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dado2 ::

Imam en blem in sicer v modulih.

Ce sem natancen v moduli kernell32. Primer ko zapiram IE (win98) se mi pojavi da je kao napaka v modulih in kernell32.dll in rac mi frizne.... Nicesar ne moram narediti razen hard-reset mi deluje. Kaj lahko naredim v teh primerih ?

Help Please

:\ :\ :\ :)
Be Happy All

Zheegec ::

You're fucked now :) pomaga samo replacat kernel32.dll. Poizkusi s simpl instaliranjem ISTE verzije Win, kot jih maš gor še enkrat čez ta stare. Drugače pa pač format :)
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

dado2 ::

Ja sem nekaj bral da bi menjal kernel32dll file ki skrbi za to baje da je v memoriju dovolj placa za izvajanje winsow ali nekaj takega.
Sicer pa me zanjima ce je mozno menjat kernel32.dll kkao drugace ne samo s formatom kot si mi predlagal :))

Thankx:) :) :)

boštjan ::

saj ti ni samo formatiranja predlagal,malo boljše preberi njegov post in verjemi da včasih zadeva deluje

AngelOfDeath ::

zamenjava dostikrat ne deluje pomaga samo format

manijakk ::

Men je ven metalo Autocad 2002 in javlov napako v Kernelu32, pa sem pametnjakovič prepisov datoteko v dosu od kolega Kernel. Se mi je sesu rač. da ni poznal ukaza niti format c:, (dva dni zajebancije za ponovno vspostavitev sistema), zato ti priporočam da greš z Winsi še enkrat čez, še najbolš pa je format.
BTW v datoteki Kernel32 se shranjujejo podatki o inštaliranih programih v rač.

Killy ::

Sicer ne vem, ce ima to veze v tvojem primeru pa vseeno.
Nekoc na starem racunalu se mi je pogosto pojavljal kernel32 error. Tudi reinstalacija winsov in podobno ni pomagala. Na koncu sem ugotovil, da je bil vsega kriv ram. Po zamenjavi je vse delovalo tako kot mora.

Lep pozdrav.

BoGo ::

No, kot protiutez prejsnjemu odgovoru pa naj povem, da pa je meni bil problem z kernel32.dll errorji odpravljen, ko sem reinstaliral windowse.

dado2 ::

Winsi so bili
na naovo nalozeni in sicer IE se mi vedno rece da je nekaj narobe z registiri kernel32.dlll error ... :)) Zdaj pa je edina moznost le da menjasmo ram in probbamo kako to zaspila....

Sicer pa ram se da baje testirat z enim programckom ne?
Ve kdo kaj o tem ???8-O 8-O 8-O

alf__ ::

Kernel32.dll Errors
Here are a few of the more common causes of Kernel32 errors:

Bad memory modules
Insert the command DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS /TESTMEM:ON into your Config.sys file. You can use the System Configuration Utility (Select Start > Run and type msconfig in the Open box and press OK, select the Config.sys tab and add the HIMEM.SYS line by pressing the New button). Windows will tell you to reboot your computer, watch your screen for a message HIMEM has detected unreliable memory at address xx:xxxxxx which will certainly indicate that there's a memory problem.

It may take several reboots over a period of days for this to show up. You can also download diagnostic software from BCM, BCM Diagnostics [3.87MB], or from AMI, you have to register to download a free demo version.

There is no 100% certain way to test memory except to either substitute known good modules or to use a hardware tester.

CPU, bus speed or multiplier overclocking. If you are overclocking... what do you expect?

Graphic acceleration set too high. Select Control Panel > System, then select the Performance tab, click the Graphics button. Turn down Hardware acceleration by moving the slider a notch to the left, reboot, try again. Repeat as necessary.

Bad or outdated drivers, especially video drivers. Check with your card manufacturer for an updated set of drivers. Video drivers are updated constandly, it pays to have the latest release, specially if you find yourself having problems with Internet Explorer.

Another possible error message is:

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 025f:bff87ede


IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in module at 0000.78581f00

This error can occur if the Aureate Radiate advertising module is installed on your computer. Note that this advertising module is included with over 250 shareware programs.

To identify if the Aureate Radiate advertising module is installed on your computer, download Ad-Aware, it will help you identify if the Aureate Radiate advertising module is installed on your system, and which software is using it.

Note: The Aureate Radiate advertising module is not included with any of our award-winning shareware from Rose City Software.

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