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Strmoglavil malezijski 777 v Ukrajini

Strmoglavil malezijski 777 v Ukrajini

Temo vidijo: vsi
30 / 33

Martin Krpan ::

Oswald in pijani jager !!!????
Kako dolgočasno!

Pac-Man ::

Danes so objavili nova videa še posebej, ne samo kot del predstavitve


Buk v Donetsku, 17. julij dopoldne, vidna je leva stran


Tale je iz Toreza par ur kasneje, prvi video na katerem se dobro vidi desna stran Buka 332 v Ukrajini. Meni noče igrat v brskalniku, dljan pa je OK


Detajli so enaki kot na posnetkih narejenih na ruski strani, poleg obkroženega je še predzanje kolo brez naper.

Za Buk obstajata 2 vrsti koles - z in brez naper, vsako se lahko montira na katerokoli mesto. Tudi to se lahko smatra za neke vrste prstni odtis.

Zdaj je lanser identificiran z obeh strani.



Pac-Man ::


Echo of Moscow, often used by Kremlin to test radical ideas to early adopters, floats idea of "rogue Russian military" guilty for MH17

Take my word: Russia is preparing to acknowledge "Kremlin-unaware" role in the downing of #MH17. 3 to 6 months max.

Sam dvomim, enostavno so investirali preveč vsega v "nimamo pojma" vlak. Ampak avtor ideje ve o Rusiji precej več kot jaz.

D3m ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Matako je izjavil:

Mene bolj zanima, kdo je počil Krambija! No _tista_ balistika in vse ostalo je bilo res zanimivo. Resno: bistveno bolj sumljiv atentat, gledano s tehničnih vidikov. A kaj ko je bil Krambi proti Johnnyju niko i ništa. :(

Daj ne kompliciraj.
JFKja je Oswald, Krambija pa un pijan jager.
A nič ne bereš cajtengov?

Če bi zamenjali strelca bi moral reči, da je Oswald proti našemu jagru en velik noob.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::


D3m ::



Sam še computer animated Kramberger pa bo.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Smrekar1 ::

zrataj4201 je izjavil:

Napovem še v prihodnost? Zadnja obrambna izjava, ki jo bodo imeli rusi na koncu bo nekako takole:
"Ni kriv tisti, ki je letalo sestrelil. Krivi so tisti, kamor je letalo padlo!" Preprosto po Putinovi filozofiji.

Ummmm, tudi po tej logiki so še vedno krivi oni.

D3m je izjavil:

Poročilo navaja, da je glavni vzrok sesutja stolpnice požar. :)

V ostalih stolpnicah je bila to tudi edina stvar, ki se je tam dogajala. Sicer pa imamo o teh stvareh odprto posebno temo, kamor se lahko hodite smešit.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

D3m ::

Zdaj smo pri JFK in Krambiju.

Kar pojdi v 9/11 temo.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::

D3m je izjavil:

Zdaj smo pri JFK in Krambiju.

Isti odgovor. Tale je o tem kako uspešna je ruska protiletalska proti civilnim letalom.

D3m ::

Misliš Sovjetska?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::

Veliki humanistični borci proti fašizmu uporabljajo sužnje za financiranje svojih poglavarjev.


"About 5,000 people work without payment every day in order to preserve their life and health, to receive visits from relatives and not to die of hunger," it goes on. "All this takes place for the purpose of enriching a certain group of people in the so-called LPR."

Do tržnic z organi in ljudmi je samo še en korak.

D3m ::

Kdo? Ukrajinci?

Se strinjam.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::

D3m je izjavil:

Kdo? Ukrajinci?

Nak, Rusi, ki se predstavljajo za Ukrajince. Če bi znal brati bi to seveda vedel :D

D3m ::

Očitno si drugače interpeliraš, kot vedno.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: Smrekar1 ()

Starodavni ::

Iz članka:

The prison, near the town of Krasny Luch, ended up under the control of the self-declared Luhansk People's Republic (LPR). Immediately, the conditions worsened drastically. The small payment Efreshin received in return for his labour came to a halt, anyone who refused to work was harshly punished, and the food sharply deteriorated.


Več kot očitno in jasno, da je ta zapor in s tem to suženjsko delo pod teritorijem LPR, kjer se tudi izvajajo suženjske razmere.

Pred tem preobratom je ta zapornik (v članku) dobil možnost zmanjšanja kazni z delom, kjer je tudi dobil plačo in s tem izboljšal svoje prehranske možnosti.
Odkar imajo to ti "uporniki" pa mora delati 12 ur na dan, izgubil je 20 kg, nima več plače, obroki hrane so manjši, tudi veliko zobov je že izgubil.

Skratka, čisto nehumane razmere za zapornika. če je življenje za civiliste težko pod teh 2 regijah, je za zapornike samo še slabše.

In potem rečejo, da je ruski model zakon. Beda, suženjstvo, revščina, trpljenje, to vam je zakon? Tako slabih razmer kot v tem zaporu še v ameriških nimajo.

Res močno upam, da zbrcajo ruse in te ruske upornike iz Ukrajine in vrnejo izgubljeno ozemlje nazaj Ukrajini.

D3m ::

Namen zapora ni luksuzno letovišče. Ali pač po vaše?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Starodavni ::

D3m - resno, ti boš zagovarjal suženjske razmere v zaporu? Celo take, da vladata mučenje in stradež. Jezus, ti si res človek brez kančka empatije do sočloveka.

Zaporniki si tudi zaslužijo osnovne pravice človeka, ne pa nehumane razmere, ki jih ubijajo. Sploh pa med zaporniki niso samo hardcore kriminalci ampak so tudi taki, ki so storili manjše do srednje prekrške in bodo zdaj s takimi razmerami pahnjeni v smrt.

In srž problema je, da so se razmere močno poslabšale z menjavo oblasti - iz ukrajinske v kvazi-rusko vlado, ki vlada tej regiji.

Toliko o tem, da bodo rusi spoštovali obstoječe kazni, še huje, poslabšali so situacijo.

D3m ::

Jaz ne zagovarjam nič. To vi delate.

Kaj je vzrok poslabšanja pa tudi veste samo gledate prevečkrat v eno smer.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::

Starodavni je izjavil:

In potem rečejo, da je ruski model zakon. Beda, suženjstvo, revščina, trpljenje, to vam je zakon? Tako slabih razmer kot v tem zaporu še v ameriških nimajo.

Ameriški zapori imajo v bistvu boljše razmere kot večina letovišč na Krimu.

Tam veljajo za luksuz stvari, brez katerih bi imeli ameri hude težave z odvetinki: topla voda, elektrika, redna hrana, ogrevanje ...

Seveda bo pri 'upornikih' slabše, zapore so pa predelali v koncentracijska taborišča.

D3m ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Starodavni je izjavil:

In potem rečejo, da je ruski model zakon. Beda, suženjstvo, revščina, trpljenje, to vam je zakon? Tako slabih razmer kot v tem zaporu še v ameriških nimajo.

Ameriški zapori imajo v bistvu boljše razmere kot večina letovišč na Krimu.

Tam veljajo za luksuz stvari, brez katerih bi imeli ameri hude težave z odvetinki: topla voda, elektrika, redna hrana, ogrevanje ...

Seveda bo pri 'upornikih' slabše, zapore so pa predelali v koncentracijska taborišča.

Zapor je torej letni ali doživljenski dopust?

Zakaj nisi v zaporu?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::

D3m je izjavil:

Zapor je torej letni ali doživljenski dopust?

Ne, dopust na Krimu je v slabših razmerah, kot veljajo v ameriških zaporih. Kak tečaj Slovenščine ti ne bi škodil.

SimplyMiha ::

Ne vem, no, v ameriških zaporih ni ravno varno pobirati mila.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Smrekar1 ::

Še ena tragična zgodba o državi, ki se ne naslonila na Rusijo, zdaj pa jih zaradi tega boli anus.


Nauk basni: čim dlje od Rusije tem bolje.

D3m ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

Zapor je torej letni ali doživljenski dopust?

Ne, dopust na Krimu je v slabših razmerah, kot veljajo v ameriških zaporih. Kak tečaj Slovenščine ti ne bi škodil.

Slabo razumeš, še enkrat.

Zakaj nisi v zaporu?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Če bi se kdo smejal/pulil lase - ruska nacionalka o poročilu JIT, z angleškimi podnapisi. Najboljše je okrog 2:30, ko komentirajo fotografijo buka v Donetsku, bojda gre za fotošopano pravljico, ki nasprotuje fizikalnim zakonom.

Kicker je, da gre za zaslonsko sliko iz videa, kar je postalo znano ravno na tiskovni konferenci, še bolje, del videa celo pokažejo v prispevku :)

Voditelj govori zelo hitro, verjetno gre za star coprniški trik preobremenite, da nimaš časa razmišljat o povedanem.

Pac-Man ::

14 sekundni video konvoja z bukom v centru Donetska

V javnost je bil dan konec septembra na tiskovni konferenci JIT, sicer pa je iz njega vzeta ta zaslonska slika,

okrog katere je bilo ogromno debate, RU troli trdijo, da je fejk. En je na to temo spisal 85-stranski pdf :D


D3m ::

Jaz na videu vidim zmazek od muhe ma vetrobranskem steklu.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Samuel ::

Saj je vsakomur jasno, da so Rusi tukaj v globokem dreku. Ne gre samo za sestrelitev nekega letala, gre se tudi za vojaško pomoč upornikom in vse kar to za sabo potegne.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Pac-Man ::

En od uvoznikov Buka je bil doxan. Njegov del se začne @1:00, Sergey Nikolaevich Petrovsky - "Khmuryi". GRU-jevec, po rodu iz Donetska, ki je na začetku sranja v Ukrajini dal odpoved. Znan & prikladen scenarij.



On 30 November 2014, an interview with General Sergey Nikolaevich Petrovsky was published on the Russian news site Politikus, making clear that he was then the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Donetsk People’s Republic and that his military career started in the Soviet army in 1984, when he participated in the war in Afghanistan. In the 90s, he took part in wars in North Ossetia and Chechnya, where he met Igor ‘Strelkov’ Girkin, who was the Minister of Defence of the Donetsk People’s Republic in 2014. In another interview, published 25 December 2014 on ultranationalist Russian news site Zavtra, he describes himself as Major General Sergey Petrovsky, born in 1962 in the Donetsk region.


On 7 February 2017, an open source research collective InformNapalm published additional information about Sergey Dubinsky and the exact location of his current residence: ulitsa Molodozhnaya 4B, Bolshoy Log, Rostov Oblast in Russia.


According to the photographs from this profile, Dubinsky and his family were living in Russia in 2010, but apparently lived in Ukraine in the summer of 2011. According to an openly accessible traffic police database of Rostov-on-Don, Sergey Nikolaevich Dubinsky, born on 9 August 1962, lived in Stepnoy in an undefined street house number 1, apartment 117, and had three different cars registered on his name between 1998 and 2004. Stepnoy in the Rostov Oblast is a military village, where the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigade (literally translated as the 22th Separate Brigade for Special Purposes), or military unit 11659 is located, a military unit that is part of the ‘GRU’, the Main Intelligence Directorate.

Photographs in his album prove that he was in Donetsk, Ukraine in the autumn and December of 2014.

 Sergey Dubinsky (middle) in Donetsk, Ukraine, in December 2014, photograph uploaded 15 October 2016. Left: Ivan Okhlobystin, Right: Ivan’s wife Oksana Arbuzova.

Sergey Dubinsky (middle) in Donetsk, Ukraine, in December 2014, photograph uploaded 15 October 2016. Left: Ivan Okhlobystin, Right: Ivan’s wife Oksana Arbuzova.


It seems that Dubinsky left Donetsk in early 2015 and was even denied entry to the Donetsk People’s Republic because of extracting money from businessmen.


Photographs uploaded in the summer of 2016 show Dubinsky’s new house, which was geolocated to the same location of the InformNapalm article: ulitsa Molodozhnaya in Bolshoy Log, Rostov Oblast in Russia. (...) Another photograph shows Dubinsky in a Canadian-produced vehicle, a Can-Am Commander XT, worth almost $15,000 when purchased new.

 The new house of Sergey Dubinsky, where he (and his family) very likely live since 2015, photograph uploaded 8 August 2016.

The new house of Sergey Dubinsky, where he (and his family) very likely live since 2015, photograph uploaded 8 August 2016.

 Sergey Dubinsky sitting in a Can-Am Commander XT, likely in front of his house, photograph uploaded 4 August 2016.

Sergey Dubinsky sitting in a Can-Am Commander XT, likely in front of his house, photograph uploaded 4 August 2016.

Bellingcat’s conclusion is that (...) Dubinsky is a Russian war veteran and was a colonel in July 2014, fought in the Soviet-Afghan war and later in Chechnya, and later served in the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigade, a unit connected to the ‘GRU’, the Main Intelligence Directorate.


Sergey Dubinsky was granted the higher rank of major general in the Donetsk People’s Republic in, apparently, August 2014, shortly after the downing of MH17, and later relocated to the Russian Federation after being expelled from Donetsk for alleged financial crimes. Nowadays Dubinsky lives a fairly luxurious life for Russian standards, in a quiet village, spending time with his family and enjoying rides in an expensive recreational vehicle.

D3m ::

Že imamo podobno stran. Imenuje se Facebook.


Počasi se lahko tema zapre, če bo ostalo samo pri domnevah.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::

Še malo "govoric".


Sergey "Khmury" Dubinsky wrote that he drove a Peugeot 3008 in Ukraine. A black Peugeot 3008 accompanied the Buk that downed #MH17.

Pac-Man ::

Grek, znan iz prisluhov SBU, je pokojni.


Njegov del se začne @0:30

next3steps ::

Starodavni je izjavil:

In potem rečejo, da je ruski model zakon. Beda, suženjstvo, revščina, trpljenje, to vam je zakon?

Am, 20 let delovne dobe za upokojitev se meni ne zdi slabo.

Pac-Man ::

Obstaja/jo dodaten/i, javnosti neznan/i, video/i Buka.


Worth noting the JIT presented new videos that gave more visual links between #MH17 Buk and the Buk filmed in Russia we claimed was the same.

Until the JIT's Sept 28th 2016 #MH17 press conference we had only a clear view of one side, now we have multiple matches on both sides. We also have additional footage we've been unable to release showing a clearer match between the Buks, which we provided the JIT #MH17. We can't make it public as the witness could be exposed by it, but the JIT has it, and other unpublished information we sent them #MH17. I should also note we found this unpublished #MH17 video a looong time ago, and passed it to the JIT immediately.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Čez 20 let bodo Rusi pravnomočno obsojeni, Šimpanz, D3m in Colt1911 pa še vedno nabijali, kako niso krivi. 8-)


Pac-Man ::

Danes kar 2 novosti s strani ekipe Bellingcata. Sajt malenkost šteka - naval ali DDOS?

Najprej nove fotografije buka 332


Following a tip from Twitter user @Sl0zhny, Bellingcat was able to find the “missing link” photograph that shows these white transport markings on Buk 332 from before the June 2014 convoy. A photograph taken by a Russian mechanic, likely in the spring of 2013, shows Buk 332 with the same white transport markings that were on the Buk while in Ukraine shortly before and after the downing of MH17. This photograph is the last discovered image of Buk 332, showing its non-obscured unit designation and transport markings, before the June 2014 convoy, when the middle digit of its unit designation was painted over.
 Buk-M1 missile launcher 332 of Russia’s 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade from online photo album of a Russian mechanic

Buk-M1 missile launcher 332 of Russia’s 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade from online photo album of a Russian mechanic

 Comparison of markings on the same side of Buk 332, from July 2012 to 2014.

Comparison of markings on the same side of Buk 332, from July 2012 to 2014.

This photograph shows the same pink colored Krug missile container, visible in the mechanic’s Buk 332 photograph. The photograph is geotagged at the vehicle yard of the 53rd Brigade in Marshala Zhukova, near Kursk in Russia, which is correct after cross-referencing the features in the photograph with satellite imagery.
 Vehicle yard area of the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, as seen in a photograph uploaded by a cadet on August 3, 2014.

Vehicle yard area of the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, as seen in a photograph uploaded by a cadet on August 3, 2014.

 Comparison of the pink missile container and surrounding items.

Comparison of the pink missile container and surrounding items.


RBC journalist Inna Sidorkova was able to contact a person who was involved with the photograph. This person confirmed that the mechanic was in this photograph with Buk 332, and that they recalled that the mechanic was in Kursk in 2013. When asked by the RBC journalist if it could have been in 2014, they replied that “it’s possible.”


Bellingcat managed to identify the mechanic and located several of his social media profiles.

In še tipčki, ki so buk spravili do meje


This new report focuses on the drivers of the June and July 2014 Buk convoy trucks and, in particular, the truck that transported Buk 332. The truck has the license plate ‘4267 AH 50’ and its trailer has the license plate ‘XP 4679 50.’ This report also describes additional possible drivers of the truck(s) that could have transported Buk 332 from Millerovo to the Russia-Ukraine border.


Apart from this finding, also previously undiscovered videos are detailed of the same truck and trailer that transported Buk 332, filmed at the end of July 2014, transporting a tank, which was later seen in the Luhansk Oblast in Ukraine.
 Seven soldier-drivers were identified from Dmitry’s photographs (one soldier’s photograph found, but not identified), who very likely were drivers in the 23-25 June 2014 Buk convoy that transported Buk 332 from Kursk to Millerovo.

Seven soldier-drivers were identified from Dmitry’s photographs (one soldier’s photograph found, but not identified), who very likely were drivers in the 23-25 June 2014 Buk convoy that transported Buk 332 from Kursk to Millerovo.

 Two 16 July 2014 photographs stitched together, showing a southern area of a military camp in eastern Millerovo with twelve parked KamAZ trucks, among them truck ‘4267 AH 50’, that transported Buk 332 in the 23-25 June 2014 Buk convoy. One of these trucks was likely used for the transport of Buk 332 to the Russia-Ukraine border.

Two 16 July 2014 photographs stitched together, showing a southern area of a military camp in eastern Millerovo with twelve parked KamAZ trucks, among them truck ‘4267 AH 50’, that transported Buk 332 in the 23-25 June 2014 Buk convoy. One of these trucks was likely used for the transport of Buk 332 to the Russia-Ukraine border.


An uncensored version of the report including full names and uncensored photographs has been shared with the MH17 Joint Investigation Team (JIT).

Pac-Man ::


Yesterday I spoke with Russian military mechanic who in *May 2014* posted selfie with BUK that @bellingcat ID'd in Ukraine in July 2014. I tried to persuade him to speak up. He was worrying about personal safety. Later in the day he switched phone off and deleted BUK photo.

This is the image in pace of the BUK photo now.

I have forensically verified the photo with BUK 332 was uploaded to OK.RU on May 14 2014, precluding ANY possibility that it was ante-dated.

Lavrov TODAY appealed to people not to trust @bellingcat's investigation. "What we need is transparency", he said. Then they deleted photos.

Not before they tweeted THIS red herring, containing a visibly and provenly forged document

I keep asking: if RU has nothing to hide, why do they continue "disappearing" witnesses, deleting evidentiary accounts, spreading forgeries, veto-ing UN tribunal, hiding radar data > 2 years, then finally providing it in unauthenticatable format not compliant with OWN standard?

Osprey ::

Dobra novica za UA oz slaba za Ruse pa je ta, da je to zdej mednarodni dogodek, če to drži in bo stekla preiskava, sledili bodo satelitski posnetki(na tem podrocju je trenutno ogromno satelitov) in kmalu se bo videlo od kod je priletel izstrelek.

Fascinantno, kako se ta sicer zelo logična trditev uporabnika iz leta 2014 ni izpolnila :)
Hybrid war in all its glory...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Osprey ()

Pac-Man ::

Moskva čisti priče?


Last month I wrote about FSB arresting former "volunteers" linked to MH17? Turns out a Russian newspaper published news of arrests but as often is the case, the news swiftly vanished. However, the archived story from MK was discovered.
Per this story, Col Geranin was arrested in Moscow with 2 grenade launchers in trunk. Geranin could be heard in initial SBU MH17 intercept. Here's an English transcribed recording of Bezler's report of plane downing to Col. Geranin in Moscow

Thanks to this intercept, I saw and spoofed Geranin's caller ID to trick another separatists into picking up my phone call on July 17th 2014

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Moskva čisti priče? 2. del. Zaenkrat samo VK/twitter potrditve


BREAKING Don Cossacks hetman Kozitsyn, interviewed by @SimonOstrovsky in 2014 after #MH17, has died in Moscow.

V kolikor je mrtev, je imel 60 let.


Published November 11, 2014

Kozitsyn, a stocky 58-year old Russian who says he has fighting experience in Yugoslavia and in several conflicts across the former Soviet Union, rules over the town of Perevalsk with a stern hand.

Še updejt o Geranininu

It was reported that Geranin was detained because he was allegedly transporting a fragmentation munition for a 40 mm GP-25 grenade launcher in his car. After Geranin’s arrest, his apartment was searched and in addition several firearms were found. The arrest and search were conducted by traffic and city police, but it has the appearance of a planned and staged FSB operation. At the moment, Geranin is detained in jail and under investigation. It’s known that he was fired from the GRU, with the time of his firing being backdated.

After Geranin’s arrest, on May 14, 2017, the Russian terrorist Igor Girkin posted the following on his page in VK: “According to the information received, a number of employees of the Union of Donbas Volunteers were searched. Including Maria Koleda (I will not name the rest). There is a lot of other scandalous information which I have no desire to spread.”

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Pred točno tremi leti so uporniki v okolici Toreza sestrelili An-26.*

*V zgornji izjavi sta napačni 2 stvari. Kateri, lahko preveriš v sveže izdani kolekciji javno znanih informacij okrog MH17.

pdf, 73 strani:

Pac-Man ::

Bistvo je @2:17, zasedanje ruske vlade s Putinom, v noči s 17. na 18. julij 2014. Vsi za mizo delujejo blazno živčni, kot da jim je jasno, da je šla vsa stvar predaleč.

tole je s par ur prej, klasičen Putin:

Šimpanz ::

Who care.

Pac-Man ::

Očitno ti.

Pac-Man ::

Intervju (v Angleščini) z nizozemskim tožilcem, ki ima čez primer


 o Su-25

o Su-25

 o radarjih

o radarjih

 o dokaznem materialu

o dokaznem materialu

 o dokaznem materialu, 2. del

o dokaznem materialu, 2. del

 o prihajajočem sojenju

o prihajajočem sojenju

Pac-Man ::

Sveže objavljena fotografija buka v Donetsku s strani nizozemske policije, od vseh daleč najbolj jasna. Zraven je tudi VW Transporter iz spremstva.



 The JIT photo may be consistent with this translated social media post from the morning of July 17th 2014, the first mention we found.

The JIT photo may be consistent with this translated social media post from the morning of July 17th 2014, the first mention we found.

We've SunCalc'd the location based on that description, and it would have been taken at 9:15am if it's correct.

This photograph is now the ninth piece of photographic/video evidence of Russian Buk 332 in eastern Ukraine.

1) Paris Match video in Donetsk
2) Makiivka video
3) Zuhres video
4) Torez photo
5) Torez video (blurred)
6) Snizhne photo
7) Snizhne video
8) Luhansk video (filmed after MH17 downing)
9) This photo

There is also a satellite image showing it in Makiivka 5hrs before the downing.

 Our first guess is in Donetsk, at the intersection of Sakhtostroiteley and Ilych (near a beauty salon). Weigh in at the Check page.

Our first guess is in Donetsk, at the intersection of Sakhtostroiteley and Ilych (near a beauty salon). Weigh in at the Check page.

 Trees in the foreground may match up with two trees near a beauty salon at 78 Ilycha in Donetsk.

Trees in the foreground may match up with two trees near a beauty salon at 78 Ilycha in Donetsk.

 Approached from Makiivka (westward), stopped at circled area, then did a u-turn eastward. Note the one-way paths on the boulevards.

Approached from Makiivka (westward), stopped at circled area, then did a u-turn eastward. Note the one-way paths on the boulevards.


 The fragments of the painted-over digits match up perfectly, along with the H2200 (oversized cargo code) mark on the side skirt and the gravity mark (cross-hair). The details match in both appearance and their orientation to one another.

The fragments of the painted-over digits match up perfectly, along with the H2200 (oversized cargo code) mark on the side skirt and the gravity mark (cross-hair). The details match in both appearance and their orientation to one another.

 Additionally, the netting placed over the missiles is in an identical placement as it was in the Torez video and photograph.

Additionally, the netting placed over the missiles is in an identical placement as it was in the Torez video and photograph.

 Only four wheels are visible in the new photograph, but they correspond to the Stary Oskol and Torez videos, showing that the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth wheels are spoked (the second, which is not visible in the image, is hollow).

Only four wheels are visible in the new photograph, but they correspond to the Stary Oskol and Torez videos, showing that the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth wheels are spoked (the second, which is not visible in the image, is hollow).

 This blue VW minivan is the same one that was photographed and filmed escorting Buk 332 throughout the day of the MH17 downing. Additionally, this blue VW minivan served as an escort to a different convoy of Russian-separatist military equipment two days before the downing.

This blue VW minivan is the same one that was photographed and filmed escorting Buk 332 throughout the day of the MH17 downing. Additionally, this blue VW minivan served as an escort to a different convoy of Russian-separatist military equipment two days before the downing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Današnja fotografija z istega mesta. Geolokacija je uspela.


Pac-Man ::

"Delfin", ki je bil en glavnih akterjev pri transportu Buka iz Rusije v Ukrajino, je kot kaže ruski generalpolkovnik Nikolai Fedorovich Tkachev.


Massive collaborative project between @bellingcat and @the_ins_ru now coming live: we've identified key MH17 figure "Delfin" as Russian Colonel General Nikolai Fedorovich Tkachev. English version will be on @bellingcat in just a few minutes.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


2014 Donetsk "rebel" commander Igor Girkin: "rebels" didn't shoot down MH17, I could only say more in 20 years in my memoirs.

Več ali manj implicitno priznanje, da so z Bukom upravljali Rusi, najverjetneje poklicni vojaki.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

7982884e ::

glede na to, koliko je prislo na plano v teh letih, zna se dosti prej od rusov uiti kaj deloma uradnega okoli tega - ko bo domaca javnost pozabila, seveda
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