Forum » Operacijski sistemi » Windows XP - lsass.exe
Windows XP - lsass.exe
iztok15 ::
Imam problem. XP-ji se mi nocejo zagnati. Tik preden bi mo moralo pokazati uporabniske racune, da bi izbral uporabnika, mi pokaze sporocilno okno z naslovom lsass.exe - System Error z vsebino An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function ter gumb OK. Ko kliknem na gumb se to sporocilno okno pojavi ponovno in to traja v nedogled, ali pa se racunalnik resetira in ob ponovnem zagonu spet javi to napako. Kaj naj naredim? Ne bi rad formatiral diska ter vse na novo instaliral. Ali obstaja kaksna druga moznost?
Hvala za odgovor.
Imam problem. XP-ji se mi nocejo zagnati. Tik preden bi mo moralo pokazati uporabniske racune, da bi izbral uporabnika, mi pokaze sporocilno okno z naslovom lsass.exe - System Error z vsebino An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function ter gumb OK. Ko kliknem na gumb se to sporocilno okno pojavi ponovno in to traja v nedogled, ali pa se racunalnik resetira in ob ponovnem zagonu spet javi to napako. Kaj naj naredim? Ne bi rad formatiral diska ter vse na novo instaliral. Ali obstaja kaksna druga moznost?
Hvala za odgovor.
iztok15 ::
Sem malo brskal po internetu in sem ugotovil, da je po vsej verjetnosti to virus. Avtor virusa: Microsoft Na njihovi strani sem tudi nasel removable tool, programcek, ki naj bi ga odstranil. Vendar sedaj imam problem, kako naj pridem v xpje, da ga instaliram in zazenem? Buh.
Nikonja ::
Poskusi v safe modu !
Ko prizges racunlanik predan se nalozijo xp pritiskaj F8 in potem izberi Start Windows in safe mode !
Poskusi v safe modu !
Ko prizges racunlanik predan se nalozijo xp pritiskaj F8 in potem izberi Start Windows in safe mode !
iztok15 ::
Tudi v safe modu ne potegne z to razliko, da mi ne javi napake ampak se sredi nalaganja restarta.
iztok15 ::
Pa se bom znebil virusa ce dam reinstal? Ker po mojem mislenju, ce se ga ne znebim, tudi ko dam reinstal mi bo ob zagonu zajamru.
Nikonja ::
Ma to sam videl na enemu forumu kot edina resitev za to.
Ev ti tekst spodaj, upam da zastopis anglescino.
....Sorry to hear you are having computer troubles. I have had the lsass.exe problem many times in the past and have done more research on this problem then anyone on the planet (or so it feels).
To my disbelief, the easiest thing to do is just reinstall windows into the same directory.
When you boot from your XP CD, choose the option to install. Then choose the option to re-install Windows. Do not install to a new directory. When the system comes up, you will have lost your restore points, but they've NEVER helped me anyway. While installing windows, it will ask you to create your system users. For now, we are going to create a random user just to get your PC running again. Don't strain your brain trying to come up with a user name. You can use any ole name, but DON'T use the name of any of your old users. When the system comes up....reboot. Now, when your computer boots, you'll be taken to the login screen. Login as your original user name (the one you had trouble with) and go to the users settings under the control panel. From there, you can delete the random profile you just created when setting up windows.
Trust me, I've tried so many things, including the some of the stuff mentioned above. The only thing I've found to fix this problem is to reinstall Windows into the same directory the corrupt version is in.
LSASS = Local Security Authority Services Sysetm
This file is used when Windows determines what type user you are - Administrator, Power User, etc. This is why the error always comes just before you get to your desktop.
Problems with this file are creating the "Blue Screen Of Death". The reason your computer keeps restarting is because, by default, XP Home is set to reboot when there is a "Blue Screen Of Death". To disable this you can actually see the error message and try to determine the cause of your problem do this:
Open "System" icon from the control panel. Click "Settings" under Startup and Recovery. Now uncheck "Automatically Restart" under "System Failure".
I hope this helps. I know this is a time consuming process, but I'd bet all I own that this is the road you'll have to take at some point to get your system up and running again. If I were you, I'd just go ahead and take this road now.
Good luck, keep us posted on your progress
Oh, usually, the only time the LSASS problem is a virus is if the error message is listed as "Lsass.exe" instead of the normal "lsass.exe".
Ev ti tekst spodaj, upam da zastopis anglescino.
....Sorry to hear you are having computer troubles. I have had the lsass.exe problem many times in the past and have done more research on this problem then anyone on the planet (or so it feels).
To my disbelief, the easiest thing to do is just reinstall windows into the same directory.
When you boot from your XP CD, choose the option to install. Then choose the option to re-install Windows. Do not install to a new directory. When the system comes up, you will have lost your restore points, but they've NEVER helped me anyway. While installing windows, it will ask you to create your system users. For now, we are going to create a random user just to get your PC running again. Don't strain your brain trying to come up with a user name. You can use any ole name, but DON'T use the name of any of your old users. When the system comes up....reboot. Now, when your computer boots, you'll be taken to the login screen. Login as your original user name (the one you had trouble with) and go to the users settings under the control panel. From there, you can delete the random profile you just created when setting up windows.
Trust me, I've tried so many things, including the some of the stuff mentioned above. The only thing I've found to fix this problem is to reinstall Windows into the same directory the corrupt version is in.
LSASS = Local Security Authority Services Sysetm
This file is used when Windows determines what type user you are - Administrator, Power User, etc. This is why the error always comes just before you get to your desktop.
Problems with this file are creating the "Blue Screen Of Death". The reason your computer keeps restarting is because, by default, XP Home is set to reboot when there is a "Blue Screen Of Death". To disable this you can actually see the error message and try to determine the cause of your problem do this:
Open "System" icon from the control panel. Click "Settings" under Startup and Recovery. Now uncheck "Automatically Restart" under "System Failure".
I hope this helps. I know this is a time consuming process, but I'd bet all I own that this is the road you'll have to take at some point to get your system up and running again. If I were you, I'd just go ahead and take this road now.
Good luck, keep us posted on your progress
Oh, usually, the only time the LSASS problem is a virus is if the error message is listed as "Lsass.exe" instead of the normal "lsass.exe".
mauzer ::
- vstaviš instalacijski cd za WIN in bootaš iz njega
- počakaš da naloži tiste file, ki jih pač more
- ko te vpraša če hočeš popraviti windows z repair console, stisni R
- tukaj izbereš windows instalacijo (ponavadi 1) in vtipkaš administratorsko geslo (možnost je da geslo ni takšno, kot si ga nastavil zato boš moral uporabit linux boot cd z programom, ki pobriše windows gesla, jih resetira, nastavi na novo ipd. dobiš ga tukaj -> LINK )
- potem pišeš naslednje ukaze:
md tmp
copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\tmp\system.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\software c:\windows\tmp\software.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\sam c:\windows\tmp\sam.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\security c:\windows\tmp\security.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\default c:\windows\tmp\default.bak
delete c:\windows\system32\config\system
delete c:\windows\system32\config\software
delete c:\windows\system32\config\sam
delete c:\windows\system32\config\security
delete c:\windows\system32\config\default
copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\system
copy c:\windows\repair\software c:\windows\system32\config\software
copy c:\windows\repair\sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam
copy c:\windows\repair\security c:\windows\system32\config\security
copy c:\windows\repair\default c:\windows\system32\config\default
- pc se bo restartal in "voila" mogoče celo deluje ;)
- počakaš da naloži tiste file, ki jih pač more
- ko te vpraša če hočeš popraviti windows z repair console, stisni R
- tukaj izbereš windows instalacijo (ponavadi 1) in vtipkaš administratorsko geslo (možnost je da geslo ni takšno, kot si ga nastavil zato boš moral uporabit linux boot cd z programom, ki pobriše windows gesla, jih resetira, nastavi na novo ipd. dobiš ga tukaj -> LINK )
- potem pišeš naslednje ukaze:
md tmp
copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\tmp\system.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\software c:\windows\tmp\software.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\sam c:\windows\tmp\sam.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\security c:\windows\tmp\security.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\default c:\windows\tmp\default.bak
delete c:\windows\system32\config\system
delete c:\windows\system32\config\software
delete c:\windows\system32\config\sam
delete c:\windows\system32\config\security
delete c:\windows\system32\config\default
copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\system
copy c:\windows\repair\software c:\windows\system32\config\software
copy c:\windows\repair\sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam
copy c:\windows\repair\security c:\windows\system32\config\security
copy c:\windows\repair\default c:\windows\system32\config\default
- pc se bo restartal in "voila" mogoče celo deluje ;)
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
Spc ::
Ista zadeva se je meni zgodila in kolegu simultano 3 dni nazaj na Windows Server 2003.
Kaj te majo to neke fore?
Kaj te majo to neke fore?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Spc ()
Rauf ::
Mauzer, Hvala ti 100 krat! zadeva deluje! Pognal sem ERD Commander ter v CMD-ju vpisal ukaze ponovno zagnal sistem pa sistem več nič ne javi napake!
E5700@3,0Ghz;HD5770;LC_Power_550W;ASUS P5Q PRO;
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