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GTA3: Multi Theft Auto v0.2a

GTA3: Multi Theft Auto v0.2a

MrX ::

a je kdo že probal? jst sm si downloadal ta patch ampak pol nevem kako se poveže na kakšn server :(

patch za multiplayer

Trubadur ::

hvala enako:'(
Berite Thomasa!

MrX ::

Instructions how to get started with GTA3MTA

Start GTA3MTA, and you will see the GTA3 Admin Console. Under the Multiplayer-tab, you can start a server, join a server. To start a game, click Start Server and start GTA3. Let the other computer start GTA3MTA, join your server (typing the ip-address in the textbox and clicking 'join server'), and start GTA3.
On the server-computer you first have to enter a car (doesn't matter what type), then immediatly exit that car (so that the car you've just been used, the 'previous' car, is available for the other computer),
and enter another car (this is my second vehicle, doesn't matter what type). Then the other computer (client) should do exactly the same, and when the other computer is in the second vehicle too,
the server-computer should press ALT+F12 (or any other key listed under Keyboard Shortcuts, '(CHANGED) Activate/Deactivate Multiplayer') and now my previous (first) car should belong to the client now.
[For example: I start GTA3, start my savegame in Shortside Hideout, walk to my banshee in the garage, enter my banshee, when my player entered the car,
I step out of the car, I walk to my stinger, enter my stinger, wait until the other computer is in a second car too, and then I press ALT+F12 and my previous car (banshee) should be moving like the car on the other computer

a gre zdej kdo špilat??? 8-)

V-i-p ::

Hmm, ali zadevšna ne dela, ali pa jaz ne delam nekaj prav. Namreč, zaženem to konzolo, osvežim listo serverjev, kopiram enega tja kjer piše SERVER IP, kliknem Connect to server, na desni piše Joining server, zgodi se pa nič...
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!

MrX ::

V-i-p, dej ti dam jst svoj server pa probi če bo pol šlo. odgovor tle, al pa na Email

V-i-p ::

No, prosim, da testirava, tukaj mi ga napiši, takoj ko opazim, pa probam!
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!

MrX ::

ja nemorm jst kr odpret server in pol tebe čakat. zment se morva da se prklopš takoj po tem k jst odprem server, ker je samo za 2 playerja.

shock ::

Če je vam kaj uspelo kr napište kako in kaj. Tud mene to zanima.

V-i-p ::

He, he, sej nisem mislil, da boš poganjal server par dni pa mene čakal zraven :D. Mislil sem, da boš zvečer napisal, ko sem bi dosti na forumu. No, če boš imel čas, mi pošlji danes PM (zasebno sporočilo) z uro in ipjem, pa bova probala, ali pa napiši, kdaj boš na ircu, pa se bova zmenila.
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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