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Nedelujuč Seti@Home
Dax ::
A ima mogoče še kdo od včeraj dalje težave z dostopanjem do seti@home-a?Tako pošiljanja paketkov kot spletne strani.
- spremenil: Dax ()
Dax ::
Pa damn no...
Sm že neki cajta mislu, da je pr men kej narobe, ker noben drug ni nič napisu na forumu...
Sm že neki cajta mislu, da je pr men kej narobe, ker noben drug ni nič napisu na forumu...
JLP ::
Za take primere je pa Seti Queue. Ta programčič deluje kot proxy za SETI@Home in downlovda WUjev za toliko kot naštimaš in potem ko SETI@Home serverji ne delajo si lahko brez skrbi.
Live long and prosper!
JLP ::
Pol pa sorči.
Boš pa za drugič naštimov da bo nabrav paketkov za 10 dni pa bo.
Več k pa 10 dni pa težko da serverji navjo delel.
Boš pa za drugič naštimov da bo nabrav paketkov za 10 dni pa bo.
Več k pa 10 dni pa težko da serverji navjo delel.
Live long and prosper!
krneki ::
argh...mogoče bom to inštaliru kdaj drugič, se mi ne lub useh mašin na katerih laufa Seti spet konfigurirat. Enkrat k mi bo dougcajt
PaJo ::
Hehe.. saj samo na neno instaliras na ostle pa kopiras
Tako meni laufa v firmi, samo jeba ko bodo 5 paketvo povsod napomnili ze
Tako meni laufa v firmi, samo jeba ko bodo 5 paketvo povsod napomnili ze
Ne se preveč sekirat, rajši uživat:)
Loki ::
Tole je direct quote od enga tipa z alt.sci.seti, ki je drgac z Berkeleya.
Well, we seem to have isolated the cause:
At about 0330 PST (GMT -0800), a contractor (possibly working for either
the City of Berkeley or the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab or maybe even
the University) cut a fiber bundle that connects voice and data between
the UC Berkeley campus and LBL and other buildings at the top of the hill,
such as the Space Sciences Lab, home of seti@home. I wish it were
something more exciting like bombs or rebellious office computers.
Based on past experiences, this will probably require a manual splice,
which will likely take all day.
So sit back, relax, hang out at the Clinic or whatever, and give your
computer a rest.
One more thing, if you're one of those people who likes to complain about
lack of redundancy between the SETI servers and the rest of the world, be
prepared to offer free colocation at an enterprise grade facility and/or
provide all funding for said service as part of your "suggestion."
Remember: ET isn't paying for this.
Michael Sinatra
Network Services
UC Berkeley
Umm Pajo na eno instaliras na druge pa kopiras?
Dej se malo izjasni.
Thank God for SETIQueue.
Baja ne dela in verjetno ne bo ene par dni.
JLP kero verzijo SETIQ uporabljas in na koliko dni imas nastiman cache?
Well, we seem to have isolated the cause:
At about 0330 PST (GMT -0800), a contractor (possibly working for either
the City of Berkeley or the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab or maybe even
the University) cut a fiber bundle that connects voice and data between
the UC Berkeley campus and LBL and other buildings at the top of the hill,
such as the Space Sciences Lab, home of seti@home. I wish it were
something more exciting like bombs or rebellious office computers.
Based on past experiences, this will probably require a manual splice,
which will likely take all day.
So sit back, relax, hang out at the Clinic or whatever, and give your
computer a rest.
One more thing, if you're one of those people who likes to complain about
lack of redundancy between the SETI servers and the rest of the world, be
prepared to offer free colocation at an enterprise grade facility and/or
provide all funding for said service as part of your "suggestion."
Remember: ET isn't paying for this.
Michael Sinatra
Network Services
UC Berkeley
Umm Pajo na eno instaliras na druge pa kopiras?
Dej se malo izjasni.
Thank God for SETIQueue.
Baja ne dela in verjetno ne bo ene par dni.
JLP kero verzijo SETIQ uporabljas in na koliko dni imas nastiman cache?
I left my wallet in El Segundo
PaJo ::
Hm.. zelo kocliva situacija
Gomar7>verjetno te bom prehitel te dni, mi maine deljo 100 na uro
Drugace glede tega da na eno instaliras pol pa kopiras set to tice SetiDriv-a ki ga uporabljam, pac na eno masino posnames nastavis vse pakete(jih DL-jas) potel pa it te masine samo kopiras na vse ostale v mrezi. Laufa brez blemov
Gomar7>verjetno te bom prehitel te dni, mi maine deljo 100 na uro
Drugace glede tega da na eno instaliras pol pa kopiras set to tice SetiDriv-a ki ga uporabljam, pac na eno masino posnames nastavis vse pakete(jih DL-jas) potel pa it te masine samo kopiras na vse ostale v mrezi. Laufa brez blemov
Ne se preveč sekirat, rajši uživat:)
Loki ::
Aja mislis, da sharas tist direktorij in lavfas na vseh masinah eno kopijo SD?
Mal vec info o tem je tukaj.
Mal vec info o tem je tukaj.
I left my wallet in El Segundo
g0Run7 ::
mater zdej je pa dovolj tega! zdej pa ze predolgo traja! zmanjkalo mi jih je!
mater sam to te kar zasvoji ej...
mater sam to te kar zasvoji ej...
Loki ::
Take it easy.
Jutr alpa pojutrisnjem bo ze vse OK.
Instalirej SETIQueue, pa ne bo vec takih presenecenj.
Jutr alpa pojutrisnjem bo ze vse OK.
Instalirej SETIQueue, pa ne bo vec takih presenecenj.
I left my wallet in El Segundo
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | SETI@Slo-Tech (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Slo-Tech | 8564 (6317) | d0rK |
» | Nastavitve za SetiQueueOddelek: Programska oprema | 1184 (1065) | Loki |
» | SETIOddelek: Loža | 1419 (1069) | Tomi |
» | SETI-HOME (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Programska oprema | 3995 (3382) | PaJo |
» | Seti@HomeOddelek: Pomoč in nasveti | 918 (789) | Loki |