Forum » Sedem umetnosti » Alien franšiza [Alien: Covenant ( Prometheus 2)]
Alien franšiza [Alien: Covenant ( Prometheus 2)]
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lolipop2 ::
Jaz samo ne morem verjet da so tako dobro idejo Alien franšize tako fejst zafurali... najbolje bi bilo da bi vse filme izbrisali razen original Alien in Aliens (2.) in bi to bilo to...
Če bi se držali prvotnega plana 5 filmov, bi bilo top. V 4. bi kreaturce uletele na zemljo, v 5. pa bi "mi" šli na njihov planet dokončat zadevo. Ampak je kar je. Meni Alienov ni nikol preveč, tako da se ne bom pritoževal preveč. :)
oo7 ::
Ma zdaj je že vprašanje kaj je canon in kaj ni in kaj ne bo.
Npr Ridley Scott je rekel, da kraljica v Aliens ni canon.
Potem sta tukaj filma Prometej in Zaveza kjer David ustvari jajce facehugerja brez krlajice ?
Sedaj Alien Romulus če se spomnim prav bo šel po poti prvega filma čeprav naj ne bi brisal mitologije prvega ne drugega filma.
TV serija Alien katera izide drugo leto ne bo upoštevala Prometeja in Zaveze in verjetno še kater drug film ne glede na to, da se bo dogajala pred vsemi filmi in v seriji naj bi bili Xenomorfi čeprav so bili odkriti šele na LV-426 tv serija pa se bo dogajala še pred Prometejem.
Npr Ridley Scott je rekel, da kraljica v Aliens ni canon.
Potem sta tukaj filma Prometej in Zaveza kjer David ustvari jajce facehugerja brez krlajice ?
Sedaj Alien Romulus če se spomnim prav bo šel po poti prvega filma čeprav naj ne bi brisal mitologije prvega ne drugega filma.
TV serija Alien katera izide drugo leto ne bo upoštevala Prometeja in Zaveze in verjetno še kater drug film ne glede na to, da se bo dogajala pred vsemi filmi in v seriji naj bi bili Xenomorfi čeprav so bili odkriti šele na LV-426 tv serija pa se bo dogajala še pred Prometejem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
Mato989 ::
Ampak realnost je taka da samo prvi in drugi film sta nekaj vredna... pogojno za action flick je soliden še prvi Aliens vs Predator... to je pa tudi to... Vse ostalo je greznica vredna ocene 4/10 in manj...
Ajde Prometej je dejansko mel vsaj nek suspense overall..
Ajde Prometej je dejansko mel vsaj nek suspense overall..
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
lolipop2 ::
Ampak realnost je taka da samo prvi in drugi film sta nekaj vredna... pogojno za action flick je soliden še prvi Aliens vs Predator... to je pa tudi to... Vse ostalo je greznica vredna ocene 4/10 in manj...
Ajde Prometej je dejansko mel vsaj nek suspense overall..
tudi predator 1 in 2 sta top. Ampšak ker imamo radi Aliene, pogledamo tudi greznične edicije. :))
oo7 ::
AvP sem gledal pred kratkim in včasih se mi je zdel dober, zdaj se mi je pa zdel malo otročji. AVP Requiem je pa zanič.
Prvi predator je itak najboljši film potem na drugo mesto bi pa že skoraj dal Predators film iz leta 2010.
Prvi predator je itak najboljši film potem na drugo mesto bi pa že skoraj dal Predators film iz leta 2010.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
Gregor P ::
Verjentno je najbolj grozna scena itak tista v porodnišnici, pol je pa "klasika".
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Predator 2 je pri meni na 3. mestu. Za Predator in Aliens.
Celotna Alien Predator franšiza bi jih rankiral nekako tako
1. Alien (1979)
2. Aliens (1986)
3. Predator (1987)
4. Prometheus (2012)
5. Alien: Covenant (2017)
6. Predators (2010)
7. Alien 3 (1992)
8. Predator 2 (1990)
9. Prey (2022)
10. Alien Resurrection (1997)
11. Alien vs. Predator (2004)
12. The Predator (2018)
13. Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007
Gregor P ::
AvP 2 mislim
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Gregor P ()
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Kar smo videli v filmu Prometej to ni bil originalni scenarij.
Originalni scenarij je spremenil Damon Lindelof. Jon Spaihts pisec originalnega scenarija pravi, da je Damon Lindelof uničil film.
Originalni scenarij in naslov filma bi bil Alien: Engineers.
Kako bi zgledal film Alien: Engineers če se ne bi v scenarij vmešal Damon Lindelof ?
Then called Alien: Engineers, Spaihts' script featured a Prometheus that was much more directly connected to the Alien franchise, rather than the "spiritual predecessor" that eventually made it to screen.
Among plot points in the original script, we were going to see the initial expedition to find the Engineers taking place underwater at an obelisk site in the Mediterranean, not on the Isle of Skye. That's where they found the map coordinates to find the Engineers.
The black goo wasn't going to play a role, but rather a swarm of insect-like creatures called "scarabs" that attacked and ate the Engineers. And the Prometheus ship was set to travel to the moon LV-426 which you would recognize from the original Alien film. Instead they traveled to LV-223 with all of its statues and research stations.
The biggest overarching feature of the original Prometheus script was that it was set to be a more direct prequel to the Alien franchise rather than a loosely connected series of events that give some (but not tons) of background on what we would see "later".
In the end, Prometheus was fine for what it was, though there was definitely a missed opportunity here as part of the overall Alien franchise arc. It should have just been a straight prequel setting up the rest of the Ripley story. But Lindelof went a bit astray, and we were left with an Engineer ripping Michael Fassbender's head off.
Originalni scenarij je spremenil Damon Lindelof. Jon Spaihts pisec originalnega scenarija pravi, da je Damon Lindelof uničil film.
Originalni scenarij in naslov filma bi bil Alien: Engineers.
Kako bi zgledal film Alien: Engineers če se ne bi v scenarij vmešal Damon Lindelof ?
Then called Alien: Engineers, Spaihts' script featured a Prometheus that was much more directly connected to the Alien franchise, rather than the "spiritual predecessor" that eventually made it to screen.
Among plot points in the original script, we were going to see the initial expedition to find the Engineers taking place underwater at an obelisk site in the Mediterranean, not on the Isle of Skye. That's where they found the map coordinates to find the Engineers.
The black goo wasn't going to play a role, but rather a swarm of insect-like creatures called "scarabs" that attacked and ate the Engineers. And the Prometheus ship was set to travel to the moon LV-426 which you would recognize from the original Alien film. Instead they traveled to LV-223 with all of its statues and research stations.
The biggest overarching feature of the original Prometheus script was that it was set to be a more direct prequel to the Alien franchise rather than a loosely connected series of events that give some (but not tons) of background on what we would see "later".
In the end, Prometheus was fine for what it was, though there was definitely a missed opportunity here as part of the overall Alien franchise arc. It should have just been a straight prequel setting up the rest of the Ripley story. But Lindelof went a bit astray, and we were left with an Engineer ripping Michael Fassbender's head off.
oo7 ::
Gregor P ::
Potem je najbrž metalec plamena.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
lolipop2 ::
Prometheus Extended Fan Cut - Sci-fi 2012 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (2.0 GB)
Aliens Special Extended - Sci-Fi 1986 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (2.0 GB)
Alien 3 Special Assembly Cut - Sci-Fi 1992 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.9 GB)
Prometheus - Sci-Fi 2012 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.6 GB)
Alien Covenant Uncut - Sci-Fi 2017 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.6 GB)
Alien Directors Cut - Sci-Fi 1979 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.5 GB)
Alien Resurrection Special Extended - Sci-Fi 1997 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.5 GB)
A so tole OK verzije za pogledat oo7? :) Bi predlagal druge variante?
Aliens Special Extended - Sci-Fi 1986 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (2.0 GB)
Alien 3 Special Assembly Cut - Sci-Fi 1992 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.9 GB)
Prometheus - Sci-Fi 2012 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.6 GB)
Alien Covenant Uncut - Sci-Fi 2017 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.6 GB)
Alien Directors Cut - Sci-Fi 1979 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.5 GB)
Alien Resurrection Special Extended - Sci-Fi 1997 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.5 GB)
A so tole OK verzije za pogledat oo7? :) Bi predlagal druge variante?
Gregor P ::
LOL ti nas dejansko sprašuješ, če so ti specifični videi prek torrentov kakovostno dobri za pogledat?!? Kako pa naj to vemo (verjetnost, da je kdo od nas prenesel točno te torrente in si jih celo ogledal, je res neverjetno majhna)?!?
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
lolipop2 ::
LOL ti nas dejansko sprašuješ, če so ti specifični videi prek torrentov kakovostno dobri za pogledat?!? Kako pa naj to vemo (verjetnost, da je kdo od nas prenesel točno te torrente in si jih celo ogledal, je res neverjetno majhna)?!?
Ne to... če so te variante OK, ala Extended cut, DC, itd... :)
oo7 ::
Prometheus Extended Fan Cut - Sci-fi 2012 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (2.0 GB)
Aliens Special Extended - Sci-Fi 1986 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (2.0 GB)
Alien 3 Special Assembly Cut - Sci-Fi 1992 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.9 GB)
Prometheus - Sci-Fi 2012 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.6 GB)
Alien Covenant Uncut - Sci-Fi 2017 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.6 GB)
Alien Directors Cut - Sci-Fi 1979 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.5 GB)
Alien Resurrection Special Extended - Sci-Fi 1997 Eng Subs 720p [H264-mp4].mp4 (1.5 GB)
A so tole OK verzije za pogledat oo7? :) Bi predlagal druge variante?
Po moje imaš kar prave verzije čeprav pravijo, da naj bi bil za prvi Alien film najboljša verzija The Theatrical.
Alien 3 Special Assembly Cut pa še nisem gledal. Menda je v Special Assembly Cut dodatnih 45 minut filma in naredi Alien 3 film precej boljši. Bo treba pogledat :)
delavec44 ::
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Sem na polovici. Včeraj sem pogledal film Alien. Se pravi, do zdaj sem pogledal Prometej, Zavezo in včeraj Alien. Čakajo me še Aliens, Alien 3 in Alien 4.
Xenomorf ima pa zelo kratko otroštvo. Od malega Xenota, ko škoči ven iz človeka, do odraslega Xenota v nekaj urah ?
Xenomorf ima pa zelo kratko otroštvo. Od malega Xenota, ko škoči ven iz človeka, do odraslega Xenota v nekaj urah ?
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Zdaj samo delam obnovo preden izide Alien Romulus in TV serija Alien. Čeprav je že zdaj prava zmešnjava potem bo še večja kaj je kaj canon in kaj ni.
No ja prvi Alien film bo vedno canon.
No ja prvi Alien film bo vedno canon.
oo7 ::
Sem pogledal kar vredu trailer.
Edino ne vem zakaj se tisti tako rebra svetijo tik preden naj bi ven skočil Xeno ? A je mogoče android ?
Edino ne vem zakaj se tisti tako rebra svetijo tik preden naj bi ven skočil Xeno ? A je mogoče android ?
Gregor P ::
Ne, najbrž ima neko rentgenu podobno napravo, ki ti pač v živo prikaže notranjo strukturo tkiv.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Alien TV series creator Noah Hawley says Hulu is hoping to release first two seasons close together
Alien TV series creator Noah Hawley: Hulu wants the first 2 seasons close together, Ridley Scott hasn't been paying much attention to the show
Alien TV series creator Noah Hawley: Hulu wants the first 2 seasons close together, Ridley Scott hasn't been paying much attention to the show
oo7 ::
Delovno ime TV serije Alien naj bi bilo Alien: Neverland.
The show is said to be a "story of humanity trapped between its primordial, parasitic past and the A.I. future, and they're both trying to kill us, so there's nowhere to go."
Set 70 years before "Alien," Hawley's series focuses on the emergence of the franchise's corporate juggernaut, Weyland-Yultani Corp. There are rumors of the story tackling the Xenomorph having been initially created as a bioweapon.
The show is said to be a "story of humanity trapped between its primordial, parasitic past and the A.I. future, and they're both trying to kill us, so there's nowhere to go."
Set 70 years before "Alien," Hawley's series focuses on the emergence of the franchise's corporate juggernaut, Weyland-Yultani Corp. There are rumors of the story tackling the Xenomorph having been initially created as a bioweapon.
lolipop2 ::
Prometheus 2089-2093 in zgodnji obisk inžinerjev 2-4 miljarde pred našim štetjem
Alien: Covenant 2094 dva kratka prequel filma , Zaveza 2104
Alien 2122
Aliens 2179
Alien 3 2179
Alien Resurrection 2381
007, tale začetek mi ni jasen... najprej Prometheus, potem Covenant. Kaj pa je mišljeno "dva kratka prequel filma , Zaveza 2104? A to sta mišljena Prometheus pa Covenant?
Ta mesec začenjam priprave na avgust. Da se mi ne zmeša od fuzbala :))
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Prometheus (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 22 23 24 25 )Oddelek: Sedem umetnosti | 225554 (13172) | EwokPredator |
» | Alien (Tv serija)Oddelek: Sedem umetnosti | 4560 (1989) | oo7 |
» | Alien 5 (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Sedem umetnosti | 17326 (7662) | oo7 |
» | Alien: Awakening (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Sedem umetnosti | 17078 (10694) | oo7 |
» | Alien: Covenant vs. PassengersOddelek: Sedem umetnosti | 6724 (6089) | vostok_1 |