je bil gumbek od Drumpfa v njej...
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()

Pac-Man ::
Držite tatico, mi tu imamo samo par malenkosti za uredit. Don't pay any attention.
Fire and Fury quotes Trump telling people Jared can achieve Middle East peace because the Kushners “knew all the crooks in Israel”
Fire and Fury quotes Trump telling people Jared can achieve Middle East peace because the Kushners “knew all the crooks in Israel”
Last May, Jared Kushner accompanied President Trump on the pair’s first diplomatic trip to Israel.
Shortly before, Kushner Companies received a roughly $30 million investment from one of Israel’s largest financial institutions.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Cervantes ::
Melanija je super, tudi oblečena.
Sama foušija vas je.
Trumpa pa seveda nobeden ne mara.
Čiščenje swampa pa to.
Sama foušija vas je.
Trumpa pa seveda nobeden ne mara.
Čiščenje swampa pa to.

jype ::

Pac-Man ::
Melanija je super, tudi oblečena.
Sama foušija vas je.
Trumpa pa seveda nobeden ne mara.
Čiščenje swampa pa to.
Še vedno verjameš? Seveda še vedno verjameš.
President Trump is expected to attend the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, in the coming weeks, an administration official said on Tuesday.
Presidents have rarely attended the forum in Davos, in part out of a concern that it would send the wrong message to be rubbing shoulders with some of the world’s richest individuals.
Mr. Trump won the 2016 election in part by attacking elites in the United States and promising to “drain the swamp” in Washington of lobbyists, corporate influence and members of the establishment — the very description of those who regularly attend the Davos forum.
The event is a global symbol of everything that Mr. Trump’s former chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, railed against during the presidential campaign and the first seven months in the administration.
Those who attend include journalists and columnists, Hollywood celebrities, researchers, corporate chief executive officers and other business titans, and some heads of state. Former President Bill Clinton attended the forum in 2000, but former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush did not attend the meetings during the time they were in the White House.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Danes so bili objavljeni prepisi zaslišanja soustanovitelja Fusion GPS pred kongresno komisijo.
Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic senator from California, has released the full transcript of a congressional interview with the co-founder of Fusion GPS. The private investigation firm was behind a salacious dossier of research into Trump’s Russia ties that was made public last year.
And... from Feinstein's release of Simpson testimony, this is why the Steele Dossier furore is so negative. As I've hinted here there is an active concern of compromising SIS assets. Who EVER could it be?
As I've been telling everyone for a year+, Trump+Russia is a long-term Russian OC money-laundering scandal with a bit of espionage attached. REMEMBER: the good, reliable intel on Trump + Russia isn't from #FusionGPS, it's from US IC & Friends and is TS+ -- not for public review.
We're dealing with multiple sources from multiple -INTs. This is a complex puzzle. Together, the picture is clear.
You know who knew Trump was in bed with Russian mobsters, including Mogilevich & his cash-washing?
Anybody who wanted to. Not a big secret. This Trump-and-Russian-OC tweetstorm was exactly one year ago today:
FusionGPS findings are broadly accurate but known already to anyone who's looked into TrumpOrg. "News" only to MSM.
//NYFO - New York Field Office - trumpovi kolegi, Giuliani pa to
Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic senator from California, has released the full transcript of a congressional interview with the co-founder of Fusion GPS. The private investigation firm was behind a salacious dossier of research into Trump’s Russia ties that was made public last year.
And... from Feinstein's release of Simpson testimony, this is why the Steele Dossier furore is so negative. As I've hinted here there is an active concern of compromising SIS assets. Who EVER could it be?
2/When Steele met with FBI in Sept 2016, @FBI told him they had similar intelligence from “an internal Trump campaign source”, that is a “whistle-blower” inside Trump organization.
As I've been telling everyone for a year+, Trump+Russia is a long-term Russian OC money-laundering scandal with a bit of espionage attached. REMEMBER: the good, reliable intel on Trump + Russia isn't from #FusionGPS, it's from US IC & Friends and is TS+ -- not for public review.
We're dealing with multiple sources from multiple -INTs. This is a complex puzzle. Together, the picture is clear.
I know you know their identity, and I won't ask, but I would like to ask - Do you think they're believable?
You know who knew Trump was in bed with Russian mobsters, including Mogilevich & his cash-washing?
Anybody who wanted to. Not a big secret. This Trump-and-Russian-OC tweetstorm was exactly one year ago today:
FusionGPS findings are broadly accurate but known already to anyone who's looked into TrumpOrg. "News" only to MSM.
John, can you clarify...So Fusion was hired during the GOP primaries & what is detailed in this transcript may or may not be accurate? It seems to describe many things I believed to be true w/o having all of the details. Can you help me understand how to review this? Thank youYou need to differentiate here between NYFO and "the FBI." A critical distinction in this story.
//NYFO - New York Field Office - trumpovi kolegi, Giuliani pa to
I can't get over the idea that Steele stopped dealing with the FBI because their reaction suggested they were too pro-Trump to handle the information responsibly.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Cervantes ::
swampa ne cistis z drisko.
Link pls.
Ta je pravi.
Mile gracije!

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()

Pac-Man ::
MAGA bejbi!!!
Saj poznamo tisto o Trumpu in vetrnicah? NIMBY, če sem ga kdaj videl.
Saj poznamo tisto o Trumpu in vetrnicah? NIMBY, če sem ga kdaj videl.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

ZaphodBB ::
Offshore drilling je dead. Tako kot premog. Ker ni rentabilen.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Pac-Man ::
Trumpov ču-ču počasi iztirja.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, but that may have changed on Tuesday.
Carlson called it a “weird scene” when Trump met with lawmakers of both parties and indicated he’d sign just about any deal they make on immigration.
Carlson also noted that Trump boasts about his negotiating skills.
“He clearly has skills as a negotiator,” Carlson said. “Where were they today?”
Ann Coulter, conservative commentator and consistent supporter of President Donald Trump, has turned on the president after his bipartisan meeting on Tuesday to discuss the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and other immigration policies.
That evening, Coulter posted a series of angry tweets that accused Trump of conducting the “DACA lovefest” meeting to counter negative press from the recently released Michael Wolff book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.
in še ena, ki bi znala odzvanjat med evangeličani
A former member of President Trump's Hispanic advisory council said Tuesday he thinks Trump could win reelection against "a combined ticket of Jesus and the Virgin Mary."
“If Donald Trump has three more years like the year he just had of amazing successes, he can run against a combined ticket of Jesus and the Virgin Mary and he will still win in 2020,” said Steve Cortes, a Fox News contributor, during an interview on Fox Business Network.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, but that may have changed on Tuesday.
Carlson called it a “weird scene” when Trump met with lawmakers of both parties and indicated he’d sign just about any deal they make on immigration.
Carlson also noted that Trump boasts about his negotiating skills.
“He clearly has skills as a negotiator,” Carlson said. “Where were they today?”
Ann Coulter, conservative commentator and consistent supporter of President Donald Trump, has turned on the president after his bipartisan meeting on Tuesday to discuss the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and other immigration policies.
That evening, Coulter posted a series of angry tweets that accused Trump of conducting the “DACA lovefest” meeting to counter negative press from the recently released Michael Wolff book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.
in še ena, ki bi znala odzvanjat med evangeličani
A former member of President Trump's Hispanic advisory council said Tuesday he thinks Trump could win reelection against "a combined ticket of Jesus and the Virgin Mary."
“If Donald Trump has three more years like the year he just had of amazing successes, he can run against a combined ticket of Jesus and the Virgin Mary and he will still win in 2020,” said Steve Cortes, a Fox News contributor, during an interview on Fox Business Network.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Še ena sladka:
The president of the United States to farmers: "Oh, are you so happy you voted for me? You are so lucky I gave you that privilege"
The president of the United States to farmers: "Oh, are you so happy you voted for me? You are so lucky I gave you that privilege"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Massacra ::
Ta, 70 let star otrok Trump, si je spet premislil:
Seveda, bo že jutri drugačen twit!
Seveda, bo že jutri drugačen twit!

Pac-Man ::
Donald gleda risanke:
Left, Fox & Friends, 6:46 am
Right, Trump, 7:33 am
Kelly okara Donalda, 2 uri in pol kasneje:
Left, Fox & Friends, 6:46 am
Right, Trump, 7:33 am
Kelly okara Donalda, 2 uri in pol kasneje:
With that being said, I have personally directed the fix to the unmasking process since taking office and today’s vote is about foreign surveillance of foreign bad guys on foreign land. We need it! Get smart!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

vostok_1 ::
"In Trumps whitehouse, it's a war between the jews and the non-jews"
~Henry Kissinger
I guess that's not off limits anymore...
~Henry Kissinger
I guess that's not off limits anymore...
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Jupito ::
Trumpo je najbolj zabavna pojava 21. stoletja.
Long live!
insert trollbait.jpg
Karkoli naredi, pol interneta doživi živčni zlom in se začnejo medsebojno klofutat.
Eno leto. Eno leto in to še kar traja. (In vsi mislijo, da zmagujejo!)

Naslednja faza je lahko edino Vermin Supreme.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was.
Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird
and scary to me. It'll happen to you!
Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird
and scary to me. It'll happen to you!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jupito ()

Cervantes ::
Mnogim, ki so bili pod demokrati pri koritu, je studenec usahnil.
Ni prijetno.
To je še bolj grozno, kot če pride pri nas Janša gor.
Ni prijetno.
To je še bolj grozno, kot če pride pri nas Janša gor.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()

OmegaBlue ::
Že dolgo nazaj ste presegli prag oddelka in civilizirane debate.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.