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Elekro-n ne dela

Highlag ::
Pa dela no. Če iti rečem.
Sicer pa, kakšen eror ti pa pregledovalnik sploh sporoči?
Si proizkusil z PING komando iz ukazne vrstice?
Kaj dobiš kot odgovor?

Sicer pa, kakšen eror ti pa pregledovalnik sploh sporoči?
Si proizkusil z PING komando iz ukazne vrstice?
Kaj dobiš kot odgovor?

DJroky ::
Host: header containing unknown local host name
There are four possible reasons you are seeing this error message.
1) The domain you are trying to view was added to our server cluster since the last time the server cluster synchronized with the main server. Our server cluster synchronizes once each day. If this is the reason you are seeing this error message, please come back to this URL 12-24 hours from now. This error message will most likely be replaced with the correct website by then.
2) You may have mistyped the URL.
3) You are using a really old browser, such as Netscape 1.0. All of the sites we host use hostname based multihoming. If you are using Netscape 1.0 or IE2, please upgrade to a newer version of your favorite browser. Netscape 2.02 and newer will work. MS-IE3 and newer will work.
4) You typed the IP address of our load balancer into your browser instead of the domain name of your site.
There are four possible reasons you are seeing this error message.
1) The domain you are trying to view was added to our server cluster since the last time the server cluster synchronized with the main server. Our server cluster synchronizes once each day. If this is the reason you are seeing this error message, please come back to this URL 12-24 hours from now. This error message will most likely be replaced with the correct website by then.
2) You may have mistyped the URL.
3) You are using a really old browser, such as Netscape 1.0. All of the sites we host use hostname based multihoming. If you are using Netscape 1.0 or IE2, please upgrade to a newer version of your favorite browser. Netscape 2.02 and newer will work. MS-IE3 and newer will work.
4) You typed the IP address of our load balancer into your browser instead of the domain name of your site.

elson2k ::
hm hm meni tudi ne odpre. kolegu naprimer odpre normalno , ceprav imava oba ie6 brskalnik. on je prek volje, jaz prek siola (adsl). mogoce to tezava? siol?

matjaz000 ::
Meni tudi ne dela. Imam ADSL in IE6.
LP, matjaz
LP, matjaz
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: matjaz000 ()

jjohny ::
Pravkar sem klical na 0801000. Imam ADSL.
Tip je rekel, da je verjetno napaka pri njih. Rekel je da morajo refreshat DNS, to pa bodo storili jutri. Pa takšen 24 urni servis???
lp, jani
Tip je rekel, da je verjetno napaka pri njih. Rekel je da morajo refreshat DNS, to pa bodo storili jutri. Pa takšen 24 urni servis???
lp, jani

MadMax ::
Enako pri meni (ADSL).

Stvari so preproste, le ljudje smo neverjetni mojstri, da jih zakompliciramo.

MadMax ::
No, meni je začel delat...
Stvari so preproste, le ljudje smo neverjetni mojstri, da jih zakompliciramo.

Highlag ::
Ja očitno je Siol spet nekaj pri DNS serverjih pobrkljal. Vsaj tako pravijo na Elektron-ovem forumu.
Jaz sem namreč priklopljen preko Telemacha!
Jaz sem namreč priklopljen preko Telemacha!

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