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Cosmo ::

Opaza kdo v zadnjem casu kake blazne upocasnitve pri Setiju? Prej mi je na C333@417,128mb cl2 delal cca 8-9 ur en paket zdaj mi pod 19 ur ne pade..

Any suggestions?

I am Pentium of Borg. Division is futile. You will be approximated.

YouR MaMa ::

paketki vec zasedejo kot prej in jih zato bolj dolgo dela ..


Ni fora v večjih paketi. Ti so ostali enako dolgi. Obrazložitev povzeta po setiTM:Added additional science coverage. We now do a thorough search out to a chirp rate of +- 20 Hz/second. The cost of the additional coverage is that clients will take longer to process a workunit.
Why are we doing this? We have always aimed to balance scientific return with the resources available to the project, the main one being of course our very large and active community of participants. The growth of this community is what enabled us to increase science coverage in version 3.0. Here we were also trying to balance scientific return with the speediness of workunit processing and so we did our most thorough searching out to only +- 10 Hz/second. We sacrificed some science to gain speediness in the client.

Another important resource to the project is our pipe to the Internet. UC Berkeley has been quite generous in allowing us to use the campus ISP, given that SETI@home accounts for 30% of all UC Berkeley Internet traffic! This is an expensive resource ($18,000/month). It has gotten to the point where campus has had to limit our bandwidth usage. We are limited to 30Mbits/s outbound (most of our traffic is outbound). This in turn is resulting in connections getting dropped and generally sluggish server response. We need to back off our bandwidth consumption.

Fortunately, we can do this not by an artificial slowdown but by gaining more science. So, yes, you will see the client slow down, but the server response should pick up. More importantly, you will be doing more science.

JLP ::

Ja to drži če je umes menov SETI@Home klinet. Če ma pa še kar istga pol pa mal čudn da bi blo tko počasnej an.
Live long and prosper!


JPL: Sam a niso starih verzij onesposobili in je tako možno pošiljat rezultate samo z novejšo verzijo (t.j 3.03)

Loki ::

Yep, pred kratkim so spremenil DNS, zato z nobeno staro verzijo (pre 3.03) ne mores oddajat.

Baje bo kmal prsla verzija 3.04.
I left my wallet in El Segundo

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