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Žitije Donalda Trampa
Temo vidijo: vsi
Smrekar1 ::
Senior CNN: "We get 30 calls a day from Senior White House officials screaming at us for publishing stories that are irrefutably accurate. The fake news campaign has been remarkably effective. 1/3 of America had been brainwashed, and nothing will change their minds."
To je definitivno res in alarmantno. Takih debilov imaš povsod dosti, samo v ZDA jih je trenutno več kot lahko sistem normalno prenese.
Bi znalo bit kaj na tem. V zadnjem tednu ali dveh je complicit folk na foxu preklopil iz "TrumpRussia je bulšit" na "Saj to ni n'č tazga". Verjamem, da ne slučajno.
Ulala To je v bistvu priznavanje poraza.
jype :: tells me the stock market is about to tell Trump he's been quite wrong all along.
jype ::
naj bi izjavil:
At the least, those two committed treason, and it's hard to believe Trump wasn't part of itEchoes from the long lost past.
Pac-Man ::
NeverTrump republikanec & retviti
So help me out here. CNN is now History's Greatest Monster, and yet they employ about 8-10 Trump Cheer Section stooges' on contributor contracts. They LITERALLY subsidize them. So shouldn't all the people going ripshit on CNN call for Lord, McCanerny, Miller et al to resign their contributor contracts? And given that our family and kids have been directly targeted and effected by these anon shitbirds, you'll pardon my lack of sympathy.
Tell yourself that when it's your kids being stalked, threatened and having their lives fucked with.
4chan -> /r/the_donald -> Dan Scavino -> Donald Trump
But your cake!
Option 2: Trump got played.
Spoiler: it's 2
Explain the headline "Redditor HanAssholeSolo apologizes for making a GIF of President Trump assaulting CNN" to someone 20 years ago
So help me out here. CNN is now History's Greatest Monster, and yet they employ about 8-10 Trump Cheer Section stooges' on contributor contracts. They LITERALLY subsidize them. So shouldn't all the people going ripshit on CNN call for Lord, McCanerny, Miller et al to resign their contributor contracts? And given that our family and kids have been directly targeted and effected by these anon shitbirds, you'll pardon my lack of sympathy.
Tell yourself that when it's your kids being stalked, threatened and having their lives fucked with.
Again, these 'anon shitbirds' do not have the power and resources of a major news network.
4chan -> /r/the_donald -> Dan Scavino -> Donald Trump
But your cake!
@realDonaldTrumpOption 1: The Chinese really loved that cake and wanted to help Trump with their client state.
Trade between China and North Korea grew almost 40% in the first quarter. So much for China working with us - but we had to give it a try!
Option 2: Trump got played.
Spoiler: it's 2
Explain the headline "Redditor HanAssholeSolo apologizes for making a GIF of President Trump assaulting CNN" to someone 20 years ago
dice7 ::
Zakaj ne objavijo imena?? Jih je slucajno strah ker je musliman???CNN Threatens to dox redditor unless they delete posts
Skoda k ga niso, bi bili heroji, tko so pa pussy blackmailerji
Pac-Man ::
Je že bil pozitiven odziv.
Moj prispevek je vsekakor bolj pozitiven&konstruktiven od zgornjih dveh wannabe kartrashianov.
Moj prispevek je vsekakor bolj pozitiven&konstruktiven od zgornjih dveh wannabe kartrashianov.
D3m ::
Je že bil pozitiven odziv.
Moj prispevek je vsekakor bolj pozitiven&konstruktiven od zgornjih dveh wannabe kartrashianov.
Pohvalno, če je bil 1 odziv.
Koliko časa bomo še čakali na vašo strmoglavljenje Trumpa?
Pa koliko sodni proces za MH17?
Ker je počasi že dolgčas.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
jype ::
Pac-Man ::
Koliko časa bomo še čakali na vašo strmoglavljenje Trumpa?
Pa koliko sodni proces za MH17?
Ker je počasi že dolgčas.
Po Watergate koledarju tam enkrat na jesen.
RELIABLE SOURCE👉🏼a major TV network is also "sitting on tapes", coordinating release w/Mueller and IC‼️
HINT👉🏼major network has 3 letters & middle one is "B"🤔 But you already knew that b/c *of course* it's not FOX‼️🤣🤣🤣
No. My source has been SPOT ON and has inside knowledge. Mark it down👉🏼MSM has #TrumpRussia🇷🇺tapes‼️
Per source: MSM *has tapes* that will sink #Trump & other(s). Will be released "soon"👉🏼coordinating w/Mueller, USIC
Dena Grayson @ Wikipedia
+ gospa je zdravnica z doktoratom iz mikrobiologije, ki se je udejstvovala v politiki. Mož je bivši kongresnik.
- rada komunicira z emotikoni
Pri MH17 so se deležniki v preiskavi dogovorili, da bodo odgovornim sodili na Nizozemskem, po nizozemskih zakonih.
Pac-Man ::
For your early morning scorecard: So far, POTUS visit in Poland is a home run for the Kremlin and illiberal democracies.
Won't say Russia involved in attack on US. Says we don't even have as many intel agencies as verified Russian involvement. Still says Obama was weak, everything was Obama's fault. Sounds exactly like Kremlin when says Iraq war/WMD is proof of moral bankruptcy. Clearly went to Poland not to herald NATO and Western values, but embrace a nation cracking down on its press and democratic values.
Talks AGAIN about how many people voted for him -- in this case, Polish Americans. This is probably actually why he is in Poland.
Attacks the press. Attacks the press. Threatens North Korea, but maybe less than the free press. If this unhinged whataboutist nonsense is what he brings to the meeting with Putin, he'll be absolutely rolled by the Kremlin.
Lambasts NATO members again on $$$. Jokes about needing to charge Poland more for US energy imports (like the Kremlin, funny!!)
POTUS tried to claim he can negotiate "contracts" on behalf of US; corrected by Polish prez that in fact companies do that, not govts.
POTUS won't guarantee maintenance of American troop presence in Poland. Duda acknowledged in his answer that he couldn't convince him.
BTW defense of "civilization" is not the same as defense of values. In fact this is often the pivot that illiberal democrats use. We'll see.
FLOTUS says "main focus of my husband's presidency is safety and security of the American people." Wait, what?
POTUS speech in Warsaw: "Poland safe, strong, & free" -- what is that? new illiberal motto of Poland? Do they have bulletproof glass too?
"So Poland & its neighbors are never again held hostage --- to single energy supplier" Or you know to Russian occupation forces for example
"Soul. Spirit. Pride." So far lots of words that have nothing to do with values. Why does everyone keep talking about Copernicus? Weird.
"enemies of civilization" "freedom & independence as right & destiny of Poland" Wait, do they not have them now? what are we talking about?
"courage and will to defend our civilization" -- still no values! no western values. only references to religion and traditionalism.
This speech is so clunky and badly written and delivered, it's remarkable. Even POTUS seems to realize it. Safety. Spirit. Culture. Civilization. Buzz words of a pivot to illiberalism.
Poland is "faithful nation"; words "we want God" are unifying theme of Poland/US/Europe -- wait, what? what the hell are we talking about?
"Transatlantic bond is as strong as ever." ok. Communism dead but now confronted by another oppressive ideology-- unspoken radical Islam
Finally mentions values -- only to say borders will be closed to radicals/extremists. Maybe POTUS should check out how Kremlin defines those. "urge Russia to cease destabilizing activities in Ukraine etc", join West in defense of "civilization".... starting to have creepy echoes. "pursue our destinies" "bonds of culture, faith, tradition that makes us who we are" -- again, no values. It's like Putin wrote speech.
"community of nations"? Is that a way of not having to talk about EU and NATO? Oh. Yes. Got it.
"Faith in family, not government" is the center of our lives. What?
President Trump's speech in Warsaw is a full pivot to illiberalism. He may as well be annexing Crimea.
Won't speak to article 5, says actions matter, "Europe must do more" Like healthcare bill: "taking care of people who take care of selves." Makes defense of West about closed borders, anti-immigrant sentiment, "family and values" This is literally how Putin talks. "family, freedom, country, and God" are what we need to fight for? Pivot to illiberalism.
For your early morning scorecard: So far, POTUS visit in Poland is a home run for the Kremlin and illiberal democracies.
Won't say Russia involved in attack on US. Says we don't even have as many intel agencies as verified Russian involvement. Still says Obama was weak, everything was Obama's fault. Sounds exactly like Kremlin when says Iraq war/WMD is proof of moral bankruptcy. Clearly went to Poland not to herald NATO and Western values, but embrace a nation cracking down on its press and democratic values.
Talks AGAIN about how many people voted for him -- in this case, Polish Americans. This is probably actually why he is in Poland.
Attacks the press. Attacks the press. Threatens North Korea, but maybe less than the free press. If this unhinged whataboutist nonsense is what he brings to the meeting with Putin, he'll be absolutely rolled by the Kremlin.
Lambasts NATO members again on $$$. Jokes about needing to charge Poland more for US energy imports (like the Kremlin, funny!!)
POTUS tried to claim he can negotiate "contracts" on behalf of US; corrected by Polish prez that in fact companies do that, not govts.
POTUS won't guarantee maintenance of American troop presence in Poland. Duda acknowledged in his answer that he couldn't convince him.
BTW defense of "civilization" is not the same as defense of values. In fact this is often the pivot that illiberal democrats use. We'll see.
FLOTUS says "main focus of my husband's presidency is safety and security of the American people." Wait, what?
POTUS speech in Warsaw: "Poland safe, strong, & free" -- what is that? new illiberal motto of Poland? Do they have bulletproof glass too?
"So Poland & its neighbors are never again held hostage --- to single energy supplier" Or you know to Russian occupation forces for example
"Soul. Spirit. Pride." So far lots of words that have nothing to do with values. Why does everyone keep talking about Copernicus? Weird.
"enemies of civilization" "freedom & independence as right & destiny of Poland" Wait, do they not have them now? what are we talking about?
"courage and will to defend our civilization" -- still no values! no western values. only references to religion and traditionalism.
This speech is so clunky and badly written and delivered, it's remarkable. Even POTUS seems to realize it. Safety. Spirit. Culture. Civilization. Buzz words of a pivot to illiberalism.
Poland is "faithful nation"; words "we want God" are unifying theme of Poland/US/Europe -- wait, what? what the hell are we talking about?
"Transatlantic bond is as strong as ever." ok. Communism dead but now confronted by another oppressive ideology-- unspoken radical Islam
Finally mentions values -- only to say borders will be closed to radicals/extremists. Maybe POTUS should check out how Kremlin defines those. "urge Russia to cease destabilizing activities in Ukraine etc", join West in defense of "civilization".... starting to have creepy echoes. "pursue our destinies" "bonds of culture, faith, tradition that makes us who we are" -- again, no values. It's like Putin wrote speech.
"community of nations"? Is that a way of not having to talk about EU and NATO? Oh. Yes. Got it.
"Faith in family, not government" is the center of our lives. What?
President Trump's speech in Warsaw is a full pivot to illiberalism. He may as well be annexing Crimea.
Won't speak to article 5, says actions matter, "Europe must do more" Like healthcare bill: "taking care of people who take care of selves." Makes defense of West about closed borders, anti-immigrant sentiment, "family and values" This is literally how Putin talks. "family, freedom, country, and God" are what we need to fight for? Pivot to illiberalism.
Pac-Man ::
Trumpov sodelavec povezan z ruskim organiziranim kriminalom spet špeca. Tokrat Kazahstance.
The latest revelation came Thursday morning as the Financial Times reported Russia-born real estate dealmaker Felix Sater, who allegedly has organized crime links, had agreed to assist in an international probe into a Kazakh family’s real estate dealings in the U.S.— including one of Trump’s most famed properties, the Trump SoHo in downtown New York City.
The report, citing five people privy to the investigation, states Sater will cooperate with a probe into former Kazakh government minister Viktor Khrapunov and his family for spending millions on real estate in the U.S. via front companies. Sater is supposed to work with attorneys and investigators on cases spanning three continents.
Records show that the Khrapunovs purchased three luxury apartments in the Trump SoHo in April 2013 at a grand total price of $3.1 million.
Sater has been a questionable person in Trump’s orbit long before he stood for president. As a principal in the Bayrock Group, which worked with both Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump on a number of real estate deals between 2002 and roughly 2011, Sater worked to construct the Trump SoHo, Bloomberg reports. Sater has also previously claimed to have links to both the Kremlin and Russia’s KGB, the older version of Russia’s top security and intelligence services—now the FSB and SVR.
Tožilec, ki je l. 1998 podpisal njegovo sodelovanje z zveznimi organi, je del Mullerjeve ekipe. Majhen svet, ampak meme away :)
One of the first hires made by special counsel Robert Mueller was Andrew Weissmann, the leader of the Justice Department’s criminal fraud division. And in a curious twist, Weissmann once played a role in an unusual case—involving the Mafia, the Russian mob, and securities fraud—that is now oddly linked to Trump.
As a prosecutor in the Eastern District, Weissmann signed a 1998 cooperation agreement between the US government and Felix Sater, a violent felon and securities trader who had pleaded guilty to financial crimes. Sater went on to become a confidential informant for the FBI and a Trump business partner. During the years in which Sater was secretly cooperating with the Feds, he was also engaging in key real estate ventures with Trump. This included scouting for deals in Russia and Eastern Europe, projects that never materialized. Trump has consistently claimed that his business empire has “nothing to do with Russia.” Yet Sater’s intriguing tale represents at least one important Russia connection for Trump.
A spokesman for Mueller says, “Apart from his role as an office supervisor in 1998, Mr. Weissmann does not recall any direct involvement.”
In 1998, the FBI was on the trail of this criminal enterprise, but Sater had left for Russia, working there as a consultant for AT&T. He returned to the United States and surrendered himself to the FBI. A subsequent indictment named Sater as an “unindicted co-co-conspirator.”
Sater quickly cut a deal with the federal government. He signed a cooperation agreement and pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering in exchange for agreeing to provide information about his co-conspirators.
Sater was now an FBI informant, and he provided information that helped the bureau’s investigation of that $40 million stock scheme linked to both the Mafia and the Russian mob. In 2000, the FBI, the Justice Department, and the New York Police Department announced the indictments of 19 people involved in this caper.
Afterward, Sater continued to cooperate with the government, living a double life as a secret informant and a real estate developer. By early 2002, he was working at Bayrock, a real estate development and investment firm with offices in Trump Tower and run by Tevfik Arif, a former Soviet official from Kazakhstan.
As Bloomberg recently reported, “During the years that Bayrock and Trump did deals together, the company was also a bridge between murky European funding and a number of projects in the US to which the president once lent his name in exchange for handsome fees…Trump testified under oath in a 2007 deposition that Bayrock brought Russian investors to his Trump Tower office to discuss deals in Moscow, and said he was pondering investing there.” In that deposition, Trump said, “It’s ridiculous that I wouldn’t be investing in Russia. Russia is one of the hottest places in the world for investment.”
In December 2007, the Sater-Trump relationship hit a major bump when the New York Times revealed that Trump was in business with a man who had been accused of “conspiring with the Mafia to launder money and defraud investors.” With Sater’s status as a felon now publicly revealed, anyone doing business with him would be in a tough spot. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for a project involving Sater to secure funding.
Trump apparently did not sever his ties to Sater. By 2010, Sater, who left Bayrock after the Times story ran, was reportedly handing out business cards bearing a Trump Organization phone number and email address and describing him as a “senior advisor to Donald Trump.”
Komentar v Q&A formatu
Felix has decided his FBI pals can protect him from his ROC/FSB pals. That's one high-stakes wager right there.
Officially since '99. Felix's relationship with NYFO (New York Field Office (FBI)), et al, is....complex, shall we say?
He has been useful to all sides for a couple decades. Once he chooses one side, the game changes -- irrevocably.
Just leaving this here; if you know why, you know why.
Think Bulger...if Whitey were Russian, tied to the Kremlin, plus a BIGLY scammer who's tight with POTUS.
If Trump doesn't go kamikaze, Mueller will take his time. Which is good. Done right beats done fast here.
The latest revelation came Thursday morning as the Financial Times reported Russia-born real estate dealmaker Felix Sater, who allegedly has organized crime links, had agreed to assist in an international probe into a Kazakh family’s real estate dealings in the U.S.— including one of Trump’s most famed properties, the Trump SoHo in downtown New York City.
The report, citing five people privy to the investigation, states Sater will cooperate with a probe into former Kazakh government minister Viktor Khrapunov and his family for spending millions on real estate in the U.S. via front companies. Sater is supposed to work with attorneys and investigators on cases spanning three continents.
Records show that the Khrapunovs purchased three luxury apartments in the Trump SoHo in April 2013 at a grand total price of $3.1 million.
Sater has been a questionable person in Trump’s orbit long before he stood for president. As a principal in the Bayrock Group, which worked with both Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump on a number of real estate deals between 2002 and roughly 2011, Sater worked to construct the Trump SoHo, Bloomberg reports. Sater has also previously claimed to have links to both the Kremlin and Russia’s KGB, the older version of Russia’s top security and intelligence services—now the FSB and SVR.
Tožilec, ki je l. 1998 podpisal njegovo sodelovanje z zveznimi organi, je del Mullerjeve ekipe. Majhen svet, ampak meme away :)
One of the first hires made by special counsel Robert Mueller was Andrew Weissmann, the leader of the Justice Department’s criminal fraud division. And in a curious twist, Weissmann once played a role in an unusual case—involving the Mafia, the Russian mob, and securities fraud—that is now oddly linked to Trump.
As a prosecutor in the Eastern District, Weissmann signed a 1998 cooperation agreement between the US government and Felix Sater, a violent felon and securities trader who had pleaded guilty to financial crimes. Sater went on to become a confidential informant for the FBI and a Trump business partner. During the years in which Sater was secretly cooperating with the Feds, he was also engaging in key real estate ventures with Trump. This included scouting for deals in Russia and Eastern Europe, projects that never materialized. Trump has consistently claimed that his business empire has “nothing to do with Russia.” Yet Sater’s intriguing tale represents at least one important Russia connection for Trump.
A spokesman for Mueller says, “Apart from his role as an office supervisor in 1998, Mr. Weissmann does not recall any direct involvement.”
In 1998, the FBI was on the trail of this criminal enterprise, but Sater had left for Russia, working there as a consultant for AT&T. He returned to the United States and surrendered himself to the FBI. A subsequent indictment named Sater as an “unindicted co-co-conspirator.”
Sater quickly cut a deal with the federal government. He signed a cooperation agreement and pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering in exchange for agreeing to provide information about his co-conspirators.
Sater was now an FBI informant, and he provided information that helped the bureau’s investigation of that $40 million stock scheme linked to both the Mafia and the Russian mob. In 2000, the FBI, the Justice Department, and the New York Police Department announced the indictments of 19 people involved in this caper.
Afterward, Sater continued to cooperate with the government, living a double life as a secret informant and a real estate developer. By early 2002, he was working at Bayrock, a real estate development and investment firm with offices in Trump Tower and run by Tevfik Arif, a former Soviet official from Kazakhstan.
As Bloomberg recently reported, “During the years that Bayrock and Trump did deals together, the company was also a bridge between murky European funding and a number of projects in the US to which the president once lent his name in exchange for handsome fees…Trump testified under oath in a 2007 deposition that Bayrock brought Russian investors to his Trump Tower office to discuss deals in Moscow, and said he was pondering investing there.” In that deposition, Trump said, “It’s ridiculous that I wouldn’t be investing in Russia. Russia is one of the hottest places in the world for investment.”
In December 2007, the Sater-Trump relationship hit a major bump when the New York Times revealed that Trump was in business with a man who had been accused of “conspiring with the Mafia to launder money and defraud investors.” With Sater’s status as a felon now publicly revealed, anyone doing business with him would be in a tough spot. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for a project involving Sater to secure funding.
Trump apparently did not sever his ties to Sater. By 2010, Sater, who left Bayrock after the Times story ran, was reportedly handing out business cards bearing a Trump Organization phone number and email address and describing him as a “senior advisor to Donald Trump.”
Komentar v Q&A formatu
Felix has decided his FBI pals can protect him from his ROC/FSB pals. That's one high-stakes wager right there.
Felix Sater = Dead Man Walking
Officially since '99. Felix's relationship with NYFO (New York Field Office (FBI)), et al, is....complex, shall we say?
Sater has been "cooperating" w/ the Feds since '98.
He has been useful to all sides for a couple decades. Once he chooses one side, the game changes -- irrevocably.
If Sater wasn't bomb-bullet-polonium-proof, wouldn't he have been dead years ago?
Just leaving this here; if you know why, you know why.
FYI ===> Trusted member of Trump's inner circle has told family & friends that he knows both he & POTUS are going to prison. Developing ...
Think Bulger...if Whitey were Russian, tied to the Kremlin, plus a BIGLY scammer who's tight with POTUS.
Yeah, "Whitey Bulger" complex. NYFO has a serious problem looming. Giuliani and Prince are 2 other names at play here, too.
If Trump doesn't go kamikaze, Mueller will take his time. Which is good. Done right beats done fast here.
When will @realDonaldTrump get taken down? @th3j35t3r said 3 weeks a few months ago which turned out to be a load. I hear lots but see nada.
Samuel ::
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Pac-Man ::
Sekretar za energijo, čez ima tudi celoten jedrski arzenal.
DOE Rick Perry at coal plant:"Here's a little economics lesson: supply and demand. You put the supply out there and the demand will follow."
DOE Rick Perry at coal plant:"Here's a little economics lesson: supply and demand. You put the supply out there and the demand will follow."
belo mleko ::
Zaščitnik Zahodne civilizacije, zaveznik Evrope in Amerik prihaja na obisk v Slovenijo! Se kaj veselite? Gledam posnetke veselja s Poljske. Toliko optimizma v Evropi že dolgo nisem videl. V sosednjem Hamburgu pa nečimrni zakrinkani ljudje razbijajo po ulicah. Kako dolgo jih bomo še tolerirali?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: belo mleko ()
jype ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
Kako dolgo jih bomo še tolerirali?Komot se jih znebiš: Odstraniš Trumpa, pa jih ne bo več.
belo mleko ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
Kako dolgo jih bomo še tolerirali?Komot se jih znebiš: Odstraniš Trumpa, pa jih ne bo več.
Bi ga bilo škoda.
Ta prav tako.
Debatirata o višini zida na južni meji ZDA. Merklova je predlagala katapultiranje Mehičanov, Putin ji je razložil, da bo zid visok in pokončen. Kot Trump, naš rešitelj in priprošnik. Molimo te Trump in te hvalimo, ker si s svojim patriotizmom Zahod odrešil.
xmetallic ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
Kako dolgo jih bomo še tolerirali?Komot se jih znebiš: Odstraniš Trumpa, pa jih ne bo več.
A se nahajaš v Hamburgu? Tvoji privrženci že več dni uničujejo lastnino ostalih državljanov.
Pac-Man ::
Justice League: Meet The Veteran Prosecutors Powering The Russia Probe
The powerhouse team of lawyers assigned to the multi-pronged federal investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election has expanded to include 15 members.
Plucked from the Justice Department and white-collar law firms by special counsel Robert Mueller, the attorneys boast years of experience prosecuting cases involving national security, fraud, money laundering, cybercrime and espionage. There are experts in witness-flipping, Russia, organized crime and public corruption. Several have worked with Mueller in the past.
Here’s what we know about the legal team Mueller has assembled thus far:
The powerhouse team of lawyers assigned to the multi-pronged federal investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election has expanded to include 15 members.
Plucked from the Justice Department and white-collar law firms by special counsel Robert Mueller, the attorneys boast years of experience prosecuting cases involving national security, fraud, money laundering, cybercrime and espionage. There are experts in witness-flipping, Russia, organized crime and public corruption. Several have worked with Mueller in the past.
Here’s what we know about the legal team Mueller has assembled thus far:
jype ::
Pac-Man ::
Rachel Maddow prejšnji večer:
En anon, menda novinar. Pred par tedni je postal "slaven" s tweetstormom, ki ga na hitro ne najdem.
I can confirm from my own sources (and I mean PRESS sources) that the WaPo is INDEED sitting on a BIG story, that IS coming. Just FYI.
It's real and it IS coming on WaPo. I don't know when or I'd give a hint. All I know is it's real and it's coming.
Maddow's case has NOTHING to do with WaPo. MUELLER is demanding story be held and WaPo is complying. That's bc story is REAL. Mueller knows.
I had a bet on tonight, too, bc they have released a lot of big scoops on Friday night.
I don't know about Ryan and McConnell but from what I've heard it is enough to end the administration.
Mueller did ask but I can tell you it IS being released. And sooner rather than later. I do NOT know when exactly though.
Dear Lord, if another person says this... STOP with this obsession! WaPo has NOTHING to do with Maddow's story
1. The story WaPo has that is being held upon Mueller's request has NOTHING to do with the forgery @Maddow reported last night. Obviously.
2. Mueller asks to hold a story he knows is REAL, obviously. WaPo is holding a story bc they were asked to hold it as it is TRUE.
3. Stop acting like Maddow (whom I love) is the only one who can verify stories. She knew hers was fishy bc she SPOKE with NSA sources.
4. WaPo obviously vetted story LONG before getting to the point of speaking with Mueller team and asking if story posed a problem for them.
5. So yes, WaPo has a real and valid bombshell, just like they had many others, and they've been holding it for a little over a week.
6. Waiting to publish until Mueller's reasonably OK with it is RESPONSIBLE journalism. The story IS coming sooner rather than later.
I think IF it's today (which I don't know), it'll be later. More like 8 pm or later.
I can speak from experience. The first time I had to issue a correction I was YELLED at. And... it was just a name spelling mistake.
Yes indeed. Mueller only gets ONE go with this. He can't screw up. Must get it right and we MUST help him.
En anon, menda novinar. Pred par tedni je postal "slaven" s tweetstormom, ki ga na hitro ne najdem.
I can confirm from my own sources (and I mean PRESS sources) that the WaPo is INDEED sitting on a BIG story, that IS coming. Just FYI.
It's real and it IS coming on WaPo. I don't know when or I'd give a hint. All I know is it's real and it's coming.
Maddow's case has NOTHING to do with WaPo. MUELLER is demanding story be held and WaPo is complying. That's bc story is REAL. Mueller knows.
I had a bet on tonight, too, bc they have released a lot of big scoops on Friday night.
I don't know about Ryan and McConnell but from what I've heard it is enough to end the administration.
Mueller did ask but I can tell you it IS being released. And sooner rather than later. I do NOT know when exactly though.
Dear Lord, if another person says this... STOP with this obsession! WaPo has NOTHING to do with Maddow's story
1. The story WaPo has that is being held upon Mueller's request has NOTHING to do with the forgery @Maddow reported last night. Obviously.
2. Mueller asks to hold a story he knows is REAL, obviously. WaPo is holding a story bc they were asked to hold it as it is TRUE.
3. Stop acting like Maddow (whom I love) is the only one who can verify stories. She knew hers was fishy bc she SPOKE with NSA sources.
4. WaPo obviously vetted story LONG before getting to the point of speaking with Mueller team and asking if story posed a problem for them.
5. So yes, WaPo has a real and valid bombshell, just like they had many others, and they've been holding it for a little over a week.
6. Waiting to publish until Mueller's reasonably OK with it is RESPONSIBLE journalism. The story IS coming sooner rather than later.
I think IF it's today (which I don't know), it'll be later. More like 8 pm or later.
I can speak from experience. The first time I had to issue a correction I was YELLED at. And... it was just a name spelling mistake.
Yes indeed. Mueller only gets ONE go with this. He can't screw up. Must get it right and we MUST help him.
belo mleko ::
Medtem pa iz Hamburga prihajajo dobre novice. Razbijači so bežali in popadali v jamo. Takorekoč so se samofojbirali (autofoibcus). Skrivnostna so pota Trumpova.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: belo mleko ()
xxxul ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
Kako dolgo jih bomo še tolerirali?Komot se jih znebiš: Odstraniš Trumpa, pa jih ne bo več.
aha, ker na prejsnjih g8 in g20 ni blo nobenih protestov. keep up the shit.
Odin ::
Slike in posnetki iz Hamburga, kjer je bilo 130 policajev poskodovanih - link1, link2. Otroci razgrajajo, ker je Merkelca zgleda vsem moskim jajca odrezala. Sramota od sramote v kaki cuckold narod se je Nemcija spremenila.
Medtem pa sta si Trump in Putin stisnila roko in po vec kot dveh urah razgovora sklenila prekinitev ognja v juzni Siriji. Odlicen zacetek in upanje obstaja da se bodo odnosi med ZDA in Rusijo otoplili.
Medtem pa sta si Trump in Putin stisnila roko in po vec kot dveh urah razgovora sklenila prekinitev ognja v juzni Siriji. Odlicen zacetek in upanje obstaja da se bodo odnosi med ZDA in Rusijo otoplili.
"My principles are only those that, before the French Revolution,
every well-born person considered sane and normal."
-Julius Evola
every well-born person considered sane and normal."
-Julius Evola
RedDrake ::
jype ::
belo mleko ::
Kako je zdaj z impičmentom? Meni zgleda, da je Trump impičal CNN (ali bolje obglavil), zdaj pa z gospodom Putinom veselo kramlja v Hamburgu.
Pac-Man ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
Kako je zdaj z impičmentom? Meni zgleda, da je Trump impičal CNN (ali bolje obglavil), zdaj pa z gospodom Putinom veselo kramlja v Hamburgu.
Ni šel cel kup težkih pravnikov, ki so in bi lahko v privatnem sektorju vlekli resne denarje, v Muellerjev tim zato, da bi si na CV dali proces proti Flynnu.
Kot že mnogokrat napisano - Trump je politični problem. Lahko pa pričakujemo razpaljotko po administaciji in TrumpOrg.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
vostok_1 ::
Tisto z CNN...ta medij bi moral burn in hell forever!
CNNova kredibilnost je nikakva od nikakve. Vsaj rumeni mediji vedo kaj so in se jih primerno jemlje, CNN pa blefira, ampak ne nasedajte. To so smeti. Za vsako novico je treba najprej it v soline s tovornjakom, šele nato prebrat.
Sicer pa nekaj:
Res ne vidimo skoraj nobene razlike. Morda kak detajl tu pa tam.
Zgleda, da si res zabredel v temačne globine tvoje pozicije.
CNNova kredibilnost je nikakva od nikakve. Vsaj rumeni mediji vedo kaj so in se jih primerno jemlje, CNN pa blefira, ampak ne nasedajte. To so smeti. Za vsako novico je treba najprej it v soline s tovornjakom, šele nato prebrat.
Sicer pa nekaj:
Res ne vidimo skoraj nobene razlike. Morda kak detajl tu pa tam.
Zgleda, da si res zabredel v temačne globine tvoje pozicije.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Pac-Man ::
So Trumpovi celo kampanjo sploh počeli kaj drugega, kot sestankovali z vedno daljšo serijo Rusov? In verjamemo naj, da so jih na začetku junija 2016 skrbele posvojitve iz RU, ne stanje na njihovih TTR...ej, kaj se gre ta svizec s folijo?
Totalni amaterji.
Trump Team Met With Lawyer Linked to Kremlin During Campaign
Two weeks after Donald J. Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination last year, his eldest son arranged a meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan with a Russian lawyer who has connections to the Kremlin, according to confidential government records described to The New York Times.
The previously undisclosed meeting was also attended by Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman at the time, Paul J. Manafort, as well as the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, according to interviews and the documents, which were outlined by people familiar with them.
(...)this episode at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016, is the first confirmed private meeting between a Russian national and members of Mr. Trump’s inner circle during the campaign.
Donald Jr described the meeting as primarily about an adoption program. The statement did not address whether the presidential campaign was discussed.
The Russian lawyer invited to the Trump Tower meeting, Natalia Veselnitskaya, is best known for mounting a multipronged attack against the Magnitsky Act, an American law that blacklists suspected Russian human rights abusers. The law so enraged Mr. Putin that he retaliated by halting American adoptions of Russian children.
The adoption impasse is a frequently used talking point for opponents of the Magnitsky Act. Ms. Veselnitskaya’s campaign against the law has also included attempts to discredit its namesake, Sergei L. Magnitsky...
Ms. Veselnitskaya is married to a former deputy transportation minister of the Moscow region, and her clients include state-owned businesses and a senior government official’s son, whose company was under investigation in the United States at the time of the meeting. Her activities and associations had previously drawn the attention of the F.B.I., according to a former senior law enforcement official.
Donald J. Trump Jr. had denied participating in any campaign-related meetings with Russian nationals when he was interviewed by The Times in March. “Did I meet with people that were Russian? I’m sure, I’m sure I did,” he said. “But none that were set up. None that I can think of at the moment.
The Trump Tower meeting was not disclosed to government officials until recently, when Mr. Kushner, who is also a senior White House aide, filed a revised version of a form required to obtain a security clearance.
Mr. Manafort, the former campaign chairman, also recently disclosed the meeting, and Donald J. Trump Jr.’s role in organizing it, to congressional investigators who had questions about his foreign contacts, according to people familiar with the events.
One of Ms. Veselnitskaya’s clients is Denis Katsyv, the Russian owner of a Cyprus-based investment company called Prevezon Holdings. . In a civil forfeiture case prosecuted by Mr. Bharara’s office, the Justice Department alleged that Prevezon had helped launder money tied to a $230 million corruption scheme exposed by Mr. Magnitsky by parking it in New York real estate and bank accounts. As a result, the government froze $14 million of its assets. Prevezon recently settled the case for $6 million without admitting wrongdoing.
Ms. Veselnitskaya was also deeply involved in the making of an anti-Magnitsky film that premiered just weeks before the Trump Tower meeting. Titled “The Magnitsky Act — Behind the Scenes,” the film echoes the Kremlin line that the widely accepted version of Mr. Magnitsky’s life and death is wrong.
John O. Brennan, the former C.I.A. director, testified in May that he had been concerned last year by Russian government efforts to contact and manipulate members of Mr. Trump’s campaign. “Russian intelligence agencies do not hesitate at all to use private companies and Russian persons who are unaffiliated with the Russian government to support their objectives,” he said.
So Trumpovi celo kampanjo sploh počeli kaj drugega, kot sestankovali z vedno daljšo serijo Rusov? In verjamemo naj, da so jih na začetku junija 2016 skrbele posvojitve iz RU, ne stanje na njihovih TTR...ej, kaj se gre ta svizec s folijo?
Totalni amaterji.
Trump Team Met With Lawyer Linked to Kremlin During Campaign
Two weeks after Donald J. Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination last year, his eldest son arranged a meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan with a Russian lawyer who has connections to the Kremlin, according to confidential government records described to The New York Times.
The previously undisclosed meeting was also attended by Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman at the time, Paul J. Manafort, as well as the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, according to interviews and the documents, which were outlined by people familiar with them.
(...)this episode at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016, is the first confirmed private meeting between a Russian national and members of Mr. Trump’s inner circle during the campaign.
Donald Jr described the meeting as primarily about an adoption program. The statement did not address whether the presidential campaign was discussed.
The Russian lawyer invited to the Trump Tower meeting, Natalia Veselnitskaya, is best known for mounting a multipronged attack against the Magnitsky Act, an American law that blacklists suspected Russian human rights abusers. The law so enraged Mr. Putin that he retaliated by halting American adoptions of Russian children.
The adoption impasse is a frequently used talking point for opponents of the Magnitsky Act. Ms. Veselnitskaya’s campaign against the law has also included attempts to discredit its namesake, Sergei L. Magnitsky...
Ms. Veselnitskaya is married to a former deputy transportation minister of the Moscow region, and her clients include state-owned businesses and a senior government official’s son, whose company was under investigation in the United States at the time of the meeting. Her activities and associations had previously drawn the attention of the F.B.I., according to a former senior law enforcement official.
Donald J. Trump Jr. had denied participating in any campaign-related meetings with Russian nationals when he was interviewed by The Times in March. “Did I meet with people that were Russian? I’m sure, I’m sure I did,” he said. “But none that were set up. None that I can think of at the moment.
The Trump Tower meeting was not disclosed to government officials until recently, when Mr. Kushner, who is also a senior White House aide, filed a revised version of a form required to obtain a security clearance.
Mr. Manafort, the former campaign chairman, also recently disclosed the meeting, and Donald J. Trump Jr.’s role in organizing it, to congressional investigators who had questions about his foreign contacts, according to people familiar with the events.
One of Ms. Veselnitskaya’s clients is Denis Katsyv, the Russian owner of a Cyprus-based investment company called Prevezon Holdings. . In a civil forfeiture case prosecuted by Mr. Bharara’s office, the Justice Department alleged that Prevezon had helped launder money tied to a $230 million corruption scheme exposed by Mr. Magnitsky by parking it in New York real estate and bank accounts. As a result, the government froze $14 million of its assets. Prevezon recently settled the case for $6 million without admitting wrongdoing.
Ms. Veselnitskaya was also deeply involved in the making of an anti-Magnitsky film that premiered just weeks before the Trump Tower meeting. Titled “The Magnitsky Act — Behind the Scenes,” the film echoes the Kremlin line that the widely accepted version of Mr. Magnitsky’s life and death is wrong.
John O. Brennan, the former C.I.A. director, testified in May that he had been concerned last year by Russian government efforts to contact and manipulate members of Mr. Trump’s campaign. “Russian intelligence agencies do not hesitate at all to use private companies and Russian persons who are unaffiliated with the Russian government to support their objectives,” he said.
Pac-Man ::
The attorney, Natalia Veselnitskaya, isn't just "Kremlin-connected," she'a a well-known RU mob lawyer w/FSB links
L'affaire Magnitsky remains the Rosetta Stone of Putinist criminality.
More on the Russian lawyer who met with Team Trump:
... And more:
.. And why the mafia network tied to Russian government officials is so important to the Kremlin:
Agents of the Russian gov have prevailed upon Rohrabacher, Trumpkins to end sanctions cuz sanctions hit too close to Cheka's black budget. Veselnitskaya is behind this NGO which dangles ending the Russian adoption ban as bait for ending US sanctions:
Notably: Veselnitskaya is a lawyer for Prevezon, real estate company w/alleged ties to the $230 million tax fraud scheme Magnitsky uncovered. (I wrote about Prevezon, which settled the money laundering case for ~$6 million in May, here
Prevezon's owner is Denis Katsyv, who's been funding a Delaware-based NGO that says its goal is to restart Russian adoptions. But it's really just a front for anti-Magnitsky lobbying ops.
The attorney, Natalia Veselnitskaya, isn't just "Kremlin-connected," she'a a well-known RU mob lawyer w/FSB links
L'affaire Magnitsky remains the Rosetta Stone of Putinist criminality.
More on the Russian lawyer who met with Team Trump:
... And more:
.. And why the mafia network tied to Russian government officials is so important to the Kremlin:
Agents of the Russian gov have prevailed upon Rohrabacher, Trumpkins to end sanctions cuz sanctions hit too close to Cheka's black budget. Veselnitskaya is behind this NGO which dangles ending the Russian adoption ban as bait for ending US sanctions:
Notably: Veselnitskaya is a lawyer for Prevezon, real estate company w/alleged ties to the $230 million tax fraud scheme Magnitsky uncovered. (I wrote about Prevezon, which settled the money laundering case for ~$6 million in May, here
Prevezon's owner is Denis Katsyv, who's been funding a Delaware-based NGO that says its goal is to restart Russian adoptions. But it's really just a front for anti-Magnitsky lobbying ops.
Pac-Man ::
Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded and safe.
mr. NSA:
Email from snr IC friend this AM: "This is proof of a Kremlin coup in DC. We need to take action before we lose all our secrets to Putin." I quote that with permission, as always. Friend added a comparison about the fate of "that KGB stooge Allende" which I won't quote directly.
Chilean presidential election, 1970 @ Wikipedia
Both the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the KGB spent significant amounts of money to influence the outcome of the election.[2]
The CIA did not provide direct assistance to any candidate, as they had during the 1964 elections, but rather focused on anti-Allende propaganda, ultimately spending $425,000. The money was used in a "scare campaign" of posters and pamphlets linking an Allende victory with the violence and repression associated with the Soviet Union.[2] Editorials and news stories reinforcing this message were also written with CIA guidance, especially in the newspaper El Mercurio, and disseminated throughout the national media. The goal was to contribute to and exploit the political polarization and financial panic of the period. Besides propaganda, the CIA also funded an attempt to splinter the Radical Party away from the Popular Unity coalition.[3] [4] This CIA campaign was very inefficient. CIA director Richard Helms complained that he was ordered by the White House to "beat somebody with nothing".[2]
KGB money was more precisely targeted. Allende made a personal request for Soviet money through his personal contact, KGB officer Svyatoslav Kuznetsov, who urgently came to Chile from Mexico City to help Allende. The original allocation of money for these elections through the KGB was $400,000, and an additional personal subsidy of $50,000 directly to Allende.[2] It is believed that help from KGB was a decisive factor, because Allende won by a narrow margin of 39,000 votes of a total of the 3 million cast. After the elections, the KGB director Yuri Andropov obtained permission for additional money and other resources from the Central Committee of the CPSU to ensure Allende victory in Congress. In his request on 24 October, he stated that KGB "will carry out measures designed to promote the consolidation of Allende's victory and his election to the post of President of the country".[2]
US president Richard Nixon was enraged by Allende's victory and the failure of the CIA's covert actions against him.[2]
Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded and safe.
mr. NSA:
Email from snr IC friend this AM: "This is proof of a Kremlin coup in DC. We need to take action before we lose all our secrets to Putin." I quote that with permission, as always. Friend added a comparison about the fate of "that KGB stooge Allende" which I won't quote directly.
Chilean presidential election, 1970 @ Wikipedia
Both the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the KGB spent significant amounts of money to influence the outcome of the election.[2]
The CIA did not provide direct assistance to any candidate, as they had during the 1964 elections, but rather focused on anti-Allende propaganda, ultimately spending $425,000. The money was used in a "scare campaign" of posters and pamphlets linking an Allende victory with the violence and repression associated with the Soviet Union.[2] Editorials and news stories reinforcing this message were also written with CIA guidance, especially in the newspaper El Mercurio, and disseminated throughout the national media. The goal was to contribute to and exploit the political polarization and financial panic of the period. Besides propaganda, the CIA also funded an attempt to splinter the Radical Party away from the Popular Unity coalition.[3] [4] This CIA campaign was very inefficient. CIA director Richard Helms complained that he was ordered by the White House to "beat somebody with nothing".[2]
KGB money was more precisely targeted. Allende made a personal request for Soviet money through his personal contact, KGB officer Svyatoslav Kuznetsov, who urgently came to Chile from Mexico City to help Allende. The original allocation of money for these elections through the KGB was $400,000, and an additional personal subsidy of $50,000 directly to Allende.[2] It is believed that help from KGB was a decisive factor, because Allende won by a narrow margin of 39,000 votes of a total of the 3 million cast. After the elections, the KGB director Yuri Andropov obtained permission for additional money and other resources from the Central Committee of the CPSU to ensure Allende victory in Congress. In his request on 24 October, he stated that KGB "will carry out measures designed to promote the consolidation of Allende's victory and his election to the post of President of the country".[2]
US president Richard Nixon was enraged by Allende's victory and the failure of the CIA's covert actions against him.[2]
Pac-Man ::
NYT, 2. dan, 2. del. Toliko o ubogih sirotah. Amaterji. Pa da smo jasni, tole je bil začetek junija, preden se je javno govorilo o kakih vlomih.
Trump’s Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton
President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before agreeing to meet with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign, according to three advisers to the White House briefed on the meeting and two others with knowledge of it.
It is unclear whether the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, actually produced the promised compromising information about Mrs. Clinton. But the people interviewed by The Times about the meeting said the expectation was that she would do so.
In a statement on Sunday, Donald Trump Jr. said he had met with the Russian lawyer at the request of an acquaintance. “After pleasantries were exchanged,” he said, “the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton. Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.”
He said she then turned the conversation to adoption of Russian children and the Magnitsky Act, an American law that blacklists suspected Russian human rights abusers.
“It became clear to me that this was the true agenda all along and that the claims of potentially helpful information were a pretext for the meeting,” Mr. Trump said.
Pac-Man ::
Konkretna razlika v samo 24h.
Miss Universe 2013 je potekal v Moskvi. Velika verjetnost, da je imel znanec rusko državljanstvo, najbrž kak od oligarhov, ki v resnici vodijo Rusijo.
Tole se bere kot mi priskrbimo svinjarijo o Clintonovi, vi nato odpravite Magnitsky Act. Roka kako?
Pa par sirotam bomo dovolili odit v ZDA. Ne pozabimo na sirote.
Miss Universe 2013 je potekal v Moskvi. Velika verjetnost, da je imel znanec rusko državljanstvo, najbrž kak od oligarhov, ki v resnici vodijo Rusijo.
Tole se bere kot mi priskrbimo svinjarijo o Clintonovi, vi nato odpravite Magnitsky Act. Roka kako?
Pa par sirotam bomo dovolili odit v ZDA. Ne pozabimo na sirote.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
this episode at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016, is the first confirmed private meeting between a Russian national and members of Mr. Trump’s inner circle during the campaign.
Prav tako 9. junija 2016, vsaj Manafort je bil na obeh sestankih. Kateri je bil prej?
Donald Trump, who for much of the primary bragged about “self-funding,” met on Thursday with more than 60 leading Republicans in Midtown Manhattan to discuss his fundraising operations going into the general. Joining Trump at the meeting was RNC Chair Reince Priebus and top-surrogate and advisor New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
Others seen entering and exiting the meeting included RNC Finance Chair Lew Eisenberg, Trump Victory Vice Chairs Woody Johnson, Ray Washburne and Mel Sembler, and Trump’s top aides and advisors, including Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort.
Trump Campaign Chairman and Chief Strategist Paul Manafort was light on specifics with reporters, but expressed no concern over the campaign’s late fundraising start, saying that the campaign will “raise what we need to raise.” When pressed by NBC for a specific fundraising goal or projected fundraising number, Manafort replied, “enough to win.” Manafort also downplayed criticisms that Trump’s money machine pales in comparison to Hillary Clinton’s prepared war chest, saying that they don’t need “as much as people think” to beat Clinton in November.
konspirator ::
Daj odpri si blog in c/p to sranje, ki ga nihče ne bere, v njega, namesto da smetiš s svojimi blodnjami na st.
Daj odpri si blog in c/p to sranje, ki ga nihče ne bere, v njega, namesto da smetiš s svojimi blodnjami na st.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: konspirator ()
jype ::
Cervantes ::
Kot sem nekje napisal, pubec je plačan po dolžini posta.
In se je znašel.
Ne posta, ampak pasta.
Pa še prevajat se mu ne ljubi.
Ne vem, koliko je to skladno s pravili foruma.
In se je znašel.
Ne posta, ampak pasta.
Pa še prevajat se mu ne ljubi.
Ne vem, koliko je to skladno s pravili foruma.
Pac-Man ::
Tema je o Donaldu Trumpu. Če te ne zanima, je pač ne beri. Kar se mene tiče, gre tu za zgodovinske dogodke, ki jih lahko spremljamo v živo, s precej komentarja, na žalost tudi spremljajočega smetja.
Sicer je njegov sine pravkar priznal, da se je na začetku junija 2016 sestal z Rusinjo, ki je obljubljala dirt o Clintonovi, če bodo kooperativni. Povsem slučajno je zraven povabil še sestrinega moža in vodjo očetove kampanje. Čeprav tisti dan nista imela nič pametnega počet, ne vem, recimo pihat na dušo republikanskim financerjem.
Zadeva presenetljivo lepo sledi koledarju Watergata, v obeh primerih je sredi julija prišlo do razkritja, ki je širši javnosti dalo vedet, da zadeva ni ravno nothingburger.
17.6.1972 - Vlomijo v prostore DNC, da bi nastavili prisluškovalne naprave. Vlomilce so ujeli med aktom
18.6.1972 - FBI najde prve povezave med vlomilci in Nixonovo administracijo
19.6.1972 - O povezavah med vlomilci in Nixonovo administracijo pričnejo poročat mediji
Junij 1972 - Januar 1973 - Globoko grlo posreduje tajne podatke novinarjem Washington Posta
10.10.1972 - FBI javno objavi, da ima vlom politično ozadje
7.11.1972 - predsedniške volitve, Nixon osvoji 2. mandat
30.1.1973 - vlomilci so obsojeni za vlom
7.2.1973 - senat ustanovi preiskovalno komisijo
marec - junij 1973 - Nixon odpušča svetovalce, ki so poznali ozadje
28.3.1973 - Nixonov svetovalec na Nixonovo zahtevo laže vrhovnemu tožilcu
16.7.1973 - med zaslišanjem pred senatno komisijo postane znano, da je Nixon snemal pogovore. Komisija tako zahteva posnetke. Nixon jih ne želi izročit.
20.10.1973 - Saturday Night Massacre @ Wikipedia
17.11.1973 - Nixon:"I'm not a crook"
6.2.1974 - prva akcija za odpoklic v kongresu
1.3.1974 - Vložena prva obtožnica za politične akterje, št. 2 Watergate Seven @ Wikipedia . Zapečateno je bil soobtožen tudi Nixon.
29.4.1974 - Nixon napove objavo posnetkov
24.7.1974 - Vrhovno sodišče odloči, da je posnetke potrebno predat tožilcu
27.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 1. točki
29.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 2. točki
30.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 3. točki
30.7.1974 - Nixon posnetke preda tožilcu
5.8.1974 - objavljen smoking gun posnetek, ki dokazuje, da je predsednik vedel za vlom
8.8.1974 - Nixon odstopi
Sicer je njegov sine pravkar priznal, da se je na začetku junija 2016 sestal z Rusinjo, ki je obljubljala dirt o Clintonovi, če bodo kooperativni. Povsem slučajno je zraven povabil še sestrinega moža in vodjo očetove kampanje. Čeprav tisti dan nista imela nič pametnega počet, ne vem, recimo pihat na dušo republikanskim financerjem.
Zadeva presenetljivo lepo sledi koledarju Watergata, v obeh primerih je sredi julija prišlo do razkritja, ki je širši javnosti dalo vedet, da zadeva ni ravno nothingburger.
17.6.1972 - Vlomijo v prostore DNC, da bi nastavili prisluškovalne naprave. Vlomilce so ujeli med aktom
18.6.1972 - FBI najde prve povezave med vlomilci in Nixonovo administracijo
19.6.1972 - O povezavah med vlomilci in Nixonovo administracijo pričnejo poročat mediji
Junij 1972 - Januar 1973 - Globoko grlo posreduje tajne podatke novinarjem Washington Posta
10.10.1972 - FBI javno objavi, da ima vlom politično ozadje
7.11.1972 - predsedniške volitve, Nixon osvoji 2. mandat
30.1.1973 - vlomilci so obsojeni za vlom
7.2.1973 - senat ustanovi preiskovalno komisijo
marec - junij 1973 - Nixon odpušča svetovalce, ki so poznali ozadje
28.3.1973 - Nixonov svetovalec na Nixonovo zahtevo laže vrhovnemu tožilcu
16.7.1973 - med zaslišanjem pred senatno komisijo postane znano, da je Nixon snemal pogovore. Komisija tako zahteva posnetke. Nixon jih ne želi izročit.
20.10.1973 - Saturday Night Massacre @ Wikipedia
17.11.1973 - Nixon:"I'm not a crook"
6.2.1974 - prva akcija za odpoklic v kongresu
1.3.1974 - Vložena prva obtožnica za politične akterje, št. 2 Watergate Seven @ Wikipedia . Zapečateno je bil soobtožen tudi Nixon.
29.4.1974 - Nixon napove objavo posnetkov
24.7.1974 - Vrhovno sodišče odloči, da je posnetke potrebno predat tožilcu
27.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 1. točki
29.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 2. točki
30.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 3. točki
30.7.1974 - Nixon posnetke preda tožilcu
5.8.1974 - objavljen smoking gun posnetek, ki dokazuje, da je predsednik vedel za vlom
8.8.1974 - Nixon odstopi
ruskivohun ::
Slo-smeh je res en čuden forum.
Kdor ne stoji 100% za pacmanovimi blodnjami in jypetovimi čustvenimi izlivi - IZBRIS!
Kdor ne stoji 100% za pacmanovimi blodnjami in jypetovimi čustvenimi izlivi - IZBRIS!
ruskivohun ::
In kaj naj bi ta članek pomenil? Da bojo ljudje na TV-ju? O moj Bog, a ne vejo da je 2017!?! Nova šowa! Impič!
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