Forum » Problemi človeštva » Žitije Donalda Trampa
Žitije Donalda Trampa
Temo vidijo: vsi
ZaphodBB ::
Skrajni desnicarji so povzrocili KKK, skrajna levica pa prost konec tedna
Heh, found the LateStageCapitalism commie.
Jst ::
Hehe, sedaj se že MSM (CNN, MSNBCm WaPo, NT,...) sprašujejo, kje so dokazi...
Njihova namišljena zgodba se sesuva v prah.
Na dan pa prihajajo DOKAZI, da je Clintonova naročila A. Chalupa, da gre v Ukrajino in tam začne preiskavo v Manaforta.
Torej, zjebali so Sandersa (Waw, spet nov podatek, Crowsdstrike je preiskoval Sandersovo kampanjo in kakšno naključje, tudi v DNC našel RUSE... Hmmmm...
Sovražim Trumpa in vse kar predstavlja, a ko ga začnejo zagovarjati Chomsky, Chang,.... in da Dem. stranka "sili" v novo hladno vojno, kjer Trump ne bo imel izbire med odločitvijo "jaz sem izdajalec" in "push the nuclear button", smo cel svet v kurcu.
Jype hvala, da moji potomci ene ~30% sploh ne bodo preživeli, ker silite MAD, če boste še vztrajali.
Res hvala...
Lastniki dobrih fotoaparatov boste lahko naredili lepe slike mushroom clouds.... :///
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
Pac-Man ::
I was an intelligence analyst. Here's how I'd read Trump's tweets.
Intelligence agencies try to answer these main questions when looking at a rival head of state: Who is he as a person? What type of leader is he? How does that compare to what he strives to be or presents himself as? What can we expect from him? And how can we use this insight to our advantage?
Trump’s tweets offer plenty of material for analysis. His frequent strong statements in reaction to news coverage or events make it appear as if he lacks impulse control. In building a profile of Trump, an analyst would offer suggestions on how foreign nations could instigate stress or deescalate situations, depending on what type of influence they may want to have over the president.
While Trump was new to national politics when he started his presidential campaign in 2015, he wasn’t new to Twitter. A review of his old tweets would reveal how well flattery can work to get his attention and admiration.
If I were an intelligence analyst for Saudi Arabia, for instance, I might suggest that the authoritarian government there should compel newspapers to write articles friendly to Trump (and, in fact, Saudi papers published articles praising first lady Melania Trump’s fashion choices during the president’s visit there last month). And I would certainly suggest that Saudi officials flatter him in person — perhaps arranging, as the Saudis did during his visit, to post billboards featuring Trump’s words and his image.
As president, Trump has continued to show himself to be quick to anger if he feels personally attacked. And he’s eager to take credit when he thinks he’s been influential. His tweet this month appearing to welcome the rift between Saudi Arabia and Qatar is a classic example: Trump declared that the standoff arose because he had demanded that gulf states stop funding radical ideology. (It did not.)
Trump’s tweets also clearly reveal how sensitive he is about the investigation into Russia’s involvement in last year’s campaign, especially any suggestion that it diminishes his victory.
An adversary could devise a plan to exploit that sensitivity: To appeal to Trump personally, they would intentionally disparage the investigators and the investigation. Russian officials and leaders have been doing this consistently — though, of course, that also lines up with their interests more broadly.
What Trump doesn’t say can be very revealing, too. For instance, the lapse of time between when the USS Fitzgerald collided with a cargo ship off the coast of Japan (12:30 p.m. on June 16, in Washington) and when the president tweeted about the incident (10:08 a.m. the next day) was nearly 23 hours.
Typically, a president would quickly make public remarks about a significant military loss. With Trump, intelligence analysts would note the inconsistency compared with previous administrations and search for similar patterns. Is Trump so hands-off that he waited for his secretary of defense to speak? Did something else capture his attention during those hours that he found to be a higher priority? Between the crash and his first public statement about it, Trump tweeted a video of his remarks on a new Cuba policy, a picture of himself signing the Cuba memorandum and a reference to his campaign promise about Cuba; he also retweeted Sean Hannity, a Fox News personality, promoting an upcoming show on the “Deep State’s allies in the media” working to undermine Trump.
The president’s frequent contradiction of his own aides also provides useful intelligence for foreign analysts. Last month, Trump tweeted that it was “not possible ” for administration officials to be perfectly accurate in describing what his White House is doing. Why not? Is the White House not coordinating messaging? Has Trump defined his own course of action, regardless of what his Cabinet or staff has been told?
Analysts can glean information about Trump’s sleep patterns from the time of day or night when he tweets, showing which topics keep him up, his stress level and his state of mind. Twitter also often reveals what Trump is watching on TV and when, as well as what websites he turns to for news and analysis. Knowing this can be useful for foreign governments when they are planning media events or deciding where to try to seek coverage of their version of world events.
Even deleted tweets would be of interest. Trump mostly appears to delete tweets because of spelling errors, later replacing them with a correction. For an intelligence analyst, this would confirm that Trump’s Twitter feed really is a raw insight into his thought process, without much input from aides.
Software could look for patterns in speech or word categories representing confidence related to policy, whether Trump is considering opposing points of view and if he harbors uncertainty toward any subject. Computers can perform metadata analysis to build timelines and compare Trump’s Twitter feed with his known public schedule, creating a database of when and where he tweets and what else he’s doing at the time. Anything that provides a digital footprint adds context to the analysis.
I was an intelligence analyst. Here's how I'd read Trump's tweets.
Intelligence agencies try to answer these main questions when looking at a rival head of state: Who is he as a person? What type of leader is he? How does that compare to what he strives to be or presents himself as? What can we expect from him? And how can we use this insight to our advantage?
Trump’s tweets offer plenty of material for analysis. His frequent strong statements in reaction to news coverage or events make it appear as if he lacks impulse control. In building a profile of Trump, an analyst would offer suggestions on how foreign nations could instigate stress or deescalate situations, depending on what type of influence they may want to have over the president.
While Trump was new to national politics when he started his presidential campaign in 2015, he wasn’t new to Twitter. A review of his old tweets would reveal how well flattery can work to get his attention and admiration.
"If you can't say great things about yourself, who do you think will?" - Think Like a Champion
"@_Meagann: And @realDonaldTrump reminds me of my Grandpa -the smartest man I know." Wow, great!
If I were an intelligence analyst for Saudi Arabia, for instance, I might suggest that the authoritarian government there should compel newspapers to write articles friendly to Trump (and, in fact, Saudi papers published articles praising first lady Melania Trump’s fashion choices during the president’s visit there last month). And I would certainly suggest that Saudi officials flatter him in person — perhaps arranging, as the Saudis did during his visit, to post billboards featuring Trump’s words and his image.
As president, Trump has continued to show himself to be quick to anger if he feels personally attacked. And he’s eager to take credit when he thinks he’s been influential. His tweet this month appearing to welcome the rift between Saudi Arabia and Qatar is a classic example: Trump declared that the standoff arose because he had demanded that gulf states stop funding radical ideology. (It did not.)
Trump’s tweets also clearly reveal how sensitive he is about the investigation into Russia’s involvement in last year’s campaign, especially any suggestion that it diminishes his victory.
...Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election. Perhaps Trump just ran a great campaign?
An adversary could devise a plan to exploit that sensitivity: To appeal to Trump personally, they would intentionally disparage the investigators and the investigation. Russian officials and leaders have been doing this consistently — though, of course, that also lines up with their interests more broadly.
What Trump doesn’t say can be very revealing, too. For instance, the lapse of time between when the USS Fitzgerald collided with a cargo ship off the coast of Japan (12:30 p.m. on June 16, in Washington) and when the president tweeted about the incident (10:08 a.m. the next day) was nearly 23 hours.
Typically, a president would quickly make public remarks about a significant military loss. With Trump, intelligence analysts would note the inconsistency compared with previous administrations and search for similar patterns. Is Trump so hands-off that he waited for his secretary of defense to speak? Did something else capture his attention during those hours that he found to be a higher priority? Between the crash and his first public statement about it, Trump tweeted a video of his remarks on a new Cuba policy, a picture of himself signing the Cuba memorandum and a reference to his campaign promise about Cuba; he also retweeted Sean Hannity, a Fox News personality, promoting an upcoming show on the “Deep State’s allies in the media” working to undermine Trump.
The president’s frequent contradiction of his own aides also provides useful intelligence for foreign analysts. Last month, Trump tweeted that it was “not possible ” for administration officials to be perfectly accurate in describing what his White House is doing. Why not? Is the White House not coordinating messaging? Has Trump defined his own course of action, regardless of what his Cabinet or staff has been told?
Analysts can glean information about Trump’s sleep patterns from the time of day or night when he tweets, showing which topics keep him up, his stress level and his state of mind. Twitter also often reveals what Trump is watching on TV and when, as well as what websites he turns to for news and analysis. Knowing this can be useful for foreign governments when they are planning media events or deciding where to try to seek coverage of their version of world events.
Even deleted tweets would be of interest. Trump mostly appears to delete tweets because of spelling errors, later replacing them with a correction. For an intelligence analyst, this would confirm that Trump’s Twitter feed really is a raw insight into his thought process, without much input from aides.
Software could look for patterns in speech or word categories representing confidence related to policy, whether Trump is considering opposing points of view and if he harbors uncertainty toward any subject. Computers can perform metadata analysis to build timelines and compare Trump’s Twitter feed with his known public schedule, creating a database of when and where he tweets and what else he’s doing at the time. Anything that provides a digital footprint adds context to the analysis.
Jst ::
I VSE kar je napisano, je v Oliver Stone intervjuju, za kateraga so MSM mnenja, da so USA državljani preneumni, da bi razbrali/razumeli, kako in kaj se dogaja.
Upam,... ma sprejem KRISTUSA kot odrešnika, samo da nehate, ker bodo res začele nuklearke leteti okoli...
Upam,... ma sprejem KRISTUSA kot odrešnika, samo da nehate, ker bodo res začele nuklearke leteti okoli...
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
Pac-Man ::
v pomoč nestrpnim:
17.6.1972 - Vlomijo v prostore DNC, da bi nastavili prisluškovalne naprave. Vlomilce so ujeli med aktom
18.6.1972 - FBI najde prve povezave med vlomilci in Nixonovo administracijo
19.6.1972 - O povezavah med vlomilci in Nixonovo administracijo pričnejo poročat mediji
Junij 1972 - Januar 1973 - Globoko grlo posreduje tajne podatke novinarjem Washington Posta
10.10.1972 - FBI javno objavi, da ima vlom politično ozadje
7.11.1972 - predsedniške volitve, Nixon osvoji 2. mandat
30.1.1973 - vlomilci so obsojeni za vlom
7.2.1973 - senat ustanovi preiskovalno komisijo
marec - junij 1973 - Nixon odpušča svetovalce, ki so poznali ozadje
28.3.1973 - Nixonov svetovalec na Nixonovo zahtevo laže vrhovnemu tožilcu
16.7.1973 - med zaslišanjem pred senatno komisijo postane znano, da je Nixon snemal pogovore. Komisija tako zahteva posnetke. Nixon jih ne želi izročit.
20.10.1973 - Saturday Night Massacre @ Wikipedia
17.11.1973 - Nixon:"I'm not a crook"
6.2.1974 - prva akcija za odpoklic v kongresu
1.3.1974 - Vložena prva obtožnica za politične akterje, št. 2 Watergate Seven @ Wikipedia . Zapečateno je bil soobtožen tudi Nixon.
29.4.1974 - Nixon napove objavo posnetkov
24.7.1974 - Vrhovno sodišče odloči, da je posnetke potrebno predat tožilcu
27.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 1. točki
29.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 2. točki
30.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 3. točki
30.7.1974 - Nixon posnetke preda tožilcu
5.8.1974 - objavljen smoking gun posnetek, ki dokazuje, da je predsednik vedel za vlom
8.8.1974 - Nixon odstopi
17.6.1972 - Vlomijo v prostore DNC, da bi nastavili prisluškovalne naprave. Vlomilce so ujeli med aktom
18.6.1972 - FBI najde prve povezave med vlomilci in Nixonovo administracijo
19.6.1972 - O povezavah med vlomilci in Nixonovo administracijo pričnejo poročat mediji
Junij 1972 - Januar 1973 - Globoko grlo posreduje tajne podatke novinarjem Washington Posta
10.10.1972 - FBI javno objavi, da ima vlom politično ozadje
7.11.1972 - predsedniške volitve, Nixon osvoji 2. mandat
30.1.1973 - vlomilci so obsojeni za vlom
7.2.1973 - senat ustanovi preiskovalno komisijo
marec - junij 1973 - Nixon odpušča svetovalce, ki so poznali ozadje
28.3.1973 - Nixonov svetovalec na Nixonovo zahtevo laže vrhovnemu tožilcu
16.7.1973 - med zaslišanjem pred senatno komisijo postane znano, da je Nixon snemal pogovore. Komisija tako zahteva posnetke. Nixon jih ne želi izročit.
20.10.1973 - Saturday Night Massacre @ Wikipedia
17.11.1973 - Nixon:"I'm not a crook"
6.2.1974 - prva akcija za odpoklic v kongresu
1.3.1974 - Vložena prva obtožnica za politične akterje, št. 2 Watergate Seven @ Wikipedia . Zapečateno je bil soobtožen tudi Nixon.
29.4.1974 - Nixon napove objavo posnetkov
24.7.1974 - Vrhovno sodišče odloči, da je posnetke potrebno predat tožilcu
27.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 1. točki
29.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 2. točki
30.7.1974 - pravosodni komite kongresa glasuje za začetek odpoklica po 3. točki
30.7.1974 - Nixon posnetke preda tožilcu
5.8.1974 - objavljen smoking gun posnetek, ki dokazuje, da je predsednik vedel za vlom
8.8.1974 - Nixon odstopi
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
ZaphodBB ::
Emm, če kdo misli kupit knjigo od Pac-Mana, bi vam položil na srce, da ne vplačujte kickstarterja.
KuntaKinte ::
D3m ::
Emm, če kdo misli kupit knjigo od Pac-Mana, bi vam položil na srce, da ne vplačujte kickstarterja.
"How I came to be..." by Pac-man?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Pac-Man ::
More signs of the new civility taking hold in Washington
It's 2-1 Comey here, but the numbers are low enough that the anti-Comey campaign clearly did its job.
We're not a nation of patriots. We're a nation of angry children.
No leader can solve this for us. We're a nation of thumbsucking anger monsters, and until we decide to be adults, this will go on.
Another political party will not matter if Americans remain ignorant rage addicts. No outside solutions to our spiritual poverty.
Anyone who thinks today's WaPo story on #Russia is a Deep State attack on Trump, and doesn't make Obama look bad, isn't reading carefully.
Someone tried to murder a bunch of republicans for their politics 9 days ago.
Both of these things are true:
1) GOP officials abdicated their responsibility on Russian hacking;
2) Obama's team failed as well.
Just 26% of Republicans say they believe Russia interfered in the 2016 election. (U.S. intel community says it did.)
There is simply no precedent for an American president to spend so much time telling untruths
I wonder if this means the President now accepts as fact that the Russians meddled with the election.
Seems to me the President just made a pretty dramatic admission about 10 minutes ago.
I can tell that what Trump said is already rattling people, judging by the troll accounts showing up in my TL so quickly.
I'm gonna guess and say: Trump criticizing Obama for not doing enough to stop Russian meddling was not the WH staff's idea of a strategy
So we're faulting Obama, for not acting when lying intel agencies told him about a hoax, that was really DNC false flag anyway. I got that?
Here's the thing: You can't claim the #Russia story is a nothingburger, and then excoriate Obama for doing nothing about it.
If a two term President in his last 6 months was afraid to confront Russia for attacking our system, he was always the wrong man for the job. If Republican outrage was all it took to make him gun shy, he wasn't up to the job. If you don't want to make the hard calls, don't run for president.
More signs of the new civility taking hold in Washington
The guy who called for Hillary Clinton to be shot last year was invited to Trump's bill signing at the WH today, per pooler @maggieNYT
It's 2-1 Comey here, but the numbers are low enough that the anti-Comey campaign clearly did its job.
NEW POLL: More people believe Comey than Trump
We're not a nation of patriots. We're a nation of angry children.
And in Nebraska, Dem party official says of Scalise "I'm glad he got shot." Good God what's happening!? Have to put an end to it, but how?
No leader can solve this for us. We're a nation of thumbsucking anger monsters, and until we decide to be adults, this will go on.
What's your path out of this era of hating each other, R vs D? As a Dem, I think a Kasich presidency or B. Clinton style D could work 1/
Another political party will not matter if Americans remain ignorant rage addicts. No outside solutions to our spiritual poverty.
We need a political system that incorporates more than just 2 parties. Need a viable political system from A to Z. Right now we have A to B.
Anyone who thinks today's WaPo story on #Russia is a Deep State attack on Trump, and doesn't make Obama look bad, isn't reading carefully.
Someone tried to murder a bunch of republicans for their politics 9 days ago.
Forget death panels. If Republicans pass this bill, they're the death party.
Both of these things are true:
1) GOP officials abdicated their responsibility on Russian hacking;
2) Obama's team failed as well.
Just 26% of Republicans say they believe Russia interfered in the 2016 election. (U.S. intel community says it did.)
There is simply no precedent for an American president to spend so much time telling untruths
I wonder if this means the President now accepts as fact that the Russians meddled with the election.
Just out: The Obama Administration knew far in advance of November 8th about election meddling by Russia. Did nothing about it. WHY?
Seems to me the President just made a pretty dramatic admission about 10 minutes ago.
I can tell that what Trump said is already rattling people, judging by the troll accounts showing up in my TL so quickly.
I'm gonna guess and say: Trump criticizing Obama for not doing enough to stop Russian meddling was not the WH staff's idea of a strategy
So we're faulting Obama, for not acting when lying intel agencies told him about a hoax, that was really DNC false flag anyway. I got that?
Here's the thing: You can't claim the #Russia story is a nothingburger, and then excoriate Obama for doing nothing about it.
If a two term President in his last 6 months was afraid to confront Russia for attacking our system, he was always the wrong man for the job. If Republican outrage was all it took to make him gun shy, he wasn't up to the job. If you don't want to make the hard calls, don't run for president.
Cervantes ::
Zagor_tenay ::
Smer v katero nas pelje skrajna levičarska ideologija:To trdi desničarska propaganda. Resnica je drugačna.
Smer, v katero nas pelje skrajna levičarska ideologija:
V Sovjetski zvezi so moške, ki se oblačijo v ženska oblačila zapirali v mentalne institucije in zapore. Ne vem, če je to smer v katero želi tvoja ideologija.
jype ::
Zagor_tenay je izjavil:
V Sovjetski zvezi so moške, ki se oblačijo v ženska oblačila zapirali v mentalne institucije in zapore. Ne vem, če je to smer v katero želi tvoja ideologija.Če ne znaš cirilice je to problem tvoje neizobraženosti, ne problem progresivne usmeritve levičarske agende.
Zagor_tenay ::
cirilico znam, rusko pa ne razumem, vendar vem, da je sovjetska zveza zapirala rozaste.
Cervantes ::
Nova tviterica od Donnyja:
"...and we shall make minors work in coal mines again!"
"...and we shall make minors work in coal mines again!"
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
Pac-Man ::
Bwahahaha, destiliran trumpizem. Kako je šlo to pod radarjem?
Talk about fake news: President had a plaque installed at his golf club honoring a Civil War battle - that historians say never occured
River of Blood (monument) @ Wikipedia
The River of Blood monument is a monument located on a golf course on Lowes Island, Virginia, owned by US President Donald Trump. A plaque signed with Trump's name states that the monument marks the site of numerous deaths in the American Civil War, but no battle or other event with mass casualties took place there.
Other historians consulted by the New York Times for a story in 2015 agree; one of them had written to the Trump Organization about the falsehood. Trump himself disputed the historians' statements:
"That was a prime site for river crossings. So, if people are crossing the river, and you happen to be in a civil war, I would say that people were shot — a lot of them."
"How would they know that?" Mr. Trump asked when told that local historians had called his plaque a fiction. "Were they there?"
Trump said that "numerous historians" had told him the story of the River of Blood, though he later changed that to say they had spoken to "his people". The story broke while the Donald Trump presidential campaign was in full swing, and the Daily Telegraph noted that at that time he "had more weighty facts to clarify, such as his claim that Muslims in New Jersey cheered on the day of the 9/11 attacks – an old rumour that has long been discredited – and his latest boast, that he watched people jumping to their deaths from the Twin Towers from his Manhattan flat, four miles away".
Talk about fake news: President had a plaque installed at his golf club honoring a Civil War battle - that historians say never occured
River of Blood (monument) @ Wikipedia
The River of Blood monument is a monument located on a golf course on Lowes Island, Virginia, owned by US President Donald Trump. A plaque signed with Trump's name states that the monument marks the site of numerous deaths in the American Civil War, but no battle or other event with mass casualties took place there.
Other historians consulted by the New York Times for a story in 2015 agree; one of them had written to the Trump Organization about the falsehood. Trump himself disputed the historians' statements:
"That was a prime site for river crossings. So, if people are crossing the river, and you happen to be in a civil war, I would say that people were shot — a lot of them."
"How would they know that?" Mr. Trump asked when told that local historians had called his plaque a fiction. "Were they there?"
Trump said that "numerous historians" had told him the story of the River of Blood, though he later changed that to say they had spoken to "his people". The story broke while the Donald Trump presidential campaign was in full swing, and the Daily Telegraph noted that at that time he "had more weighty facts to clarify, such as his claim that Muslims in New Jersey cheered on the day of the 9/11 attacks – an old rumour that has long been discredited – and his latest boast, that he watched people jumping to their deaths from the Twin Towers from his Manhattan flat, four miles away".
Pac-Man ::
Also, mir na bližnjem vzhodu je mogoče večja težava, kot se je mislilo na začetku.
President Trump: Middle East Peace 'Maybe Not As Difficult' As People Think
US President Donald Trump is reportedly weighing whether to pull out of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations following a "tense" meeting with White House senior staff and officials in Ramallah, according to London-based Arabic daily al-Hayat on Saturday.
A Palestinian official claims Abbas is furious at American demands, accuses the US of taking sides.
To je bilo Kushnerjevo srečanje.
President Trump: Middle East Peace 'Maybe Not As Difficult' As People Think
US President Donald Trump is reportedly weighing whether to pull out of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations following a "tense" meeting with White House senior staff and officials in Ramallah, according to London-based Arabic daily al-Hayat on Saturday.
A Palestinian official claims Abbas is furious at American demands, accuses the US of taking sides.
To je bilo Kushnerjevo srečanje.
DarwiN ::
River of Blood je true story. Dejansko so bile žrtve na tem kraju. Ampak v alternativnem vesolju, kakopak, kjer živi Dumpo in njegovi podporniki. Fake news, alternativna dejstva, make-believe reality, vse skupaj premazano z enim kupom neracionalnega razmišljanja in paranoje. Trumpland. En korak pred full blown demenco.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Pac-Man ::
Ampak mesec je že mimo...
#FAKE NEWS, torej!
Hvala, da si vse bralce opomnil kake bedastoče normalizira Doni. Samo dober mesec nazaj, se zdi že cela večnost.
ZaphodBB ::
DarwiN ima zelo prav. Ta tema je portal med alternativnimi vesolji...
Paco, kje je knjiga!?
Paco, kje je knjiga!?
Cervantes ::
ZaphodBB ::
Ti si v napačnem.
A si že naročil Pacotovo knjigo?
Če bo šla res v tisk, z vsemi pejsti vred, bo za eno Enciklopedijo Brtannico.
Too much.
"The most comprehenisive žitije of Donald Trump." -New York Book Review
"It is yuuuuuge!" -Washington Post
"Believe me, this book is absolutely the greatest book there ever was! Not a single paste was missed. Tremendous!" -Metina Lista
jype ::
A si že naročil Pacotovo knjigo?Sem že dobil 2000 izvodov, da jih bom talal tebi in tvojim pred sodiščem.
Soroš častil.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
jype ::
ZaphodBB ::
A novice o tem, kako so desničarji zaigrali prizor? Zdaj to že CNN počne, ni več v modi.
A pol praviš, da so te desničarji prisilil v laganje?
jype ::
Cervantes ::
ZaphodBB ::
Lažnivec izgubi možnost razlikovanja med resnico in lažjo. Tako, da možak preventivno laže vsem po vrsti, vključno s seboj.
You wouldn't know it from the mainstream media, but President Donald Trump is not under FBI investigation (repeat: NOT).
But you know who is? Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders. Loretta Lynch.
Če res lažejo sami sebi, je tvoje početje redundantno in kot tako popolnoma neekonomično.
Lažnivec izgubi možnost razlikovanja med resnico in lažjo. Tako, da možak preventivno laže vsem po vrsti, vključno s seboj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ZaphodBB ()
jype ::
Kakšna sreča za "NOT Fake News", da ni mogoče preveriti, kaj je "mainstream media" poročal o tem v preteklosti, ane, ZaphodBB?
Če res lažejo sami sebi, je tvoje početje redundantno in kot tako popolnoma neekonomično.Rezultate lahko vidiš sam.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
Pac-Man ::
mr. NSA
FYI ===> Trusted member of Trump's inner circle has told family & friends that he knows both he & POTUS are going to prison. Developing ...
Remember when I said our Foreign Intel partners know everything about Trump?
Yeah, that.
Can confirm.
FYI ===> Trusted member of Trump's inner circle has told family & friends that he knows both he & POTUS are going to prison. Developing ...
Remember when I said our Foreign Intel partners know everything about Trump?
Yeah, that.
Can confirm.
The intel agencies of upwards of a dozen countries have turned over to Comey/Mueller intercepts/banking records, etc. They are with us.
ZaphodBB ::
Kakšna sreča za "NOT Fake News", da ni mogoče preveriti, kaj je "mainstream media" poročal o tem v preteklosti, ane, ZaphodBB?
Predvsem ni mogoče preveriti, kako niso poročali o tem.
energija ::
Smer v katero nas pelje skrajna levičarska ideologija:
Skrajni desnicarji so povzrocili KKK, skrajna levica pa prost konec tedna
LUL, kaj pa je KKK naredil slabega? To da so posiljevalce zaguncali na veji? A misliš da so samo obarvane dajali gor? A so obarvani upravičeni dostopa do bele vagine brez posledic?
A si slabe volje ker gre Sandalovič za zapahe? A je to primerljivo z 6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 miljardami zaplinjenih židov?
Bernie and Jane Sanders, under FBI investigation for bank fraud
A je Dhanald Hitler
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
Pac-Man ::
Član Brookinsa in odgovorni urednik Lawfare.
NotesFromUnderTrump, Day 154: In honor both of the President's "WITCH HUNT" tweet and of the expected magnitude of the detonation...
TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK [video miniaturnega topa]
To be clear, fuse length on this one is uncertain. Could be today. Could be Monday.
3 things:
1) Not all ticks are related to Comey.
2) Fuse length remains uncertain.
3) Interesting preemptive defense of collusion happening.
Re: #3. Fox has shifted to "collusion isn't illegal" rather than "it didn't happen." Trump now tweets "no tapes" rather than "no collusion."
NotesFromUnderTrump, Day 154: In honor both of the President's "WITCH HUNT" tweet and of the expected magnitude of the detonation...
TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK [video miniaturnega topa]
To be clear, fuse length on this one is uncertain. Could be today. Could be Monday.
3 things:
1) Not all ticks are related to Comey.
2) Fuse length remains uncertain.
3) Interesting preemptive defense of collusion happening.
Re: #3. Fox has shifted to "collusion isn't illegal" rather than "it didn't happen." Trump now tweets "no tapes" rather than "no collusion."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
Higginsu je šla varovalka. Bela hiša je par dni nazaj prepovedala snemanje rednih tiskovnih konferenc.
Seriously, turn on the fucking cameras, you fucking cowards, this is the darkness democracy dies in. I have Russia trying to hack me, their media attack me, sending people to my families homes and you're too scared to turn on your cameras. Do some fucking journalism you pathetic fucks. "But my credentials" fuck off. If Spicer only has Breitbart, InfoWars, and to brief then maybe the White House might reconsider its no camera policy. The White House press corps are cowards complicit in Trump's attacks on American democratic norms, show some fucking balls for once.
Getting kicked out a White House press briefing for turning on a camera is a way more interesting story than regurgitating Spicer's bullshit. Do it, you fucking cowards, just flip the switch. You think people will forget the first person who stood up to the White House on this? Flick the switch and be damned. Stand up to an attack on American democracy or be complicit, tough choice, White House Correspondents' Assocation.
Remember when you were in journalism school and dreamt about being pushed around by the White House unable to do serious journalism? Oh, you don't? Then stop being a fucking coward and flick the switch.
How about you just get a job in PR writing press releases, because that's all you're good for. Imagine footage of Sean Spicer demanding you turn off the camera, then throwing you out. Flick the damm switch and watch him squirm. And imagine when Trump meltdown on Twitter calling you fake news, and his minions have to defend him. Flick the switch, be a hero.
In conclusion, fuck you, you fucking cowards (flick the switch)
Seriously, turn on the fucking cameras, you fucking cowards, this is the darkness democracy dies in. I have Russia trying to hack me, their media attack me, sending people to my families homes and you're too scared to turn on your cameras. Do some fucking journalism you pathetic fucks. "But my credentials" fuck off. If Spicer only has Breitbart, InfoWars, and to brief then maybe the White House might reconsider its no camera policy. The White House press corps are cowards complicit in Trump's attacks on American democratic norms, show some fucking balls for once.
Getting kicked out a White House press briefing for turning on a camera is a way more interesting story than regurgitating Spicer's bullshit. Do it, you fucking cowards, just flip the switch. You think people will forget the first person who stood up to the White House on this? Flick the switch and be damned. Stand up to an attack on American democracy or be complicit, tough choice, White House Correspondents' Assocation.
Remember when you were in journalism school and dreamt about being pushed around by the White House unable to do serious journalism? Oh, you don't? Then stop being a fucking coward and flick the switch.
How about you just get a job in PR writing press releases, because that's all you're good for. Imagine footage of Sean Spicer demanding you turn off the camera, then throwing you out. Flick the damm switch and watch him squirm. And imagine when Trump meltdown on Twitter calling you fake news, and his minions have to defend him. Flick the switch, be a hero.
In conclusion, fuck you, you fucking cowards (flick the switch)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
Source with knowledge of investigation. Mueller is proceeding along 3 broad fronts. Investigating Trump for ties to Russian Organized Crime, especially money laundering and other illegalities tied to his business career. The second front is Trump Campaigns and their collusion and coordination with Putin/Russian Govt in fixing the 2016 election. The third front is Trump's crimes as president especially obstruction of justice. My source says Mueller's team feels confident that Trump has committed impeachable offenses on all 3 fronts.
Comey=Boy Scout. Mueller=Eagle Scout. Attacking Mueller is convincing those few in legal community still not convinced of Trump's guilt.
Oh, Lordy...In which the President of the United States admits to witness tampering....
Trump is CLEARLY not listening to his lawyers. Dumbass just admitted he likely violated these laws. FFS
He's trying to put forth a defense "that he wanted to make sure Comey told the truth" per Anon in Bloomberg rpt. No fool. Witness tampering
HELP! Trump increasingly coming more unhinged. Trump needs a magic eight ball to answer some pressing National Security Questions.
Getting update from source with knowledge of NYAG Schneiderman's investigation. He's modeling this on classic Mafia family prosecutions. The goal is not just to take out Trump-but to dismantle the Trump Organization itself. Dozens of subjects-including Trump's kids.
More from source with knowledge of Schneiderman. There's been a long-running FBI-NYAG investigation of Russian Organized Crime. There is a lot of overlap between Russian Organized Crime and Trump investigation. To some degree, these separate investigations are converging.
Source: "Due to recent reporting, FINCEN is alerting all govt employees to their duty to maintain confidentiality of info they may access".
The intel agencies of upwards of a dozen countries have turned over to Comey/Mueller intercepts/banking records, etc. They are with us. The only one behind Trump is Putin. And Trump is on his knees. If you get my meaning...Trump is anxious to show his loyalty to Putin. Trying to get sanctions lifted/wants to meet ASAP. Putin is deciding when to toss him aside.
Trump will not go down bc of some vague notion of right vs wrong. He will held to account bc he's a criminal who has broken specific laws.
Re the WaPo story today. This tweet series is from May 5. (Novica je magnum opus zgoraj, thread je pokvarjen fcuk twitter):
NOT breaking news: Mitch McConnell may have played a key role in sabotaging our elections. I'm going to throw some data points out there. In June the CIA warned Congress in detail what the Russians were up to. In August they came back and warned them again. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi wanted to alert National Association of Elections Officers (NAEO) about the Russian hack. Crucially, Mitch McConnell stalled and prevented letter going out to warn them until last few days of September. But, here's why this delay is so critical. The letter they (...) Finally another letter went out on Oct 7 from DHS and Director of National Security warning elections officials. But by that point the elections was 30 days out and it was too late to switch out machines/software. Bottom line. Mitch McConnell's delay may have given the (...)
Source with knowledge of investigation. Mueller is proceeding along 3 broad fronts. Investigating Trump for ties to Russian Organized Crime, especially money laundering and other illegalities tied to his business career. The second front is Trump Campaigns and their collusion and coordination with Putin/Russian Govt in fixing the 2016 election. The third front is Trump's crimes as president especially obstruction of justice. My source says Mueller's team feels confident that Trump has committed impeachable offenses on all 3 fronts.
Comey=Boy Scout. Mueller=Eagle Scout. Attacking Mueller is convincing those few in legal community still not convinced of Trump's guilt.
Oh, Lordy...In which the President of the United States admits to witness tampering....
With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of information, I have no idea whether there are "tapes" or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings.
Trump is CLEARLY not listening to his lawyers. Dumbass just admitted he likely violated these laws. FFS
He's trying to put forth a defense "that he wanted to make sure Comey told the truth" per Anon in Bloomberg rpt. No fool. Witness tampering
HELP! Trump increasingly coming more unhinged. Trump needs a magic eight ball to answer some pressing National Security Questions.
Getting update from source with knowledge of NYAG Schneiderman's investigation. He's modeling this on classic Mafia family prosecutions. The goal is not just to take out Trump-but to dismantle the Trump Organization itself. Dozens of subjects-including Trump's kids.
More from source with knowledge of Schneiderman. There's been a long-running FBI-NYAG investigation of Russian Organized Crime. There is a lot of overlap between Russian Organized Crime and Trump investigation. To some degree, these separate investigations are converging.
Source: "Due to recent reporting, FINCEN is alerting all govt employees to their duty to maintain confidentiality of info they may access".
The intel agencies of upwards of a dozen countries have turned over to Comey/Mueller intercepts/banking records, etc. They are with us. The only one behind Trump is Putin. And Trump is on his knees. If you get my meaning...Trump is anxious to show his loyalty to Putin. Trying to get sanctions lifted/wants to meet ASAP. Putin is deciding when to toss him aside.
Trump will not go down bc of some vague notion of right vs wrong. He will held to account bc he's a criminal who has broken specific laws.
Re the WaPo story today. This tweet series is from May 5. (Novica je magnum opus zgoraj, thread je pokvarjen fcuk twitter):
NOT breaking news: Mitch McConnell may have played a key role in sabotaging our elections. I'm going to throw some data points out there. In June the CIA warned Congress in detail what the Russians were up to. In August they came back and warned them again. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi wanted to alert National Association of Elections Officers (NAEO) about the Russian hack. Crucially, Mitch McConnell stalled and prevented letter going out to warn them until last few days of September. But, here's why this delay is so critical. The letter they (...) Finally another letter went out on Oct 7 from DHS and Director of National Security warning elections officials. But by that point the elections was 30 days out and it was too late to switch out machines/software. Bottom line. Mitch McConnell's delay may have given the (...)
jype ::
Čaki, čaki... Če je pa jype rekel, da to ni možno!?Trump je nastavil sodnika, ki ga lahko izsiljuje.
Tvoje navdušenje nad predsednikom, ki vpliv ZDA uporablja kot poslovno priložnost za širjenje lastnega imperija, je značilno za fašizem aktualne vrste.
dec je poskrbel za varnost svoje države.Fake news. Dec je poskrbel, da bo država manj varna.
LUL, kaj pa je KKK naredil slabega? To da so posiljevalce zaguncali na veji?Vidiš, ZaphodBB, samo zaguncali vas bodo na vejah, ker posiljujete. Nič slabega.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
PaX_MaN ::
Čaki, čaki... Če je pa jype rekel, da to ni možno!?Trump je nastavil sodnika, ki ga lahko izsiljuje.
Tvoje navdušenje nad predsednikom, ki vpliv ZDA uporablja kot poslovno priložnost za širjenje lastnega imperija, je značilno za fašizem aktualne vrste.
"[A]n unadmitted and nonresident alien...ha[s] no constitutional right of entry to this country"
More like USC 101
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