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Program za web server?

Program za web server?

Hojne ::

Iščem program preko katerega bi laufala stran iz PC-ja in ne enga zastonj providerja. Neki v smislu Serv-U za FTP, ......... za Web???

IceIceBaby ::

Apache web server.

Ce mas pa win2k gor mas pa zraven itak IIS. To mas web, ftp ... Samo pazi se mal code red in podobnih stvari.

SLOWWWeb.net ::

Jano, sam sem jih sprobal celo goro, tako da ti tukaj lahko kar dobro pomagam:
Če iščeš kakšen zastonj server:

Mini Personal Web Server
Simple and easy personal web server to allow friends and family to view web pages and download files from your own personal Windows based PC. There are no fancy features to deal with, no cgi, no asp or anything else to complicate your basic need to show your own web pages. Works great for what it's intended.


BRS WebWeaver
WebWeaver is a small but fully featured HTTP and FTP web server. It is multi-threaded and supports supports ISAPI, SSI & CGI. In addition it has IP address and URL based security restrictions, alias support, optional directory browsing and basic user authentication. In addition it provides error correction options, easy user management features and more. WebWeaver comes with an easy to use interface that lets you access and change all configuration option and good documentation.


MiniServer is a small and easy to use web server that supports CGI, PHP,PERL and ISAPI. (if installed). It uses a setup wizard to set the initial configuration options, even a total beginner can have the server up and running within a minute. MiniServer provides very basic functions, but is an easy to use server for home usage and beginners.


Sambar Server
Multi-threaded HTTP Server with many advanced features. It includes HTTP proxy functions, Search Engine, Log Analysis, Server-Side scripting, Virtual Hosting, Server-Side Includes, Aliases, WWW Filtering and DLL support as well as source code samples.


Gogys Server
Gogy's Server is a small server suite that contains a web server, a telnet server and an SMTP server. The HTTP server also supports "*.wml" & "*.wbmp" files so u can also publish ur WAP pages. It provides an easy to use and attractive interface for all 3 server components as well as an integrated mini browser to quickly test your web site. The servers should be considered for peronal use only, since they only provide basic functionality. Gogys Server is very easy to use and setup.


Talking Carrot
TalkingCarrot is a unique integrated Web Server and Site/Content Management platform that is so easy to use, anyone can use it. You don't even need to know HTML or any other coding language. The program combines a web server with a variety of web publishing functions like WYSWIG html page creation, design templates and more. Even though, you don't have to be an experienced webmaster, Talking Carrot does not limit you to simple page creation - it offers many interactive features like community boards, member sign-ups and member-only sections as well as news posting, picture galleries and more. You can create more than one site (called "WebStations") and manage all of them from the same interface. Additional features include traffic monitoring, user management and more. You can use Talking Carrot on your local computer/IP address or upload the content to an exisiting web server. While certainly not a professional web server, it is a great for personal web publishing and a great introduction to the concept of web publishig and sharing in general.


MyWebServer is a small yet powerful and easy to use peer-to-peer web, file and application server. It allows you and your associates to access areas of your computer from any location using a standard web browser, just like any other internet web site. The server offers a step by step setup and complete configuration options that include advanced features like virtual directories, password protection, cgi-bin, uploads/downloads, favorites publishing, user list as well as support for dynamic IP address services like dyndns.org or eyep.net. A unique feature of MyWebServer is that it allows you to run in a dual server mode, using two instances of the server. Some people may find this useful if they want to have one server password protected while the other one runs public. Also handy is the built in "universal navigation bar" feature, that allows you to automatically insert a global navigation menu on every page. MyWebServer also comes with a built in search engine, message board posting and several other features. A very nice and unique package. It is easy to use, with friendly configuration menu and documentation. You'll be up and running in no time.


AnalogX SimpleServer:WWW
Ever wanted to set up a webserver so that you could have your friends check out a new page you're working on? Or maybe you'd just like to play around with HTML, and need to have a local webserver to get a good feel... Whichever the case, you've probably discovered that most of the webservers out there are, how should I put this, interface challenged. Sure, you can run Apache on your machine, but only after a couple hours hacking on cryptic text files; but now there's a better option... Introducing AnalogX SimpleServer:WWW, the first in a series of simple to use yet powerful servers! This webserver is SO easy to use, about the only thing you need to know how to do is drag and drop files; then just click on the 'Start' button, and you're webserver is up and running, serving your pages to the world! Best of all, SimpleServer minimizes to the system tray, so it doesn't take up valuable screen space when you're not working with it. SimpleServer:WWW supports MIME file typing, CGI, common log format, and multi-hosting, just to name a few! If you've always wanted a compact, easy to use, versatile webserver, then you're prayers have been answered!


Savant is a full-featured freeware web server for computers running Windows 95/98/NT. It's fast, secure, and easy-to-use. Supports CGI (comes with Perl5), HTTP/1.1, XML, password protection, access restriction, hundreds of simultaneous users, over 40 file types including MP3, RealVideo, and Microsoft Office, and much more!


TinyWeb Server
TinyWeb is extremely small , simple and fast Win32 daemon for regular (TCP/http) web servers. It runs from the command line and only provides minimal configurations. While limited in features, it is an easy to use and very small server that can run on any Windows machine and serve web pages.


Enables hosting of web sites on any personal computer (Windows, Macintosh, Linux or Solaris) which supports Java applications. Suitable for running an individual's personal web site or the web site or intranet for a small company as well as for larger applications. Designed for ease of use. Comes with step-by-step instructions and a sample web site to get you started. Password protection of files and directories. Custom registration forms can be used to require visitors to your web site to register for access to files and services. Surfer-friendly custom login pages can be used to replace web browsers' standard login dialog boxes. And many more features...!


Xitami Multithreaded Web Server
Xitami uses internal multithreading to handle hundreds of connections without effort. Standard HTTP/1.0 features: CGI, NSCA/HTTP logging, keep-alive, password-protection, user-defined MIME types. Xitami is also ideal for intranets. It uses only a tiny disk and memory footprint and comes with an easy setup installation. Your server is running immediately and can be administered from password protected web interface.


ZPTServerPro 1.54 is a high performance web server that is easy to configure and use. It shares pure Java core code found in ZPTServerPro 2.01, a recently released commercial version. Configuration is much easier than other web servers. No concurrent user limitations (other than those imposed by memory and connection bandwidth) even inexpensive hardware performs well. (Free registration required)


Takole, tole je zaenkrat vse, prevajat pa se mi ni dalo,...saj razumeš:D .

Upam, da sem ti vsaj delno pomagal rpi tvoji odločitvi, sam bi ti najraje priporočal Mini Personal Web Server ali pa AnalogX SimpleServer:WWW. Obadva boš imel nastavljena v 1 minuti, vključno z inštalacijo!!!
WEBhosting / WEBdesign / WEBdomain / Security solutions
BREZPLAČNI marketinški nasveti za podjetja in www strani

Ales ::

Definitivno Apache. Če bo na tvojo stran dostopal kdorkoli drug, poleg tvojega soseda/prijatelja, sploh ne razmišljaj o čem drugem. Če pa je to vse skupaj bolj za štos, je pa skor vseeno...

Če boš mel resen server, itak preklopi na linux, če še nisi. Izklopi vse programe, ki jih ne uporabljaš (telnet, anonymus FTP, BIND...) in ki so nevarni za vdor. Daj vse najnovejše posodobitve gor, ko izidejo (Apache, PHP, mySQL, itd.) in uživaj.

TyTeam: "serverji", ki si jih naštel... khm :\
kot bi šel na Tucows.com in delal copy-paste.

Glede na to, da so ti kao vdrli v tvoj strežnik... ne vem no... čas inštalacije 1 munuta ni ravno priporočilo, ane?


SLOWWWeb.net ::

Verjemi mi, da ni iz Tucows-a je pa delano po funkciji kopiraj in prilepi, pa saj to ni važno, važno je da ima izbiro.
APACHEja pa ne priporočam zato, ker moraš kar dokaj dobro obvladad nastavitve ter če verjameš ali ne, mi povej prosim tole: Katere serverje najprej napadejo,...tiste ki jih je največ in ni važen na kakšnem sistemu si, povezavo ti še vedno obremejujejo,...poleg tega pa si si mogoče ogledal kaj je novega Apacheju2.**, koliko težav oz. napak so odpravili:\?
Moje mnenje je še vedno to, bolje izbrati nekoliko neznan webserver, ki je tudi stabilen in katerega folk kolikor tolk ne pozna. Skratka Apche je dobro naštudiran in ima tudi kar nekaj lukenj, pravi hekerji pa jih seveda zelo dobro poznajo, saj se le z tem tudi "ukvarjajo".
Že slišim kako mi ugovarjate, ampak takšno je moje prepričanje in prav tako je takšna resnica>:D .

Loki ::

ales a mi lahko poves, kaj za vraga naj bi bilo narobe z IIS/ win 2000 (alpa win.net v bliznji prihodnosti) za webserver?
Druga fora je sicer recimo pri mreznih serverjih pri velikih firmah (licence), kjer ima *nix in podobni res veliko prednost.
I left my wallet in El Segundo

Ales ::

TyTeam: Glede varnosti bi jaz zaenkrat bolj priporočil Apache 1.3.xx, vsaj dokler ne izdajo dokončne verzije 2.

Občutljivih mest za napad na strežnik je veliko, Apache ni glavna stvar. Vdira se preko vsega, kar je dostopno z mreže. Zapreti je treba vse porte, ki se jih ne uporablja, vse programe, ki se jih ne uporablja. Obvezno izklopiti telnet, omejiti FTP, SSH, ne uporabljati BIND, če nimaš lasten DNS strežnik itd. O tem so napisane cele knjige, tko da...

Tudi če imaš neznan program za strežnik, če imaš odprt telnet, anonymus FTP ali kak drug občutljiv port, kar vabiš nesrečo da te obišče. Apache pri tem nima nič, to je stvar varnosti sistema kot celote.

Najnevarnejši za vdor so itak uporabniki, ki so že na strežniku oz. imajo dostop preko kolegov itd. Zadnjič je en norec mojemu kolegu uploadal warlkm in se začel igrat z njegovim kernelom. To pa ni več šala... Kdor ima linux strežnik mu priporočam, da ostane na tekočem z LKM hacki in podobnim %&$"&$. K sreči je bil tip nekoliko nesposoben, tko da je za sabo pustil cel kup sledi in ga je kolega še pravi čas odkril. Vdrl pa dejansko je.

Glede količine popravkov - Apache uporablja izjemno veliko število ljudi in se znjim ukvarja primerno število razvijalcev. Če bi se takšen team spravil na enega od programov, ki si jih ti naštel, bi bila nova verzija zunaj v dveh dneh...

Drugače je pa res - če se postavlja strežnik za domačo rabo, trije kolegi max, potem ni toliko važno kaj je gor. Zavarujte sistem kot celoto, pa bo...


Ales ::

roberto: prejšnji post sem napisal preden sem videl tvojega.

Z IIS ni nič ni narobe, na splošno gledano. Jaz imam firmo zato se držim legalnega softwera in zame win2000 odpade, vsaj dokler ne bom imel konkretne potrebe za kakimi MS bazami.

O MS produktih jaz na splošno nimam slabega mnenja. Dolgo sem jih uporabljal/nameščal v moji prejšnji službi... Imajo pač svoje dobre in slabe strani.

Sam raje uporabljam GNU/linux, ker mi je sama zasnova bližje in mi omogoča večjo fleksibilnost.

Če bi se že odločal za najbolj robusten web strežnik bi to bila kombinacija freeBSD/Apache in clustering za vse ostalo... Ampak to je že en drug thread, ane...

Lep pozdrav,

[BISI] ::

Jaz pa sem uporabljal AnalogX WWW. Zastonjski programcek, katerega pa ti svetujem, ce ti po racunalniku iscejo samo prijatelji. V glavnem zelo enostaven.
Ce pa imas v mislih kaj vecjega, pa si privosci Apache.

Lp, Ziga
And then I saw her face... Mozilla Firefox

Hojne ::

To se pravi programov imam veliko na izbiro vendar mi bodo šarili po računalniku? Kaj pa potem firewall ne dela?

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