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Adijo THQ

bluefish ::
THQ no more: games and studios bought by several companies
The writing was on the wall a few weeks ago when THQ announced it was going into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Today, the word is that the once massive publisher is to be broken up and its games and development studios will be bought by a number of different companies.
IGN reports that Sega will acquire Vancouver-based Relic, which is currently developing Company of Heroes 2. German-based Koch Media, which published Dead Island, has reportedly acquired the Volition studio, the developers of the Saints Row series, along with the rights to the Metro series of shooters.
Take Two Interactive have reportedly bought the rights to publish the upcoming game from developer Turtle Rock Studios. Ubisoft is said to have bought THQ's Montreal-based development studio, which has yet to release a game. It has also reportedly acquired the rights to publish the upcoming South Park RPG title.
Finally, Crytek, which was developing Homefront 2 for THQ, has reportedly acquired the rights to the entire Homefront franchise. So far, there does not appear to be a buyer yet for THQ's other in-house development studio, Vigil Games, the makers of the Darksiders series.
Specific terms of each of these deals have not been disclosed. It remains to be seen just how many now former THQ employees will be rehired by the owners of the publisher's various properties.
The writing was on the wall a few weeks ago when THQ announced it was going into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Today, the word is that the once massive publisher is to be broken up and its games and development studios will be bought by a number of different companies.
IGN reports that Sega will acquire Vancouver-based Relic, which is currently developing Company of Heroes 2. German-based Koch Media, which published Dead Island, has reportedly acquired the Volition studio, the developers of the Saints Row series, along with the rights to the Metro series of shooters.
Take Two Interactive have reportedly bought the rights to publish the upcoming game from developer Turtle Rock Studios. Ubisoft is said to have bought THQ's Montreal-based development studio, which has yet to release a game. It has also reportedly acquired the rights to publish the upcoming South Park RPG title.
Finally, Crytek, which was developing Homefront 2 for THQ, has reportedly acquired the rights to the entire Homefront franchise. So far, there does not appear to be a buyer yet for THQ's other in-house development studio, Vigil Games, the makers of the Darksiders series.
Specific terms of each of these deals have not been disclosed. It remains to be seen just how many now former THQ employees will be rehired by the owners of the publisher's various properties.

JanezH ::
Vem, da to ne velja za vse bralce, toda nekateri verjetno ne razumejo tujega jezika in ker je forum slovenski, bi se pa res spodobilo objave pisat v domačem jeziku. Vsaj moderator bi se po mojem mnenju moral zavedati tega.

bluefish ::
Ne da se mi.
Avtomatski prevod:
Pisanje je bila na steni pred nekaj tedni, ko je napovedala, da THQ je šlo v stečaj poglavje 11 zaščito. Danes je beseda, ki je nekoč velik založnik je treba razbiti in njegove igre in razvojne studie bo kupil več različnih podjetij.
IGN poroča, da bo Sega pridobijo Vancouver temelji Relic, ki je trenutno v razvoju Company of Heroes 2. Nemški temelji Koch Media, ki je objavila Dead Island, je domnevno pridobil volji studio, razvijalci svetnikov serije zapored, skupaj s pravicami do postaje podzemne vrste strelcev.
Take Two Interactive poročilih je odkupilo pravice za objavo na novo igro iz razvijalca Turtle Rock Studios. Ubisoft je dejal, da so kupili Montreal temelji razvoj THQ je studio, ki ima še za sprostitev igro. Prav tako je domnevno pridobil pravice za objavo na novo Park South RPG naslov.
Nazadnje je Crytek, ki je bil v razvoju Homefront 2 za THQ, domnevno pridobil pravice do celotnega franšize Homefront. Do sedaj ni videti, da je kupec še za THQ je druga lastnega razvoja studio, Vigil igre, ustvarjalcev serije Darksiders.
Posebni pogoji za vsakega od teh poslov niso razkrili. To bomo še videli, koliko bo sedaj nekdanji zaposleni THQ ponovno da lastniki raznih založnikov lastnosti.
Avtomatski prevod:
Pisanje je bila na steni pred nekaj tedni, ko je napovedala, da THQ je šlo v stečaj poglavje 11 zaščito. Danes je beseda, ki je nekoč velik založnik je treba razbiti in njegove igre in razvojne studie bo kupil več različnih podjetij.
IGN poroča, da bo Sega pridobijo Vancouver temelji Relic, ki je trenutno v razvoju Company of Heroes 2. Nemški temelji Koch Media, ki je objavila Dead Island, je domnevno pridobil volji studio, razvijalci svetnikov serije zapored, skupaj s pravicami do postaje podzemne vrste strelcev.
Take Two Interactive poročilih je odkupilo pravice za objavo na novo igro iz razvijalca Turtle Rock Studios. Ubisoft je dejal, da so kupili Montreal temelji razvoj THQ je studio, ki ima še za sprostitev igro. Prav tako je domnevno pridobil pravice za objavo na novo Park South RPG naslov.
Nazadnje je Crytek, ki je bil v razvoju Homefront 2 za THQ, domnevno pridobil pravice do celotnega franšize Homefront. Do sedaj ni videti, da je kupec še za THQ je druga lastnega razvoja studio, Vigil igre, ustvarjalcev serije Darksiders.
Posebni pogoji za vsakega od teh poslov niso razkrili. To bomo še videli, koliko bo sedaj nekdanji zaposleni THQ ponovno da lastniki raznih založnikov lastnosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bluefish ()

RejZoR ::
Kdo pa si lasti pravice za Freespace serijo? Razvijalec je bil Volition, ampak pravice pa ima verjetno Interplay, ki je založil oba dela. Ali pač ne?
Angry Sheep Blog @

Mavrik ::
No ja zdaj je Sega master of strategy games...
Jap. Škoda da niso dobili WH40k licence v paketu skupaj z Relicom, kak nov (bolj strateški) Dawn of War bi znal biti zabaven.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

dottor ::
To pomeni nič Metro Last Night?
Menda so že umaknili večina preorderjev.

Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi

ahac ::
Glede na to, da ima Sega zdaj licenco za Warhammer, je dost možno, da bodo tudi 40K lahko dobil.
Prodajalci so preorder umaknil, ker jih je skrbelo, da jih THQ ne bo uspel plačat. Novi lastniki bi bili orenk butasti, če bi kupil Metro, potem pa ne izdal Last Light, ki je že skoraj narejen.
To pomeni nič Metro Last Night?
Prodajalci so preorder umaknil, ker jih je skrbelo, da jih THQ ne bo uspel plačat. Novi lastniki bi bili orenk butasti, če bi kupil Metro, potem pa ne izdal Last Light, ki je že skoraj narejen.
Slo-Tech Discord -

oo7 ::
THQ back from the dead, kind of
THQ lives on, as Nordic Games games has acquired the company's name with the intention of publishing games under it with future releases.
THQ lives on, as Nordic Games games has acquired the company's name with the intention of publishing games under it with future releases.

RejZoR ::
Samo, da ne bo zgolj molzna krava po imenu in nič drugega. Se ne bi branil kakšnega poštenega Red Factiona.
Angry Sheep Blog @
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Metro Exodus [Metro 2035] (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 12 13 14 15 )Oddelek: Igre | 136252 (20330) | oo7 |
» | Darksiders 3Oddelek: Igre | 3171 (1050) | oo7 |
» | Company of heroes 2 (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Igre | 18406 (5164) | keba |
» | Carmageddon 2Oddelek: Igre | 2267 (1042) | opeter |
» | THQ Humble bundle samo za Okna, z DRM, a prodaja se izvrstno (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Igre | 21552 (18124) | nekikr |