Forum » Programska oprema » Dropbox
Ikspe ::
Pri instalaciji telefona mi je ponudilo Dropbox račun-50 GB za dve leti.
Vidim da se gor shranjuje vsesorte.
Pa se to čez dve leti samo zaklene in ne moreš niti zbrisat?
In ali lahko po teh tvojih zasebnih stvareh vohuni ponudnik?
Vidim da se gor shranjuje vsesorte.
Pa se to čez dve leti samo zaklene in ne moreš niti zbrisat?
In ali lahko po teh tvojih zasebnih stvareh vohuni ponudnik?
francek1 ::
Po dve letih hočejo $...ali pa onemogočijo dostop do podatkov.
Kdor se je že rodil učen se lahko reži...
broken/link ::
nope. ni res.
If your paid account expires or is downgraded, or the space granted to your account by a promotion expires, all of the files in your Dropbox folder will still be available to you on your computers, phones, and via the Dropbox website. However, Dropbox will stop syncing the files in your account if your usage is now over your new quota.
ghost13xc ::
Ce si pameten, ne uporabljaj NOBENE oblacne storitve, sync storitev itd.., tudi ce je zastonj...
telexdell ::
Ce si pameten, ne uporabljaj NOBENE oblacne storitve, sync storitev itd.., tudi ce je zastonj...
Če pa si ZARES pameten pa ne uporabljaš nobene žične ali brezžične komunikacije (interneta, mobilne in fiksne telefonije, radijskih postaj, baby alarmov, brezžičnih zvoncev, kamer...).
PS- geniji pa niti šepetajo ne, saj je splošno znano, da imajo tudi zidovi ušesa
Precej je treba vedeti, preden opaziš, kako malo veš.
eales ::
Tudi sam sem imel 2 leti 50GB. Mesec pred iztekom te opozorijo, da se ti izteka in da bo tvoj predal velik samo še mislim da 2GB. In da če boš na datum poteka presegal ta 2GB, ne boš več mogel nalagati stvari, dokler ga ne boš spraznil pod to mejo. Tako da tudi po preteku ne izgubiš podatkov.
hojnikb ::
Preprosta AES enkripcija z dobrim geslom je čisto dovolj za še tiste največje paranoike, ki se bojijo "oblakov"
Olórin ::
Vsaka kljucavnica ima svoj kljuc, tako da.... :)
tudi tvoja domača. Ali to pomeni, da imaš samo en jogi na tleh in nobenega premoženja, če ti kdo vdre v stanovanje?
paranoiki so bedni.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Olórin ()
hojnikb ::
Jap, in ta kjuč obržiš zase in ga ne deliš okol. Razn če si eden izmed tistih paranoikov, ki misli, da je v vsaki enkripciji backdoor. Potem ti pa tako ni pomoči.
menjalnik ::
Jaz sem nedolgo nazaj Samsunga kupil in je bilo rečeno, da dobim 50gb zastonj za 2 leti pa nisem, 7gb imam še vedno
Phantomeye ::
Jaz bom drugo leto izgubil 48 GB (promo pri telefonu) in 15 gb (za space race)... zato bom rabil en popularen cloud, ki ga uporabljajo vsi.
Dropbox mi je kul, ampak mi ta njihov PRO ne odgovarja. Ne rabim jaz 1 TB, bi rajše videl 100 GB. In razmišljam, da bi prešaltal na google ponuja 100 gb za 3$
Osebno se mi google drive superiornejši, vsaj zardi spletnega vmesnika, pa zaradi google docs... Sam je pa hec, enkrat se spomnim, da sem pisal v wordu in shranjeval direktno v drive.. in odprem enkrat dokument, pa je manjkalo polovica vsebine, ki sem jo spisal, se je to že komu zgodilo?
Dropbox mi je kul, ampak mi ta njihov PRO ne odgovarja. Ne rabim jaz 1 TB, bi rajše videl 100 GB. In razmišljam, da bi prešaltal na google ponuja 100 gb za 3$
Osebno se mi google drive superiornejši, vsaj zardi spletnega vmesnika, pa zaradi google docs... Sam je pa hec, enkrat se spomnim, da sem pisal v wordu in shranjeval direktno v drive.. in odprem enkrat dokument, pa je manjkalo polovica vsebine, ki sem jo spisal, se je to že komu zgodilo?
an3333 ::
jaz v oblak shranjujem kriptirane podatke in reči ki bi jih komot nalepil sem (nvm, sliko mačke)
zdaj morda jih nsa lahko razbije, morda ne, ampak dvomim, da sem jaz njihova tarča
zdaj morda jih nsa lahko razbije, morda ne, ampak dvomim, da sem jaz njihova tarča
bluefish ::
Phantomeye je izjavil:
Dropbox mi je kul, ampak mi ta njihov PRO ne odgovarja. Ne rabim jaz 1 TB, bi rajše videl 100 GB. In razmišljam, da bi prešaltal na google ponuja 100 gb za 3$Morda si oglej še OneDrive.
pviran3 ::
Še kdo dobil dropbox pro s 1tb placa za eno leto? Kao kot opravičilo za napačno delovanje selective sync...
We're reaching out to let you know about a Selective Sync issue that affected a small number of Dropbox users. Unfortunately, some of your files were deleted when the Dropbox desktop application was shut down or restarted while you were applying Selective Sync settings.
Our team worked hard to restore files that were deleted from your account. You can see which of your files were affected and whether or not we've been able to restore them on this personalized web page.
We're very sorry about what happened. There’s nothing more important to us than making sure your information is safe and always available. Our team has fixed the issue and put additional tests in place to prevent this from happening in the future.
We're giving you Dropbox Pro for free for one year starting today, October 10, 2014. While we know it doesn't make up for falling short of your expectations, we wanted to thank you for bearing with us. If you have any questions, please reply to this message or email us at We’re here to help.
- The Dropbox Team
broken/link ::
For one thing, he said you should "get rid of Dropbox," because it doesn't support encryption, and you should consider alternatives like SpiderOak. (Snowden made similar comments over the summer, with Dropbox responding that protecting users' information is "a top priority.")
[Update: In a June blog post related to Snowden, Dropbox actually says, "All files sent and retrieved from Dropbox are encrypted while traveling between you and our servers," as well as when they're "at rest on our servers," and it points to other security measures that the company is taking. The difference between Dropbox and SpiderOak, as explained elsewhere, is that SpiderOak encrypts the data while it's on your computer, as opposed to only encrypting it "in transit" and on the company's servers.]
[And here's a more complete Snowden quote, from around 1:04:55 in the video: "We're talking about encryption. We're talking about dropping programs that are hostile to privacy. For example, Dropbox? Get rid of Dropbox, it doesn't support encryption, it doesn't protect your private files. And use competitors like SpiderOak, that do the same exact service but they protect the content of what you're sharing."]
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