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Sem edini ki dobiva take super ponudbe?

Sem edini ki dobiva take super ponudbe?

Netrunner ::

.. Ne morem verjet te nigerijske jajce ali whatever .. to je že 3 podoben email ki sem ga dobil v zadnje pol leta

Dear Friend,

Greetings!!! I know that this message might meet you in utmost surprise as both us never know or see each other before, however it's just my urgent need of a foreign partner that made me to contact you for an urgent business of transaction.

I am a banker by profession from (Burkina Faso) in West Africa and currently holding the post of Director Auditing and Accounting Unit of the bank. I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds ($10.5 million USD) Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars of one of my bank clients who died along with his entire family on 21st July 2003, in a plane crash.

hence, I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between both us in the ratio of 60/35, what am trying to say is this, 60% for me as the founder of the business and 35% will be offer to you for your assistance, while 5% will be mapped out in case of any expenses. If you agree to my business proposal, further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your return mail.

You should contact me through my email (Dramando.mohammed@latinmail.com) as soon as you receive this letter with your full contact details. And then i will send you a text of an application form which you will fill up with any of your nominated banking details and apply to my bank for the transfer to commence.

1. Your full name:
2. your country:
3. your residence address:
4. your occupation:
5. your age:
6. your private telephone number:

Kind Regards,
Dr Amando Mohammed

hojnikb ::

nared si burner mejl pa ga malo potrollaj :)

Gandalfar ::

Klikni "Mark as Spam" pa je to to.

Netrunner ::

saj to mi že leti v spam .. katerega tudi malo kontroliram. Saj ni težava to da bi me motilo .. samo nekam dosti je tega zadnje čase :)

Ja ni slaba ideja da ustvarim enmail in mu odpiše :) .. pa mu rečem da mu rade volje pomagam samo banka mi ne pusti nobenega prenosa naredit dokler ne poravnam 200 € minusa .. pa če mi lahko nakaže :) ali kaj podobnega...

L1nK ::

kaj so že to, nigerijska pisma??

Netrunner ::


Lonsarg ::

To so v 99% nategancije v 1%(ta dotični mail ne) pa ponudbe za pranje denarja.

Sami ::

Enkrat sem iz Nigerije (kakšni 2 leti nazaj) prejel celo pismo :D Ne vem od kje jim moj naslov :-)
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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