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Žitije Donalda Trampa
Temo vidijo: vsi
Unilseptij ::
Tema je o Donaldu Trumpu. Če te ne zanima, je pač ne beri. Kar se mene tiče, gre tu za zgodovinske dogodke, ki jih lahko spremljamo v živo, s precej komentarja, na žalost tudi spremljajočega smetja.
Sicer je njegov sine pravkar priznal, da se je na začetku junija 2016 sestal z Rusinjo, ki je obljubljala dirt o Clintonovi, če bodo kooperativni. Povsem slučajno je zraven povabil še sestrinega moža in vodjo očetove kampanje. Čeprav tisti dan nista imela nič pametnega počet, ne vem, recimo pihat na dušo republikanskim financerjem.
Zadeva presenetljivo lepo sledi koledarju Watergata, v obeh primerih je sredi julija prišlo do razkritja, ki je širši javnosti dalo vedet, da zadeva ni ravno nothingburger.
17.6.1972 - Vlomijo v prostore DNC, da bi nastavili prisluškovalne naprave. Vlomilce so ujeli med aktom
18.6.1972 - FBI najde prve povezave med vlomilci in Nixonovo administracijo
19.6.1972 - O povezavah med vlomilci in Nixonovo administracijo pričnejo poročat mediji
Junij 1972 - Januar 1973 - Globoko grlo posreduje tajne podatke novinarjem Washington Posta
10.10.1972 - FBI javno objavi, da ima vlom politično ozadje
7.11.1972 - predsedniške volitve, Nixon osvoji 2. mandat
30.1.1973 - vlomilci so obsojeni za vlom
7.2.1973 - senat ustanovi preiskovalno komisijo
marec - junij 1973 - Nixon odpušča svetovalce, ki so poznali ozadje
28.3.1973 - Nixonov svetovalec na Nixonovo zahtevo laže vrhovnemu tožilcu
16.7.1973 - med zaslišanjem pred senatno komisijo postane znano, da je Nixon snemal pogovore. Komisija tako zahteva posnetke. Nixon jih ne želi izročit.
20.10.1973 - Saturday Night Massacre @ Wikipedia
17.11.1973 - Nixon:"I'm not a crook"
6.2.1974 - prva akcija za odpoklic v kongresu
1.3.1974 - Vložena prva obtožnica za politične akterje, št. 2 Watergate Seven @ Wikipedia . Zapečateno je bil soobtožen tudi Nixon.
29.4.1974 - Nixon napove objavo posnetkov
24.7.1974 - Vrhovno sodišče odloči, da je posnetke potrebno predat tožilcu
27.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 1. točki
29.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 2. točki
30.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 3. točki
30.7.1974 - Nixon posnetke preda tožilcu
5.8.1974 - objavljen smoking gun posnetek, ki dokazuje, da je predsednik vedel za vlom
8.8.1974 - Nixon odstopi
Tole je eden redkih tvojih postov, ki jih celo malo razumem. Ali lahko neko podobno casovnico sestavis v tem primeru glede Trumpa in Rusov? Potem bi morda imeli nekaj za debato...
Pac-Man ::
Časovnico sem v tej temi nalepil drugič, nekam površno bereš.
In če zadevo spremljaš, ti mora biti Trumpova bolj ali manj jasna.
In če zadevo spremljaš, ti mora biti Trumpova bolj ali manj jasna.
ruskivohun ::
Unilseptij je izjavil:
Tole je eden redkih tvojih postov, ki jih celo malo razumem. Ali lahko neko podobno casovnico sestavis v tem primeru glede Trumpa in Rusov? Potem bi morda imeli nekaj za debato...
1.1.1933 Adolph gibs his son 4 adoption to Mr. and Mrs. Drumpf
1.1.2009 Drumpf H. pe-pe on Obongo's ben in Ruskia
1.1.2016 Drumpd H. gibs 6 gorillion scheckels to Putin 4 use 1337 hackor skillz to win prezident of burgerlandia
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
Pac-Man ::
Ej, špijon, trumpov sine je on the record, da je pri Rusih iskal svinjarijo o Clintonovi.
Malenkost sesuje vse tole zanikanje via norčevanje. Še čakaš novo komando iz rezidenture?
Malenkost sesuje vse tole zanikanje via norčevanje. Še čakaš novo komando iz rezidenture?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
ruskivohun ::
Pac-Man ::
Se bojim, da se boš načakal, jih daje panika.
Zgodba se je začela vrtet okrog Magnitskega, ampak ugledni ljudje ne govorijo o Magnitskem.
Sicer se zna zgodit, da padejo z balkona.
Zgodba se je začela vrtet okrog Magnitskega, ampak ugledni ljudje ne govorijo o Magnitskem.
Sicer se zna zgodit, da padejo z balkona.
ruskivohun ::
Se bojim, da se boš načakal, jih daje panika.
LOL, motiš se. So mi odgovorili da moram reči da ni res kar pišeš!
PS: a lahko za naslednji post izključiš VPN, zaradi globalnega segrevanja ne karkoli drugega.
Kako visoko ograjo imate na balkonu?
A imaš psa?
Kdaj pride tvoja mami iz službe?
ruskivohun ::
pacman že 20 minut ni objavil nobenega dokaza o temu da je Trump Putinova lutka.
A mislite da so ga dobili?
A mislite da so ga dobili?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
c3p0 ::
ruskivohun ::
jype ::
ruskivohun ::
c3p0 ::
To te pa nič ne skrbi, da je svinjarija sploh obstajala?Ne navijamo za Clintonovo, samo nočemo, da ima dementni idiot v rokah jedrsko orožje.
Ta kuferček je bolj 80's style pravljica, v resnici pa, ko ga obrne, tam v Illuminati oz. Deep gov. HQ posveti ena lučka. "Ah, že spet en misli, da kontrolira jedrsko orožje, pošlji ga sem malo." ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: c3p0 ()
ruskivohun ::
Pšt, to je skrivnost :)
RIP jype. Pogrešali te bomo
Experts Sound the Alarm as Drug Resistant Gonorrhea
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
IkeaAi ::
Škoda, da Berni ni dobil zasluženega mesta... Skoraj vse bi bilo boljše kot ta graditelj zidov. Tako fizičnih kot tistih prenesenih.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: IkeaAi ()
Pac-Man ::
Fejk njuz, fejk president
6:10 @FoxNews Comey may have leaked classified info
6:12: @realDonaldTrump mishears, tweets "leaked" 8:10 @FoxNews: POTUS says Comey leaked
6:10 @FoxNews Comey may have leaked classified info
6:12: @realDonaldTrump mishears, tweets "leaked" 8:10 @FoxNews: POTUS says Comey leaked
Pac-Man ::
Bi znalo bit važno. Morda niso govorili samo o ruskem financiranju Clintonove kampanje, če sploh?
Hmm...Trump's very 1ST tweet about HRC's "missing 33,000 emails" appears to be from 6/9/16, after Manafort, Kushner, Don Jr met the Russian
Še malo komentarja, različni avtorji
Seems somebody didn't expect public pushback to the dumbest idea ever floated by any POTUS, ever.
On "scandal" about Comey's classified mtg notes w/POTUS: when sources & methods are NOT involved, classification can be rather subjective. IOW, classification rules on actual intel are relatively straightforward; classification of political stuff is not.
This is the greatest thing ever. It also explains why Coulter is so upset that Trump has done none of what she wanted him to do.
My fav weird detail about Bannon: He had an oil painting of himself dressed as Napoleon in his office:
From what i see we might see this year an early (hard) Winter in that part of Europe, my guess troops will stay in Belarus for a while.
Richard Painter, Bush 43 Chief Ethics lawyer, to @MSNBC on the Don Jr. meeting: "This borders on treason, if this is not treason itself." Video:
Hmm...Trump's very 1ST tweet about HRC's "missing 33,000 emails" appears to be from 6/9/16, after Manafort, Kushner, Don Jr met the Russian
Še malo komentarja, različni avtorji
Seems somebody didn't expect public pushback to the dumbest idea ever floated by any POTUS, ever.
@realDonaldTrumpTrump is in full Twitter rant this AM, including 2 (so far) about Ivanka's #G20 disaster. Oddly, no comments on Don Jr & his secret mtg.
The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't-but a ceasefire can,& did!
On "scandal" about Comey's classified mtg notes w/POTUS: when sources & methods are NOT involved, classification can be rather subjective. IOW, classification rules on actual intel are relatively straightforward; classification of political stuff is not.
This is the greatest thing ever. It also explains why Coulter is so upset that Trump has done none of what she wanted him to do.
Also, Ann Coulter secretly wrote Trump immigration plan, then tweeted it was greatest document since Magna Carta
My fav weird detail about Bannon: He had an oil painting of himself dressed as Napoleon in his office:
From what i see we might see this year an early (hard) Winter in that part of Europe, my guess troops will stay in Belarus for a while.
Richard Painter, Bush 43 Chief Ethics lawyer, to @MSNBC on the Don Jr. meeting: "This borders on treason, if this is not treason itself." Video:
Pac-Man ::
Nima neposredne veze, ampak brez njegove MAGA scene verjetno ne bi bilo nič. Hvala, Doni.
Fin članek, priporočam celoto
Big in Japan: How the EU pulled off its largest trade deal
After four years of grueling negotiations, the EU’s landmark trade deal with Japan boiled down to one intractable issue: soft cheese.
The world’s biggest trade deal was tantalizingly close but the Japanese were refusing to budge on dairy products, seeking to protect delicacies such as Sakura cheese from the island of Hokkaido, a creamy speciality flavored with cherry leaves.
On the EU side, the 6-foot-5-inch Irishman from Kilkenny was playing hardball, pushing for a yearly quota with reduced tariffs for 40,000 tons for European cheeses such as Camembert and Brie.
After a huddle with close aides, Hogan played his gambit: Europe would reduce its market access demand for soft cheese to 31,000 tons in exchange for almost complete market access for hard cheeses such as Cheddar, skimmed milk and whey, which is used in the fast-growing protein shake market.
Yamamoto agreed. In that peculiar moment of lactic harmony, a political agreement was essentially done.
Five days later in Brussels, EU leaders and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe were able to announce their accord.
Negotiations limped on through 2016 until U.S. President Donald Trump’s election in November suddenly forged an entirely new political dynamic. In January, the protectionist president pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership with Japan and 10 other Pacific Rim countries. In an instant, the game had changed.
Trump’s rejection of the TPP was a devastating blow to Tokyo, which had long seen the U.S. as the cornerstone of its foreign policy and the guarantor of its security in the face of Chinese naval expansion and North Korean missile launches. For weeks, Japanese officials were in denial and still held out hope that the TPP might survive.
In February, Japanese Prime Minister Abe made a last-ditch attempt to cozy up to Trump by going off to play golf with him at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Shortly afterward, the Japanese realized it was time to switch horses and make a big push for a European deal.
Petriccione is one of the Commission’s most successful negotiators, who sealed Brussels’ deals with Canada and Vietnam. Under his supervision, a practical framework for a deal emerged. Europe would drop its 10 percent tariff on cars over seven years and cut duties on motor components more swiftly.
In return, the EU clawed out increasingly preferential agricultural terms. Farmers have welcomed the pact with Tokyo with unalloyed enthusiasm.
European beef producers will now be able to send 50,500 tons of meat annually to Japan and tariffs on beef will also be cut from 38.5 percent to 9 percent over 15 years. Japan’s initial offer had been a measly 3,000 tons.
Duties on pork, the EU’s biggest export to Japan, will be phased out over 10 years. Duties on wine, the second most important export, will be removed as soon as the deal comes into force. Juncker has predicted that will be in 2019.
One senior European trade diplomat observed that Brussels had an unusual stroke of good fortune in being able to win such advantageous terms. Japan had already worked out how much it had been willing to concede to the U.S. under TPP and shifted those same terms over to the EU.
In another win that was largely considered impossible at the end of 2015, Petriccione’s team also won Japan’s consent to open up its train sector to foreign competitors such as France’s Alstom and Germany’s Siemens.
Fin članek, priporočam celoto
Big in Japan: How the EU pulled off its largest trade deal
After four years of grueling negotiations, the EU’s landmark trade deal with Japan boiled down to one intractable issue: soft cheese.
The world’s biggest trade deal was tantalizingly close but the Japanese were refusing to budge on dairy products, seeking to protect delicacies such as Sakura cheese from the island of Hokkaido, a creamy speciality flavored with cherry leaves.
On the EU side, the 6-foot-5-inch Irishman from Kilkenny was playing hardball, pushing for a yearly quota with reduced tariffs for 40,000 tons for European cheeses such as Camembert and Brie.
After a huddle with close aides, Hogan played his gambit: Europe would reduce its market access demand for soft cheese to 31,000 tons in exchange for almost complete market access for hard cheeses such as Cheddar, skimmed milk and whey, which is used in the fast-growing protein shake market.
Yamamoto agreed. In that peculiar moment of lactic harmony, a political agreement was essentially done.
Five days later in Brussels, EU leaders and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe were able to announce their accord.
Negotiations limped on through 2016 until U.S. President Donald Trump’s election in November suddenly forged an entirely new political dynamic. In January, the protectionist president pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership with Japan and 10 other Pacific Rim countries. In an instant, the game had changed.
Trump’s rejection of the TPP was a devastating blow to Tokyo, which had long seen the U.S. as the cornerstone of its foreign policy and the guarantor of its security in the face of Chinese naval expansion and North Korean missile launches. For weeks, Japanese officials were in denial and still held out hope that the TPP might survive.
In February, Japanese Prime Minister Abe made a last-ditch attempt to cozy up to Trump by going off to play golf with him at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Shortly afterward, the Japanese realized it was time to switch horses and make a big push for a European deal.
Petriccione is one of the Commission’s most successful negotiators, who sealed Brussels’ deals with Canada and Vietnam. Under his supervision, a practical framework for a deal emerged. Europe would drop its 10 percent tariff on cars over seven years and cut duties on motor components more swiftly.
In return, the EU clawed out increasingly preferential agricultural terms. Farmers have welcomed the pact with Tokyo with unalloyed enthusiasm.
European beef producers will now be able to send 50,500 tons of meat annually to Japan and tariffs on beef will also be cut from 38.5 percent to 9 percent over 15 years. Japan’s initial offer had been a measly 3,000 tons.
Duties on pork, the EU’s biggest export to Japan, will be phased out over 10 years. Duties on wine, the second most important export, will be removed as soon as the deal comes into force. Juncker has predicted that will be in 2019.
One senior European trade diplomat observed that Brussels had an unusual stroke of good fortune in being able to win such advantageous terms. Japan had already worked out how much it had been willing to concede to the U.S. under TPP and shifted those same terms over to the EU.
In another win that was largely considered impossible at the end of 2015, Petriccione’s team also won Japan’s consent to open up its train sector to foreign competitors such as France’s Alstom and Germany’s Siemens.
Pac-Man ::
Srečanje med odvetnico in Trumpovo ekipo je organiziral ta tip
Rob Goldstone, glasbeni menedžer Emina Agalarova, na čigar željo se je vse skupaj zgodilo.
Emin ni več poročen z Lejlo Alijevo, hčerko Azerbajdžanskega predsednika, njegov oče je Aras Agalarov, azerbajdžansko-ruski milijarder.
Emin Agalarov @ Wikipedia
Leyla Aliyeva @ Wikipedia
Aras Agalarov @ Wikipedia
Vsi prijateljujejo s trumpovo rodbino.
L. 2015
L. 2013, Trump se pojavi na koncu
Ni ravno linija, ki bi jo pričakoval, računal sem bolj na Manafort->Stone->črna magija->Wikileaks
Lahko še pride. Tole deluje načrtno amatersko, ampak tudi Stone ni bil ravno kriminalni genij. Hvaljenje po twitterju pa to.
Rob Goldstone, glasbeni menedžer Emina Agalarova, na čigar željo se je vse skupaj zgodilo.
Emin ni več poročen z Lejlo Alijevo, hčerko Azerbajdžanskega predsednika, njegov oče je Aras Agalarov, azerbajdžansko-ruski milijarder.
Emin Agalarov @ Wikipedia
Leyla Aliyeva @ Wikipedia
Aras Agalarov @ Wikipedia
Vsi prijateljujejo s trumpovo rodbino.
L. 2015
L. 2013, Trump se pojavi na koncu
Ni ravno linija, ki bi jo pričakoval, računal sem bolj na Manafort->Stone->črna magija->Wikileaks
Lahko še pride. Tole deluje načrtno amatersko, ampak tudi Stone ni bil ravno kriminalni genij. Hvaljenje po twitterju pa to.
Pac-Man ::
Born in Azerbaijan, raised in Moscow and educated in Switzerland and New York City, Emin Agalarov is not just a singer but also vice president of the Russian development company Crocus Group (his father is president). The family is close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, with Agalarov’s company having been awarded several large state building contracts, and Aras Agalarov receiving the prestigious “Order of Honor of the Russian Federation” after the Miss Universe Pageant 2013 in Moscow.
Born in Azerbaijan, raised in Moscow and educated in Switzerland and New York City, Emin Agalarov is not just a singer but also vice president of the Russian development company Crocus Group (his father is president). The family is close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, with Agalarov’s company having been awarded several large state building contracts, and Aras Agalarov receiving the prestigious “Order of Honor of the Russian Federation” after the Miss Universe Pageant 2013 in Moscow.
Pac-Man ::
In ni šel direktno do FBI? Uh, huh, bo še vroče.
Po Washingtonu se govori, da je za shitstorm okrog Donija Jr. odgovoren Jared. Informacije ne uhajajo iz preiskave, temveč bele hiše. Morda dogovorjeno, da se reši starejšega, bi bilo pa zanimivo, če kaj gnoja prileti nazaj.
Kushnerjevi so precej machiavelianski. Njegov foter:
Charles Kushner @ Wikipedia
In the summer of 2004, Kushner was fined $508,900 by the Federal Election Commission for contributing to political campaigns in the names of his partnerships when he lacked authorization to do so.[12] In 2005, following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey,[13] U.S. Attorney Chris Christie negotiated a plea agreement with Kushner, under which he pleaded guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.[14] The witness-tampering charge arose from Kushner's act of retaliation against William Schulder, his sister Esther's husband, who was cooperating with federal investigators; Kushner hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, arranged to record an encounter between the two, and had the tape sent to his sister.[15][16][17][14] Kushner was sentenced to two years in prison[15] and served 14 months at Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery in Alabama[18][19] before being sent to a halfway house in Newark, New Jersey, to complete his sentence.[18][19][20] He was released from prison on August 25, 2006.[21]
Donald Trump Jr. was told prior to meeting a Russian lawyer whom he believed had information damaging to Hillary Clinton that the material was part of a Russian government effort to help his father's presidential campaign, the New York Times reported on Monday, citing three people with knowledge of the email.
In ni šel direktno do FBI? Uh, huh, bo še vroče.
Po Washingtonu se govori, da je za shitstorm okrog Donija Jr. odgovoren Jared. Informacije ne uhajajo iz preiskave, temveč bele hiše. Morda dogovorjeno, da se reši starejšega, bi bilo pa zanimivo, če kaj gnoja prileti nazaj.
Kushnerjevi so precej machiavelianski. Njegov foter:
Charles Kushner @ Wikipedia
In the summer of 2004, Kushner was fined $508,900 by the Federal Election Commission for contributing to political campaigns in the names of his partnerships when he lacked authorization to do so.[12] In 2005, following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey,[13] U.S. Attorney Chris Christie negotiated a plea agreement with Kushner, under which he pleaded guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.[14] The witness-tampering charge arose from Kushner's act of retaliation against William Schulder, his sister Esther's husband, who was cooperating with federal investigators; Kushner hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, arranged to record an encounter between the two, and had the tape sent to his sister.[15][16][17][14] Kushner was sentenced to two years in prison[15] and served 14 months at Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery in Alabama[18][19] before being sent to a halfway house in Newark, New Jersey, to complete his sentence.[18][19][20] He was released from prison on August 25, 2006.[21]
Pac-Man ::
Morda dogovorjeno, da se reši starejšega, bi bilo pa zanimivo, če kaj gnoja prileti nazaj.
Thinking of it...Putincept je včeraj objavil tole
Za fajt med SA in Katarjem je odgovoren Jared, ker mu Katarci niso dali 500 mio $ kot bailout njegove nasedle investicije v NY.
Trije dobro umeščeni viri blizu transakcije...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
Možno, da ni povezave.
The federal government is canceling the search for a new FBI headquarters, according to officials familiar with the decision, putting a more than decade-long effort by the bureau to move out of the crumbling J. Edgar Hoover Building back at square one.
Two billionaire New York City developers bidding to build a new headquarters for the FBI — maybe the largest government development since the CIA moved to Langley in Northern Virginia in 1961 — have deep ties with President-elect Donald Trump, whose victory injects new intrigue into the jockeying for the more than $2 billion project.
One, Steven Roth, served as an economic adviser to Trump’s presidential campaign and co-owns a building with him in Manhattan. Another, Larry Silverstein, has been referred to by Trump as a “friend of mine.”
Roth and Silverstein have both known Trump for more than 30 years. They have been rivals on some projects and cheerleaders on others.
The federal government is canceling the search for a new FBI headquarters, according to officials familiar with the decision, putting a more than decade-long effort by the bureau to move out of the crumbling J. Edgar Hoover Building back at square one.
Two billionaire New York City developers bidding to build a new headquarters for the FBI — maybe the largest government development since the CIA moved to Langley in Northern Virginia in 1961 — have deep ties with President-elect Donald Trump, whose victory injects new intrigue into the jockeying for the more than $2 billion project.
One, Steven Roth, served as an economic adviser to Trump’s presidential campaign and co-owns a building with him in Manhattan. Another, Larry Silverstein, has been referred to by Trump as a “friend of mine.”
Roth and Silverstein have both known Trump for more than 30 years. They have been rivals on some projects and cheerleaders on others.
Pac-Man ::
Fejk njuz, fejk president
6:10 @FoxNews Comey may have leaked classified info
6:12: @realDonaldTrump mishears, tweets "leaked" 8:10 @FoxNews: POTUS says Comey leaked
In še konec zgodbe:
Correction: Comey's memos did not have top secret info. The report says half were classified at secret or confidential level, not top secret
Fejk njuz, fejk president.
pepelepew ::
Pac-Man ::
Ker se iz zgodovine lahko marsikaj naučimo.
NYT, 1. september 2001
A federal judge today sentenced a woman convicted of stealing practice materials for last fall's presidential debates to a year in prison, $3,000 in fines and three years on probation.
The woman, Juanita Yvette Lozano, 31, had admitted in a plea bargain hearing in June that she stole a practice videotape and 120 pages of confidential debate documents from her former employer, Mark McKinnon, President Bush's media adviser for the campaign. Ms. Lozano also admitted mailing the materials to Thomas J. Downey, a former Democratic congressman from New York who was advising Vice President Al Gore's campaign.
Mr. Downey turned the materials over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which traced the theft to Ms. Lozano by using images captured on a surveillance camera in an Austin post office.
NYT, 1. september 2001
A federal judge today sentenced a woman convicted of stealing practice materials for last fall's presidential debates to a year in prison, $3,000 in fines and three years on probation.
The woman, Juanita Yvette Lozano, 31, had admitted in a plea bargain hearing in June that she stole a practice videotape and 120 pages of confidential debate documents from her former employer, Mark McKinnon, President Bush's media adviser for the campaign. Ms. Lozano also admitted mailing the materials to Thomas J. Downey, a former Democratic congressman from New York who was advising Vice President Al Gore's campaign.
Mr. Downey turned the materials over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which traced the theft to Ms. Lozano by using images captured on a surveillance camera in an Austin post office.
pepelepew ::
Ker se iz zgodovine lahko marsikaj naučimo
Aja, a pol podpiraš da gre Klintonova sedet?
Sailor charged after classified photos of Navy submarine are found on his cell phone
jype ::
pepelepew ::
A se ni sla? Kaj se je pol zgodilo z lock her up???
Jah, packaman ni tako zagret za lepljenje linkov o Podesti in Comeju ki sta oba pod aktivno preiskavo. Tudi CNN ne poroča dnevno o tem, hmmm... Barni Sandals je isto v navskrižju z zakonom, menda je nekaj sumljive prihodke imel, čudno za tako zagretega borca proti 1% in za blaginjo proletarcev.
Jype isto ni aktiven pri razkrivanju korupcije njegovih ljubljenih vodij?
Ta rdeči še zmeraj gonijo Drumpf je Putinova lutka, kljub temu da je glavni vir te pravljice na videu priznal da to gonijo izključno zato da jebejo Trumpa :D
Švoh kaže tem komunistom, sploh sedaj ko se je Makaron izkazal da sovraži čokoladkote. Menda jih je preveč :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
pepelepew ::
Ukraine Tried to Tip the Election in Clinton's Favor
Ukrainian Government worked to aid Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential elections. The actions taken by government officials included disseminating "documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers.
Wow, ne moreš verjeti da je ženska in tako zlobna. Meče slabo luč na druge ženske! #notallwomen!
Ukrainian Government worked to aid Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential elections. The actions taken by government officials included disseminating "documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers.
Wow, ne moreš verjeti da je ženska in tako zlobna. Meče slabo luč na druge ženske! #notallwomen!
Pac-Man ::
Jah, packaman ni tako zagret za lepljenje linkov o Podesti in Comeju ki sta oba pod aktivno preiskavo.
Comey ni pod preiskavo, za Podesto ne vem, zakaj bi pravzaprav bil. Za Comet Ping Pong je že državljan-preiskovalec ugotovil, da stavba ni podkletena.
Medtem ruska odvetnica o trumpovih:
“I never had any damaging or sensitive information about Hillary Clinton. It was never my intention to have that,” Natalia Veselnitskaya said.
When asked how Trump Jr. seemed to have the impression that she had information about the Democratic National Committee, she responded:
“It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”
In the meeting, she explained how Trump Jr. asked her just one question.
“The question that I was asked was as follows: whether I had any financial records which might prove that the funds used to sponsor the DNC were coming from inappropriate sources."
Veselnitskaya had no records and said "it was never my intention to collect any financial records to that end."
Tako nedolžna, hehe.
Nauk zgodbe: ne se it mafijskih poslov z Rusi. Končal boš mrtev ali v zaporu, kar jim bolj ustreza.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
I'll just sit here with my camera phone behind his open laptop.
Doni Jr. objavlja korespondenco z Goldstone-om. Samoinkriminacija je najboljša inkriminacija.
Oh my god. This literally says the meeting is part of "is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump."
So Trump Jr. said he was releasing incriminating emails to be transparent. Real reason: Times had them and called him for comment
V mailu omenjena Rhona je
Po celem TrumpOrg bodo pomedli. Zelo.
I'll just sit here with my camera phone behind his open laptop.
Hey, look what I found. Veselnitskaya sitting behind @McFaul at a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Russia, June 14, 2014:
Doni Jr. objavlja korespondenco z Goldstone-om. Samoinkriminacija je najboljša inkriminacija.
Oh my god. This literally says the meeting is part of "is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump."
Here is page 4 (which did not post due to space constraints).
So Trump Jr. said he was releasing incriminating emails to be transparent. Real reason: Times had them and called him for comment
V mailu omenjena Rhona je
Po celem TrumpOrg bodo pomedli. Zelo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
c3p0 ::
Truga ::
Ti malo slabo to spremljas ce mislis da bo impicment vsak cajt. Se za nixona so rabli vec kot 1 leto, preden so se premaknili. Pa so moderni republikanci se precej bolj "on je nas, on je ok" kemp.
jype ::
Par tednov nazaj je bil impičment ni da ni,Saj zdaj je tudi. Sodni mlini meljejo počasi, a zanesljivo.
V resnici moraš samo stat in čakat, itak se Trumpova administracija samouničuje pred našimi očmi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
josko3 ::
jype ::
josko3 ::
vostok_1 ::
Melanija. Vzamemo te nazaj. Ditch the sinking ship.
Bomo pa vseeno potrebovali slikco tvojih sedaj, milf "prijateljic"...just to be sure, da si res ti...of course.
Bomo pa vseeno potrebovali slikco tvojih sedaj, milf "prijateljic"...just to be sure, da si res ti...of course.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
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Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 268141 (228160) | OmegaBlue |