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Darksiders 3

Darksiders 3

BivšiUser2 ::

The latest entry to THQ Nordic's hack and slash adventure series, Darksiders 3, appears to have leaked via an Amazon listing. Although no official announcement has been made regarding a third game, the page confirms a release for the title sometime next year.
According to the listing (via Gematsu), players take control of Fury – a mage of The Four Horsemen who wields a whip and magic to combat her enemies. With new weapons and move sets at players' disposal, the game looks to improve upon the gameplay established in earlier entries in the franchise. Darksiders 3 will also revisit an open world, where players 'back and forth between environments' to uncover the narrative.
Play as FURY - a mage who must rely on her whip and magic to restore the balance between good and evil on Earth!
Harness FURY's magic to unleash her various forms - each granting her access to new weapons, moves and traversal abilities
Explore an open-ended, living, free-form game world in which FURY moves back and forth between environments to uncover secrets while advancing the story
Defeat the Seven Deadly Sins and their servants who range from mystical creatures to degenerated beings
Darksiders signature art style - expansive post-apocalyptic environments that take the player from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell, dilapidated by war and decay and overrun by nature
Alongside a confirmation of the game's existence, the listing also provides a variety of artwork and in-game screenshots. Here, we get a closer look at how the game is holding up visually, being the first Darksiders game built from the ground up for next-generation consoles.
For now, we'll have to sit back and wait for an official announcement from THQ Nordic. Although E3 is only a few weeks away, an official reveal may be happening prior to the show. With a placeholder release date set for December 31, 2018, we'll likely be waiting until sometime next year to get hands-on with the final game.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

djabi ::

Super novica, ta serija je odlična!

Tr0n ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

BivšiUser2 ::

Hvala za slike, jih nisem sfolgal prekopirati.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Darksiders 1 - War
Darksiders 2 - Death
Darksiders 3 - Fury
Darksiders 4 - Strife

BivšiUser2 ::

A nista zadnja dva horsemen-a Pestilence in Famine?
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

oo7 ::

BivšiUser2 je izjavil:

A nista zadnja dva horsemen-a Pestilence in Famine?

"Horseman" is one of the ways to call a Rider of the Apocalypse.

After giving their promise to the Council they had to choose new names for themselves and these names were Death, War, Strife and Fury. It is said that they also got some new powers and abilities from the Council which made them much more powerful than their ex-allies.

War - http://darksiders.wikia.com/wiki/War (War is the main protagonist of Darksiders)

Death - http://darksiders.wikia.com/wiki/Death (Death is the main protagonist of Darksiders II.)

Fury - http://darksiders.wikia.com/wiki/Fury (Fury is the main protagonist of Darksiders III.)

Strife - http://darksiders.wikia.com/wiki/Strife (Strife the main protagonist of Darksiders IV.)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

BivšiUser2 ::

Kak 4 player coop ne bi slab bil.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

Zmajc ::

Đizus kaj je to za neka emo anime faca?

yoco ::

Komi čakam! Prve dve sta res zakon! Me prav zanima kako bo zgledalo v open world!

grandioso74 ::

Prvi del je bolj slab, drugi malo boljši, upam, da bo 3ka najboljša.
Človek je sam svoj največji sovražnik.

Tr0n ::

oo7 ::

Darksiders 3: Fighting a Lava Brute - IGN First

yoco ::

Dvojka je bla super! Sem jo kar parkrat preigral!
Tale whip mi ni preveč všeč. Zgleda mi nekak lesen vse skupaj. Upam, da se motim!

BivšiUser2 ::

SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

opeter ::

Dvojke še nisem igral, prvi del pa mi je bil čisto okej. Po pravici povedano mi je bil bolj všeč od God of War 3.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

oo7 ::

Darksiders 3 Gameplay Walkthrough Demo (Gamecom 2018)

oo7 ::

Playtime is always a tricky question as it depends on numerous factors. On average, we would say somewhere around 15-hours-plus, which is similar to the first Darksiders.

OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 64 bit
Processor: Intel Core i5-2400, AMD FX-6100, or better
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: Recent Shader Model 5 GPU with 2 GB VRAM
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 15 GB available space

oo7 ::

Darksiders III - Horse With no Name Trailer

oo7 ::

Prve ocene

Niche Gamer 90 / 100
God is a Geek 9.0 / 10.0
Areajugones 9.0 / 10.0
Gadgets 360 9 / 10
The Games Machine 8.7 / 10.0
Hobby Consolas 85 / 100
Spaziogames 8.5 / 10.0
Gamersky 8.2 / 10.0
Shacknews 8 / 10
Windows Central 80 / 100
Game Informer 8.0 / 10.0
Destructoid 8.0 / 10.0
GamingBolt 8.0 / 10.0
Digitally Downloaded 80 / 100
Softpedia 7.5 / 10.0
PlayStation Universe 7.5 / 10.0
Merlin'in Kazani 7.4 / 10
TechRaptor 7.0 / 10.0
IGN 7.0 / 10.0
The Digital Fix 7.0 / 10.0
PC Invasion 70 / 100
GamesRadar+ 70 / 100
Press Start 7 / 10
RPG Site 7 / 10
TheSixthAxis 7 / 10
Worth Playing 7.0 / 10.0
GameMAG 7 / 10
Critical Hit 6.0 / 10.0
Push Square 6 / 10
Daily Mirror 60 / 100
AusGamers 5.8 / 10.0
Stevivor 5.0 / 10.0
VideoGamer 5 / 10
Game Revolution 40 / 100
GameSpot 4 / 10
Game Rant 2/10

Jst ::

Meni se je zgodilo nekaj čudnega. Imam original Steam verzijo. A uporabljam FOV Mod.

Sem v Katakombah. In sem sedaj videl, da imam 934 Attribute točk. (Ne vem če je ravno 934, ampak je čez 900.) In me je minilo igrati.

Obstaja kje kakšen arhiv "save game-s", preden greš v Katakombe? Do tam sem namreč preigral in bi rad "normalno" igral naprej...

Igra mi je pa kar všeč, ker ni samo drkanje po istem knofu in je potrebno malo bolj pametno pristopiti k nasprotnikom, drugače umreš precej hitro...
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

oo7 ::

Nova malo drugačna Darksiders igra.

Darksiders Genesis - Full E3 demo

V tej igri igraš kot četrti horsemen Strife.

dolenc ::

Ko sem vidu napovednik, sem bil že wuuhuuu očitno se je 3jka dost prodajala, da so šli direkt na 4ko.
Začnem gledat... Wuhuuuu 4kaaaa... še mal gledam... nooooooooooo :D

oo7 ::

dolenc je izjavil:

Ko sem vidu napovednik, sem bil že wuuhuuu očitno se je 3jka dost prodajala, da so šli direkt na 4ko.
Začnem gledat... Wuhuuuu 4kaaaa... še mal gledam... nooooooooooo :D

Unlike Darksiders III, Genesis is developed by Airship Syndicate, who previously developed Battle Chasers: Nightwar. This studio consists of developers of the defunct Vigil Games, who developed the first two Darksiders titles.

yoco ::

Ne vem kaj naj si mislim od Darksiders 4! Enka je bla ok, dvojka odlična, trojka neki vmes, za to pa res ne vem. Bom probal, upam, da bo v redu.

opeter ::

Hmm, zanimivo, nisem si mislil, da bo še en odvrtek v izometrični obliki.
Je to 100 %, da je to četrti Darksiders? Ker možno, da je neke vrste ločena zgodba, čeprav je notri novi igralni lik od jezdecev.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

PH03N1X ::

imam občutek, da v 4ko ne bodo dali tistega 4player coopa o katerem se je že veliko govorilo pred prihodo 2ke, pa so se odločili za tak (imo bolj smiselen) prostop

oo7 ::

Darksiders Genesis - Official Trailer

dolenc ::

Par dni nazaj začel igrat.

Sicer je minilo, že kar nekaj časa odkar sem prve 2 dela preigral, še na playstationu 3, pa mogoče je tud tako obdobje, da je tale špil zadel pri meni, ker mi je najljubši iz serije do sedaj.

Zgodba je bolj osnovna, dogaja se med obdobjem, ko je bil War ukleščen za 100 let, neke pretirane globine nima, ma vsaj sledim kaj se dogaja :D.
Vizualno je najlepši špil, ki sem ga jaz kdaj igral, ta artstyle je res men pisan na kožo, žive barve, raznolik svet, bolj linearen kot v prejšnem delu ampak se vsaj ne izgubljam (ajde 1x sem se :D).

Combat ni več toliko God of war, ampak je dobil kanček Dark souls priokusa, kar mi sicer ni blo všeč v štartu, ampak ko dobiš občutek za timing pa je boljši kot v prejšnih delih. Tudi Fury ni gora mišic ampak je bolj raketa, tako da na brute force ne gre.

Ko padeš notri ima res dober flow, večinoma paziš kako igraš, ker te vsak požre, če se malo narobe prekotališ, ko pa si v rahlo OP stanju, pa si daš duška s komboti, ki jih drugače ne moreš toliko ponucat.

Puzli bolj preprosti, s tem se mi res ne da več jebat v igrah, tko da ravno prav zame :P.
Upal sem, da se mi še s kakim konjem ne bo treba ukvarjat in glej ga zlomka.

Komur so všeč te fantasy akcijski špili, toplo priporočam.
Berem po netu, da so bli ljudje kar malo razočarani nad špilom, pa ne vem al so kej popatchal, al mamo pa mal drugačna pričakovanja, meni je res neverjetno dober :)

oo7 ::

Darksiders 4 Potentially Confirmed By Promo Art

A Darksiders 3 dev posts a new promotional art image online, leading many to believe an announcement of Darksiders 4 is coming soon.


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