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Far Cry 5

kitl76 ::
Evo sem nabavil DLC FC3 Deluxe edition sem dobil takoj ostalo sledi 5 junija. Škoda, da kaj takega nima GTA V.

kitl76 ::
DLC sem kupil pa smo 5 junija pa nimam še nikjer možnosti igranja hours of darkness. Morda kdo ve kaj moram storiti?

kitl76 ::
Zdaj končno dela dobro narejen ta vietnam
Zdaj končno dela dobro narejen ta vietnam
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kitl76 ()

Izi ::

Izi ::
A si Vietnamski DLC preigral do konca? Kako se ti je zdel in koliko ur približno traja zgodba?

kitl76 ::
Preigral sem samo kratka zadeva je 2 uri. Drugače zadeva dosti dodelana.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kitl76 ()

Dr_M ::
Evo, zdele koncal hours of darkness, normal, 5h 7m. Je pa res super zadeva.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Dr_M ::
No ja, ksno uro bi lahko skrajsal, pa ce bi se kdaj z avtom vozil, bi se ksno minuto pridobil. So me pa 2x ubil, pa nekje na polovici, so mi v pol ure vse tri soborce ubil, dva sta cist po neumnosti umrla.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

oo7 ::
See you @GameOnExpo in Phoenix on Aug 10-12. Something is coming...
#TheFather #FarCry5 #Ubisoft
#TheFather #FarCry5 #Ubisoft

Jst ::
Ubisoft has released a brand new patch for Far Cry 5. According to the release notes, patch 10 introduces a New Game+ mode, adds IGE Scripting Tools, as well as new weapons, vehicles, masks and special outfits.
Moreover, this latest update fixes an audio issue that was causing an edge-case crash, a connection error bug when the Host of an in-game party created a private session, as well as a freeze that would occur upon accessing the in-game party menu. Far Cry 5's "New Game+" mode lets players start the game over with their current character progress. Specifically, that includes "weapons, unlocks, perks, and challenges". Players will not keep absolutely everything, however. As the game states; "You will lose all map reveals, mission progress, resistance points, and guns for hire". The mode changes some of the game's perks to allow players to purchase them multiple times, thus increasing the benefits they provide. Note that the mode does not affect your Arcade progress.
The second new addition is a new difficulty level called "Infamous", which is only unlocked once players start New Game+. The Infamous setting makes the game harder than its hardest current difficulty option; "Enemies hit you extra hard," states the in-game description; "are tougher to kill, and detect you more quickly". However, the mode hints at a "special reward" for players who manage to complete it. The mode also warns players; "Once you start the game in Infamous difficulty, you will not be able to reduce the difficulty without restarting New Game+."
Kaj to pomeni, da bo 100+ metrov oddaljen sovrag z pumparico te zadel in pobral pol zdravja?
Ne spomnim se več točno, katere buge sem doživljal, a vseeno upam, da ko se mi špil posodobi, da ga odšpilam tako kot treba. Prvič sem odigral skoraj vse misije, vendar nisem končal špila, potem pa pozabil nanj...
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Dr_M ::
Koncal sem ga 95%, prvi dlc tudi, drugi dlc sem nehal igrat, ko me je tista matica ubila, zdej pa spilam arcade, je kar nekaj solidnih map.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

kitl76 ::
DLC-ji porazni edino vietnam je sprejemljiv. Glede na to, da je bil osnovni špil zelo dober sem nad DLC-ji zelo razočaran, škoda denarja.

ahac ::
Prvi DLC je še OK, drugi je pa res slab.
Stal sem nekje ful višje in streljal dol tako, da je bilo ful simple, ker sem imel veliko časa, da sem se umaknil njenim pljunkom. Na koncu je prišla bližje, ampak se je zataknila in začela v krogu obračat ob steni. No, ko jo ubiješ se napiše, da je to šele prva od desetih ali nekaj takega.
Tudi vse ostalo je slabo: mapa je dolgočasna, orožja so slaba, nasprotniki niso zanimivi, Hurk je zatežen lik.
Res se vidi, da so dal DLC naredit čisto drugem studiju.
drugi dlc sem nehal igrat, ko me je tista matica ubilaTudi jaz za par tednov, ampak sem potem šel nazaj in jo ubil.
Stal sem nekje ful višje in streljal dol tako, da je bilo ful simple, ker sem imel veliko časa, da sem se umaknil njenim pljunkom. Na koncu je prišla bližje, ampak se je zataknila in začela v krogu obračat ob steni. No, ko jo ubiješ se napiše, da je to šele prva od desetih ali nekaj takega.

Tudi vse ostalo je slabo: mapa je dolgočasna, orožja so slaba, nasprotniki niso zanimivi, Hurk je zatežen lik.
Res se vidi, da so dal DLC naredit čisto drugem studiju.
Slo-Tech Discord -

Izi ::
O, poglej, poglej, nadaljevali bodo zgodbo kljub atomski katastrofi. Odlično, Far Cry bo postal novi Fallout 
Gotovo bo boljši kot Fallout 76

Gotovo bo boljši kot Fallout 76

LunKi ::
Sam zgodba od 5ke je bla res slaba, mehanika na začetku zanimiva, potem repetitive. Vse skupaj se začne toliko ponavljati in vse je rutinsko ipd. Kar klasika že za ubisoft game. No meni popolnoma forgettable.

Pinturicchio ::
Bolj kot zgodba je zanič fizika v tem špilu. Pa jeb... še gume na avtu ne moreš prestrelit, kar se je že dalo v dvojki...

Jst ::
Mapa velika za celo slovenijo, misije pa vsepovsod enake...
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

ahac ::
Koncal sem ga 95%, prvi dlc tudi, drugi dlc sem nehal igrat, ko me je tista matica ubila, zdej pa spilam arcade, je kar nekaj solidnih map.
Jaz sem zdaj končno igral zombie (tretji) DLC (ker sem prej obupal na Marsu) in je veliko boljši. Izgleda, da ga je delal Ubisoft Montreal, kar se pozna.
Je pa ful kratek in linearen: ni open world, ni karte, ni skillov, samo akcija je.
Slo-Tech Discord -

kitl76 ::
Edini DLC, ki je bil kokr toliko dober je bil prvi vietnam. Sama zgodba je bila pa meni top in sem jo naredil 100%.

oo7 ::
Far Cry 5: 5th Anniversary - Official Next-Gen Update Trailer
A free Next-Gen 60 FPS update is available now for Far Cry 5 in celebration of the game's fifth anniversary.
A free Next-Gen 60 FPS update is available now for Far Cry 5 in celebration of the game's fifth anniversary.
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