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Strmoglavil malezijski 777 v Ukrajini

Strmoglavil malezijski 777 v Ukrajini

Temo vidijo: vsi
28 / 33

SimplyMiha ::

Saj pravim, ta vam je to težko uvideti. Imate gor napačna očala.

s1m0n ::

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

Do zdaj še nič dokončnega od preiskave, čeprav je že minilo več kot dovolj časa. Mogoče so pikolovsko natančni?

Ma ja, so prezaposleni z metanjem polen pod noge drugih preiskovalcev (pa čeprav zasebnih):
German police raided house of private detective who paid reward for MH17 information

Prej bi rekel, da je ta zasebni detektiv dobil plačilo, da je tiho :)

D3m ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

Donbas ni Sudetenland.

To je res. Donbas leži vzhodneje in za razliko od Sudetije je konflikt v celoti sproduciran v Kremlju. Sudetski nemci so si namreč večvidel dejansko želeli živeti v nacistični Nemčiji, medtem ko v Donbasu ni ravno jasno ali bi raje živeli v fašistični Rusiji ali ne.

Sedaj ga pa že pihaš.

Še enkrat, Donbas ni Sudetenland, kot ga želiš prikazati.

Sicer pa smo že way offtopic in tema ni prava.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

7982884e ::

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

Razlika je v tem, da v Donbasu nočejo živeti v fašistični Ukrajini. Seveda je to iz udobnega domačega naslonjača težko uvideti.

ne, razlika je v tem, da nočejo živet v pro-zahodni ukrajini, hočejo pa živet v anti-zahodni, precej fašistično urejeni mati rusiji.
kdor pali na tole dezinformiranje z fašističnostjo in nefašističnostjo, ki da naj bi mela nek faktor v tem konfliktu, ima pač iq nekje pod 90

D3m ::

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

7982884e ::

tako je, ja. kdor misli, da je tam nekdo bistveno manj fašistično usmerjen kot drug, da ima nekdo bistveno raje demokratično, liberalno, drugačne tolerirajočo, freedom-of-speech ureditev kot tadrugi, pa da ma ta konflikt neko najmanjšo vezo z vsem tem, pač nima vseh jasnih.
in zaenkrat sem videl več izkazovanja fašistoidnih potez iz mati rusije, kjer ne samo, da se človeka zapre, če retweeta pro-ukrajinski tweet, ampak tudi javnost, ko za to izve, to podpira.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7982884e ()

Pac-Man ::

Pretekli teden se je na YT pojavil kanal, ki objavlja profesionalno producirane videe o MH17 v angleščini in ruščini. Nalašč ne dam povezave, ker ima šele okrog 1000 ogledov.

Angleško verzijo vodi profesor angleškega jezika stacioniran v Moskvi, rusko pa ostareli pirat s Karibov Kremlja

Ne, brki niso fejk.

Cameo v svojem stanovanju izvede tudi precej živčen Andrej Andrušin, verjetni avtor videa iz Zuhresa,

ki je bil zadnji dve leti pogrešan in predvidoma mrtev.

D3m ::

Tema se lahko zaklene.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Daj no, v zgodbo vstopi čisto pravi gusar,


z brki, grbom in skrinjo zlata, ti bi pa zaklepal.

D3m ::

Tako je.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Malo sem izven scene, zgornja produkcija pa se še naprej ukvarja s komedijo, sedaj so na 5. delu.

@10:30 izjavi, da ima Buk 0.95 % verjetnost sestrelitve lovca na 10 km višine.

Seveda je mišljeno 95%, ampak avtor copy-a še ni slišal za matematično podajanje verjetnosti.


7982884e ::

haha, kaksni idioti so to. sploh ne zastopim namena, videi po eni strani niso nekej bajno gledani, po drugi strani je jasno, da jih proizvaja drzavna institucija.
tezka protiletalska baterija, namenjena sestreljevanju tarc, ki so precej hitrejse, manjse in blizje letece kot je bil tale 777, ma 0.95% za sestrelitev, sej to ne mores verjeti, da so dejansko teli kekci resni, lol.

D3m ::

Če bi sam procent brisali bi bilo v redu.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::

7982884e je izjavil:

haha, kaksni idioti so to. sploh ne zastopim namena, videi po eni strani niso nekej bajno gledani, po drugi strani je jasno, da jih proizvaja drzavna institucija.

Na vsak način hočejo nekako zvaliti krivdo na Ukrajino, zato delajo bebave videe kot so tile.

tezka protiletalska baterija, namenjena sestreljevanju tarc, ki so precej hitrejse, manjse in blizje letece kot je bil tale 777, ma 0.95% za sestrelitev, sej to ne mores verjeti, da so dejansko teli kekci resni, lol.

Saj niso resni, dobro vedo, da lažejo vsem v obraz. Fora je v tem, da obstajajo kekci, ki temu verjamejo. 90 uporabnikov je bila zadeva všeč, od teh je verjetno vsaj kakih 50 njihovih botov ali profesionalnih trolov, kar še vedno pomeni, da je nekaj deset ljudi to videlo in jim je bilo všeč.

Ni veliko, ampak v sili Putler tudi muhe žre.

Pac-Man ::

Svež album fotografij


Večinoma gre za kose Boeinga, ki so jih zgleda našli pri oranju, zanimiv pa je ta del tiskanega vezja

z v cirilici označenimi elementi

Mikroskhemy s voyennoy priyomkoy. 134-ya proizvedena Voronezhskim VZPP 12 nedelya 1985 goda, 153-ya proizvodstva Foton Tashkent 9 nedelya 1986 goda. Uchityvaya tsikl proizvodstva konechnoye izdeliye moglo byt' vypushcheno v kontse 1986 - v seredine 1987 goda. Tekhnika odnoznachno voyennaya. Pokhozhe na kakoye-to logicheskoye ustroystvo tipa prosteyshego kontrollera.

Chips with military acceptance. 134-I is produced by Voronezh VSP Week 12 1985 153rd Photon production Tashkent 9 Week 1986. Given the cycle of the final product could be released at the end of 1986 - in mid-1987. Technique uniquely military. It looks like some of the simplest logic controller type device.

Takole izgleda bukov radar, tale je sicer že malo novejši model

Pravokotni kosi pertinaksa z odrezanimi vogali. Sklada se.



Pac-Man ::

Še ena močno razkrivajoča, tale video je bil naložen 1. maja 2015, več kot leto in pol je ostal neopažen.


“When we got the phone call from a press officer of the separatists, he said first: “We shot down a military plane, from Ukraine and for me it was like he was giving us an information to cover this. And when we were underway, and after 15 minutes, I got a call from friends, from a journalist, I don’t remember, and he said: ‘They shot down a civilian plane in Ukraine. Where are you?’ And I asked: ‘Are your sure it’s civilian?’ And he said: ‘Yeah, yeah, we have the confirmation.’ He said: ‘Malaysian Airlines plane with two hundred people on board.’”



D3m ::

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Vseeno sem predvideval, da si evolviral malo dlje od insekta.

Julij 2016, 1500 ogledov

Recently Billy Six released new early footage, that was probably made by the aforementioned father and his daugter as well, since there’s mention of a grandmother somewhere.
In the first second of this video a man is heard saying “Спасибо Путину” (“Thanks to Putin”). Next the same voice says: “Call the fire service”. A woman’s voice says: “Phones don’t work, no electricity.” A female voice remarks: “Thank God, it landed over there”.

Pac-Man ::

Po pregledu dogajanja na terenu še pregled prvih medijskih poročil, MH17 je bil sestreljen ob 16:20


Najbolj butasta je zagotovo tale borodajeva, ki jo je objavila državna RIA Novosti:


"Yesli eto deystvitel'no passazhirskiy layner, to eto sdelali ne my", — zaveril Boroday. Po yego informatsii, upavshiy v Toreze samolet gorazdo men'she, chem Boeing. Krome togo, napomnil prem'yer, Kiyev zakryl nebo nad DNR i LNR dlya poletov grazhdanskikh sudov.

"If this is a passenger liner, it did not us", - assured Boroday. According to him, the aircraft crashed in Torez much smaller than Boeing. In addition, the Prime Minister recalled, Kiev closed the sky over the DNR and LNR to civil courts.

še kopija


Colonel Cassad, dobro znan pro-ruski vir, se je 16. julija hvalil s pomočjo v obliki Buka


2. Strengthening of the air defense of the LPR, which allowed to lower the importance of enemy aviation significantly. The destruction of the radar station in April-May wasn't in vain. The appearance of a combat-ready "Buk" is a significant aid. The operational Su-25 is for now a cherry on a pie, but also not unnecessary.


Pac-Man ::

V sredo bo imel JIT tiskovno konferenco, pričakuje se, da bodo precej točno določili mesto izstrelitve. To je katalizator za vse kar sledi.

Prejšnji teden je Rusija povsem naključno našla posnetke primarnega radarja, ki so celi dve leti veljali za izgubljene. Danes je njihovo obrambno ministrstvo pripravilo tiskovko, kjer so javnosti sporočili najnovejše ugotovitve. V bližini MH17 ni bilo NLP-jev, Boeing pa je strmoglavil iz neznanega vzroka. Z malo spina sicer, ampak to bi bilo bistvo.

Problemček za rusapologete je, da najnovejše izjave ruskega obrambnega ministrstva negirajo izjave ruskega obrambnega s tiskovke, ki so jo imeli 21. julija 2014 t.j. Boing je ostro spremenil smer in v bližini se je nahajal ukrajinski Su-25.

21. julij 2014




The Russian Defence Ministry Presents Evidence They Faked Their Previous MH17 Evidence

On July 21st 2014 the Russian Defence Ministry produced the following graphic, claiming the following: “Besides it, Russian system of air control detected the Ukrainian Air Force aircraft, purposed Su-25, moving upwards toward to the Malaysian Boeing-777. The distance between aircrafts was 3-5 kilometers.”

In today’s press conference the story had changed completely. No longer was the Russian Defence Ministry talking about SU-25s, but now there was in fact no other aircraft, or any other object close to MH17. Now we have the Russian Defence Ministry themselves confirming Bellingcat’s earlier work that demonstrated they had produced false evidence at their July 21st 2014 MH17 press conference.

In addition to this, during today’s press conference the radar data showed the flight path of MH17 in the time before it was shot down:
This flight path clearly contradicts the Russian Defence Ministry’s July 21st 2014 claims, debunked by Bellingcat and others, that MH17 had made a significant course change shortly before being shot down:

Bom še za zaključek tipkovnico prepustil kar Higginsu


That dull thudding noise you're hearing is the @mod_russia slapping their dick in your face and hoping you don't notice #MH17


D3m ::

Anything else?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Da. Vse iz zadnjih 24h.





Namesto, izpostavljanja&kritike ruskih absurdnih objav se v zahodnih medijih pojavljajo naslovi kot " Russia claims new data show rebels didn’t down MH17 (Washington Post)" in "Russia Claims New Radar Data Shows Rebels Didn't Down MH17 (rferl)"

Nobene omembe nesmislov z 21. julija 2014, noro. Kdo sploh rabi RT?


Tole je direktna priprava na tiskovko v sredo.


The Russian Defense Ministry said that the MH17 crash investigation is on the wrong track because the missile type and launch point were identified incorrectly.

"As a member of the joint investigative group, Ukraine clearly holds back data and manipulates the probe which is taking a wrong path; from providing controversial data on projectiles to wrongly identifying the type of the missile and subsequently the time of its launch," Defense Ministry Spokesperson Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said at a briefing Monday.


"I think the reason is that the investigation is giving the results the West doesn’t like. I don’t know if they can manipulate the final result but now they are delaying the probe. I can’t rule out that finally the story will turn into a secret of Polichinelle," he suggested.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Smrekar1 ::

Iz enega komentarja objave:

And meanwhile, the Russian Navy were engaged in removing books from libraries, schools and universities showing factual history and had them replaced with new books with altered versions (supplied by Moscow).
There were even public book burnings just like Hitler did in the lead up to WW2.

Brane22 ::

Paa saj spreminjanje zgodovine ni ruski izum, tudi če gre tam za to.

Imaš ga vsepolno okrog nas. Tovrsten novice naravnot dežujejo iz regiona. Hrvaške recimo.

Vsake dva tedna nagradijo ali pomilujejo kakega nacija itd. Albanija prav intenzivno uporablja te dni Kosovo za isto početje. Tudi Makedonci se dajejo z Grki in Bolgari za bistveno več kot samo ime itd itd.

Tudi na zahodu so bili kupi stvari zelo dolgo tabu tema.

Smrekar1 ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Paa saj spreminjanje zgodovine ni ruski izum, tudi če gre tam za to.

Le malo stvari na svetu je ruski izum. To je logična posledica kronične zaostalosti države. Razlika je v tem, da se oni dobesedno grejo Orwella iz knjige 1984. Poskusi jo kdaj prebrat, podobnosti z Rusijo so vedno bolj strašljive.

stjan ::

Glede Orwella so Rusi kar lepo zaostali ta "razvitim" svetom.
Trudijo se zelo v tej smeri, samo smo jim mi že ušli v skrajne napovedi te knjige:( .

Smrekar1 ::

stjan je izjavil:

Glede Orwella so Rusi kar lepo zaostali ta "razvitim" svetom.
Trudijo se zelo v tej smeri, samo smo jim mi že ušli v skrajne napovedi te knjige:( .

V katere pa? :D

Pac-Man ::



An international criminal investigation into the shooting down of flight MH17 is likely to conclude that the plane was downed by a Buk missile fired from separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine, diplomats say.


According to diplomatic sources, international investigators will give a precise Google location showing that the Buk was located in separatist-controlled territory, near the village of Snizhne.


The JIT has been working on the scenario that the Buk came from the Kremlin’s 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade based in the Russian city of Kursk.


After arriving in Snizhne on the afternoon of 17 July, the Buk was offloaded and driven to a field south of town, investigators believe. It shot down MH17 in error, believing it to be a Ukrainian army transport plane. The Buk was smuggled back across the Russian border early the next day.

The JIT’s findings are based on US satellite data, and multiple sightings of the Buk as it trundled through rebel-held areas.

“There is a wide presumption in diplomatic circles that this report will point to the involvement of pro-Russian rebels or Russia,” said Robert van de Roer, a Dutch diplomatic expert and commentator. “It will cause high waves.”

Tole se popolnoma pokriva s t.i. Bellingcatovo verzijo.

mtosev ::

rusi krivi. nisem presenečen.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro
moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

D3m ::

Edini narod trenutno, ki je kriv za vse. :D

Če si kaj naredil....okrivi Ruse.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Invictus ::

Kot da so upali napisati kako drugo poročilo.

Ukrajinci pa še vedno niso dali na voljo radarskih posnetkov tistega dne...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


Matako ::

Na RTVSLO že poteka spletnonabijaška ofenziva.


Na ruševinah MH17 pogumno stoji Pekmen in s svojo dobro staro šibrovko znamke Bellingcat nažigava po kremeljskih zombijih. Zaenkrat se še drži, a napadajo v valovih - tukaj ni počitka, vsak trenutek nepazljivosti je lahko usoden!

Sploh ko pade mrak.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matako ()

D3m ::

K lol. Komentar dneva.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Cervantes ::

Že prvi dan je bilo jasno, iz tistih tvitov, ki so kasneje poniknili.
Ampak eni bojo navijali za svoje, čeprav je slon v dnevni sobi.
Fanatikom ni pomoči, na žalost.

Invictus ::

To je isto, ko je nekdo ustreljen s kalašnikovim.

Takoj so krivi Rusi ;).
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


D3m ::

Šele zdaj opazil, da je novica na rtvslo.si

K lol.

Bellingcat konferenca.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::

Se mi ne da ponavljat, zašiti so.

Ta toliko predebatirana fotografija

Je zajeta iz videa, ki je viden @3:15.

D3m ::

jaz vidim armaturo od odboja. :)

Pa logo Paris Match.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::

No, empirično smo dokazali, da črički nimajo 5 sekund potrpljenja.

ID nobelovo, prosim.

D3m ::

A bi moral gledati video?

Ni časa. :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

RT nečesa ne bo komentiral. Dogodek leta?


mtosev ::

RT tak nikoli za nič ni bil kredibilen.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro
moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

7982884e ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Kot da so upali napisati kako drugo poročilo.

Ukrajinci pa še vedno niso dali na voljo radarskih posnetkov tistega dne...

vsakemu, ki ni imel glave zakopane v pesku in ni mentalno moten, ter ki se je dejansko pozanimal glede zadeve, je jasno od 1. dneva po nesreci, kam pes taco moli in kako so rusi krivi po celi crti.
da jih to precej moti in da to se bolj moti rusofile, je tudi jasno.

ampak za ruski aparat je kljucno, da se sedaj se naprej ustvarjajo teorije zarote, da se svoje internetne podrepnike obdrzi na povodcu, in da bo cez leta stvar potonila v iste vode kot 9/11.

mtosev ::

D3m je izjavil:

Edini narod trenutno, ki je kriv za vse. :D

Če si kaj naredil....okrivi Ruse.
boš zdaj priznal,da so ruseki krivi?
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro
moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Pac-Man ::

mtosev je izjavil:

RT tak nikoli za nič ni bil kredibilen.

Fini so, ker skupaj z Ruptly sproducirajo ogromno online materiala in jim sem in tja kaj uide skozi sito. Iz Ukrajine se spomnim posnetkov skurjenih T-72B3 tankov, tale je tudi fina

Alexander Novak, Energy Minister of Russia (Russian): "Together with the Ministry of Economy and Trade we have looked at the priority directions for replacing imported machinery, which we should deal with in first place. In the middle and long-term view there are 12 main directions. The ones we consider most important until 2016 are the hydraulic fracturing and directional drilling technologies. "

Javno se gredo propagandno vojno proti frackingu :) Resno se jih pa res ne sme jemat.

Martin Krpan ::

mtosev je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

Edini narod trenutno, ki je kriv za vse. :D

Če si kaj naredil....okrivi Ruse.
boš zdaj priznal,da so ruseki krivi?

Ne ga srat no !
Ruseki niso nikoli krivi , to bi pa že lahko vedel.

Pac-Man ::

Ruska obveščevalna je poskušala vlamljat v bellingcatov tim.


From February 2015 to July 2016 three researchers at Bellingcat — Higgins, Aric Toler, and Veli-Peka Kivimaki — who had contributed MH17 articles received numerous spearphishing emails, with Higgins alone receiving at least 16 phishing emails targeting his personal email account.(...) These spearphishing attempts consist of a variety of spoofed Gmail security notices alerting the target that suspicious activity was detected on their account.

The attackers used several methods to redirect the target to credential harvesting pages. In at least 21 of the emails, the URL redirects the victim to a shortened Bitly URL.


The specifically crafted URLs with target-specific strings are consistent with a FANCY BEAR technique highlighted in Dell Secureworks research and employed against a DNC staffer whose files were leaked on DCLeaks.


In the June 2016 example, Toler was targeted with a message that used hellomail1@yandex[.]com in a manner consistent with how Billy Rinehart was targeted prior to content from his personal Gmail being posted to DCLeaks.

The domains evrosatory[.]com,us-westmail-undeliversystem[.]com have been previously identified by Pricewaterhouse Coopers as FANCY BEAR, and the domain servicetransfermail[.]com closely resembles the servicetransferemail[.]com infrastructure that German Intelligence (BvF) established as FANCY BEAR within Cyber Brief Nr. 01/2016.

FANCY BEAR also previously used both the Cata501836 and Carbon2u name servers to host infrastructure and email addresses from 1&1’s mail.com to register domains. We were able to identify further overlaps with other FANCY BEAR infrastructure by pivoting off of these indicators, which we will describe in a later blog post. Based on these consistencies, we assess FANCY BEAR almost certainly is behind the spearphishing and credential harvesting campaign targeting Eliot Higgins and other Bellingcat researchers.


CyberBerkut defaced the Bellingcat webpage on February 10, 2016, claiming credit for the attack and singling out Ruslan Leviev, a Russian opposition blogger and Bellingcat contributor.


Throughout our research, we have focused on FANCY BEAR, an advanced persistent threat (APT) group assessed to be Russian government. CyberBerkut, on the other hand, was a referential data point when we looked at precedence for pro-Russian proxies interfering with elections. CrowdStrike assessed in its 2015 Global Threat Report “there are indications that CyberBerkut has ties to Russian state security,” but the degree of Russian government control over the group is disputed.


We looked to see if we could identify other overlaps between FANCY BEAR and CyberBerkut that would help us assess which of these two scenarios was more likely. Through our research into the Bellingcat activity, we found some surprising content overlaps with DCLeaks — another assessed Russian influence outlet — and a CyberBerkut pattern of registering infrastructure that FANCY BEAR also uses. These developments move the needle slightly towards a more coordinated relationship between the two groups, but not decisively.

(...) cyber-berkut[.]net was registered by “Aleksandr Panchenko” using the email address alex_panchenko@mail[.]com.

While certainly not definitive, the use of a mail.com email address to register domains is consistent with recently identified FANCY BEAR registration activity against the DCCC, WADA, and CAS.

The activity that Bellingcat alerted us to provided a plethora of domains, IP addresses, email addresses, and other registration and hosting information for us to pivot off of to identify other pertinent infrastructure. In an upcoming blog post, we’ll seek to identify as much FANCY BEAR infrastructure and aliases as possible using the ThreatConnect platform and capabilities from some of our industry partners.

Reviewing the CATA501836 and Carbon2u name servers, we were able to identify dozens of active domains that fit the FANCY BEAR mold and likely spoof organizations that Moscow would seek to compromise.


The campaign against Bellingcat provides yet another example of sustained targeting against an organization that shines a light on Russian perfidy. The spearphishing campaign is classic FANCY BEAR activity while CyberBerkut’s role raises yet more questions about the group’s ties to Moscow. These end-to-end cyber operations begin with targeting and exploitation and end with strategic leaks and other active measures employed against those with whom they disagree.


The BEARs win if their active measures campaigns push, scare, or intimidate their targets into doing what they want. If you encounter a BEAR, you’re doing something right. Don’t back down. And turn on two-factor authentication for everything.

Šimpanz ::

Zeh čez eno leto bo to tako pozabljeno kot ameriška sestrelitev Iranskega letala ali kot, ko so rusi sestrelili korejsko letalo.

D3m ::

Pozabljeno je že sedaj. Samo Pac-mana je zelo prizadelo in je "a man on a mission". :))
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Smrekar1 ::

Šimpanz je izjavil:

Zeh čez eno leto bo to tako pozabljeno kot ameriška sestrelitev Iranskega letala ali kot, ko so rusi sestrelili korejsko letalo.

Primerjava s sestrelitvijo Korean air 007 je res na mestu. Tudi tam se je šlo za zločinsko vedenje Rusov, ki streljajo vsepovsod. Še celo veto so uporabili v VS OZN, da sestrelitve niso obsodili. Eni jim kljub temu neprestano ploskajo. Očitno imajo dvojna merila.
28 / 33

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Sodišče odločilo: Rusi krivi sestrelitve MH17

Oddelek: Loža
472525 (1858) MrStein

Vojaška premoč na nebu-teoretični primer (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 )

Oddelek: Loža
21828196 (24409) fikus_

Wikileaks: NSA vsaj dve desetletji prisluškovala nemškem vrhu

Oddelek: Novice / NWO
3219985 (17817) Martin Krpan

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