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iOS Aplikacije Na Androidu :)

iOS Aplikacije Na Androidu :)

shadeX ::

Cider is an operating system compatibility architecture that can run applications built for different mobile ecosystems, iOS or Android, together on the same smartphone or tablet. Cider enhances the domestic operating system, Android, of a device with kernel-managed, per-thread personas to mimic the application binary interface of a foreign operating system, iOS, enabling it to run unmodified foreign binaries. This is accomplished using a novel combination of binary compatibility techniques including two new mechanisms: compile-time code adaptation, and diplomatic functions. Compile-time code adaptation enables existing unmodified foreign source code to be reused in the domestic kernel, reducing implementation effort required to support multiple binary interfaces for executing domestic and foreign applications. Diplomatic functions leverage per-thread personas, and allow foreign applications to use domestic libraries to access proprietary software and hardware interfaces.

Cider projekt

To zna bit kar dobra zadeva. Se sicer samo meni zdi ali je scrolanje na iOS nekam počasno na tem nexusu?

Mnenja? :D

Pesimist ::

keri ios app pa te rabis ko ni 10 alteernative na androidu?

scrolanje pocasno? keri emulator pa te ze ma nativne hitrosti?
Se moj pc slabo poganja android emulator pa je 100x mocnejsi ko telefoni.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pesimist ()

hojnikb ::

sam hec je, ker to ni emulator :)

alexa-lol ::

okol riti v žep...

danes ko je responsive web design vse bolj okoli nas je fora native aplikacij ravno višja hitrost/zmogljivost.

Smiselno je le za appe, ki niso portani na platforme.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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