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4K monitorji
cekr ::
Se ne mudi. Bi pa rad končno en monitor, na katerem ne bom videl kvadratkov.
Bom še počakal, da gredo prvi poskusi mimo.
Več kot 600€ pa ne mislim dajat.
Še to je preveč, če pomislim, kakšne ločljivosti dajejo v tablice in telefone.
Bom še počakal, da gredo prvi poskusi mimo.
Več kot 600€ pa ne mislim dajat.
Še to je preveč, če pomislim, kakšne ločljivosti dajejo v tablice in telefone.
Sinclair ZX Spectrum [Zilog Z80A - 3.5 MHz, 48kB, dvojni kasetofon,
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
DarwiN ::
Evo ga, cekr... Minilo manj kot mesec dni, zaloga prihaja in že ga dobiš za 611€ iz Avstrije .. ASUS PB287Q.
To pa je zdaj že zelo blizu realne cene in dober nakup, tko da ga lahko mirno pograbiš... Single stream 60Hz 4k monitor.. To je to... Doesn't get much better than that..
In če prav vidim, je poštnina v Slovenijo zastonj... 12.8 pošljejo, ~14.8 že testiraš.
To pa je zdaj že zelo blizu realne cene in dober nakup, tko da ga lahko mirno pograbiš... Single stream 60Hz 4k monitor.. To je to... Doesn't get much better than that..
In če prav vidim, je poštnina v Slovenijo zastonj... 12.8 pošljejo, ~14.8 že testiraš.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
cekr ::
Bom počakal, da se nekdo pri nas ojunači s prodajo.
Nimam pa na avstrijski strani možnost plačila brez ddv.
Tako, da bom verjetno prišel pri nas ceneje skozi.
Bom počakal, da se nekdo pri nas ojunači s prodajo.
Nimam pa na avstrijski strani možnost plačila brez ddv.
Tako, da bom verjetno prišel pri nas ceneje skozi.
Sinclair ZX Spectrum [Zilog Z80A - 3.5 MHz, 48kB, dvojni kasetofon,
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
hojnikb ::
Evo ga, cekr... Minilo manj kot mesec dni, zaloga prihaja in že ga dobiš za 611€ iz Avstrije .. ASUS PB287Q.
To pa je zdaj že zelo blizu realne cene in dober nakup, tko da ga lahko mirno pograbiš... Single stream 60Hz 4k monitor.. To je to... Doesn't get much better than that..
In če prav vidim, je poštnina v Slovenijo zastonj... 12.8 pošljejo, ~14.8 že testiraš.![]()
sam je pa TN
korenje3 ::
V e-leclercu se prodaja 4k tv za 1700€ :p
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
DarwiN ::
hojnik, TN ja, ampak če boš čakal, da 28" IGZO/IPS pade na 600€, potem se boš načakal..
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
cekr ::
V e-leclercu se prodaja 4k tv za 1700€ :p
Televizor naj se kar.
Mene zanima samo monitor 24-26".
Če so sposobni takšno ločljivost spravit v vsako majhno škatlico, bi jo v večjo lahko z lahkoto.
Samo zakaj pa bi, ko se lahko prodaja tudi slabše zadeve, ki se valjajo po skladiščih.
Sinclair ZX Spectrum [Zilog Z80A - 3.5 MHz, 48kB, dvojni kasetofon,
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
hojnikb ::
hojnik, TN ja, ampak če boš čakal, da 28" IGZO/IPS pade na 600€, potem se boš načakal..
Bomo pa počakal. Me nekak ne mika, da bi dal 600€+ za TN, ki je povrh še kje multitile...
Naj stvar dozori in cene padejo (tako kot so sedaj 1080p IPSom) in se potem kupi :)
DarwiN ::
Ti pravim, da je single stream... Edina "hiba" je TN panel... In HDMI 2.0, ki pa ga bodo verjetno kasneje omogočili prek FW... Tko da, če si kdo želi 4k monitor in ima display port grafično, potem je ta Asus že danes dober nakup.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
hojnikb ::
24" 4K je glih tapravi. Sej povečaš DPI, da nerabiš brat texta z povečevalnim steklom
DarwiN ::
nekak bi rekel da je 24-26 4k overkill?![]()
Zame je 4k overkill še za 32".. :)
39-42" 4k TV.. To bo moj naslednji monitor..:P
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
hojnikb ::
Ti pravim, da je single stream... Edina "hiba" je TN panel... In HDMI 2.0, ki pa ga bodo verjetno kasneje omogočili prek FW... Tko da, če si kdo želi 4k monitor in ima display port grafično, potem je ta Asus že danes dober nakup.
Če je single tile, pol je kr kul :)
Sam TN nej že enkrat zgnije, 4k gor ali dol.
cekr ::
nekak bi rekel da je 24-26 4k overkill?![]()
Zame je 4k overkill še za 32".. :)
39-42" 4k TV.. To bo moj naslednji monitor..:P
A na 5"-telefonu pa ni overkill?
Če se kje splača imeti čisto sliko, je to pri monitorjih.
Pri TV-jih to ni pomembno, ker itak nimaš takšnega vira. Še HDFull je problem.
Sinclair ZX Spectrum [Zilog Z80A - 3.5 MHz, 48kB, dvojni kasetofon,
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
hojnikb ::
A na 5"-telefonu pa ni overkill?
linkz pls do telefona z 4k :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: hojnikb ()
DarwiN ::
A na 5"-telefonu pa ni overkill?
Če se kje splača imeti čisto sliko, je to pri monitorjih.
Pri TV-jih to ni pomembno, ker itak nimaš takšnega vira. Še HDFull je problem.
Hudič je, ker scaling ne deluje najbolje v Windowsih...
In potem tudi odvisno s kakšne razdalje buljiš v monitor.. Jaz sem včasih oddaljen tudi do 1m.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
gregyk ::
Je tudi pri nas po testih dobro ocenjen 4k Samsung na voljo, meni se zdi cena ugodna
DarwiN ::
Je tudi pri nas po testih dobro ocenjen 4k Samsung na voljo, meni se zdi cena ugodna
Tudi kul ja.. Ravno tako SST in 60Hz... 550EUR pri funtechu..
Čeprav je Asus bojda boljši (mat prevleka, boljša konstrukcija, pivot, nastavljanje v višino)
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()
DarwiN ::
Stvari se premikajo. Na trgu se pojavil 40" 4k Philips monitor!!
Prvi review: Philips BDM4065UC..
Trenutno ga najdem samo v trgovini na Nizozemskem, tko da bo jasno treba počakat kak mesec ali tri.. Cena pa več kot solidnih 750EUR.. Pomeni, da bo likely še nižja..
Zaslon bi naj imel AMVA, torej špica vampi, input lag pa zaenkrat še neznan..
Prvi review: Philips BDM4065UC..
Trenutno ga najdem samo v trgovini na Nizozemskem, tko da bo jasno treba počakat kak mesec ali tri.. Cena pa več kot solidnih 750EUR.. Pomeni, da bo likely še nižja..
Zaslon bi naj imel AMVA, torej špica vampi, input lag pa zaenkrat še neznan..
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()
DarwiN ::
Not anymore, son. :)
Večja resolucija, večja delovna površina, večja velikost... Ker na 28" 4k itak nič ne vidiš.
Tako pa lepo na razdaljo 1m in si kot kralj. D
Večja resolucija, večja delovna površina, večja velikost... Ker na 28" 4k itak nič ne vidiš.
Tako pa lepo na razdaljo 1m in si kot kralj. D
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
DarwiN ::
Sej si lahko tut bliže. :P
Jaz sem zadnja leta 70cm oddaljen od 32" 1080p TV-monitorja.. In imam nastavljen scaling na 110%-125% na večini spletnih straneh, zato da se oči manj naprezajo in da lahko surfam tudi iz postelje, torej ~1.2m proč.
Zdaj pa, če bi ostal pri 32" in šel na 4k, potem bo potreboval ene 200% scaling.. Tako da zna bit 40" ravno prava mera.. Tudi PPI (Pixels per inch) je 110, kar je enako kot pri 27" 2560x1440 monitorju in 34" 3440x1440 monitorju..
Če sediš pa zgolj pol metra proč od ekrana, potem pa 32" 4k, ja..
Jaz sem zadnja leta 70cm oddaljen od 32" 1080p TV-monitorja.. In imam nastavljen scaling na 110%-125% na večini spletnih straneh, zato da se oči manj naprezajo in da lahko surfam tudi iz postelje, torej ~1.2m proč.
Zdaj pa, če bi ostal pri 32" in šel na 4k, potem bo potreboval ene 200% scaling.. Tako da zna bit 40" ravno prava mera.. Tudi PPI (Pixels per inch) je 110, kar je enako kot pri 27" 2560x1440 monitorju in 34" 3440x1440 monitorju..
Če sediš pa zgolj pol metra proč od ekrana, potem pa 32" 4k, ja..
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
overklocker ::
Na obzorju nič revolucionarnega, pojavil pa se je Samsung U28D590D, prvi monitor, ki za 4K in 60Hz ne uporablja MST, pač pa preko Displayport 1.2 stvar enostavno deluje (rahle težave so le z gonilniki grafičnih kartic, ker gre za prvi tak monitor). Drugače pa monitor ni nič pretresljivega, za 630 EUR dobite 28" TN matriko (panel, ki ga uporabljajo že Dell P2815Q in Asus PB287Q).
Čeprav so razni proizvajalci napovedali prihod 4K VA in IPS panelov raznih velikosti, pa zaenkrat ven prihajajo predvsem TN monitorji - očitno podjetja čakajo na prihod Displayport 1.3 in HDMI 2. In mogoče boljšo podporo višjim DPI s strani operacijskih sistemov in predvsem programov?
Jaz imam tega in morem rečt da sem pre zqadovlkjejn
razn tega da sem pri novem dobil en mrtev pixel to je bil edini downsiz :P
Bwaze6 ::
Heh, počasi bo leto naokrog, odkar sem odprl to temo, pa še kar nisem menjal monitorja. :) No, mogoče se bo to spremenilo, ko pridejo na trg naslednji modeli monitorjev:
Dell UP2715K (zaenkrat cena 2500 EUR)
(tale sicer ni 4K, ampak mislim da sodi v isto kategorijo monitorjev z višjo resolucijo) UP2715K is now expected to retail for under $2000 USD and should be available in December.
The 27" screen offers a 5120 x 2880 resolution, 8ms G2G response time, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 350 cd/m2 brightness and 178/178 viewing angles. The panel is IPS technology with GB-r-LED backlighting.
An interesting element to the new screen is the coating. Optical bonding and an anti-reflective coating eliminate reflection from two surfaces -- the LCD panel itself and the protective glass layer in front of it -- allowing more light to be transmitted and dramatically improving clarity, vividness and contrast. An anti-smudge coating allows you to easily clean away fingerprints.
The screen has a wide colour gamut supporting 99% Adobe RGB and 100% of sRGB coverage. The screen is factory calibrated for reliable grey scale and a colour deltaE below 2. The screen has 12-bit internal processing and the panel supports true 10-bit content (1.07b colours). The 12-bit 3D Look Up Table (LUT) allows for hardware calibration using Dell's / X-rite's Color Calibration software package.
Dell P2715Q and P2415Q ($699.99 USD in $599.99 USD)
The P2415Q and P2715Q are part of their "Professional" series of screens and come in sizes of 23.8" and 27" respectively. Both offer 3840 x 2160 Ultra HD ("4k") resolutions and 60Hz refresh rate support. This is an improvement from their original P-series 4k screen, the P2815Q which was criticised for only supporting a maximum 30Hz refresh rate. Another improvement is the move from a TN Film panel used on the P2815Q to IPS technology panels for the new models.
Spec wise the 27" P2715Q offers an 8.6ms G2G response time (6ms G2G fast mode), 1000:1 contrast ratio, 350 cd/m2 brightness, 178/178 viewing angles, 1.07b colour depth and W-LED backlight with 99% sRGB gamut coverage. The 23.8" P2415Q offers the same, but with an 8ms G2G response time (6ms G2G fast mode) and 300 cd/m2 brightness spec instead.
The stands offer tilt, height, swivel and rotate adjustments and there are DisplayPort, Mini DisplayPort, HDMI (with MHL), DisplayPort out and USB 3.0 connections provided.
The P2415Q has a retail price of $599.99 USD. The P2715Q retails for $699.99 USD.
BenQ BL2711U
BenQ are set to release a new 27" screen in their BL series, this time making use of a "4k" UHD AHVA (IPS-type) panel from AU Optronics. The BL2711U offers a 3840 x 2160 resolution at 60Hz refresh rate, and a range of specs and features you might expect from a high end BL series screen. It is aimed primarily at CAD/CAM users.
Spec wise the panel offers a 4ms G2G response time, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 300 cd/m2 brightmess, 178/178 viewing angles, 1.07b colour depth (10-bit) and standard sRGB gamut from its W-LED backlight. The screen is flicker free as with all BenQ monitors now which is good news. There is also BenQ's Low Blue Light mode, and PiP (Picture in Picture) and PbP (Picture by Picture) functionality is included. The stand offers tilt, height, swivel and rotate adjustments and the screen is VESA mountable if required.
Connectivity wise both the DisplayPort 1.2 and HDMI 2.0 ports can support the 3840 x 2160 resolution at 60Hz refresh rate. There is also DL-DVI and HDMI 1.4 offered along with 4x USB 3.0 ports. There are also 2x 3W stereo speakers built in to the screen.
NEC PA322UHD (3580 EUR)
NEC have recently announced their new 31.5" sized PA322UHD display. This new screen offers a "4k" 3840 x 2160 resolution and offers a feature set and specs aimed at professional users (not to mention the price tag). The screen is based on a Sharp IGZO IPS-type panel like several other 31.5" displays currently available (Dell UP3214Q for instance) which offers IPS-like performance characteristics.
Spec wise the panel offers 3840 x 2160 resolution (60Hz maximum refresh rate), 10ms G2G response time, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 350 cd/m2 brightness, 176/176 viewing angles and a 1.07b colour depth. The backlight is LED and offers a 99.2% Adobe RGB colour gamut coverage (wide gamut display), while also offering sRGB emulation modes for those who want to work with the more traditional colour space. The display has 10-bit colour depth support and a programmable 14-bit 3D LUT. A colorimeter and SpectraView software package is needed to hardware calibrate the screen for optimum performance. NEC's useful ColorComp digital uniformity technology is also featured, with NEC claiming "93 percent more correction points than previous MultiSync PA Series displays". NEC even specifically list the fact that the screen uses PWM for backlight dimming (bravo for the transparency NEC!) but with a very high 20,000 Hz frequency listed this is expected to be of minimal concern to most users.
The stand offers tilt, height, swivel and rotate adjustments. Connectivity wise there are 2 DisplayPort 1.2 ports (one with Open Pluggable Specification for digital signage connection), 4 HDMI ports, 2 DVI-D Dual Link ports and 2 USB 3.0 ports (plus upstream). The USB ports feature DisplaySync Pro, which is essentially a virtual KVM (Keyboard Video Mouse) switch. There is an AmbiBright ambient light sensor featured, and the screen also has simple 2W stereo speakers built in.
120Hz Support from an IPS-type Panel?
One interesting feature is the ability for the screen to support refresh rates up to 120Hz. Before people get too excited, this is only available up to a 1920 x 1080 resolution maximum, not at the full 4k resolution.
BenQ BL3201PT 32" (900 EUR)
BenQ are set to release the World's first 32" 4k2k monitor for designers. The BL3201PT offers a larger 32" screen size, paired with an ultra HD 3840 x 2160 resolution from its AU Optronics AHVA panel (referred to by BenQ as IPS, since it's an IPS-type technology, not to be confused with AMVA).
The screen is flicker free and has a Low Blue Light mode and ambient light sensor as well for a range of "EyeCare" extras. Spec wise the screen offers a 4ms G2G response time, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 350 cd/m2 brightness and 178/178 viewing angles. It has a 1.07b colour depth and sRGB gamut from the W-LED backlight. The BL3201PT offers DL-DVI, 2x HDMI, DisplayPort and Mini DisplayPort connections. There are 2x 5W stereo speakers and a headphone port as well. The screen also comes with the OSD controller extra like we saw on the BL3200PT model.
Acer Business B326HKymjdpphz, 32" (920 EUR)
Screen size: 32"/81.3cm o Resolution: 3840x2160, 4K+60Hz o Brightness: 350cd/m? o Contrast: 1000:1 (static), 100000000:1 (dynamic) o Response time: 6ms o Viewing angle: 178°/178° o Panel: IPS o Connectors: DVI, HDMI (MHL), DisplayPort 1.2, mini DisplayPort 1.2 o Other connectors: 4x USB 3.0 o Ergonomics: height-adjustable (150mm), Pivot o VESA: 100x100 (occupied) o Power consumption: 44W (typical), 0.3W (standby) o Special features: LED backlight, loudspeaker (2x 2W), wide colour Gamut (100% sRGB) o Warranty: three years
Acer Business B276HKymjdpprz, 27" (620 EUR)
Screen size: 27"/68.6cm o Resolution: 3840x2160, 4K+60Hz o Contrast: 1000:1 (static), 100000000:1 (dynamic) o Response time: 6ms o Panel: IPS o Other connectors: not available o Ergonomics: height-adjustable, Pivot, Swivel o Power consumption: not specified (typical), not specified (standby) o Special features: LED backlight
LG Electronics 31MU97-B, 31" (1300 EUR)
Screen size: 31"/78.7cm o Resolution: 4096x2160, 4K+60Hz o Brightness: 320cd/m? o Contrast: 1000:1 (static), 5000000:1 (dynamic) o Response time: 5ms o Viewing angle: 178°/178° o Panel: AH-IPS o Connectors: 2x HDMI 1.4, DisplayPort 1.2, mini DisplayPort 1.2 o Other connectors: 3x USB 3.0 o Ergonomics: height-adjustable (140mm), Pivot o VESA: 100x100 (occupied) o Power consumption: 53W (maximum), not specified (typical), 0.3W (standby) o Special features: GB-r-LED backlight, loudspeaker, wide colour Gamut (99% Adobe RGB, 100% sRGB), hardware calibration, flicker-free
Čakam samo še na recenzije katerega od 27" 4K monitorjev.
Dell UP2715K (zaenkrat cena 2500 EUR)
(tale sicer ni 4K, ampak mislim da sodi v isto kategorijo monitorjev z višjo resolucijo) UP2715K is now expected to retail for under $2000 USD and should be available in December.
The 27" screen offers a 5120 x 2880 resolution, 8ms G2G response time, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 350 cd/m2 brightness and 178/178 viewing angles. The panel is IPS technology with GB-r-LED backlighting.
An interesting element to the new screen is the coating. Optical bonding and an anti-reflective coating eliminate reflection from two surfaces -- the LCD panel itself and the protective glass layer in front of it -- allowing more light to be transmitted and dramatically improving clarity, vividness and contrast. An anti-smudge coating allows you to easily clean away fingerprints.
The screen has a wide colour gamut supporting 99% Adobe RGB and 100% of sRGB coverage. The screen is factory calibrated for reliable grey scale and a colour deltaE below 2. The screen has 12-bit internal processing and the panel supports true 10-bit content (1.07b colours). The 12-bit 3D Look Up Table (LUT) allows for hardware calibration using Dell's / X-rite's Color Calibration software package.
Dell P2715Q and P2415Q ($699.99 USD in $599.99 USD)
The P2415Q and P2715Q are part of their "Professional" series of screens and come in sizes of 23.8" and 27" respectively. Both offer 3840 x 2160 Ultra HD ("4k") resolutions and 60Hz refresh rate support. This is an improvement from their original P-series 4k screen, the P2815Q which was criticised for only supporting a maximum 30Hz refresh rate. Another improvement is the move from a TN Film panel used on the P2815Q to IPS technology panels for the new models.
Spec wise the 27" P2715Q offers an 8.6ms G2G response time (6ms G2G fast mode), 1000:1 contrast ratio, 350 cd/m2 brightness, 178/178 viewing angles, 1.07b colour depth and W-LED backlight with 99% sRGB gamut coverage. The 23.8" P2415Q offers the same, but with an 8ms G2G response time (6ms G2G fast mode) and 300 cd/m2 brightness spec instead.
The stands offer tilt, height, swivel and rotate adjustments and there are DisplayPort, Mini DisplayPort, HDMI (with MHL), DisplayPort out and USB 3.0 connections provided.
The P2415Q has a retail price of $599.99 USD. The P2715Q retails for $699.99 USD.
BenQ BL2711U
BenQ are set to release a new 27" screen in their BL series, this time making use of a "4k" UHD AHVA (IPS-type) panel from AU Optronics. The BL2711U offers a 3840 x 2160 resolution at 60Hz refresh rate, and a range of specs and features you might expect from a high end BL series screen. It is aimed primarily at CAD/CAM users.
Spec wise the panel offers a 4ms G2G response time, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 300 cd/m2 brightmess, 178/178 viewing angles, 1.07b colour depth (10-bit) and standard sRGB gamut from its W-LED backlight. The screen is flicker free as with all BenQ monitors now which is good news. There is also BenQ's Low Blue Light mode, and PiP (Picture in Picture) and PbP (Picture by Picture) functionality is included. The stand offers tilt, height, swivel and rotate adjustments and the screen is VESA mountable if required.
Connectivity wise both the DisplayPort 1.2 and HDMI 2.0 ports can support the 3840 x 2160 resolution at 60Hz refresh rate. There is also DL-DVI and HDMI 1.4 offered along with 4x USB 3.0 ports. There are also 2x 3W stereo speakers built in to the screen.
NEC PA322UHD (3580 EUR)
NEC have recently announced their new 31.5" sized PA322UHD display. This new screen offers a "4k" 3840 x 2160 resolution and offers a feature set and specs aimed at professional users (not to mention the price tag). The screen is based on a Sharp IGZO IPS-type panel like several other 31.5" displays currently available (Dell UP3214Q for instance) which offers IPS-like performance characteristics.
Spec wise the panel offers 3840 x 2160 resolution (60Hz maximum refresh rate), 10ms G2G response time, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 350 cd/m2 brightness, 176/176 viewing angles and a 1.07b colour depth. The backlight is LED and offers a 99.2% Adobe RGB colour gamut coverage (wide gamut display), while also offering sRGB emulation modes for those who want to work with the more traditional colour space. The display has 10-bit colour depth support and a programmable 14-bit 3D LUT. A colorimeter and SpectraView software package is needed to hardware calibrate the screen for optimum performance. NEC's useful ColorComp digital uniformity technology is also featured, with NEC claiming "93 percent more correction points than previous MultiSync PA Series displays". NEC even specifically list the fact that the screen uses PWM for backlight dimming (bravo for the transparency NEC!) but with a very high 20,000 Hz frequency listed this is expected to be of minimal concern to most users.
The stand offers tilt, height, swivel and rotate adjustments. Connectivity wise there are 2 DisplayPort 1.2 ports (one with Open Pluggable Specification for digital signage connection), 4 HDMI ports, 2 DVI-D Dual Link ports and 2 USB 3.0 ports (plus upstream). The USB ports feature DisplaySync Pro, which is essentially a virtual KVM (Keyboard Video Mouse) switch. There is an AmbiBright ambient light sensor featured, and the screen also has simple 2W stereo speakers built in.
120Hz Support from an IPS-type Panel?
One interesting feature is the ability for the screen to support refresh rates up to 120Hz. Before people get too excited, this is only available up to a 1920 x 1080 resolution maximum, not at the full 4k resolution.
BenQ BL3201PT 32" (900 EUR)
BenQ are set to release the World's first 32" 4k2k monitor for designers. The BL3201PT offers a larger 32" screen size, paired with an ultra HD 3840 x 2160 resolution from its AU Optronics AHVA panel (referred to by BenQ as IPS, since it's an IPS-type technology, not to be confused with AMVA).
The screen is flicker free and has a Low Blue Light mode and ambient light sensor as well for a range of "EyeCare" extras. Spec wise the screen offers a 4ms G2G response time, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 350 cd/m2 brightness and 178/178 viewing angles. It has a 1.07b colour depth and sRGB gamut from the W-LED backlight. The BL3201PT offers DL-DVI, 2x HDMI, DisplayPort and Mini DisplayPort connections. There are 2x 5W stereo speakers and a headphone port as well. The screen also comes with the OSD controller extra like we saw on the BL3200PT model.
Acer Business B326HKymjdpphz, 32" (920 EUR)
Screen size: 32"/81.3cm o Resolution: 3840x2160, 4K+60Hz o Brightness: 350cd/m? o Contrast: 1000:1 (static), 100000000:1 (dynamic) o Response time: 6ms o Viewing angle: 178°/178° o Panel: IPS o Connectors: DVI, HDMI (MHL), DisplayPort 1.2, mini DisplayPort 1.2 o Other connectors: 4x USB 3.0 o Ergonomics: height-adjustable (150mm), Pivot o VESA: 100x100 (occupied) o Power consumption: 44W (typical), 0.3W (standby) o Special features: LED backlight, loudspeaker (2x 2W), wide colour Gamut (100% sRGB) o Warranty: three years
Acer Business B276HKymjdpprz, 27" (620 EUR)
Screen size: 27"/68.6cm o Resolution: 3840x2160, 4K+60Hz o Contrast: 1000:1 (static), 100000000:1 (dynamic) o Response time: 6ms o Panel: IPS o Other connectors: not available o Ergonomics: height-adjustable, Pivot, Swivel o Power consumption: not specified (typical), not specified (standby) o Special features: LED backlight
LG Electronics 31MU97-B, 31" (1300 EUR)
Screen size: 31"/78.7cm o Resolution: 4096x2160, 4K+60Hz o Brightness: 320cd/m? o Contrast: 1000:1 (static), 5000000:1 (dynamic) o Response time: 5ms o Viewing angle: 178°/178° o Panel: AH-IPS o Connectors: 2x HDMI 1.4, DisplayPort 1.2, mini DisplayPort 1.2 o Other connectors: 3x USB 3.0 o Ergonomics: height-adjustable (140mm), Pivot o VESA: 100x100 (occupied) o Power consumption: 53W (maximum), not specified (typical), 0.3W (standby) o Special features: GB-r-LED backlight, loudspeaker, wide colour Gamut (99% Adobe RGB, 100% sRGB), hardware calibration, flicker-free
Čakam samo še na recenzije katerega od 27" 4K monitorjev.
MStrix ::
Kako znosen če dobiš Dell P2815Q za dosti manj kot 600EUR
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: MStrix ()
MStrix ::
Kaj pa Samsung U28D590S ??? 650EUR
Ja zdej vidu da je tudi TN
Ja zdej vidu da je tudi TN
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: MStrix ()
Bwaze6 ::
Dell P2415Q, Dell P2715Q, BenQ BL2711U, Acer Business B276HKymjdpprz imajo AHVA (torej sorta IPS) panele iz AU Optronics, in ne bojo dragi - 500 do 700 EUR. Tudi večji 32" monitorji, kot so Acer Business B326HKymjdpphz in BenQ BL3201PT pridejo po novem precej pod 1000 EUR, prav tako z AHVA paneli (precej ceneje od IGZO paneli, s katerimi so itak problemi, pa ne samo zaradi MST).
Iz 24" Dell UltraSharp 2407WFP-HC bom verjetno šel na enega od 27" - da bo vsaj po višini isti monitor (2407WFP-HC je 16:10 1920x1200, večina prihajajočih je 16:9). Večja delovna površina me niti ne zanima, da bi se stegoval do 32" modelov, veliko bolj me mika višji DPI v grafičnih programih (Lightroom). 2407WFP-HC ima razširjen barvni obseg, ampak so s tem sami problemi - ne ukvarjam se z visokokakovostnim fototiskom, za vse ostalo je pa to slabše, tako da bom gledal kar sRGB monitorje (vsi prihajajoči cenejši).
Iz 24" Dell UltraSharp 2407WFP-HC bom verjetno šel na enega od 27" - da bo vsaj po višini isti monitor (2407WFP-HC je 16:10 1920x1200, večina prihajajočih je 16:9). Večja delovna površina me niti ne zanima, da bi se stegoval do 32" modelov, veliko bolj me mika višji DPI v grafičnih programih (Lightroom). 2407WFP-HC ima razširjen barvni obseg, ampak so s tem sami problemi - ne ukvarjam se z visokokakovostnim fototiskom, za vse ostalo je pa to slabše, tako da bom gledal kar sRGB monitorje (vsi prihajajoči cenejši).
kuglvinkl ::
Ja, prbližn tko :). Tut mene matra, kako bo zadeva špilala v LR. Pogrešal bom verjetno extra monitor za thumbse, ampak nič ne de.
Your focus determines your reallity
Invictus ::
Problem teh monitorjev so računalniki, ki ne podpirajo 4K resolucije.
Tako da moraš ponavadi zamenjati še škatlo ...
Tako da moraš ponavadi zamenjati še škatlo ...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
kixs ::
Moj naslednji bo verjetno vseeno 16:10, torej kaksen 2560x1600. Zdej ze kaksnih 7 let gledam 26" 1920x1200 LG-ja s TN matrico, ki pa, lahko cisto brez slabe vesti recem, da sploh ne opazim kaksnih pomankljivosti. Pred njim in v dual nacinu sem vrsto let uporabljal 20" 1600x1200 S-IPS in PVA zaslona, da ne bo kdo rekel, da ne vem kaj govorim
Seveda, pa imajo vsake oci svojega "malarja"
Ganon ::
Skratka, pod črto so še vedno svinjsko dragi, tisti cenejši (še vedno dragi) pa čisto nič posebnega. Bomo počakali še nekaj let, da se zadeva razvije.
RejZoR ::
Folk se še kar oklepa "poznavanja" TN panelov iz samih začetkov LCD-jev, ko so res bili crap. Ker sem primarno gamer po srcu imam 144Hz TN based monitor, pa me to ne ustavi pri urejanju slik oz gledanju filmov. Sicer ne za profesionalno rabo ampak kjerkoli sem gledal potem končne izdelke so bili perfektni. Pač se med delom s takimi stvarmi ne guncaš po stolu ampak lepo sediš naravnost pred ekranom.
Angry Sheep Blog @
kixs ::
Sej to je jasno, da sedis lepo pred ekranom. Ampak, ce primerjam tega svojega pa tistega v prenosniku, je razlika kot dan in noc. Na prenosniku se samo malo premaknes in so ze vse barve drugacne. Na drugem se moram prav potrudit in it v nemogoce poze, da pride do "efekta".
RejZoR ::
Tud to ni čist res. 6 let star Acer laptop je res imel ta problem (pa je bil takrat med višjimi modeli), 2 leti star Compaq pa ima samo za odtenek slabši ekran kot tale moj desktop TN za 350 EUR... Pa govorimo o laptopu za 300 EUR (pred 2 leti).
Angry Sheep Blog @
Isotropic ::
a ne gledas kakega filma kdaj? veliko bolje, ce se lahko ulezes na posteljo alpa razkomotiš na stolu kot pa da sedis tam lol
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