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Star Citizen postal prva AAA igra, financirana izključno s skupnostnim financiranjem

13 / 15

BigWhale ::

Isht je izjavil:

Tukaj je celoten livestream. Najpomembnejši del si oglejte na 1:58:30 (tam se začne live demo). Če kdo po tem live demotu še dvomi v ta špil, potem mu manjka kolešček ali dva.
Destiny je ena velika nula proti Star Citizen.

Ah, ne pretiravej no. Saj ne recem, da ni lepo narejen. Zgleda precej solidno. Vendar se mi zdi, totalna zguba casa, da moram okrog hodit zato, da mi ship popravijo. :)

Isht ::

BigWhale je izjavil:

Isht je izjavil:

Tukaj je celoten livestream. Najpomembnejši del si oglejte na 1:58:30 (tam se začne live demo). Če kdo po tem live demotu še dvomi v ta špil, potem mu manjka kolešček ali dva.
Destiny je ena velika nula proti Star Citizen.

Ah, ne pretiravej no. Saj ne recem, da ni lepo narejen. Zgleda precej solidno. Vendar se mi zdi, totalna zguba casa, da moram okrog hodit zato, da mi ship popravijo. :)

Sicer ne vem, kje si dobil filing, da ship repair ne boš mogel naročit preko Mobiglasa... Samo zato, ker je svet za raziskovat velik, ne pomeni, da ne bo bližnjic. Bodo pa nagrade za tiste, ki se bomo potrudili in svet raziskovali v detajle, bistveno večje od tistih, ki bodo hoteli samo nekaj na hitro.

Jaz sem celo življenje čakal na igro s takim nivojem realizma.
Osebno mi gre blazno na ganglije v Elite Dangerous, kako je npr. prevažanje tovora zreducirano na excelove tabele. Pripelješ, pristaneš, odpreš tabele, klik klik, in je že tovor magično naložen na ladjo.
V Star Citizen bo to postopek. Lahko boš nalaganje cargota naročil 'remote', pa ti ga naložijo delavci, lahko pa se boš potrudil in ga naložil sam, in boš na ta račun prišparal par UEC in mogoče celo pridobil nekaj prostora, ker se boš potrudil in cargo naložil bolj ekonomično.
Ali pa ship repair... V ED pripelješ, odpreš tabele, klik klik in je ladja magično popravljena v sekundi, edin penalty je par creditsov. V SC boš popravilo ladje naročil, mogoče se ga pa lahko lotiš celo sam.

Drugače pa nisi dojel poante videa. Poanta je v tem, da pristajanje ni samo cut scene, ampak si ves čas v vlogi svojega avatarja. Ko bodo razvili Procedural Generation, nam bo pa omogočeno tudi manual landing, in se boš lahko odpeljal ven iz mesta in malo raziskoval po planetu (ampak to bo kasneje, po izidu končane igre.

BigWhale ::

Isht je izjavil:

Ali pa ship repair... V ED pripelješ, odpreš tabele, klik klik in je ladja magično popravljena v sekundi, edin penalty je par creditsov. V SC boš popravilo ladje naročil, mogoče se ga pa lahko lotiš celo sam.

Ja, to sta eyecandy in realizem, ki sta meni vsec prvih nekajkrat, ko stvar gledas oziroma pocnes. Nek hardcore realizem ni vedno fajn zadeva. Predstavljaj si, da popravilo ladje traja 14 dni.

Isht je izjavil:

Drugače pa nisi dojel poante videa. Poanta je v tem, da pristajanje ni samo cut scene, ampak si ves čas v vlogi svojega avatarja. Ko bodo razvili Procedural Generation, nam bo pa omogočeno tudi manual landing, in se boš lahko odpeljal ven iz mesta in malo raziskoval po planetu (ampak to bo kasneje, po izidu končane igre.

Saj, vse lepo in prav. Samo da jih ne bodo ti detajli na koncu ubili in bomo tudi igro videli sele v 30. stoletju. :> Pogosto ponavljajoci se dogodki v igri, ki jih gledas vedno znova in znova morajo biti taksni, da jih lahko s pritiskom na space prekines. :)

Truga ::

BigWhale je izjavil:

s pritiskom na space prekines. :)

Kaj se je pa z eskejpom za skipat vsega boga zgodil? :P

In ja, se strinjam. Najboljs kar bi lahko nardil je da lahko isto sekvenco vozis rocno, pri hitrosti ki je tebi vsec. Tko k v elite. Lahko uporabis docking computer, in gres umes na skret, prides cez 5 minut nazaj in si glih dockan. Lahko pa rocno dockas in porabis 10 sekund.

BigWhale ::

Truga je izjavil:

BigWhale je izjavil:

s pritiskom na space prekines. :)

Kaj se je pa z eskejpom za skipat vsega boga zgodil? :P

WC (sekret, ljubkovalno) je imel space s katerim si prekinil cinematic sekvence.

Truga je izjavil:

In ja, se strinjam. Najboljs kar bi lahko nardil je da lahko isto sekvenco vozis rocno, pri hitrosti ki je tebi vsec. Tko k v elite. Lahko uporabis docking computer, in gres umes na skret, prides cez 5 minut nazaj in si glih dockan. Lahko pa rocno dockas in porabis 10 sekund.

Pac, taskov, ki se ponavljajo ljudje ponavadi ne pocnejo radi. Ce bo pristanek na planetu trajal predolgo, potem se bo vsem to zagabilo. Na tisti predstavitvi, je bil pristanek kar hiter. Se sreca, da se ni nic vzgalo. :>

Isht ::

Da ne bo kdo mislil, da so videi, ki jih CIG pripravlja (reklame) polni post-procesiranja in dodatnih efektov... Tole je en fan sam spravil skupaj iz assetov iz igre:

BlackMaX ::

Evo na redditu je super AMA glede te špile.


Malo razložijo kaj in kako bojo potekale stvari.


BigWhale ::

Bolj berem tole, bolj se mi zdi, da precej komplicirajo. Vse bi radi naredili. Upam, da na koncu ne bodo naredili vsega samo na pol.

Truga ::

BigWhale je izjavil:

Bolj berem tole, bolj se mi zdi, da precej komplicirajo. Vse bi radi naredili. Upam, da na koncu ne bodo naredili vsega samo na pol.

In before DNF :D

Isht ::

Živi bili pa videli.
Čez en teden bomo imeli priložnost videti prve prave posnetke FPS modula. To bo kar dober benchmark za to, kaj je ekipa sposobna. Pričakovanja so velika, jaz osebno sem raje previden (ker FPS pač ni bistvo špila, in vprašanje, koliko pozornosti mu bodo posvetili).

Čez en teden bo naprodaj Drake Herald (information runner) za $85, z LTI. Milijonček ziher v banki - folk si bo nagrabil kup teh ladij, ki so relativno poceni (in imajo LTI), v upanju, da se jih bo dalo nadgradit (Cross Chassis Upgrade) v kake druge ladje. Financ se bo v sledečem letu nabralo dovolj za vse, kar obljubljajo (in še kaj več).

BigWhale ::

Isht je izjavil:

Živi bili pa videli.
Čez en teden bomo imeli priložnost videti prve prave posnetke FPS modula. To bo kar dober benchmark za to, kaj je ekipa sposobna. Pričakovanja so velika, jaz osebno sem raje previden (ker FPS pač ni bistvo špila, in vprašanje, koliko pozornosti mu bodo posvetili).

Čez en teden bo naprodaj Drake Herald (information runner) za $85, z LTI. Milijonček ziher v banki - folk si bo nagrabil kup teh ladij, ki so relativno poceni (in imajo LTI), v upanju, da se jih bo dalo nadgradit (Cross Chassis Upgrade) v kake druge ladje. Financ se bo v sledečem letu nabralo dovolj za vse, kar obljubljajo (in še kaj več).

Saj ravno zato, ker stvar ni bistvo spila je mal hecn, da so sli to not tlacit. Se mal, pa bodo se RTS modul zacel delat. Ceprav eno tako massive igro bi bilo fajn videt, kjer bi imel zdruzene vse aspekte. Global strategic game na zacetku, potem RTS za tiste, ki so jim vsec RTS igre in pa FPS/flight/space sim za na najnizjem nivoju. Bi blo kr zanimivo igrat RTS s pravimi igralci. :)

Men se zdi, da so financ nabral ze vrh glave. Sploh zato, ker jim v oglasevanje ni treba s sajtrgo voziti denarja. Rec se sama oglasuje. :)

Dami ::

"RTS" bo na voljo na večjih ladjah v command centru. One game to rule them all :)
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

Isht ::

Sem nabral vse developer odgovore o FPS iz RSI foruma... Zadeva, če bodo naredili tako, kot govorijo, bo huda huda, in ne bo samo 'afterthought'.

There will be a cover system that allows for peaking, kneeling, leaning and peeking. Going prone sort of takes you out of cover. The cover system will be a fully automated system with smooth interpolation, so you couldn't even really tell you're entering cover at times. Since the mechanics are animation driven (your first person is doing exactly what your third person is doing), this makes balancing and making this feel good tricky - some some mechanics you may be used to in other games will work slightly different in the SC FPS.

Counter-Strike, Rainbow Six, Arma, Delta Force. The FPS Genre is broad, the most important thing for us was to define something truly new and unique, which is what the SC FPS does.

There is an insane mount of variables that go into how a gun is used in the SC FPS mechanics. Recoil, breathing, movement, how youre standing, are you alert, are you iron sighting, are you in cover, are your limbs damaged, are you in zerog, etc. the list goes on. it is a very advanced system with lots of possibilities!

Actually this is a very good question as it's a core theory of our mechanics. The mechanics are built specifically to discourage players from doing what we call "john ramboing". You absolutely can do it...................... but you'll probably die..... but hey if you want to go out in style!!!

I won't lie, the FPS mechanics aren't the easiest but they aren't so hard that you can't pick it up and play. Thats why the FPS Module is important, so you can play the module without the risk of death that you would have in the PU! The skill ceiling is ridiculously high, so veteran FPS players will certainly have a lot to hold onto.

Zero G has lots of scenarios.

If you're in ZeroG inside a ship and you have a suit that has thrusters (or thruster attachment), you can move around but moving inside a ship with thrusters is difficult as movement isn't very smooth. You can also easily gain too much speed and slam into a wall, killing yourself.
If you're in ZeroG inside a ship without a suit that has thrusters you can use push/pull mechanics to move around the ship. Launching yourself from surfaces. the real danger here, of course, is floating off into the middle of a large room very slowly. This is the safest method of moving around a ship in ZeroG. you can also use your boots to walk along the walls/ceilings of most surfaces.

theres a whole lot of other conditionals with ZeroG too, especially if you're floating around in outer space!

Will there be any hand to hand or melee combat?

Absolutely, this ranges from brawling to disarming someone with a knife and stealth kills!

Haven't thought about sleepiness :) i mean, does that mean the in game character is awake for 12+ hours, is that our way of telling you you've played too much ;)

i don't know about that one, but injuries definitely do. they effect your aiming, ability to move in zerog, movement and more.

There'll always be some adapting for VR needs, but we built the mechanics to feel more like a VR simulator from the get go, so your head feels very independent of your body... your gun isn't glued to your face, for example.

There certainly will be 1 shot kills but it all depends on your armor, weapon and ammo type.

The recoil is visible through the movement of the gun. Where the gun barrel is pointing is where your shot is going to go.

There will be both an inventory system and weapon customization.

There is a radar though where enemies will show up based on how much noise they are making or if they are visible.

Will artificial limbs/implants affect your proficiency in fps?? For example:
Artificial arm= decreased weapon recoil/increased reload speed etc...
Will we be able to opt to have "surgery" specifically to have an edge in fps?

They certainly will, but they will have negative side effects to them as well (such as being more prone to energy damage/emp effects)

yes we actually have our own TITAN armor :) its a lot smaller though, about 8 feet talk, like minimech. i'd say more like the maxx armor in planetside 2 :)

Can we expect a lot of First person animations like treating smaller injuries (Far Cry 2) and the Character playing randomly with his weapon if hes being idle for some time?

Yes you can. And since our animations are exactly the same for thirdperson and firstperson, you will be able to see when a friendly character is healing himself up so you can provide cover for him/her.

The jump will be a realistic height, but we haven't put much work into it yet. There will also be a climb system where you can pull yourself up ledges and such.

yes there is serious limb damage implications that will effect all sorts of stuff like this. if your lower legs are ruined (and your not bleeding out) you'll be forced to crawl. If you damage your arms, your weapons will fall out of your hands, etc.

There is a gadget you can deploy that will shield you from some incoming fire.

No magazines and clips do not magically refill themselves. If you put a half full magazine in your inventory the system going to remember the amount of bullets that are in there. You should pick good times to reload, and conserve your ammo.

In all FPS games I know, it occours that if you reload a gun and it's like 90% finished and you have to aboard that animation (for a quick melee attack or a weapons change) and go back to that weapon the reloading animation starts again all the way from the beginning. This is really annoying and quite unrealistic too, because why would you again change the mag if you just have done it and only need to cock the gun to be ready.
So, will weapons reloading animations in SC be more dynamic than that or have some kind of checkpointsystem (old mag out, new mag in, cocked)?

If you take a mag out of your gun it is out of the gun, so if you are interrupted in between taking the mag out/putting a mag in, it will start with putting the mag in. magazines have physical spots on your body. We don't do bullet in the chamber for reloading (it is auto put in the magazine) for sanity sake.

Will we be able to carry/drag/move wounded/KO'd people? (like dishonored/hitman absolution/army of two)

yes but they won't be shooting like that, if your'e down and bleeding out, that means the pain is so bad you can't move (imagine an arm being ripped to shreds)

since the camera is where your eyes are, will the animations for being hit cause the camera/your head to swing around wildly?

with limitation, we counter balance it so its not so bad. we have to find the line of 'what your head does' vs 'what your brain interprets' - which is in our natural movements....

We'll have some tricks for this! Our lead programmer has a pretty cool way spec'd out on how we are going to implement AIMBOT counter measures... I image its probably one thing he doesn't want me to talk to much about though but I'll see if we can shed some more light on it.

it'll be a lot slow paced but you are very fast to kill if not careful, playing the fps is an experience that requires patience and very careful timing. We recommend playing a lot in the FPS Module to enhance your skills before playing in the PU - since the death penalty will simply be waiting until the next round.

the customization is more like crysis 3/stalker where you can put attachments on your weapons Changing ammo types also radically alter the way your weapon works too.

there is a portable shield device.

Stealth is a massive component of the game, players with no armor/light armor will HAVE to rely on being stealthy or they will get killed very fast. Our goal is to make sure all levels accommodate a balance for stealthy vs. non-stealthy players.

There is nothing like a katana, but there is silent kills with melee (as well as defense/disarm countermeasures) and also a brawling system for fist fighting.

weapons/ammo/gadgets for combat are carried on the outside of your body, you will visibly see them on another character - and even do things like shoot grenades or damage their weapons. The type of armor you are wearing dictates how much of each category you can carry.

As Kedhrin mentioned we are going more for an immersive camera. The camera is rendered right at the players eyes. One of our biggest concerns with doing this way has been motion sickness and a lot of thought has gone into this to make it right. When we first got the system working it was pretty drastic. As the animation of the character's head would bob as you run you would notice a lot of movement. You've probably seen that at one point running around the hanger. But we put a lot of thought and hard work into making this right. Its always been a challenge in video games to do it this way because on screen even slight movement seems extreme when rendered to the screen. When you go running your body is moving up and down and head can move side to side. You don't notice because of the way your eyes focus, brain compensates etc. We tried to recreate something similar to how your brain works in code. We added an eye stabilization system that focuses on points in the distance that helps damping the movement of the animation similar to how your eyes and brain work. I'm really happy with how it turn out. Movement feels really good with some exception of some edge cases we are working out.

Yes a lot of us have experience and an understanding of guns. During the design and implementation phases we would often go to the shooting range. Some of our staff also has served as well.

Kar se pa financ tiče:
280 ljudi stane minimalno 20 milijonov dolarjev letno. Ni še dost, ni še dost :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Isht ()

Isht ::

Še ena kul situacija, ki bo čisto možna:
there are so many. lets just pull one randomly from the sky.
A Persistent Universe experience. I'm a stealthy, solo player. I find a wrecked ship, i know scavengers will be around soon. I find a crate and put myself in it. I let the scavengers take the crate and put me in their ship. When i'm on their ship, some time later, i get out of the crate. Very quietly, i rummage around and find some goodies i like. I steal those... now i can either - A) Jump out the airlock and call a ride or B) go to their engine room and self destruct their ship or C) quietly hunt and execute the entire staff and take their ship.... or Z) they could have scanned the crate properly before loading it, blasted it with their ship and me with it....

Isht ::

Še iz Reddita:
you can cut through the hull, sneak on board through many mischievous techniques, blasting hatches, etc. entry points are very carefully chosen, however. essentially they're 'vulnerable' points of a ship/station. Windows are generally extremely fortified.

There are various systems in a ship, gravity, power, oxygen, various hazards, your engine, shields, etc. - when you start playing with power in the ship, for example, you can accidentally overload a system and have to run and fix it! or you could... 'accidentally' throw a grenade into an unprotected gravity generator

A mixture of Counter-Strike, Rainbow Six, Arma, Delta Force, Kill Zone

holograms, claymore like objects, personal healing, drills for doors/vents, shields, grenades, trip wires... the gadgets will really expand and offer a ton of ways to customize your strategy.

If an airlock is breached, will the vacuum in the ship begin pulling unrestrained items out of the airlock, including players?

you better believe it! This introduces many mechanics. If an attacking team doesn't want to deal with them, you can also latch onto a ship and create a tunnel between your ship and the enemies, which will allow for a smooth transition.

there will be some destruction but its not a key component as most of the environments are, well, solid metal cover has a smooth interpolation system that will allow players do all the various moves they would expect in cover (lean/peek/crouch/move in cover/etc.)

There may be ricocheting bullets but its not currently a major focus.

Absolutely, your limb damage will have severe impacts on how the mechanics work - and it is limb specific too, not just an overall of 'oh youre kind of hurt'. For example, if your left arm is hurt but you throw grenades with your right, your right throw won't really be impacted.

it is planned for players to choose their dominant hand it will have a direct impact resulting from limb damage.

hey there!
1) Everything is animation driven. What your character looks like he is doing, you are seeing. This brings us interesting challenges but we're ironing them out as i write this! Movement will have walk/run/sprint/crouch/prone/slide(on knees)/sidle/cover/leaning/peeking/climbing/etc. The movement is designed to discourage players going ballistic though, so its not super fast paced like COD games.
2) The initial offering will have a little customization but more will come into play down the road. lots of attachments and ammo types!
3) I don't think the gore detail will go super far, but who knows, maybe one day! for now it will mostly be animation and particle/decal focused.
4) I'm sure there'll be the 'classic' weapons that can be found somewhere in the universe, i don't know about that weapon in particular though!

There will be attachments for weapons and different ammo types, the amount of customization will vary based on the weapon.

There certainly will be some gains to having a cybernetic limb for certain elements. This puts you at risk in other areas too, especially from EMP type damage or radiation/laser weaponry.

If I'm fighting on a ship and a bullet pierces the hull or an explosion goes of causing a hull breach, can everyone be sucked into space? Also if that happens, will there be an emergency lock-down that shuts doors to the breached section so the whole ship does not depressurize?

yes everyone will be sucked out unless you turn on your boots to suction to a surface in time! Most rooms that are near a hull will have 2 airlock doors that automatically shut in case of decompression.

The FPS Module has tons of predefined game modes and levels that are designed around perfecting your skill on a mechanic in the game. There will be lots of scenarios that explore cooperative/team based mechanics. Of course, in the PU there will be almost endless possibilities. it is best to train yourself up in as many different situations as possible!

1) There will be lots of styles of gameplays and levels, like tdm style, seek and destroy, capture and hold, etc. they will vary depending on the style of the level. Scenarios is a special type of game mode, that allows players to really define what they want to do. 2) The FPS Module is like Arena Commander, its very specific maps/modes only, the FPS mechanics in the Persistent Universe is a lot different, which allows full freedom of players, exploration of social hubs/etc.

the big thing is how the game is animation driven, the camera is where your eyes physically are. The hud is on the helmet, not on your face. there is no different 'first person arms' like in other fps games. because of this, we have to dial things to very specific settings but are observing it carefully and figuring out what we can expose.

tactical, more like 1/2 shots, the down time varies on what you're doing. if you're bleeding out you'll die fast. if you're in the PU the penalty is steep. but if you're playing within the fps module only you just wait untill the next round.
if a limb is ruined you cant fight, this is assuming the pain is so unbearable you're pretty much dead unless someone stops the bleeding. if the limb is ruined you can't get it healed until after the fight has ended. If the limb is just hurt a lot, you may be limping and fighting can be really difficult, but you can still fight.
armor scales from no armor/light armor/medium armor/heavy armor/titan armor. titan is like a mini-mech. Each has their own pluses and minuses. Heavy Armor would be more like a master chief armor, yes, with serious multipliers against head shots though. Heavy armor is clunky, loud, slow and limits your mobility though. Titan armor is even more restrictive (and expensive) but demands presence on the battlefield.


your limbs all equal a total health but those limb states will have an impact on how quickly your overall health dwindles and bleeding out is a state that can happen if any limb is 'ruined', which can make you die rather quickly.

I dont know about limb severing as that enters gore territory but your limbs will certainly be 'ruined' and therefore useless and need to be replaced with a fake limb.

Certain walls (that can be breached) have integrity levels that can be destroyed in various way - through weapon fire and other devices. if you breach the hull of a room, it decompresses and everything thats not bolted down will come flying out!

With the mixture of weapons, ammo types, attachments and armors, theres numerous variables to consider. Snipers will certainly have 'armor penetrating' guns and ammo for heavy armored players. with the right rifle and ammo, you can definitely 1 shot kill a heavy armored player in the head. However, the balance mechanics there will be intense (like it may not just be click and fire, there may be a warm up before the shot).

Yes, there are lots of gadgets you can use to setup complex defenses!

Yes, breathing is a HUGE system in fps. Holding you breath while aiming down iron sights is another system too. If youre running and moving around a lot, is a lot more difficult to stabilize your shots. the best technique you can have is to move slow, take your time and work together with your team.
most methods of telling your status will be through auditory/visual feedback with your avatar. it is our goal to not introduce many game-y elements to the user.

Parkour: Its very limited, we don't want players to be these amazing gymanstic performers, it goes against the immersive feel of the world!

Where your weapon points is where your weapon shoots. The third person gun is what your gun will actually do, which makes not aiming down iron sights very risky business. you certainly can run down a hall shooting but you'll be insanely inaccurate. it is recommended to ADS and walk calm during your encounters.

flame throwers will certainly be a possibility not sure about a battle axe but who knows! there certainly is proximity mines
that would make for a fearsome character encounter :E

Dami ::

Mene sam zanima kak bo folk prenesu, da fašeš headshot in je praktično game over. Ne boš se samo respawnal in back to the field. Zgubiš gear/ship/life/čas=money. Razn kakih možnih izjem kjer te lahk revivajo (čeprav dvomim kak bo headshot rešljiv), lahk sam alt+f4 al pa greš delat nekaj novega.
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

Ang3lo ::

Saj imaš zavarovano ladjo/robo, tebe pa klonirajo. Če ti ne paše naj bi bila v nastavitvah tudi opcija, za omejitev katere ljudi ti dodaja v najbližje instance. Lahko pa greš na privatne strežnike, ki bojo modani.

Isht ::

Ja, zato pa imamo insurance. Hull insurance ti itak pokrije samo ladjo, potem pa boš lahko zavaroval tudi upgrade in cargo. Potem pa glej, da ne boš delal neumnosti in se pustil razstrelit ali boardat.

Kdor se bo šel rambota, bo fasal. Dev je lepo napisal: "The mechanics are built specifically to discourage players from doing what we call "john ramboing". You absolutely can do it... but you'll probably die..... but hey if you want to go out in style!!!"

Igra bo taktična. Tudi pirati bodo razmislili, če se jim splača it 'boarding'.

Sicer pa, če se greš dogfight, je tudi šansa, da te razstrelijo in spet izgubiš življenje, ladjo, čas. Življenje dobiš nazaj, ko te obudijo v bolnici, ladjo dobiš nazaj preko insurance, časa pa pač ne. Če te sovražnik ubije v bitki, se ne moreš respawnat in it v bitko dalje, kar je prav: kogar ubijejo, je 'out'.
FPS je samo podaljšek te logike. Zakaj bi FPS imel respawne, če jih space sim nima?

Isht ::


BlackMaX ::

Isht je izjavil:

Ja, zato pa imamo insurance. Hull insurance ti itak pokrije samo ladjo, potem pa boš lahko zavaroval tudi upgrade in cargo. Potem pa glej, da ne boš delal neumnosti in se pustil razstrelit ali boardat.

Kdor se bo šel rambota, bo fasal. Dev je lepo napisal: "The mechanics are built specifically to discourage players from doing what we call "john ramboing". You absolutely can do it... but you'll probably die..... but hey if you want to go out in style!!!"

Igra bo taktična. Tudi pirati bodo razmislili, če se jim splača it 'boarding'.

Sicer pa, če se greš dogfight, je tudi šansa, da te razstrelijo in spet izgubiš življenje, ladjo, čas. Življenje dobiš nazaj, ko te obudijo v bolnici, ladjo dobiš nazaj preko insurance, časa pa pač ne. Če te sovražnik ubije v bitki, se ne moreš respawnat in it v bitko dalje, kar je prav: kogar ubijejo, je 'out'.
FPS je samo podaljšek te logike. Zakaj bi FPS imel respawne, če jih space sim nima?

Meni je kr všeč taka logika...če ne nič, bo prisililo ljudi v razmišlanje ali pa v formiranje skupin za skupno dobro :)

Isht ::

Še več vprašanj in odgovorov, tokrat v video obliki. Travis Day je ta vikend med live streamom za namene Extra Life dobrodelne kampanje odgovarjal na vprašanja. Zelo zanimivo.

Dami ::

Cool. Razumem da so utrujeni, sam imeti roko pred usti while talking....
Also, zberejo 60m za virtualne ladje, za otroke pa 3.100$...
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Dami ()

Truga ::

Dami je izjavil:

Also, zberejo 60m za virtualne ladje, za otroke pa 3.100$...

Zakaj visis na internetu, bi pa ja raje dal narocnino za otroke?

Isht ::


Hm, v zero-g v zraku, ko streljaš, te recoil ne potiska nazaj?
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Isht ::

TESKAn je izjavil:

Hm, v zero-g v zraku, ko streljaš, te recoil ne potiska nazaj?

WIP. To je bil samo prvi predstavitveni demo. Dejanski FPS modul za igranje dobimo v začetku 2015.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Isht ()

BigWhale ::

Drzim pesti, da ne bo to na konc nekaj kar je na pol narejeno in dela samo priblizno tako, kot so si zamislili.

Isht ::

Moj novi Redeemer:

*** To je ladja, ki je zmagala v TNGS (the next great starship). Designed by fans, for the fans.

Isht ::

Arena Commander 1.0 je zunaj, in sedaj je mogoče letati s celo paleto ladij:

Aurora ES, MR, CL, LX in LN variante
Mustang Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta in Omega variante (Mustangi so nove 'starter' ladje: Alpha je osnovna, Beta je 'long range scout', Gamma je racer, Delta je military, Omega je ekskluzivni racer, ki se ga da dobit samo z AMD grafičnimi karticami)
Hornet, Ghost, Tracker in Super variante
300i, 315p, 325a, 350r variante

Online načini igranja:
Battle Royale (deathmatch free for all)
Squadron Battle (team deathmatch)
Capture the Core (CTF varianta)
Vanduul swarm coop (kjer s prijatelji pobijaš AI)
Murray cup racing (dirkanje)

Single-player načini igranja:
Vanduul Swarm
Murray cup racing (trening)

V naših hangarjih je cela paleta ladij, kdor si jih lasti:
Mustang (5 variant), Aurore (5 variant), Horneti (4 variante), 300i (4 variante), M50, Gladius, Gladiator, Avenger, Cutlass (tri variante), Freelancer (4 variante), Constellation (4 variante), Redeemer

Arena Commander sedaj vključuje pravi 'lobby system', da se lažje vključiš v online igro ali povabiš prijatelje v private match. Sama simulacija sedaj vključuje emisije in prepoznavanje le-teh (signatures) ter boljši countermeasure sistem in sistem različnih sledilnih naprav za rakete. Izboljšano simuliranje G-efektov (dodani lateralni Gji).
Manual za AC: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/medi...

Novi Mustangi imajo seveda novo reklamo:

Tu pa je novi trailer za Star Citizen kot celoto:

Dami ::

Hmm, Aurora MR kosta 30$, Mustang alfa pa 45$ vendar lahk upgrejdaš za 0$ wtf? To verjetno zato kr so obljubil da se bo dalo. Kaj pa tisti k mamo LN (sej ne da bi hotu, but still)?
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

Isht ::

CCU upgradi za Auroro LX in LN tudi pridejo (vse ladje, ki so flyable, naj bi imele možnost Cross Chassis Upgrade).

In ja, $0 za sidegrade, najbrž zato, ker je bilo tako obljubljeno :)

Je pa razlika med paketom Mustang Alpha za $45 in pa Aurora MR za $30:

Aurora MR kot standalone stane $25 (Mustang Alpha pa $30)
Aurora MR paket ima 2 month insurance (Mustang Alpha paket ima 3 month insurance)
Aurora MR paket nima beta access (Mustang Alpha pa ga ima).

Se je pa zelo splačalo kupit Aurora Anniversary package: tisti je stal $20, pa je imel Beta access in Arena Commander pass, pa še 6-month insurance... Potem pa vzameš Mustang Alpha CCU za $0, pa imaš Mustang Alpha paket z Beta, 6 meseci zavarovanja in še AC pass, vse to za $20 :)

Samo tisti paketi so pošli včeraj v parih urah.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Isht ()

Truga ::

BTW, ce hoce kdo kle to kupt, kupis tko da na ebayu kupis AMD kodo, in dobis 3 igre. Za eno si zberes star citizena, pol pa se 2 drugi dobis. Na ebayu grejo kode za izpod $20.

Isht ::

Truga je izjavil:

BTW, ce hoce kdo kle to kupt, kupis tko da na ebayu kupis AMD kodo, in dobis 3 igre. Za eno si zberes star citizena, pol pa se 2 drugi dobis. Na ebayu grejo kode za izpod $20.

Mhm, jaz sem si to omislil ravno zarad Mustang Omega ($60 vreden paket)... Pol pa zraven še Alien Isolation in Sniper Elite, nej slabu.

Phantomeye ::

kako dobiš omega racerja, jaz sem si 2 mesca nazaj kupil r9 amd, pa ne vidim/najdem nič v zvezi s tem

Isht ::

Phantomeye je izjavil:

kako dobiš omega racerja, jaz sem si 2 mesca nazaj kupil r9 amd, pa ne vidim/najdem nič v zvezi s tem

Samo določeni retailerji imajo to promocijo (AMD Never Settle). Ne vem, če kateri slovenski prodajalec...

BlackMaX ::

A kod še gika to?

Kako napredujete?

BigWhale ::

Kaj pa pomeni 'gikati'?

BlackMaX ::

BigWhale je izjavil:

Kaj pa pomeni 'gikati'?

No pa dajmo drugače.

Ali še kdo igra to igrico na svojem osebnem računalniku?

nodrim ::

Igrica je bil Pong, SC je pa veliko veliko več ;)

Isht ::

Gikamo, gikamo. In potrpežljivo čakamo na še več novega...

Dami ::

Jebemti, $ je že tak skor isti ko € zaj pa še 22% zravn. Jaz pa mislu kak bom na avengerja upgrejdal ko pride... FU EU.
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

Isht ::

Jap, EU direktiva nas bo dobro usekala po žepih.

Bo treba najt kak način, kako do ladij po normalnih cenah. Npr. da nekomu, ki mu zaupaš, nakažeš preko Paypala, pa ti on kupi in gifta (ali pa celo, da kupi iz tvojega accounta s svojim Paypal računom).

Tu dvomim, da bo samo VPN deloval, ker je pomoje omejitev vezana na lastnika plačilnega sredstva (kreditna kartica, paypal itd).

Dami ::

Veliko novosti na Gamesconu. Saitek prototipi hotasa, miši, tipkovnice, slušalk, social module še ta mesec, FPS bojde do oktobra, pomoje pa skupaj z AC 2.0, katerega demo je IMHO vsem skeptikom zaprl usta. Ostali pa pobiramo čeljusti s tal.
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

BlackMaX ::

So awesome!

Isht ::

Bil na eventu v Kolnu. Demoti so res fantastični.

Govoril s Chrisom Robertsom na "meet and greet" po eventu za par minut (tolk, da mi je podpisal par stvari).
Na GamesComu je SC imel tudi svoj (majhen) štant, kjer smo čvekali z Disco Landom.

V soboto smo se dobili popoldne v Beergartnu v Kolnu, kjer smo ga pili do poznih ur (in sta se pridružila tudi Chris in Erin Roberts).

Fun times.

BlackMaX ::

Isht je izjavil:

Bil na eventu v Kolnu. Demoti so res fantastični.

Govoril s Chrisom Robertsom na "meet and greet" po eventu za par minut (tolk, da mi je podpisal par stvari).
Na GamesComu je SC imel tudi svoj (majhen) štant, kjer smo čvekali z Disco Landom.

V soboto smo se dobili popoldne v Beergartnu v Kolnu, kjer smo ga pili do poznih ur (in sta se pridružila tudi Chris in Erin Roberts).

Fun times.

No please share don't tease :)

So kej dobrega povedal :P

Isht ::

Nič dramatičnega :) O stvareh, ki so še [redacted] (torej Squadron 42 detajli) niso hoteli govorit. Edino Disco Lando je na GamesComu povedal, da je zasedba igralcev v Squadron 42 epična, in da se ostale big budget igre (recimo Call Of Duty s Kevinom Spaceyem) lahko skrijejo v kako luknjo - da so v zasedbi oskarjevi nominiranci (ali celo nagrajenci) in podobno, in da so se ravno zaradi te zvezdniške zasedbe odločili, da bodo snemali v Andy Serkisovem mocap studiu (ker ima Serkisov studio pač veliko več izkušenj). Več ni hotel povedat :)

Erin se je malo razgovoril o razvoju ladij in assetov, npr. Idris (ki je v AC2.0 demotu vidna na koncu, ko leti mimo) je zunaj SKORAJ končana, notri pa je greybox faza zaključena in sedaj delajo na texturing in lighting. Povedal je, da je npr. Retaliator vzet kot prototip za multicrew funkcionalnosti, in da bo potem lažje to aplicirat na ostale velike ladje, ko bo ta prototip zaključen. Z Idris pa so izdelali veliko assetov (npr. stene, bulkheadi ipd), ki jih bodo potem kot lego kocke zlagali skupaj za večje ladje (Javelin), tako da bo razvoj večjih ladij lažji.

Chris je praktično vse povedal že na live predstavitvi, kaj bistveno novega ni povedal osebno.

Isht ::

Squadron 42 zasedba:
Gary Oldman
Mark Hamill
Mark Strong
John Rhys Davies
Gillian Anderson
Andy Serkis
Liam Cunningham (Ser Davos Seaworth iz Game of Thrones)
Jack Huston (Richard Harrow iz Boardwalk Empire)

Alpha 2.0 demo:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Isht ()

BorutK-73 ::

Isht, kaj veš kaj se dogaja z afero Escapist?

Isht ::

BorutK-73 je izjavil:

Isht, kaj veš kaj se dogaja z afero Escapist?

Vem to:
Lizzy, ki je napisala članek, je na Twitterju dobra kolegica z Derekom Smartom.
Derek Smart je tisti tip, ki je totalno obseden z blatenjem Star Citizena. In ko rečem "totalno obseden", mislim točno to. Na dan 20 tvitov, vsi o Star Citizen. Enkrat na teden ali enkrat na dva tedna blog zapis dolžine krajšega romana, spet o Star Citizenu. Namesto da bi tip razvijal svojo igro, se ukvarja z blatenjem tuje.

Escapist je povzel pisarjenje Dereka Smarta besedo za besedo, zraven pa so navrgli še nekaj "pričevanj" bivših zaposlenih (kar se seveda ne da preveriti, saj je vse "anonimno"). Pri tem je zelo smrdljivo recimo to, da je Lizzy prvi članek napisala 25. septembra, drugega (tisti odmevni) pa 1. oktobra. Točno vmes (26. 27. in 28. september) pa so se na eni spletni strani, kjer zaposleni ocenjujejo svoje delodajalce, pojavili zapisi, iz katerih je Lizzy citirala za svoj drugi članek.

Escapist je 24 ur pred objavo CIG poslal vprašanja v zvezi s člankom, in CIG je isti dan poslal odgovor, ki ga Escapist potem ni vključil v članek (kasneje so se zgovarjali, da je odgovor iz CIG pristal v njihovem spam folderju).

Potem je CIG poslal odgovor Escapistu z zahtevo, da članek umaknejo (retract) in se javno opravičijo, ter da če hočejo videti, kako CIG dela in kakšno je stanje na firmi, naj pridejo na obisk.
Escapist članka ni umaknil.
Trenutno pojma nimam, kaj se dogaja, je pa možno, da bo CIG šel v pravdanje, saj gre pri članku za kar hude obtožbe in klevetanje, za katero ni nobenih dokazov.

Ena od glavnih stvari, ki jih trdi Derek Smart (in tudi Escapist), je, da SC nikoli ne bo dokončan. Kdor spremlja razvoj, lahko brez težav vidi, kakšen ogromen napredek so CIG naredili v zadnjem letu.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Isht ()
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