Forum » Problemi človeštva » Samomorilski napadi v Bruslju 22.3.2016
Samomorilski napadi v Bruslju 22.3.2016

perci ::
perci>A to si v Mein Kampf prebral?
perci>Švedska policija so torej SJWjevci?
Če ti tako praviš.
perci>V Štokholmu danes nič ne gori
Jutro je še, jype :).
perci>Švedska policija so torej SJWjevci?
Če ti tako praviš.
perci>V Štokholmu danes nič ne gori
Jutro je še, jype :).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: perci ()

Darkjaar ::
Belgian vice PM: There were celebrations following Brussels attacks
A to so tisti slavni "moderate muslims"?
In seveda, večina ekstremistov prihaja iz revnega sloja.
A to so tisti slavni "moderate muslims"?
He pointed that jihadists hail from various backgrounds, “including doctors, lawyers, and common criminals,” and not solely from poor environments. Only one in six jihadists comes from a poor home in Belgium, he said, as he urged better pan-European cooperation on terrorism
In seveda, večina ekstremistov prihaja iz revnega sloja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Darkjaar ()

morbo ::
Belgian vice PM: There were celebrations following Brussels attacks
So razdeljevali bombone tako kot samomorilske napade praznujejo v "Palestini"?
Islam = revščina (tako umska kot materialna) = terorizem
Če hočete živeti v družbi kjer bo morala vojska konstantno patruljirat po ulicah, potem volite "progresivno" levico.

_dice7 ::
Islamofobi se boste morali sprijazniti, da je islam religija miru:
2016.03.29 Iraq Baghdad 7 23 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates amid a group of civilians, laying out seven.
2016.03.27 Pakistan Lahore 74 362 A massive suicide blast targeting Christian families celebrating Easter leaves over seventy dead, half of whom were children.
2016.03.26 Nigeria Tumpun 4 0 Boko Haram gunmen open fire on a group of villagers, killing four.
2016.03.26 Pakistan Lwargi 1 0 A polio worker is gunned down inside his clinic by Lashkar-e-Islam.
2016.03.25 Iraq Iskandariyah 41 105 Forty-one innocents are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at a soccer game.
2016.03.25 Yemen Aden 25 15 Three al-Qaeda suicide bombings leave twenty-five dead.
2016.03.24 Pakistan Hayatabad 1 0 A university professor is shot to death by fundamentalists.
2016.03.24 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 0 Muslim extremists gun down two police officers.
2016.03.24 Scotland Glasgow 1 0 An Ahmadi religious minority is killed by a radical Muslim after wishing Christians a Happy Easter.
2016.03.24 Afghanistan Arghandab 7 0 Three Taliban in police uniform sprays seven sleeping officers with machine-gun fire.
2016.03.23 Syria Foua 2 3 Ahrar al-Sham snipers pick off two civilians.
2016.03.23 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two people outside a shop are sent to the hereafter by Jihadi bombers.
2016.03.23 Iraq Zkhaikha 6 13 A suicide car bomber lays out a half-dozen Iraqis.
2016.03.22 Bangladesh Kurigram 1 0 A Christian convert is stabbed to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.03.22 Belgium Brussels 14 92 Fourteen people are murdered when two suicide bombers detonate nail-packed explosives at crowded airline counters.
2016.03.22 Belgium Brussels 21 130 A Religion of Peace suicide blast on a subway train incinerates twenty-one commuters.
2016.03.22 Iraq Tarmiya 3 7 A Mujahid bomb blast claims three lives.
2016.03.21 Somalia Laantu Buur 6 0 Six local soldiers are ambushed and killed by an Islamist group.
2016.03.21 Iraq al-Baghdadi 6 9 An ISIS attack that began with five suicide bombings manages to kill six Iraqis.
2016.03.21 Iraq Makhmour 2 0 Two others are taken out by a series of suicide bombers.
2016.03.21 Iraq Anbar 30 0 A British suicide bomber is said to be responsible for a blast that kills thirty Iraqis.
2016.03.21 Yemen Taiz 1 3 Shiite snipers fire on a group of journalists, bringing down one.
2016.03.20 Iraq Haqlaniyah 24 12 A wave of Shahid suicide bombers kill two dozen Iraqis.
2016.03.19 Turkey Istanbul 4 39 An ISIS suicide bomber murders four people along a city street, including two American tourists.
2016.03.19 Iraq Mosul 70 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the remains of seventy female Yazidi victims of ISIS torture and execution.
2016.03.19 Somalia Afmadhow 2 5 An al-Shabaab attack leaves two others dead.
2016.03.19 Egypt al-Arish 15 0 ISIS claims to have detonated a suicide car bomb that leaves fifteen others dead.
2016.03.19 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two more children die from the effects of an ISIS mustard gas attack.
2016.03.18 Syria Aleppo 1 6 A Sunni rocket sends a woman to the morgue.
2016.03.18 Afghanistan Seori Tapi 2 1 A Taliban landmine takes out two people, including a child.
2016.03.18 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A gentleman's head is removed by the Islamic State.
2016.03.18 Syria Aleppo 2 3 Two children, a boy and a girl, are reduced to pulp by a series of Sunni rockets on their neighborhood.
2016.03.17 Pakistan Smagal 4 0 A woman and her child are among four souls obliterated by a suicide bomber.
2016.03.17 Niger Dolbel 3 3 Three guards at a market are shot to death point blank by Jihadis.
2016.03.17 Niger Diffa 1 2 Four suicide bombers manage to kill one other person.
2016.03.17 Iraq Hamidat 1 0 Radicals put a rival imam against a wall and shoot him to death.
2016.03.17 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 53-year-old guard at a school is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2016.03.17 Iraq Fallujah 6 0 Six men are executed in barbaric fashion by the Islamic State, including one whose head is blown off with explosives.
2016.03.17 Philippines Sarangani 1 0 A 43-year-old man is beheaded by a pro-caliphate group.
2016.03.17 Egypt Rafah 5 10 Five are killed when religious extremists attack a local military base.
2016.03.16 Pakistan Peshawar 15 30 Fifteen people are torn to shreds when Lashkar-e-Islam bomb a bus carrying commuters.
2016.03.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 18 35 Two female suicide bombers slaughter two dozen worshippers at a rival mosque.
2016.03.15 Iraq Qwar 9 17 An ISIS chlorine gas attack kills nine Kurds.
2016.03.15 Afghanistan Hajiabad 4 0 Women and children are among four civilians exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2016.03.15 Philippines Patikul 2 0 Abu Sayyaf members ambush and kill two local soldiers.
2016.03.15 Afghanistan Laghman 1 1 Sharia state proponents ambush and kill an off-duty police officer.
2016.03.15 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Suspected terrorists shoot a young woman twice in the head at a market.
2016.03.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A woman is shot to death by the Taliban.
2016.03.14 Nigeria Chul 3 7 Three civilians are taken out by a Boko Haram bomb blast.
2016.03.14 Nigeria Huyum 1 1 Islamic gunmen kill a woman and shoot a child in the leg.
2016.03.14 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two Egyptians are picked off by fundamentalist snipers.
2016.03.14 Iraq Zankurah 22 16 Twenty-two Iraqis are killed during an assault by the Islamic State.
2016.03.14 Canada Toronto, ON 0 2 A man stabs two soldiers at a recruiting center, saying that he was just following Allah's instructions.
2016.03.14 Syria Busayrah 1 0 A young man is shot in the head for 'mocking religion'.
2016.03.14 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1 0 Radical Muslims assassinate a 'polytheist apostate' (ie Shia cleric).
2016.03.14 Iraq Ramadi 25 20 ISIS suicide bombers massacre over two dozen in attacks on two villages.
2016.03.14 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six young people are rounded up and executed by the caliphate.
2016.03.13 Iraq Tal Kasab 8 22 Suicide bomb attacks leave eight dead.
2016.03.13 Iraq Sinjar 7 11 ISIS pour shells into a Yazidi village, killing seven residents.
2016.03.13 Afghanistan Yengi Qala 2 0 A young couple is murdered over suspected sexual activity.
2016.03.13 Ivory Coast Bassam 18 17 al-Qaeda gunmen assault a hotel and murder anyone refusing to praise Allah with them. The eighteen killed include a 5-year-old Christian who was cut down while praying.
2016.03.12 Iraq Mahmoudiyah 2 7 Mujahid bombers kill two patrons at a market.
2016.03.12 Iraq Munsiyah 7 0 Three women are among seven people murdered in their home by sectarian militia.
2016.03.12 Afghanistan Khanashin 1 3 A child is disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2016.03.11 Ingushetia Nazran 0 4 'Problems in the religious sphere' result in a car bomb blast outside a mosque.
2016.03.11 Pakistan Kohistan 2 0 A couple is shot to death for 'illicit relations'.
2016.03.11 Iraq Sheikhan 11 2 Two ISIS rockets claim the lives of eleven Iraqis.
2016.03.11 Iraq Sinjar 5 3 Five Kurds are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.03.10 Nigeria Tarka 3 0 Fulani mercenaries kill three villagers and burn their homes.
2016.03.10 Syria Wilayat al-Khayr 1 0 A man is forced by ISIS to climb a radio tower, from which he is shot off.
2016.03.10 Syria Wilayat al-Khayr 2 0 The Islamic State executes two terrified men by blowing them up.
2016.03.10 Libya Misrata 3 0 Three police are killed when ISIS members attack a checkpoint.
2016.03.10 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Kurds are beheaded by caliphate members.
2016.03.10 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 0 A poet and his son are murdered by the Islamic State.
2016.03.09 Iraq Taza 1 1500 A 3-year-old girl dies from an ISIS chemical attack that left hundreds injured.
2016.03.09 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 Muslim terrorists murder two members of a guard patrol for teachers.
2016.03.09 Nigeria Benue 8 0 Fulani mercenaries invade four villages in the middle of the night, shooting at least eight residents to death.
2016.03.09 Afghanistan Gereshk 4 30 A Taliban suicide assault on a government building leaves four guards dead.
2016.03.09 Somalia Mogadishu 4 2 Four people bleed out following a suicide car bombing outside a café.
2016.03.09 Iraq Husseiniya 1 6 Terrorists place a bomb under a bus that kills a passenger.
2016.03.08 Uruguay Paysandu 1 0 A Jewish man is stabbed to death by a Muslim convert 'following Allah's order'...
2016.03.08 Iraq al-Hadar 4 0 Four sex slaves are executed for trying to escape captivity in the caliphate.
2016.03.08 Israel Jaffa 1 15 Palestinians stab an American tourist to death.
2016.03.08 Afghanistan Maiwand 2 0 Two men clearing landmines are executed by suspected fundamentalists.
2016.03.08 Syria Aleppo 1 0 Devout Muslims implement the 'Rule of Allah' by shooting an 'apostate' in the head.
2016.03.08 Thailand Tak Bai 1 0 A Muslim 'insurgent' walks up to a man in a crowd and fires a bullet into the back of his head.
2016.03.08 Iraq Fallujah 50 0 Fifty civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.03.08 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 Three people are left dead following a Mujahideen bombing.
2016.03.08 Thailand Si Sakhon 1 0 A man on a motorcycle is ambushed and killed by Muslim terrorists.
2016.03.08 Turkey Kilis 2 1 A 4-year-old and his mother die when Sunni extremists hit their car with a rocket.
2016.03.07 Pakistan Orangi Town 2 0 A young couple is shot to death by conservative relatives for marrying of their own free will.
2016.03.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 7 Three people at a market are sectionalized by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Afghanistan Shindand 3 3 Three civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two local cops are pulled into pieces by Muslim bombers.
2016.03.07 Syria Hasakah 1 3 A woman loses her life to an ISIS explosive device.
2016.03.07 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 Video surfaces showing religious radicals executing a man with a shot to the head.
2016.03.07 Tunisia Ben Guerdane 19 17 A 12-year-old girl is among nineteen others who lose their lives during an Islamist assault on a small town.
2016.03.07 Somalia Beledweyne 0 6 A bomb hidden in a laptop detonates at an airport.
2016.03.07 Pakistan Shabqadar 17 30 A Jamatul Ahrar suicide bomber murders seventeen people at a courthouse, including two children.
2016.03.07 Iraq Kirkuk 5 0 Five young people are torn to shreds by an ISIS bomb blast.
2016.03.06 Iraq Hillah 61 95 At least sixty people are incinerated when a suicide bomber in a fuel tanker detonates outside a town.
2016.03.06 Syria Aleppo 14 40 Jaish-al-Sunna terrorists send mortars and rockets into a busy market, massacring over a dozen shoppers.
2016.03.06 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 0 Fundamentalists ambush an ambulance and machine-gun a medic and two injured patients.
2016.03.06 Iraq al-Jahash 12 0 A dozen people are executed by a Sharia court.
2016.03.05 Syria Jarablus 1 0 A teen is beheaded for apostasy after missing Friday prayers.
2016.03.05 Yemen Aden 2 0 Sectarian terrorists fire on a vehicle, killing two occupants.
2016.03.04 Yemen Aden 16 0 Militant Muslims storm a Catholic retirement home and murder sixteen, including four nuns and the elderly residents.
2016.03.03 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 10 Two civilians are killed when terrorists sent mortar shells into a market.
2016.03.03 Syria Kafriya 1 3 Sunni militants machine-gun a civilian in his home.
2016.03.03 Libya Surman 2 0 Two Italian hostages are killed while being used as human shields by ISIS.
2016.03.03 Thailand Yala 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a rubber tapper to death, then set his body on fire.
2016.03.02 Iraq Hawija 6 0 Six people are beheaded and crucified by the Islamic State.
2016.03.02 Iraq Nineveh 5 0 A 12-year-old girl is forced by the caliphate to execute five women, including a doctor.
2016.03.02 Syria Quneitra 18 30 Two suicide bombers massacre eighteen bystanders.
2016.03.02 Egypt Khariza 1 3 An Islamist bomb claims one life.
2016.03.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 19 Four suicide bombers target the Indian consulate, killing two civilians.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Noorshah 2 0 Two women are murdered over 'doubts about their character and lifestyles'.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Peshawar 2 4 Two employees at the US consulate bleed to death following an Islamist bombing.
2016.03.01 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 3 2 Religious extremists hit a house with a rocket, killing three family members.
2016.03.01 Somalia Alamada 5 8 An al-Shabaab bomb produces five dead bodies.
2016.03.01 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Fundamentalists behead a man and shoot his son to death.
2016.03.01 Iraq Haditha 8 8 Eight Iraqis are blown up by four Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2016.03.01 Philippines Zamboanga 2 0 An assassination attempt on an anti-ISIS preacher outside a university hall leaves two dead.
2016.03.01 Philippines Datu Salibo 1 2 Bangsamoro Islamists kill one other person during an ambush.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 An Ahmadi religious minority is stabbed to death for his faith.
2016.02.29 Russia Moscow 1 0 A woman beheads a child, saying that it was revenge for 'spilled Muslim blood' in Syria.
2016.02.29 Afghanistan Farah 3 3 Three children are disassembled by a Taliban IED.
2016.02.29 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 3 Four locals are shot to death by the Taliban
2016.02.29 Iraq Mosul 24 0 Two dozen Iraqis are rounded up and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.02.29 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two religious clerics are murdered by their more radical brethren
2016.02.29 Iraq Muqdadiya 40 58 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, sending at least forty mourners straight into their own afterlife.
2016.02.29 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Three youth are beheaded for putting up anti-ISIS posters.
2016.02.29 Yemen Aden 4 5 A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out four other souls.
2016.02.29 DRC Ntombi 13 0 Four women are among thirteen villagers found hacked to pieces by ADF Islamists.
2016.02.29 Nigeria Badarawa 15 22 Suspected Boko Haram surround a group of villagers gathered to watch a video and pour machine gun fire into them, killing at least fifteen.
2016.02.29 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 0 Three men are crucified by a Sharia court for crimes against Allah.
2016.02.28 Iraq Abu Ghraib 24 22 Two dozen Iraqis are shot or blown apart during a Fedayeen suicide attack by ISIS.
2016.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 78 112 Seventy-eight people at a packed market in a Shiite area are exterminated by two Sunni suicide bombers.
2016.02.28 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A man is shot to death in front of his home by the Islamic State.
2016.02.28 Somalia Baidoa 30 60 At least thirty civilians and first responders are slaughtered by a twin suicide attack near a restaurant.
2016.02.28 Afghanistan Qads 1 0 A tribal elder is tortured to death by religious extremists.
2016.02.28 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 3 11 Three souls are snuffed out by an explosive device planted by Sharia proponents.
2016.02.27 Pakistan Qayum 1 2 A Muslim shouts a religious slur and fires into a Christian home, killing a 17-year-old boy.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Bolan 2 0 The Taliban wipe out two local police with a roadside bomb.
2016.02.27 Egypt Rafah 2 2 Two local security personnel are cut down by an Islamist bomb.
2016.02.27 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 9 Jihadis bomb an outdoor market, killing two patrons.
2016.02.27 Iraq Baghdad 5 25 A series of Mujahideen blasts leave five dead.
2016.02.27 Syria Ajila 2 4 A suicide car bomber takes out two village guards.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Asadabad 12 40 A dozen people lose their lives to a suicide blast along a city street, including three brothers.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 5 Taliban bombers take out a civilian.
2016.02.27 Syria Salamiya 2 3 An ISIS suicide bomber takes at least two others with him.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Kabul 15 31 A suicide bomber targets a bus, killing fifteen passengers and bystanders.
2016.02.27 Syria Teeba 4 4 Four villagers lose their lives to an Islamic State suicide bomber.
2016.02.27 Syria Deir Ezzor 3 12 Three children are disassembled by Sunni mortars.
2016.02.26 Somalia Mogadishu 14 30 Holy Warriors attack a 'Youth League' hotel with bombs and gunfire, laying out fourteen innocents.
2016.02.26 Syria al-Zahra 1 0 A child is killed by Jabhat al-Nusra.
2016.02.26 Egypt Giza 1 1 Fundamentalists open fire on two traffic cops, killing one.
2016.02.26 Germany Hanover 0 1 A 'radicalized' teen girl stabs a female police officer.
2016.02.25 Somalia Mogadishu 4 8 Four civilians lose their lives to an al-Shabaab attack.
2016.02.25 Iraq Baghdad 15 50 Two Sunni suicide bombers detonate at a Shiite mosque, slaughtering at least fifteen worshippers.
2016.02.24 Libya Sabratha 12 0 A dozen local security agents are captured and beheaded by ISIS.
2016.02.24 Mali Timbuktu 3 2 Islamists attack a checkpoint, killing three defenders.
2016.02.24 Afghanistan Kabul 7 0 The Taliban kill seven Afghans over a 24-hour period.
2016.02.24 Syria Dayr al-Zawr 2 14 Sunni rockets take out two civilians.
2016.02.24 Syria Aleppo 10 5 Seven children are among ten civilians disassembled by two Sunni mortar rounds.
2016.02.24 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An imam is beheaded by Religion of Peace rivals.
2016.02.24 Nigeria Agatu 300 0 Radical Islamic mercenaries sweep through a series of Christian villages and slaughter over three hundred, including pregnant women and children.
2016.02.23 Iraq Fallujah 12 0 A dozen Iraqis are caught trying to flee the caliphate, marched to the city center and executed.
2016.02.23 Syria Hamidiya 2 0 Two teenage girls are stoned for adultery.
2016.02.23 Iraq Hawija 4 0 Four young people are executed by ISIS after members call for 'repentance'.
2016.02.23 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 14 Two civilians are pulled apart by a Sunni mortar blast.
2016.02.23 Iraq Yusufiya 1 9 Terrorists bomb a vegetable market, killing one person.
2016.02.23 Syria Raqqa 1 0 Radicals execute a man for 'apostasy'.
2016.02.22 Philippines Tugaya 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a local soldier guarding a village
2016.02.22 Iraq Ramadi 8 0 Eight people are killed in their own homes by ISIS booby-traps.
2016.02.22 India Pompore 3 0 Three more people are killed by Lashkar-e-Toiba.
2016.02.22 Iraq Ramadi 6 10 An ISIS assault leaves six town defenders dead.
2016.02.22 Afghanistan Jabba 2 2 Religious fundamentalists murder two local cops.
2016.02.22 Afghanistan Parwan 13 19 A suicide bomber detonates near a clinic, taking thirteen other souls with him.
2016.02.22 Afghanistan Baghlan 1 2 A Taliban rocket takes out an Afghan citizen.
2016.02.21 Thailand Pattani 2 0 'Insurgents' shoot a Buddhist couple to death.
2016.02.21 Syria Zahra 59 200 A double-bombing by ISIS along a commerical strip leaves nearly sixty dead and two-hundred burned and battered.
2016.02.21 Syria Damascus 83 178 Children are among the eighty-three destroyed by a horrific suicide bombing outside a Shiite shrine and school.
2016.02.21 Philippines Butig 3 6 Moro Islamists fire on a group of soldiers guarding a town, killing three.
2016.02.21 India Pulwama 3 10 Islamic militants open fire on a bus, killing three passengers.
2016.02.21 Bangladesh Deviganj 1 2 A Hindu priest is hacked to death and beheaded by Muslim extremists outside his temple.
2016.02.21 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two more people are publicly beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.02.21 Pakistan Navi Mandi 3 1 Four displaced persons are disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2016.02.21 Iraq Kirkuk 4 2 ISIS members target fleeing families, killing four members.
2016.02.21 Egypt al-Arish 2 10 Two civilians are taken out by an Islamist IED.
2016.02.20 Yemen Ahwar 3 0 An al-Qaeda attack on a small town leaves three defenders dead.
2016.02.20 Yemen Aden 2 0 Two people are gunned down by al-Qaeda operatives on a motorcycle.
2016.02.19 Pakistan Faisalabad 3 0 Three policemen are shot to death for "protecting the unIslamic system of democracy."
2016.02.19 Egypt Sinai 1 0 ISIS beheads a hostage taken in a tourist province.
2016.02.19 Cameroon Meme 24 112 Four Shahid suicide bombers massacre twenty-four others at a market and a nearby school.
2016.02.19 Mali Menaka 1 1 Jihadists fire into a group of village guards, killing one.
2016.02.19 Iraq Hardan 9 9 ISIS bombs targeting a bus kill nine Kurds.
2016.02.19 Afghanistan Landi Kotal 1 0 A religious scholar is assassinated by rivals.
2016.02.18 Iraq Hawija 17 0 Seventeen young people are beheaded after being accused of drawing anti-ISIS banners.
2016.02.18 Israel Shaare Benjamin 1 1 A 21-year-old father is stabbed to death in a supermarket by Palestinians.
2016.02.18 Syria Aleppo 4 5 Four civilians lose their lives to Sunni mortar shells on their neighborhood.
2016.02.18 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women who formerly served as election workers are forced to their knees and shot in the back of the head by caliphate members.
2016.02.18 Pakistan Mohmand 9 0 Religious radicals murder nine local security personnel in two attacks.
2016.02.18 Afghanistan Waskhwa 6 0 Four children are among a family of six eliminated by Taliban bombers.
2016.02.18 Syria Palmyra 2 0 Two young men are detained and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.02.18 Syria Kobane 13 24 Over a dozen people lose their lives during an ISIS bomb attack on several villages.
2016.02.17 Egypt Giza 1 2 Islamists gun down a traffic cop.
2016.02.17 Iraq Nineveh 3 0 Three civilians are executed for refusing to join the Islamic State.
2016.02.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Bombers target a group of teachers, killing a guard.
2016.02.17 Yemen Aden 13 60 Thirteen recruits at a military camp are wiped out by a Fedayeen suicide bombing.
2016.02.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 15-year-old is beheaded for listening to Western pop music.
2016.02.16 Iraq Ramadi 40 0 Children are among forty victims of ISIS execution found in a mass grave.
2016.02.16 Philippines Datu Salibo 4 2 A father and son are among four people bleeding to death in the aftermath of an Islamist roadside blast.
2016.02.15 Iraq Nineveh 1 0 A man is beheaded for 'insulting Allah'.
2016.02.15 Iraq Tarmiya 3 8 Three patrons at a popular market are sectionalized by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2016.02.15 Iraq Hawija 5 0 Five civilians are executed for trying to escape the caliphate.
2016.02.15 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 Radicals are suspected of gunning down a rival religious scholar.
2016.02.15 Nigeria Kuda 6 20 Boko Haram invade a village and fire at fleeing residents, killing six.
2016.02.15 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 A government official is assassinated by Jihadi car bombers.
2016.02.15 Afghanistan Pul-e-Momin 2 7 Armed fundamentalists attack a security post, killing two members.
2016.02.15 Dagestan Makhachkala 3 2 Fedayeen suicide bombers take out three other people.
2016.02.15 Saudi Arabia Abu Arish 1 0 A retired man is shot to death on his farm by the Islamic State.
2016.02.14 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two young men are shot to death for 'apostasy' after missing prayers.
2016.02.14 Iraq Faisaliah 8 0 The Islamic State drowns eight prisoners by herding them into a metal cage and then dipping it into a lake.
2016.02.14 Nigeria Abbi 2 19 Fulani terrorists attack a Christian community and hack a brother and sister to death.
2016.02.14 Syria Mrat 100 0 A mass grave containing the victims of about 100 ISIS victims (including children) is discovered.
2016.02.14 India Chowkibal 2 2 Two members are killed when Lashkar-e-Toiba militants open fire on a security patrol.
2016.02.13 Nigeria Yakshari 22 0 Islamists sneak into a village and slit the throats of twenty-two innocents.
2016.02.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A truck driver is executed in cold blood by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2016.02.13 Egypt Sinai 2 1 An ISIS bomb kills two sappers.
2016.02.13 Iraq Tarmiya 5 5 A vicious double-bombing kills five people overall, including first responders.
2016.02.13 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 7 Mujahideen set off a bomb at a market, killing two patrons.
2016.02.13 Afghanistan Helmand 5 7 Five Afghans are left dead following a double-suicide attack.
2016.02.13 Pakistan Islamabad 1 2 A traffic cop is picked off by Islamic State gunmen.
2016.02.13 Syria Sfeira 2 5 Two children are disassembled by an ISIS rocket.
2016.02.12 Mali Kidal 5 30 Ansar Dine members lob shells into a UN camp, killing five guards.
2016.02.12 Iraq Makhmour 1 11 A 3-year-old girl is killed while trying to escape the caliphate with her family.
2016.02.12 Nigeria Kachifa 8 0 Boko Haram murder eight villagers and kidnap a number of women and children.
2016.02.12 Yemen Aden 5 0 al-Qaeda gunmen sneak up on a police post and murder five officers.
2016.02.12 Thailand Yala 1 1 Muslim bombers pick off a guard for a group of teachers.
2016.02.12 Pakistan Takht-e-Nusrati 1 2 A dispute between clerics at a mosque is settled with gunfire that leaves one of them dead.
2016.02.11 USA Columbus, OH 0 4 Four people at a Christian-owned restaurant with an Israeli flag are slashed by a Muslim wielding a machete yelling 'Allah Akbar'...
2016.02.11 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four women are stoned to death for adultery - after having been raped.
2016.02.11 Mali Mopti 3 0 Islamic militants shoot three people to death.
2016.02.11 Yemen Aden 3 0 Jihadists kill three security personnel.
2016.02.10 Iraq Wafa 2 5 At least two others are killed during a Shahid sucide attack.
2016.02.10 Iraq Taji 3 9 Three Iraqis are disintegrated by a shrapnel blast.
2016.02.10 Afghanistan Abdul Rauf 5 7 Two religious radicals gun down five local cops at dinner.
2016.02.10 Cameroon Nguetchewe 6 30 Two female suicide bombers detonate during a funeral wake, killing six mourners, including two children.
2016.02.10 Nigeria Dikwa 60 78 Sixty refugees at a displaced persons camp, including women and children, are massacred by two female suicide bombers.
2016.02.10 Somalia Jameo Mubarac 1 0 A cleric is beheaded by Religion of Peace rivals.
2016.02.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female bank employee is put against a wall and shot to death by caliphate members.
2016.02.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A journalist is executed by a caliphate firing squad for taking pictures.
2016.02.09 Egypt Sinai 1 3 Fundementalists fire on a group of police, killing one.
2016.02.09 Syria Damascus 8 20 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber sends eight civilians straight to Allah.
2016.02.08 Syria Hasakah 9 4 Nine corpses are counted after an ISIS Shahid suicide bombing.
2016.02.08 Afghanistan Yahyakhil 6 9 Six people are massacred by a suicide bomber outside a bakery shop.
2016.02.08 Afghanistan Dehdadi 3 14 A suicide bomber attacks a bus, killing at least three others.
2016.02.08 Iraq Albu Diab 15 0 Victim victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2016.02.08 Iraq Mosul 300 0 At least three-hundred people are reported executed by the Islamic State, including activists.
2016.02.08 Pakistan Havid 2 0 A terrorist bomb blast outside a shop leaves the owner and a rickshaw driver dead.
2016.02.08 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 A Shiite elder is shot to death in front of his son by sectarian Jihadis.
2016.02.08 Bangladesh Gobindaganj 1 0 Police find the beheaded body of a Hindu trader.
2016.02.08 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four youth are flung from a roof by caliphate enforcers.
2016.02.08 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 14 0 Fourteen people are summarily executed by ISIS at a college.
2016.02.07 Iraq Baghdad 7 22 Mujahid bombers eliminate seven Iraqis with four bombs.
2016.02.07 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 A sectarian militia murders three civilians, including an 8-year-old boy.
2016.02.07 Afghanistan Kunar 3 0 Three polio workers are found murdered by suspected fundamentalists.
2016.02.07 Mali Boni 1 0 A civilian is murdered by Islamists.
2016.02.07 Afghanistan Logar 1 8 Taliban bombers pick off a man on his way to work.
2016.02.07 Israel Rahat 0 1 An elderly Jewish woman is stabbed in the neck by a young Palestinian man.
2016.02.06 Pakistan Quetta 10 35 A child and woman are obliterated along with eight others by a suicide bomber.
2016.02.06 Iraq Baghdadi 9 16 A Fedayeen suicide attack leaves nine others dead.
2016.02.06 Iraq Fallujah 14 0 A suicide bomber murders fourteen Iraqis.
2016.02.06 Nigeria Konduga 4 0 Boko Haram rampage through two villages, burning homes and killing four innocents.
2016.02.06 Nigeria Zamfara 23 10 Boko Haram stages a two-hour assault on a village, firing indiscriminately and killing dozens of people.
2016.02.05 Afghanistan Zanu 1 0 A woman is executed after being accused of adultery.
2016.02.05 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 A woman is among three people incinerated by a car bombing outside a pharmacy.
2016.02.05 Syria Aleppo 35 24 Thirty-five Syrians are reportedly killed in two ISIS suicide car bombings.
2016.02.04 Iraq Baghdad 9 33 Nine people are left dead after a string of bombings by Muslim terrorists.
2016.02.04 Mali Timbuktu 1 3 A suicide bombing at a UN camp kills a guard.
2016.02.04 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A child invokes the name of Allah before beheading a 'kafir'.
2016.02.04 Yemen Hadramaut 6 0 An ISIS video shows members opening fire on a busy market and beheading four 'apostates.'
2016.02.03 Libya Benghazi 3 13 An ISIS assault on a small town leaves three defenders dead.
2016.02.03 Iraq Mosul 12 0 A dozen university students are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.02.03 Afghanistan Tirin Kot 1 0 A 10-year-old boy is cut down in a targeted attack by Taliban gunmen.
2016.02.03 Israel Jerusalem 1 2 A 19-year-old woman bleeds out following a Palestinian shooting and stabbing spree.
2016.02.03 Syria Daraa 17 101 Seventeen civilians are smashed to bits by a Sunni rocket barrage.
2016.02.03 Iraq Hawija 2 0 Two people are shot to death for trying to escape the caliphate.
2016.02.03 Iraq Ramadi 13 0 ISIS shelling produces thirteen dead Iraqis.
2016.02.03 Libya Sirte 1 0 Islamic State members capture and crucify a young man.
2016.02.02 Iraq Madain 2 9 Terrorists set off a bomb near a café, killing two bystanders.
2016.02.02 Nigeria Goniambari 6 1 Islamists slaughter six villagers.
2016.02.02 Iraq Al-Bu Dhiaab 18 0 Eighteen Iraqis are reportedly slain by three ISIS suicide bombers.
2016.02.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 An off-duty cop is shot to death in front of his wife by Muslim 'insurgents.'
2016.02.02 Iraq Baghdad 6 27 A half-dozen Iraqis lose their lives to a series of Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2016.02.02 Somalia Mogadishu 0 2 A suicide bomber detonates on a plane, but manages to kill only himself.
2016.02.01 Afghanistan Kabul 20 29 Twenty people are reported dead in the aftermath of a Fedayeen suicide bombing.
2016.02.01 Iraq Anbar 1 0 An elderly man is beheaded for "disobeying" the caliphate.
2016.02.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 6 A child is sectionalized by an al-Shabaab mortar round.
2016.02.01 Syria Manbij 3 0 Three brothers are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.02.01 Iraq Hit 7 5 Children are among those eliminated by two Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2016.01.31 Egypt Sheikh Zuwaid 2 0 Two more people are killed by Islamist bombers.
2016.01.31 Iraq Khazir 8 6 An ISIS attack produces eight dead Kurds.
2016.01.31 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four Kurdish civilians are forced to their knees and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.01.31 Kenya Kaisari 4 1 Militant Muslims raid a Christian village and kill four innocents, one of whom is beheaded and the other burned inside his home.
2016.01.31 Syria Sayeda Zeinab 71 110 Five children are among seventy Shiite worshippers exterminated outside their mosque by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2016.01.31 Egypt Rafah 2 4 Two more security personnel are killed by a homemade bomb planted by Sharia proponents.
2016.01.31 Saudi Arabia Najran 1 9 An 11-year-old boy is killed when suspected Shiite militia hit his house with a rocket.
2016.01.31 Chad Guie 1 32 A suicide bomber on a motorcycle kills one other person.
2016.01.31 Chad Miterine 4 24 Four children playing soccer are killed after being deliberately targeted by two suicide bombers.
2016.01.31 Saudi Arabia Qatif 2 0 Two guards are killed by terrorists.
2016.01.31 Yemen Aden 1 0 A cleric who opposed extremism is tortured to death.
2016.01.30 Kenya Pandanguo 3 1 Islamists murder three men in a fishing village.
2016.01.30 Afghanistan Sarkanu 4 3 A bomb planted by Islamists takes the lives of four people.
2016.01.30 Nigeria Dalori 86 62 Children are among eighty-six souls horribly burned to death by Boko Haram.
2016.01.30 Yemen Lahj 3 1 An ISIS gunmen takes down three targets.
2016.01.30 Afghanistan Sarkano 3 2 The Taliban uses a roadside bomb to kill three Afghans.
2016.01.30 Iraq Saladin 1 0 A Shiite is beheaded on video by Sunni radicals.
2016.01.30 Syria Jarablus 1 0 A 14-year-old boy is beheaded on charges of apostasy after missing prayers.
2016.01.30 Iraq Hadher 17 0 Seventeen members of two families, including woman and young children, are beheaded by caliphate members.
2016.01.30 Iraq Shirqat 3 0 Three children are reportedly executed for insulting ISIS.
2016.01.29 Yemen Aden 7 7 Seven people are shredded by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.01.29 Syria Deir Ezzor 3 3 Three children are disassembled by an ISIS rocket.
2016.01.29 Nigeria Adamawa 10 28 A young suicide bomber detonates at a busy market near a church, taking out ten innocents.
2016.01.29 Pakistan Regi 1 0 A polio worker is murdered by fundamentalists.
2016.01.29 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 A journalist is shot to death by ISIS.
2016.01.29 Saudi Arabia Mahasen 5 36 Religion of Peace rivals attack a Shiite mosque with a suicide bombing and gunfire, killing five worshippers.
2016.01.29 Egypt al-Arish 2 7 An bomb planted by extremists near a school leaves two dead.
2016.01.28 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Jihadis bomb a popular market, killing two patrons.
2016.01.28 Egypt Rafah 6 12 Four children and two security personnel are killed in a bombing and clash with Islamic militants.
2016.01.28 Pakistan Quetta 4 0 The Taliban gun down four traffic cops.
2016.01.28 Cameroon Kerawa 4 12 Two suicide bombers murder four people at a school.
2016.01.28 Mali Gao 4 3 Four security personnel are killed in two separate attacks.
2016.01.28 Yemen Aden 11 10 A Fedayeen suicide car bombing kills eleven, including two children.
2016.01.27 Nigeria Chibok 16 32 Suicide bombers send shrapnel through sixteen innocents at a vegetable market in a Christian town.
2016.01.27 Iraq al-Baghdadi 4 10 A series of suicide attacks on a guesthouse leave four others dead.
2016.01.27 Egypt al-Arish 4 12 Ansar Beit al-Maqdis members set off an IED that takes the live of four policemen.
2016.01.27 Afghanistan Gerishk 4 0 Four members of a crew working to clear landmines are shot dead by the Taliban.
2016.01.27 Uganda Numuseru 1 0 A Christian convert is murdered after being threatened by an imam.
2016.01.26 Iraq Hamamiyat 2 8 Mujahideen set off a bomb that claims two lives.
2016.01.26 Kenya Lamu 5 2 al-Shabaab ambush and murder five local cops.
2016.01.26 Pakistan Safi 1 0 The body of a peace committee member is found a few days after his abduction by fundamentalists.
2016.01.26 Syria Manbij 1 0 A local media activist is beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.01.26 Iraq Ramadi 55 0 Over fifty Iraqis are reportedly killed in two suicide bombings.
2016.01.26 Syria Homs 25 100 Twenty-five people are laid out by an ISIS suicide bombing in a commercial district.
2016.01.26 Afghanistan Chinarto 10 0 A Taliban infiltrator drugs and murders ten local cops.
2016.01.25 Iraq Ramadi 40 0 About forty victims of ISIS executions are found in a mass grave.
2016.01.25 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man is beheaded for refusing to pray at the local mosque.
2016.01.25 Syria Aleppo 23 24 Two dozen people are blown up by a suicide bomber in a fuel truck.
2016.01.25 Israel Beit Horon 1 1 Two women are stabbed in a grocery by Palestinian terrorists.
2016.01.25 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 3 Five suicide bombers manage to take out three border guards.
2016.01.25 Cameroon Bodo 32 86 Dozens of shoppers are torn to shreds when three suicide bombers detonate at entrances to a market.
2016.01.25 Syria Deir al-Zour 5 6 ISIS members kill five citizens with a rocket.
2016.01.24 Yemen Mansura 5 0 A woman is among five people shot to death by suspected al-Qaeda.
2016.01.24 Egypt Kafr Keshk 3 4 Islamists fire on a group of villagers, killing three.
2016.01.24 Nigeria Babangida 1 0 An elderly man is killed by Boko Haram as they are burning down his home.
2016.01.24 Syria Qamishli 3 10 Three Christians are killed in a targeted bomb attack on their restaurant.
2016.01.24 Nigeria Girei 62 0 Muslim terrorists raid six villages and slaughter over sixty innocents, most of which are women and children.
2016.01.23 Iraq Fallujah 10 0 Ten young boys are summarily executed for attempting to escape the caliphate.
2016.01.23 Iraq Tal Msheihda 5 11 Five Iraqis are taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.01.23 Iraq Kilo 43 0 Fort-three local police officer are reportedly killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.01.23 Iraq Hit 1 0 A civilian is murdered for trying to help families escape the Islamic State.
2016.01.23 Pakistan Bhal Syeda 1 0 A Shiite is beheaded by radical Sunnis
2016.01.23 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Militants gun down two policemen.
2016.01.23 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 2 Two others are killed when two suicide bombers detonate near the Indian consulate.
2016.01.23 Syria Wafidin 3 7 Women and children are among the casualties of a Jaish al-Islam rocket attack.
2016.01.21 Libya Sitre 3 0 Three men are executed for apostasy.
2016.01.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two people lose their lives when terrorists set off a bomb at a popular restaurant.
2016.01.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Jihadis bomb a commercial district, killing two bystanders.
2016.01.21 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 Three bombings and a shooting produce four dead civilians.
2016.01.21 Iraq Hamamiyat 3 7 Mujahideen set off a bomb in a village that leaves three dead.
2016.01.21 Egypt El-Arish 5 3 Islamists roll up on a police checkpoint and shoot five officers point-blank.
2016.01.21 Egypt Giza 10 13 ISIS claims a bombing at a tourist area that leaves ten others dead.
2016.01.21 Somalia Mogadishu 20 20 Gunmen shout praises to Allah as they slaughter patrons at a beach-side restaurant during an attack that began with a suicide bombing.
2016.01.20 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Jihadis bomb a market, killing two patrons.
2016.01.20 Afghanistan Kabul 7 24 Seven TV station employees burn to death after a Shahid suicide bomber slams into their minibus.
2016.01.20 Pakistan Charsadda 31 19 Gunmen storm a university and shout praises to Allah while massacring over thirty civilians.
2016.01.19 Iraq Baqubah 14 0 Fourteen young people are tortured and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.01.19 Iraq Mopti 3 0 Jihadists gun down three local cops.
2016.01.19 Thailand Songkhla 1 8 Muslim 'insurgents' set off a bomb at a restaurant that kills a 28-year-old woman.
2016.01.19 Pakistan Jamrud 12 39 Twelve people at a market, including a child, are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.01.19 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A woman is stoned to death for adultery.
2016.01.18 Thailand Raman 2 0 A married couple are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2016.01.18 Thailand Thepa 1 7 A woman is killed when suspected terrorists toss a hand grenade into a restaurant.
2016.01.18 Yemen Aden 1 0 A judge is assassinated near his home by Islamists on a motorbike.
2016.01.18 Turkey Kilis 1 1 An employee is killed when ISIS hits a school with a rocket.
2016.01.18 Cameroon Nguetchewe 4 2 A suicide bomber hits a rival mosque, taking out four worshippers.
2016.01.17 Afghanistan Jalalabad 13 14 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a house, killing thirteen occupants.
2016.01.17 Yemen Aden 11 15 A Fedayeen suicide bomber rams a bus into the home of a policeman, killing eleven.
2016.01.17 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 0 Nine local police are shot dead by Taliban insiders.
2016.01.17 Israel Otniel 1 0 A mother of six children is stabbed to death in her home by an Arab terrorist.
2016.01.16 Iraq al-Furat 1 0 An accused homosexual is flung from a roof by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.01.16 Iraq Hajj Ali 19 0 Nineteen civilians are executed for trying to flee the Islamic State.
2016.01.16 Syria Baghaliyeh 300 400 Three hundred people are reported massacred during an ISIS assault on a small town featuring a suicide blast and 'door-to-door' beheadings.
2016.01.16 Somalia Burhakabo 2 0 A young ice factory worker is among two people executed by al-Shabaab.
2016.01.16 Syria Aleppo 4 55 Four residents bleed out following a Sunni rocket attack.
2016.01.16 Syria al-Fu'ah 1 5 A civilian is dismantled by a terrorist rocket.
2016.01.16 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women are burned alive on charges of betraying Islam.
2016.01.15 Mali Dioura 1 0 A guard is killed when gunmen attack a market, shouting praises to Allah.
2016.01.15 Libya Bin Jawad 3 0 At least three residents are beheaded after Muslim extremists take over a town.
2016.01.15 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A Sunni cleric is assassinated by Shia militia.
2016.01.15 Somalia El-Adde 180 20 Somalia claims over one-hundred-eighty peacekeepers were taken out by a massive suicide assault on their base.
2016.01.15 Mali Timbuktu 2 3 Two guards are killed when terrorists ambush an aid convoy.
2016.01.15 Burkina Faso Ouagadougou 29 56 Dozens of tourists from eighteen countries are massacred by Islamic extremists shouting praises to Allah at a luxury hotel.
2016.01.15 Syria Hasakah 2 6 A suicide bomber takes out two bystanders in a residential neighborhood.
2016.01.15 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women are burned alive by the Islamic State.
2016.01.14 Yemen Aden 4 0 Four policemen are killed by Jihadists in two separate attacks.
2016.01.14 Indonesia Jakarta 4 20 Four suicide bombers attack a shopping and restaurant district, managing to kill four civilians.
2016.01.13 Afghanistan Badghis 1 0 A man is executed by the Taliban on charges of adultery.
2016.01.13 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two people at a market are sectionalized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2016.01.13 Thailand Yala 2 1 Muslim 'insurgents' ambush and kill a local cop as well as a maid.
2016.01.13 Iraq Abu Ghraib 6 0 Five women and 1 man are slaughtered in their own home by suspected moral fundamentalists.
2016.01.13 Pakistan Lahore 1 1 A 17-year-old girl is killed after telling a group of Muslim men that she would not have sex with them because she is a devout Christian.
2016.01.13 Cameroon Kolofata 10 11 Two female suicide bombers detonate at a rival mosque, taking out ten worshippers.
2016.01.13 Pakistan Quetta 15 24 A Shahid suicide bomber slaughters fifteen people at a polio clinic.
2016.01.13 Pakistan Jalalabad 7 7 Seven other people are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bombing.
2016.01.12 Iraq Baqubah 4 1 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out four Iraqis.
2016.01.12 Turkey Istanbul 12 14 A Syrian 'refugee' with a suicide vest self-detonates in a bustling tourist area, slaughtering a dozen bystanders, including eight Germans.
2016.01.12 Iraq Diyala 2 0 Two journalists are shot to death by terrorists.
2016.01.12 Iraq Muqdadiya 10 0 Ten people are shot to death by sectarian militia.
2016.01.12 Israel Nazareth 1 0 A man honor kills his teen sister over clothing and 'lifestyle' by beating her to death with a hammer.
2016.01.11 Pakistan Derai 2 0 Two local cops are shot to death by religious radicals.
2016.01.11 Pakistan Rabwa 1 0 A religious minority is brutally slain by suspected Islamists.
2016.01.11 Iraq Nineveh 85 0 Eighty-five Iraqis are arrested and executed by caliphate firing squads.
2016.01.11 Iraq Muqdadiya 23 51 Two dozen Iraqis are torn limb from limb by a couple of well-placed bombs at a crowded coffee shop.
2016.01.11 Syria Aleppo 3 2 Three children are disassembled by a Sunni rocket.
2016.01.11 Afghanistan Khost 3 8 Fundamentalists fire a rocket into a secondary school, killing three pupils.
2016.01.11 Iraq Baghdad 18 50 Religious radicals stage a suicide assault on a shopping mall, killing at least eighteen innocents with bombs and bullets.
2016.01.11 France Marseille 0 1 A Jewish teacher is attacked with a machete 'in the name of Allah.'
2016.01.11 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 An ISIS bomb blast leaves seven suburbanites dead.
2016.01.11 Afghanistan Mirzakhil 3 2 The Taliban set off a bomb near a school, killing two bystanders.
2016.01.10 Syria Faisaliyah 5 0 The Islamic State lines up and crushes five civilians under a bulldozer for the crime of 'apostasy'
2016.01.10 Nigeria Madagali 7 0 Seven villagers are beheaded by Sharia proponents.
2016.01.09 Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan 2 0 Two women are 'honor-killed' by their families for alleged sexual behavior.
2016.01.09 Syria Deir ez-Zor 2 0 Two fathers are executed for not allowing their teen daughters to be married off to caliphate members.
2016.01.09 Egypt Giza 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by ISIS.
2016.01.09 Iraq Ghazlani 80 0 Eighty Iraqi civilians are executed by an Islamic State firing squad.
2016.01.09 Iraq Jbala 3 2 Sectarian militia storm a home and shoot three people to death, including a woman.
2016.01.08 Iraq Haditha 18 7 Eighteen Iraqis are blown to bits by a caliphate suicide bomber.
2016.01.08 Pakistan Gulshan-e-noor 1 0 A 45-year-old man is murdered for no reason than his status as a Shiite.
2016.01.08 Lebanon Arsal 1 0 Masked terrorists fire on a married couple, killing the man and injuring his wife.
2016.01.08 Iraq Zummar 16 3 Well-placed ISIS shells kill sixteen Iraqis in a residential neighborhood.
2016.01.08 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three university students are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.01.08 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A woman is publicly executed her own son on charges of leaving the Islamic faith.
2016.01.08 Afghanistan Nangarhar 7 0 A local soldier is among seven people beheaded by ISIS.
2016.01.07 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1 0 A convert to Christianity is 'eliminated' by devout Muslims for leaving Islam.
2016.01.07 Libya Ras 7 11 A Shahid suicide bomber at an oil facility takes seven others with him.
2016.01.07 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six Iraqis are shot to death by caliphate members for using the Internet on their phones.
2016.01.07 Pakistan Shaktoi 4 0 Four displaced refugees are murdered by Taliban gunmen.
2016.01.07 Egypt Hurghada 0 3 Three tourists are among the casualties of a suicide attack on a hotel.
2016.01.07 USA Philadelphia, PA 0 1 A man shoots a police officer three times 'in the name of Islam'.
2016.01.07 Libya Zliten 65 200 A massive suicide truck bomb at a police training facility kills dozens of young recruits during their graduation ceremony.
2016.01.07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 An al-Shabaab mortar leaves one civilian dead and another seriously wounded.
2016.01.07 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A displaced person is beheaded by suspected Boko Haram
2016.01.06 Iraq Dawra 2 7 Two civilians are liquidated along a city street by Muslim bombers.
2016.01.06 Syria Damascus 8 4 Eight civilians bleed out following a Jaish al-Islam mortar hit on their neighborhood.
2016.01.06 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A35-year-old woman is put up against a wall and shot to death by ISIS.
2016.01.05 Syria Manbij 1 0 A 21-year-old woman is tortured to death by a female fundamentalist for a dress code violation.
2016.01.05 Egypt Sinai 4 0 ISIS-linked terrorists fire a rocket that claims four lives.
2016.01.05 Afghanistan Samangan 1 0 A peace activist is gunned down by suspected Taliban.
2016.01.05 Nigeria Izgeki 2 0 Two people are riddled with bullets by Boko Haram on bicycles.
2016.01.05 Nigeria Borno 7 12 A suicide bomber detonates at a market, slaughtering seven bystanders.
2016.01.05 Libya al-Sidra 7 25 Seven more oil port guards are killed during an attack by ISIS militants.
2016.01.05 Pakistan Bahawalnagar 1 0 A 7-year-old Christian boy is kidnapped, raped and killed by 'influential' Muslims.
2016.01.04 Iraq Hillah 1 0 Shiite radicals attack a Sunni mosque and kill a guard.
2016.01.04 Iraq Iskandariya 1 0 A Sunni cleric is shot to death in a targeted attack by Shia rivals.
2016.01.04 Libya al-Sidra 2 16 Two others are killed by suicide car bombers at a oil port.
2016.01.04 Nigeria Udeni Ruwa 8 0 At least eight others are killed when Muslim terrorists attack two villages.
2016.01.04 Afghanistan Dasht-e-Asfandi 5 0 Five Afghans are pulled from a bus and murdered by the Taliban.
2016.01.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 20 One other person is killed by a Shahid suicide bomber at a hotel entrance.
2016.01.04 Yemen Aden 1 0 A Sufi imam is assassinated by Sunni extremists while leaving his mosque.
2016.01.04 Iraq Haditha 11 30 At least eleven Iraqis are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.01.04 Nigeria Gwoza 26 10 Over two dozen villagers are massacred by Islamists disguised as soldiers, who opened fire after luring the victims from their homes.
2016.01.04 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man is beheaded by a Sharia court on charges of 'apostasy'.
2016.01.04 Yemen Hadramawt 1 0 Fundamentalists put an alleged prostitute in the ground and stone her to death.
2016.01.04 Iraq Ramadi 40 0 A mass grave containing forty ISIS execution victims is discovered.
2016.01.03 Syria Raqqa 15 0 Fifteen 'moderates' are beheaded by caliphate members.
2016.01.03 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A suicide bomber kills one other person at a restaurant.
2016.01.03 Syria Raqqa 5 0 Five British 'kuffar' are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.01.03 Iraq Tikrit 19 22 ISIS suicide bombers kill nineteen Iraqis.
2016.01.03 Pakistan Naushero Feroz 1 0 A conservative family has a younger brother shoot a daughter to death for marrying without their permission.
2016.01.03 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three university students are executed in cold blood by ISIS.
2016.01.03 Saudi Arabia Awamiya 1 1 Shiite radicals open fire on the home of a Sunni, killing him and wounding an 8-year-old child.
2016.01.02 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A female activist is executed by the caliphate.
2016.01.02 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Sharia proponents throw grenades into a police station, killing three occupants.
2016.01.02 India Pathankot 7 0 Jaish-e-Mohammad stage a suicide attack on an Indian air base that leaves seven others dead.
2016.01.01 France Valence 0 2 Two other people are injured when a Muslim deliberately rams French guards outside a mosque.
2016.01.01 Iraq Ramadi 3 17 Ten ISIS suicide bombers manage to kill only three other people.
2016.01.01 Iraq Ramadi 12 0 The bodies of twelve civilian victims of ISIS executions are discovered.
2016.01.01 Syria Deir ez-Sor 1 0 A 15-year-old boy is thrown to his death from a roof by Sharia enthusiasts for 'being gay'.
2016.01.01 Israel Tel Aviv 1 0 A taxi driver is shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist.
2016.01.01 Afghanistan Kabul 2 15 A suicide bomber strikes a French restaurant, killing two patrons, including a 12-year-old boy.
2016.01.01 Israel Tel Aviv 2 6 An Arab terrorist carrying a Quran fires into bars and restaurants, killing two innocents.
2016.01.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 Islamists fire on a group of aid workers, killing one.
2016.01.01 Libya Tripoli 300 0 Three-hundred West African migrants are reportedly rounded up by ISIS and executed.
2016.03.29 Iraq Baghdad 7 23 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates amid a group of civilians, laying out seven.
2016.03.27 Pakistan Lahore 74 362 A massive suicide blast targeting Christian families celebrating Easter leaves over seventy dead, half of whom were children.
2016.03.26 Nigeria Tumpun 4 0 Boko Haram gunmen open fire on a group of villagers, killing four.
2016.03.26 Pakistan Lwargi 1 0 A polio worker is gunned down inside his clinic by Lashkar-e-Islam.
2016.03.25 Iraq Iskandariyah 41 105 Forty-one innocents are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at a soccer game.
2016.03.25 Yemen Aden 25 15 Three al-Qaeda suicide bombings leave twenty-five dead.
2016.03.24 Pakistan Hayatabad 1 0 A university professor is shot to death by fundamentalists.
2016.03.24 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 0 Muslim extremists gun down two police officers.
2016.03.24 Scotland Glasgow 1 0 An Ahmadi religious minority is killed by a radical Muslim after wishing Christians a Happy Easter.
2016.03.24 Afghanistan Arghandab 7 0 Three Taliban in police uniform sprays seven sleeping officers with machine-gun fire.
2016.03.23 Syria Foua 2 3 Ahrar al-Sham snipers pick off two civilians.
2016.03.23 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two people outside a shop are sent to the hereafter by Jihadi bombers.
2016.03.23 Iraq Zkhaikha 6 13 A suicide car bomber lays out a half-dozen Iraqis.
2016.03.22 Bangladesh Kurigram 1 0 A Christian convert is stabbed to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.03.22 Belgium Brussels 14 92 Fourteen people are murdered when two suicide bombers detonate nail-packed explosives at crowded airline counters.
2016.03.22 Belgium Brussels 21 130 A Religion of Peace suicide blast on a subway train incinerates twenty-one commuters.
2016.03.22 Iraq Tarmiya 3 7 A Mujahid bomb blast claims three lives.
2016.03.21 Somalia Laantu Buur 6 0 Six local soldiers are ambushed and killed by an Islamist group.
2016.03.21 Iraq al-Baghdadi 6 9 An ISIS attack that began with five suicide bombings manages to kill six Iraqis.
2016.03.21 Iraq Makhmour 2 0 Two others are taken out by a series of suicide bombers.
2016.03.21 Iraq Anbar 30 0 A British suicide bomber is said to be responsible for a blast that kills thirty Iraqis.
2016.03.21 Yemen Taiz 1 3 Shiite snipers fire on a group of journalists, bringing down one.
2016.03.20 Iraq Haqlaniyah 24 12 A wave of Shahid suicide bombers kill two dozen Iraqis.
2016.03.19 Turkey Istanbul 4 39 An ISIS suicide bomber murders four people along a city street, including two American tourists.
2016.03.19 Iraq Mosul 70 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the remains of seventy female Yazidi victims of ISIS torture and execution.
2016.03.19 Somalia Afmadhow 2 5 An al-Shabaab attack leaves two others dead.
2016.03.19 Egypt al-Arish 15 0 ISIS claims to have detonated a suicide car bomb that leaves fifteen others dead.
2016.03.19 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two more children die from the effects of an ISIS mustard gas attack.
2016.03.18 Syria Aleppo 1 6 A Sunni rocket sends a woman to the morgue.
2016.03.18 Afghanistan Seori Tapi 2 1 A Taliban landmine takes out two people, including a child.
2016.03.18 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A gentleman's head is removed by the Islamic State.
2016.03.18 Syria Aleppo 2 3 Two children, a boy and a girl, are reduced to pulp by a series of Sunni rockets on their neighborhood.
2016.03.17 Pakistan Smagal 4 0 A woman and her child are among four souls obliterated by a suicide bomber.
2016.03.17 Niger Dolbel 3 3 Three guards at a market are shot to death point blank by Jihadis.
2016.03.17 Niger Diffa 1 2 Four suicide bombers manage to kill one other person.
2016.03.17 Iraq Hamidat 1 0 Radicals put a rival imam against a wall and shoot him to death.
2016.03.17 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 53-year-old guard at a school is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2016.03.17 Iraq Fallujah 6 0 Six men are executed in barbaric fashion by the Islamic State, including one whose head is blown off with explosives.
2016.03.17 Philippines Sarangani 1 0 A 43-year-old man is beheaded by a pro-caliphate group.
2016.03.17 Egypt Rafah 5 10 Five are killed when religious extremists attack a local military base.
2016.03.16 Pakistan Peshawar 15 30 Fifteen people are torn to shreds when Lashkar-e-Islam bomb a bus carrying commuters.
2016.03.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 18 35 Two female suicide bombers slaughter two dozen worshippers at a rival mosque.
2016.03.15 Iraq Qwar 9 17 An ISIS chlorine gas attack kills nine Kurds.
2016.03.15 Afghanistan Hajiabad 4 0 Women and children are among four civilians exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2016.03.15 Philippines Patikul 2 0 Abu Sayyaf members ambush and kill two local soldiers.
2016.03.15 Afghanistan Laghman 1 1 Sharia state proponents ambush and kill an off-duty police officer.
2016.03.15 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Suspected terrorists shoot a young woman twice in the head at a market.
2016.03.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A woman is shot to death by the Taliban.
2016.03.14 Nigeria Chul 3 7 Three civilians are taken out by a Boko Haram bomb blast.
2016.03.14 Nigeria Huyum 1 1 Islamic gunmen kill a woman and shoot a child in the leg.
2016.03.14 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two Egyptians are picked off by fundamentalist snipers.
2016.03.14 Iraq Zankurah 22 16 Twenty-two Iraqis are killed during an assault by the Islamic State.
2016.03.14 Canada Toronto, ON 0 2 A man stabs two soldiers at a recruiting center, saying that he was just following Allah's instructions.
2016.03.14 Syria Busayrah 1 0 A young man is shot in the head for 'mocking religion'.
2016.03.14 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1 0 Radical Muslims assassinate a 'polytheist apostate' (ie Shia cleric).
2016.03.14 Iraq Ramadi 25 20 ISIS suicide bombers massacre over two dozen in attacks on two villages.
2016.03.14 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six young people are rounded up and executed by the caliphate.
2016.03.13 Iraq Tal Kasab 8 22 Suicide bomb attacks leave eight dead.
2016.03.13 Iraq Sinjar 7 11 ISIS pour shells into a Yazidi village, killing seven residents.
2016.03.13 Afghanistan Yengi Qala 2 0 A young couple is murdered over suspected sexual activity.
2016.03.13 Ivory Coast Bassam 18 17 al-Qaeda gunmen assault a hotel and murder anyone refusing to praise Allah with them. The eighteen killed include a 5-year-old Christian who was cut down while praying.
2016.03.12 Iraq Mahmoudiyah 2 7 Mujahid bombers kill two patrons at a market.
2016.03.12 Iraq Munsiyah 7 0 Three women are among seven people murdered in their home by sectarian militia.
2016.03.12 Afghanistan Khanashin 1 3 A child is disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2016.03.11 Ingushetia Nazran 0 4 'Problems in the religious sphere' result in a car bomb blast outside a mosque.
2016.03.11 Pakistan Kohistan 2 0 A couple is shot to death for 'illicit relations'.
2016.03.11 Iraq Sheikhan 11 2 Two ISIS rockets claim the lives of eleven Iraqis.
2016.03.11 Iraq Sinjar 5 3 Five Kurds are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.03.10 Nigeria Tarka 3 0 Fulani mercenaries kill three villagers and burn their homes.
2016.03.10 Syria Wilayat al-Khayr 1 0 A man is forced by ISIS to climb a radio tower, from which he is shot off.
2016.03.10 Syria Wilayat al-Khayr 2 0 The Islamic State executes two terrified men by blowing them up.
2016.03.10 Libya Misrata 3 0 Three police are killed when ISIS members attack a checkpoint.
2016.03.10 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Kurds are beheaded by caliphate members.
2016.03.10 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 0 A poet and his son are murdered by the Islamic State.
2016.03.09 Iraq Taza 1 1500 A 3-year-old girl dies from an ISIS chemical attack that left hundreds injured.
2016.03.09 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 Muslim terrorists murder two members of a guard patrol for teachers.
2016.03.09 Nigeria Benue 8 0 Fulani mercenaries invade four villages in the middle of the night, shooting at least eight residents to death.
2016.03.09 Afghanistan Gereshk 4 30 A Taliban suicide assault on a government building leaves four guards dead.
2016.03.09 Somalia Mogadishu 4 2 Four people bleed out following a suicide car bombing outside a café.
2016.03.09 Iraq Husseiniya 1 6 Terrorists place a bomb under a bus that kills a passenger.
2016.03.08 Uruguay Paysandu 1 0 A Jewish man is stabbed to death by a Muslim convert 'following Allah's order'...
2016.03.08 Iraq al-Hadar 4 0 Four sex slaves are executed for trying to escape captivity in the caliphate.
2016.03.08 Israel Jaffa 1 15 Palestinians stab an American tourist to death.
2016.03.08 Afghanistan Maiwand 2 0 Two men clearing landmines are executed by suspected fundamentalists.
2016.03.08 Syria Aleppo 1 0 Devout Muslims implement the 'Rule of Allah' by shooting an 'apostate' in the head.
2016.03.08 Thailand Tak Bai 1 0 A Muslim 'insurgent' walks up to a man in a crowd and fires a bullet into the back of his head.
2016.03.08 Iraq Fallujah 50 0 Fifty civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.03.08 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 Three people are left dead following a Mujahideen bombing.
2016.03.08 Thailand Si Sakhon 1 0 A man on a motorcycle is ambushed and killed by Muslim terrorists.
2016.03.08 Turkey Kilis 2 1 A 4-year-old and his mother die when Sunni extremists hit their car with a rocket.
2016.03.07 Pakistan Orangi Town 2 0 A young couple is shot to death by conservative relatives for marrying of their own free will.
2016.03.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 7 Three people at a market are sectionalized by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Afghanistan Shindand 3 3 Three civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb blast.
2016.03.07 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two local cops are pulled into pieces by Muslim bombers.
2016.03.07 Syria Hasakah 1 3 A woman loses her life to an ISIS explosive device.
2016.03.07 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 Video surfaces showing religious radicals executing a man with a shot to the head.
2016.03.07 Tunisia Ben Guerdane 19 17 A 12-year-old girl is among nineteen others who lose their lives during an Islamist assault on a small town.
2016.03.07 Somalia Beledweyne 0 6 A bomb hidden in a laptop detonates at an airport.
2016.03.07 Pakistan Shabqadar 17 30 A Jamatul Ahrar suicide bomber murders seventeen people at a courthouse, including two children.
2016.03.07 Iraq Kirkuk 5 0 Five young people are torn to shreds by an ISIS bomb blast.
2016.03.06 Iraq Hillah 61 95 At least sixty people are incinerated when a suicide bomber in a fuel tanker detonates outside a town.
2016.03.06 Syria Aleppo 14 40 Jaish-al-Sunna terrorists send mortars and rockets into a busy market, massacring over a dozen shoppers.
2016.03.06 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 0 Fundamentalists ambush an ambulance and machine-gun a medic and two injured patients.
2016.03.06 Iraq al-Jahash 12 0 A dozen people are executed by a Sharia court.
2016.03.05 Syria Jarablus 1 0 A teen is beheaded for apostasy after missing Friday prayers.
2016.03.05 Yemen Aden 2 0 Sectarian terrorists fire on a vehicle, killing two occupants.
2016.03.04 Yemen Aden 16 0 Militant Muslims storm a Catholic retirement home and murder sixteen, including four nuns and the elderly residents.
2016.03.03 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 10 Two civilians are killed when terrorists sent mortar shells into a market.
2016.03.03 Syria Kafriya 1 3 Sunni militants machine-gun a civilian in his home.
2016.03.03 Libya Surman 2 0 Two Italian hostages are killed while being used as human shields by ISIS.
2016.03.03 Thailand Yala 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a rubber tapper to death, then set his body on fire.
2016.03.02 Iraq Hawija 6 0 Six people are beheaded and crucified by the Islamic State.
2016.03.02 Iraq Nineveh 5 0 A 12-year-old girl is forced by the caliphate to execute five women, including a doctor.
2016.03.02 Syria Quneitra 18 30 Two suicide bombers massacre eighteen bystanders.
2016.03.02 Egypt Khariza 1 3 An Islamist bomb claims one life.
2016.03.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 19 Four suicide bombers target the Indian consulate, killing two civilians.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Noorshah 2 0 Two women are murdered over 'doubts about their character and lifestyles'.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Peshawar 2 4 Two employees at the US consulate bleed to death following an Islamist bombing.
2016.03.01 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 3 2 Religious extremists hit a house with a rocket, killing three family members.
2016.03.01 Somalia Alamada 5 8 An al-Shabaab bomb produces five dead bodies.
2016.03.01 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Fundamentalists behead a man and shoot his son to death.
2016.03.01 Iraq Haditha 8 8 Eight Iraqis are blown up by four Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2016.03.01 Philippines Zamboanga 2 0 An assassination attempt on an anti-ISIS preacher outside a university hall leaves two dead.
2016.03.01 Philippines Datu Salibo 1 2 Bangsamoro Islamists kill one other person during an ambush.
2016.03.01 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 An Ahmadi religious minority is stabbed to death for his faith.
2016.02.29 Russia Moscow 1 0 A woman beheads a child, saying that it was revenge for 'spilled Muslim blood' in Syria.
2016.02.29 Afghanistan Farah 3 3 Three children are disassembled by a Taliban IED.
2016.02.29 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 3 Four locals are shot to death by the Taliban
2016.02.29 Iraq Mosul 24 0 Two dozen Iraqis are rounded up and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.02.29 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two religious clerics are murdered by their more radical brethren
2016.02.29 Iraq Muqdadiya 40 58 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, sending at least forty mourners straight into their own afterlife.
2016.02.29 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Three youth are beheaded for putting up anti-ISIS posters.
2016.02.29 Yemen Aden 4 5 A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out four other souls.
2016.02.29 DRC Ntombi 13 0 Four women are among thirteen villagers found hacked to pieces by ADF Islamists.
2016.02.29 Nigeria Badarawa 15 22 Suspected Boko Haram surround a group of villagers gathered to watch a video and pour machine gun fire into them, killing at least fifteen.
2016.02.29 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 0 Three men are crucified by a Sharia court for crimes against Allah.
2016.02.28 Iraq Abu Ghraib 24 22 Two dozen Iraqis are shot or blown apart during a Fedayeen suicide attack by ISIS.
2016.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 78 112 Seventy-eight people at a packed market in a Shiite area are exterminated by two Sunni suicide bombers.
2016.02.28 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A man is shot to death in front of his home by the Islamic State.
2016.02.28 Somalia Baidoa 30 60 At least thirty civilians and first responders are slaughtered by a twin suicide attack near a restaurant.
2016.02.28 Afghanistan Qads 1 0 A tribal elder is tortured to death by religious extremists.
2016.02.28 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 3 11 Three souls are snuffed out by an explosive device planted by Sharia proponents.
2016.02.27 Pakistan Qayum 1 2 A Muslim shouts a religious slur and fires into a Christian home, killing a 17-year-old boy.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Bolan 2 0 The Taliban wipe out two local police with a roadside bomb.
2016.02.27 Egypt Rafah 2 2 Two local security personnel are cut down by an Islamist bomb.
2016.02.27 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 9 Jihadis bomb an outdoor market, killing two patrons.
2016.02.27 Iraq Baghdad 5 25 A series of Mujahideen blasts leave five dead.
2016.02.27 Syria Ajila 2 4 A suicide car bomber takes out two village guards.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Asadabad 12 40 A dozen people lose their lives to a suicide blast along a city street, including three brothers.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 5 Taliban bombers take out a civilian.
2016.02.27 Syria Salamiya 2 3 An ISIS suicide bomber takes at least two others with him.
2016.02.27 Afghanistan Kabul 15 31 A suicide bomber targets a bus, killing fifteen passengers and bystanders.
2016.02.27 Syria Teeba 4 4 Four villagers lose their lives to an Islamic State suicide bomber.
2016.02.27 Syria Deir Ezzor 3 12 Three children are disassembled by Sunni mortars.
2016.02.26 Somalia Mogadishu 14 30 Holy Warriors attack a 'Youth League' hotel with bombs and gunfire, laying out fourteen innocents.
2016.02.26 Syria al-Zahra 1 0 A child is killed by Jabhat al-Nusra.
2016.02.26 Egypt Giza 1 1 Fundamentalists open fire on two traffic cops, killing one.
2016.02.26 Germany Hanover 0 1 A 'radicalized' teen girl stabs a female police officer.
2016.02.25 Somalia Mogadishu 4 8 Four civilians lose their lives to an al-Shabaab attack.
2016.02.25 Iraq Baghdad 15 50 Two Sunni suicide bombers detonate at a Shiite mosque, slaughtering at least fifteen worshippers.
2016.02.24 Libya Sabratha 12 0 A dozen local security agents are captured and beheaded by ISIS.
2016.02.24 Mali Timbuktu 3 2 Islamists attack a checkpoint, killing three defenders.
2016.02.24 Afghanistan Kabul 7 0 The Taliban kill seven Afghans over a 24-hour period.
2016.02.24 Syria Dayr al-Zawr 2 14 Sunni rockets take out two civilians.
2016.02.24 Syria Aleppo 10 5 Seven children are among ten civilians disassembled by two Sunni mortar rounds.
2016.02.24 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An imam is beheaded by Religion of Peace rivals.
2016.02.24 Nigeria Agatu 300 0 Radical Islamic mercenaries sweep through a series of Christian villages and slaughter over three hundred, including pregnant women and children.
2016.02.23 Iraq Fallujah 12 0 A dozen Iraqis are caught trying to flee the caliphate, marched to the city center and executed.
2016.02.23 Syria Hamidiya 2 0 Two teenage girls are stoned for adultery.
2016.02.23 Iraq Hawija 4 0 Four young people are executed by ISIS after members call for 'repentance'.
2016.02.23 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 14 Two civilians are pulled apart by a Sunni mortar blast.
2016.02.23 Iraq Yusufiya 1 9 Terrorists bomb a vegetable market, killing one person.
2016.02.23 Syria Raqqa 1 0 Radicals execute a man for 'apostasy'.
2016.02.22 Philippines Tugaya 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a local soldier guarding a village
2016.02.22 Iraq Ramadi 8 0 Eight people are killed in their own homes by ISIS booby-traps.
2016.02.22 India Pompore 3 0 Three more people are killed by Lashkar-e-Toiba.
2016.02.22 Iraq Ramadi 6 10 An ISIS assault leaves six town defenders dead.
2016.02.22 Afghanistan Jabba 2 2 Religious fundamentalists murder two local cops.
2016.02.22 Afghanistan Parwan 13 19 A suicide bomber detonates near a clinic, taking thirteen other souls with him.
2016.02.22 Afghanistan Baghlan 1 2 A Taliban rocket takes out an Afghan citizen.
2016.02.21 Thailand Pattani 2 0 'Insurgents' shoot a Buddhist couple to death.
2016.02.21 Syria Zahra 59 200 A double-bombing by ISIS along a commerical strip leaves nearly sixty dead and two-hundred burned and battered.
2016.02.21 Syria Damascus 83 178 Children are among the eighty-three destroyed by a horrific suicide bombing outside a Shiite shrine and school.
2016.02.21 Philippines Butig 3 6 Moro Islamists fire on a group of soldiers guarding a town, killing three.
2016.02.21 India Pulwama 3 10 Islamic militants open fire on a bus, killing three passengers.
2016.02.21 Bangladesh Deviganj 1 2 A Hindu priest is hacked to death and beheaded by Muslim extremists outside his temple.
2016.02.21 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two more people are publicly beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.02.21 Pakistan Navi Mandi 3 1 Four displaced persons are disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2016.02.21 Iraq Kirkuk 4 2 ISIS members target fleeing families, killing four members.
2016.02.21 Egypt al-Arish 2 10 Two civilians are taken out by an Islamist IED.
2016.02.20 Yemen Ahwar 3 0 An al-Qaeda attack on a small town leaves three defenders dead.
2016.02.20 Yemen Aden 2 0 Two people are gunned down by al-Qaeda operatives on a motorcycle.
2016.02.19 Pakistan Faisalabad 3 0 Three policemen are shot to death for "protecting the unIslamic system of democracy."
2016.02.19 Egypt Sinai 1 0 ISIS beheads a hostage taken in a tourist province.
2016.02.19 Cameroon Meme 24 112 Four Shahid suicide bombers massacre twenty-four others at a market and a nearby school.
2016.02.19 Mali Menaka 1 1 Jihadists fire into a group of village guards, killing one.
2016.02.19 Iraq Hardan 9 9 ISIS bombs targeting a bus kill nine Kurds.
2016.02.19 Afghanistan Landi Kotal 1 0 A religious scholar is assassinated by rivals.
2016.02.18 Iraq Hawija 17 0 Seventeen young people are beheaded after being accused of drawing anti-ISIS banners.
2016.02.18 Israel Shaare Benjamin 1 1 A 21-year-old father is stabbed to death in a supermarket by Palestinians.
2016.02.18 Syria Aleppo 4 5 Four civilians lose their lives to Sunni mortar shells on their neighborhood.
2016.02.18 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women who formerly served as election workers are forced to their knees and shot in the back of the head by caliphate members.
2016.02.18 Pakistan Mohmand 9 0 Religious radicals murder nine local security personnel in two attacks.
2016.02.18 Afghanistan Waskhwa 6 0 Four children are among a family of six eliminated by Taliban bombers.
2016.02.18 Syria Palmyra 2 0 Two young men are detained and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.02.18 Syria Kobane 13 24 Over a dozen people lose their lives during an ISIS bomb attack on several villages.
2016.02.17 Egypt Giza 1 2 Islamists gun down a traffic cop.
2016.02.17 Iraq Nineveh 3 0 Three civilians are executed for refusing to join the Islamic State.
2016.02.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Bombers target a group of teachers, killing a guard.
2016.02.17 Yemen Aden 13 60 Thirteen recruits at a military camp are wiped out by a Fedayeen suicide bombing.
2016.02.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 15-year-old is beheaded for listening to Western pop music.
2016.02.16 Iraq Ramadi 40 0 Children are among forty victims of ISIS execution found in a mass grave.
2016.02.16 Philippines Datu Salibo 4 2 A father and son are among four people bleeding to death in the aftermath of an Islamist roadside blast.
2016.02.15 Iraq Nineveh 1 0 A man is beheaded for 'insulting Allah'.
2016.02.15 Iraq Tarmiya 3 8 Three patrons at a popular market are sectionalized by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2016.02.15 Iraq Hawija 5 0 Five civilians are executed for trying to escape the caliphate.
2016.02.15 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 Radicals are suspected of gunning down a rival religious scholar.
2016.02.15 Nigeria Kuda 6 20 Boko Haram invade a village and fire at fleeing residents, killing six.
2016.02.15 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 A government official is assassinated by Jihadi car bombers.
2016.02.15 Afghanistan Pul-e-Momin 2 7 Armed fundamentalists attack a security post, killing two members.
2016.02.15 Dagestan Makhachkala 3 2 Fedayeen suicide bombers take out three other people.
2016.02.15 Saudi Arabia Abu Arish 1 0 A retired man is shot to death on his farm by the Islamic State.
2016.02.14 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two young men are shot to death for 'apostasy' after missing prayers.
2016.02.14 Iraq Faisaliah 8 0 The Islamic State drowns eight prisoners by herding them into a metal cage and then dipping it into a lake.
2016.02.14 Nigeria Abbi 2 19 Fulani terrorists attack a Christian community and hack a brother and sister to death.
2016.02.14 Syria Mrat 100 0 A mass grave containing the victims of about 100 ISIS victims (including children) is discovered.
2016.02.14 India Chowkibal 2 2 Two members are killed when Lashkar-e-Toiba militants open fire on a security patrol.
2016.02.13 Nigeria Yakshari 22 0 Islamists sneak into a village and slit the throats of twenty-two innocents.
2016.02.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A truck driver is executed in cold blood by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2016.02.13 Egypt Sinai 2 1 An ISIS bomb kills two sappers.
2016.02.13 Iraq Tarmiya 5 5 A vicious double-bombing kills five people overall, including first responders.
2016.02.13 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 7 Mujahideen set off a bomb at a market, killing two patrons.
2016.02.13 Afghanistan Helmand 5 7 Five Afghans are left dead following a double-suicide attack.
2016.02.13 Pakistan Islamabad 1 2 A traffic cop is picked off by Islamic State gunmen.
2016.02.13 Syria Sfeira 2 5 Two children are disassembled by an ISIS rocket.
2016.02.12 Mali Kidal 5 30 Ansar Dine members lob shells into a UN camp, killing five guards.
2016.02.12 Iraq Makhmour 1 11 A 3-year-old girl is killed while trying to escape the caliphate with her family.
2016.02.12 Nigeria Kachifa 8 0 Boko Haram murder eight villagers and kidnap a number of women and children.
2016.02.12 Yemen Aden 5 0 al-Qaeda gunmen sneak up on a police post and murder five officers.
2016.02.12 Thailand Yala 1 1 Muslim bombers pick off a guard for a group of teachers.
2016.02.12 Pakistan Takht-e-Nusrati 1 2 A dispute between clerics at a mosque is settled with gunfire that leaves one of them dead.
2016.02.11 USA Columbus, OH 0 4 Four people at a Christian-owned restaurant with an Israeli flag are slashed by a Muslim wielding a machete yelling 'Allah Akbar'...
2016.02.11 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four women are stoned to death for adultery - after having been raped.
2016.02.11 Mali Mopti 3 0 Islamic militants shoot three people to death.
2016.02.11 Yemen Aden 3 0 Jihadists kill three security personnel.
2016.02.10 Iraq Wafa 2 5 At least two others are killed during a Shahid sucide attack.
2016.02.10 Iraq Taji 3 9 Three Iraqis are disintegrated by a shrapnel blast.
2016.02.10 Afghanistan Abdul Rauf 5 7 Two religious radicals gun down five local cops at dinner.
2016.02.10 Cameroon Nguetchewe 6 30 Two female suicide bombers detonate during a funeral wake, killing six mourners, including two children.
2016.02.10 Nigeria Dikwa 60 78 Sixty refugees at a displaced persons camp, including women and children, are massacred by two female suicide bombers.
2016.02.10 Somalia Jameo Mubarac 1 0 A cleric is beheaded by Religion of Peace rivals.
2016.02.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female bank employee is put against a wall and shot to death by caliphate members.
2016.02.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A journalist is executed by a caliphate firing squad for taking pictures.
2016.02.09 Egypt Sinai 1 3 Fundementalists fire on a group of police, killing one.
2016.02.09 Syria Damascus 8 20 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber sends eight civilians straight to Allah.
2016.02.08 Syria Hasakah 9 4 Nine corpses are counted after an ISIS Shahid suicide bombing.
2016.02.08 Afghanistan Yahyakhil 6 9 Six people are massacred by a suicide bomber outside a bakery shop.
2016.02.08 Afghanistan Dehdadi 3 14 A suicide bomber attacks a bus, killing at least three others.
2016.02.08 Iraq Albu Diab 15 0 Victim victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2016.02.08 Iraq Mosul 300 0 At least three-hundred people are reported executed by the Islamic State, including activists.
2016.02.08 Pakistan Havid 2 0 A terrorist bomb blast outside a shop leaves the owner and a rickshaw driver dead.
2016.02.08 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 A Shiite elder is shot to death in front of his son by sectarian Jihadis.
2016.02.08 Bangladesh Gobindaganj 1 0 Police find the beheaded body of a Hindu trader.
2016.02.08 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four youth are flung from a roof by caliphate enforcers.
2016.02.08 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 14 0 Fourteen people are summarily executed by ISIS at a college.
2016.02.07 Iraq Baghdad 7 22 Mujahid bombers eliminate seven Iraqis with four bombs.
2016.02.07 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 A sectarian militia murders three civilians, including an 8-year-old boy.
2016.02.07 Afghanistan Kunar 3 0 Three polio workers are found murdered by suspected fundamentalists.
2016.02.07 Mali Boni 1 0 A civilian is murdered by Islamists.
2016.02.07 Afghanistan Logar 1 8 Taliban bombers pick off a man on his way to work.
2016.02.07 Israel Rahat 0 1 An elderly Jewish woman is stabbed in the neck by a young Palestinian man.
2016.02.06 Pakistan Quetta 10 35 A child and woman are obliterated along with eight others by a suicide bomber.
2016.02.06 Iraq Baghdadi 9 16 A Fedayeen suicide attack leaves nine others dead.
2016.02.06 Iraq Fallujah 14 0 A suicide bomber murders fourteen Iraqis.
2016.02.06 Nigeria Konduga 4 0 Boko Haram rampage through two villages, burning homes and killing four innocents.
2016.02.06 Nigeria Zamfara 23 10 Boko Haram stages a two-hour assault on a village, firing indiscriminately and killing dozens of people.
2016.02.05 Afghanistan Zanu 1 0 A woman is executed after being accused of adultery.
2016.02.05 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 A woman is among three people incinerated by a car bombing outside a pharmacy.
2016.02.05 Syria Aleppo 35 24 Thirty-five Syrians are reportedly killed in two ISIS suicide car bombings.
2016.02.04 Iraq Baghdad 9 33 Nine people are left dead after a string of bombings by Muslim terrorists.
2016.02.04 Mali Timbuktu 1 3 A suicide bombing at a UN camp kills a guard.
2016.02.04 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A child invokes the name of Allah before beheading a 'kafir'.
2016.02.04 Yemen Hadramaut 6 0 An ISIS video shows members opening fire on a busy market and beheading four 'apostates.'
2016.02.03 Libya Benghazi 3 13 An ISIS assault on a small town leaves three defenders dead.
2016.02.03 Iraq Mosul 12 0 A dozen university students are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.02.03 Afghanistan Tirin Kot 1 0 A 10-year-old boy is cut down in a targeted attack by Taliban gunmen.
2016.02.03 Israel Jerusalem 1 2 A 19-year-old woman bleeds out following a Palestinian shooting and stabbing spree.
2016.02.03 Syria Daraa 17 101 Seventeen civilians are smashed to bits by a Sunni rocket barrage.
2016.02.03 Iraq Hawija 2 0 Two people are shot to death for trying to escape the caliphate.
2016.02.03 Iraq Ramadi 13 0 ISIS shelling produces thirteen dead Iraqis.
2016.02.03 Libya Sirte 1 0 Islamic State members capture and crucify a young man.
2016.02.02 Iraq Madain 2 9 Terrorists set off a bomb near a café, killing two bystanders.
2016.02.02 Nigeria Goniambari 6 1 Islamists slaughter six villagers.
2016.02.02 Iraq Al-Bu Dhiaab 18 0 Eighteen Iraqis are reportedly slain by three ISIS suicide bombers.
2016.02.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 An off-duty cop is shot to death in front of his wife by Muslim 'insurgents.'
2016.02.02 Iraq Baghdad 6 27 A half-dozen Iraqis lose their lives to a series of Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2016.02.02 Somalia Mogadishu 0 2 A suicide bomber detonates on a plane, but manages to kill only himself.
2016.02.01 Afghanistan Kabul 20 29 Twenty people are reported dead in the aftermath of a Fedayeen suicide bombing.
2016.02.01 Iraq Anbar 1 0 An elderly man is beheaded for "disobeying" the caliphate.
2016.02.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 6 A child is sectionalized by an al-Shabaab mortar round.
2016.02.01 Syria Manbij 3 0 Three brothers are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.02.01 Iraq Hit 7 5 Children are among those eliminated by two Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2016.01.31 Egypt Sheikh Zuwaid 2 0 Two more people are killed by Islamist bombers.
2016.01.31 Iraq Khazir 8 6 An ISIS attack produces eight dead Kurds.
2016.01.31 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four Kurdish civilians are forced to their knees and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.01.31 Kenya Kaisari 4 1 Militant Muslims raid a Christian village and kill four innocents, one of whom is beheaded and the other burned inside his home.
2016.01.31 Syria Sayeda Zeinab 71 110 Five children are among seventy Shiite worshippers exterminated outside their mosque by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2016.01.31 Egypt Rafah 2 4 Two more security personnel are killed by a homemade bomb planted by Sharia proponents.
2016.01.31 Saudi Arabia Najran 1 9 An 11-year-old boy is killed when suspected Shiite militia hit his house with a rocket.
2016.01.31 Chad Guie 1 32 A suicide bomber on a motorcycle kills one other person.
2016.01.31 Chad Miterine 4 24 Four children playing soccer are killed after being deliberately targeted by two suicide bombers.
2016.01.31 Saudi Arabia Qatif 2 0 Two guards are killed by terrorists.
2016.01.31 Yemen Aden 1 0 A cleric who opposed extremism is tortured to death.
2016.01.30 Kenya Pandanguo 3 1 Islamists murder three men in a fishing village.
2016.01.30 Afghanistan Sarkanu 4 3 A bomb planted by Islamists takes the lives of four people.
2016.01.30 Nigeria Dalori 86 62 Children are among eighty-six souls horribly burned to death by Boko Haram.
2016.01.30 Yemen Lahj 3 1 An ISIS gunmen takes down three targets.
2016.01.30 Afghanistan Sarkano 3 2 The Taliban uses a roadside bomb to kill three Afghans.
2016.01.30 Iraq Saladin 1 0 A Shiite is beheaded on video by Sunni radicals.
2016.01.30 Syria Jarablus 1 0 A 14-year-old boy is beheaded on charges of apostasy after missing prayers.
2016.01.30 Iraq Hadher 17 0 Seventeen members of two families, including woman and young children, are beheaded by caliphate members.
2016.01.30 Iraq Shirqat 3 0 Three children are reportedly executed for insulting ISIS.
2016.01.29 Yemen Aden 7 7 Seven people are shredded by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.01.29 Syria Deir Ezzor 3 3 Three children are disassembled by an ISIS rocket.
2016.01.29 Nigeria Adamawa 10 28 A young suicide bomber detonates at a busy market near a church, taking out ten innocents.
2016.01.29 Pakistan Regi 1 0 A polio worker is murdered by fundamentalists.
2016.01.29 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 A journalist is shot to death by ISIS.
2016.01.29 Saudi Arabia Mahasen 5 36 Religion of Peace rivals attack a Shiite mosque with a suicide bombing and gunfire, killing five worshippers.
2016.01.29 Egypt al-Arish 2 7 An bomb planted by extremists near a school leaves two dead.
2016.01.28 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Jihadis bomb a popular market, killing two patrons.
2016.01.28 Egypt Rafah 6 12 Four children and two security personnel are killed in a bombing and clash with Islamic militants.
2016.01.28 Pakistan Quetta 4 0 The Taliban gun down four traffic cops.
2016.01.28 Cameroon Kerawa 4 12 Two suicide bombers murder four people at a school.
2016.01.28 Mali Gao 4 3 Four security personnel are killed in two separate attacks.
2016.01.28 Yemen Aden 11 10 A Fedayeen suicide car bombing kills eleven, including two children.
2016.01.27 Nigeria Chibok 16 32 Suicide bombers send shrapnel through sixteen innocents at a vegetable market in a Christian town.
2016.01.27 Iraq al-Baghdadi 4 10 A series of suicide attacks on a guesthouse leave four others dead.
2016.01.27 Egypt al-Arish 4 12 Ansar Beit al-Maqdis members set off an IED that takes the live of four policemen.
2016.01.27 Afghanistan Gerishk 4 0 Four members of a crew working to clear landmines are shot dead by the Taliban.
2016.01.27 Uganda Numuseru 1 0 A Christian convert is murdered after being threatened by an imam.
2016.01.26 Iraq Hamamiyat 2 8 Mujahideen set off a bomb that claims two lives.
2016.01.26 Kenya Lamu 5 2 al-Shabaab ambush and murder five local cops.
2016.01.26 Pakistan Safi 1 0 The body of a peace committee member is found a few days after his abduction by fundamentalists.
2016.01.26 Syria Manbij 1 0 A local media activist is beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.01.26 Iraq Ramadi 55 0 Over fifty Iraqis are reportedly killed in two suicide bombings.
2016.01.26 Syria Homs 25 100 Twenty-five people are laid out by an ISIS suicide bombing in a commercial district.
2016.01.26 Afghanistan Chinarto 10 0 A Taliban infiltrator drugs and murders ten local cops.
2016.01.25 Iraq Ramadi 40 0 About forty victims of ISIS executions are found in a mass grave.
2016.01.25 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man is beheaded for refusing to pray at the local mosque.
2016.01.25 Syria Aleppo 23 24 Two dozen people are blown up by a suicide bomber in a fuel truck.
2016.01.25 Israel Beit Horon 1 1 Two women are stabbed in a grocery by Palestinian terrorists.
2016.01.25 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 3 Five suicide bombers manage to take out three border guards.
2016.01.25 Cameroon Bodo 32 86 Dozens of shoppers are torn to shreds when three suicide bombers detonate at entrances to a market.
2016.01.25 Syria Deir al-Zour 5 6 ISIS members kill five citizens with a rocket.
2016.01.24 Yemen Mansura 5 0 A woman is among five people shot to death by suspected al-Qaeda.
2016.01.24 Egypt Kafr Keshk 3 4 Islamists fire on a group of villagers, killing three.
2016.01.24 Nigeria Babangida 1 0 An elderly man is killed by Boko Haram as they are burning down his home.
2016.01.24 Syria Qamishli 3 10 Three Christians are killed in a targeted bomb attack on their restaurant.
2016.01.24 Nigeria Girei 62 0 Muslim terrorists raid six villages and slaughter over sixty innocents, most of which are women and children.
2016.01.23 Iraq Fallujah 10 0 Ten young boys are summarily executed for attempting to escape the caliphate.
2016.01.23 Iraq Tal Msheihda 5 11 Five Iraqis are taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.01.23 Iraq Kilo 43 0 Fort-three local police officer are reportedly killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.01.23 Iraq Hit 1 0 A civilian is murdered for trying to help families escape the Islamic State.
2016.01.23 Pakistan Bhal Syeda 1 0 A Shiite is beheaded by radical Sunnis
2016.01.23 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Militants gun down two policemen.
2016.01.23 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 2 Two others are killed when two suicide bombers detonate near the Indian consulate.
2016.01.23 Syria Wafidin 3 7 Women and children are among the casualties of a Jaish al-Islam rocket attack.
2016.01.21 Libya Sitre 3 0 Three men are executed for apostasy.
2016.01.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two people lose their lives when terrorists set off a bomb at a popular restaurant.
2016.01.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Jihadis bomb a commercial district, killing two bystanders.
2016.01.21 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 Three bombings and a shooting produce four dead civilians.
2016.01.21 Iraq Hamamiyat 3 7 Mujahideen set off a bomb in a village that leaves three dead.
2016.01.21 Egypt El-Arish 5 3 Islamists roll up on a police checkpoint and shoot five officers point-blank.
2016.01.21 Egypt Giza 10 13 ISIS claims a bombing at a tourist area that leaves ten others dead.
2016.01.21 Somalia Mogadishu 20 20 Gunmen shout praises to Allah as they slaughter patrons at a beach-side restaurant during an attack that began with a suicide bombing.
2016.01.20 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Jihadis bomb a market, killing two patrons.
2016.01.20 Afghanistan Kabul 7 24 Seven TV station employees burn to death after a Shahid suicide bomber slams into their minibus.
2016.01.20 Pakistan Charsadda 31 19 Gunmen storm a university and shout praises to Allah while massacring over thirty civilians.
2016.01.19 Iraq Baqubah 14 0 Fourteen young people are tortured and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.01.19 Iraq Mopti 3 0 Jihadists gun down three local cops.
2016.01.19 Thailand Songkhla 1 8 Muslim 'insurgents' set off a bomb at a restaurant that kills a 28-year-old woman.
2016.01.19 Pakistan Jamrud 12 39 Twelve people at a market, including a child, are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.01.19 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A woman is stoned to death for adultery.
2016.01.18 Thailand Raman 2 0 A married couple are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2016.01.18 Thailand Thepa 1 7 A woman is killed when suspected terrorists toss a hand grenade into a restaurant.
2016.01.18 Yemen Aden 1 0 A judge is assassinated near his home by Islamists on a motorbike.
2016.01.18 Turkey Kilis 1 1 An employee is killed when ISIS hits a school with a rocket.
2016.01.18 Cameroon Nguetchewe 4 2 A suicide bomber hits a rival mosque, taking out four worshippers.
2016.01.17 Afghanistan Jalalabad 13 14 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a house, killing thirteen occupants.
2016.01.17 Yemen Aden 11 15 A Fedayeen suicide bomber rams a bus into the home of a policeman, killing eleven.
2016.01.17 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 0 Nine local police are shot dead by Taliban insiders.
2016.01.17 Israel Otniel 1 0 A mother of six children is stabbed to death in her home by an Arab terrorist.
2016.01.16 Iraq al-Furat 1 0 An accused homosexual is flung from a roof by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.01.16 Iraq Hajj Ali 19 0 Nineteen civilians are executed for trying to flee the Islamic State.
2016.01.16 Syria Baghaliyeh 300 400 Three hundred people are reported massacred during an ISIS assault on a small town featuring a suicide blast and 'door-to-door' beheadings.
2016.01.16 Somalia Burhakabo 2 0 A young ice factory worker is among two people executed by al-Shabaab.
2016.01.16 Syria Aleppo 4 55 Four residents bleed out following a Sunni rocket attack.
2016.01.16 Syria al-Fu'ah 1 5 A civilian is dismantled by a terrorist rocket.
2016.01.16 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women are burned alive on charges of betraying Islam.
2016.01.15 Mali Dioura 1 0 A guard is killed when gunmen attack a market, shouting praises to Allah.
2016.01.15 Libya Bin Jawad 3 0 At least three residents are beheaded after Muslim extremists take over a town.
2016.01.15 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A Sunni cleric is assassinated by Shia militia.
2016.01.15 Somalia El-Adde 180 20 Somalia claims over one-hundred-eighty peacekeepers were taken out by a massive suicide assault on their base.
2016.01.15 Mali Timbuktu 2 3 Two guards are killed when terrorists ambush an aid convoy.
2016.01.15 Burkina Faso Ouagadougou 29 56 Dozens of tourists from eighteen countries are massacred by Islamic extremists shouting praises to Allah at a luxury hotel.
2016.01.15 Syria Hasakah 2 6 A suicide bomber takes out two bystanders in a residential neighborhood.
2016.01.15 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women are burned alive by the Islamic State.
2016.01.14 Yemen Aden 4 0 Four policemen are killed by Jihadists in two separate attacks.
2016.01.14 Indonesia Jakarta 4 20 Four suicide bombers attack a shopping and restaurant district, managing to kill four civilians.
2016.01.13 Afghanistan Badghis 1 0 A man is executed by the Taliban on charges of adultery.
2016.01.13 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two people at a market are sectionalized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2016.01.13 Thailand Yala 2 1 Muslim 'insurgents' ambush and kill a local cop as well as a maid.
2016.01.13 Iraq Abu Ghraib 6 0 Five women and 1 man are slaughtered in their own home by suspected moral fundamentalists.
2016.01.13 Pakistan Lahore 1 1 A 17-year-old girl is killed after telling a group of Muslim men that she would not have sex with them because she is a devout Christian.
2016.01.13 Cameroon Kolofata 10 11 Two female suicide bombers detonate at a rival mosque, taking out ten worshippers.
2016.01.13 Pakistan Quetta 15 24 A Shahid suicide bomber slaughters fifteen people at a polio clinic.
2016.01.13 Pakistan Jalalabad 7 7 Seven other people are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bombing.
2016.01.12 Iraq Baqubah 4 1 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out four Iraqis.
2016.01.12 Turkey Istanbul 12 14 A Syrian 'refugee' with a suicide vest self-detonates in a bustling tourist area, slaughtering a dozen bystanders, including eight Germans.
2016.01.12 Iraq Diyala 2 0 Two journalists are shot to death by terrorists.
2016.01.12 Iraq Muqdadiya 10 0 Ten people are shot to death by sectarian militia.
2016.01.12 Israel Nazareth 1 0 A man honor kills his teen sister over clothing and 'lifestyle' by beating her to death with a hammer.
2016.01.11 Pakistan Derai 2 0 Two local cops are shot to death by religious radicals.
2016.01.11 Pakistan Rabwa 1 0 A religious minority is brutally slain by suspected Islamists.
2016.01.11 Iraq Nineveh 85 0 Eighty-five Iraqis are arrested and executed by caliphate firing squads.
2016.01.11 Iraq Muqdadiya 23 51 Two dozen Iraqis are torn limb from limb by a couple of well-placed bombs at a crowded coffee shop.
2016.01.11 Syria Aleppo 3 2 Three children are disassembled by a Sunni rocket.
2016.01.11 Afghanistan Khost 3 8 Fundamentalists fire a rocket into a secondary school, killing three pupils.
2016.01.11 Iraq Baghdad 18 50 Religious radicals stage a suicide assault on a shopping mall, killing at least eighteen innocents with bombs and bullets.
2016.01.11 France Marseille 0 1 A Jewish teacher is attacked with a machete 'in the name of Allah.'
2016.01.11 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 An ISIS bomb blast leaves seven suburbanites dead.
2016.01.11 Afghanistan Mirzakhil 3 2 The Taliban set off a bomb near a school, killing two bystanders.
2016.01.10 Syria Faisaliyah 5 0 The Islamic State lines up and crushes five civilians under a bulldozer for the crime of 'apostasy'
2016.01.10 Nigeria Madagali 7 0 Seven villagers are beheaded by Sharia proponents.
2016.01.09 Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan 2 0 Two women are 'honor-killed' by their families for alleged sexual behavior.
2016.01.09 Syria Deir ez-Zor 2 0 Two fathers are executed for not allowing their teen daughters to be married off to caliphate members.
2016.01.09 Egypt Giza 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by ISIS.
2016.01.09 Iraq Ghazlani 80 0 Eighty Iraqi civilians are executed by an Islamic State firing squad.
2016.01.09 Iraq Jbala 3 2 Sectarian militia storm a home and shoot three people to death, including a woman.
2016.01.08 Iraq Haditha 18 7 Eighteen Iraqis are blown to bits by a caliphate suicide bomber.
2016.01.08 Pakistan Gulshan-e-noor 1 0 A 45-year-old man is murdered for no reason than his status as a Shiite.
2016.01.08 Lebanon Arsal 1 0 Masked terrorists fire on a married couple, killing the man and injuring his wife.
2016.01.08 Iraq Zummar 16 3 Well-placed ISIS shells kill sixteen Iraqis in a residential neighborhood.
2016.01.08 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three university students are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.01.08 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A woman is publicly executed her own son on charges of leaving the Islamic faith.
2016.01.08 Afghanistan Nangarhar 7 0 A local soldier is among seven people beheaded by ISIS.
2016.01.07 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1 0 A convert to Christianity is 'eliminated' by devout Muslims for leaving Islam.
2016.01.07 Libya Ras 7 11 A Shahid suicide bomber at an oil facility takes seven others with him.
2016.01.07 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six Iraqis are shot to death by caliphate members for using the Internet on their phones.
2016.01.07 Pakistan Shaktoi 4 0 Four displaced refugees are murdered by Taliban gunmen.
2016.01.07 Egypt Hurghada 0 3 Three tourists are among the casualties of a suicide attack on a hotel.
2016.01.07 USA Philadelphia, PA 0 1 A man shoots a police officer three times 'in the name of Islam'.
2016.01.07 Libya Zliten 65 200 A massive suicide truck bomb at a police training facility kills dozens of young recruits during their graduation ceremony.
2016.01.07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 An al-Shabaab mortar leaves one civilian dead and another seriously wounded.
2016.01.07 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A displaced person is beheaded by suspected Boko Haram
2016.01.06 Iraq Dawra 2 7 Two civilians are liquidated along a city street by Muslim bombers.
2016.01.06 Syria Damascus 8 4 Eight civilians bleed out following a Jaish al-Islam mortar hit on their neighborhood.
2016.01.06 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A35-year-old woman is put up against a wall and shot to death by ISIS.
2016.01.05 Syria Manbij 1 0 A 21-year-old woman is tortured to death by a female fundamentalist for a dress code violation.
2016.01.05 Egypt Sinai 4 0 ISIS-linked terrorists fire a rocket that claims four lives.
2016.01.05 Afghanistan Samangan 1 0 A peace activist is gunned down by suspected Taliban.
2016.01.05 Nigeria Izgeki 2 0 Two people are riddled with bullets by Boko Haram on bicycles.
2016.01.05 Nigeria Borno 7 12 A suicide bomber detonates at a market, slaughtering seven bystanders.
2016.01.05 Libya al-Sidra 7 25 Seven more oil port guards are killed during an attack by ISIS militants.
2016.01.05 Pakistan Bahawalnagar 1 0 A 7-year-old Christian boy is kidnapped, raped and killed by 'influential' Muslims.
2016.01.04 Iraq Hillah 1 0 Shiite radicals attack a Sunni mosque and kill a guard.
2016.01.04 Iraq Iskandariya 1 0 A Sunni cleric is shot to death in a targeted attack by Shia rivals.
2016.01.04 Libya al-Sidra 2 16 Two others are killed by suicide car bombers at a oil port.
2016.01.04 Nigeria Udeni Ruwa 8 0 At least eight others are killed when Muslim terrorists attack two villages.
2016.01.04 Afghanistan Dasht-e-Asfandi 5 0 Five Afghans are pulled from a bus and murdered by the Taliban.
2016.01.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 20 One other person is killed by a Shahid suicide bomber at a hotel entrance.
2016.01.04 Yemen Aden 1 0 A Sufi imam is assassinated by Sunni extremists while leaving his mosque.
2016.01.04 Iraq Haditha 11 30 At least eleven Iraqis are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.01.04 Nigeria Gwoza 26 10 Over two dozen villagers are massacred by Islamists disguised as soldiers, who opened fire after luring the victims from their homes.
2016.01.04 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man is beheaded by a Sharia court on charges of 'apostasy'.
2016.01.04 Yemen Hadramawt 1 0 Fundamentalists put an alleged prostitute in the ground and stone her to death.
2016.01.04 Iraq Ramadi 40 0 A mass grave containing forty ISIS execution victims is discovered.
2016.01.03 Syria Raqqa 15 0 Fifteen 'moderates' are beheaded by caliphate members.
2016.01.03 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A suicide bomber kills one other person at a restaurant.
2016.01.03 Syria Raqqa 5 0 Five British 'kuffar' are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.01.03 Iraq Tikrit 19 22 ISIS suicide bombers kill nineteen Iraqis.
2016.01.03 Pakistan Naushero Feroz 1 0 A conservative family has a younger brother shoot a daughter to death for marrying without their permission.
2016.01.03 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three university students are executed in cold blood by ISIS.
2016.01.03 Saudi Arabia Awamiya 1 1 Shiite radicals open fire on the home of a Sunni, killing him and wounding an 8-year-old child.
2016.01.02 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A female activist is executed by the caliphate.
2016.01.02 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Sharia proponents throw grenades into a police station, killing three occupants.
2016.01.02 India Pathankot 7 0 Jaish-e-Mohammad stage a suicide attack on an Indian air base that leaves seven others dead.
2016.01.01 France Valence 0 2 Two other people are injured when a Muslim deliberately rams French guards outside a mosque.
2016.01.01 Iraq Ramadi 3 17 Ten ISIS suicide bombers manage to kill only three other people.
2016.01.01 Iraq Ramadi 12 0 The bodies of twelve civilian victims of ISIS executions are discovered.
2016.01.01 Syria Deir ez-Sor 1 0 A 15-year-old boy is thrown to his death from a roof by Sharia enthusiasts for 'being gay'.
2016.01.01 Israel Tel Aviv 1 0 A taxi driver is shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist.
2016.01.01 Afghanistan Kabul 2 15 A suicide bomber strikes a French restaurant, killing two patrons, including a 12-year-old boy.
2016.01.01 Israel Tel Aviv 2 6 An Arab terrorist carrying a Quran fires into bars and restaurants, killing two innocents.
2016.01.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 Islamists fire on a group of aid workers, killing one.
2016.01.01 Libya Tripoli 300 0 Three-hundred West African migrants are reportedly rounded up by ISIS and executed.

ProGo ::
To so samo dejanja posameznikov, skrajnežev, ki z islamom nimajo nobebe zveze. Ne smemo posploševati in uporabljati zdrave pameti.

AC_DC ::
Belgian vice PM: There were celebrations following Brussels attacks
So razdeljevali bombone tako kot samomorilske napade praznujejo v "Palestini"?
Islam = revščina (tako umska kot materialna) = terorizem
Če hočete živeti v družbi kjer bo morala vojska konstantno patruljirat po ulicah, potem volite "progresivno" levico.
Če imaš vojsko na ulici (in ne gre za državno parado), potem si v vojni in/ali okupaciji.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: AC_DC ()

perci ::
Vmes je bilo veliko več prometnih nesreč s smrtnim izidom, tko da ne vem, kaj sploh postate te sezname. Ane?

morbo ::
Če imaš vojsko na ulici (in ne gre za državno parado), potem si v vojni in/ali okupaciji.
V Sloveniji vojska na ulicah baje ne bo problem, ker je po 10+ letih NATO modernizacije SV postala opravilno nesposobna. Oz. tako pravi precedniče...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: morbo ()

perci ::
če se izstradani jemenci znajdejo v papučah proti SA...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: perci ()

morbo ::

Smrekar1 ::
če se izstradani jemenci znajdejo v papučah proti SA...
Le kako jim to uspeva.
Ko bi bil le kak indic kako golorokim možem v opankam uspeva premagovati moderno vojaško opremo.
Zanesljivo imajo le improvizirano orožje (ošpičene palice) in tisto, kar jim uspe zaseči.
No, dovolj heca. Iran je začel opremljati in bržkone tudi uriti Jemenske 'dobre' glavorezce najkasneje leta 2009, dve leti pred Arabsko pomladjo. Če te nekdo pet let uri in oborožuje s protitankovskim in protiletalskim orožjem je kar za pričakovati, da boš tudi precej napredni vojski prizadejal kar dosti izgub.
Pa mimogrede, Huthiji si precej bolj zaslužijo nadimek glavorezci kot opankarji.

_dice7 ::
Vmes je bilo veliko več prometnih nesreč s smrtnim izidom, tko da ne vem, kaj sploh postate te sezname. Ane?
He he, seveda. Še več ljudi je umrlo zaradi starosti, tako da islam je religija miru in pika. Silly kafir.
Brez islama Evropa ne bo preživela, 80% jih je v Evropi na sociali, a preostalih 20% jih proizvaja kebab, česar evropejci sami niso sposobni! Checkmate islamophobes!

AC_DC ::
Za vojno v Jemnu pišete v ločeno temo.
Pozabil si na šiptarje: sladoljed, burekđinice in pekarnice.
Pozabil si na šiptarje: sladoljed, burekđinice in pekarnice.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: AC_DC ()

AC_DC ::
Nima veze zakaj in koga, samo da se kolje.Po naključju so bili to bližnji sosedi Ahmed, Abdul in Husin, kajti Eskimi so predaleč.
Guess kdo so sedaj bližnji sosedi v multi-kulti prestolnicah Evrope ?
Zanimivost: Pakistan je nastal tako, da se se muslimani odcepili od hindu Indije.
Bangladeš je nastal tako, da so imeli prebivalci vzhodnega dela Pakistana po 15 letih poln qurac fašističnega islama v Pakistanu.
Ampak ne, to (spet) nima veze z islamom in muslimani
In a 2007 research, Gunnar Heinsohn from the University of Bremen and Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum, found out that some 11 million Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, (0.3 percent) died during the six years of Arab war against Israel, or one out of every 315 fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.
Nima veze zakaj in koga, samo da se kolje.Po naključju so bili to bližnji sosedi Ahmed, Abdul in Husin, kajti Eskimi so predaleč.
Guess kdo so sedaj bližnji sosedi v multi-kulti prestolnicah Evrope ?
Zanimivost: Pakistan je nastal tako, da se se muslimani odcepili od hindu Indije.
Bangladeš je nastal tako, da so imeli prebivalci vzhodnega dela Pakistana po 15 letih poln qurac fašističnega islama v Pakistanu.
Ampak ne, to (spet) nima veze z islamom in muslimani

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: AC_DC ()

_dice7 ::
Ampak ne, to (spet) nima veze z islamom in muslimani.
To je pa zato, ker si pozabil da je islam religija miru.
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.
Muhammad clearly established that people of other religions have to pay a poll tax to Muslims called the jizya, as a reminder of their inferior status. This abrogates an earlier verse stating that there is "no compulsion in religion" and it destroys any pretense that Islam is merely a religion and not a political system.
Gre se za napako v prevodu. Arabci ki berejo koran v originalnem jeziku, nikoli, ampak re nikoli ne počnejo kakšnih takih stvari.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Poldi112 ()

_dice7 ::
Belgian police say baggage handlers at Brussels airport cheered the jihad attacks in Paris
It seems that there is a discriminatory recruitment policy and that a certain category of the population was targeted by this more favourable recruitment. The result is that among the baggage handlers, apparently, there are quite a few people who, during the incidents in Paris for example, cheered what was going on.
Jah bomo pa ja zaposlili nedolžne muslimanske begunce, prej kot domače belce! Kaj ste islamofobi!!! Če so proslavljali poboj nazi kkkkkk white supremacistov, to samo pomeni da ste belci preveliki rasisti in jim niste ponudili dovolj. Že samo barva vaše kože pomeni da si zaslužite smrt, rasisti jedni!!!
It seems that there is a discriminatory recruitment policy and that a certain category of the population was targeted by this more favourable recruitment. The result is that among the baggage handlers, apparently, there are quite a few people who, during the incidents in Paris for example, cheered what was going on.
Jah bomo pa ja zaposlili nedolžne muslimanske begunce, prej kot domače belce! Kaj ste islamofobi!!! Če so proslavljali poboj nazi kkkkkk white supremacistov, to samo pomeni da ste belci preveliki rasisti in jim niste ponudili dovolj. Že samo barva vaše kože pomeni da si zaslužite smrt, rasisti jedni!!!

morbo ::
Belgian police say baggage handlers at Brussels airport cheered the jihad attacks in Paris
Dokaz uspešne integracije islama v zahodno demokracijo. Zmerni Ahmedi so popolnoma očarani nad socialno podpo... err, svobodo in demokracijo, ki jo uživajo na zahodu.

Matako ::
Tokrat jih je alakbiral kar Darwin:
"We believe it was grenade that was accidentally dropped by those who were praying," a senior police officer, who gave his name only as Ibrahim, told Reuters from a police station near the scene.


D3m ::
Tokrat jih je alakbiral kar Darwin:
"We believe it was grenade that was accidentally dropped by those who were praying," a senior police officer, who gave his name only as Ibrahim, told Reuters from a police station near the scene.
Ta je dobra.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

_dice7 ::
Tokrat jih je alakbiral kar Darwin:
"We believe it was grenade that was accidentally dropped by those who were praying," a senior police officer, who gave his name only as Ibrahim, told Reuters from a police station near the scene.
Ta je dobra.
Veste, jaz zjutraj pred odhodom v cerkev zmeraj preverim če imajo vse moje granate zaplombirane varovalke. Ti muslimani so nam popolnoma enaki, so le malce bolj površni.

AC_DC ::
Varnost na Bruseljskem letališču:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: AC_DC ()

Karaya 52 ::
At least FIFTY ISIS supporters are working as baggage handlers, cleaners and catering staff at Brussels airport, claim police
Na primeru Belgije se dobro vidi kako kvazi relgija islam, ki je ideologija ekspanzionizma, najbolje uspeva v nehomogenih družbah kakršna je belgijska. Belgijcem ne pomaga niti njihova prijaznost do priseljencev ali amerofobija, ki jo gojijo skupaj z alalala skupnostjo. Oni so empirični dokaz da Obamina politika dobrikanja alalajevcem ne prinese nič dobrega, razen članom Islamske države.

Matako ::
No, včasih si ahmedi škodijo tudi s preveč govorjenja
Recimo nedavno razpredanje o lepotah multikultija je na Danskem povzročilo, da se zna projekt "super džamije" v Aarhusu ustaviti. Folk je zmotil skrit posnetek, ki ga je naredila prisotna nindža - le pridejo prav burke!
Nič posebnega. BS, ki se ga sliši na tisoče in tisoče mošejah vsak jeben dan. Saj liku se že vidi, da mu je že kar malo tečno, ker je že tolikokrat ponovil. Pač običajen zmeren radikalec.
AMALT (all muslims are like that) pravilo očitno le velja.
Recimo nedavno razpredanje o lepotah multikultija je na Danskem povzročilo, da se zna projekt "super džamije" v Aarhusu ustaviti. Folk je zmotil skrit posnetek, ki ga je naredila prisotna nindža - le pridejo prav burke!
Nič posebnega. BS, ki se ga sliši na tisoče in tisoče mošejah vsak jeben dan. Saj liku se že vidi, da mu je že kar malo tečno, ker je že tolikokrat ponovil. Pač običajen zmeren radikalec.
AMALT (all muslims are like that) pravilo očitno le velja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matako ()

Matako ::
"no pasaran" je rekel.. nakar ga je eden spekel. 

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matako ()

ZbitaGrinta ::
RABAT - Šef maroške obveščevalne službe svari pred kemični napadi pripadnikov Islamske države (Isis) v Evropi. Kot pravi, so v Maroku samo lani prestregli več kot 25 različnih načrtov napadov na različne cilje po Evropi, poroča DailyMail. Abdelhak Khiame je povedal, da so razbili celico desetih Isisovih borcev, ki so iz Libije tihotapili orožje v Maroko. Teroristi so imeli izbrane štiri tarče, uporabili bi strupeni plin. Poskušali so ga proizvesti in uporabiti v različnih napadih. Khiame je za The Sun povedal, da je zelo verjetno, da so načrtovali napad na Veliko Britanijo in nekatere druge evropske države.
Teroristi naj bi v kampih urili otroke, ki bi jih nato uporabili za kemične napade. Kot pravi Khaime, je odkrito kemično orožje zelo preprosto sestaviti iz sestavin, ki se jih dobi v večini evropskih držav. Ameriška vojska je prejšnji mesec zajela domnevnega vodjo Isisovega kemičnega programa Al Afarija, ki je sodeloval že kot kemični inženir v vojski Sadama Huseina.
Priznal naj bi, da bodo v prihodnjih napadih uporabili tudi strupeni plin.
Po podatkih CNN so Američani v nedavnih napadih v Siriji uničili nekaj lokacij proizvodnje kemičnega orožja. V preteklosti so sicer teroristi že nekajkrat uporabili strupeni plin v Siriji in Iraku, še poroča DailyMail.
Omenjeni strupeni plin je sicer v uporabi že od prve svetovne vojne in povzroča hude mehurje, začasno slepoto in okvare dihalnega sistema.
RABAT - Šef maroške obveščevalne službe svari pred kemični napadi pripadnikov Islamske države (Isis) v Evropi. Kot pravi, so v Maroku samo lani prestregli več kot 25 različnih načrtov napadov na različne cilje po Evropi, poroča DailyMail. Abdelhak Khiame je povedal, da so razbili celico desetih Isisovih borcev, ki so iz Libije tihotapili orožje v Maroko. Teroristi so imeli izbrane štiri tarče, uporabili bi strupeni plin. Poskušali so ga proizvesti in uporabiti v različnih napadih. Khiame je za The Sun povedal, da je zelo verjetno, da so načrtovali napad na Veliko Britanijo in nekatere druge evropske države.
Teroristi naj bi v kampih urili otroke, ki bi jih nato uporabili za kemične napade. Kot pravi Khaime, je odkrito kemično orožje zelo preprosto sestaviti iz sestavin, ki se jih dobi v večini evropskih držav. Ameriška vojska je prejšnji mesec zajela domnevnega vodjo Isisovega kemičnega programa Al Afarija, ki je sodeloval že kot kemični inženir v vojski Sadama Huseina.
Priznal naj bi, da bodo v prihodnjih napadih uporabili tudi strupeni plin.
Po podatkih CNN so Američani v nedavnih napadih v Siriji uničili nekaj lokacij proizvodnje kemičnega orožja. V preteklosti so sicer teroristi že nekajkrat uporabili strupeni plin v Siriji in Iraku, še poroča DailyMail.
Omenjeni strupeni plin je sicer v uporabi že od prve svetovne vojne in povzroča hude mehurje, začasno slepoto in okvare dihalnega sistema.

Smrekar1 ::
ZbitaGrinta je izjavil:
RABAT - Šef maroške obveščevalne službe svari pred kemični napadi pripadnikov Islamske države (Isis) v Evropi. Kot pravi, so v Maroku samo lani prestregli več kot 25 različnih načrtov napadov na različne cilje po Evropi, poroča DailyMail. Abdelhak Khiame je povedal, da so razbili celico desetih Isisovih borcev, ki so iz Libije tihotapili orožje v Maroko. Teroristi so imeli izbrane štiri tarče, uporabili bi strupeni plin. Poskušali so ga proizvesti in uporabiti v različnih napadih. Khiame je za The Sun povedal, da je zelo verjetno, da so načrtovali napad na Veliko Britanijo in nekatere druge evropske države.
Teroristi naj bi v kampih urili otroke, ki bi jih nato uporabili za kemične napade. Kot pravi Khaime, je odkrito kemično orožje zelo preprosto sestaviti iz sestavin, ki se jih dobi v večini evropskih držav. Ameriška vojska je prejšnji mesec zajela domnevnega vodjo Isisovega kemičnega programa Al Afarija, ki je sodeloval že kot kemični inženir v vojski Sadama Huseina.
Priznal naj bi, da bodo v prihodnjih napadih uporabili tudi strupeni plin.
Po podatkih CNN so Američani v nedavnih napadih v Siriji uničili nekaj lokacij proizvodnje kemičnega orožja. V preteklosti so sicer teroristi že nekajkrat uporabili strupeni plin v Siriji in Iraku, še poroča DailyMail.
Omenjeni strupeni plin je sicer v uporabi že od prve svetovne vojne in povzroča hude mehurje, začasno slepoto in okvare dihalnega sistema.
Omenjeni "plin" tudi ni plin, temveč olje.
Sulfur mustard @ Wikipedia
Zadeva je hudičevo zoprna, če ti ga uspe spraviti veliko na eno območje naenkrat, npr. z eksplozijo ali čim podobnim. Ni pa to nekaj, kar bi samo po sebi zlahka povzročilo ogromno žrtev.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Matako ::
Ampak te ahmede pa tudi moti čisto vse
Še sami sebi so odveč. Dejansko jim bo treba kakšen persen v vodo spustiti... da se skulirajo.
Še sami sebi so odveč. Dejansko jim bo treba kakšen persen v vodo spustiti... da se skulirajo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matako ()

Vanich ::
ZbitaGrinta je izjavil:
RABAT - Šef maroške obveščevalne službe svari pred kemični napadi pripadnikov Islamske države (Isis) v Evropi. Kot pravi, so v Maroku samo lani prestregli več kot 25 različnih načrtov napadov na različne cilje po Evropi, poroča DailyMail. Abdelhak Khiame je povedal, da so razbili celico desetih Isisovih borcev, ki so iz Libije tihotapili orožje v Maroko. Teroristi so imeli izbrane štiri tarče, uporabili bi strupeni plin. Poskušali so ga proizvesti in uporabiti v različnih napadih. Khiame je za The Sun povedal, da je zelo verjetno, da so načrtovali napad na Veliko Britanijo in nekatere druge evropske države.
Teroristi naj bi v kampih urili otroke, ki bi jih nato uporabili za kemične napade. Kot pravi Khaime, je odkrito kemično orožje zelo preprosto sestaviti iz sestavin, ki se jih dobi v večini evropskih držav. Ameriška vojska je prejšnji mesec zajela domnevnega vodjo Isisovega kemičnega programa Al Afarija, ki je sodeloval že kot kemični inženir v vojski Sadama Huseina.
Priznal naj bi, da bodo v prihodnjih napadih uporabili tudi strupeni plin.
Po podatkih CNN so Američani v nedavnih napadih v Siriji uničili nekaj lokacij proizvodnje kemičnega orožja. V preteklosti so sicer teroristi že nekajkrat uporabili strupeni plin v Siriji in Iraku, še poroča DailyMail.
Omenjeni strupeni plin je sicer v uporabi že od prve svetovne vojne in povzroča hude mehurje, začasno slepoto in okvare dihalnega sistema.
Črna Gora in Srbija ravno razvijata prenosni atmosferski plazma-nevtralizator za nevtralizacijo CBW. (chemical biological weapons)
Lahko, da tudi vedo nekaj, kar mi ne vemo.

morbo ::
Denmark arrests four suspected IS fighters returned from Syria
Danish police said on Thursday they had arrested four people near Copenhagen who they suspect were recruited by the militant group Islamic State (IS) in Syria to commit violence.
Ammunitions and weapons were found in a connected search, the police later tweeted.

Massacra ::

yero7 ::
Belgija vs Madžarska lani in letos, kje je lepše ?
Daj ti nam razlozi, kaksno vezo imajo refugees z atentatom v Bruslju? Mislim, kateri kreten danes se ne ve, kdo so bili atentatorji, od kod so prihajali in v katere sole so hodili?
3 napadalci so bili refugees brussels-attacked-refugee-terrorists

yero7 ::
Refugees so črne ovce ker so jih teroristi izkoristili da se vtihotapijo v evropo. Drugače pa ja refugees nimajo veze z atentati razen tega, da se ne bodo asimilirali v našo družbo in bodo nastali novi Malmoji in s tem novi problemi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: yero7 ()

jype ::
WarpedOne> relgija miru presssssss
A tole:
Matako> "no pasaran" je rekel.. nakar ga je eden spekel.
Vemo, kdo je nasilen in kdo se samozadovoljuje ob nasilju. Nacisti. V zadnji številki medicinske revije en psihiater lepo razloži, da ste takšni zato, ker so vas v otroštvu praviloma hkrati fizično in spolno zlorabljali. Od tod izvira tudi vaša negotovost pri spolnosti, kar je eden od razlogov, da vas cuckold fetiš tako zelo frustrira (drugi katalizator takšne psihoze je, da doživite neprostovoljno erekcijo, ko razmišljate ali se soočate s tujci, bodisi z blondinci s severa ali črnolascih z juga). Ker sem liberalen, vam tega prav nič ne zamerim, saj niste sami krivi, da so vas vzgojili v psihotične razvaline - z veliko razumevanja vam lahko povem, da obstaja tudi druga pot, brez nočnih mor o Jezusu z velikim črnim penisom, ki je videti kot, hja, praktično vsak drug prebivalec bližnjega vzhoda. Postanite solidarni in racionalni ateisti, pa bo življenje veliko prijetnejše (to vključuje tudi razgibano spolnost in mentalno zdravje).
Ali pa se odločite za nadaljevanje verskega spopada. Ko boste spet stali pred fojbami boste pa jamrali, kako ni fer, da se tako z vami dela. Kar sejete, to boste tudi želi, fantje kolaborantje nesrečni. Teža odločitve je na vaših plečih in tega vas ne more razbremeniti nihče, niti jype ne.
yero7> se ne bodo asimilirali v našo družbo
Ti se tudi nisi. Le brž nazaj za Ural, skupaj z družino. Mrzel veter na prostranih stepah čaka na tvojo divjaško kulturo kolektivnega kaznovanja, krivde po asociaciji in drugih fint nacionalistične ideologije.
A tole:
Matako> "no pasaran" je rekel.. nakar ga je eden spekel.
Vemo, kdo je nasilen in kdo se samozadovoljuje ob nasilju. Nacisti. V zadnji številki medicinske revije en psihiater lepo razloži, da ste takšni zato, ker so vas v otroštvu praviloma hkrati fizično in spolno zlorabljali. Od tod izvira tudi vaša negotovost pri spolnosti, kar je eden od razlogov, da vas cuckold fetiš tako zelo frustrira (drugi katalizator takšne psihoze je, da doživite neprostovoljno erekcijo, ko razmišljate ali se soočate s tujci, bodisi z blondinci s severa ali črnolascih z juga). Ker sem liberalen, vam tega prav nič ne zamerim, saj niste sami krivi, da so vas vzgojili v psihotične razvaline - z veliko razumevanja vam lahko povem, da obstaja tudi druga pot, brez nočnih mor o Jezusu z velikim črnim penisom, ki je videti kot, hja, praktično vsak drug prebivalec bližnjega vzhoda. Postanite solidarni in racionalni ateisti, pa bo življenje veliko prijetnejše (to vključuje tudi razgibano spolnost in mentalno zdravje).
Ali pa se odločite za nadaljevanje verskega spopada. Ko boste spet stali pred fojbami boste pa jamrali, kako ni fer, da se tako z vami dela. Kar sejete, to boste tudi želi, fantje kolaborantje nesrečni. Teža odločitve je na vaših plečih in tega vas ne more razbremeniti nihče, niti jype ne.
yero7> se ne bodo asimilirali v našo družbo
Ti se tudi nisi. Le brž nazaj za Ural, skupaj z družino. Mrzel veter na prostranih stepah čaka na tvojo divjaško kulturo kolektivnega kaznovanja, krivde po asociaciji in drugih fint nacionalistične ideologije.

perci ::
jype>Ali pa se odločite za nadaljevanje verskega spopada. Ko boste spet stali pred fojbami boste pa jamrali, kako ni fer, da se tako z vami dela. Kar sejete, to boste tudi želi, fantje kolaborantje nesrečni.
Malo si falil koncept kolaboracije. Ti si tisti, ki kolaborira z invazivno ideologijo.
Malo si falil koncept kolaboracije. Ti si tisti, ki kolaborira z invazivno ideologijo.

Massacra ::
Refugees so črne ovce ker so jih teroristi izkoristili da se vtihotapijo v evropo. Drugače pa ja refugees nimajo veze z atentati razen tega, da se ne bodo asimilirali v našo družbo in bodo nastali novi Malmoji in s tem novi problemi.
A ti bi kar asimiliral? OK, v tem kontekstu je popolnoma jasna tvoja fasistoidna narava!

Utk ::
WarpedOne> relgija miru presssssss
A tole:
Matako> "no pasaran" je rekel.. nakar ga je eden spekel.
Vemo, kdo je nasilen in kdo se samozadovoljuje ob nasilju. Nacisti. V zadnji številki medicinske revije en psihiater lepo razloži, da ste takšni zato, ker so vas v otroštvu praviloma hkrati fizično in spolno zlorabljali. Od tod izvira tudi vaša negotovost pri spolnosti, kar je eden od razlogov, da vas cuckold fetiš tako zelo frustrira (drugi katalizator takšne psihoze je, da doživite neprostovoljno erekcijo, ko razmišljate ali se soočate s tujci, bodisi z blondinci s severa ali črnolascih z juga). Ker sem liberalen, vam tega prav nič ne zamerim, saj niste sami krivi, da so vas vzgojili v psihotične razvaline - z veliko razumevanja vam lahko povem, da obstaja tudi druga pot, brez nočnih mor o Jezusu z velikim črnim penisom, ki je videti kot, hja, praktično vsak drug prebivalec bližnjega vzhoda. Postanite solidarni in racionalni ateisti, pa bo življenje veliko prijetnejše (to vključuje tudi razgibano spolnost in mentalno zdravje).
Ali pa se odločite za nadaljevanje verskega spopada. Ko boste spet stali pred fojbami boste pa jamrali, kako ni fer, da se tako z vami dela. Kar sejete, to boste tudi želi, fantje kolaborantje nesrečni. Teža odločitve je na vaših plečih in tega vas ne more razbremeniti nihče, niti jype ne.
yero7> se ne bodo asimilirali v našo družbo
Ti se tudi nisi. Le brž nazaj za Ural, skupaj z družino. Mrzel veter na prostranih stepah čaka na tvojo divjaško kulturo kolektivnega kaznovanja, krivde po asociaciji in drugih fint nacionalistične ideologije.
Take this shit in ga odvrzi v kakšni džamiji, boš več naredil za mir na svetu.

Massacra ::
jype>Ali pa se odločite za nadaljevanje verskega spopada. Ko boste spet stali pred fojbami boste pa jamrali, kako ni fer, da se tako z vami dela. Kar sejete, to boste tudi želi, fantje kolaborantje nesrečni.
Malo si falil koncept kolaboracije. Ti si tisti, ki kolaborira z invazivno ideologijo.
V ti. "Invazivno ideologijo" je najprej invazivno penetriral zahodnjaski invazivni kapital., ki je v spregi z koruptivno politiko povzrocal smrti in nacrtno spodkopavanje.
Naj eklatantnejsi primer je seveda Iran, ki je na poti sekularizacije pod sahom (le ta v spregi z ameriskim politicno-korporativnim nacizmom) sel nazaj v islamizacijo...
Daj ti prosim zlivaj gnoj raje v bistvo, izvor problema in potem lahko debatiramo naprej.

krneki0001 ::
Ne zgovarjaj se na zahod. Ni zahod kriv, da se oni med sabo koljejo že tisočletja in bi sedaj radi klali še nas, ampak hkrati bi pa še izkoriščali našo socialo. Ne opravičuj jih, so invazivna vrsta.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Posledice Manchesterskega napada? (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 17 18 19 20 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 164149 (149812) | BigWhale |
⊘ | ISIS, poboji civilistov v Iraku (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 88655 (61990) | bluefish |