Forum » Problemi človeštva » Žitije Donalda Trampa
Žitije Donalda Trampa
Temo vidijo: vsi
SimplyMiha ::
Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason. They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt). And then -- upon receiving guilty verdicts -- they must all be executed under the law.
Kdaj je jype postal Huffpo urednik?
janex ::
Jaz ne zagovarjam smrtne kazni, halo.
Gulag bo čisto OK.
LOL, cumi plešast, a naš boš sam zmetal v gulage? Kaj če bo na vhodu rampa, kako boš rešil to nepremagljivo oviro?
Ej, čutim se dolžnega da ti častim karto za izlet v Mozambik, ker si tako progresiven.
Authorities in Mozambique say bald men are being killed, allegedly because of the belief that their heads contain gold.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
juroz ::
Strelec je potrjen podpornik Trumpa in beli supremacist!!!
kaj je admin? dilde brišemo takoj, ko je treba pa 2 sekundi časa si vzet je pa težko al kaj?
jype ::
LOL, cumi plešast, a naš boš sam zmetal v gulage? Kaj če bo na vhodu rampa, kako boš rešil to nepremagljivo oviro?Ti zgleda nisi mogu gledat posnetka, je bil preveč surov?
Ej, čutim se dolžnega da ti častim karto za izlet v Mozambik, ker si tako progresiven.Ej, thanks!
kaj je admin? dilde brišemo takoj, ko je treba pa 2 sekundi časa si vzet je pa težko al kaj?A rabiš safe space?
Kaj bomo še dočakali?Naslednja stopnička je fash bashing, jasno.
Iatromantis ::
Okej, so shakali ene račune, mogoče celo objavili.
Mogoče so bili celo Rusi.
Ampak kako zaboga naj to vpliva na volitve?
Evo preberi si kako:
How Propagandists Abuse the Internet and Manipulate the Public
ZaphodBB ::
Iatromantis je izjavil:
Okej, so shakali ene račune, mogoče celo objavili.
Mogoče so bili celo Rusi.
Ampak kako zaboga naj to vpliva na volitve?
Evo preberi si kako:
How Propagandists Abuse the Internet and Manipulate the Public
Saj imamo tukaj pacota kot case study.
janex ::
Iatromantis je izjavil:
Okej, so shakali ene račune, mogoče celo objavili.
Mogoče so bili celo Rusi.
Ampak kako zaboga naj to vpliva na volitve?
Evo preberi si kako:
How Propagandists Abuse the Internet and Manipulate the Public
Jop, resnica o Hillarij je marsikoga prepričala da je raje volil Trumpa.
jype ::
janex ::
jype ::
Smrekar1 ::
jype ::
janex ::
Nasprotuješ tudi medrasnim porokam? Zanimivo.
Kot pravi jype, židje so najbolj inteligentna rasa na planetu, zakaj je torej narobe če jih posnemamo?
Chinese workers in Israel sign no-sex contract
Ethiopian-Israeli chief rabbi said fired for anti-racism stance
Why Is Israel Permitted to be Racist
Jews cannot marry anyone other than Jews. Muslims in Israel cannot marry anyone other than Muslims. Even secular Jews cannot marry Christians or Muslims in Israel. This is the law. To marry outside one's faith, couples need to leave Israel to countries like Cyprus where they can marry and return as a married couple.
Ta forum je poln antisemitov, sramota da si sploh upate izjavljati kako židje nimajo pravice obdržati svoje specifične genetike. Sram vas bodi podporniki genocida, sram!
Pac-Man ::
Dolga solata, priporočam branje v celoti. Mueller se ne heca, zna pa trajat.
Robert Mueller Chooses His Investigatory Dream Team
President Donald Trump had almost certainly never heard the name Aaron Zebley before the announcement that the former FBI agent was joining the special counsel investigation into ties between Trump’s campaign and Russia. But to those who have followed the arc of the bureau during the past twenty years, Zebley’s is a name that underscores just how far-reaching and dogged—and potentially long—the probe will likely be.
Just ask Steve Gaudin’s ex-girlfriend.
She wasn’t at all happy when Zebley, her boyfriend’s FBI partner, called at 3 one morning in August, 1999.
Angry at yet another sleepless night—and vacation—ruined by the bureau’s demands, Gaudin’s girlfriend gave him some advice: Don’t bother coming back.
But that was just the way it was for the elite agents on one of the FBI’s most storied squads. Nothing could come between them and their search for justice.
The details of that trip—and the subsequent capture of one of America’s most wanted terrorists by Zebley and Gaudin—help illuminate the makeup of the special counsel team that former FBI director Robert Mueller is assembling. It’s a team that contains some of the nation’s top investigators and leading experts on seemingly every aspect of the potential investigation—from specific crimes like money laundering and campaign finance violations to understanding how to navigate both sprawling globe-spanning cases and the complex local dynamics of Washington power politics.
From the list of hires, it’s clear, in fact, that Mueller is recruiting perhaps the most high-powered and experienced team of investigators ever assembled by the Justice Department. His team began with three lawyers who also quickly left WilmerHale, the law firm where Mueller has also worked since he left the FBI in 2013—Zebley, James Quarles III, and Jeannie Rhee.
The rapid recruitment of Quarles attracted immediate attention: A famed litigator who was an assistant special prosecutor for the Watergate investigation, Quarles specialized in campaign finance research for the Watergate task force, which surely will be an area of focus for Mueller’s investigation.
More recently, Mueller has recruited Andrew Weissmann, his one-time general counsel at the FBI and a long-time adviser who once led the Justice Department’s fraud unit. In the early 2000s, Weissmann also oversaw the Enron Task Force, the storied Justice Department unit that investigated the complex machinations of the failed energy giant.
Then Mueller added Michael Dreeben, who has worked for years in the Justice Department’s solicitor general’s office, which argues the government’s cases before the Supreme Court. “Dreeben is 1 of the top legal & appellate minds at DOJ in modern times,” tweeted Preet Bharara, the former top Manhattan federal prosecutor. Walter Dellinger, an accomplished law professor at Duke and former acting solicitor general, went one step further, telling The Washington Post, “Michael is the most brilliant and most knowledgeable federal criminal lawyer in America—period.” Writing on the Lawfare blog, Paul Rosenzweig recalled watching Deeban argue a Supreme Court case—one of more than a hundred he’s done—without a single note, and also concluded, “He is quite possibly the best criminal appellate lawyer in America (at least on the government's side). That Mueller has sought his assistance attests both to the seriousness of his effort and the depth of the intellectual bench he is building.”
Also, while the Special Counsel’s office has yet to make any formal announcements about Mueller’s team, it appears he has recruited an experienced Justice Department trial attorney, Lisa Page, a little-known figure outside the halls of Main Justice but one whose résumé boasts intriguing hints about where Mueller’s Russia investigation might lead. Page has deep experience with money laundering and organized crime cases, including investigations where she’s partnered with an FBI task force in Budapest, Hungary, that focuses on eastern European organized crime. That Budapest task force helped put together the still-unfolding money laundering case against Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash, a one-time business partner of Manafort.
Robert Mueller Chooses His Investigatory Dream Team
President Donald Trump had almost certainly never heard the name Aaron Zebley before the announcement that the former FBI agent was joining the special counsel investigation into ties between Trump’s campaign and Russia. But to those who have followed the arc of the bureau during the past twenty years, Zebley’s is a name that underscores just how far-reaching and dogged—and potentially long—the probe will likely be.
Just ask Steve Gaudin’s ex-girlfriend.
She wasn’t at all happy when Zebley, her boyfriend’s FBI partner, called at 3 one morning in August, 1999.
Angry at yet another sleepless night—and vacation—ruined by the bureau’s demands, Gaudin’s girlfriend gave him some advice: Don’t bother coming back.
But that was just the way it was for the elite agents on one of the FBI’s most storied squads. Nothing could come between them and their search for justice.
The details of that trip—and the subsequent capture of one of America’s most wanted terrorists by Zebley and Gaudin—help illuminate the makeup of the special counsel team that former FBI director Robert Mueller is assembling. It’s a team that contains some of the nation’s top investigators and leading experts on seemingly every aspect of the potential investigation—from specific crimes like money laundering and campaign finance violations to understanding how to navigate both sprawling globe-spanning cases and the complex local dynamics of Washington power politics.
From the list of hires, it’s clear, in fact, that Mueller is recruiting perhaps the most high-powered and experienced team of investigators ever assembled by the Justice Department. His team began with three lawyers who also quickly left WilmerHale, the law firm where Mueller has also worked since he left the FBI in 2013—Zebley, James Quarles III, and Jeannie Rhee.
The rapid recruitment of Quarles attracted immediate attention: A famed litigator who was an assistant special prosecutor for the Watergate investigation, Quarles specialized in campaign finance research for the Watergate task force, which surely will be an area of focus for Mueller’s investigation.
More recently, Mueller has recruited Andrew Weissmann, his one-time general counsel at the FBI and a long-time adviser who once led the Justice Department’s fraud unit. In the early 2000s, Weissmann also oversaw the Enron Task Force, the storied Justice Department unit that investigated the complex machinations of the failed energy giant.
Then Mueller added Michael Dreeben, who has worked for years in the Justice Department’s solicitor general’s office, which argues the government’s cases before the Supreme Court. “Dreeben is 1 of the top legal & appellate minds at DOJ in modern times,” tweeted Preet Bharara, the former top Manhattan federal prosecutor. Walter Dellinger, an accomplished law professor at Duke and former acting solicitor general, went one step further, telling The Washington Post, “Michael is the most brilliant and most knowledgeable federal criminal lawyer in America—period.” Writing on the Lawfare blog, Paul Rosenzweig recalled watching Deeban argue a Supreme Court case—one of more than a hundred he’s done—without a single note, and also concluded, “He is quite possibly the best criminal appellate lawyer in America (at least on the government's side). That Mueller has sought his assistance attests both to the seriousness of his effort and the depth of the intellectual bench he is building.”
Also, while the Special Counsel’s office has yet to make any formal announcements about Mueller’s team, it appears he has recruited an experienced Justice Department trial attorney, Lisa Page, a little-known figure outside the halls of Main Justice but one whose résumé boasts intriguing hints about where Mueller’s Russia investigation might lead. Page has deep experience with money laundering and organized crime cases, including investigations where she’s partnered with an FBI task force in Budapest, Hungary, that focuses on eastern European organized crime. That Budapest task force helped put together the still-unfolding money laundering case against Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash, a one-time business partner of Manafort.
ZaphodBB ::
Dolga solata, priporočam branje v celoti. Mueller se ne heca, zna pa trajat.
Glede na to, da so bile tvoje solate pred pol leta totalni bull, zakaj bi bile te kaj manj?
jype ::
janex ::
Glede na to, da so bile tvoje solate pred pol leta totalni bull, zakaj bi bile te kaj manj?Dej se ti rajš z antisemitisti iz tvoje stranke mal več pogovarjej, no.
Ti sovražiš Trumpa izključno zato ker so vsi njegovi vnuki židje! Antisemit si in hkrati še rasist ker ne priznavaš enakosti vseh ras ko trdiš da imajo židje največji IQ!
ZaphodBB ::
Glede na to, da so bile tvoje solate pred pol leta totalni bull, zakaj bi bile te kaj manj?Dej se ti rajš z antisemitisti iz tvoje stranke mal več pogovarjej, no.
Antisemiti so v tvoji stranki. Jaz se ne družim z antisemiti in jim nimam kaj drugega povedat kot to da so cepci, precej podobni tebi.
janex ::
ZaphodBB ::
Unknown_001 ::
Stari... ti nisi nič boljši, kot tistadva psihiča iz Krškega.
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?
dice7 ::
Energija, kje si bil ko je politicna opozicija se zavzemala za taksno dejanje in ne nek random tipo na svojem blogu
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()
jype ::
Cervantes ::
Dolga solata, priporočam branje v celoti. Mueller se ne heca, zna pa trajat.
Glede na to, da so bile tvoje solate pred pol leta totalni bull, zakaj bi bile te kaj manj?
Ko bodo tvoje solate malo krajše in boš postal (pastal) kaj relevantnega, ne zgolj fulgas propagando, bom razmislil.
Cervantes ::
BTW, Putka je imel danes tiskovko in je ponudil Comeyu politični azil.
Ker je naredil isto kot Snowden, leakal zaupne informacije.
Stvar postaja vedno bolj zabavna.
Ker je naredil isto kot Snowden, leakal zaupne informacije.
Stvar postaja vedno bolj zabavna.
jype ::
Nihče ni nikoli trdil, da Putin nima stila.
Tudi nacisti so imeli lepše uniforme kot partizani, zato je pa toliko bolj zabavno gledat nacije, ki jamrajo o feminizaciji "zahodnega moškega".
Tudi nacisti so imeli lepše uniforme kot partizani, zato je pa toliko bolj zabavno gledat nacije, ki jamrajo o feminizaciji "zahodnega moškega".
Cervantes ::
Dolga solata, priporočam branje v celoti. Mueller se ne heca, zna pa trajat.
Glede na to, da so bile tvoje solate pred pol leta totalni bull, zakaj bi bile te kaj manj?
Ko bodo tvoje solate malo krajše in boš postal (pastal) kaj relevantnega, ne zgolj fulgas propagando, bom razmislil.
Oprosti ZBB. Tole je bilo mišljeno za Pacota.
energija ::
Energija, kje si bil ko je politicna opozicija se zavzemala za taksno dejanje in ne nek random tipo na svojem blogu
Joj kako si ti pogumen fantek, šiptarji v sloveniji ste pravi moški, slovenke tečejo za vami. Posebeno ko dobijo ogorek od čika v sladoledu :D
2 kepici vanilije prosim.
bbbbbb2015 ::
KuntaKinte je izjavil:
jup,taki car,kot včasih politkomisarji,ki so nam pridigali o socializmu,mi smo se vozili v fičekih,
sami pa v mercedesih
KK, nimaš tri čiste. Oni so imeli Volge in ne merđote. Pa bii so na slabšem, ne na boljšem, ker Volge niso vžgale pri +25.
So pa vžgale pri -35.
Nihče ni nikoli trdil, da Putin nima stila.
Tudi nacisti so imeli lepše uniforme kot partizani, zato je pa toliko bolj zabavno gledat nacije, ki jamrajo o feminizaciji "zahodnega moškega".
To je zato, ker nimajo dobrega krojača. Naciji so meli svetovnega:
Hugo Boss @ Wikipedia
To je bil standard, ki ga niti Američani niso dosegli. Partizani so bili v redu, partizanska stvar tudi, samo jebiga, oblečeni pa so bili ko cigani.
Saj to je verjetno zavedlo Angleže, ker je od vseh partizanov bil lepo oblečen samo Tito, pa še on je imel neko italijansko uniformo predelano. Niso mogli verjeti, da ti cigani (beri: partizani) tako tolčejo Nemce.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()
jype ::
Oprosti ZBB. Tole je bilo mišljeno za Pacota.Zdaj razumem, zakaj si postal naci... In ti nič več ne zamerim. Demenca svašta naredi s človekom.
Joj kako si ti pogumen fantekOn ma froce, ti boš pa v nekaj letih izumrl.
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
So pa vžgale pri -35.Na zahodu ni mraza, ker je globalno segrevanje hoax!
dice7 ::
No saj, taksen je odnos slovenceljna do proletariata, potem se pa vsi cudijo zakaj nas vsakkdo ki ima 5 minut prehiteva po desniEnergija, kje si bil ko je politicna opozicija se zavzemala za taksno dejanje in ne nek random tipo na svojem blogu
Joj kako si ti pogumen fantek, šiptarji v sloveniji ste pravi moški, slovenke tečejo za vami. Posebeno ko dobijo ogorek od čika v sladoledu :D
2 kepici vanilije prosim.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()
ZaphodBB ::
Unknown_001 ::
Jaz se ne družim z antisemitiV tej temi lahko jasno vidimo, da z njimi skupaj krave paseš.
Ne, širom tega foruma vidimo predvsem, da se je tebi povsem skisalo. Moje sožalje tvojim otrokom.
Nekaj mi v ozadju govori da to počne namerno.
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?
No saj, taksen je odnos slovenceljna do proletariata, potem se pa vsi cudijo zakaj nas vsakkdo ki ima 5 minut prehiteva po desni
Kdo te je pa prehitel???
Je pa res, da tebe po levi ne more noben poorehitet.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ADIJOOO ()
jype ::
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
Nekaj mi v ozadju govori da to počne namerno.Mhm, I want to lose the damn custody case.
ZaphodBB ::
Nekaj mi v ozadju govori da to počne namerno.
No seveda to počne namerno. Saj zato je pa v peklu.
jype ::
Unilseptij ::
Glede na to, da postajam vedno starejši, (kar je že samo po sebi dovolj nenavadno) in morda celo dementen (kar moji bljižni in nekdanji sodelavci opažajo že zadnjih 50 let), bi svoje forumske prijatelje zaprosil, naj mi razjasnijo par pojmov, ki mi jih dosedaj še nihče ni, niti nobena senatna komisija ne.
Na kakšen način so Rusi uplivali na volitve?
Z objavo zanimivih mailov DNC?
Torej je baraba tisti, ki vpije "primite tatu!", ne tisti, ki krade?
Ali morda kako drugače, kako?
Demokrati že ves čas teh senatnih hearingov za Ruse uporabljajo za Ruse termin "our adversaries".
Po kakšni logiki, zakaj?
Eden glavnih očitkov sedanji administraciji je, da so se med volino kampanjo nekajkrat sestali z ruskimii diplomati oz. poslovneži.
What the hell??
Diplomati so v državi zato, da se lahko ljudje z nimi sestajajo, morda se motim?
Kaj je s tem narobe?
Lahko bi naštel še kaj, naj bo dovolj.
Od kod ta protiruska paranoja?
Odgovor se mi sicer ponuja sam, a nisem prepričan, da je pravilen.
Kot je rekel IKE nasledniku JFKju. Beware of the american military complex!
Naslednja postaja, Arlington.
Torej, kar se mene tiče, ravno tako ničesar ne razumem. Toliko debat, člankov, komentarjev, zgodb, itd. v vseh svetovnih medijih in online, pa mi kljub vsemu ni nič jasno. Kaj konkretno je kdo storil, kje so dokazi ali vsaj indici in kakšne so bile (merljive) posledice teh dejanj, je nekaj, kar je popolnoma zabrisano pod kilometri bulshita, zavajanja ali čisto preprostih traparij. Američanom se je čisto utrgalo in nisem več prepričan, da se bo vse skupaj dobro končalo. Normalni bodo prej ali slej imeli vsega dovolj, Trump-ov stroj pa melje vse pod sabo in se ne ustavi pred ničemer. Rusi so tukaj še najmanjši problem...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Unilseptij ()
arnecan1 ::
Pri tem napadu na republikanske senatorje vidim človeka, ki se mu je omračil um. Takšne boš vedno našel. Vsepovsod. In vedno. Bolj me skrbi, da so v ZDA lansko leto mirno napadali Trumpove nasprotnike, jih nadlegovali, tako verbalno kot fizično in se jim je to zdelo popolnoma normalno. V smislu, "naciste" je dovoljeno pretepati. Jutri morebiti celo pometati v fojbe.
Zadeva me nekoliko spominja na Breivika. Seveda je bil on dosti dosti bolj duševno moten, pobil neprimerno več ljudi ter tudi medijska gonja proti "namišljenim nacijem" je bila neprimerno večja.
Tukaj se stvar ne bo obesila na levico, kar je sicer pravilno, ni pa pravilno, da se duševno moteni Breivik šteje kot nekakšen produkt desnice, čeprav je bil popolnoma ku-ku.
Zadeva me nekoliko spominja na Breivika. Seveda je bil on dosti dosti bolj duševno moten, pobil neprimerno več ljudi ter tudi medijska gonja proti "namišljenim nacijem" je bila neprimerno večja.
Tukaj se stvar ne bo obesila na levico, kar je sicer pravilno, ni pa pravilno, da se duševno moteni Breivik šteje kot nekakšen produkt desnice, čeprav je bil popolnoma ku-ku.
Cervantes ::
Oprosti ZBB. Tole je bilo mišljeno za Pacota.Zdaj razumem, zakaj si postal naci... In ti nič več ne zamerim. Demenca svašta naredi s človekom.
Demenca je lahko pravi blagoslov, sploh na tem forumu.
Človek hitro pozabi oslarije, ki tebi in podobnim letijo s tastature.
Jupito ::
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
Jaz se ne družim z antisemitiV tej temi lahko jasno vidimo, da z njimi skupaj krave paseš.
Ne, širom tega foruma vidimo predvsem, da se je tebi povsem skisalo. Moje sožalje tvojim otrokom.
Nekaj mi v ozadju govori da to počne namerno.
Verjetno, ampak vseeno ne izključuje prve možnosti. Samodestruktivnega vedenja te magnitude nisem videl, odkar je starded zapustil alter.
Saj ne, da bi me kaj skrbelo. Let's just continue and see what happens!
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was.
Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird
and scary to me. It'll happen to you!
Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird
and scary to me. It'll happen to you!
tikitoki ::
Jaz ne zagovarjam smrtne kazni, halo.
Gulag bo čisto OK.
LOL, cumi plešast, a naš boš sam zmetal v gulage? Kaj če bo na vhodu rampa, kako boš rešil to nepremagljivo oviro?
Ej, čutim se dolžnega da ti častim karto za izlet v Mozambik, ker si tako progresiven.
Authorities in Mozambique say bald men are being killed, allegedly because of the belief that their heads contain gold.
Jst se javim za karto za mozambik, bo treba na lov za plesavci.
janex ::
taksen je odnos slovenceljna do proletariata
LOL, zelenjavarska albanska mafija (z imenom Kobra da bolj velik benis) in sljadoljedarji so najbol gonilni del slovenska ekonomija :D
Rindermann found an IQ of 81 for Albania
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: tikitoki ()
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Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
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