Forum » Problemi človeštva » Žitije Donalda Trampa
Žitije Donalda Trampa
Temo vidijo: vsi
Pac-Man ::
And now for something completely different.
Priznanje krivde ravno ni, vsekakor pa preiskava in verjetni proces nista fatamorgana.
President Donald Trump has tapped a longtime legal adviser to serve as his private attorney while a special counsel investigates whether his campaign worked with Russia in last year's election, a source familiar with the decision told Reuters Tuesday.
Fox Business News and ABC first reported that Trump hired Marc Kasowitz, a New York-based trial lawyer known as a tenacious litigator, to represent him in a Justice Department investigation headed by former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Robert Mueller.
Priznanje krivde ravno ni, vsekakor pa preiskava in verjetni proces nista fatamorgana.
President Donald Trump has tapped a longtime legal adviser to serve as his private attorney while a special counsel investigates whether his campaign worked with Russia in last year's election, a source familiar with the decision told Reuters Tuesday.
Fox Business News and ABC first reported that Trump hired Marc Kasowitz, a New York-based trial lawyer known as a tenacious litigator, to represent him in a Justice Department investigation headed by former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Robert Mueller.
ohnowhy ::
Me veseli, da se strinjamo, da smo desničarji tisti, ki potem odločamo o napredku in da blažimo revolucionarne špice na grafu razvitosti človeštva. Glavna naloga je torej prefinjeno izobraževanje desničarjev, ne pa grožnje v ogledalu s fojbiranjem.
innerspace je izjavil:
Mislil sem na tisto, kar sem jaz napisal, sem itak pobrisal, ker me je zaneslo v fazo naivne mladostniške vznesenosti. Za tvoje izdelke mi je, oprosti, bolj kot ne, vseeno. :-)
Pac-Man ::
Op-ed Monice Lewinsky
This is not another obituary for Roger Ailes, who died last week 10 months after being ousted at Fox News. It is, I hope, instead an obituary for the culture he purveyed — a culture that affected me profoundly and personally.
Some experts have noted that viewers found Fox for the first time because of the crisis. John Moody, a Fox executive editor, reflected on that period: “The Lewinsky saga put us on the news map.” As he put it in another interview: “Monica was a news channel’s dream come true.”
Their dream was my nightmare. My character, my looks and my life were picked apart mercilessly. (...) My family and I huddled at home, worried about my going to jail — I was the original target of Kenneth Starr’s investigation, threatened with 27 years for having been accused of signing a false affidavit and other alleged crimes — or worse, me taking my own life. Meantime, Mr. Ailes huddled with his employees at Fox News, dictating a lineup of talking heads to best exploit this personal and national tragedy.
Just as television news was devolving into a modern coliseum, the internet came along and compounded this culture of shame and vitriol. Remember: The story of my affair was not broken by The Washington Post, The New York Times or the networks, but online by the Drudge Report. (...) Just days after the story broke, Fox asked its viewers to vote on this pressing question: Is Monica Lewinsky an “average girl” or a “young tramp looking for thrills”?
Our world — of cyberbullying and chyrons, trolls and tweets — was forged in 1998. It is, as the historian Nicolaus Mills has put it, a “culture of humiliation,” in which those who prey on the vulnerable in the service of clicks and ratings are handsomely rewarded.
The irony of Mr. Ailes’s career at Fox — that he harnessed a sex scandal to build a cable juggernaut and then was brought down by his own — was not lost on anyone who has been paying attention.
None of this is to say that we shouldn’t have a credible conservative point of view in our media — quite the opposite. If we’ve learned nothing else from the 2016 presidential election, it’s that we must find a way to foster robust and healthy discussion and debate. Our news channels should be just such places.
So, farewell to the age of Ailes. The late Fox chief pledged Americans fair and balanced news. Maybe now we’ll get it.
This is not another obituary for Roger Ailes, who died last week 10 months after being ousted at Fox News. It is, I hope, instead an obituary for the culture he purveyed — a culture that affected me profoundly and personally.
Some experts have noted that viewers found Fox for the first time because of the crisis. John Moody, a Fox executive editor, reflected on that period: “The Lewinsky saga put us on the news map.” As he put it in another interview: “Monica was a news channel’s dream come true.”
Their dream was my nightmare. My character, my looks and my life were picked apart mercilessly. (...) My family and I huddled at home, worried about my going to jail — I was the original target of Kenneth Starr’s investigation, threatened with 27 years for having been accused of signing a false affidavit and other alleged crimes — or worse, me taking my own life. Meantime, Mr. Ailes huddled with his employees at Fox News, dictating a lineup of talking heads to best exploit this personal and national tragedy.
Just as television news was devolving into a modern coliseum, the internet came along and compounded this culture of shame and vitriol. Remember: The story of my affair was not broken by The Washington Post, The New York Times or the networks, but online by the Drudge Report. (...) Just days after the story broke, Fox asked its viewers to vote on this pressing question: Is Monica Lewinsky an “average girl” or a “young tramp looking for thrills”?
Our world — of cyberbullying and chyrons, trolls and tweets — was forged in 1998. It is, as the historian Nicolaus Mills has put it, a “culture of humiliation,” in which those who prey on the vulnerable in the service of clicks and ratings are handsomely rewarded.
The irony of Mr. Ailes’s career at Fox — that he harnessed a sex scandal to build a cable juggernaut and then was brought down by his own — was not lost on anyone who has been paying attention.
None of this is to say that we shouldn’t have a credible conservative point of view in our media — quite the opposite. If we’ve learned nothing else from the 2016 presidential election, it’s that we must find a way to foster robust and healthy discussion and debate. Our news channels should be just such places.
So, farewell to the age of Ailes. The late Fox chief pledged Americans fair and balanced news. Maybe now we’ll get it.
jype ::
fartman> Me veseli, da se strinjamo, da smo desničarji tisti, ki potem odločamo o napredku
O napredku odločamo vsi, drži. K sreči pametnejši odločamo bolj, kot odločate intelektualno šibki.
Pac-Man> So, farewell to the age of Ailes. The late Fox chief pledged Americans fair and balanced news. Maybe now we’ll get it.
Amen, right?
O napredku odločamo vsi, drži. K sreči pametnejši odločamo bolj, kot odločate intelektualno šibki.
Pac-Man> So, farewell to the age of Ailes. The late Fox chief pledged Americans fair and balanced news. Maybe now we’ll get it.
Amen, right?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
ohnowhy ::
ohnowhy ::
fartman> Očitno vam gre slabše, kot bi želeli, videno v zgodovini.
Huh, še slabše vam gre, kot sem mislil...
"TAMPA — A man accused of shooting his two roommates Friday in a Tampa Palms apartment told police he shared neo-Nazi beliefs with the men until he converted to Islam then killed them because they showed disrespect for his faith."
jype ::
fartman> "TAMPA — A man accused of shooting his two roommates Friday in a Tampa Palms apartment told police he shared neo-Nazi beliefs with the men until he converted to Islam then killed them because they showed disrespect for his faith."
Ja, nacist je nacist, ne glede na barvo zastave, v katero je zavit. Borimo se tudi proti zelenim, ampak črni to težko razumete, ker ste jim tako podobni.
Ja, nacist je nacist, ne glede na barvo zastave, v katero je zavit. Borimo se tudi proti zelenim, ampak črni to težko razumete, ker ste jim tako podobni.
ohnowhy ::
Ja, nacist je nacist, ne glede na barvo zastave, v katero je zavit. Borimo se tudi proti zelenim, ampak črni to težko razumete, ker ste jim tako podobni.
Dokler je bil neo-nazi, je bil, očitno, manj nevaren, kot potem, ko se je spreobrnil v muslimana, saj si sam dal link...
Če pa ti življenje treh pred dogodkom in smrt dveh po dogodku spreobrnitve v islam, enačiš, je s teboj nekaj res narobe.
jype ::
fartman> Dokler je bil neo-nazi, je bil, očitno, manj nevaren, kot potem, ko se je spreobrnil v muslimana, saj si sam dal link...
Pa si dejansko prebral?
Dokler je bil črn neo-nazi je s kolegi planiral "zgraditi bombo", "pobiti ljudi" in "začeti rasno vojno". Ko se je spreobrnil v muslimana, je z umorom neonacistov rešil več sto žrtev napada, ki ga je preprečil!
No, zdaj pa čakam še obsodbe Trumpove družine, ki kloni pred verskimi običaji:
Pa si dejansko prebral?
Dokler je bil črn neo-nazi je s kolegi planiral "zgraditi bombo", "pobiti ljudi" in "začeti rasno vojno". Ko se je spreobrnil v muslimana, je z umorom neonacistov rešil več sto žrtev napada, ki ga je preprečil!
No, zdaj pa čakam še obsodbe Trumpove družine, ki kloni pred verskimi običaji:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
ohnowhy ::
Dokler je bil črn neo-nazi je s kolegi planiral "zgraditi bombo", "pobiti ljudi" in "začeti rasno vojno". Ko se je spreobrnil v muslimana, je z umorom neonacistov rešil več sto žrtev napada, ki ga je preprečil!
eno je planiranje, drugo je realizacija, to menda ločuješ ali tudi ne?
torej, če dobro premisliš, če pobiješ vse ljudi, bo na zemlji mir?
ti ne bo dolgčas?
ja, dajmo se raje vrnit na trumpa, me je (in)direktno stal nekaj jurjev.
ok, ne morem se spuščati v vse finese tvojega subtilnega komuniciranja, piši enostavno, saj veš, da intelektualno inferiorni desničarji beremo počasi in z odpiranjem ustnic.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: ohnowhy ()
jype ::
Aja no pa še "fucking idiot" bit:
fartman> eno je planiranje, drugo je realizacija, to menda ločuješ ali tudi ne?
fartman> torej, če dobro premisliš, če pobiješ vse ljudi, bo na zemlji mir?
fartman> ti ne bo dolgčas?
Klicaj na koncu povedi jasno označuje sarkazem. Duševno moteni posamezniki so dojemljivi za ekstremistično pranje možganov, zato je prav, da se z njimi ravna previdno.
fartman> eno je planiranje, drugo je realizacija, to menda ločuješ ali tudi ne?
fartman> torej, če dobro premisliš, če pobiješ vse ljudi, bo na zemlji mir?
fartman> ti ne bo dolgčas?
Klicaj na koncu povedi jasno označuje sarkazem. Duševno moteni posamezniki so dojemljivi za ekstremistično pranje možganov, zato je prav, da se z njimi ravna previdno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
belo mleko ::
belo mleko> Z brisačarji drugače ne bo šlo. Izgon ali življenje v lagerju. Izbira je njihova.
Ti si pa že izbral: Fojbo.
Pogumni ste samo proti razoroženim in za hrbtom zvezanimi jetniki. Isto ko islamisti proti otrokom na koncertu. Drugače pa se po safe-space skrivate.
Poldi112 ::
In koliko beguncev ste vi že postrelili?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
belo mleko ::
Ni potrebe po streljanju. Je pa potrebno sodno preganjati NGOje, ki tihotapijo ljudi v Evropo in ustaviti sredozemsko "reševalno" akcijo EU.
Berserker ::
Ej pacman a pol če odstranijo Trumpa res misliš da bo prišel demokratično izvoljen predstavnik ljudstva. Demokracija je mrtva, USA vladajo oligarhije, enako kot v Rusiji, sam da se slednji ne pretvarjajo več, ker smo slovani in vzhodnjaki pač vzgojeni za trdo roko in avtoritarno oblast.
jype ::
Kul citat:
Berserker> Ej pacman a pol če odstranijo Trumpa res misliš da bo prišel demokratično izvoljen predstavnik ljudstva.
Pence bo. Pence je nor in halucinira, ni pa nesposoben in ne bo ponesreči začel jedrskega spopada z Rusijo, tako kot ga bo Trump:
A Ghanaian American Owusu family had five star athletes at elite American universities who also just happened to be star students because if they ever got anything less than an A, “I will take them out of sports,” threatened their father, Francis Owusu. Owusu had migrated to America on an athletics scholarship from Ghana.
Berserker> Ej pacman a pol če odstranijo Trumpa res misliš da bo prišel demokratično izvoljen predstavnik ljudstva.
Pence bo. Pence je nor in halucinira, ni pa nesposoben in ne bo ponesreči začel jedrskega spopada z Rusijo, tako kot ga bo Trump:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
next3steps ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
belo mleko> Z brisačarji drugače ne bo šlo. Izgon ali življenje v lagerju. Izbira je njihova.
Ti si pa že izbral: Fojbo.
Pogumni ste samo proti razoroženim in za hrbtom zvezanimi jetniki. Isto ko islamisti proti otrokom na koncertu. Drugače pa se po safe-space skrivate.
Kar je normalno. Normalen človek istotako zbeži iz nevarnega območja. Tako kot leglo beguncev.
Matako ::
Don je totalno alfiral Vatikan. Tukaj je slika z dekleti:
Govorica telesa ni bajka.
Pomenljivo je tudi, da je Meli dala simbolično tančico za el capo katolibana, medtem ko je v kamelarskem kraljestvu ponosno vihrala svojo grivo v puščavskem vetru pred islamofašisti.
V bistvu je bila ta turneja polna malih trikov in insinuacij... kot recimo Donovo "pozabljeno" rokovanje v Izraelu, tisti "cool wall, bro" pogled na Zid objokovanja ipd.
Če ne drugega, se Don saj zabava, to pa je končno tudi najbolj pomembno. Svoje delo mora človek imeti rad, sicer... v čem je fora?
Govorica telesa ni bajka.
Pomenljivo je tudi, da je Meli dala simbolično tančico za el capo katolibana, medtem ko je v kamelarskem kraljestvu ponosno vihrala svojo grivo v puščavskem vetru pred islamofašisti.
V bistvu je bila ta turneja polna malih trikov in insinuacij... kot recimo Donovo "pozabljeno" rokovanje v Izraelu, tisti "cool wall, bro" pogled na Zid objokovanja ipd.
Če ne drugega, se Don saj zabava, to pa je končno tudi najbolj pomembno. Svoje delo mora človek imeti rad, sicer... v čem je fora?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matako ()
Pac-Man ::
Ej pacman a pol če odstranijo Trumpa res misliš da bo prišel demokratično izvoljen predstavnik ljudstva. Demokracija je mrtva, USA vladajo oligarhije, enako kot v Rusiji, sam da se slednji ne pretvarjajo več, ker smo slovani in vzhodnjaki pač vzgojeni za trdo roko in avtoritarno oblast.
Prišel bo naslednji (čist) na tej lestvici.
United States presidential line of succession @ Wikipedia
Razen kake vprašljive odločitve o svobodi govora kapitala in par arhaičnih rešitev, o katerih bi se dalo razpravljat, gre demokraciji v ZDA povsem okej. V bistvu je bila to zame še največja lekcija zadnjega leta ali dveh, ko sem temu posvečal več pozornosti. Kljub vsem stereotipom imajo ZDA nastavljen zanimiv in delujoč sistem, ne maram ravno tovrstne veneracije, ampak "founding fathers" so pokazali precej genijalnosti in globokega razmisleka, njihovi nasledniki pa ideje precej verno izvajajo. Medtem ko se poglabljanje v Rusijo praktično vedno konča pri gansterstvu in korupciji. Upam, da se jim uspe potegnit iz tega.
Montana Is About To Send Trump — And Democrats — A Big Message
Montana will vote Thursday to fill the U.S. House seat vacated in March by now-Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.
Democrat Rob Quist, a populist progressive cowboy poet known for his career as a bluegrass singer, supports single-payer health care, legalizing marijuana and funding more arts programs in schools. Republican Greg Gianforte, a tech entrepreneur who moved to the state in 1995, is a hard-line social conservative who backs the deeply unpopular GOP bill to replace Obamacare and wants to turn over control of public lands to the state.
Gianforte, who narrowly lost a bid for governor last year, is favored to win the seat that Zinke handily won re-election to in November. But Gianforte’s own strategists describe him as “basically an unpopular incumbent trying to get re-elected.”
The election took an unexpected turn on Wednesday evening, when Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs accused Gianforte of “body-slamming” him. In audio that Jacobs recorded, the reporter asked Gianforte how he felt about the Republican health care bill in light of the analysis of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office that came out earlier in the day. (Gianforte had previously claimed he would have voted against it, because without an updated CBO report, he lacked the “data” to assess its merits.)
The audio then cuts to the sound of a scuffle.
Gianforte’s campaign blamed Jacobs for the altercation, saying the reporter had pushed a phone into his face. “Jacobs grabbed Greg’s wrist and spun away from Greg, pushing them both to the ground,” campaign spokesman Shane Scanlon said in a statement. “It’s unfortunate that this aggressive behavior from a liberal journalist created this scene.”
Gianforte was reportedly set to be interviewed by Fox News reporter Alicia Acuna when Jacobs interrupted. In a written account of what she witnessed, Acuna said Gianforte manhandled Jacobs, even though Jacobs did not “show any form of physical aggression toward Gianforte.”
“At that point, Gianforte grabbed Jacobs by the neck with both hands and slammed him into the ground behind him,” Acuna wrote. She said the TV crew “watched in disbelief as Gianforte then began punching the man, as he moved on top the reporter and began yelling something to the effect of ‘I’m sick and tired of this!’”
Regardless of the factors that determine the final outcome, a close tally would send a clear warning to both parties that even deploying political star power couldn’t propel a mandate-sized victory. But a surprise win for Quist would signal not only a rejection of President Donald Trump’s policies but also of the long-held Democratic playbook for winning ― or, more often of late, losing ― much-needed seats in Congress.
Still, while Democratic super PACs have lavished Ossoff with money and ads featuring celebrities, Quist has plugged along, raising more than $5 million in donations that average $25. That’s $2 lower than Sanders’ average. Quist’s fundraising skyrocketed this month, after Gianforte waffled on his support for the American Health Care Act, which could imperil more than 70,000 Montanans’ health insurance.
“A Quist win is a wake-up call for Democrats to reconsider an approach to candidate recruitment based on maximizing the number of rich people a potential candidates knows well,” Hauser said. “Our populist moment is best suited to candidates who, like Quist, have personal stories that resonate with the party’s increasingly populist platform.”
Pac-Man ::
Nevihta o kandidatu za kongresnika iz Montane, ki se je fizično spravil na novinarja. Avto je en glavnih #nevertrump republikancev.
This Gianforte assault story is one of those moments where the cultural collapse of the GOP into the Trump Troll Party is captured.
First, if you're defending someone assaulting a reporter because "duh lubrul media lies" allow me put the jackboot on the other foot. How would you feel if the parents of Seth Rich took out a tire iron and beat the living shit out of Sean Hannity for his repulsive lies? How would you feel if this rule got applied to Trumpbart "reporters" who are lying, tendentious, shitbirds of the highest order? Is it cool for me to beat that freakish, pasty recluse John Nolte's head in because he literally *joked about my daughter being raped*?
Are you so past the rule of law, and lack so much confidence in your ideas that this is where you take political satisfaction? Because if this is where you are, you're not a party; you're a mob. If this is where you are, you're not a conservative; you're trash.
The vast majority of people beating their chests and macho ball-walking on this issue have never been in a fight, never landed a punch. But I guarantee you some of them, including the clickseratives, will defend this even obliquely. The problem with political violence is twofold; first, it accelerates. 2nd, the set of acceptable targets widens.
If you're a Republican or conservative defending this, please stop identifying yourself as either.
In tudi zato je politična kultura v ZDA na povsem drugem nivoju kot v Rusiji, dragi Berserker. Over&out.
This Gianforte assault story is one of those moments where the cultural collapse of the GOP into the Trump Troll Party is captured.
First, if you're defending someone assaulting a reporter because "duh lubrul media lies" allow me put the jackboot on the other foot. How would you feel if the parents of Seth Rich took out a tire iron and beat the living shit out of Sean Hannity for his repulsive lies? How would you feel if this rule got applied to Trumpbart "reporters" who are lying, tendentious, shitbirds of the highest order? Is it cool for me to beat that freakish, pasty recluse John Nolte's head in because he literally *joked about my daughter being raped*?
Are you so past the rule of law, and lack so much confidence in your ideas that this is where you take political satisfaction? Because if this is where you are, you're not a party; you're a mob. If this is where you are, you're not a conservative; you're trash.
The vast majority of people beating their chests and macho ball-walking on this issue have never been in a fight, never landed a punch. But I guarantee you some of them, including the clickseratives, will defend this even obliquely. The problem with political violence is twofold; first, it accelerates. 2nd, the set of acceptable targets widens.
If you're a Republican or conservative defending this, please stop identifying yourself as either.
In tudi zato je politična kultura v ZDA na povsem drugem nivoju kot v Rusiji, dragi Berserker. Over&out.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
dice7 ::
Ruska politicna kultura je kar zanimiva, tam ni fake news, ampak tainted leaks (kar se posledicno nanasa tudi na Wikileaks) (vredno klika) (vredno klika)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()
mtosev ::
Kushnerja preiskuje fbi. russia probe
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Pac-Man ::
Dobra videa, punca ima še več materiala na to temo.
Trump And Russia: Is This The World's Laziest Cover-Up?
The More You Know: Russia-Trump Edition
Trump And Russia: Is This The World's Laziest Cover-Up?
The More You Know: Russia-Trump Edition
Spajky ::
... zgleda, da še niste zgubili zanimanja za interna "javna" YUesEj prepucavanja in prejebavanja ... Karavana pa gre dalje v ozadju ...
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...
jype ::
Spajky> ... zgleda, da še niste zgubili zanimanja za interna "javna" YUesEj prepucavanja in prejebavanja ... Karavana pa gre dalje v ozadju ...
O, ne, ne gre v ozadju. Trump vse zblebeta.
O, ne, ne gre v ozadju. Trump vse zblebeta.
Pac-Man ::
Spet Schindler&co. Začne se nekje takrat, ko je Trump strašil po Vatikanu in Bruslju.
What? WHAT??
Two choice details:
1) it's Sberbank, under US sanctions since 2014, and
2) their local lobbying firm is...the Podesta Group!
It's not spooks who are doing the leaking -- it's the White House.
Maladjusted pothead hanging around w/gangs, talking violent trash. Another #LostBoy gone jihad 4 you, @RadioFreeTom
Very high % of domestic jihad cases in the West involve drug use and petty criminality. Sorry if that bums you out. IOW these are violence-prone, maladjusted losers who find in Salafi jihadism an outlet for their antisocial urges. Note the order here. Bingo. Tsarnaev brothers = major-league potheads who turned to jihad and murder. It's a CT cliché for a reason.
Which just happens to be crawling with Salafists...Libya, Germany, UK -- quite a plot there.
We know the intel/sec community face an impossible task but for f's sake. On a watchlist...returns from libya...
Fake documents is a longstanding Chekist Active Measures ploy. Seems #FBI fell for this #deza. Whoops.
SIGINT #FTW again....this sure looks like collusion.
Yet another SF-86 faker in the Trump administration. Sessions has to go, this is a felony. He's the AG, FFS! Who could possibly think an SSBI might want to know about meetings with the SVR -- sorry, Russian "diplomats"? Weird how several top Trump WH officials "forgot" to mention meetings w/reps from ONE PARTICULAR COUNTRY on their SF-86s. What are the odds?
This is Kim Dotcom, @SeanHannity's source on the Seth Rich conspiracy theory.
It begins....
Let the market decide. If advertisers like hacks who disseminate Kremlin lies while torturing a dead young man's family, hey, good to know.
Now we're getting somewhere
Gee wonder what caused him to lose it?
Sun Tzu explained the vital importance of attacking your enemy's alliances with his partners 2,500 years ago.
Assessment: True
Bummer about that whole "Constitution" thing.
Hey @GOP -- just a thought: Stop putting forward candidates who are violently crazy & have dubious Russian ties.
If assaulting journalists gets normalized, eventually people will start killing them. Just like in -- what a coincidence -- Putin's Russia.
Failing to mention collective security (Art V) in his big speech, Trump sends a message which Putin will not miss. Trump has been bitching about USA's no-good, free-loading allies for 30 years. Now he delivered that same, childish message at NATO HQ.
I remind that Trump got on the screw-our-allies bandwagon in 1987, just weeks after his 1st VIP visit to the USSR -- at Kremlin invitation. In 1987, after USSR visit, Trump paid $94K for ads in major papers lambasting our no-good allies. A big change from his previous RW view. By getting Americans to regard NATO as some kind of Mar-A-Lago with membership fees and annual dues, Trump has done Putin's work handily.
BTW folks, we're getting a good reminder this week that the Kremlin has burrowed deeply into the US/Western Left as well as Right. Just FYI.
Our Allies have been spying on DC more than usual since 20 JAN, trying to figure out WTF is happening. Covert Action will be next. Allies spy on each other. Snowdenwald lied to you. After Trump's NATO speech, get ready for some serious CA by worried US Allies. Buckle up. Just got this msg from a pal who's a snr Europe scty official: "After [Trump NATO speech] it's obvious he's Putin's boy. Now we will act."
Everlasting shame
Maybe if our NATO allies start extrajudicial killings of druggies or adapt barbaric Wahhabism, Trump will obsequiously suck up to them too.
What The F....? 25th Amendment, anyone?
Orig SPIEGEL had Trump calling Germans "böse, sehr böse" -- which can be "evil" or "bad." If he said evil...Jesus. We need to know exactly what POTUS said here. If he called 1 of our closest Allies "evil, very evil" in an EU mtg, it's truly 25A time 4 DC.
So in ONE DAY, Trump managed to:
Shove Montenegro's PM.
Tell NATO it's over.
Call Germany "evil, very evil" & threaten trade war w/EU.
I sure hope BND doesn't have any intercepts of Team Trump people chatting with the Kremlin.
What you and I call "close allies" Team Trump calls "the people whose intel puts us in all jail for 30-50 years."
The theory that Euro IC gloves are off also extends to a very senior GER govt contact of mine.
White. Hot. Fire.
Perhaps be less obviously deranged. But the Kremlin goes to war with the agents it has, not the agents it wants.
Today is a good example why the "Don't worry about NATO -- Mattis & the JCS got this" argument may not hold much water with Trump as CINC.
Don't import jihadists. You will regret it. This isn't complicated.
Remember: The oldest Chekist trick in the KGB manual is accusing dangerous opponents of being Kremlin agents. Still applies. Daily, even.
I think @TrueFactsStated has some solid sources. That's all. I have zero idea who Louise's sources are. Therefore I don't endorse. Get it?
General Hertling commanded US troops in Europe and Iraq
You poor, dumb suckers. The IC has ALWAYS had a royal flush.
Rogers, Comey & all US IC personnel take an oath to defend the Constitution. Most of them take it quite seriously.
FYI, this is just the first segment. The Lizard is bringing more very bad news for Team Trump soon.....
Challenge is most MSM IC contacts are top-level, not actual working spooks, & almost none at #NSA. Except for mine. Working spooks despise journalists and never, ever trust them -- unless they know them personally. There is good reason for this.
Christ almighty.
Using SVR comms? What?? Jesus....
When DIRNSA alluded to damning SIGINT about Trump-Russia, WaPo just gave you a sample. More & worse is coming.
SVR be like: Dude, these amateur weirdos are cray.
It's 100% true, they got caught, and have no idea what to say.
Kislyak didn't call the Kremlin on an open line. Especially not with this..No way. #duh SIGINT #FTW again...
Sometimes the enormity of the threat -- like WH using SVR comms -- outweighs the need to protect sources & methods.
Also BREAKING tonight: Russian oligarch + ex-Manafort client (Deripaska) offered Congress testimony in exchange for immunity.
Now you getting why my IC pal mentioned people dying in jail?
Only reason 4 any WH 2 use RUSSIAN secure comms is to hide from OUR OWN GOVERNMENT. That's an Espionage Act violation tantamount to treason. This is, quite literally, the most shocking #natsec story I've ever heard. If this were wartime, summary executions for ALL involved = SOP.
If you tried this on Putin, he'd have everyone involved die horrible deaths. Can't say he'd be wrong on this one.
Again: Any WH using HoIS communications is not a "back-channel" -- it is ESPIONAGE. WH still hasn't denied. This isn't complicated, folks.
What? WHAT??
NATO Is Keeping Russia Off Its Agenda For Trump's First Visit
Two choice details:
1) it's Sberbank, under US sanctions since 2014, and
2) their local lobbying firm is...the Podesta Group!
Reminder: Trump's lawyer Marc Kasowitz, who's now handling all Russia matters, was defending Russia's biggest bank
It's not spooks who are doing the leaking -- it's the White House.
Why are your spooks leaking all the intelligence? Bit of a breach of trust isn't it?
Maladjusted pothead hanging around w/gangs, talking violent trash. Another #LostBoy gone jihad 4 you, @RadioFreeTom
Very high % of domestic jihad cases in the West involve drug use and petty criminality. Sorry if that bums you out. IOW these are violence-prone, maladjusted losers who find in Salafi jihadism an outlet for their antisocial urges. Note the order here. Bingo. Tsarnaev brothers = major-league potheads who turned to jihad and murder. It's a CT cliché for a reason.
Which just happens to be crawling with Salafists...Libya, Germany, UK -- quite a plot there.
German intelligence services say Manchester arena bomber Salman Abedi was in Düsseldorf, Germany four days before the attack.
We know the intel/sec community face an impossible task but for f's sake. On a watchlist...returns from libya...
Fake documents is a longstanding Chekist Active Measures ploy. Seems #FBI fell for this #deza. Whoops.
How a dubious Russian document influenced the FBI’s handling of the Clinton probe
SIGINT #FTW again....this sure looks like collusion.
US intelligence heard Russians talking about how to influence Trump through Manafort and Flynn
Yet another SF-86 faker in the Trump administration. Sessions has to go, this is a felony. He's the AG, FFS! Who could possibly think an SSBI might want to know about meetings with the SVR -- sorry, Russian "diplomats"? Weird how several top Trump WH officials "forgot" to mention meetings w/reps from ONE PARTICULAR COUNTRY on their SF-86s. What are the odds?
Sessions didn't disclose meetings with Russian ambassador on his security clearance form
This is Kim Dotcom, @SeanHannity's source on the Seth Rich conspiracy theory.
It begins....
Advertisers Begin to Pull Ads From Fox News' 'Hannity'
Let the market decide. If advertisers like hacks who disseminate Kremlin lies while torturing a dead young man's family, hey, good to know.
Now we're getting somewhere
Dems are asking Deutsche Bank to produce documents on Trump family loans, see if there are any connections to Russia
Gee wonder what caused him to lose it?
Jacobs broke the story that Gianforte holds $250,000 in Russian stocks.
Sun Tzu explained the vital importance of attacking your enemy's alliances with his partners 2,500 years ago.
May raised intelligence concerns with Trump at NATO meeting, source says
Assessment: True
Former CIA analyst: 'Trey Gowdy ought to have his ass kicked'
Bummer about that whole "Constitution" thing.
Trump Organization tells Congress it's 'not practical' to comply with the emoluments clause
Hey @GOP -- just a thought: Stop putting forward candidates who are violently crazy & have dubious Russian ties.
If assaulting journalists gets normalized, eventually people will start killing them. Just like in -- what a coincidence -- Putin's Russia.
Failing to mention collective security (Art V) in his big speech, Trump sends a message which Putin will not miss. Trump has been bitching about USA's no-good, free-loading allies for 30 years. Now he delivered that same, childish message at NATO HQ.
I remind that Trump got on the screw-our-allies bandwagon in 1987, just weeks after his 1st VIP visit to the USSR -- at Kremlin invitation. In 1987, after USSR visit, Trump paid $94K for ads in major papers lambasting our no-good allies. A big change from his previous RW view. By getting Americans to regard NATO as some kind of Mar-A-Lago with membership fees and annual dues, Trump has done Putin's work handily.
BTW folks, we're getting a good reminder this week that the Kremlin has burrowed deeply into the US/Western Left as well as Right. Just FYI.
Our Allies have been spying on DC more than usual since 20 JAN, trying to figure out WTF is happening. Covert Action will be next. Allies spy on each other. Snowdenwald lied to you. After Trump's NATO speech, get ready for some serious CA by worried US Allies. Buckle up. Just got this msg from a pal who's a snr Europe scty official: "After [Trump NATO speech] it's obvious he's Putin's boy. Now we will act."
Everlasting shame
Trump bashed NATO in front of the new 9/11 memorial, which is the only time Article V has ever been invoked
Maybe if our NATO allies start extrajudicial killings of druggies or adapt barbaric Wahhabism, Trump will obsequiously suck up to them too.
What The F....? 25th Amendment, anyone?
Trump tells EU leaders: "The Germans are bad, very bad", will "stop" German car sales to US
Orig SPIEGEL had Trump calling Germans "böse, sehr böse" -- which can be "evil" or "bad." If he said evil...Jesus. We need to know exactly what POTUS said here. If he called 1 of our closest Allies "evil, very evil" in an EU mtg, it's truly 25A time 4 DC.
So in ONE DAY, Trump managed to:
Shove Montenegro's PM.
Tell NATO it's over.
Call Germany "evil, very evil" & threaten trade war w/EU.
I sure hope BND doesn't have any intercepts of Team Trump people chatting with the Kremlin.
What you and I call "close allies" Team Trump calls "the people whose intel puts us in all jail for 30-50 years."
The theory that Euro IC gloves are off also extends to a very senior GER govt contact of mine.
White. Hot. Fire.
Perhaps be less obviously deranged. But the Kremlin goes to war with the agents it has, not the agents it wants.
What, exactly, would a Kremlin Manchurian candidate do differently from what Trump is doing?
Today is a good example why the "Don't worry about NATO -- Mattis & the JCS got this" argument may not hold much water with Trump as CINC.
Don't import jihadists. You will regret it. This isn't complicated.
Father of Manchester bomber Salman Abedi was Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) member
Remember: The oldest Chekist trick in the KGB manual is accusing dangerous opponents of being Kremlin agents. Still applies. Daily, even.
I think @TrueFactsStated has some solid sources. That's all. I have zero idea who Louise's sources are. Therefore I don't endorse. Get it?
General Hertling commanded US troops in Europe and Iraq
A third of my 38 yrs in the Army was served in & around NATO, a valuable, adaptive alliance. What happened today was embarrassing, saddening
You poor, dumb suckers. The IC has ALWAYS had a royal flush.
Rogers, Comey & all US IC personnel take an oath to defend the Constitution. Most of them take it quite seriously.
FYI, this is just the first segment. The Lizard is bringing more very bad news for Team Trump soon.....
Challenge is most MSM IC contacts are top-level, not actual working spooks, & almost none at #NSA. Except for mine. Working spooks despise journalists and never, ever trust them -- unless they know them personally. There is good reason for this.
MSM with good IC contacts can verify
Christ almighty.
Just got this text from GOP natsec official: "Had to apologize to a European defense attaché just now. 'I'm sorry. He's an idiot.'"
Using SVR comms? What?? Jesus....
Wow. Jared Kushner requested Secret Channel between #Russia & #Trump team ...Kislyak suggested Russian facilities!!
When DIRNSA alluded to damning SIGINT about Trump-Russia, WaPo just gave you a sample. More & worse is coming.
SVR be like: Dude, these amateur weirdos are cray.
It's 100% true, they got caught, and have no idea what to say.
What do we make of no denial from WH or Kushner tonight?
Kislyak didn't call the Kremlin on an open line. Especially not with this..No way. #duh SIGINT #FTW again...
Sometimes the enormity of the threat -- like WH using SVR comms -- outweighs the need to protect sources & methods.
The leakers were so disgusted they were willing to expose that the US owned Kislyak's communications back to Moscow
Also BREAKING tonight: Russian oligarch + ex-Manafort client (Deripaska) offered Congress testimony in exchange for immunity.
Now you getting why my IC pal mentioned people dying in jail?
Only reason 4 any WH 2 use RUSSIAN secure comms is to hide from OUR OWN GOVERNMENT. That's an Espionage Act violation tantamount to treason. This is, quite literally, the most shocking #natsec story I've ever heard. If this were wartime, summary executions for ALL involved = SOP.
If you tried this on Putin, he'd have everyone involved die horrible deaths. Can't say he'd be wrong on this one.
Again: Any WH using HoIS communications is not a "back-channel" -- it is ESPIONAGE. WH still hasn't denied. This isn't complicated, folks.
jype ::
Cervantes> Če boš v bodoče še toliko copy/pastal oslarije, boš tudi ti die horrible death!
Dokler se ne izpišeš iz naci stranke, se tvojih želja ne more upoštevati, ker bi bilo preveč družbeno škodljivo.
Dokler se ne izpišeš iz naci stranke, se tvojih želja ne more upoštevati, ker bi bilo preveč družbeno škodljivo.
DarwiN ::
Nov teroristični napad: Two men stabbed to death on Oregon train trying to stop anti-Muslim rant.
When will president Dumpo issue the words RADICAL CHRISTIAN TERRORISM?
When will president Dumpo issue the words RADICAL CHRISTIAN TERRORISM?
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
jype ::
DarwiN> When will president Dumpo issue the words RADICAL CHRISTIAN TERRORISM?
Glede na njegov track record... Enkrat okoli 2011, potem pa nikdar več.
Glede na njegov track record... Enkrat okoli 2011, potem pa nikdar več.
dice7 ::
Nov teroristični napad: Two men stabbed to death on Oregon train trying to stop anti-Muslim rant.Alt-reich zgleda vsak teden izvaja teror
When will president Dumpo issue the words RADICAL CHRISTIAN TERRORISM?
White men ban when?
Cervantes ::
jype ::
Cervantes> Izpišem?
Ja, izpišeš!
Cervantes> Jaz sem ustanovni član in do- in po-smrtni fuehrer!
No, potem si zlahka sam poštemplaš odpustnico.
dice7> Alt-reich zgleda vsak teden izvaja teror
Ja, vedo, da so na robu spopada in jih grabi panika. Ko vidijo uspešne ljudi, ki niso bele rase, jim kar zavre.
Ja, izpišeš!
Cervantes> Jaz sem ustanovni član in do- in po-smrtni fuehrer!
No, potem si zlahka sam poštemplaš odpustnico.
dice7> Alt-reich zgleda vsak teden izvaja teror
Ja, vedo, da so na robu spopada in jih grabi panika. Ko vidijo uspešne ljudi, ki niso bele rase, jim kar zavre.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
Matej22 ::
Nov teroristični napad: Two men stabbed to death on Oregon train trying to stop anti-Muslim rant.
When will president Dumpo issue the words RADICAL CHRISTIAN TERRORISM?
Lahko definiras zakaj naj bi v tem primeru slo za teroristicni napad in kaj ima vse skupaj veze s krscanstvom?
Definitivno iz napisanega sledi, da je kriv verbalnega napada, kar se tice pa ubojev, pa iz napisanega ni jasno, ali je sam napadel tiste tri ali pa se je slo za silobran.
jype ::
Matej22> Lahko definiras zakaj naj bi v tem primeru slo za teroristicni napad in kaj ima vse skupaj veze s krscanstvom?
Kako kaj? Oba sta bila kristjana, pripadnika ekstremistične organizacije belih supremacistov, ki so krščanska verzija ISIS, in sta zabodla nedolžne ljudi, eden od njiju temnopoltega moškega, katerega edini zločin je bil to, da se je bolj pridno učil kot belci.
Kaj pa je to drugega kot versko pogojeno teroristično nasilje?
Kako kaj? Oba sta bila kristjana, pripadnika ekstremistične organizacije belih supremacistov, ki so krščanska verzija ISIS, in sta zabodla nedolžne ljudi, eden od njiju temnopoltega moškega, katerega edini zločin je bil to, da se je bolj pridno učil kot belci.
Kaj pa je to drugega kot versko pogojeno teroristično nasilje?
DarwiN ::
Lahko definiras zakaj naj bi v tem primeru slo za teroristicni napad in kaj ima vse skupaj veze s krscanstvom?
"He was saying that Muslims should die,"
Nekako tako kot narekuje Sveto pismo. In kaj je to druga kot teroriziranje? Tipu je še ime Christian in ima ekstremistična prepričanja. Edini razlog, da se ni zadrl v smislu "Allahu Akbar" in se raztrelil je ta, da imajo ti krščanski teroristi polne riti in praviloma sejejo smrt/trpljenje iz naslonjača in z lobiranjem (le občasno kateremu prekipi in pokne kakšnega ginekologa, ki opravlja splave), medtem ko so muslimani obupani in zato toliko bolj radikalni. Najmočnejša krščanska država ti je ZDA, najmočnejša muslimanska pa? Pakistan, lmao? Ampak oboji se dobro zavedajo, da bijejo vojno in da na koncu lahko ostane le eden, zato štancajo otroke po tekočem traku in se borijo proti napredku, znanosti, človekovi suverenosti in izobraževanju. Ja, obupani muslimani se pol grejo kamikaze, razvajeni kristjani pa volijo republikance. Kdo bo zmagal?
Mi ostali pa ujeti sredi ognja.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Cervantes ::
Cervantes> Izpišem?
Ja, izpišeš!
Cervantes> Jaz sem ustanovni član in do- in po-smrtni fuehrer!
No, potem si zlahka sam poštemplaš odpustnico.
OK. Bom videl, kaj bojo rekli na jubilejnem kongresu.
Ne verjamem, da bo šlo skozi.
Mi smo demokratična stranka.
Ampak, kaj ima to opraviti z žrtijami?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
Cervantes ::
Cervantes ::
Še ustava SFRJ je mela not možnost samoodločbe!
So what. (prosto po B.P.)
BTW. Tudi iz Partije izstopiti ni bilo ravno priporočljivo.
Kakor ni priporočljivo izstopiti iz Islama.
Človekove pravice so pač dinamična kategorija, spreminjajo se v space-tajmu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
jype ::
Cervantes> BTW. Tudi iz Partije izstopiti ni bilo ravno priporočljivo.
Aja, partijo mate!
Pa tko povej. Tudi mene so grdo gledali, če sem kdaj tarok predčasno zaključil.
Aja, partijo mate!
Pa tko povej. Tudi mene so grdo gledali, če sem kdaj tarok predčasno zaključil.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 267800 (227819) | OmegaBlue |