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Prjatu ::

Mam naslednjo konfiguracijo:

Abit KT7a

Duron 800

256 Mb RAM

IBM 45Gb


Pioneer 105S

Plextor 8/4/32A

Geforce MX

V Win ME in 2000 se mi ob kopiranju s cedejev ali pa pri peki cd-jev sistem obesi ali pa postane obupno počasen in nestabilen, v čem bi bil problem?
  • spremenil: Prjatu ()

whatson ::

kako je z DMA...
a je cd-rom (writer) sploh v redu delujoc..

a ti samo winME in 2k.. ali tudi v drugih verzijah?

Prjatu ::

DMA je vklopljen , writter dela drugače brez problemov, z drugimi sistemi pa nisem probal

ChiefThunder ::

hm... mogoče je kriva povezava IDE enot, povej na kateri verigi maš CD-R.

Prjatu ::

Diska imam na IDE1, DVD pa writer pa na IDE2, 45Gb disk pa DVD sta pa master

ADF ::

IDE-controller of the VIA south bridge and Ultra ATA/33 CD-ROM (CD-RW, DVD)

Some ATAPI CD-ROM (CD-RW, DVD) drives which support Ultra ATA/33 mode work incorrectly when connected to the VIA BusMaster IDE-controller included in the VIA south bridge via a standard 40-thread cable. The problem lies in breaking of the integrity of data while reading discs or in a wrong recognition of the format when first applying to the disc. There are two ways to solve it. The simplest one is to prohibit usage of Ultra ATA for such storage device in the BIOS or in the diagnostic utility from the VIA IDE BusMaster Drivers' set. The second way can be used in those cases if you don't want to restrict drive's performance, then you have to connect it with a 80-thread Ultra ATA/66-cable (despite the fact that the device will work in Ultra ATA/33 mode!).

ADF ::

Prjatu ::

Ja sem si prebral ta članek, samo jaz imam že zdaj vse priklopljeno na 80 žilni kabel

ADF ::

Probaj se v BIOS-u poigrat z Bus Mastering-om, še prej pa to:

4) My Apollo Pro133A based motherboard with the VT82C686B Southbridge is having stability problems in WindowsŇ 2000, especially when transferring large files. How can I cure this?

A- At this time, we suggest you uninstall the VIA IDE Busmaster for WindowsŇ 2000 that is contained in the 4-in-1 driver.

Prjatu ::

In kje se v Biosu poigram z bus masteringom, v katerem meniju

ADF ::

Najprej poglej, če sploh imaš to opcijo. Vem da so plate včasih to imele, sedaj pa nisem siguren. Pred kakšnim letom ali dvemi sem imel težave z plextorjem in je bila to ena od rešitev.

Prjatu ::

Sem pogledal pa nimam te opcije, probal sem že vse našteto, zgleda da bo v poštev prišel le stari dobri format :(

ADF ::

Če še nimaš, probaj inštalirat VIA 4in1 verzijo 4.29. Mislim, da imajo neke IDE izboljšave, čeprav nisem siguren.

V primeru formatiranja pa daj primarni disk na IDE 0 master in CD-RW na IDE 0 slave. To je najbolj optimalno, morda bi celo sedaj s tem rešil zadevo.

DarC ::

Probaj z instalacijo driverja za IDE BUSMASTER tukaj.

Mislim, da je problem v gonilnikih VIE 4in1, kjer se gonilniki za bus mastering in dodeljevanje IRQ-jev pod Windowsi, ne nalozijo ter jih je treba dodatno instalirati. Pri meni je bil podoben problem in sem ga na ta nacin odpravil.

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