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Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs 2

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oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2 Set In San Francisco & Might Well Release Later This Year

Watch Dogs 2 to make ‘radical’ changes
In an interview with CVG last year, Ubisoft’s Lionel Raynaud stated that a Watch Dogs sequel would include ‘radical’ changes, compared to the original Watch Dogs.
“There are flaws, obviously. We absolutely want to tackle these flaws and surprise players, and the way to tackle some of those flaws is going to be quite radical. There are parts of the game that will need to change”


m0f0x ::

Prvi WD sem lahko igral samo pol ure, potem pa DELETE, ker je bil SHIT.

Upam, da bo WD2 boljši.

Alien123 ::

na napakah se učimo, upam da so se.. ker ideja je bla super

Tr0n ::

Ubisoft igra, tako da nekako dvomim, da so se kaj naucili. :)

m0f0x ::

Bomo videli :) Iz Assassins Creed serije se tudi nič ne naučijo, po vseh teh letih. Do zdaj bi že morala biti flawless igra.

oo7 ::

Watch_Dogs 2 Confirmed To Launch Before March 2017

Ubisoft confirmed that Watch_Dogs 2 will be launched in the current fiscal year (ending in March 2017), in today's financial press release.

[D]emon ::

m0f0x je izjavil:

Bomo videli :) Iz Assassins Creed serije se tudi nič ne naučijo, po vseh teh letih. Do zdaj bi že morala biti flawless igra.

Iz AC serije so se naucili, da vsako leto nov del izdat ne znese na daljsi rok, sploh ce QA tako zaostaja kot je pri zadnjih dveh delih.
Mavrik ta forum uporablja za daljsanje e-penisa. Ker si ne upa iz hise.

cordoba ::

Meni je bil prvi del zakon, online hackanje pa ful fun. En redkih špilov, ki sem jih obrnil...

m0f0x ::

Jaz nisem zdržal pol ure v igri :)

[D]emon ::

Jaz bolj lesene igre od Watch Dogs se nisem igral. Sicer sem jo obrnil, ker sem trmast, ampak je lesena da bi lahko imel za tri ozimnice drv.
Mavrik ta forum uporablja za daljsanje e-penisa. Ker si ne upa iz hise.

oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2's Main Character Could Be This Guy


oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2 reveal: June 8

Watch Dogs 2 - Hello World

ahac ::

Watch Dogs 2 launches November, set in San Francisco


Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

ahac ::

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

oo7 ::

Bolj bogo zgleda vse skupaj.

Tr0n ::

m0f0x ::

predvidevam oceno 7/10.
Mešanica GTA, Saints Row in Assassin's Creed.

oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2 Trailer

kitl76 ::

Če bi ostali samo na GTA bi bil zakon špil.

m0f0x ::

Golazen jedna s temi preorderji.

15:26 je prava beseda za Ubisoft.

--MiRaLdInJo ::

Prijeten ogled vam želim 8-)

WATCH DOGS 2: Gameplay Walkthrough - Dedsec Infiltration Mission (E3 2016):

oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2 - Online Trailer

oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2 Gameplay Walkthrough: Open World Free-Roam with Multiplayer - GamesCom 2016


oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2: Story Trailer


oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2: "False Profits" Developer Walkthrough


oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2's San Francisco vs. Real Life - IGN First


oo7 ::

The new release date for the PC version of the game is set for November 29.



OS - (64-bit versions only): Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i5 2400S @ 2.5 GHz | AMD FX 6120 @ 3.5 GHz
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2GB) | AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2GB) or better
Hard Disk Space: 50 GB
Peripherals: Windows-compatible keyboard and mouse, Microsoft Xbox One Controller, Dual Shock 4 Controller
Multiplayer: 256 Kbps or faster broadband connection


OS: (64-bit versions only): Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHz | AMD FX 8120 @ 3.9 GHz
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (3GB) | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4GB) | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (3GB) or better | AMD Radeon R9 290 (4GB) or better
Hard Disk Space: 50 GB
Peripherals : Windows-compatible keyboard and mouse, Microsoft Xbox One controller, Dual Shock 4 controller
Multiplayer: 256 Kbps or faster broadband connection

Additional Features


4K support
Stuttering/lag framerate optimization - We employed a fix that makes all controls much more responsive and less framerate-related. We've optimized resource creation, GPU VRAM upload and required VRAM for the game.
No FPS cap
Full SLI/Crossfire support at launch
Multiple save file support - This feature allows players to have up to three auto save slots for three separate playthroughs.
Multi-monitor support with borderless mode and advanced settings that allow for customized placement of menu and HUD.
Multiple windowed mode options - Windowed mode with flexible/resizable windows, multi-monitor borderless.
Improved Graphic Features

Screen Space Reflections
Headlight Shadows - Support for additional shadows from car headlights
Extra Details Options - Increases the level of detail for all objects in the game, and adds more details to objects in the distance.
Improved Graphics Options

FOV sliders
Pixel Density sliders
Sharpness sliders
Ultra Textures pack available at launch
Anti-aliasing options:

Post Processing Anti-Aliasing options SMAA and FXAA
Improved Keyboard/Mouse controls

Full adaptation with mouse and keyboard
We're using raw mouse input to reduce latency and use the Windows hardware cursor throughout the game without any additional signal filtering to smooth or accelerate mouse movement by default
Advanced keyboard support - Keyboard hotkeys for every menu and app for faster access. Additionally, all hotkeys can be remapped.
Mouse-centric UI - Any UI screen, menus or smartphone app supports full mouse interaction, so the player can finish any UI task with the mouse only. Everything is clickable and has appropriate button states.
Toggle/Hold modes for different controls (aim, sprint, walk, inventory, etc.)
Driving: Driving has been adapted to suit the keyboard controls, with adjustable steering sensitivity. Same goes for driving camera sensitivity and auto-centering camera behavior.

Gamepad support

On-the-fly switching between mouse and keyboard to gamepad, without any additional options, UI will just switch to gamepad mode
Supported gamepads: Xbox One controller, PlayStation 4 DualShock controller

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

scipascapa ::

kolikor sem gledal filmčke, zgleda tole zelo bogo.

oo7 ::

Me zanima če bo boljša igra kot Mafia 3

oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2 - Zodiac Killer Mission Trailer


oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2 Trailer - Welcome to San Francisco Gameplay


Polenta ::

Če boste špilali dodajte na uplayu: Buff_LordChanka
Bom verjetno še prednaročo.

oo7 ::

Igra še ni zunaj pa že reklamirajo Season Pass ;((

Watch_Dogs 2 - Season Pass Trailer

scipascapa ::

kdor je pameten, lepo ignorira tole.

oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2 Pre Orders Below Expectations

Ubisoft's CEO says pre-orders for Watch Dogs 2 have not lived up to the company's expectations, implying that more gamers may be taking a wait and see approach with their games.


oo7 ::

Watch Dogs 2 - Launch Trailer

Watch Dogs 2 Available 11.15.16 - konzole

Watch Dogs 2 Available on PC 11.29.16

[D]emon ::

Mavrik ta forum uporablja za daljsanje e-penisa. Ker si ne upa iz hise.

scipascapa ::

poberemo ko bo pod 20€.

oo7 ::

SLO_Robert ::

A ni to UBISOFT , hahaha , kdo sploh se kupuje spile od teh pocarjov :))

Grey ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Watch Dogs 2 Pre Orders Below Expectations

Ubisoft's CEO says pre-orders for Watch Dogs 2 have not lived up to the company's expectations, implying that more gamers may be taking a wait and see approach with their games.


Kaj so pa pričakovali po svetovnem nategu, ki so ga izvedli pri prvem delu? Nimajo se kaj čuditi. :) Pa itak vse igre prihajajo nekaj na pol narejene ven. The Division in Dishonored 2 sta recimo dva primerka...

scipascapa ::

dishonored 2 je super igra.

Boone ::

SLO_Robert je izjavil:

A ni to UBISOFT , hahaha , kdo sploh se kupuje spile od teh pocarjov :))

Marsikdo. Samo nekateri prej počakajo kakšen review, da vidijo če se splača. Pa na kakšno razprodajo.

Drugi pa mečejo €60 za obljube in upajo na najboljše.

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

poberemo ko bo pod 20€.

Enkrat, ko bo pod 10 eur enako Mafia 3.

m0LN4r ::

Hehehehe, tipacu je sony suspendiral racun zaradi screenshota:

Trade Republic 38MVDVXM

scipascapa ::

za 1 mesec da....medtem je ubisoft že izdal patch, kjer skrije vagine, đonsoni so pa še vedno.

sex no, ubijanje da.

Zmajc ::


ahac ::

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

[D]emon ::

Me niti ne preseneca. Se je folk naucil pri releasu prvega dela. :))
Mavrik ta forum uporablja za daljsanje e-penisa. Ker si ne upa iz hise.

Zmajc ::

bleda kopija GTA pač ni dovolj za današnje pojme.
2 3

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