Forum » Problemi človeštva » USA
Temo vidijo: vsi
mtosev ::
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
dice7 ::
Theresa May je po pogovoru dejala, da je Trump "100-odstotno za Nato"
Sicer je pa ta Mayeva glede na njene zastarele prijeme se kar razgledana gospa
"Graditi moramo odnose, sisteme in procese, ki prej kot konflikt omogočajo sodelovanje. To bo našim zaveznicam, ki mejijo na Rusijo – še posebej po nezakoniti priključitvi Krima – zagotavljalo, da njihova varnost ni vprašljiva. Ne smemo ogroziti svoboščin, (...) ter jih prepustiti vplivom predsednika Putina," je po poročanju Guardiana povedala Mayeva.
Sicer je pa ta Mayeva glede na njene zastarele prijeme se kar razgledana gospa
"Graditi moramo odnose, sisteme in procese, ki prej kot konflikt omogočajo sodelovanje. To bo našim zaveznicam, ki mejijo na Rusijo – še posebej po nezakoniti priključitvi Krima – zagotavljalo, da njihova varnost ni vprašljiva. Ne smemo ogroziti svoboščin, (...) ter jih prepustiti vplivom predsednika Putina," je po poročanju Guardiana povedala Mayeva.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()
mtosev ::
Trump sanja, da bo EU propadla. mislim, da bi lahko rekli, da se vtika v zadeve v katere se ne bi smel vtikati
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()
Jst ::
Intervju s Steve Bannon:
"The media here is the opposition party. They don't understand this country. They stil do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States."
Waw, nisem si mislil, da se bom kdaj strinjal z tem človekom. Demokrati so ustanovili novo strujo, ji dali $20M, da ugotovijo, zakaj so zgubili in kako vzpostaviti stik z rust belt states. Če bodo tako nadaljevali, bodo Donnyja gledali osem let. Mislim, Obama mesec pred volitvami povišal prispevke za njegov ACA (Obamacare), utišal vse, ki so imeli drugačno mnenje o imigrantih, LGBT,... namesto, da bi imeli odprt dialog. Dokler ni pokrovko odneslo iz lonca direkt v vesolje. Sedaj se pa čudijo. Tako Dem, kot večina novinarjev.
Sicer pa, novinarji morajo biti "opposition", ampak ne tako, kot so počeli do sedaj, ko so vsi vidno in jasno podpirali Hillary.
Po drugi strani pa, ko sem gledal intervju Hannityja z Trumpom, to pa tudi ni nikakršno novinarstvo. Tako je lezel v rit Donnyju, da je dobesedno dokončeval njegove stavke. USA is fucked, either way.
"The media here is the opposition party. They don't understand this country. They stil do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States."
Waw, nisem si mislil, da se bom kdaj strinjal z tem človekom. Demokrati so ustanovili novo strujo, ji dali $20M, da ugotovijo, zakaj so zgubili in kako vzpostaviti stik z rust belt states. Če bodo tako nadaljevali, bodo Donnyja gledali osem let. Mislim, Obama mesec pred volitvami povišal prispevke za njegov ACA (Obamacare), utišal vse, ki so imeli drugačno mnenje o imigrantih, LGBT,... namesto, da bi imeli odprt dialog. Dokler ni pokrovko odneslo iz lonca direkt v vesolje. Sedaj se pa čudijo. Tako Dem, kot večina novinarjev.
Sicer pa, novinarji morajo biti "opposition", ampak ne tako, kot so počeli do sedaj, ko so vsi vidno in jasno podpirali Hillary.
Po drugi strani pa, ko sem gledal intervju Hannityja z Trumpom, to pa tudi ni nikakršno novinarstvo. Tako je lezel v rit Donnyju, da je dobesedno dokončeval njegove stavke. USA is fucked, either way.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
poweroff ::
Po drugi strani pa, ko sem gledal intervju Hannityja z Trumpom, to pa tudi ni nikakršno novinarstvo. Tako je lezel v rit Donnyju, da je dobesedno dokončeval njegove stavke. USA is fucked, either way.
Is that bad?
sudo poweroff
nevone ::
USA is fucked, either way.
Ni tko enostavno.
Is that bad?
Bi bilo, ja.
o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.
Matako ::
Ahmedizacija v ZDA začasno zmanjšana na minimum.
Začasno, dokler se ne razjasni, kako je s temi zmernimi mohamedanci - nekatere je menda razneslo, kar je nenavadno.
Začasno, dokler se ne razjasni, kako je s temi zmernimi mohamedanci - nekatere je menda razneslo, kar je nenavadno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matako ()
dice7 ::
Matako ::
Kot rečeno, odlok je začasen: če se izkaže, da ni nič bodo krepki sirijski otroci spet lahko nemoteno prihajali.
Matako ::
Epski, epski povolilni živčni zlom:
Posnetki kot ta so, zaradi mene, vredni premakniti Uro na 23:59.
Ampak resneje: ste opazili, kako zelo so ti aktivistični liki dojemljivi za osnovno trolanje? Videno tudi na tem forumu. Ironija je, da če se greš neke protestne shode, sit-in in vse živo, je to nekaj najslabšega. Moja teorija je, da hočejo prenesti metode iz 1960' gibanj v dobo akutnega pomankanja pozornosti.
Ne gre, za te hece rabiš živce... ali saj džolico in acid.
Posnetki kot ta so, zaradi mene, vredni premakniti Uro na 23:59.
Ampak resneje: ste opazili, kako zelo so ti aktivistični liki dojemljivi za osnovno trolanje? Videno tudi na tem forumu. Ironija je, da če se greš neke protestne shode, sit-in in vse živo, je to nekaj najslabšega. Moja teorija je, da hočejo prenesti metode iz 1960' gibanj v dobo akutnega pomankanja pozornosti.
Ne gre, za te hece rabiš živce... ali saj džolico in acid.
Samuel ::
Zakaj daješ tako veliko pozornosti načinu demonstriranja?? A spremljaš prve demonstracije v svojem življenju? A uni, ki so korakali tam nagi, ko so demonstrirali proti mučenju živali, pa po tvoje niso bili deležni tvoje pozornosti??
Izpadeš, ko en noob.
Izpadeš, ko en noob.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Matako ::
Mislim, da je bilo prej.
Ozadje: vsi ti posnetki so iz nekakšnega "art" projekta ki ga je začel Shia LaBeuf. Ideja je bila nekakšna video stojnica, kjer bi se ljudje zbirali v pesmi in sporočilih ljubezni ... le kaj bi lahko šlo narobe?
Na žalost ima tudi g. LaBeouf zelo kratke živčke - in je bil aretiran na prostoru lastnega projekta zaradi nereda.![:))](
Saj je že spuščen. Vseeno mislim, da je Projekt #HWNDU uspeh. Postavi ogledalo družbi, razkriva patologije in še zabava hkrati. To je izvrstno. Ena redkih dobrih stvari, ki je prišla ven od aktivističnega gibanja. Se sploh ne spomnim druge.![:))](
Kot kaže ima že vsak svojo najljubšo #HWNDU sceno, meni je všeč takrat, ko Dobri fantje obiščejo stojnico:
(Evo še za Meli so se postavili - guidoti so džentelmeni!)
Kateri je pa vaš najljubši #HWNDU posnetek?
Ozadje: vsi ti posnetki so iz nekakšnega "art" projekta ki ga je začel Shia LaBeuf. Ideja je bila nekakšna video stojnica, kjer bi se ljudje zbirali v pesmi in sporočilih ljubezni ... le kaj bi lahko šlo narobe?
Na žalost ima tudi g. LaBeouf zelo kratke živčke - in je bil aretiran na prostoru lastnega projekta zaradi nereda.
Saj je že spuščen. Vseeno mislim, da je Projekt #HWNDU uspeh. Postavi ogledalo družbi, razkriva patologije in še zabava hkrati. To je izvrstno. Ena redkih dobrih stvari, ki je prišla ven od aktivističnega gibanja. Se sploh ne spomnim druge.
Kot kaže ima že vsak svojo najljubšo #HWNDU sceno, meni je všeč takrat, ko Dobri fantje obiščejo stojnico:
(Evo še za Meli so se postavili - guidoti so džentelmeni!)
Kateri je pa vaš najljubši #HWNDU posnetek?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matako ()
oo7 ::
Ahmedizacija v ZDA začasno zmanjšana na minimum.
Začasno, dokler se ne razjasni, kako je s temi zmernimi mohamedanci - nekatere je menda razneslo, kar je nenavadno.
Se pravi je Trump že v 1 tednu naredil več dobrega za Ameriko kot Obama v 8 letih.
Heavy ::
Zaradi zakona je svet za ameriško-islamske odnose že napovedal tožbo. "Prav nobenega dokaza ni, da so begunci grožnja nacionalni varnosti ZDA. Gre za ukaz, ki temelji na nestrpnosti, ne pa na realnosti," je po poročanju Slovenske tiskovne agencije sporočila pravnica Sveta Lena Masri.
Kako si lahko tako nestrpen, da te ne raznese na maratonu!
ZaphodBB ::
p.s.: This is what racism in 2017 looks like.
p.s.: This is what racism in 2017 looks like.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
Karaya 52 ::
dice7 ::
Ahmedizacija v ZDA začasno zmanjšana na minimum.
Začasno, dokler se ne razjasni, kako je s temi zmernimi mohamedanci - nekatere je menda razneslo, kar je nenavadno.
Se pravi je Trump že v 1 tednu naredil več dobrega za Ameriko kot Obama v 8 letih.
Hoh kolega, prej bi povedal da si zelis tukaj vec beguncev kot pa skupno delitev bremena
vostok_1 ::
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
vostok_1 ::
Ti si razlagaš tko kot želiš.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
oo7 ::
Ahmedizacija v ZDA začasno zmanjšana na minimum.
Začasno, dokler se ne razjasni, kako je s temi zmernimi mohamedanci - nekatere je menda razneslo, kar je nenavadno.
Se pravi je Trump že v 1 tednu naredil več dobrega za Ameriko kot Obama v 8 letih.
Hoh kolega, prej bi povedal da si zelis tukaj vec beguncev kot pa skupno delitev bremena
Seveda bi morala Amerika vzeti največ migrantov saj so oni krivi za destabilizacijo Libije in začetek arabske pomladi v Siriji. Ampak za to je kriva Obamova administracija, ki je sejala smrt po BV tako, da jaz spoštujem odločitev Trumpa, ker je s tem zaščitil navadne Američane, ki niso imeli nič z to noro Obamovo administracijo. Islamska država je rekla, da bo medm igranti in begunci veliko njihovih borcev zakaj bi Trump tvegal in to nevarnost pripeljal v Ameriko saj ni tako neumen kot so v EU
Trumpova ideja je najboljša v teh državah se postavi varovane koridorje kjer bodo ti ljudje živeli saj Islamska država zgublja zdaj se bo največ borcev pomešalo med migrante in samo EU je dovolj nora, da jih dobesdno uvaža v Evropo.
kow ::
Evo, ze imamo alternative facts, ki jim ocitno nekateri verjamejo. Zdaj so ze americani krivi za arabsko pomlad.
dice7 ::
Pred Obamo je vladal mir na BV
Mimogrede Trumpov war on ISIS se po eksekuciji slisi dokaj podobno Bushovmu war on terror
Mimogrede Trumpov war on ISIS se po eksekuciji slisi dokaj podobno Bushovmu war on terror
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()
Zagor_tenay ::
Hoh kolega, prej bi povedal da si zelis tukaj vec beguncev kot pa skupno delitev bremena
Begunce bomo dobili zaradi lastne neumnosti, ne pa zaradi Trumpa. Ni Trump šef Združene levice, ki pravi, da mora Slovenija sprejeti 200.000 beguncev.
Pac-Man ::
predsednik Trump, danes:
Gregg P., 2 dneva po volitvah
Gregg P., včeraj na CNN
CIA, FBI, NSA, NYT, WaPo, za predsednika ZDA fejk, tole pa real deal.
Dogajanje na stojnici dobro kaže po kateri liniji so danes ZDA razdeljene. Goodfellas s stojnice so dober material za naše vaške straže. Ker smo pa tudi dobrotniki bo importacija detestosteronskih chia semen v neki meri še vedno dovoljena.
FYI, tip na levi je bil demokratski kandidat za predsednika, v tem ciklu. Če bi ga stranka nekako spravila skozi primarne volitve ne morem garantirat, da bi bil predsednik, ker bi se baza zagotovo spuntala, zagotovo pa Trumpu ne bi uspelo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Samuel ::
V prvem letu bomo deležni več trumpizmov kot smo jih v osmih letih bushizmov.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
dice7 ::
Zagor_tenay je izjavil:
#fakeNewsHoh kolega, prej bi povedal da si zelis tukaj vec beguncev kot pa skupno delitev bremena
Begunce bomo dobili zaradi lastne neumnosti, ne pa zaradi Trumpa. Ni Trump šef Združene levice, ki pravi, da mora Slovenija sprejeti 200.000 beguncev.
ZaphodBB ::
Zagor_tenay je izjavil:
#fakeNewsHoh kolega, prej bi povedal da si zelis tukaj vec beguncev kot pa skupno delitev bremena
Begunce bomo dobili zaradi lastne neumnosti, ne pa zaradi Trumpa. Ni Trump šef Združene levice, ki pravi, da mora Slovenija sprejeti 200.000 beguncev.
Ja skozi ste lagali ja. Nismo pozabili.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
Pac-Man ::
Sem pomirjen. Predsednik Trump je odlično ocenil situacijo.
Gregg Phillips, Donald Trump’s Voter Fraud Guru, Blasted as a ‘Revolving Door Hustler’
Making outlandish claims about illegal votes is only the latest in a long line of controversies Gregg Phillips has found himself in.
Perhaps Trump shouldn’t be so quick to believe Phillips, who has twice served in state government—once in Mississippi, once in Texas—and twice been accused of rewarding his associates, including a government document denouncing him for “facilitating an erosion of the public trust.”
“He’s one of our revolving door kind of hustlers,” Andrew Wheat, the research director of Texans for Public Justice, told The Daily Beast in a phone interview.
Over the past three decades, Phillips has frequently decried widespread waste, fraud, and abuse in government programs—then alleged to have created a program or software that purported to fix it all. After working to award millions in government contracts to his businesses or associates involved in those programs, they were quietly shuttered years later.
In 1993, according to the Houston Chronicle, Phillips signed a $875,000 contract modification to a company named Synesis Corporation. It was for adding two mobile learning labs to an adult literacy program in the state called the LEAP program.
Then Phillips went on Synesis’ payroll. On April 26, 1995, Phillips resigned from his position and, immediately began working for Synesis, earning an $84,000 annual salary to market Synesis’ wares.
As detailed in an investigative story from The Houston Chronicle, during Temple’s tenure at the Texas Workforce Commission, he helped his former colleague Phillips at Enterject earn $2.7 million in job-training grants from the commission. Enterject also got a separate $670,000 contract managing labor certificates for immigrants. These respective incidents occurred in 2001 and 2002.
These deals became such a concern that his secretary Sharon Reininger resorted to being a de-facto whistleblower about years of accrued handouts to his friends.
According to his LinkedIn page, Phillips was then hired in 2003 as executive deputy commissioner at the Texas Health and Human Services Commission after maintaining a close relationship with Temple at TWC. During his brief tenure in this position—Phillips was out of the job by August 2004—he reportedly awarded a $1.2 million consulting contract to Accenture.
Accenture used a lobbyist named Strategic Partnerships Inc. of Austin to seek out the contract. Strategic Partnerships had recently hired Paige Harkins, previously at Enterject, for the role of advising companies how to get the very contracts that Phillips was awarding.
According to his LinkedIn page, Phillips became chairman of his own company, AutoGov, by September of 2004.
By August 2007, according to The Dallas Morning News, Phillips had pitched a plan to automate the state’s juvenile inmate classification system. Just over a week later, the Texas Youth Commission had approved a no-bid $275,000 contract to AutoGov, bypassing the state’s legislative funding rules.
When a reporter for The Dallas Morning News inquired with the organization why Phillips—only months into the automation game—had been awarded a contract without so much as a background check, the agency’s leader, Jay Kimbrough said, “It doesn’t matter to me if Gregg Phillips was on the grassy knoll in Dallas, Texas, if he has a solution that is good for the youth of TYC.”
“In addition, in September 2008, TYC piloted its new automated placement system, Autogov, but because of significant problems with the new system, TYC must operate both its old and new placement systems,” the report read. “Without a comprehensive placement policy and process in place, TYC cannot ensure youth are placed based on risk, need, and location of family resources.”
Despite Autogov’s failure at the TYC, it received another government contract in 2009. This time, Phillips’s company was awarded at least $207,000 in more no-bid funds for software that was supposed to guarantee the integrity of the application process for food stamp and other welfare program participants.
Now, as Phillips’s new business has become a national talking point, Wheat wasn’t really surprised to see him up to his old tricks—including tweeting recent assertions that “Israelis impersonated Russians” involved in election hacking and that President Obama ordered the hacking of a number of state election databases.
“We’ve got a number of these kind of people here and I guess nationally—the Twitter stuff they pull out of their butt and whatnot,” Wheat told The Daily Beast.
“Spewing utter gibberish into the Twittersphere and then being surprised when people try to fact check him.”
Karaya 52 ::
FYI, tip na levi je bil demokratski kandidat za predsednika, v tem ciklu. Če bi ga stranka nekako spravila skozi primarne volitve ne morem garantirat, da bi bil predsednik, ker bi se baza zagotovo spuntala, zagotovo pa Trumpu ne bi uspelo.
Poslednji Mohikanec. Več možnosti na primarnih bi imel Manning. Ja, tako je danes z Demokrati. Cenjeni Boštjan M. Zupančič je našel razloge v hormonskih motilcih. Fantje, veliko zelja jejte, čisti estrogen iz telesa. Chia semena, humus in kivi diete niso odgovor.
Mimogrede, SJW kamera sporoča... Velika Kladuša v paniki.
Zheegec ::
Rdeca: drzave, v kateri prebivajo "radikalne islamistične teroriste zunaj meja ZDA" in so pod vplivom podpisanega odloka
Rumena: drzave, kjer ima Trump biznis s svojo firmo
To je fake mapa!!
Rdeča: Države, katere trenutno USA bombandira in kjer USA daje orožje Al Qaeda in Al Nusra bojevnikom klik Nočemo beguncev, ki bežijo pred USA bombami!
Rumena: Države, iz katerih prihajajo krivci za 9/11 in ki financirajo ISIS. Trumpa ne briga za žrtve 9/11! Sad! Weak coward!
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zheegec ()
jype ::
ZaphodBB> Ja skozi ste lagali ja. Nismo pozabili.
Absolutno, tovariš. Me lahko usmeriš na najbližje koncentracijsko taborišče v Sloveniji?
Aja, ne morete, ker vztrajno lažete.
Karaya 52> Poslednji Mohikanec. Več možnosti na primarnih bi imel Manning. Ja, tako je danes z Demokrati. Cenjeni Boštjan M. Zupančič je našel razloge v hormonskih motilcih. Fantje, veliko zelja jejte, čisti estrogen iz telesa. Chia semena, humus in kivi diete niso odgovor.
Z estrogenom so tebi podobni včasih zdravili genije, zdaj vam pa nenadoma ni več všeč?
Absolutno, tovariš. Me lahko usmeriš na najbližje koncentracijsko taborišče v Sloveniji?
Aja, ne morete, ker vztrajno lažete.
Karaya 52> Poslednji Mohikanec. Več možnosti na primarnih bi imel Manning. Ja, tako je danes z Demokrati. Cenjeni Boštjan M. Zupančič je našel razloge v hormonskih motilcih. Fantje, veliko zelja jejte, čisti estrogen iz telesa. Chia semena, humus in kivi diete niso odgovor.
Z estrogenom so tebi podobni včasih zdravili genije, zdaj vam pa nenadoma ni več všeč?
Pac-Man ::
Pac-Man ::
Tale čoln morda resno pušča
s tovrstnimi objavami
ampak verjetno gre za fikcijo, ker boldano zgoraj in v njihovih besedah
Čakam puding.
The unofficial resistance team inside the White House. Not taxpayer subsidised! Alternative outlet, but the facts are real.
s tovrstnimi objavami
POTUS was dismissive of PM May. "I hope she'll like us, but she doesn't have much to offer."
Assessment is that a post Brexit PM May needs POTUS more than POTUS needs her. "She does what we want, or we go somewhere else."
VP Pence to sit in on POTUS/Putin phone call tomorrow. POTUS doesn't like idea, but gave in to pressure from #UnholyTrinity .
Took all day to safely verify, but a full scale #WH5thcolum is forming. Also a full scale crackdown by the brass. Still must stay isolated.
Bannon apparently hunting for heretics. Confirmed, is aware of this acct. Actively trying to identify us. #UnholyTrinity may be losing grip.
So far Priebus containing POTUS's plan to order IRS to end audit, but not sure how long he keeps. POTUS chomping at the bit to wield power.
POTUS calls for investigating voter fraud in states he lost actually an #UnholyTrinity plan. Results will aid "turnout control" efforts.
Office pool quietly taking bets on how long it takes Priebus and Bannon to turn into Holyfield v Tyson.
Overheard through locked door: "Don't they know I'm the f--- President!?" POTUS displeased at resistance. #resist
Tensions raw around the West Wing. Possibility that POTUS family members may have actually voted twice at his urging.
POTUS demanding accuser to "put up or shut up," after top staffer suggests family vote fraud w/o any evidence. "This is mutiny."
POTUS disagreeing with #unholytrinity about vote fraud talk. They say it's losing battle, but POTUS says public needs to see he's popular.
POTUS strategy on wall tax is to hurt Mexican economy, force them to surrender and foot bill. He knows the tax will never pay for the wall.
Kellyanne is a touchy one herself. Hides it better than POTUS, though. Those two, a match made in heaven.
POTUS asking around about people's Photoshop skills. Says inauguration photos need to be "touched up."
Real concern starting to emerge that POTUS not even acting as he believes best, just for spite. Ex: gutting EU data law because Obama.
Under Secy Kennedy is a traitor for resigning, according to POTUS. Kennedy departs over POTUS plans for a "torture first" foreign policy.
POTUS: Use external email accts for information control. Maintain an official acct with "filler" to "make it look good."
ampak verjetno gre za fikcijo, ker boldano zgoraj in v njihovih besedah
Feel free to unfollow. We have families. This acct could be violation of Hatch Act. What you act could be prosecuted as espionage. #inhiding
Čakam puding.
Karaya 52 ::
oo7 ::
Ko mora temnopolt povedati belopolti, da je BLM teroristična organizacija. In seveda liberalka ne prenese resnice in stisne rep med noge in zbeži
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
Pac-Man ::
Tip je predsednik šele en teden. Potrpljenje.
The most forceful, personal denunciations of the Muslim ban I've seen here come from current and past members of the United States military.
I told this story about #refugees a couple years ago on Veterans Day with a humorous slant. I'm going to tell it again today, unfiltered.
Years ago, on my first deployment to Iraq, I befriended a local boy, Brahim, who would quickly become one of our interpreters. He was able to do so, bc the turnover rate for local nationals work with us was enormous. And not bc they quit, bc they were killed. Besides the money, we were able to get them to volunteer with us by promising them refugee status in the U.S. if they completed a tour. (But really, I think the chain of command knew that most interpreters wouldn't make it through their contracts alive.)
Anyway, Brahmin would tell me about all the family members he lost in the conflict--brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, all of em. He told me how he lived in a one bedroom house with 7 people. No clean, power every other week because of the rolling blackouts, etc. He told me how they did have the basic necessities most days and that him volunteering w/ us was one of their sole sources of income. One day, I went down to the PX and bought him $20, maybe $30 worth of toiletries. Nbd really. Just didn't want dude to smell like shit. When I presented it to him, he cried. Literally bawled his eyes out and said he give his life for me. OVER SOAP. Completely sobering.
He spent the next year acting as our liaison, providing us with valuable intel, essentially saving our lives on a daily basis. At 16. At the end of my tour in Iraq, I knew I was leaving him to die. I knew I'd never see him again. Was just kinda like "take care kid."
Fast forward 5-years. And I'm flying home to Phoenix to bury my little brother who was brutally murdered. (Gun violence is another subj.) I remember the day like it was yesterday. I cried my eyes out all the way from Hawaii to Arizona. Fucking brutal. Spend 6 years fighting wars and you don't expect to get a phone call that your kid brother was randomly murdered in a carjacking.
Anyway, I land in Arizona and it's pouring. Hop off and walk down to the taxi stand. (Uber's weren't really a thing in 2013.) I get in the first taxi that pulls up and we're off. Driver starts to make the standard small talk. Where you from, what do you do, etc. I tell him I just got out of the military and blah blah. He says "oh great. I love the military. You ever travel anywhere?" Tell him, "Sure. Been to every corner of the globe. Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc." He says "Oh! I'm from Iraq! What part?" I say "Kirkuk, mostly." And he says "Im from Kirkuk." And then gets really fucking quiet. Like awkwardly quiet. Making me nervous quiet.
My first thought is I killed one of his family members and he recognizes me. And now im literally getting ready to bail out of the cab. I see him staring at me in the rear view. I can see the anguish in his eyes. And then he starts to PULL THE CAB TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. He stops, turns around and says, "Dylan, you remember me? It's me, Brahim." And I'm like wtffffff. And just start sobbing.
We got out of that taxi off the I10 and Rural and hugged it out on a bridge in the rain on some Notebook shit. I didn't ever care, man. So I'm like WTF ARE YOU DOING IN FUCKING ARIZONA?! HOW? MAN WHAT? And he's like I did my 4 years and they gave me a visa. They gave him some cash and a 1 way ticket to the States. Asked him where he wanted to go, and he said where the weather is like Iraq. So they sent him to Arizona.
5 years after I left him in Iraq and a few days after my younger brother was violently murdered, the universe linked us up again. Brahim literally saved my life, twice.
Lost one brother, and got another one back. #refugees
I fought for years to help my Afghan interpreter get a visa. He lives in Virginia with his wife, and I'm terrified for him.
I can't even begin to describe how angry I am. Calling and faxing all my reps in a rage.
He now works for a Catholic charity helping resettle refugees. He's a fluent Dari, Hazaragi, English, Pashto, and Urdu speaker.
The US Embassy in Kabul lost his packet numerous times, and it took intervention from a State rep, a ARNG O-7, and my Senator to resolve.
Tale čoln morda resno pušča
To praviš že od novembra dalje. "Impeachment-a" še kar ni na obzorju, zgodba s prostitutkami ni nikamor vodila, rusko hekanje ravno tako ne, papirji o gradnji Zida so podpisani, muslim ban se že izvaja... ti pa pišeš o čolnu, ki pušča. Ne vem no...
Tip je predsednik šele en teden. Potrpljenje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Karaya 52 ::
Tip je predsednik šele en teden. Potrpljenje.
Ja sj, en teden pa že toliko dobrega. Osem let je še pred nami, potem bo pa Barron prevzel štafeto.
V drugih novicah, SJW, jezen zaradi muslimbana, bi deportiral Melanio. Goodfellas so že na poti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Karaya 52 ()
Pac-Man ::
Vse zato, ker peklenska pomaranča strelja na slepo.
Hameed Jhalid Darweesh was detained at the airport shortly after he arrived in the U.S., according to the New York Times. Darweesh worked on behalf of the U.S. military in Iraq for nearly a decade, often as a translator, causing immediate outrage Saturday when news broke of his detention, which was largely blamed on Trump’s executive order.
Darweesh’s detention received a swift response from lawyers, who filed a writ of habeas corpus on his behalf arguing that his detention was illegal, in addition to two members of Congress, Reps. Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.) and Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.).
Darweesh made headlines early Saturday when news broke that he and fellow Iraqi refugee Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi were being detained, despite being granted U.S. visas as refugees. They arrived on separate flights, but lawyers filed the writ of habeas corpus on both of their behalf’s.
According to the New York Post, Darweesh and Alshawi, who also worked as a U.S. contractor in Iraq, were two of 12 refugees being detained at JFK. It isn’t immediately known how many other refugees are being held at U.S. ports of entry.
Leave no interpreter behind: Column
Local interpreters saved our lives in Afghanistan and Iraq. It's time we saved theirs.
When I deployed to Afghanistan with the U.S. Army, I never dreamed that during the worst ambush of my life, surrounded by fellow soldiers, I would be saved by my Afghan interpreter.
Trump's detainees:
- Iranian scientist headed to a Boston lab
- Fmr. Iraqi interpreter who worked for the U.S. Army
- Syrian refugee family
Vse zato, ker peklenska pomaranča strelja na slepo.
Pac-Man ::
A veš to, ko Cheney misli, da si dick do muslimanov?
Trump ve.
Dick Cheney Thinks Trump's Muslim Ban Is 'Against Everything We Stand For'
Trump ve.
Disgraceful! Iraqi interpreter for US Army Ahmed Nashmi+wife/baby were heading to USA on visa. Risked life for 6 years. Visa just cancelled.
TWO MORE! Just contacted by two more of my Iraqi Special ops interpreters. Both got SIV 5 days ago. All cancelled this AM at 0900. FFS!!
I'm sorry, I respect Mattis & Kelly too. But unless they speak out against what is happening they are complicity in an American tragedy.
@MalcolmNance as a Military Retiree w/ 22 years service to this country This isn't Y I risked my life for @POTUS should exempt these heros!
@pudus @MalcolmNance @POTUS I feel the same. I retired after 21 years and three tours in Iraq. When did we become so scared of refugees?
@pudus @MalcolmNance @POTUS As Vets, what can we do? Can we address Congress on behalf of interpretors? I srvd 22yrs & this IS NOT the America I represented either.
@pudus @MalcolmNance guys, as a Navy vet, I am disgusted by this policy. We fought to defend freedom, not cower from it.
I'm with you brother an Army retiree my values say I never leave a comrade behind @MalcolmNance! @POTUS Army values changed?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
Mislim, come on. Jeben plaz. Še en zorni kot.
One of my Iraqi interpreters is immigrating *tomorrow* on an SQ1 Special Immigrant Visa. He's arriving in NYC. Not sure they'll let him in.
Guy literally spent years keeping U.S. soldiers alive in combat in Iraq. He was one of the first to sign up in 2003. He is fearless.
He's from Iraq, but he's done more for America than Donald Trump ever will. Hope the President has the decency to let him in.
For those expressing concern, it's appreciated. I'll be sure to update tomorrow as I get more information.
No updates on this, unfortunately. His flight landed 4.5 hours ago. His phone has remained off. Appreciate everyone's concern.
Hameed was released an hour ago. But others are having their visas revoked. Do not let up.
Me and Hameed in Iraq in 2003 and him talking to reporters after his release this morning. Guy is a patriot. Proud to know him.
This was my team. We fought together in Iraq. Guess the two most critical members. Now guess which two are no longer welcome in the U.S.
Today Trump abandoned brave Iraqi and Afghan interpreters who saved thousands of U.S. troops' lives. Mattis stood by smiling as he did so.
Time to dispense with the fantasy that Mattis is somehow there to "protect his troops" from Trump. He's collaborating with Trump. Period.
Confirmed: Iran's Asghar Farhadi won't be let into the US to attend Oscar's. He's nominated for best foreign language film... #MuslimBan
Pac-Man ::
Upam da so bili v 70ih uspešni z eksperimenti s telepatijo. Sicer se bo trumpova vojna proti IS končala še preden se je začela.
The Men Who Stare at Goats @ Wikipedia
Breaking: Iraqi parliament to discuss retaliatory blocking of visas for all Americans, including contractors & journalists (MoFA source)
Upam da so bili v 70ih uspešni z eksperimenti s telepatijo. Sicer se bo trumpova vojna proti IS končala še preden se je začela.
The Men Who Stare at Goats @ Wikipedia
mtosev ::
OMG kaj je trump storil s muslim banom. ne vem kaj, da rečem, če bo tak nadaljeval verjetno ne bo zdržal 4leta
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Pac-Man ::
@executive orders
So, you're all asking: What should we do? Okay, I have some recommendations in general. These are my personal views, as always.
If the President freaks you out with Executive Order, here are some questions to ask.
First: is this EO actually enforceable?
Second: is it likely to face a legal challenge?
Third: Does it require Congress to give it money?
Fourth: Does it require positive or negative action? (Positive: go do something; Negative: don't enforce) EX: Obama DACA EO was negative.
Fifth: Can Congress actually overturn it?
All of these matter. Most EOs aren't as powerful as you think; many get challenges. EOs can cause real harm; this is likely one that will cause chaos and a mess. But ZOMG POLICE STATE doesn't help you to oppose it. So, if you oppose something this or any President has done, here's your checklist.
First, your member of Congress.
Second, is there an organization that exists as an advocacy group for this issue? (Spoiler: yes, always). Contact them. Volunteer.
Third, tailor your objections SPECIFICALLY to things that are achievable and hit specific weaknesses of the policy you don't like. It's not much to say "OMG AN EO LIMITING REFUGEES!" Obama did one of those, too. Speak to the part you want pushed back. You'd be surprised how much citizens, when speaking CALMLY, can get action on badly written EOs. Just ask Obama about GTMO.
Also, remember that EOs only last until rescinded by the original or a successive POTUS - or legislated around by Congress.
You have *so many options* for opposing policies you don't like, as long as you don't
- freak out
- alienate people who otherwise agree
Media will flip out on everything because you're all suckers enough to give them the clicks for it. But lots of smart journos out there. Educate yourselves. Have at least one day of patience before you flip. Think through the many options. This is Democracy 101.
RedDrake ::
@Pac-Man, takšne stvari nas ne zanimajo, ker a) nismo državljani ZDA b) vemo kako demokracija deluje in c) vemo, da dokler niso ogrožene osnovne svoboščine nima smisla avtistično hreščati po SJW-ejskih odmevnih sobah.
Tip dela, točno to, kar je obljubil. Napovedi, da ne bo nič uresničil, se ne uresničujejo.
Danes je uveljavil 5 letno prepoved lobiranja za vse, ki so bili na oblasti. A so to zvoki iz Barja, kako voda odteka in izhlapeva?
Zaenkrat njegove ukrepe v večini podpiram, še posebej z veseljem, ker se regresivci dobesedno obnašajo tako kot so projecirali na Trumpiste. Ko/če pridejo ukrepi, ki bodo dejansko ogrozili osebne svobode, bom umaknil podporo (čeprav to ničesar ne spremeni, ker živim v Sloveniji in ne ZDA)
Tip dela, točno to, kar je obljubil. Napovedi, da ne bo nič uresničil, se ne uresničujejo.
Danes je uveljavil 5 letno prepoved lobiranja za vse, ki so bili na oblasti. A so to zvoki iz Barja, kako voda odteka in izhlapeva?
Zaenkrat njegove ukrepe v večini podpiram, še posebej z veseljem, ker se regresivci dobesedno obnašajo tako kot so projecirali na Trumpiste. Ko/če pridejo ukrepi, ki bodo dejansko ogrozili osebne svobode, bom umaknil podporo (čeprav to ničesar ne spremeni, ker živim v Sloveniji in ne ZDA)
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